Пример #1
def add_client(values):
    """Registers a new client. To register a new client the request must
    be autheticated by providing the username and password of the
    existing user.
    The function will return a dictionary with the client_id and
    client_secret which will than be used to request authorization for a
    certain service endpoint."""
    username = values["username"]
    password = values["password"]

    with get_storage() as storage:
            user = storage.session.query(User).filter(
                User.name == username).one()
            if verify_password(password, user.password):
                user_id = user.id
                raise AuthError("User can not be authorized.")
            raise AuthError("User can not be authorized.")

    client = Client()
    client.name = values['name']
    client.client_id = generate_password(40)
    client.client_secret = generate_password(50)
    client._redirect_uris = None  # values['redirect_uris']
    client._default_scopes = None  # values['scopes']
    client.user_id = user_id

    with get_storage() as storage:
        client_id = client.client_id
        client_secret = client.client_secret

    return dict(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret)
Пример #2
def test_notfound_error():
    from tedega_view import NotFound
    from tedega_storage.rdbms import get_storage
    from tedega_storage.rdbms.crud import read, update, delete
    with pytest.raises(NotFound):
        with get_storage() as storage:
            read(storage, Dummy, 12)
    with pytest.raises(NotFound):
        with get_storage() as storage:
            update(storage, Dummy, 12, {})
    with pytest.raises(NotFound):
        with get_storage() as storage:
            delete(storage, Dummy, 12)
Пример #3
def search(limit=100, offset=0, search="", sort="", fields=""):
    """Loads all users.

    .. seealso:: Methods :func:`tedega_core.api.crud.search`

    :limit: Limit number of result to N entries.
    :offset: Return entries with an offset of N.
    :search: Return entries with an offset of N.
    :sort: Define sort and ordering.
    :fields: Only return defined fields.
    :returns: List of dictionary with values of the user

    >>> import tedega_core.api.user
    >>> users = tedega_core.api.user.search()
    >>> isinstance(users, list)
    if fields != "":
        fields = fields.split("|")
        fields = None
    with get_storage() as storage:
        users = _search(storage, User, limit, offset, search, sort)
        users = [user.get_values(fields) for user in users]
    return users
Пример #4
def reset_password(item_id, password=None):
    """Will reset the password of the user.

    .. seealso:: Methods :func:`tedega_core.model.user.reset_password`

    :item_id: ID of the user to update
    :password: Unencrypted password
    :returns: Unencrypted password

    >>> import tedega_core.api.user
    >>> # First create a new user.
    >>> newuser = tedega_core.api.user.create(name="foo5", password="******")
    >>> oldpass = newuser.password
    >>> # Set custom password.
    >>> result = tedega_core.api.user.reset_password(item_id = newuser.id, password = "******")
    >>> result == "newpass"
    >>> # Set random password.
    >>> result = tedega_core.api.user.reset_password(item_id = newuser.id)
    >>> result != "newpass"
    with get_storage() as storage:
        user = _read(storage, User, item_id)
        new_password = user.reset_password(password)
    return new_password
Пример #5
def test_crud():
    from tedega_storage.rdbms import get_storage
    from tedega_storage.rdbms.crud import create, read, update, delete
    with get_storage() as storage:
        item = create(storage, Dummy, {})
        read(storage, Dummy, item.id)
        item = update(storage, Dummy, item.id, {'id': 2})
        delete(storage, Dummy, 2)
Пример #6
def ping():
    data = {}
    log = get_logger()
    with get_storage() as storage:

        factory = Ping.get_factory(storage)
        item = factory.create()

        items = storage.read(Ping)
        data["total"] = len(items)
        data["data"] = [item.get_values() for item in items]
        log.info("Let's log something")
    return data
Пример #7
def login(values):
    client_id = values["client_id"]
    client_secret = values["client_secret"]

    with get_storage() as storage:
            query = storage.session.query(Client)
            query = query.filter(Client.client_id == client_id,
                                 Client.client_secret == client_secret)
            raise AuthError("Client can not be authenticated")

    encoded = jwt.encode({'some': 'payload'}, 'secret', algorithm='HS256')
    return encoded.decode('utf-8')
Пример #8
def build_app(servicename):
    # Define things we want to happen of application creation. We want:
    # 1. Initialise out fluent logger.
    # 2. Initialise the storage.
    # 3. Start the monitoring of out service to the "outside".
    # 4. Start the monitoring of the system every 10sec (CPU, RAM,DISK).
    run_on_init = [(init_logger, servicename), (init_storage, None),
                   (monitor_connectivity, [("www.google.com", 80)]),
                   (monitor_system, 10)]
    application = create_application(servicename, run_on_init=run_on_init)
    log = get_logger()
    with get_storage() as storage:
        user = _create(storage, tedega_auth.model.user.User,
                       dict(name="admin", password="******"))
        log.info("Create default user 'admin' with password 'secret'")

    return application
Пример #9
def create(name, password):
    """Creates a new user with the given `name` and `password`.

    .. seealso:: Methods :func:`tedega_core.api.crud.create`

    :name: Name of the new user
    :password: Password (unencrypted) of the new user
    :returns: Dictionary with values of the user

    >>> import tedega_core.api.user
    >>> user = tedega_core.api.user.create(name="foo1", password="******")
    >>> user['name']
    with get_storage() as storage:
        user = _create(storage, User, dict(name=name, password=password))
        user = user.get_values()
    return user
Пример #10
def ping():

    data = {}
    log = get_logger()

    with get_storage() as storage:
        # Create a new "Ping" and store it in the storage.
        factory = Ping.get_factory(storage)
        item = factory.create()
        # Read all previous pings from storage and populate the data
        # object.
        items = storage.read(Ping)
        data["total"] = len(items)
        data["data"] = [item.get_values() for item in items]
        log.info("Let's log something")

    return data
Пример #11
def delete(item_id):
    """Deletes a user from the database.

    .. seealso:: Methods :func:`tedega_core.api.crud.delete`

    :item_id: ID of the user to update

    >>> import tedega_core.api.user
    >>> # First create a new user.
    >>> newuser = tedega_core.api.user.create(name="foo4", password="******")
    >>> # Now delete the user
    >>> tedega_core.api.user.delete(item_id = newuser.id)
    >>> # Check that the user was actually deleted.
    >>> loaduser = tedega_core.api.user.read(item_id = newuser.id)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: No row was found for one()
    with get_storage() as storage:
        return _delete(storage, User, item_id)
Пример #12
def read(item_id):
    """Read (load) a existing user from the database.

    .. seealso:: Methods :func:`tedega_core.api.crud.read`

    :item_id: ID of the user to load.
    :returns: Dictionary with values of the user

    >>> import tedega_core.api.user
    >>> # First create a new user.
    >>> newuser = tedega_core.api.user.create(name="foo2", password="******")
    >>> # Now load the user
    >>> loaduser = tedega_core.api.user.read(item_id = newuser.id)
    >>> loaduser['name']
    with get_storage() as storage:
        user = _read(storage, User, item_id)
        user = user.get_values()
    return user
Пример #13
def update(item_id, values):
    """Update a user with the given values in the database.

    .. seealso:: Methods :func:`tedega_core.api.crud.update`

    :item_id: ID of the user to update
    :values: Dictionary of values
    :returns: Dictionary with values of the user

    >>> import tedega_core.api.user
    >>> # First create a new user.
    >>> newuser = tedega_core.api.user.create(name="foo3", password="******")
    >>> # Now load the user
    >>> values = {"name": "baz"}
    >>> updateduser = tedega_core.api.user.update(item_id = newuser.id, values=values)
    >>> updateduser['name']
    with get_storage() as storage:
        user = _update(storage, User, item_id, values)
        user = user.get_values()
    return user
Пример #14
def test_storage_crud():
    new_id = None
    with get_storage() as storage:
        new = DummyModel()
        new.dummy_string = "Foo"
        new.dummy_date = datetime.date.today()
        new_id = storage.create(new)
        assert new.dummy_string == "Foo"
        assert new.id is not None
        assert new_id == new.id
    assert new_id is not None

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        with get_storage() as storage:
            new = DummyModel()
            new.dummy_string = "Foo"
            new.dummy_date = "XXX"
            new_id = storage.create(new)

    with get_storage() as storage:
        loaded = storage.read(DummyModel, new_id)
        assert loaded.dummy_string == "Foo"
        loaded.dummy_string = "Foo2"

    with get_storage() as storage:
        loaded = storage.read(DummyModel, new_id)
        assert loaded.dummy_string == "Foo2"

    with get_storage() as storage:
        loaded = storage.read(DummyModel, new_id)

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        with get_storage() as storage:
            loaded = storage.read(DummyModel, new_id)

    # DetachedInstanceError
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert new_id == new.id
Пример #15
def test_search():
    from tedega_storage.rdbms import get_storage
    from tedega_storage.rdbms.crud import search
    from tedega_view import ClientError

    # Search
    with get_storage() as storage:
        search(storage, Dummy, search="id::1")
    with pytest.raises(ClientError):
        with get_storage() as storage:
            search(storage, Dummy, search="xxx::1")
    with pytest.raises(ClientError):
        with get_storage() as storage:
            search(storage, Dummy, search="id:1")
    # Sort
    with get_storage() as storage:
        search(storage, Dummy, sort="-id")
    with get_storage() as storage:
        search(storage, Dummy, sort="id")
    with pytest.raises(ClientError):
        with get_storage() as storage:
            search(storage, Dummy, sort="-xxx")
Пример #16
def test_storage_without_scope():
    storage = get_storage()
Пример #17
def storage(request, dbmodel):
    return get_storage()
Пример #18
def test_storage():
    with get_storage() as storage:
        assert storage is not None
        assert storage.engine is not None