Пример #1
def last_and_launching_frame_find_rgb(length, from_index, real_path, real_launching_feature_path,
                                      real_last_feature_path, rgb_folder):
    launching_homepage_flag = True
    launching_index = -1
    homepage_index = -1
    for i in range(from_index+2, length+1):
        src_file_path = real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg"
        feature_name = base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_feature.jpg"

        if launching_homepage_flag:
            # 进入启动页匹配
            flag = isLaunchingPage(src_file_path, real_launching_feature_path)
            if flag:
                MLog.debug("find_lanching_end_frame: " + src_file_path + " is launching frame")
                # 没匹配到,则先记录为启动结束帧,记得往前取一帧
                launching_index = i - 1
                clip_generate_flag(real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i - 1) + ".jpg",
                                   real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i - 1) + "_feature.jpg")
                MLog.debug("find_lanching_end_frame: " + src_file_path + " is not launching frame!!!!")
                launching_homepage_flag = False
            # 首页匹配
            # 取巧操作,取右下角的点,看他是不是纯白,来过滤掉还有蒙层的帧
            if not isHomepageFinish(src_file_path):
                MLog.info("index = {} is not at homepage".format(i))
            match_img(src_file_path, real_last_feature_path, threshold, real_path + feature_name)
            if base_utils.os.path.exists(real_path + feature_name):
                # 如果识别到了,拿来图片和图库对比,如果当前图片rgb值远大于图库的平均rgb
                # 认为这一帧还在加载中;反之,则认为当前为加载完成帧

                degree = calculate_by_hists(real_last_feature_path, real_path + feature_name)
                print "degree = {}    -----------------------------".format(degree)
                # 这个值是否还可以再调一下?这个值太难取了,有些手机的帧很模糊,有些手机又特别清楚
                if degree < 0.65:

                dst_path = real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_clip.jpg"
                clip_specific_pic(src_file_path, dst_path)
                if compare_rgb(dst_path, rgb_folder):
                    MLog.debug("the rgb test is passed")
                    if isHomePageLoadFinish(src_file_path, src_file_path[0: len(src_file_path) - 4] + "_loaded.jpg"):
                        MLog.debug("the loading test is passed")
                        homepage_index = i
                        return launching_index, homepage_index
                # 没找到首页特征图时,去找启动页的特征图
                tmp_flag = isLaunchingPage(src_file_path, real_launching_feature_path)
                if tmp_flag:
                    launching_homepage_flag = True
                    MLog.info("we find launching  pic agagin, the index = {}".format(i))
        MLog.debug("last_frame_find_rgb: " + src_file_path + " is not last frame")
    return launching_index, homepage_index
Пример #2
def enter_ent_last_frame_find(start_index, file_count, path, feature_path):
    dp = base_utils.get_dp()  # 这两个是常用的,应该预先取
    img = Image.open(path + "00001.jpg")
    width = img.size[0]  # 这两个是常用的,应该预先取
    current_rate = 1.0
    enter_live_room_index = -1
    last_index = -1
    for i in range(start_index, file_count):
        src_file_path = path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg"
        # 阈值先设置为0.9,暂时不知道用截图裁剪出来的图片,去找图,会发生什么事
        match_img(src_file_path, feature_path, 0.8, path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_feature.jpg")
        # 如果裁剪到图片的话,就证明还没进入到直播间
        if base_utils.os.path.exists(path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_feature.jpg"):
            print "i find the feature pic! and current rate = {}".format(current_rate)
            # 如果,发现当前特征图,无法在当前图片匹配到时,对原有特征图进行对半裁剪,然后再对原有图片进行匹配,若匹配到,跳出循环继续下一张找图
            # 若无匹配到,则重复上述过程,直至特征图被裁剪到最一开始的 1/8时,若还未找到,则认为已经进入直播间
            # flag = False
            # while current_rate > 0.125:
            #     current_rate /= 2
            #     clip_half_pic(feature_path)
            #     print "i have cut a half the feature pic. current rate = {}".format(current_rate)
            #     match_img(src_file_path, feature_path, 0.9, path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_feature.jpg")
            #     if base_utils.os.path.exists(path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_feature.jpg"):
            #         print "i find the feature pic! and current rate = {}".format(current_rate)
            #         flag = True
            # if flag:
            #     continue
            # 认为进入了直播间
            print "i think it is entering liveroom index = {}, current dp = {}".format(i, dp)
            enter_live_room_index = i
    if enter_live_room_index == -1:
    for i in range(enter_live_room_index, file_count):
        src_file_path = path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg"
        top_margin = 80 * dp
        # 不取0.75这么多
        clip_video_height = width * 0.5
        # 然后再计算,认为的视频区域,把他的平均RGB算出来,和平时没视频时的RGB值做比较
        print "index = " + str(i)
        r, g, b = calcule_specific_area_rgb(src_file_path, width*0.75, top_margin, width,
                                        top_margin + clip_video_height)
        # 如果直播间直播内容比较暗的话,这个判断就会有问题
        if r >= 80 and g >= 80 and b >= 80:
            last_index = i
            print "i think the last frame index is {}".format(last_index)
    if last_index == -1:
        print "i have not found the last frame"
    return enter_live_room_index, last_index
def new_first_frame_find(start_index, length, real_path, real_feature_path):
    for i in range(start_index, length + 1):
        src_file_path = real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg"
        feature_name = real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_feature.jpg"
        # print src_file_path
        # print real_feature_path
        match_img(src_file_path, real_feature_path, threshold, feature_name)
        if base_utils.os.path.exists(feature_name):
            # 首帧思路,如果识别到了,取出截取部分与特征图做个彩色直方图对比,确定
            degree = calculate_by_hists(real_feature_path, feature_name)
            # print degree
            if degree > 0.6:
                return i
        MLog.debug("new_first_frame_find: " + src_file_path +
                   " is not first frame")
    return -1
Пример #4
def huya_first_find_frame(length, from_index, real_path, real_launching_feature_path,
                          real_last_feature_path, rgb_folder):
    launching_homepage_flag = True
    launching_index = -1
    homepage_index = -1
    for i in range(from_index+2, length+1):
        src_file_path = real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg"
        feature_name = base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_feature.jpg"

        if launching_homepage_flag:
            # 进入启动页匹配
            flag = isLaunchingPage(src_file_path, real_launching_feature_path)
            if flag:
                MLog.debug("find_lanching_end_frame: " + src_file_path + " is launching frame")
                # 没匹配到,则先记录为启动结束帧,记得往前取一帧
                launching_index = i - 1
                clip_generate_flag(real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i - 1) + ".jpg",
                                   real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i - 1) + "_feature.jpg")
                MLog.debug("find_lanching_end_frame: " + src_file_path + " is not launching frame!!!!")
                launching_homepage_flag = False
            match_img(src_file_path, real_last_feature_path, threshold, real_path + feature_name)
            if base_utils.os.path.exists(real_path + feature_name):
                # 如果识别到了,拿来图片和图库对比,如果当前图片rgb值远大于图库的平均rgb
                # 认为这一帧还在加载中;反之,则认为当前为加载完成帧

                degree = calculate_by_hists(real_last_feature_path, real_path + feature_name)
                print "degree = {}    -----------------------------".format(degree)
                # 这个值是否还可以再调一下?这个值太难取了,有些手机的帧很模糊,有些手机又特别清楚
                if degree < 0.735:

                # 识别到才裁剪
                homepage_index = i
                return launching_index, homepage_index
                # 没找到首页特征图时,去找启动页的特征图
                tmp_flag = isLaunchingPage(src_file_path, real_launching_feature_path)
                if tmp_flag:
                    launching_homepage_flag = True
                    MLog.info("we find launching  pic agagin, the index = {}".format(i))
        MLog.debug("last_frame_find_rgb: " + src_file_path + " is not last frame")
    return launching_index, homepage_index
Пример #5
def new_last_frame_find_rgb(start_index, length, real_path, real_feature_path, rgb_folder):
    for i in range(start_index, length+1):
        src_file_path = real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg"
        feature_name = base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_feature.jpg"
        match_img(src_file_path, real_feature_path, threshold, real_path + feature_name)
        if base_utils.os.path.exists(real_path + feature_name):
            # 如果识别到了,拿来图片和图库对比,如果当前图片rgb值远大于图库的平均rgb
            # 认为这一帧还在加载中;反之,则认为当前为加载完成帧

            degree = calculate_by_hists(last_frame_feature, real_path + feature_name)
            # 这个值是否还可以再调一下?
            MLog.debug(u"new_last_frame_find_rgb: color degreee = {}".format(str(degree)))
            if degree < 0.41:

            # 识别到才裁剪
            if compare_rgb(src_file_path, rgb_folder):
                return i
        MLog.debug("new_last_frame_find_rgb: " + src_file_path + " is not last frame")
    return -1