Пример #1
class S3File(io.IOBase):
    """File like proxy for s3 files, manages upload and download of locally managed temporary file

    def __init__(self, bucket, key, mode='w+b', *args, **kwargs):
        super(S3File, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.bucket = bucket
        self.key = key
        self.mode = mode
        self.path = self.bucket + '/' + self.key

        # converts mode to readable/writable to enable the temporary file to have S3 data
        # read or written to it even if the S3File is read/write/append
        # i.e. "r" => "r+", "ab" => "a+b"
        updatable_mode = re.sub(r'^([rwa]+)(b?)$', r'\1+\2', mode)
        self._tempfile = TemporaryFile(updatable_mode)

            with s3errors(self.path):
                if 'a' in mode:
                    # File is in an appending mode, start with the content in file
                    s3.Object(bucket, key).download_fileobj(self._tempfile)
                    self.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
                elif 'a' not in mode and 'w' not in mode and 'x' not in mode:
                    # file is not in a create mode, so it is in read mode
                    # start with the content in the file, and seek to the beginning
                    s3.Object(bucket, key).download_fileobj(self._tempfile)
                    self.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
        except Exception:

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def close(self):
            if self.writable():
                with s3errors(self.path):
                    s3.Object(self.bucket, self.key).upload_fileobj(self._tempfile)

    def closed(self):
        return self._tempfile.closed

    def fileno(self):
        return self._tempfile.fileno()

    def flush(self):
        return self._tempfile.flush()

    def isatty(self):
        return self._tempfile.isatty()

    def readable(self):
        return 'r' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode

    def read(self, n=-1):
        if not self.readable():
            raise IOError('not open for reading')
        return self._tempfile.read(n)

    def readinto(self, b):
        return self._tempfile.readinto(b)

    def readline(self, limit=-1):
        if not self.readable():
            raise IOError('not open for reading')
        return self._tempfile.readline(limit)

    def readlines(self, hint=-1):
        if not self.readable():
            raise IOError('not open for reading')
        return self._tempfile.readlines(hint)

    def seek(self, offset, whence=os.SEEK_SET):
        self._tempfile.seek(offset, whence)
        return self.tell()

    def seekable(self):
        return True

    def tell(self):
        return self._tempfile.tell()

    def writable(self):
        return 'w' in self.mode or 'a' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode or 'x' in self.mode

    def write(self, b):
        if not self.writable():
            raise IOError('not open for writing')
        return len(b)

    def writelines(self, lines):
        if not self.writable():
            raise IOError('not open for writing')
        return self._tempfile.writelines(lines)

    def truncate(self, size=None):
        if not self.writable():
            raise IOError('not open for writing')

        if size is None:
            size = self.tell()

        return size