Пример #1
def returnData():
  global setPoint
  templateData = {
    #'title' : 'HELLO!',
    #'time': timeString,
    relay17: not GPIO.input(17),
    relay22: not GPIO.input(22),
    relay23: not GPIO.input(23),
    relay27: not GPIO.input(27),
    temperature: tempSensor.getTemp("C"),
    setPoint: setPoint
  return templateData
f = open(fileName, 'w')
f.write('[]')  # reset the data

time.sleep(abs(time.time() % -5))  # wait till the next whole 5 seconds
starttime = time.time()

localCopy = []  # contains data of this session

while True:
    t = time.localtime()
    t = ':'.join([str(i).zfill(2) for i in [t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec]
                  ])  # time in hh:mm:ss

    externalTemp = tempSensor.getTemp()  # (water) temperature probe

    coreTemp = os.popen('/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp').read()
    coreTemp = coreTemp[coreTemp.index('=') +
                        1:-3]  # raspberry pi core temperature

    # Gyro Sensors

    heading, roll, pitch = bno.read_euler()  # direction
    sys, gyro, accel, mag = bno.get_calibration_status()  # idk why this
    x, y, z = bno.read_magnetometer()  # magnetic field
    magField = pow(x**2 + y**2 + z**2, 0.5)  # absolute value
    magField = magField / 100  # 100 microTesla = 1 Gauss

    x, y, z = bno.read_linear_acceleration()  # without gravity
Пример #3
def getDataFragment():
    Collects data from the various sensors and returns them as a list

        data: A list of all the different sensor values
    global gyroRunning

    # get the current time
    t = time.localtime()
    t = ':'.join([str(i).zfill(2) for i in [t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec]])

    # try to get the data from the temperature probe if it is enabled
        if TEMPSENSOR:
            externalTemp = round(tempSensor.getTemp(), 2)
            # no temperature probe data
            externalTemp = -1
        # some error occurred
        externalTemp = 'Error'

        # try to get the core temperature of the raspberry pi
        coreTemp = os.popen('/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp').read()
        coreTemp = round(float(coreTemp[coreTemp.index('=') + 1:-3]), 2)
        # some error occurred
        coreTemp = 'Error'

    # Gyro Sensors
        heading, roll, pitch = bno.read_euler()

        # remove the initial state to get
        # orientation relative to its start point
        heading -= defaultRotation['heading']
        roll -= defaultRotation['roll']
        pitch -= defaultRotation['pitch']

        # round data
        heading = round(heading, 2)
        roll = round(roll, 2)
        pitch = round(pitch, 2)

        # unused
        sys, gyro, accel, mag = bno.get_calibration_status()

        # read magnetic field
        x, y, z = bno.read_magnetometer()

        # take the absolute value of the magnetic field and turn it into gauss
        magField = pow(x**2 + y**2 + z**2, 0.5)
        magField = round(magField / 100, 3)  # 100 microTesla = 1 Gauss

        # get linear acceleration
        x, y, z = bno.read_linear_acceleration()

        # for removing strange acceleration picked up when there is none
        # btw read_linear_acceleration() takes out gravity already
        x -= defaultAcc['x']
        y -= defaultAcc['y']
        z -= defaultAcc['z']

        # round data
        x = round(x, 3)
        y = round(y, 3)
        z = round(z, 3)

        # round the temp too
        # this is the temperature of the gyro,
        # which shows internal ROV temperature
        internalTemp = round(bno.read_temp(), 2)

        # all the data will be displayed on an html page so if the
        # values have too many decimal places it will mess up the html table
        # exception in getting data

        heading, roll, pitch = 'Error', 'Error', 'Error'
        magField = 'Error'
        x, y, z = 'Error', 'Error', 'Error'
        internalTemp = 'Error'
        gyroRunning = False

    if not gyroRunning:
        # if the gyro has failed try to reboot it
        print('Attempting to restart gyro')

        gyroRunning = True

    # assemble the data into a list
    fragment = [
        t, externalTemp, coreTemp, internalTemp, heading, roll, pitch,
        magField, x, y, z

    # print the data if allowed
    if not silent:

    # return the data
    return fragment
Пример #4

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Add a location for python to search for modules to import
    from sys import path

    # Import tempSensor module located in "/var/www/scripts"
        import tempSensor
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(
            "tempSensor.py is missing in /var/www/scripts")

    # Print header specifying file type
    print("Content-type: text/html\n\n")

    # Open and read the html file
    f = open('temperature.html')
    txt = f.read()

    # Get the temperature using the tempSensor module
    data = tempSensor.getTemp()

    # Put the temperature into the html file where the comment "<!-- tag -->" is
    txt = txt.replace('<!-- tag -->', str(data))

    # Print final html
Пример #5
def getDataFragment():
    global gyroRunning

    t = time.localtime()
    t = ':'.join([str(i).zfill(2) for i in [t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec]])

        if TEMPSENSOR:
            externalTemp = round(tempSensor.getTemp(), 2)
            externalTemp = -1
        externalTemp = 'Error'

        coreTemp = os.popen('/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp').read()
        coreTemp = round(float(coreTemp[coreTemp.index('=') + 1:-3]), 2)
        coreTemp = 'Error'

    # Gyro Sensors
        heading, roll, pitch = bno.read_euler()

        heading -= defaultRotation['heading']
        roll -= defaultRotation['roll']
        pitch -= defaultRotation['pitch']

        heading = round(heading, 2)
        roll = round(roll, 2)
        pitch = round(pitch, 2)

        sys, gyro, accel, mag = bno.get_calibration_status()
        x, y, z = bno.read_magnetometer()
        magField = pow(x**2 + y**2 + z**2, 0.5)
        magField = round(magField / 100, 3)  # 100 microTesla = 1 Gauss

        x, y, z = bno.read_linear_acceleration()

        x -= defaultAcc['x']
        y -= defaultAcc['y']
        z -= defaultAcc['z']

        x = round(x, 3)
        y = round(y, 3)
        z = round(z, 3)

        internalTemp = round(bno.read_temp(), 2)
        heading, roll, pitch = 'Error', 'Error', 'Error'
        magField = 'Error'
        x, y, z = 'Error', 'Error', 'Error'
        internalTemp = 'Error'
        gyroRunning = False

    if not gyroRunning:
        print('Attempting to restart gyro')

        gyroRunning = True

    fragment = [t, externalTemp, coreTemp, internalTemp, \
                      heading, roll, pitch, \
                      magField, x, y, z]

    if not silent:

    #time.sleep(pause - ((time.time() - starttime) % pause))

    return fragment