Пример #1
  def cavs(self, min_acc=0., ow=True):
    """Calculates cavs for all discovered concepts.

    This method calculates and saves CAVs for all the discovered concepts
    versus all random concepts in all the bottleneck layers

      min_acc: Delete discovered concept if the average classification accuracy
        of the CAV is less than min_acc
      ow: If True, overwrites an already calcualted cav.

      A dicationary of classification accuracy of linear boundaries orthogonal
      to cav vectors
    acc = {bn: {} for bn in self.bottlenecks}
    concepts_to_delete = []
    for bn in self.bottlenecks:
      for concept in self.dic[bn]['concepts']:
        concept_imgs = self.dic[bn][concept]['images']
        concept_acts = tcav_helpers.get_acts_from_images(
            concept_imgs, self.model, bn)
        acc[bn][concept] = self._concept_cavs(bn, concept, concept_acts, ow=ow)
        if np.mean(acc[bn][concept]) < min_acc:
          concepts_to_delete.append((bn, concept))
      target_class_acts = tcav_helpers.get_acts_from_images(
          self.discovery_images, self.model, bn)
      acc[bn][self.target_class] = self._concept_cavs(
          bn, self.target_class, target_class_acts, ow=ow)
      rnd_acts = self._random_concept_activations(bn, self.random_concept)
      acc[bn][self.random_concept] = self._concept_cavs(
          bn, self.random_concept, rnd_acts, ow=ow)
    for bn, concept in concepts_to_delete:
      self.delete_concept(bn, concept)
    return acc
Пример #2
    def find_profile(self, bn, images, mean=True):
        """Transforms images from pixel space to concept space.

      bn: Bottleneck layer
      images: Data points to be transformed
      mean: If true, the profile of each concept would be the average inner
        product of all that concepts' CAV vectors rather than the stacked up

      The concept profile of input images in the bn layer.
        profile = np.zeros(
            (len(images), len(self.dic[bn]['concepts']), self.num_random_exp))
        class_acts = tcav_helpers.get_acts_from_images(
            images, self.model, bn).reshape([len(images), -1])
        randoms = [
            'random500_{}'.format(i) for i in range(self.num_random_exp)
        for i, concept in enumerate(self.dic[bn]['concepts']):
            profile[:, i, :] = self._concept_profile(bn, class_acts, concept,
        if mean:
            profile = np.mean(profile, -1)
        return profile
Пример #3
    def _random_concept_activations(self, bottleneck, random_concept):
        """Wrapper for computing or loading activations of random concepts.

    Takes care of making, caching (if desired) and loading activations.

      bottleneck: The bottleneck layer name
      random_concept: Name of the random concept e.g. "random500_0"

      A nested dict in the form of {concept:{bottleneck:activation}}
        rnd_acts_path = os.path.join(
            self.activation_dir, 'acts_{}_{}'.format(random_concept,
        if not tf.gfile.Exists(rnd_acts_path):
            rnd_imgs = self.load_concept_imgs(random_concept, self.max_imgs)
            acts = tcav_helpers.get_acts_from_images(rnd_imgs, self.model,
            with tf.gfile.Open(rnd_acts_path, 'wb') as f:
                np.save(f, acts, allow_pickle=False)
            del acts
            del rnd_imgs
        with tf.gfile.Open(rnd_acts_path, 'rb') as f:
            return np.load(f).squeeze()
Пример #4
  def _return_gradients(self, images):
    """For the given images calculates the gradient tensors.

      images: Images for which we want to calculate gradients.

      A dictionary of images gradients in all bottleneck layers.

    gradients = {}
    class_id = self.model.label_to_id(self.target_class.replace('_', ' '))
    for bn in self.bottlenecks:
      acts = tcav_helpers.get_acts_from_images(images, self.model, bn)
      bn_grads = np.zeros((acts.shape[0], np.prod(acts.shape[1:])))
      for i in range(len(acts)):
        bn_grads[i] = self.model.get_gradient(
            acts[i:i+1], [class_id], bn).reshape(-1)
      gradients[bn] = bn_grads
    return gradients