Пример #1
def test_plane_obs():
    modfile = resource_filename('telewavesim',
    model = ut.read_model(modfile)
    npts = 2000
    wvtype = 'P'
    dt = 0.05
    slow = 0.04
    baz = 0.
    dp = 1000
    c = 1.5
    rhof = 1027

    ut.wave2for(dt, slow, baz)
    ut.obs2for(dp, c, rhof)
    yx, yy, yz = pw_f.plane_obs(npts, model.nlay, np.array(wvtype, dtype='c'))
    ux = np.real(fft(yx))
    uy = np.real(fft(yy))
    uz = np.real(fft(yz))

    # seismogram should be maximized on vertical component
    assert np.max(np.abs(uz)) > np.max(np.abs(ux)) > np.max(np.abs(uy)), \
        'Failed! Energy is not maximized on vertical component'

    # tangential component should all be close to zero
    assert np.allclose(uy, np.zeros(len(uy))), 'non-zero values in uy'
Пример #2
def test_plane_obs(load_params):

    yx, yy, yz = pw_f.plane_obs(cf.nt, cf.nlay, np.array(cf.wvtype, dtype='c'))
    ux = np.real(pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fft(yx))
    uy = np.real(pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fft(yy))
    uz = np.real(pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fft(yz))

    # seismogram should be maximized on vertical component
    assert np.max(np.abs(uz)) > np.max(np.abs(ux)) > np.max(np.abs(uy)), \
        'Failed! Energy is not maximized on vertical component'

    # tangential component should all be close to zero
    assert np.allclose(uy, np.zeros(len(uy))), 'non-zero values in uy'
Пример #3
def run_plane(obs=False):
    Function to run the ``plane`` module and return 3-component seismograms as an ``obspy``
    ``Stream`` object. 

    .. note:: 

       The ``conf`` global variables need to be set for this calculation
       to succeed. This function first checks to make sure the variables are all set
       before executing the main ``telewavesim.rmat_f.plane_****`` function. 

        fortran (book, option): Whether or not the Fortran modules are used
        obs (bool, optional): Whether or not the analysis is done for an OBS stations

        (obspy.stream): trxyz: Stream containing 3-component displacement seismograms


    # Check if all variables are set. If not, throw an Exception and stop

    # Pass  variables to Fortran conf

    # Run the ``plane`` module depending on land or OBS case.
    if obs:

        # If OBS, then further pass OBS-related paramters to Fortran conf

        # Get the Fourier transform of seismograms for ``obs``case
        yx, yy, yz = pw_f.plane_obs(cf.nt,cf.nlay,np.array(cf.wvtype, dtype='c'))


        # Get the Fourier transform of seismograms for ``land`` case
        yx, yy, yz = pw_f.plane_land(cf.nt,cf.nlay,np.array(cf.wvtype, dtype='c'))

    # Transfer displacement seismograms to an ``obspy`` ``Stream`` object.
    trxyz = get_trxyz(yx, yy, yz)

    return trxyz
Пример #4
def run_plane(model,
    Function to run the ``plane`` module and return 3-component seismograms as
    an ``obspy.Stream`` object. This function builds the seismic response
    spectrum by frequency using the matrix propagation approach.
    Required arguments are the seismic model, slowness value, and the sampling
    properties (maximum number of samples and
    the sampling distance in seconds).

    By default, the function uses a back-azimuth value of 0 degree,
    which is suitable for events coming from the North pole or isotropic
    seismic velocity models (i.e., those that do not vary with direction of
    incoming waves).
    For anisotropic velocity models, users need to specify the back-azimuth
    value in degrees. Furthermore, the default type of the incoming
    teleseismic body wave is ``'P'`` for compressional wave. Other options are
    ``'SV'``, ``'SH'``, or ``'Si'`` for vertically-polarized shear wave,
    horizontally-polarized shear wave or isotropic shear wave, respectively.
    Wave modes cannot be mixed.

    Finally, it is possible to simulate the seismic response for ocean-bottom
    seismic (OBS) stations using the flag ``obs=True``. If the flag is set to
    ``True``, the user can specify the water depth below sea level
    (in meters, positive value) as well as the properties of the sea water
    (defaults are acoustic wavespeed of 1.5 km/s and density of 1027 kg/m^3).

        model (Model):
            Instance of the ``Model`` class that contains the physical
            properties of subsurface layers.
        slow (float): Slowness (s/km)
        baz (float): Back-azimuth (degree)
        npts (int): Number of samples in time series
        dt (float): Sampling distance (s)
        baz (float, optional): Back-azimuth (degree)
        wvtype (str, optional, default: ``'P'``):
            Incident wavetype (``'P'``, ``'SV'``, ``'SH'``, ``'Si'``)
        obs (bool, optional):
            Whether or not the analysis is done for an OBS stations
        dp (float, optional): Deployment depth below sea level (m)
        c (float, optional):
            P-wave velocity of salt water (default = ``1.5`` km/s)
        rhof (float, optional):
            Density of salt water (default = ``1027.0`` kg/m^3)

            trxyz: Stream containing 3-component displacement seismograms


    Basic example:

    >>> from telewavesim import utils
    >>> # Define three-layer model with isotropic crust and antigorite upper mantle layer over isotropic half-space
    >>> model = utils.Model([20, 10, 0], [2800., None, 3300.], [4.6, 0, 6.0], [2.6, 0, 3.6], ['iso', 'atg', 'iso'], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0])
    >>> slow = 0.06     # s/km
    >>> npts = 1500
    >>> dt = 0.025      # s
    >>> st = utils.run_plane(model, slow, npts, dt)

    >>> type(st)
    <class 'obspy.core.stream.Stream'>
    >>> print(st)
    3 Trace(s) in Stream:
    ...N | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples
    ...E | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples
    ...Z | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples
    >>> st.plot(size=(600, 450))

    .. figure:: ../telewavesim/examples/picture/Figure_land.png
       :align: center

    OBS station:

    >>> from telewavesim import utils
    >>> # Define two-layer model with foliated eclogitic crust over isotropic half-space
    >>> model = utils.Model([20, 0], [None, 3300.], [0, 6.0], [0, 3.6], ['EC_f', 'iso'], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0])
    >>> slow = 0.06     # s/km
    >>> npts = 3000
    >>> dt = 0.01      # s
    >>> wvtype = 'SV'
    >>> baz = 45.
    >>> dp = 1000.
    >>> st = utils.run_plane(model, slow, npts, dt, baz=baz, wvtype=wvtype, obs=True, dp=dp)
    >>> st.plot(size=(600, 450))

    .. figure:: ../telewavesim/examples/picture/Figure_obs.png
       :align: center


    # Pass  variables to Fortran conf
    wave2for(dt, slow, baz)

    # Run the ``plane`` module depending on land or OBS case.
    if obs:

        # If OBS, then further pass OBS-related paramters to Fortran conf
        obs2for(dp, c, rhof)

        # Get the Fourier transform of seismograms for ``obs``case
        yx, yy, yz = pw_f.plane_obs(npts, model.nlay,
                                    np.array(wvtype, dtype='c'))


        # Get the Fourier transform of seismograms for ``land`` case
        yx, yy, yz = pw_f.plane_land(npts, model.nlay,
                                     np.array(wvtype, dtype='c'))

    # Transfer displacement seismograms to an ``obspy`` ``Stream`` object.
    trxyz = get_trxyz(yx, yy, yz, npts, dt, slow, baz, wvtype)

    return trxyz