Пример #1
Файл: git.py Проект: Lusus/tbot
def git_prepare(lab: linux.Lab) -> str:
    """Prepare a test git repo."""
    global _GIT

    if _GIT is None:
        # Git committer and author information in case the user's git
        # environment is not set up yet
        lab.env("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME", "tbot selftest")
        lab.env("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL", "*****@*****.**")
        lab.env("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME", "tbot selftest")
        lab.env("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL", "*****@*****.**")

        p = lab.workdir / "selftest-git-remote"

        if p.exists():
            lab.exec0("rm", "-rf", p)

        tbot.log.message("Setting up test repo ...")

        lab.exec0("mkdir", "-p", p)
        lab.exec0("git", "-C", p, "init")
        repo = git.GitRepository(p, clean=False)

# tbot Selftest
This repo exists to test tbot's git testcase.

You can safely remove it, but please **do not** modify it as that might
break the tests.""",
            linux.RedirStdout(repo / "README.md"),

        repo.add(repo / "README.md")
        repo.commit("Initial", author="tbot Selftest <none@none>")

        tbot.log.message("Creating test patch ...")
# File 2
A second file that will have been added by patching.""",
            linux.RedirStdout(repo / "file2.md"),

        repo.add(repo / "file2.md")
        repo.commit("Add file2", author="tbot Selftest <none@none>")
        patch_name = repo.git0("format-patch", "HEAD~1").strip()
        lab.exec0("mv", repo / patch_name, lab.workdir / "selftest-git.patch")

        tbot.log.message("Resetting repo ...")
        repo.reset("HEAD~1", git.ResetMode.HARD)

        _GIT = p._local_str()
        return _GIT
        return _GIT
Пример #2
def selftest_path_integrity(
        lab: typing.Optional[selftest.SelftestHost] = None) -> None:
    """Test if using a path on the wrong host fails."""

    with lab or selftest.SelftestHost() as lh:
        p = lh.workdir / "folder" / "file.txt"

        with tbot.acquire_lab() as lh2:
            raised = False
                # mypy detects that this is wrong
                lh2.exec0("echo", p)  # type: ignore
            except tbot.error.WrongHostError:
                raised = True
            assert raised

        # It is ok to clone a machine and reuse the path
        with lh.clone() as lh3:
            lh3.exec0("echo", p)

        lh.exec0("mkdir", "-p", p.parent)
        assert p.parent.is_dir()
        lh.exec0("uname", "-a", linux.RedirStdout(p))
        assert p.is_file()
        lh.exec0("rm", "-r", p.parent)
        assert not p.exists()
        assert not p.parent.exists()
Пример #3
    def do_test(a: linux.Path, b: linux.Path, msg: str) -> None:
        if b.exists():
            b.host.exec0("rm", b)
        a.host.exec0("echo", msg, linux.RedirStdout(a))

        shell.copy(a, b)

        out = b.host.exec0("cat", b).strip()
        assert out == msg, repr(out) + " != " + repr(msg)
Пример #4
def selftest_tc_kconfig(lab: typing.Optional[linux.Lab] = None) -> None:
    """Test kconig setting."""
    with lab or tbot.acquire_lab() as lh:
        conf = lh.workdir / "selftest-kconfig"

        for i in range(4):
# tbot-selftest kconfig file
# DO NOT EDIT! (Deleting is ok, though)

# CONFIG_BAZ is not set
CONFIG_STRING="a happy string"

            if i == 0:
                tbot.log.message("Enabling all ...")
                kconfig.enable(conf, "CONFIG_FOO")
                kconfig.enable(conf, "CONFIG_BAR")
                kconfig.enable(conf, "CONFIG_BAZ")

                assert (lh.exec0("grep", "-c", "-E", "CONFIG_(FOO|BAR|BAZ)=y",
                                 conf).strip() == "3")
            elif i == 1:
                tbot.log.message("Disabling all ...")
                kconfig.disable(conf, "CONFIG_FOO")
                kconfig.disable(conf, "CONFIG_BAR")
                kconfig.disable(conf, "CONFIG_BAZ")

                assert (lh.exec0("grep", "-c", "-E", "# CONFIG_(FOO|BAR|BAZ)",
                                 conf).strip() == "3")
                assert (lh.exec("grep", "-c", "-E", "^CONFIG_(FOO|BAR|BAZ)",
                                conf)[1].strip() == "0")
            elif i == 2:
                tbot.log.message("Moduling all ...")
                kconfig.module(conf, "CONFIG_FOO")
                kconfig.module(conf, "CONFIG_BAR")
                kconfig.module(conf, "CONFIG_BAZ")

                assert (lh.exec0("grep", "-c", "-E", "CONFIG_(FOO|BAR|BAZ)=m",
                                 conf).strip() == "3")
            elif i == 3:
                tbot.log.message("Testing values ...")
                kconfig.set_string_value(conf, "CONFIG_STRING", "abcdef")
                kconfig.set_hex_value(conf, "CONFIG_HEX", 0xDEADBEEF)

                assert (lh.exec0("grep", "-c", 'CONFIG_STRING="abcdef"',
                                 conf).strip() == "1")
                assert (lh.exec0("grep", "-c", "CONFIG_HEX=0xdeadbeef",
                                 conf).strip() == "1")
Пример #5
def test_redirection_stdout(any_linux_shell: AnyLinuxShell) -> None:
    with any_linux_shell() as linux_shell:
        f = linux_shell.workdir / ".redir test.txt"
        if f.exists():
            linux_shell.exec0("rm", f)

        linux_shell.exec0("echo", "Some data - And some more",

        out = f.read_text()
        assert out == "Some data - And some more\n"

        linux_shell.exec0("echo", "new data", linux.RedirStdout(f))

        out = f.read_text()
        assert out == "new data\n"

        linux_shell.exec0("echo", "appended data", linux.AppendStdout(f))

        out = f.read_text()
        assert out == "new data\nappended data\n"
Пример #6
Файл: git.py Проект: zkrx/tbot
def selftest_tc_git_apply(
        lab: typing.Optional[selftest.SelftestHost] = None) -> None:
    """Test applying patches."""
    with lab or selftest.SelftestHost() as lh:
        remote = git_prepare(lh)
        target = lh.workdir / "selftest-git-apply"

        if target.exists():
            lh.exec0("rm", "-rf", target)

        tbot.log.message("Cloning repo ...")
        repo = git.GitRepository(target, remote)

        assert (repo / "README.md").is_file()
        assert not (repo / "file2.md").is_file()

        tbot.log.message("Apply patch ...")
        repo.apply(lh.workdir / "selftest-git.patch")

        assert (repo / "file2.md").is_file()

        repo.add(repo / "file2.md")
        repo.commit("Add file2 from patch", author="tbot Selftest <none@none>")

# File 2
A second file that will have been added by patching.

## 2.2
This section was added by a second patch""",
            linux.RedirStdout(repo / "file2.md"),

        repo.add(repo / "file2.md")
        repo.commit("Update file2", author="tbot Selftest <none@none>")

        patch_dir = lh.workdir / "selftest-git-patches"
        lh.exec0("mkdir", "-p", patch_dir)
        repo.git0("format-patch", "-o", patch_dir, "HEAD~2")
        repo.reset("HEAD~2", git.ResetMode.HARD)

        assert not (repo / "file2.md").is_file()

        tbot.log.message("Apply multiple patches ...")

        assert lh.test("grep", "2.2", repo / "file2.md")

        lh.exec0("rm", "-rf", target)
        lh.exec0("rm", "-rf", patch_dir)
Пример #7
Файл: git.py Проект: Lusus/tbot
def selftest_tc_git_checkout(
    lab: typing.Optional[selftest.SelftestHost] = None,
) -> None:
    """Test checking out a repository."""
    with lab or selftest.SelftestHost() as lh:
        remote = git_prepare(lh)
        target = lh.workdir / "selftest-git-checkout"

        if target.exists():
            lh.exec0("rm", "-rf", target)

        tbot.log.message("Cloning repo ...")
        repo = git.GitRepository(target, remote)

        assert (repo / "README.md").is_file()
        assert not (repo / "file2.md").is_file()

        tbot.log.message("Make repo dirty ...")
        lh.exec0("echo", "Test 123", linux.RedirStdout(repo / "file.txt"))

        repo = git.GitRepository(target, remote, clean=False)
        assert (repo / "file.txt").is_file()

        repo = git.GitRepository(target, remote, clean=True)
        assert not (repo / "file.txt").is_file()

        tbot.log.message("Add dirty commit ...")
        lh.exec0("echo", "Test 123", linux.RedirStdout(repo / "file.txt"))
        repo.add(repo / "file.txt")
        repo.commit("Add file.txt", author="tbot Selftest <none@none>")

        repo = git.GitRepository(target, remote, clean=False)
        assert (repo / "file.txt").is_file()

        repo = git.GitRepository(target, remote, clean=True)
        assert not (repo / "file.txt").is_file()

        lh.exec0("rm", "-rf", target)
Пример #8
def test_run_working_text(any_linux_shell: AnyLinuxShell) -> None:
    with any_linux_shell() as linux_shell:
        f = linux_shell.workdir / "test_run.txt"
        with linux_shell.run("cat", linux.RedirStdout(f)) as cat:
            cat.sendline("Hello World")
            cat.sendline("Lorem ipsum")


        with linux_shell.run("cat", f) as cat:
            content = cat.terminate0()

        assert content == "Hello World\nLorem ipsum\n"
Пример #9
def test_redirection_mixed(any_linux_shell: AnyLinuxShell) -> None:
    with any_linux_shell() as linux_shell:
        f = linux_shell.workdir / ".redir test.txt"
        if f.exists():
            linux_shell.exec0("rm", f)

        res = linux_shell.exec0(
            "import sys; print('hello', flush=True); print('error', file=sys.stderr)",
        assert res == "error\n"

        out = f.read_text()
        assert out == "hello\n"

        res = linux_shell.exec0(
            "import sys; print('hello', flush=True); print('error', file=sys.stderr)",
        assert res == "hello\n"

        out = f.read_text()
        assert out == "error\n"

        res = linux_shell.exec0(
            "import sys; print('hello', flush=True); print('error', file=sys.stderr)",
        assert res == "error\n"

        out = f.read_text()
        assert out == "error\nhello\n"

        res = linux_shell.exec0(
            "import sys; print('hello', flush=True); print('error', file=sys.stderr)",
        assert res == "hello\n"

        out = f.read_text()
        assert out == "error\nhello\nerror\n"
Пример #10
Файл: git.py Проект: Lusus/tbot
def git_increment_commits(repo: git.GitRepository) -> str:
    counter = repo / "counter.txt"

    for i in range(0, 24):
        tbot.log.message(f"Create commit ({i+1:2}/24) ...")

        repo.host.exec0("echo", str(i), linux.RedirStdout(counter))
        repo.commit(f"Set counter to {i}", author="tbot Selftest <none@none>")

        if i == 0:
            # Take the first commit with counter as good
            rev = repo.head

    return rev
Пример #11
Файл: path.py Проект: sjg20/tbot
def selftest_path_integrity(lab: typing.Optional[linux.Lab] = None, ) -> None:
    """Test if using a path on the wrong host fails."""

    with lab or tbot.acquire_lab() as lh:
        p = lh.workdir / "folder" / "file.txt"

        with tbot.acquire_lab() as lh2:
            raised = False
                # mypy detects that this is wrong
                lh2.exec0("echo", p)  # type: ignore
            # TODO: Proper exception type
            except:  # noqa: E722
                raised = True
            assert raised

        lh.exec0("mkdir", "-p", p.parent)
        assert p.parent.is_dir()
        lh.exec0("uname", "-a", linux.RedirStdout(p))
        assert p.is_file()
        lh.exec0("rm", "-r", p.parent)
        assert not p.exists()
        assert not p.parent.exists()
Пример #12
def invalid_path() -> None:
    mach = machine.DummyMach()
    # should fail!
    path.Path(mach, "/tmp")

    mach_lnx = machine.DummyLinuxMach()
    p2 = path.Path(mach_lnx, "/tmp")

    # should fail!

    mach2 = machine.DummyLinuxMach2()

    p3 = path.Path(mach2, "/tmp")

    # should fail!
    mach_lnx.exec0("cat", p3)

    # should fail!
    mach_lnx.exec0("echo", linux.RedirStdout(p3 / "file"))

    # should fail!
    mach2.exec0("echo", linux.RedirStderr(p2 / "file2"))
Пример #13
def _uboot_prepare(h: linux.LinuxShell) -> uboot.UBootBuilder:
    remote = h.workdir / "selftest-ub-remote"

    if remote.exists():
        h.exec0("rm", "-rf", remote)

    h.exec0("mkdir", remote)
    h.exec0("git", "-C", remote, "init")
    repo = git.GitRepository(target=remote, clean=False)

    makefile = """\
\t@echo "Making all ..."
\ttest ${CC} = "dummy-none-gcc"
\texit 1

\t@echo "Configuring ..."
\ttouch .config

\t@echo "Cleaning ..."
\trm -f .config
\ttouch .cleaned

.PHONY: all defconfig mrproper

    h.exec0("echo", makefile, linux.RedirStdout(repo / "Makefile"))

    repo.add(repo / "Makefile")
    repo.commit("U-Boot Dummy", author="tbot selftest <tbot@tbot>")

    # Create Patch
    patch = """\
From 1d78601502661ae531b00540bf86e145a317f23f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tbot Selftest <none@none>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 13:31:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix Makefile

 Makefile | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b5319d7..0f01838 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 \t@echo "Making all ..."
 \ttest ${CC} = "dummy-none-gcc"
-\texit 1
 \n defconfig:
 \t@echo "Configuring ..."
-- \n2.20.1

    patchfile = h.workdir / "uboot-selftest.patch"
    h.exec0("echo", patch, linux.RedirStdout(patchfile))

    class UBootBuilder(uboot.UBootBuilder):
        name = "tbot-selftest"
        remote = repo._local_str()
        defconfig = "defconfig"
        toolchain = "selftest-toolchain"

        def do_patch(self, repo: git.GitRepository) -> None:
            patch = repo.host.workdir / "uboot-selftest.patch"

    return UBootBuilder()
Пример #14
def selftest_machine_shell(
        m: typing.Union[linux.LinuxShell, board.UBootShell]) -> None:
    # Capabilities
    cap = []
    if isinstance(m, linux.LinuxShell):
        if isinstance(m, linux.Bash):
            cap.extend(["printf", "jobs", "control", "run"])
        # TODO: Re-add when Ash is implemented
        # if m.shell == linux.Ash:
        #     cap.extend(["printf", "control"])

    tbot.log.message("Testing command output ...")
    out = m.exec0("echo", "Hello World")
    assert out == "Hello World\n", repr(out)

    out = m.exec0("echo", "$?", "!#")
    assert out == "$? !#\n", repr(out)

    if "printf" in cap:
        out = m.exec0("printf", "Hello World")
        assert out == "Hello World", repr(out)

        out = m.exec0("printf", "Hello\\nWorld")
        assert out == "Hello\nWorld", repr(out)

        out = m.exec0("printf", "Hello\nWorld")
        assert out == "Hello\nWorld", repr(out)

    s = "_".join(map(lambda i: f"{i:02}", range(80)))
    out = m.exec0("echo", s)
    assert out == f"{s}\n", repr(out)

    tbot.log.message("Testing return codes ...")
    assert m.test("true")
    assert not m.test("false")

    if isinstance(m, linux.LinuxShell):
        tbot.log.message("Testing env vars ...")
        value = "12\nfoo !? # true; exit\n"
        m.env("TBOT_TEST_ENV_VAR", value)
        out = m.env("TBOT_TEST_ENV_VAR")
        assert out == value, repr(out)

        tbot.log.message("Testing redirection (and weird paths) ...")
        f = m.workdir / ".redir test.txt"
        if f.exists():
            m.exec0("rm", f)

        assert (
            m.fsroot / "proc" /
            "version").exists(), "/proc/version is missing for some reason ..."

        m.exec0("echo", "Some data - And some more", linux.RedirStdout(f))

        out = m.exec0("cat", f)
        # TODO: Newline
        assert out == "Some data - And some more\n", repr(out)

        # TODO: Evaluate what to do with this
        # tbot.log.message("Testing formatting ...")
        # tmp = linux.Path(m, "/tmp/f o/bar")
        # out = m.exec0("echo", linux.F("{}:{}:{}", tmp, linux.Pipe, "foo"))
        # assert out == "/tmp/f o/bar:|:foo\n", repr(out)

        # TODO: Hm?
        # m.exec0("export", linux.F("NEWPATH={}:{}", tmp, linux.Env("PATH"), quote=False))
        # out = m.env("NEWPATH")
        # assert out != "/tmp/f o/bar:${PATH}", repr(out)

        if "jobs" in cap:
            t1 = time.monotonic()
            out = m.exec0("sleep", "infinity", linux.Background, "echo",
                          "Hello World").strip()
            t2 = time.monotonic()
            pid = m.env("!")


            assert re.match(r"\[\d+\] \d+\nHello World", out), repr(out)
            assert (t2 - t1) < 9.0, (
                f"Command took {t2 - t1}s (max 9s). Sleep was not sent to background"

            # Kill the sleep process.  In some circumstances, tbot does not
            # seem to be able to kill all child processes of a subprocess
            # channel.  To prevent this from leading to issues, kill the sleep
            # right here instead of relying on tbot to do so correctly at the
            # very end.      Tracking-Issue: Rahix/tbot#13
            m.exec("kill", pid, linux.Then, "wait", pid)

            f1 = m.workdir / "bg1.txt"
            f2 = m.workdir / "bg2.txt"
            out = m.exec0(
                linux.Background(stdout=f2, stderr=f2),
            out = f1.read_text().strip()
            assert out == "foo", repr(out)
            out = f2.read_text().strip()
            assert out == "bar", repr(out)

        if "control" in cap:
            out = m.exec0("false", linux.AndThen, "echo", "FOO", linux.OrElse,
                          "echo", "BAR").strip()
            assert out == "BAR", repr(out)

            out = m.exec0("true", linux.AndThen, "echo", "FOO", linux.OrElse,
                          "echo", "BAR").strip()
            assert out == "FOO", repr(out)

        tbot.log.message("Testing subshell ...")
        out = m.env("SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR")
        assert out == "", repr(out)

        with m.subshell():
            out_b = m.env("SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR", "123")
            out = m.env("SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR")
            assert out == "123", repr(out)
            assert out_b == "123", repr(out_b)

        out = m.env("SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR")
        assert out == "", repr(out)

        if "run" in cap:
            tbot.log.message("Testing mach.run() ...")

            # Test simple uses where everything works as expected
            f = m.workdir / "test_run.txt"
            with m.run("cat", linux.RedirStdout(f)) as cat:
                cat.sendline("Hello World")
                cat.sendline("Lorem ipsum")


            with m.run("cat", f) as cat:
                content = cat.terminate0()

            assert content == "Hello World\nLorem ipsum\n", repr(content)

            with m.run("bash", "--norc", "--noprofile") as bs:

            # Test failing cases

            # Use after terminate
            with m.run("cat") as cat:

                raised = False
                    cat.sendline("Hello World")
                except linux.CommandEndedException:
                    raised = True
                assert raised, "Channel was not sealed after command exit."

                raised = False
                except Exception:
                    raised = True
                assert raised, "Proxy did not complain about multiple terminations."

            # Unexpected abort
            with m.run("echo", "Hello World", linux.Then, "false") as echo:
                raised = False
                    echo.read_until_prompt("Lorem Ipsum")
                except linux.CommandEndedException:
                    raised = True
                assert raised, "Early abort of interactive command was not detected!"

                raised = False
                    echo.sendline("Hello World")
                except linux.CommandEndedException:
                    raised = True
                assert raised, "Channel was not sealed after command exit."

                retcode, _ = echo.terminate()
                assert retcode == 1, "Did not capture retcode of early exiting command"

            # Bad return code
            raised = False
                with m.run("false") as false:
            except Exception:
                raised = True

            assert raised, "Failing command was not detected properly!"

            with m.run("sh", "-c", "exit 123") as sh:
                rc = sh.terminate()[0]
                assert rc == 123, f"Expected return code 123, got {rc!r}"

            # Missing terminate
            raised = False
                with m.run("echo", "Hello World"):
            except RuntimeError:
                raised = True
                # Necessary to bring machine back into good state

            assert raised, "Missing terminate did not lead to error"


    if isinstance(m, board.UBootShell):
        tbot.log.message("Testing env vars ...")

        m.exec0("setenv", "TBOT_TEST", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")
        out = m.exec0("printenv", "TBOT_TEST")
        assert out == "TBOT_TEST=Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet\n", repr(out)

        out = m.env("TBOT_TEST")
        assert out == "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", repr(out)
Пример #15
def selftest_machine_shell(
        m: typing.Union[linux.LinuxShell, board.UBootShell]) -> None:
    # Capabilities
    cap = []
    if isinstance(m, linux.LinuxShell):
        if isinstance(m, linux.Bash):
            cap.extend(["printf", "jobs", "control"])
        # TODO: Re-add when Ash is implemented
        # if m.shell == linux.Ash:
        #     cap.extend(["printf", "control"])

    tbot.log.message("Testing command output ...")
    out = m.exec0("echo", "Hello World")
    assert out == "Hello World\n", repr(out)

    out = m.exec0("echo", "$?", "!#")
    assert out == "$? !#\n", repr(out)

    if "printf" in cap:
        out = m.exec0("printf", "Hello World")
        assert out == "Hello World", repr(out)

        out = m.exec0("printf", "Hello\\nWorld")
        assert out == "Hello\nWorld", repr(out)

        out = m.exec0("printf", "Hello\nWorld")
        assert out == "Hello\nWorld", repr(out)

    s = "_".join(map(lambda i: f"{i:02}", range(80)))
    out = m.exec0("echo", s)
    assert out == f"{s}\n", repr(out)

    tbot.log.message("Testing return codes ...")
    assert m.test("true")
    assert not m.test("false")

    if isinstance(m, linux.LinuxShell):
        tbot.log.message("Testing env vars ...")
        value = "12\nfoo !? # true; exit\n"
        m.env("TBOT_TEST_ENV_VAR", value)
        out = m.env("TBOT_TEST_ENV_VAR")
        assert out == value, repr(out)

        tbot.log.message("Testing redirection (and weird paths) ...")
        f = m.workdir / ".redir test.txt"
        if f.exists():
            m.exec0("rm", f)

        assert (
            m.fsroot / "proc" /
            "version").exists(), "/proc/version is missing for some reason ..."

        m.exec0("echo", "Some data - And some more", linux.RedirStdout(f))

        out = m.exec0("cat", f)
        # TODO: Newline
        assert out == "Some data - And some more\n", repr(out)

        # TODO: Evaluate what to do with this
        # tbot.log.message("Testing formatting ...")
        # tmp = linux.Path(m, "/tmp/f o/bar")
        # out = m.exec0("echo", linux.F("{}:{}:{}", tmp, linux.Pipe, "foo"))
        # assert out == "/tmp/f o/bar:|:foo\n", repr(out)

        # TODO: Hm?
        # m.exec0("export", linux.F("NEWPATH={}:{}", tmp, linux.Env("PATH"), quote=False))
        # out = m.env("NEWPATH")
        # assert out != "/tmp/f o/bar:${PATH}", repr(out)

        if "jobs" in cap:
            t1 = time.monotonic()
            out = m.exec0("sleep", "10", linux.Background, "echo",
                          "Hello World").strip()
            t2 = time.monotonic()

            assert re.match(r"\[\d+\] \d+\nHello World", out), repr(out)
            assert (t2 - t1) < 9.0, (
                f"Command took {t2 - t1}s (max 9s). Sleep was not sent to background"

        if "control" in cap:
            out = m.exec0("false", linux.AndThen, "echo", "FOO", linux.OrElse,
                          "echo", "BAR").strip()
            assert out == "BAR", repr(out)

            out = m.exec0("true", linux.AndThen, "echo", "FOO", linux.OrElse,
                          "echo", "BAR").strip()
            assert out == "FOO", repr(out)

        tbot.log.message("Testing subshell ...")
        out = m.env("SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR")
        assert out == "", repr(out)

        with m.subshell():
            out_b = m.env("SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR", "123")
            out = m.env("SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR")
            assert out == "123", repr(out)
            assert out_b == "123", repr(out_b)

        out = m.env("SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR")
        assert out == "", repr(out)

    if isinstance(m, board.UBootShell):
        tbot.log.message("Testing env vars ...")

        m.exec0("setenv", "TBOT_TEST", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")
        out = m.exec0("printenv", "TBOT_TEST")
        assert out == "TBOT_TEST=Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet\n", repr(out)

        out = m.env("TBOT_TEST")
        assert out == "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", repr(out)
Пример #16
 def prepare(h: linux.LinuxShell) -> None:
         "export CC=dummy-none-gcc",
         linux.RedirStdout(h.workdir / ".selftest-toolchain.sh"),