Пример #1
 def to_xmlrpc(cls, query=None):
     Convert the query set for XMLRPC
     if query is None:
         query = {}
     serializer = XMLRPCSerializer(queryset=cls.objects.filter(**query))
     return serializer.serialize_queryset()
Пример #2
def get_logs(case_run_id):
    Description:  Get log links to TestCaseRun

    Params:     $case_run_id - Integer:
    links = LinkReference.objects.filter(test_case_run=case_run_id)
    s = XMLRPCSerializer(links)
    return s.serialize_queryset()
Пример #3
def get_logs(request, case_run_id):
    Description:  Get log links to TestCaseRun

    Params:     $case_run_id - Integer:
    test_case_run = TestCaseRun.objects.get(pk=case_run_id)
    links = LinkReference.get_from(test_case_run)
    s = XMLRPCSerializer(links)
    return s.serialize_queryset()
Пример #4
    def test_serialize_model_foreignkey(self):
        '''Testing whether the foreign key is serialized properly

        If foreign key has related object, the field should be serialized with
        the correct value.
        If there is no related object with the foreign key, both the field and
        the related object retrived via the relationship are set to None.

        from tcms.xmlrpc.serializer import XMLRPCSerializer

        s = XMLRPCSerializer(model=self.testcase_with_default_tester_null)
        result = s.serialize_model()
        self.assertEqual(result['default_tester'], None)
        self.assertEqual(result['default_tester_id'], None)

        s = XMLRPCSerializer(model=self.testcase_with_default_tester_0)
        result = s.serialize_model()
        self.assertEqual(result['default_tester'], None)
        self.assertEqual(result['default_tester_id'], None)

        s = XMLRPCSerializer(model=self.testcase_with_valid_default_tester)
        result = s.serialize_model()
        self.assertNotEqual(result['default_tester'], None)
        self.assertNotEqual(result['default_tester_id'], None)
Пример #5
def get_logs(request, case_run_id):
    """Get log links to TestCaseRun

    :param int case_run_id: case run ID.
    :return: list of mappings of found logs :class:`LinkReference`.
    :rtype: list[dict]
    test_case_run = TestCaseRun.objects.get(pk=case_run_id)
    links = LinkReference.get_from(test_case_run)
    s = XMLRPCSerializer(links)
    return s.serialize_queryset()
Пример #6
def get_logs(request, case_run_id):
    """Get log links to TestCaseRun

    :param int case_run_id: case run ID.
    :return: list of mappings of found logs :class:`LinkReference`.
    :rtype: list[dict]
    test_case_run = TestCaseRun.objects.get(pk=case_run_id)
    links = LinkReference.get_from(test_case_run)
    s = XMLRPCSerializer(links)
    return s.serialize_queryset()
Пример #7
def get_logs(case_run_id):
    .. function:: XML-RPC TestCaseRun.get_logs(case_run_id)

        Get log links for the specified TestCaseRun

        :param case_run_id: PK of TestCaseRun object
        :type case_run_id: int
        :return: Serialized list of :class:`tcms.core.contrib.linkreference.models.LinkReference`
    links = LinkReference.objects.filter(test_case_run=case_run_id)
    serialier = XMLRPCSerializer(links)
    return serialier.serialize_queryset()
Пример #8
def get_logs(request, case_run_id):
    Description:  Get log links to TestCaseRun

    Params:     $case_run_id - Integer:
        test_case_run = TestCaseRun.objects.get(pk=case_run_id)
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:

    links = LinkReference.get_from(test_case_run)
    s = XMLRPCSerializer(links)
    return s.serialize_queryset()
Пример #9
    def test_serializer(self):
        serializer = XMLRPCSerializer(model=self.testcase)

        result = serializer.serialize_model()

        self.assertEqual(self.testcase.category.pk, result['category_id'])
        self.assertEqual(str(self.testcase.category), result['category'])

        component_pks = [c.pk for c in self.testcase.component.all()]
        self.assertEqual(component_pks, result['component'])

        self.assertEqual(self.testcase.alias, result['alias'])
        self.assertEqual(self.testcase.arguments, result['arguments'])
Пример #10
def get_links(query):
    .. function:: XML-RPC TestExecution.get_links(query)

        Get URL links for the specified TestExecution

        :param query: Field lookups for
        :type query: dict
        :return: Serialized list of :class:`tcms.core.contrib.linkreference.models.LinkReference`
    links = LinkReference.objects.filter(**query)
    serialier = XMLRPCSerializer(links)
    return serialier.serialize_queryset()
Пример #11
    def test_serializer(self):
        serializer = XMLRPCSerializer(model=self.testcase)

        result = serializer.serialize_model()

        self.assertEqual(self.testcase.category.pk, result['category_id'])
        self.assertEqual(str(self.testcase.category), result['category'])

        component_pks = [c.pk for c in self.testcase.component.all()]
        self.assertEqual(component_pks, result['component'])

        self.assertEqual(self.testcase.alias, result['alias'])
        self.assertEqual(self.testcase.arguments, result['arguments'])
Пример #12
def update(case_id, plan_id, sortkey):
    Description: Updates the sortkey of the selected test-case-plan.

    Params:      $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case
                                     in the database.
                 $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test plan
                                     in the database.
                 $sortkey - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the sortkey
                                     in the database.

    Returns:     A blessed TestCasePlan object hash

    # Update sortkey of selected test-case-plan to 450
    >>> TestCasePlan.update(81307, 3551, 450)

    if not isinstance(case_id, int):
        raise ValueError('Parameter case_id must be an integer')

    if not isinstance(plan_id, int):
        raise ValueError('Parameter plan_id must be an integer')

    tcp = TestCasePlan.objects.get(plan_id=plan_id, case_id=case_id)

    if isinstance(sortkey, int):
        tcp.sortkey = sortkey

    return XMLRPCSerializer(model=tcp).serialize_model()
Пример #13
def get_test_cases(plan_id):
    Description: Get the list of cases that this plan is linked to.

    Params:      $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the plan in the database

    Returns:     Array: An array of test case object hashes.

    >>> TestPlan.get_test_cases(137)
    from tcms.testcases.models import TestCase
    from tcms.testplans.models import TestPlan
    from tcms.xmlrpc.serializer import XMLRPCSerializer

    tp = TestPlan.objects.get(pk=plan_id)
    tcs = TestCase.objects.filter(plan=tp).order_by('testcaseplan__sortkey')
    serialized_tcs = XMLRPCSerializer(tcs.iterator()).serialize_queryset()
    if serialized_tcs:
        for serialized_tc in serialized_tcs:
            case_id = serialized_tc.get('case_id', None)
            tc = tcs.get(pk=case_id)
            tcp = tc.testcaseplan_set.get(plan=tp)
            serialized_tc['sortkey'] = tcp.sortkey
    return serialized_tcs
Пример #14
    def test_serializer(self):
        serializer = XMLRPCSerializer(model=self.testcase)

        result = serializer.serialize_model()

        self.assertEqual(self.testcase.category.pk, result['category_id'])
        self.assertEqual(str(self.testcase.category), result['category'])

        component_pks = []

        for component in self.testcase.component.all():  # pylint: disable=no-member

        self.assertEqual(component_pks, result['component'])

        self.assertEqual(self.testcase.arguments, result['arguments'])
    def _test_backward_compatible(self, model_class, object_pk):
        '''Ensure new serialization method to generate same data'''

        base_object = model_class.objects.get(pk=object_pk)
        sample_result = model_class.to_xmlrpc(query={'pk': object_pk})[0]
        remove_alias_extra_fields(model_class, sample_result)
        base_result = XMLRPCSerializer(model=base_object).serialize_model()

        sample_fields = [name for name in sample_result.keys()]
        base_fields = [name for name in base_result.keys()]

        # Ensure fields are same.
        test_result = list(set(sample_fields) - set(base_fields))
        self.assertEqual(test_result, [])
        test_result = list(set(base_fields) - set(sample_fields))
        self.assertEqual(test_result, [])

        # Ensure values are same.
        for sample_field, sample_value in sample_result.iteritems():
            self.assertEqual(sample_value, base_result[sample_field])
Пример #16
    def test_serialize_model_foreignkey(self):
        '''Testing whether the foreign key is serialized properly

        If foreign key has related object, the field should be serialized with
        the correct value.
        If there is no related object with the foreign key, both the field and
        the related object retrived via the relationship are set to None.

        from tcms.xmlrpc.serializer import XMLRPCSerializer

        s = XMLRPCSerializer(model=self.testcase_with_default_tester_null)
        result = s.serialize_model()
        self.assertEqual(result['default_tester'], None)
        self.assertEqual(result['default_tester_id'], None)

        s = XMLRPCSerializer(model=self.testcase_with_default_tester_0)
        result = s.serialize_model()
        self.assertEqual(result['default_tester'], None)
        self.assertEqual(result['default_tester_id'], None)

        s = XMLRPCSerializer(model=self.testcase_with_valid_default_tester)
        result = s.serialize_model()
        self.assertNotEqual(result['default_tester'], None)
        self.assertNotEqual(result['default_tester_id'], None)
Пример #17
def get(request, case_id, plan_id):
    Description: Used to load an existing test-case-plan from the database.

    Params:      $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
                 $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test plan in the database.

    Returns:     A blessed TestCasePlan object hash

    >>> TestCasePlan.get(81307, 3551)
    tc = TestCase.objects.get(pk=case_id)
    tp = TestPlan.objects.get(pk=plan_id)
    tcp = TestCasePlan.objects.get(plan=tp, case=tc)
    return XMLRPCSerializer(model=tcp).serialize_model()
Пример #18
def get(request, case_id, plan_id):
    """Used to load an existing test-case-plan from the database.

    :param int case_id: case ID.
    :param int plan_id: plan ID.
    :return: a mapping of :class:`TestCasePlan`.
    :rtype: dict


        >>> TestCasePlan.get(1, 2)
    tc = TestCase.objects.get(pk=case_id)
    tp = TestPlan.objects.get(pk=plan_id)
    tcp = TestCasePlan.objects.get(plan=tp, case=tc)
    return XMLRPCSerializer(model=tcp).serialize_model()
Пример #19
def get(case_id, plan_id):
    Description: Used to load an existing test-case-plan from the database.

    Params:      $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case
                                     in the database.
                 $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test plan
                                     in the database.

    Returns:     A blessed TestCasePlan object hash

    >>> TestCasePlan.get(81307, 3551)
    if not isinstance(case_id, int):
        raise ValueError('Parameter case_id must be an integer')

    if not isinstance(plan_id, int):
        raise ValueError('Parameter plan_id must be an integer')

    tcp = TestCasePlan.objects.get(plan_id=plan_id, case_id=case_id)
    return XMLRPCSerializer(model=tcp).serialize_model()
Пример #20
def update(request, case_id, plan_id, sortkey):
    Description: Updates the sortkey of the selected test-case-plan.

    Params:      $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
                 $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test plan in the database.
                 $sortkey - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the sortkey in the database.

    Returns:     A blessed TestCasePlan object hash

    # Update sortkey of selected test-case-plan to 450
    >>> TestCasePlan.update(81307, 3551, 450)
    tc = TestCase.objects.get(pk=case_id)
    tp = TestPlan.objects.get(pk=plan_id)
    tcp = TestCasePlan.objects.get(plan=tp, case=tc)

    if isinstance(sortkey, int):
        tcp.sortkey = sortkey

    return XMLRPCSerializer(model=tcp).serialize_model()
Пример #21
def update(request, case_id, plan_id, sortkey):
    """Updates the sortkey of the selected test-case-plan.

    :param int case_id: case ID.
    :param int plan_id: plan ID.
    :param int sortkey: the sort key.
    :return: a mapping of :class:`TestCasePlan`.
    :rtype: dict


        # Update sortkey of selected test-case-plan to 10
        >>> TestCasePlan.update(1, 2, 10)
    tc = TestCase.objects.get(pk=case_id)
    tp = TestPlan.objects.get(pk=plan_id)
    tcp = TestCasePlan.objects.get(plan=tp, case=tc)

    if isinstance(sortkey, int):
        tcp.sortkey = sortkey

    return XMLRPCSerializer(model=tcp).serialize_model()
Пример #22
def get_test_cases(request, plan_id):
    """Get the list of cases that this plan is linked to.

    :param int plan_id: plan ID.
    :return: list of mappings of found :class:`TestCase`.
    :rtype: list[dict]


    from tcms.testcases.models import TestCase
    from tcms.testplans.models import TestPlan
    from tcms.xmlrpc.serializer import XMLRPCSerializer
    tp = TestPlan.objects.get(pk=plan_id)
    tcs = TestCase.objects.filter(plan=tp).order_by('testcaseplan__sortkey')
    serialized_tcs = XMLRPCSerializer(tcs.iterator()).serialize_queryset()
    if serialized_tcs:
        for serialized_tc in serialized_tcs:
            case_id = serialized_tc.get('case_id', None)
            tc = tcs.get(pk=case_id)
            tcp = tc.testcaseplan_set.get(plan=tp)
            serialized_tc['sortkey'] = tcp.sortkey
    return serialized_tcs
Пример #23
 def serialize(self):
     Convert the model for XMLPRC
     s = XMLRPCSerializer(model=self)
     return s.serialize_model()
Пример #24
 def to_xmlrpc(cls, query={}):
     Convert the query set for XMLRPC
     s = XMLRPCSerializer(queryset=cls.objects.filter(**query).order_by('pk'))
     return s.serialize_queryset()
Пример #25
def _get_user_dict(user):
    user_dict = XMLRPCSerializer(model=user).serialize_model()
    if 'password' in user_dict:
        del user_dict['password']
    return user_dict
Пример #26
 def serialize(self):
     Convert the model for XMLPRC
     serializer = XMLRPCSerializer(model=self)
     return serializer.serialize_model()
Пример #27
Файл: user.py Проект: thr27/Kiwi
def get_user_dict(user):
    u = XMLRPCSerializer(model=user)
    u = u.serialize_model()
    if 'password' in u:
        del u['password']
    return u
Пример #28
def get_user_dict(user):
    u = XMLRPCSerializer(model=user)
    u = u.serialize_model()
    if 'password' in u:
        del u['password']
    return u
Пример #29
 def to_xmlrpc(cls, query={}):
     Convert the query set for XMLRPC
     s = XMLRPCSerializer(queryset=cls.objects.filter(**query))
     return s.serialize_queryset()