def main(): init_pupils_data() teachers = Teachers() while True: print("\n==============") print(" MENU ") print("1 - Create Pupil") print("2 - Print") print("3 - Update Pupil") print("4 - Delete Pupil") print("5 - Create Teacher") print("6 - Read Teacher") print("7 - Update Teacher") print("8 - Delete Teacher") print("9 - Exit") choice = int(input("Pick one: ")) if choice == 1: print("NEW PUPIL") print("=========") pupil = create_pupil() if pupil is None: continue else: print("NEW PUPIL") print_pupil(pupil) elif choice == 2: print("\n==============") print(" SUB MENU ") print("1 - Print Pupil") print("2 - Print All Pupils (details)") print("3 - Print All Pupils (names)") print_choice = input("Pick one: ") if print_choice.strip().isdigit(): print_choice = int(print_choice) else: print("Wrong input") continue if print_choice == 1: pupil_id = int(input("Type the pupil's id: ")) pupil = search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Pupil does not exist with this id") else: print(" PUPIL ") print_pupil(pupil) elif print_choice == 2: print_pupils_details() elif print_choice == 3: print_pupils_names() else: print("Wrong input") continue elif choice == 3: print("\n==============") print(" SUB-MENU (UPDATE) ") print("1 - Update Pupil (search by id)") print("2 - Update Pupil (search by surname)") update_choice = input("Pick one: ") if update_choice.strip().isdigit(): update_choice = int(update_choice) else: print("Wrong input") continue if update_choice == 1: pupil_id = int(input("Type an id: ")) pupil = search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Error, there is no pupil with that id") continue elif update_choice == 2: pupil_surname = input("Type the students surname: ") matching_pupils = search_pupil_by_surname(pupil_surname) if matching_pupils == []: print("No match found") continue if len(matching_pupils) == 1: pupil = matching_pupils[0] else: for p in matching_pupils: print_pupil(p) print(f"id = {p['id']}") print("=" * 15) pupil_id = int(input("type an id: ")) pupil = search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) # pupil update pupil_update(pupil) elif choice == 4: print("\n==============") print(" SUB-MENU (DELETE) ") print("1 - Delete Pupil (search by id)") print("2 - Delete Pupil (search by surname)") delete_choice = input("Pick one: ") if delete_choice.strip().isdigit(): delete_choice = int(delete_choice) else: print("Wrong input") continue if delete_choice == 1: pupil_id = int(input("Type an id: ")) pupil = search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Error, there is no pupil with that id") continue elif delete_choice == 2: pupil_surname = input("Type the students surname: ") matching_pupils = search_pupil_by_surname(pupil_surname) if matching_pupils == []: print("No match found") continue if len(matching_pupils) == 1: pupil = matching_pupils[0] else: for p in matching_pupils: print_pupil(p) print(f"id = {p['id']}") print("=" * 15) pupil_id = int(input("type an id: ")) pupil = search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) # Delete pupil delete_pupil_by_id(pupil["id"]) elif choice == 5: first_name = input("Type teachers name: ") surname = input("Type teachers surname: ") teachers.create_teacher(first_name, surname) elif choice == 6: teacher_id = int(input("type the teacher's id: ")) teacher = teachers.read_teacher(teacher_id) if teacher is None: print("No such teacher exists") else: teacher.print_teacher() elif choice == 7: teacher_id = int(input("type the teacher's id: ")) teachers.update_teacher(teacher_id) elif choice == 8: teacher_id = int(input("type the teacher's id: ")) teachers.delete_teacher(teacher_id) elif choice == 9: print("Bye") teachers.save_teachers_data() save_pupils_data() break
def main(): init_pupils_data() teachers = Teachers() while True: print("\n===============") print(" MENU ") print("1 - Create Pupil") print("2 - Print") print("3 - Update Pupil") print("4 - Delete Pupil") print("5 - Create Teacher") print("6 - Read Teacher") print("7 - Update Teacher") print("8 - Delete Teacher") print("9 - Exit") choice = int(input("Pick one: ")) if choice == 1: print("NEW PUPIL") print("===========") pupil = create_pupil() if pupil is None: continue else: print("NEW PUPIL") print_pupil(pupil) elif choice == 2: print("\n===============") print(" SUB-MENU (PRINT) ") print("1 - Print Pupil") print("2 - Print all pupils (details)") print("3 - Print all pupils (just the names)") print_choice = input("Give your choice: ") if print_choice.strip().isdigit(): print_choice = int(print_choice) else: print("Wrong input!") continue if print_choice == 1: pupil_id = int(input("Give id: ")) pupil = search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Pupil does not exist (with this id)") else: print(" PUPIL ") print_pupil(pupil) elif print_choice == 2: print_pupils_details() elif print_choice == 3: print_pupils_names() else: print("Wrong input! ") continue elif choice == 3: print("\n===============") print(" SUB-MENU (UPDATE) ") print("1 - Update Pupil (search by id)") print("2 - Update Pupil (search by surname)") update_choice = input("Give your choice: ") if update_choice.strip().isdigit(): update_choice = int(update_choice) else: print("Wrong input!") continue if update_choice == 1: pupil_id = int(input("Give id: ")) pupil = search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Error! There is no pupil with this id!") continue elif update_choice == 2: surname = input("Give surname: ") matching_pupils = search_pupil_by_surname(surname) if not matching_pupils: print("No matching pupils with this surname!") continue elif len(matching_pupils) == 1: pupil = matching_pupils[0] else: for p in matching_pupils: print_pupil(p) print(f"id = {p['id']}") print("-" * 15) pupil_id = int(input("Give id: ")) pupil = search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) # pupil: update pupil_update(pupil) elif choice == 4: print("\n===============") print(" SUB-MENU (DELETE) ") print("1 - Delete Pupil (search by id)") print("2 - Delete Pupil (search by surname)") delete_choice = input("Give your choice: ") if delete_choice.strip().isdigit(): delete_choice = int(delete_choice) else: print("Wrong input!") continue if delete_choice == 1: pupil_id = int(input("Give id: ")) pupil = search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Error! There is no pupil with this id!") continue elif delete_choice == 2: surname = input("Give surname: ") matching_pupils = search_pupil_by_surname(surname) if not matching_pupils: print("No matching pupils with this surname!") continue elif len(matching_pupils) == 1: pupil = matching_pupils[0] else: for p in matching_pupils: print_pupil(p) print(f"id = {p['id']}") print("-" * 15) pupil_id = int(input("Give id: ")) pupil = search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) # pupil: delete delete_pupil_by_id(pupil["id"]) elif choice == 5: first_name = input("Give name: ") surname = input("Give surname: ") teachers.create_teacher(first_name, surname) elif choice == 6: teacher_id = int(input("Give id: ")) teacher = teachers.read_teacher(teacher_id) if teacher is None: print("No such teacher exists!") else: teacher.print_teacher() elif choice == 7: teacher_id = int(input("Give id: ")) teachers.update_teacher(teacher_id) elif choice == 8: teacher_id = int(input("Give id: ")) teachers.delete_teacher(teacher_id) elif choice == 9: print("Bye bye!") teachers.save_teachers_data() save_pupils_data() break
def main(): pupils = Pupils() teachers = Teachers() lessons = Lessons() while True: menu() choice = get_int("Pick one: ") if choice == 1: pupils_menu() pupils_choice = get_int("Pick one: ") if pupils_choice == 1: print("NEW PUPIL") print("===========") pupil = pupils.create_pupil() if pupil is None: continue else: print("NEW PUPIL") print(pupil) elif pupils_choice == 2: pupils_print_submenu() print_choice = get_int("Give your choice: ") if print_choice == 1: pupil_id = get_int("Give id: ") pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Pupil does not exist (with this id)") else: print(" PUPIL ") print(pupil) elif print_choice == 2: print(pupils) elif print_choice == 3: pupils.print_pupils_names() else: print("Wrong input! ") continue elif pupils_choice == 3: pupils_update_submenu() update_choice = get_int("Give your choice: ") if update_choice == 1: pupil_id = get_int("Give id: ") pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Error! There is no pupil with this id!") continue elif update_choice == 2: surname = input("Give surname: ") matching_pupils = pupils.search_pupil_by_surname(surname) if not matching_pupils: print("No matching pupils with this surname!") continue elif len(matching_pupils) == 1: pupil = matching_pupils[0] else: for p in matching_pupils: print(p) print(f"id = {p['id']}") print("-" * 15) pupil_id = get_int("Give id: ") pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) # pupil: update pupils.pupil_update(pupil) elif pupils_choice == 4: pupils_delete_submenu() delete_choice = get_int("Give your choice: ") if delete_choice == 1: pupil_id = get_int("Give id: ") pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Error! No pupil with this id!") continue elif delete_choice == 2: last_name = input("Give surname: ") matching_pupils = pupils.search_pupil_by_surname(last_name) if not matching_pupils: print("No matching pupils with this surname!") continue elif len(matching_pupils) == 1: pupil = matching_pupils[0] else: for p in matching_pupils: print(p) print(f"id = {p['id']}") print("-" * 15) pupil_id = get_int("Give id: ") pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) pupils.delete_pupil_by_id(pupil_id, lessons) elif choice == 2: teachers_menu() teacher_choice = get_int("Pick one: ") if teacher_choice == 1: first_name = input("Give name: ") last_name = input("Give surname: ") teachers.create_teacher(first_name, last_name) elif teacher_choice == 2: teacher_id = get_int("Give id: ") teacher = teachers.read_teacher(teacher_id) if teacher is None: print("No such teacher exists!") else: print(teacher) elif teacher_choice == 3: teacher_id = get_int("Give id: ") teachers.update_teacher(teacher_id) elif teacher_choice == 4: teacher_id = get_int("Give id: ") teachers.delete_teacher(teacher_id, lessons) elif choice == 3: lessons_menu() lesson_choice = get_int("Pick one: ") if lesson_choice == 1: lesson_name = input("Give lesson name: ") lessons.create_lesson(lesson_name) elif lesson_choice == 2: lesson_id = get_int("Give id: ") lesson = lessons.read_lesson(lesson_id) if lesson is None: print("No such lesson exists!") else: lesson.print_lesson_details(teachers, pupils) elif lesson_choice == 3: lesson_id = get_int("Give id: ") lessons.update_lesson(lesson_id, teachers, pupils) elif lesson_choice == 4: lesson_id = get_int("Give id: ") lessons.delete_lesson(lesson_id) elif choice == 4: print("Bye bye!") pupils.save_pupils_data() teachers.save_teachers_data() lessons.save_lessons_data() break
def main(): pupils = Pupils() teachers = Teachers() lessons = Lessons() while True: print("\n===============") print(" MENU ") print("1 - Manage Pupils") print("2 - Manage Teachers") print("3 - Manage Lessons") print("4 - Exit") choice = int(input("Pick one: ")) if choice == 1: print("\n===============") print(" PUPILS MENU ") print("1 - Create Pupil") print("2 - Print Pupil(s)") print("3 - Update Pupil") print("4 - Delete Pupil") pupils_choice = int(input("Pick one: ")) if pupils_choice == 1: print("NEW PUPIL") print("===========") pupil = pupils.create_pupil() if pupil is None: continue else: print("NEW PUPIL") print(pupil) elif pupils_choice == 2: print("\n===============") print(" SUB-MENU (PRINT) ") print("1 - Print Pupil") print("2 - Print all pupils (details)") print("3 - Print all pupils (just the names)") print_choice = input("Give your choice: ") if print_choice.strip().isdigit(): print_choice = int(print_choice) else: print("Wrong input!") continue if print_choice == 1: pupil_id = int(input("Give id: ")) pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Pupil does not exist (with this id)") else: print(" PUPIL ") print(pupil) elif print_choice == 2: print(pupils) elif print_choice == 3: pupils.print_pupils_names() else: print("Wrong input! ") continue elif pupils_choice == 3: print("\n===============") print(" SUB-MENU (UPDATE) ") print("1 - Update Pupil (search by id)") print("2 - Update Pupil (search by surname)") update_choice = input("Give your choice: ") if update_choice.strip().isdigit(): update_choice = int(update_choice) else: print("Wrong input!") continue if update_choice == 1: pupil_id = int(input("Give id: ")) pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Error! There is no pupil with this id!") continue elif update_choice == 2: surname = input("Give surname: ") matching_pupils = pupils.search_pupil_by_surname(surname) if not matching_pupils: print("No matching pupils with this surname!") continue elif len(matching_pupils) == 1: pupil = matching_pupils[0] else: for p in matching_pupils: print(p) print(f"id = {p['id']}") print("-" * 15) pupil_id = int(input("Give id: ")) pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) # pupil: update pupils.pupil_update(pupil) elif pupils_choice == 4: print("\n===============") print(" SUB-MENU (DELETE) ") print("1 - Delete Pupil (search by id)") print("2 - Delete Pupil (search by surname)") delete_choice = input("Give your choice: ") if delete_choice.strip().isdigit(): delete_choice = int(delete_choice) else: print("Wrong input!") continue if delete_choice == 1: pupil_id = int(input("Give id: ")) pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Error! There is no pupil with this id!") continue elif delete_choice == 2: surname = input("Give surname: ") matching_pupils = pupils.search_pupil_by_surname(surname) if not matching_pupils: print("No matching pupils with this surname!") continue elif len(matching_pupils) == 1: pupil = matching_pupils[0] else: for p in matching_pupils: print(p) print(f"id = {p['id']}") print("-" * 15) pupil_id = int(input("Give id: ")) pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) # pupil: delete pupils.delete_pupil_by_id(pupil.pupil_id, lessons) elif choice == 2: print("\n===============") print(" TEACHERS MENU ") print("1 - Create Teacher") print("2 - Print Teacher(s)") print("3 - Update Teacher") print("4 - Delete Teacher") teacher_choice = int(input("Pick one: ")) if teacher_choice == 1: first_name = input("Give name: ") surname = input("Give surname: ") teachers.create_teacher(first_name, surname) elif teacher_choice == 2: teacher_id = int(input("Give id: ")) teacher = teachers.read_teacher(teacher_id) if teacher is None: print("No such teacher exists!") else: print(teacher) elif teacher_choice == 3: teacher_id = int(input("Give id: ")) teachers.update_teacher(teacher_id) elif teacher_choice == 4: teacher_id = int(input("Give id: ")) teachers.delete_teacher(teacher_id, lessons) elif choice == 3: print("\n===============") print(" LESSONS MENU ") print("1 - Create Lesson") print("2 - Print Lesson") print("3 - Update Lesson") print("4 - Delete Lesson") lesson_choice = int(input("Pick one: ")) if lesson_choice == 1: lesson_name = input("Give lesson name: ") lessons.create_lesson(lesson_name) elif lesson_choice == 2: lesson_id = int(input("Give id: ")) lesson = lessons.read_lesson(lesson_id) if lesson is None: print("No such lesson exists!") else: lesson.print_lesson_details(teachers, pupils) elif lesson_choice == 3: lesson_id = int(input("Give id: ")) lessons.update_lesson(lesson_id, teachers, pupils) elif lesson_choice == 4: lesson_id = int(input("Give id: ")) lessons.delete_lesson(lesson_id) elif choice == 4: print("Bye bye!") pupils.save_pupils_data() teachers.save_teachers_data() lessons.save_lessons_data() break
def main(): pupils = Pupils() teachers = Teachers() lessons = Lessons() while True: print("\n==============") print(" MENU ") print("1 - Manage Pupils") print("2 - Manage Teachers") print("3 - Manage Lessons") print("4 - Exit") choice = int(input("Pick a number: ")) if choice == 1: print("\n==============") print(" PUPILS MENU ") print("1 - Create Pupil") print("2 - Print Pupil(s)") print("3 - Update Pupil") print("4 - Delete Pupil") choice = int(input("Pick one: ")) if choice == 1: print("NEW PUPIL") print("=========") pupil = pupils.create_pupil() if pupil is None: continue else: print("NEW PUPIL") print(pupil) elif choice == 2: print("\n==============") print(" SUB MENU ") print("1 - Print Pupil") print("2 - Print All Pupils (details)") print("3 - Print All Pupils (names)") print_choice = input("Pick one: ") if print_choice.strip().isdigit(): print_choice = int(print_choice) else: print("Wrong input") continue if print_choice == 1: pupil_id = int(input("Type the pupil's id: ")) pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Pupil does not exist with this id") else: print(" PUPIL ") print(pupil) elif print_choice == 2: print(pupils) elif print_choice == 3: pupils.print_pupils_names() else: print("Wrong input") continue elif choice == 3: print("\n==============") print(" SUB-MENU (UPDATE) ") print("1 - Update Pupil (search by id)") print("2 - Update Pupil (search by surname)") update_choice = input("Pick one: ") if update_choice.strip().isdigit(): update_choice = int(update_choice) else: print("Wrong input") continue if update_choice == 1: pupil_id = int(input("Type an id: ")) pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Error, there is no pupil with that id") continue elif update_choice == 2: pupil_surname = input("Type the students surname: ") matching_pupils = pupils.search_pupil_by_surname( pupil_surname) if not matching_pupils: print("No match found") continue if len(matching_pupils) == 1: pupil = matching_pupils[0] else: for p in matching_pupils: print(p) print(f"id = {p['id']}") print("=" * 15) pupil_id = int(input("type an id: ")) pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) # pupil update pupils.pupil_update(pupil) elif choice == 4: print("\n==============") print(" SUB-MENU (DELETE) ") print("1 - Delete Pupil (search by id)") print("2 - Delete Pupil (search by surname)") delete_choice = input("Pick one: ") if delete_choice.strip().isdigit(): delete_choice = int(delete_choice) else: print("Wrong input") continue if delete_choice == 1: pupil_id = int(input("Type an id: ")) pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) if pupil is None: print("Error, there is no pupil with that id") continue elif delete_choice == 2: pupil_surname = input("Type the students surname: ") matching_pupils = pupils.search_pupil_by_surname( pupil_surname) if not matching_pupils: print("No match found") continue if len(matching_pupils) == 1: pupil = matching_pupils[0] else: for p in matching_pupils: print(p) print(f"id = {p['id']}") print("=" * 15) pupil_id = int(input("type an id: ")) pupil = pupils.search_pupil_by_id(pupil_id) # Delete pupil pupils.delete_pupil_by_id(pupil.pupil_id, lessons) elif choice == 2: print(" TEACHER MENU ") print("1 - Create Teacher") print("2 - Print Teacher") print("3 - Update Teacher") print("4 - Delete Teacher") choice = int(input("Pick one: ")) if choice == 1: first_name = input("Type teachers name: ") surname = input("Type teachers surname: ") teachers.create_teacher(first_name, surname) elif choice == 2: teacher_id = int(input("type the teacher's id: ")) teacher = teachers.read_teacher(teacher_id) if teacher is None: print("No such teacher exists") else: teacher.print_teacher() elif choice == 3: teacher_id = int(input("type the teacher's id: ")) teachers.update_teacher(teacher_id) elif choice == 4: teacher_id = int(input("type the teacher's id: ")) teachers.delete_teacher(teacher_id, lessons) elif choice == 3: print(" LESSONS MENU ") print("1 - Create Lesson") print("2 - Print Lesson") print("3 - Update Lesson") print("4 - Delete Lesson") choice = int(input("Pick one: ")) if choice == 1: lesson_name = input("Type lesson's name: ") lessons.create_lesson(lesson_name) elif choice == 2: lesson_id = int(input("type the lesson's id: ")) lesson = lessons.read_lesson(lesson_id) if lesson is None: print("No such lesson exists") else: lesson.print_lesson_details(teachers, pupils) elif choice == 3: lesson_id = int(input("Type lesson's id: ")) lessons.update_lesson(lesson_id, teachers, pupils) elif choice == 4: lesson_id = int(input("Type lesson's id: ")) lessons.delete_lesson(lesson_id) elif choice == 4: print("Bye") teachers.save_teachers_data() pupils.save_pupils_data() lessons.save_lessons_data() break