def act(context, actionObject, operation='entab'):
    def replacements(match):
        '''Utility function for replacing items'''
        return, replace)
    spaces = int(actionObject.userInput().stringValue())
    if operation == 'entab':
        target = re.compile(r'^(\t* +\t*)+', re.MULTILINE)
        search = ' ' * spaces
        replace = '\t'
        target = re.compile(r'^( *\t+ *)+', re.MULTILINE)
        search = '\t'
        replace = ' ' * spaces
    insertions = tea.new_recipe()
    ranges = tea.get_ranges(context)
    if len(ranges) == 1 and ranges[0].length == 0:
        # No selection, use the document
        ranges[0] = tea.new_range(0, context.string().length())
    for range in ranges:
        text = tea.get_selection(context, range)
        # Non-Unix line endings will bork things; convert them
        text = tea.unix_line_endings(text)
        text = re.sub(target, replacements, text)
        if tea.get_line_ending(context) != '\n':
            text = tea.clean_line_endings(context, text)
        insertions.addReplacementString_forRange_(text, range)
    return True
Пример #2
def act(controller, bundle, options):
    context = tea.get_context(controller)
    snippet = tea.get_option(options, 'snippet', '')
    maintain_selection = tea.get_option(options, 'maintain_selection', False)
    text, range = tea.selection_and_range(context)
    snippet = tea.indent_snippet(context, snippet, range)
    snippet = tea.clean_line_endings(context, snippet)
    # Set up target selection
    sel_loc = snippet.find('$SELECTED_TEXT')
    cursor_loc = snippet.find('$0')
    if maintain_selection:
        select_range = tea.new_range(sel_loc + range.location, range.length)
    elif cursor_loc != -1:
        select_range = tea.new_range(snippet.find('$0') + range.location, 0)
        select_range = None
    snippet = snippet.replace('$SELECTED_TEXT', text)
    snippet = snippet.replace('$0', '')
    if select_range is not None:
        tea.insert_text_and_select(context, snippet, range, select_range)
        tea.insert_text(context, snippet, range)
 def didEndSheet_returnCode_contextInfo_(self, sheet, code, info):
     def replacements(match):
         '''Utility function for replacing items'''
         return, self.replace)
     if code == 1:
         # Leave sheet open with "processing" spinner
         spaces = int(self.numSpaces.stringValue())
         if self.action == 'entab':
             target = re.compile(r'^(\t* +\t*)+', re.MULTILINE)
    = ' ' * spaces
             self.replace = '\t'
             target = re.compile(r'^( *\t+ *)+', re.MULTILINE)
    = '\t'
             self.replace = ' ' * spaces
         insertions = tea.new_recipe()
         ranges = tea.get_ranges(self.context)
         if len(ranges) == 1 and ranges[0].length == 0:
             # No selection, use the document
             ranges[0] = tea.new_range(0, self.context.string().length())
         for range in ranges:
             text = tea.get_selection(self.context, range)
             # Non-Unix line endings will bork things; convert them
             text = tea.unix_line_endings(text)
             text = re.sub(target, replacements, text)
             if tea.get_line_ending(self.context) != '\n':
                 text = tea.clean_line_endings(self.context, text)
             insertions.addReplacementString_forRange_(text, range)
def act(controller, bundle, options):
    context = tea.get_context(controller)
    # Get the options
    alpha_numeric = tea.get_option(options, 'alpha_numeric', True)
    extra_characters = tea.get_option(options, 'extra_characters', '_-')
    bidirectional = tea.get_option(options, 'bidirectional', True)
    snippet = tea.get_option(options, 'snippet', '<$SELECTED_TEXT>$0</$WORD>')
    mode = tea.get_option(options, 'mode', '')
    # Fetch the word
    range = context.selectedRange()
    word, new_range = tea.get_word_or_selection(context, range, alpha_numeric,
                                                extra_characters, bidirectional)
    if word == '':
        # No word, so nothing further to do
        return False
    # If we're using $WORD, make sure the word is just a word
    if snippet.find('$WORD') >= 0:
        fullword = word
        word = tea.parse_word(word)
        if word is None:
            word = ''
        fullword = word
    # Process that sucker!
    if mode == 'zen' and fullword.find(' ') < 0:
        # Explicitly load zen settings
        zen_settings = settings_loader.load_settings()
        # Set up the config variables
        zen_core.newline = tea.get_line_ending(context)
        zen_settings['variables']['indentation'] = tea.get_indentation_string(context)
        # This allows us to use smart incrementing tab stops in zen snippets
        point_ix = [0]
        def place_ins_point(text):
            if not point_ix[0]:
                point_ix[0] += 1
                return '$0'
                return ''
        zen_core.insertion_point = place_ins_point
        # Determine doctype as best we can based on file extension
        doc_type = tea.get_zen_doctype(context)
        # Prepare the snippet
        snippet = zen_core.expand_abbreviation(fullword, doc_type, 'xhtml')
    elif mode == 'zen' and tea.is_selfclosing(word):
        # Self-closing, so construct the snippet from scratch
        snippet = '<' + fullword
        if fullword == word and not fullword in ['br', 'hr']:
            snippet += ' $0 />'
            snippet += ' />$0'
    # Indent the snippet
    snippet = tea.indent_snippet(context, snippet, new_range)
    snippet = tea.clean_line_endings(context, snippet)
    # Special replacement in case we're using $WORD
    snippet = snippet.replace('$WORD', word)
    snippet = snippet.replace('$SELECTED_TEXT', fullword)
    cursor_loc = snippet.find('$0')
    if cursor_loc != -1:
        select_range = tea.new_range(cursor_loc + new_range.location, 0)
        snippet = snippet.replace('$0', '')
        tea.insert_text_and_select(context, snippet, new_range, select_range)
        tea.insert_text(context, snippet, new_range)
 def wrap(self, context, abbr, profile_name='xhtml'):
     # Set up the config variables
     zen_settings = settings_loader.load_settings()
     zen.newline = self.safe_str(tea.get_line_ending(context))
     zen_settings['variables']['indentation'] = self.safe_str(tea.get_indentation_string(context))
     # This allows us to use smart incrementing tab stops in zen snippets
     point_ix = [0]
     def place_ins_point(text):
         if not point_ix[0]:
             point_ix[0] += 1
             return '$0'
             return ''
     zen.insertion_point = place_ins_point
     text, rng = tea.selection_and_range(context)
     if not text:
         # no selection, find matching tag
         content = context.string()
         start, end = html_matcher.match(content, rng.location)
         if start is None:
             # nothing to wrap
             return False
         def is_space(char):
             return char.isspace() or char in r'\n\r'
         # narrow down selection until first non-space character
         while start < end:
             if not is_space(content[start]):
             start += 1
         while end > start:
             end -= 1
             if not is_space(content[end]):
                 end += 1
         rng = tea.new_range(start, end - start)
         text = tea.get_selection(context, rng)
     # Fetch the doctype based on file extension
     doc_type = tea.get_zen_doctype(context)
     text = self.unindent(context, text)
     # Damn Python's encodings! Have to convert string to ascii before wrapping 
     # and then back to utf-8
     result = zen.wrap_with_abbreviation(self.safe_str(abbr), self.safe_str(text), doc_type, profile_name)
     result = unicode(result, 'utf-8')
     result = tea.indent_snippet(context, result, rng)
     result = tea.clean_line_endings(context, result)
     cursor_loc = result.find('$0')
     if cursor_loc != -1:
         select_range = tea.new_range(cursor_loc + rng.location, 0)
         result = result.replace('$0', '')
         tea.insert_text_and_select(context, result, rng, select_range)
         tea.insert_text(context, result, rng)