Пример #1
def test_form_cwidget_bck_compat(qtbot):
    """check that the cusomWidgetMap bck-compat works"""

    w = TaurusForm()

    # check that custom widget map is empty by default
    assert w.getCustomWidgetMap() == {}


        # check that an explicit call to setCustomWidgetMap works
        dummy = ("taurus.qt.qtgui.panel.test.test_taurusform._DummyTV", (), {})
        w.setCustomWidgetMap({"DataBase": dummy})
        w.setModel(["tango:sys/database/2", "tango:sys/tg_test/1"])
        qtbot.wait_until(lambda: len(w) == 2, timeout=3200)
        assert type(w[0]) == _DummyTV
        assert type(w[1]) == TaurusValue
        assert w.getCustomWidgetMap() == {"DataBase": dummy}

        # check that the custom widget map can be restored
        w.setModel(["tango:sys/database/2", "tango:sys/tg_test/1"])
        qtbot.wait_until(lambda: len(w) == 2, timeout=3200)
        assert type(w[0]) == TaurusValue
        assert type(w[1]) == TaurusValue
        assert w.getCustomWidgetMap() == {}
        # set model to None as an attempt to avoid problems in atexit()
        qtbot.wait_until(lambda: len(w) == 0, timeout=3200)
Пример #2
def test_form_itemFactory_selection(qtbot):
    """Checks that the TaurusForm itemFactory selection API works"""
    lines = ["test_Form_ItemFactorySel={}:_DummyItemFactory".format(__name__)]
    group = "taurus.form.item_factories"
    mapping = mock_entry_point(lines, group=group)
    ep1 = mapping[group]["test_Form_ItemFactorySel"]

    w = TaurusForm()

    # the test_Form_ItemFactory should be in the default factories
    default_factories = w.getItemFactories()
    assert ep1 in default_factories

    # no factories should be excluded by default
    inc, exc = w.getItemFactories(return_disabled=True)
    assert exc == []

    # Check that we can deselect all factories
    no_factories = w.setItemFactories(include=[])
    assert no_factories == []

    # Check that we can exclude everything except test_Form_ItemFactory
    select1 = w.setItemFactories(exclude=[r"(?!.*test_Form_ItemFactorySel).*"])
    assert select1 == [ep1]

    # Check that we can include only test_Form_ItemFactory
    select2 = w.setItemFactories(include=["test_Form_ItemFactorySel"])
    assert select2 == [ep1]

    # Check that the selected test_Form_ItemFactory is an entry point
    from pkg_resources import EntryPoint
    assert type(select2[0]) == EntryPoint

    # Check that the selected entry point loads _DummyItemFactory
    assert select2[0].load() is _DummyItemFactory

    # Check that we can include a factory instance
    select3 = w.setItemFactories(include=[_DummyItemFactory])

    # Check that the selected test_Form_ItemFactory is an entry point-alike
    from taurus.core.util.plugin import EntryPointAlike
    assert type(select3[0]) == EntryPointAlike

    # Check that the selected entry point loads _DummyItemFactory
    assert select3[0].load() is _DummyItemFactory

    # Check that the selected entry point has the given name
    assert select3[0].name == repr(_DummyItemFactory)
Пример #3
def test_form_itemFactory_loading(qtbot):
    check that the factory loading is robust against unloadable plugins
    and badly-implemented item factories

    w = TaurusForm()

    w.setItemFactories(include=(_BadEntryPoint, _BadFactory,
    qtbot.wait_until(lambda: len(w) == 3, timeout=3200)

    # handled by _DummyItemFactory
    assert type(w[0]) == _DummyTV
    # handled in _BadFactory (even if with wrong return value)
    assert type(w[1]) == _DummyTV
    # errored in _BadFactory, ignored by _DummyItemFactory
    assert type(w[2]) == TaurusValue