Пример #1
def example_create_building():
    Instantiate a Project class (with load_data set to true), instantiate a
    Building class, with the project as a parent. This automatically adds the
    specific building and all its future changes to the project.
    prj = Project(load_data=True)
    bldg = Building(parent=prj)

    '''Set some building parameters'''

    bldg.name = "SuperExampleBuilding"
    bldg.street_name = "Awesome Avenue 42"
    bldg.city = "46325 Fantastic Town"
    bldg.year_of_construction = 1988
    bldg.number_of_floors = 1
    bldg.height_of_floors = 3.5

    '''Instantiate a ThermalZone class, with building as parent and set  some
    parameters of the thermal zone'''

    tz = ThermalZone(parent=bldg)
    tz.name = "Living Room"
    tz.area = 140.0
    tz.volume = tz.area * bldg.number_of_floors * bldg.height_of_floors
    tz.infiltration_rate = 0.5

    '''Instantiate UseConditions18599 class with thermal zone as parent,
    and load the use conditions for the usage 'Living' '''

    tz.use_conditions = BoundaryConditions(parent=tz)

    '''Define two elements representing a pitched roof and define Layers and
    Materials explicitly'''

    roof_south = Rooftop(parent=tz)
    roof_south.name = "Roof_South"

    roof_north = Rooftop(parent=tz)
    roof_north.name = "Roof_North"

    '''Set area, orientation and tilt of South Roof'''
    roof_south.area = 75.0
    roof_south.orientation = 180.0
    roof_south.tilt = 55.0

    '''Set coefficient of heat transfer'''
    roof_south.inner_convection = 1.7
    roof_south.outer_convection = 5.0
    roof_south.inner_radiation = 20.0
    roof_south.outer_radiation = 5.0

    '''Set layer and material'''
    layer_1s = Layer(parent=roof_south, id=0) # id indicates the order of
                                              # layer from inside to outside
    layer_1s.thickness = 0.15

    material_1_2 = Material(layer_1s)
    material_1_2.name = "Insulation"
    material_1_2.density = 120.0
    material_1_2.heat_capac = 0.04
    material_1_2.thermal_conduc = 1.0

    layer_2s = Layer(parent=roof_south, id=1)
    layer_2s.thickness = 0.15

    material_1_1 = Material(layer_2s)
    material_1_1.name = "Tile"
    material_1_1.density = 1400.0
    material_1_1.heat_capac = 0.6
    material_1_1.thermal_conduc = 2.5

    '''Set area, orientation and tilt of North Roof'''
    roof_north.area = 75.0
    roof_north.orientation = 0.0
    roof_north.tilt = 55.0

    '''Set coefficient of heat transfer'''
    roof_north.inner_convection = 1.7
    roof_north.outer_convection = 5.0
    roof_north.inner_radiation = 20.0
    roof_north.outer_radiation = 5.0

    '''Set layer and material'''
    layer_1n = Layer(parent=roof_north, id=0)
    layer_1n.thickness = 0.15

    material_1_2 = Material(layer_1n)
    material_1_2.name = "Insulation"
    material_1_2.density = 120.0
    material_1_2.heat_capac = 0.04
    material_1_2.thermal_conduc = 1.0

    layer_2n = Layer(parent=roof_north, id=1)
    layer_2n.thickness = 0.15
    layer_2n.position = 1

    material_1_1 = Material(layer_2n)
    material_1_1.name = "Tile"
    material_1_1.density = 1400.0
    material_1_1.heat_capac = 0.6
    material_1_1.thermal_conduc = 2.5

    '''We save information of the Outer and Inner walls as well as Windows
    in dicts, the key is the name, while the value is a list (if applicable)
    [year of construciton,
     construction type,

    out_wall_dict = {"Outer Wall 1": [bldg.year_of_construction, 'heavy',
                                      10.0, 90.0, 0.0],
                     "Outer Wall 2": [bldg.year_of_construction, 'heavy',
                                      14.0, 90.0, 90.0],
                     "Outer Wall 3": [bldg.year_of_construction, 'heavy',
                                      10.0, 90.0, 180.0],
                     "Outer Wall 4": [bldg.year_of_construction, 'heavy',
                                      14.0, 90.0, 270.0]}

    in_wall_dict = {"Inner Wall 1": [bldg.year_of_construction, 'light', 10.0],
                    "Inner Wall 2": [bldg.year_of_construction, 'heavy', 14.0],
                    "Inner Wall 3": [bldg.year_of_construction, 'light', 10.0]}

    win_dict = {"Window 1": [bldg.year_of_construction,
                             5.0, 90.0, 90.0],
                "Window 2": [bldg.year_of_construction,
                             8.0, 90.0, 180.0],
                "Window 3": [bldg.year_of_construction,
                             5.0, 90.0, 270.0]}

    for key, value in out_wall_dict.items():
        '''instantiate OuterWall class'''
        out_wall = OuterWall(parent = tz)
        out_wall.name = key
        '''load typical construction, based on year of construction and
        construction type'''
        out_wall.area = value[2]
        out_wall.tilt = value[3]
        out_wall.orientation = value[4]

    for key, value in in_wall_dict.items():
        '''instantiate InnerWall class'''
        in_wall = InnerWall(parent = tz)
        in_wall.name = key
        '''load typical construction, based on year of construction and
        construction type'''
        in_wall.area = value[2]

    for key, value in win_dict.items():
        '''instantiate Window class'''
        win = Window(parent = tz)
        win.name = key
        win.area = value[1]
        win.tilt = value[2]
        win.orientation = value[3]

        We know the exact properties of the window, thus we set them instead
        of loading a typical construction
        win.inner_convection = 1.7
        win.inner_radiation = 5.0
        win.outer_convection = 20.0
        win.outer_radiation = 5.0
        win.g_value = 0.789
        win.a_conv = 0.03
        win.shading_g_total = 1.0
        win.shading_max_irr = 180.0
        '''Instantiate a Layer class, with window as parent, set attributes'''
        win_layer = Layer(parent = win)
        win_layer.id = 1
        win_layer.thickness = 0.024
        '''Instantiate a Material class, with window layer as parent,
        set attributes'''
        win_material = Material(win_layer)
        win_material.name = "GlasWindow"
        win_material.thermal_conduc = 0.067
        win_material.transmittance = 0.9

    '''For a GroundFloor we are using the load_type_element function,
    which needs the year of construction and the construction type ('heavy'
    or 'light')
    ground = GroundFloor(parent=tz)
    ground.name = "Ground floor"
    ground.load_type_element(bldg.year_of_construction, 'heavy')
    ground.area = 140.0

    We calculate the RC Values according to AixLib procedure

    prj.used_library_calc = 'AixLib'
    prj.number_of_elements_calc = 2
    prj.merge_windows_calc = False

    Export the Modelica Record

    '''Or we use Annex60 method with for elements'''
    #                       merge_windows=False,
    #                       used_library='Annex60')

    Save new TEASER XML and cityGML