Пример #1
    def end_flow_activity(self, org):
        self._log(" > Ending flow %s for in org %s\n" % (org.cache['activity']['flow'].name, org.name))

        org.cache['activity'] = None

        runs = FlowRun.objects.filter(org=org, is_active=True)
        FlowRun.bulk_exit(runs, FlowRun.EXIT_TYPE_EXPIRED)
def apply_manual():
    from temba.flows.models import Flow, FlowRun

    flows = Flow.objects.filter(is_archived=True)
    for flow in flows:
        runs = FlowRun.objects.filter(is_active=True, exit_type=None, flow_id=flow.id)
        FlowRun.bulk_exit(runs, FlowRun.EXIT_TYPE_INTERRUPTED)
Пример #3
    def end_flow_activity(self, org):
        self._log(" > Ending flow %s for in org %s\n" % (org.cache["activity"]["flow"].name, org.name))

        org.cache["activity"] = None

        runs = FlowRun.objects.filter(org=org, is_active=True)
        FlowRun.bulk_exit(runs, FlowRun.EXIT_TYPE_EXPIRED)
Пример #4
def remove_expired_flows_from_active(apps, schema_editor):
    r = get_redis_connection()
    for key in r.keys('*:step_active_set:*'):
        # make sure our flow run activity is removed
        runs = FlowRun.objects.filter(pk__in=r.smembers(key),
        FlowRun.bulk_exit(runs, FlowRun.EXIT_TYPE_EXPIRED)
Пример #5
def remove_never_expirations(apps, schema_editor):
    from temba.flows.models import Flow, FlowRun

    # for every flow that has an expiration set to 0
    for flow in Flow.objects.filter(expires_after_minutes=0):
        # set the expiration to 30 days
        flow.expires_after_minutes = 60 * 24 * 30

        # recalculate expiration on any active runs (possibly expiring them)
        for run in FlowRun.objects.filter(flow=flow, is_active=True):
            run.flow = flow
            if run.path:
                last_arrived_on = iso8601.parse_date(run.path[-1]["arrived_on"])

    # check and expire any flows that are now expired
    runs = FlowRun.objects.filter(is_active=True, expires_on__lte=timezone.now()).order_by("expires_on")
    FlowRun.bulk_exit(runs, FlowRun.EXIT_TYPE_EXPIRED)
Пример #6
def exit_active_flowruns(Contact, log=False):
    from temba.flows.models import FlowRun

    exit_runs = []

    # find all contacts that have more than one active run
    active_contact_ids = Contact.objects.filter(runs__is_active=True).order_by('id')\
        .annotate(run_count=Count('id')).filter(run_count__gt=1).values_list('id', flat=True)

    if log:
        print "%d contacts to evaluate runs for" % len(active_contact_ids)

    for idx, contact_id in enumerate(active_contact_ids):
        active_runs = FlowRun.objects.filter(
            contact_id=contact_id, is_active=True).order_by('-modified_on')

        # more than one? we may need to expire some
        if len(active_runs) > 1:
            last = active_runs[0]
            contact_exit_runs = [r.id for r in active_runs[1:]]
            ancestor = last.parent
            while ancestor:
                ancestor = ancestor.parent

            exit_runs += contact_exit_runs

        if (idx % 100) == 0:
            if log:
                print "  - %d / %d contacts evaluated. %d runs to exit" % (
                    idx, len(active_contact_ids), len(exit_runs))

    # ok, now exit those runs
    exited = 0
    for batch in chunk_list(exit_runs, 1000):
        runs = FlowRun.objects.filter(id__in=batch)
        FlowRun.bulk_exit(runs, FlowRun.EXIT_TYPE_INTERRUPTED, timezone.now())

        exited += len(batch)
        if log:
            print " * %d / %d runs exited." % (exited, len(exit_runs))
Пример #7
def exit_active_flowruns(Contact, log=False):
    from temba.flows.models import FlowRun

    exit_runs = []

    # find all contacts that have more than one active run
    active_contact_ids = Contact.objects.filter(runs__is_active=True).order_by('id')\
        .annotate(run_count=Count('id')).filter(run_count__gt=1).values_list('id', flat=True)

    if log:
        print "%d contacts to evaluate runs for" % len(active_contact_ids)

    for idx, contact_id in enumerate(active_contact_ids):
        active_runs = FlowRun.objects.filter(contact_id=contact_id, is_active=True).order_by('-modified_on')

        # more than one? we may need to expire some
        if len(active_runs) > 1:
            last = active_runs[0]
            contact_exit_runs = [r.id for r in active_runs[1:]]
            ancestor = last.parent
            while ancestor:
                ancestor = ancestor.parent

            exit_runs += contact_exit_runs

        if (idx % 100) == 0:
            if log:
                print "  - %d / %d contacts evaluated. %d runs to exit" % (idx, len(active_contact_ids), len(exit_runs))

    # ok, now exit those runs
    exited = 0
    for batch in chunk_list(exit_runs, 1000):
        runs = FlowRun.objects.filter(id__in=batch)
        FlowRun.bulk_exit(runs, FlowRun.EXIT_TYPE_INTERRUPTED, timezone.now())

        exited += len(batch)
        if log:
            print " * %d / %d runs exited." % (exited, len(exit_runs))
Пример #8
def enable_flow_server(org):
    Enables the flow server for an org. This switches all flows to be flow-server-enabled and switched all handling
    to take place through Mailroom going forward. Note that people currently in flows will be interrupted and there's
    no going back after doing this.
    from temba.flows.models import FlowRun

    # update all channels (we do this first as this may throw and we don't want to do the rest unless it succeeds)
    for channel in org.channels.filter(is_active=True):
        channel_type = channel.get_type()

    # interrupt all active runs

    # flip all flows

    # finally flip our org
    org.flow_server_enabled = True
    org.save(update_fields=["flow_server_enabled", "modified_on"])
def remove_expired_flows_from_active(apps, schema_editor):
    r = get_redis_connection()
    for key in r.keys('*:step_active_set:*'):
        # make sure our flow run activity is removed
        runs = FlowRun.objects.filter(pk__in=r.smembers(key), is_active=False, contact__is_test=False)
        FlowRun.bulk_exit(runs, FlowRun.EXIT_TYPE_EXPIRED)