Пример #1
    def to_stroke_collection(self, dictionary, silent=True):
        @type dictionary: L{CharacterStrokeDictionary
        strokecol = CharacterCollection()
        for char in self.get_all_characters_gen():
            stroke_labels = dictionary.get_strokes(char.get_unicode())[0]
            strokes = char.get_writing().get_strokes(full=True)

            if len(strokes) != len(stroke_labels):
                if silent:
                    raise ValueError, "The number of strokes doesn't " \
                                      "match with reference character"

            for stroke, label in zip(strokes, stroke_labels):
                utf8 = label.encode("utf-8")
                writing = Writing()
                schar = Character()
                strokecol.append_character(utf8, schar)

        return strokecol
Пример #2
    def to_stroke_collection(self, dictionary, silent=True):
        @type dictionary: L{CharacterStrokeDictionary
        strokecol = CharacterCollection()
        for char in self.get_all_characters_gen():
            stroke_labels = dictionary.get_strokes(char.get_unicode())[0]
            strokes = char.get_writing().get_strokes(full=True)

            if len(strokes) != len(stroke_labels):
                if silent:
                    raise ValueError, "The number of strokes doesn't " \
                                      "match with reference character"

            for stroke, label in zip(strokes, stroke_labels):
                utf8 = label.encode("utf-8")
                writing = Writing()
                schar = Character()
                strokecol.append_character(utf8, schar)

        return strokecol
Пример #3
    def _getCharacter(self):
        writing = self._getWriting()

        char = Character()

        return char
Пример #4
    def _getCharacter(self):
        writing = self._getWriting()

        char = Character()

        return char
Пример #5
 def set_writings(self, writings):
     writings: a list of tegaki.Writing objects.
     characters = []
     for writing in writings:
         char = Character()
Пример #6
    def _end_element(self, name):
        if name == "kanji":
            char = Character()
            self._charcol.append_character(self._utf8, char)
            for s in ["_tag", "_stroke"]:
                if s in self.__dict__:
                    del self.__dict__[s]

        if name == "stroke":
            self._stroke = None

        self._tag = None
Пример #7
    def _end_element(self, name):
        if name == "kanji":
            char = Character()
            self._charcol.append_character(self._utf8, char)
            for s in ["_tag", "_stroke"]:
                if s in self.__dict__:
                    del self.__dict__[s]

        if name == "path":
            self._stroke = None

        self._tag = None
Пример #8
	def get_character_collection(self):
		charcol = CharacterCollection()

		# group characters with the same label into sets
		sets = {}
		for i in range(len(self._labels)):
			# Create Character
			writing = Writing()
			if self.height and self.width:

			for delin_range in self._delineations[i]:
				if delin_range.start_comp == (delin_range.end_comp - 1):
					stroke_points = self._strokes[delin_range.start_comp][delin_range.start_point:delin_range.end_point]
					# add first stroke to writing
					start_stroke_points = self._strokes[delin_range.start_comp][delin_range.start_point:-1]
					if len(start_stroke_points) > 0:

					# add last stroke to writing
					end_stroke_points = self._strokes[delin_range.end_comp - 1][0:delin_range.end_point]
					if len(end_stroke_points) > 0:

					# add the remaining strokes to writing
					for stroke in self._strokes[delin_range.start_comp + 1:delin_range.end_comp - 1]:

			character = Character()

			utf8 = self._labels[i]

			sets[utf8] = sets.get(utf8, []) + [character]


		for set_name, characters in sets.items():
			charcol.append_characters(set_name, characters)

		return charcol
Пример #9
class CharacterCollection(_XmlBase):
    A collection of L{Characters<Character>}.

    A CharacterCollection is composed of sets.
    Each set can be composed of zero, one, or more characters.

    /!\ Sets do not necessarily contain only characters of the same class
    / utf8 value. Sets may also be used to group characters in other fashions
    (e.g. by number of strokes, by handwriting quality, etc...).
    Therefore the set name is not guaranteed to contain the utf8 value of
    the characters of that set. The utf8 value must be retrieved from each
    character individually.

    Building character collection objects

    A character collection can be built from scratch progmatically:

    >>> char = Character()
    >>> charcol = CharacterCollection()
    >>> charcol.add_set("my set")
    >>> charcol.append_character("my set", char)

    Reading XML files

    A character collection can be read from an XML file:

    >>> charcol = CharacterCollection()
    >>> charcol.read("myfile")

    Gzip-compressed and bzip2-compressed XML files can also be read:

    >>> charcol = CharacterCollection()
    >>> charcol.read("myfilegz", gzip=True)

    >>> charcol = Character()
    >>> charcol.read("myfilebz", bz2=True)

    A similar method read_string exists to read the XML from a string
    instead of a file.

    For convenience, you can directly load a character collection by passing it
    the file to load. In that case, compression is automatically detected based
    on file extension (.gz, .bz2).

    >>> charcol = Character("myfile.xml.gz")

    The recommended extension for XML character collection files is .charcol.

    Writing XML files

    A character collection can be saved to an XML file by using the write()

    >>> charcol.write("myfile")

    The write method has gzip and bz2 arguments just like read(). In addition,
    there is a write_string method which generates a string instead of a file.

    For convenience, you can save a character collection with the save() method.
    It automatically detects compression based on the file extension.

    >>> charcol.save("mynewfile.xml.bz2")

    If the CharacterCollection object was passed a file when it was constructed,
    the path can ce omitted.

    >>> charcol = Character("myfile.gz")
    >>> charcol.save()

    Using .chardb files

    XML files allow to retain human-readability and are ideal for small
    character collections. However, they force the whole database to be kept
    in memory. For larger collections, it's recommended to use .chardb files
    instead. Their loading is faster and the whole collection doesn't
    need be kept entirely in memory. However human-readability ist lost.

    >>> charcol = CharacterCollection("charcol.chardb")
    >>> charcol.save()

    The .chardb extension is required.

    #: With WRITE_BACK set to True, proxy objects are returned in place of
    #: character, writing, stroke and point objects in order to automatically
    #: reflect changes to these objects back to the sqlite db.
    #: However, there is probably overhead usigng them.
    WRITE_BACK = True

    def get_auto_commit(self):
        return True if self._con.isolation_level is None else False

    def set_auto_commit(self, auto):
        self._con.isolation_level = None if auto else ""

    #: With AUTO_COMMIT set to true, data is immediately written to disk
    AUTO_COMMIT = property(get_auto_commit, set_auto_commit)

    DTD = \
<!ELEMENT character-collection (set*)>
<!ELEMENT set (character*)>

<!-- The name attribute identifies a set uniquely -->

<!ELEMENT character (utf8?,width?,height?,strokes)>
<!ELEMENT width (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT height (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT strokes (stroke+)>
<!ELEMENT stroke (point+)>

<!ATTLIST point timestamp CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST point pressure CDATA #IMPLIED>

    def __init__(self, path=":memory:"):
        Construct a collection.

        @type path: str
        @param path: an XML file or a DB file (see also L{bind})
        if path is None:
            path = ":memory:"

        if not path in ("", ":memory:") and not path.endswith(".chardb"):
            # this should be an XML character collection

            gzip, bz2 = _gzipbz2(path)


            self.read(path, gzip=gzip, bz2=bz2)

            self._path = path  # contains the path to the xml file
            # this should be either a .chardb, ":memory:" or ""
            self._path = None

    # DB utils

    def _e(self, req, *a, **kw):
        #print req, a, kw
        return self._c.execute(req, *a, **kw)

    def _em(self, req, *a, **kw):
        #print req, a, kw
        return self._c.executemany(req, *a, **kw)

    def _fo(self):
        return self._c.fetchone()

    def _fa(self):
        return self._c.fetchall()

    def _efo(self, req, *a, **kw):
        self._e(req, *a, **kw)
        return self._fo()

    def _efa(self, req, *a, **kw):
        self._e(req, *a, **kw)
        return self._fa()

    def _has_tables(self):
        self._e("SELECT count(type) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'")
        return self._fo()[0] > 0

    def _create_tables(self):
CREATE TABLE character_sets(
  name     TEXT

CREATE TABLE characters(
  setid      INTEGER REFERENCES character_sets,
  utf8       TEXT,
  n_strokes  INTEGER,
  data       BLOB, -- gz xml
  sha1       TEXT

CREATE INDEX character_setid_index ON characters(setid);

    def get_character_from_row(self, row):
        # charid, setid, utf8, n_strokes, data, sha1
        char = _convert_character(row['data'])
        char.charid = row['charid']
        if self.WRITE_BACK:
            return CharacterProxy(self._charpool, char)
            return char

    def _update_set_ids(self):
        self._SETIDS = SortedDict()
        for row in self._efa("SELECT * FROM character_sets ORDER BY setid"):
            self._SETIDS[row['name'].encode("utf8")] = row['setid']

    # Public API

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<CharacterCollection %d characters (ref %d)>" % \
                    (self.get_total_n_characters(), id(self))

    def bind(self, path):
        Bind database to a db file.

        All changes to the previous binded database will be lost
        if you haven't committed changes with commit().

        @type path: str

        Possible values for path:
            ":memory:"                  for fully in memory database

            ""                          for a in memory database that uses
                                        temp files under pressure

            "/path/to/file.chardb"      for file-based database
        self._con = sqlite3.connect(path)
        self._con.text_factory = sqlite3.OptimizedUnicode
        self._con.row_factory = _dict_factory  #sqlite3.Row
        self._c = self._con.cursor()
        self._charpool = _CharPool(self._c)

        if not self._has_tables():

        self._dbpath = path

    def get_db_filename(self):
        Returns the db file which is internally used by the collection.

        @rtype: str or None
        @return: file path or None if in memory db
        return None if self._dbpath in (":memory:", "") else self._dbpath

    def commit(self):
        Commit changes since last commit.

    def save(self, path=None):
        Save collection to a file.

        @type path: str
        @param path: path where to write the file or None if use the path \
                     that was given to the constructor

        If path ends with .chardb, it's saved as binary db file. Otherwise, it
        will be saved as XML.

        In the latter case, the file extension is used to determine whether the
        file must be saved as plain, gzip-compressed or bzip2-compressed XML.

        If path is omitted, the path that was given to the CharacterCollection
        constructor is used.
        if path is None:
            if self._path is not None:
                # an XML file was provided to constructor
                gzip, bz2 = _gzipbz2(self._path)
                self.write(self._path, gzip=gzip, bz2=bz2)
            if path.endswith(".chardb"):
                if self._dbpath != path:
                    # the collection changed its database name
                    # FIXME: this can rewritten more efficiently with
                    # the ATTACH command
                    if os.path.exists(path):
                    newcc = CharacterCollection(path)
                    del newcc
                gzip, bz2 = _gzipbz2(path)
                self.write(path, gzip=gzip, bz2=bz2)


    def to_stroke_collection(self, dictionary, silent=True):
        @type dictionary: L{CharacterStrokeDictionary
        strokecol = CharacterCollection()
        for char in self.get_all_characters_gen():
            stroke_labels = dictionary.get_strokes(char.get_unicode())[0]
            strokes = char.get_writing().get_strokes(full=True)

            if len(strokes) != len(stroke_labels):
                if silent:
                    raise ValueError, "The number of strokes doesn't " \
                                      "match with reference character"

            for stroke, label in zip(strokes, stroke_labels):
                utf8 = label.encode("utf-8")
                writing = Writing()
                schar = Character()
                strokecol.append_character(utf8, schar)

        return strokecol

    def from_character_directory(directory,
                                 extensions=["xml", "bz2", "gz"],
        Creates a character collection from a directory containing
        individual character files.
        regexp = re.compile("\.(%s)$" % "|".join(extensions))
        charcol = CharacterCollection()

        for name in os.listdir(directory):
            full_path = os.path.join(directory, name)
            if os.path.isdir(full_path) and recursive:
                charcol += CharacterCollection.from_character_directory(
                    full_path, extensions)
            elif regexp.search(full_path):
                char = Character()
                gzip = False
                bz2 = False
                if full_path.endswith(".gz"): gzip = True
                if full_path.endswith(".bz2"): bz2 = True

                    char.read(full_path, gzip=gzip, bz2=bz2)
                except ValueError:
                    continue  # ignore malformed XML files

                utf8 = char.get_utf8()
                if utf8 is None: utf8 = "Unknown"

                if not check_duplicate or \
                   not char in charcol.get_characters(utf8):
                    charcol.append_character(utf8, char)

        return charcol

    def concatenate(self, other, check_duplicate=False):
        Merge two charcols together and return a new charcol

        @type other: CharacterCollection
        new = CharacterCollection()
        new.merge([self, other], check_duplicate=check_duplicate)
        return new

    def merge(self, charcols, check_duplicate=False):
        Merge several charcacter collections into the current collection.

        @type charcols: list
        @param charcols: a list of CharacterCollection to merge

            # it's faster to delete the whole index and rewrite it afterwards
            self._e("""DROP INDEX character_setid_index;""")

            for charcol in charcols:
                for set_name in charcol.get_set_list():

                    if check_duplicate:
                        existing_chars = self.get_characters(set_name)
                        chars = charcol.get_characters(set_name)
                        chars = [c for c in chars if not c in existing_chars]
                        self.append_characters(set_name, chars)
                        chars = charcol.get_character_rows(set_name)
                        self.append_character_rows(set_name, chars)

            self._e("""CREATE INDEX character_setid_index
ON characters(setid);""")

    def __add__(self, other):
        return self.concatenate(other)

    def add_set(self, set_name):
        Add a new set to collection.

        @type set_name: str

    def add_sets(self, set_names):
        Add new sets to collection.

        @type set_names: list of str
        set_names = [(set_name,) for set_name in set_names  \
                        if not set_name in self._SETIDS]
        self._em("INSERT INTO character_sets(name) VALUES (?)", set_names)

    def remove_set(self, set_name):
        Remove set_name from collection.

        @type set_name: str

    def remove_sets(self, set_names):
        Remove set_name from collection.

        @type set_name: str
        set_names = [(set_name, ) for set_name in set_names]
        self._em("DELETE FROM character_sets WHERE name=?", set_names)

    def get_set_list(self):
        Return the sets available in collection.

        @rtype: list of str
        return self._SETIDS.keys()

    def get_n_sets(self):
        Return the number of sets available in collection.

        @rtype: int
        return len(self._SETIDS)

    def get_characters(self, set_name, limit=-1, offset=0):
        Return character belonging to a set.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set characters belong to

        @type limit: int
        @param limit: the number of characters needed or -1 if all

        @type offset: int
        @param offset: the offset to start from (0 if from beginning)

        @rtype: list of L{Character}
        return list(self.get_characters_gen(set_name, limit, offset))

    def get_characters_gen(self, set_name, limit=-1, offset=0):
        Return a generator to iterate over characters. See L{get_characters).
        rows = self.get_character_rows(set_name, limit, offset)
        return (self.get_character_from_row(r) for r in rows)

    def get_character_rows(self, set_name, limit=-1, offset=0):
        i = self._SETIDS[set_name]
            """SELECT * FROM characters
WHERE setid=? ORDER BY charid LIMIT ? OFFSET ?""",
            (i, int(limit), int(offset)))
        return self._fa()

    def get_random_characters(self, n):
        Return characters at random.

        @type n: int
        @param n: number of random characters needed.
        return list(self.get_random_characters_gen(n))

    def get_random_characters_gen(self, n):
        Return a generator to iterate over random characters. See \
            """SELECT DISTINCT * from characters
ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT ?""", (int(n), ))
        return (self.get_character_from_row(r) for r in self._fa())

    def get_n_characters(self, set_name):
        Return the number of character belonging to a set.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set characters belong to

        @rtype int
            i = self._SETIDS[set_name]
            return self._efo(
                """SELECT count(charid) FROM characters
WHERE setid=?""", (i, ))[0]

        except KeyError:
            return 0

    def get_all_characters(self, limit=-1, offset=0):
        Return all characters in collection.

        @type limit: int
        @param limit: the number of characters needed or -1 if all

        @type offset: int
        @param offset: the offset to start from (0 if from beginning)

        @rtype: list of L{Character}
        return list(self.get_all_characters_gen(limit=-1, offset=0))

    def get_all_characters_gen(self, limit=-1, offset=0):
        Return a generator to iterate over all characters. See \
            """SELECT * FROM characters
ORDER BY charid LIMIT ? OFFSET ?""", (int(limit), int(offset)))
        return (self.get_character_from_row(r) for r in self._fa())

    def get_total_n_characters(self):
        Return the total number of characters in collection.

        @rtype: int
        return self._efo("SELECT COUNT(charid) FROM characters")[0]

    def get_total_n_strokes(self):
        Return the total number of strokes in collection.

        @rtype: int
        return self._efo("SELECT SUM(n_strokes) FROM characters")[0]

    def get_average_n_strokes(self, set_name):
        Return the average number of stroke of the characters in that set.
        i = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        return self._efo(
            """SELECT AVG(n_strokes) FROM characters
WHERE setid=?""", (i, ))[0]

    def set_characters(self, set_name, characters):
        Set/Replace the characters of a set.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set that needs be updated

        @type characters: list of L{Character}
        i = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        self._e("DELETE FROM characters WHERE setid=?", (i, ))
        for char in characters:
            self.append_character(set_name, char)

    def append_character(self, set_name, character):
        Append a new character to a set.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set to which the character needs be added

        @type character: L{Character}
        self.append_characters(set_name, [character])

    def append_characters(self, set_name, characters):
        rows = [{
            'utf8': c.get_utf8(),
            'n_strokes': c.get_writing().get_n_strokes(),
            'data': _adapt_character(c),
            'sha1': c.hash()
        } for c in characters]

        self.append_character_rows(set_name, rows)

    def append_character_rows(self, set_name, rows):
        i = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        tupls = [(i, r['utf8'], r['n_strokes'], r['data'], r['sha1']) \
                  for r in rows]

            """INSERT INTO
characters (setid, utf8, n_strokes, data, sha1)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)""", tupls)

    def insert_character(self, set_name, i, character):
        Insert a new character to a set at a given position.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set to which the character needs be inserted

        @type i: int
        @param i: position

        @type character: L{Character}
        chars = self.get_characters(set_name)
        chars.insert(i, character)
        self.set_characters(set_name, chars)

    def remove_character(self, set_name, i):
        Remove a character from a set at a given position.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set from which the character needs be removed

        @type i: int
        @param i: position
        setid = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        charid = self._efo(
            """SELECT charid FROM characters
WHERE setid=? ORDER BY charid LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?""", (setid, i))[0]
        if charid:
            self._e("DELETE FROM characters WHERE charid=?", (charid, ))

    def remove_last_character(self, set_name):
        Remove the last character from a set.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set from which the character needs be removed
        setid = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        charid = self._efo(
            """SELECT charid FROM characters
WHERE setid=? ORDER BY charid DESC LIMIT 1""", (setid, ))[0]
        if charid:
            self._e("DELETE FROM characters WHERE charid=?", (charid, ))

    def update_character_object(self, character):
        Update a character.

        @type character: L{Character}

        character must have been previously retrieved from the collection.
        if not hasattr(character, "charid"):
            raise ValueError, "The character object needs a charid attribute"
            """UPDATE characters
SET utf8=?, n_strokes=?, data=?, sha1=?
WHERE charid=?""",
            (character.get_utf8(), character.get_writing().get_n_strokes(),
             _adapt_character(character), character.hash(), character.charid))

    def replace_character(self, set_name, i, character):
        Replace the character at a given position with a new character.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set where the character needs be replaced

        @type i: int
        @param i: position

        @type character: L{Character}
        setid = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        charid = self._efo(
            """SELECT charid FROM characters
WHERE setid=? ORDER BY charid LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?""", (setid, i))[0]
        if charid:
            character.charid = charid

    def _get_dict_from_text(self, text):
        text = text.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "")
        dic = {}
        for c in text:
            dic[c] = 1
        return dic

    def include_characters_from_text(self, text):
        Only keep characters found in a text.

        Or put differently, remove all characters but those found in a text.

        @type text: str
        dic = self._get_dict_from_text(unicode(text, "utf8"))
        utf8values = ",".join(["'%s'" % k for k in dic.keys()])
        self._e("DELETE FROM characters WHERE utf8 NOT IN(%s)" % utf8values)

    def include_characters_from_files(self, text_files):
        Only keep characters found in text_files.

        @type text_files: list
        @param text_files: a list of file paths
        buf = ""
        for inc_path in text_files:
            f = open(inc_path)
            buf += f.read()

        if len(buf) > 0:

    def exclude_characters_from_text(self, text):
        Exclude characters found in a text.

        @type text: str
        dic = self._get_dict_from_text(unicode(text, "utf8"))
        utf8values = ",".join(["'%s'" % k for k in dic.keys()])
        self._e("DELETE FROM characters WHERE utf8 IN(%s)" % utf8values)

    def exclude_characters_from_files(self, text_files):
        Exclude characters found in text_files.

        @type text_files: list
        @param text_files: a list of file paths
        buf = ""
        for exc_path in text_files:
            f = open(exc_path)
            buf += f.read()

        if len(buf) > 0:

    def remove_samples(self, keep_at_most):
        Remove samples.

        @type keep_at_most: the maximum number of samples to keep.
        for set_name in self.get_set_list():
            if self.get_n_characters(set_name) > keep_at_most:
                setid = self._SETIDS[set_name]
                    """DELETE FROM characters
WHERE charid IN(SELECT charid FROM characters
                WHERE setid=? ORDER BY charid LIMIT -1 OFFSET ?)""",
                    (setid, keep_at_most))

    def _get_set_char_counts(self):
        rows = self._efa("""SELECT setid, COUNT(charid) AS n_chars
FROM characters GROUP BY setid""")
        d = {}
        for row in rows:
            d[row['setid']] = row['n_chars']
        return d

    def remove_empty_sets(self):
        Remove sets that don't include any character.
        charcounts = self._get_set_char_counts()
        empty_sets = []

        for set_name, setid in self._SETIDS.items():
                if charcounts[setid] == 0:
            except KeyError:


    def to_str(self):
        return self.to_xml()

    def to_xml(self):
        Converts collection to XML.

        @rtype: str
        s = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
        s += "<character-collection>\n"

        for set_name in self.get_set_list():
            s += "<set name=\"%s\">\n" % set_name

            for character in self.get_characters(set_name):
                s += "  <character>\n"

                utf8 = character.get_utf8()
                if utf8:
                    s += "    <utf8>%s</utf8>\n" % utf8

                for line in character.get_writing().to_xml().split("\n"):
                    s += "    %s\n" % line

                s += "  </character>\n"

            s += "</set>\n"

        s += "</character-collection>\n"

        return s

    # XML processing...

    def _start_element(self, name, attrs):
        self._tag = name

        if self._first_tag:
            self._first_tag = False
            if self._tag != "character-collection":
                raise ValueError, \
                      "The very first tag should be <character-collection>"

        if self._tag == "set":
            if not attrs.has_key("name"):
                raise ValueError, "<set> should have a name attribute"

            self._curr_set_name = attrs["name"].encode("UTF-8")

        if self._tag == "character":
            self._curr_char = Character()
            self._curr_writing = self._curr_char.get_writing()
            self._curr_width = None
            self._curr_height = None
            self._curr_utf8 = None

        if self._tag == "stroke":
            self._curr_stroke = Stroke()

        elif self._tag == "point":
            point = Point()

            for key in ("x", "y", "pressure", "xtilt", "ytilt", "timestamp"):
                if attrs.has_key(key):
                    value = attrs[key].encode("UTF-8")
                    if key in ("pressure", "xtilt", "ytilt"):
                        value = float(value)
                        value = int(float(value))
                    value = None

                setattr(point, key, value)


    def _end_element(self, name):
        if name == "character-collection":
            for s in [
                    "_tag", "_curr_char", "_curr_writing", "_curr_width",
                    "_curr_height", "_curr_utf8", "_curr_stroke",
                    "_curr_chars", "_curr_set_name"
                if s in self.__dict__:
                    del self.__dict__[s]

        if name == "character":
            if self._curr_utf8:
            if self._curr_width:
            if self._curr_height:
            self.append_character(self._curr_set_name, self._curr_char)

        if name == "stroke":
            if len(self._curr_stroke) > 0:
            self._stroke = None

        self._tag = None

    def _char_data(self, data):
        if self._tag == "utf8":
            self._curr_utf8 = data.encode("UTF-8")
        if self._tag == "width":
            self._curr_width = int(data)
        elif self._tag == "height":
            self._curr_height = int(data)
Пример #10
class CharacterCollection(_XmlBase):
    A collection of L{Characters<Character>}.

    A CharacterCollection is composed of sets.
    Each set can be composed of zero, one, or more characters.

    /!\ Sets do not necessarily contain only characters of the same class
    / utf8 value. Sets may also be used to group characters in other fashions
    (e.g. by number of strokes, by handwriting quality, etc...).
    Therefore the set name is not guaranteed to contain the utf8 value of
    the characters of that set. The utf8 value must be retrieved from each
    character individually.

    Building character collection objects

    A character collection can be built from scratch progmatically:

    >>> char = Character()
    >>> charcol = CharacterCollection()
    >>> charcol.add_set("my set")
    >>> charcol.append_character("my set", char)

    Reading XML files

    A character collection can be read from an XML file:

    >>> charcol = CharacterCollection()
    >>> charcol.read("myfile")

    Gzip-compressed and bzip2-compressed XML files can also be read:

    >>> charcol = CharacterCollection()
    >>> charcol.read("myfilegz", gzip=True)

    >>> charcol = Character()
    >>> charcol.read("myfilebz", bz2=True)

    A similar method read_string exists to read the XML from a string
    instead of a file.

    For convenience, you can directly load a character collection by passing it
    the file to load. In that case, compression is automatically detected based
    on file extension (.gz, .bz2).

    >>> charcol = Character("myfile.xml.gz")

    The recommended extension for XML character collection files is .charcol.

    Writing XML files

    A character collection can be saved to an XML file by using the write()

    >>> charcol.write("myfile")

    The write method has gzip and bz2 arguments just like read(). In addition,
    there is a write_string method which generates a string instead of a file.

    For convenience, you can save a character collection with the save() method.
    It automatically detects compression based on the file extension.

    >>> charcol.save("mynewfile.xml.bz2")

    If the CharacterCollection object was passed a file when it was constructed,
    the path can ce omitted.

    >>> charcol = Character("myfile.gz")
    >>> charcol.save()

    Using .chardb files

    XML files allow to retain human-readability and are ideal for small
    character collections. However, they force the whole database to be kept
    in memory. For larger collections, it's recommended to use .chardb files
    instead. Their loading is faster and the whole collection doesn't
    need be kept entirely in memory. However human-readability ist lost.

    >>> charcol = CharacterCollection("charcol.chardb")
    >>> charcol.save()

    The .chardb extension is required.

    #: With WRITE_BACK set to True, proxy objects are returned in place of
    #: character, writing, stroke and point objects in order to automatically
    #: reflect changes to these objects back to the sqlite db.
    #: However, there is probably overhead usigng them.
    WRITE_BACK = True

    def get_auto_commit(self):
        return True if self._con.isolation_level is None else False

    def set_auto_commit(self, auto):
        self._con.isolation_level = None if auto else ""

    #: With AUTO_COMMIT set to true, data is immediately written to disk
    AUTO_COMMIT = property(get_auto_commit, set_auto_commit)

    DTD = \
<!ELEMENT character-collection (set*)>
<!ELEMENT set (character*)>

<!-- The name attribute identifies a set uniquely -->

<!ELEMENT character (utf8?,width?,height?,strokes)>
<!ELEMENT width (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT height (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT strokes (stroke+)>
<!ELEMENT stroke (point+)>

<!ATTLIST point timestamp CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST point pressure CDATA #IMPLIED>

    def __init__(self, path=":memory:"):
        Construct a collection.

        @type path: str
        @param path: an XML file or a DB file (see also L{bind})
        if path is None:
            path = ":memory:"

        if not path in ("", ":memory:") and not path.endswith(".chardb"):
            # this should be an XML character collection

            gzip, bz2 = _gzipbz2(path)


            self.read(path, gzip=gzip, bz2=bz2)

            self._path = path # contains the path to the xml file
            # this should be either a .chardb, ":memory:" or ""
            self._path = None

    # DB utils

    def _e(self, req, *a, **kw):
        #print req, a, kw
        return self._c.execute(req, *a, **kw)

    def _em(self, req, *a, **kw):
        #print req, a, kw
        return self._c.executemany(req, *a, **kw)

    def _fo(self):
        return self._c.fetchone()

    def _fa(self):
        return self._c.fetchall()

    def _efo(self, req, *a, **kw):
        self._e(req, *a, **kw)
        return self._fo()

    def _efa(self, req, *a, **kw):
        self._e(req, *a, **kw)
        return self._fa()

    def _has_tables(self):
        self._e("SELECT count(type) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'")
        return self._fo()[0] > 0

    def _create_tables(self):
CREATE TABLE character_sets(
  name     TEXT

CREATE TABLE characters(
  setid      INTEGER REFERENCES character_sets,
  utf8       TEXT,
  n_strokes  INTEGER,
  data       BLOB, -- gz xml
  sha1       TEXT

CREATE INDEX character_setid_index ON characters(setid);

    def get_character_from_row(self, row):
        # charid, setid, utf8, n_strokes, data, sha1
        char = _convert_character(row['data'])
        char.charid = row['charid']
        if self.WRITE_BACK:
            return CharacterProxy(self._charpool, char)
            return char

    def _update_set_ids(self):
        self._SETIDS = SortedDict()
        for row in self._efa("SELECT * FROM character_sets ORDER BY setid"):
            self._SETIDS[row['name'].encode("utf8")] = row['setid']

    # Public API

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<CharacterCollection %d characters (ref %d)>" % \
                    (self.get_total_n_characters(), id(self))

    def bind(self, path):
        Bind database to a db file.

        All changes to the previous binded database will be lost
        if you haven't committed changes with commit().

        @type path: str

        Possible values for path:
            ":memory:"                  for fully in memory database

            ""                          for a in memory database that uses
                                        temp files under pressure

            "/path/to/file.chardb"      for file-based database
        self._con = sqlite3.connect(path)
        self._con.text_factory = sqlite3.OptimizedUnicode
        self._con.row_factory = _dict_factory #sqlite3.Row
        self._c = self._con.cursor()
        self._charpool = _CharPool(self._c)

        if not self._has_tables():

        self._dbpath = path

    def get_db_filename(self):
        Returns the db file which is internally used by the collection.

        @rtype: str or None
        @return: file path or None if in memory db
        return None if self._dbpath in (":memory:", "") else self._dbpath

    def commit(self):
        Commit changes since last commit.

    def save(self, path=None):
        Save collection to a file.

        @type path: str
        @param path: path where to write the file or None if use the path \
                     that was given to the constructor

        If path ends with .chardb, it's saved as binary db file. Otherwise, it
        will be saved as XML.

        In the latter case, the file extension is used to determine whether the
        file must be saved as plain, gzip-compressed or bzip2-compressed XML.

        If path is omitted, the path that was given to the CharacterCollection
        constructor is used.
        if path is None:
            if self._path is not None:
                # an XML file was provided to constructor
                gzip, bz2 = _gzipbz2(self._path)
                self.write(self._path, gzip=gzip, bz2=bz2)
            if path.endswith(".chardb"):
                if self._dbpath != path:
                    # the collection changed its database name
                    # FIXME: this can rewritten more efficiently with
                    # the ATTACH command
                    if os.path.exists(path):
                    newcc = CharacterCollection(path)
                    del newcc
                gzip, bz2 = _gzipbz2(path)
                self.write(path, gzip=gzip, bz2=bz2)


    def to_stroke_collection(self, dictionary, silent=True):
        @type dictionary: L{CharacterStrokeDictionary
        strokecol = CharacterCollection()
        for char in self.get_all_characters_gen():
            stroke_labels = dictionary.get_strokes(char.get_unicode())[0]
            strokes = char.get_writing().get_strokes(full=True)

            if len(strokes) != len(stroke_labels):
                if silent:
                    raise ValueError, "The number of strokes doesn't " \
                                      "match with reference character"

            for stroke, label in zip(strokes, stroke_labels):
                utf8 = label.encode("utf-8")
                writing = Writing()
                schar = Character()
                strokecol.append_character(utf8, schar)

        return strokecol

    def from_character_directory(directory,
                                 extensions=["xml", "bz2", "gz"],
        Creates a character collection from a directory containing
        individual character files.
        regexp = re.compile("\.(%s)$" % "|".join(extensions))
        charcol = CharacterCollection()

        for name in os.listdir(directory):
            full_path = os.path.join(directory, name)
            if os.path.isdir(full_path) and recursive:
                charcol += CharacterCollection.from_character_directory(
                               full_path, extensions)
            elif regexp.search(full_path):
                char = Character()
                gzip = False; bz2 = False
                if full_path.endswith(".gz"): gzip = True
                if full_path.endswith(".bz2"): bz2 = True

                    char.read(full_path, gzip=gzip, bz2=bz2)
                except ValueError:
                    continue # ignore malformed XML files

                utf8 = char.get_utf8()
                if utf8 is None: utf8 = "Unknown"

                if not check_duplicate or \
                   not char in charcol.get_characters(utf8):
                    charcol.append_character(utf8, char)

        return charcol

    def concatenate(self, other, check_duplicate=False):
        Merge two charcols together and return a new charcol

        @type other: CharacterCollection
        new = CharacterCollection()
        new.merge([self, other], check_duplicate=check_duplicate)
        return new

    def merge(self, charcols, check_duplicate=False):
        Merge several charcacter collections into the current collection.

        @type charcols: list
        @param charcols: a list of CharacterCollection to merge

            # it's faster to delete the whole index and rewrite it afterwards
            self._e("""DROP INDEX character_setid_index;""")

            for charcol in charcols:
                for set_name in charcol.get_set_list():

                    if check_duplicate:
                        existing_chars = self.get_characters(set_name)
                        chars = charcol.get_characters(set_name)
                        chars = [c for c in chars if not c in existing_chars]
                        self.append_characters(set_name, chars)
                        chars = charcol.get_character_rows(set_name)
                        self.append_character_rows(set_name, chars)

            self._e("""CREATE INDEX character_setid_index
ON characters(setid);""")

    def __add__(self, other):
        return self.concatenate(other)

    def add_set(self, set_name):
        Add a new set to collection.

        @type set_name: str

    def add_sets(self, set_names):
        Add new sets to collection.

        @type set_names: list of str
        set_names = [(set_name,) for set_name in set_names  \
                        if not set_name in self._SETIDS]
        self._em("INSERT INTO character_sets(name) VALUES (?)", set_names)

    def remove_set(self, set_name):
        Remove set_name from collection.

        @type set_name: str

    def remove_sets(self, set_names):
        Remove set_name from collection.

        @type set_name: str
        set_names = [(set_name,) for set_name in set_names]
        self._em("DELETE FROM character_sets WHERE name=?", set_names)

    def get_set_list(self):
        Return the sets available in collection.

        @rtype: list of str
        return self._SETIDS.keys()

    def get_n_sets(self):
        Return the number of sets available in collection.

        @rtype: int
        return len(self._SETIDS)

    def get_characters(self, set_name, limit=-1, offset=0):
        Return character belonging to a set.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set characters belong to

        @type limit: int
        @param limit: the number of characters needed or -1 if all

        @type offset: int
        @param offset: the offset to start from (0 if from beginning)

        @rtype: list of L{Character}
        return list(self.get_characters_gen(set_name, limit, offset))

    def get_characters_gen(self, set_name, limit=-1, offset=0):
        Return a generator to iterate over characters. See L{get_characters).
        rows = self.get_character_rows(set_name, limit, offset)
        return (self.get_character_from_row(r) for r in rows)

    def get_character_rows(self, set_name, limit=-1, offset=0):
        i = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        self._e("""SELECT * FROM characters
WHERE setid=? ORDER BY charid LIMIT ? OFFSET ?""", (i, int(limit), int(offset)))
        return self._fa()

    def get_random_characters(self, n):
        Return characters at random.

        @type n: int
        @param n: number of random characters needed.
        return list(self.get_random_characters_gen(n))

    def get_random_characters_gen(self, n):
        Return a generator to iterate over random characters. See \
        self._e("""SELECT DISTINCT * from characters
ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT ?""", (int(n),))
        return (self.get_character_from_row(r) for r in self._fa())

    def get_n_characters(self, set_name):
        Return the number of character belonging to a set.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set characters belong to

        @rtype int
            i = self._SETIDS[set_name]
            return self._efo("""SELECT count(charid) FROM characters
WHERE setid=?""", (i,))[0]

        except KeyError:
            return 0

    def get_all_characters(self, limit=-1, offset=0):
        Return all characters in collection.

        @type limit: int
        @param limit: the number of characters needed or -1 if all

        @type offset: int
        @param offset: the offset to start from (0 if from beginning)

        @rtype: list of L{Character}
        return list(self.get_all_characters_gen(limit=-1, offset=0))

    def get_all_characters_gen(self, limit=-1, offset=0):
        Return a generator to iterate over all characters. See \
        self._e("""SELECT * FROM characters
ORDER BY charid LIMIT ? OFFSET ?""", (int(limit), int(offset)))
        return (self.get_character_from_row(r) for r in self._fa())

    def get_total_n_characters(self):
        Return the total number of characters in collection.

        @rtype: int
        return self._efo("SELECT COUNT(charid) FROM characters")[0]

    def get_total_n_strokes(self):
        Return the total number of strokes in collection.

        @rtype: int
        return self._efo("SELECT SUM(n_strokes) FROM characters")[0]

    def get_average_n_strokes(self, set_name):
        Return the average number of stroke of the characters in that set.
        i = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        return self._efo("""SELECT AVG(n_strokes) FROM characters
WHERE setid=?""", (i,))[0]

    def set_characters(self, set_name, characters):
        Set/Replace the characters of a set.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set that needs be updated

        @type characters: list of L{Character}
        i = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        self._e("DELETE FROM characters WHERE setid=?", (i,))
        for char in characters:
            self.append_character(set_name, char)

    def append_character(self, set_name, character):
        Append a new character to a set.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set to which the character needs be added

        @type character: L{Character}
        self.append_characters(set_name, [character])

    def append_characters(self, set_name, characters):
        rows = [{'utf8':c.get_utf8(),
                 'sha1':c.hash()} for c in characters]

        self.append_character_rows(set_name, rows)

    def append_character_rows(self, set_name, rows):
        i = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        tupls = [(i, r['utf8'], r['n_strokes'], r['data'], r['sha1']) \
                  for r in rows]

        self._em("""INSERT INTO
characters (setid, utf8, n_strokes, data, sha1)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)""", tupls)

    def insert_character(self, set_name, i, character):
        Insert a new character to a set at a given position.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set to which the character needs be inserted

        @type i: int
        @param i: position

        @type character: L{Character}
        chars = self.get_characters(set_name)
        chars.insert(i, character)
        self.set_characters(set_name, chars)

    def remove_character(self, set_name, i):
        Remove a character from a set at a given position.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set from which the character needs be removed

        @type i: int
        @param i: position
        setid = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        charid = self._efo("""SELECT charid FROM characters
WHERE setid=? ORDER BY charid LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?""", (setid, i))[0]
        if charid:
            self._e("DELETE FROM characters WHERE charid=?", (charid,))

    def remove_last_character(self, set_name):
        Remove the last character from a set.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set from which the character needs be removed
        setid = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        charid = self._efo("""SELECT charid FROM characters
WHERE setid=? ORDER BY charid DESC LIMIT 1""", (setid,))[0]
        if charid:
            self._e("DELETE FROM characters WHERE charid=?", (charid,))

    def update_character_object(self, character):
        Update a character.

        @type character: L{Character}

        character must have been previously retrieved from the collection.
        if not hasattr(character, "charid"):
            raise ValueError, "The character object needs a charid attribute"
        self._e("""UPDATE characters
SET utf8=?, n_strokes=?, data=?, sha1=?
WHERE charid=?""", (character.get_utf8(),

    def replace_character(self, set_name, i, character):
        Replace the character at a given position with a new character.

        @type set_name: str
        @param set_name: the set where the character needs be replaced

        @type i: int
        @param i: position

        @type character: L{Character}
        setid = self._SETIDS[set_name]
        charid = self._efo("""SELECT charid FROM characters
WHERE setid=? ORDER BY charid LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?""", (setid, i))[0]
        if charid:
            character.charid = charid

    def _get_dict_from_text(self, text):
        text = text.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "")
        dic = {}
        for c in text:
            dic[c] = 1
        return dic

    def include_characters_from_text(self, text):
        Only keep characters found in a text.

        Or put differently, remove all characters but those found in a text.

        @type text: str
        dic = self._get_dict_from_text(unicode(text, "utf8"))
        utf8values = ",".join(["'%s'" % k for k in dic.keys()])
        self._e("DELETE FROM characters WHERE utf8 NOT IN(%s)" % utf8values)

    def include_characters_from_files(self, text_files):
        Only keep characters found in text_files.

        @type text_files: list
        @param text_files: a list of file paths
        buf = ""
        for inc_path in text_files:
            f = open(inc_path)
            buf += f.read()

        if len(buf) > 0:

    def exclude_characters_from_text(self, text):
        Exclude characters found in a text.

        @type text: str
        dic = self._get_dict_from_text(unicode(text, "utf8"))
        utf8values = ",".join(["'%s'" % k for k in dic.keys()])
        self._e("DELETE FROM characters WHERE utf8 IN(%s)" % utf8values)

    def exclude_characters_from_files(self, text_files):
        Exclude characters found in text_files.

        @type text_files: list
        @param text_files: a list of file paths
        buf = ""
        for exc_path in text_files:
            f = open(exc_path)
            buf += f.read()

        if len(buf) > 0:

    def remove_samples(self, keep_at_most):
        Remove samples.

        @type keep_at_most: the maximum number of samples to keep.
        for set_name in self.get_set_list():
            if self.get_n_characters(set_name) > keep_at_most:
                setid = self._SETIDS[set_name]
                self._e("""DELETE FROM characters
WHERE charid IN(SELECT charid FROM characters
                WHERE setid=? ORDER BY charid LIMIT -1 OFFSET ?)""",
                        (setid, keep_at_most))

    def _get_set_char_counts(self):
        rows = self._efa("""SELECT setid, COUNT(charid) AS n_chars
FROM characters GROUP BY setid""")
        d = {}
        for row in rows:
            d[row['setid']] = row['n_chars']
        return d

    def remove_empty_sets(self):
        Remove sets that don't include any character.
        charcounts = self._get_set_char_counts()
        empty_sets = []

        for set_name, setid in self._SETIDS.items():
                if charcounts[setid] == 0:
            except KeyError:


    def to_str(self):
        return self.to_xml()

    def to_xml(self):
        Converts collection to XML.

        @rtype: str
        s = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
        s += "<character-collection>\n"

        for set_name in self.get_set_list():
            s += "<set name=\"%s\">\n" % set_name

            for character in self.get_characters(set_name):
                s += "  <character>\n"

                utf8 = character.get_utf8()
                if utf8:
                    s += "    <utf8>%s</utf8>\n" % utf8

                for line in character.get_writing().to_xml().split("\n"):
                    s += "    %s\n" % line

                s += "  </character>\n"

            s += "</set>\n"

        s += "</character-collection>\n"

        return s

    # XML processing...

    def _start_element(self, name, attrs):
        self._tag = name

        if self._first_tag:
            self._first_tag = False
            if self._tag != "character-collection":
                raise ValueError, \
                      "The very first tag should be <character-collection>"

        if self._tag == "set":
            if not attrs.has_key("name"):
                raise ValueError, "<set> should have a name attribute"

            self._curr_set_name = attrs["name"].encode("UTF-8")

        if self._tag == "character":
            self._curr_char = Character()
            self._curr_writing = self._curr_char.get_writing()
            self._curr_width = None
            self._curr_height = None
            self._curr_utf8 = None

        if self._tag == "stroke":
            self._curr_stroke = Stroke()

        elif self._tag == "point":
            point = Point()

            for key in ("x", "y", "pressure", "xtilt", "ytilt", "timestamp"):
                if attrs.has_key(key):
                    value = attrs[key].encode("UTF-8")
                    if key in ("pressure", "xtilt", "ytilt"):
                        value = float(value)
                        value = int(float(value))
                    value = None

                setattr(point, key, value)


    def _end_element(self, name):
        if name == "character-collection":
            for s in ["_tag", "_curr_char", "_curr_writing", "_curr_width",
                      "_curr_height", "_curr_utf8", "_curr_stroke",
                      "_curr_chars", "_curr_set_name"]:
                if s in self.__dict__:
                    del self.__dict__[s]

        if name == "character":
            if self._curr_utf8:
            if self._curr_width:
            if self._curr_height:
            self.append_character(self._curr_set_name, self._curr_char)

        if name == "stroke":
            if len(self._curr_stroke) > 0:
            self._stroke = None

        self._tag = None

    def _char_data(self, data):
        if self._tag == "utf8":
            self._curr_utf8 = data.encode("UTF-8")
        if self._tag == "width":
            self._curr_width = int(data)
        elif self._tag == "height":
            self._curr_height = int(data)