Пример #1
    def ScanVoice(self, request):
        """本接口(ScanVoice)用于提交语音检测任务,检测任务列表最多支持100个。使用前请您登录[控制台 - 服务配置](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/gamegme/conf)开启语音分析服务。

        <li>打开前往<a href="https://console.cloud.tencent.com/gamegme/tryout">控制台 - 产品试用</a>免费试用语音分析服务。</li>

        <li>支持设置回调地址 Callback 获取检测结果,同时支持通过接口(查询语音检测结果)主动轮询获取检测结果。</li>
        <li>音频文件大小限制:100 M</li>
        <h4 id="Label_Value"><b>Scenes 与 Label 参数说明:</b></h4>
        <p>提交语音检测任务时,需要指定 Scenes 场景参数,<font color="red">目前要求您设置 Scenes 参数值为:["default"]</font>;而在检测结果中,则包含请求时指定的场景,以及对应类型的检测结果。</p>
        <p>ad :广告</p>
        <p>contraband :违禁</p>
        <p>customized:自定义词库。目前白名单开放,如有需要请<a href="https://cloud.tencent.com/apply/p/8809fjcik56">联系我们</a>。</p>
        <h4 id="Callback_Declare"><b>回调相关说明:</b></h4>
        <li>如果在请求参数中指定了回调地址参数 Callback,即一个 HTTP(S) 协议接口的 URL,则需要支持 POST 方法,传输数据编码采用 UTF-8。</li>
        <li>在推送回调数据后,接收到的 HTTP 状态码为 200 时,表示推送成功。</li>
        <li>HTTP 头参数说明:</li>
        <td>签名,具体见<a href="#Callback_Signatue">签名生成说明</a></td>
        <ul  id="Callback_Signatue">
        		<li>使用 HMAC-SH1 算法, 最终结果做 BASE64 编码;</li>
        		<li>签名原文串为 POST+body 的整个json内容(长度以 Content-Length 为准);</li>
        		<li>签名key为应用的 SecretKey,可以通过控制台查看。</li>

        <li>回调示例如下<font color="red">(详细字段说明见结构:
        <a href="https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/607/35375#DescribeScanResult" target="_blank">DescribeScanResult</a>)</font>:</li>
        	"Code": 0,
        	"DataId": "1400000000_test_data_id",
        	"ScanFinishTime": 1566720906,
        	"HitFlag": true,
        	"Live": false,
        	"Msg": "",
        	"ScanPiece": [{
        		"DumpUrl": "",
        		"HitFlag": true,
        		"MainType": "abuse",
        		"RoomId": "123",
        		"OpenId": "xxx",
        		"Offset": 0,
        		"Duration": 3400,
        		"ScanDetail": [{
        			"EndTime": 1110,
        			"KeyWord": "xxx",
        			"Label": "abuse",
        			"Rate": "90.00",
        			"StartTime": 1110
        		}, {
        			"EndTime": 1380,
        			"KeyWord": "xxx",
        			"Label": "abuse",
        			"Rate": "90.00",
        			"StartTime": 930
        		}, {
        			"EndTime": 1560,
        			"KeyWord": "xxx",
        			"Label": "abuse",
        			"Rate": "90.00",
        			"StartTime": 930
        		}, {
        			"EndTime": 2820,
        			"KeyWord": "xxx",
        			"Label": "abuse",
        			"Rate": "90.00",
        			"StartTime": 2490
        	"ScanStartTime": 1566720905,
        	"Scenes": [
        	"Status": "Success",
        	"TaskId": "xxx",
        	"Url": "https://xxx/xxx.m4a"

        :param request: Request instance for ScanVoice.
        :type request: :class:`tencentcloud.gme.v20180711.models.ScanVoiceRequest`
        :rtype: :class:`tencentcloud.gme.v20180711.models.ScanVoiceResponse`

            params = request._serialize()
            body = self.call("ScanVoice", params)
            response = json.loads(body)
            if "Error" not in response["Response"]:
                model = models.ScanVoiceResponse()
                return model
                code = response["Response"]["Error"]["Code"]
                message = response["Response"]["Error"]["Message"]
                reqid = response["Response"]["RequestId"]
                raise TencentCloudSDKException(code, message, reqid)
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, TencentCloudSDKException):
                raise TencentCloudSDKException(e.message, e.message)
Пример #2
    def ScanVoice(self, request):
        """This API is used to submit a speech detection task. Up to 100 tasks can be added in the detection task list. Before using this API, please enable the speech analysis service in [Console > Service Configuration](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/gamegme/conf).

        <h4><b>Feature trial description:</b></h4>
        <li>You can try out the speech analysis service free of charge in <a href="https://console.cloud.tencent.com/gamegme/tryout">Console > Product Trial</a>.</li>

        <h4><b>API feature description:</b></h4>
        <li>This API can check audio streams or files for non-compliant content.</li>
        <li>The detection result can be obtained by setting the callback address (`Callback`) or calling the `DescribeScanResultList` API for polling.</li>
        <li>The scenario can be specified, such as abusive, pornographic, or politically sensitive information.</li>
        <li>Detection tasks can be submitted in batches. Up to 100 tasks can be added in the detection task list.</li>
        <h4><b>Audio file limit description:</b></h4>
        <li>Audio file size limit: 100 MB</li>
        <li>Audio file duration limit: 30 minutes</li>
        <li>Supported audio file formats: .wav, .m4a, .amr, .mp3, .aac, .wma, .ogg</li>
        <h4><b>Audio stream limit description:</b></h4>
        <li>Supported audio stream formats: .m3u8, .flv</li>
        <li>Supported audio stream transfer protocols: RTMP, HTTP, HTTPS</li>
        <li>Audio stream duration limit: 4 hours</li>
        <li>Audio/video stream separation and audio stream analysis are supported</li>
        <h4 id="Label_Value"><b>`Scenes` and `Label` parameter description:</b></h4>
        <p>When submitting a speech detection task, you need to specify the `Scenes` parameter. <font color="red">You are currently required to set the `Scenes` parameter to `["default"]`</font>. The detection result will contain the scenario specified at the time of request and detection result in the corresponding type.</p>
        <td>Speech detection</td>
        <td>Speech detection type</td>
        <p>normal: normal</p>
        <p>p**n: pornographic</p>
        <p>politics: politically sensitive</p>
        <p>abuse: abusive</p>
        <p>ad: advertising</p>
        <p>terrorism: terrorism</p>
        <p>contraband: prohibited</p>
        <p>customized: custom keyword library. This feature is only available to whitelisted users. To try it out, please <a href="https://cloud.tencent.com/apply/p/8809fjcik56">contact us</a>.</p>
        <h4 id="Callback_Declare"><b>Callback description:</b></h4>
        <li>If the callback address parameter `Callback` (i.e., the URL of an HTTP(S) API) is specified in the request parameters, then the POST method should be supported and transferred data should be encoded with UTF-8.</li>
        <li>After the callback data is pushed, if the HTTP status code received is 200, the push is successful.</li>
        <li>HTTP header parameter description:</li>
        <td>Signature. For more information, please see <a href="#Callback_Signatue">Signature generation description</a>.</td>
        <ul  id="Callback_Signatue">
        	<li>Signature generation description:</li>
        		<li>The HMAC-SH1 algorithm should be used, and the result should be encoded with Base64;</li>
        		<li>The original signature string is the entire JSON content of POST and body (the length is subject to `Content-Length`);</li>
        		<li>The signature key is the `SecretKey` of the application, which can be viewed in the console.</li>

        <li>Below is a sample callback <font color="red">(for more information on the fields, please see the structure:
        <a href="https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/607/35375#DescribeScanResult" target="_blank">DescribeScanResult</a>)</font>:</li>
        	"Code": 0,
        	"DataId": "1400000000_test_data_id",
        	"ScanFinishTime": 1566720906,
        	"HitFlag": true,
        	"Live": false,
        	"Msg": "",
        	"ScanPiece": [{
        		"DumpUrl": "",
        		"HitFlag": true,
        		"MainType": "abuse",
        		"RoomId": "123",
        		"OpenId": "xxx",
        		"Offset": 0,
        		"Duration": 3400,
        		"ScanDetail": [{
        			"EndTime": 1110,
        			"KeyWord": "xxx",
        			"Label": "abuse",
        			"Rate": "90.00",
        			"StartTime": 1110
        		}, {
        			"EndTime": 1380,
        			"KeyWord": "xxx",
        			"Label": "abuse",
        			"Rate": "90.00",
        			"StartTime": 930
        		}, {
        			"EndTime": 1560,
        			"KeyWord": "xxx",
        			"Label": "abuse",
        			"Rate": "90.00",
        			"StartTime": 930
        		}, {
        			"EndTime": 2820,
        			"KeyWord": "xxx",
        			"Label": "abuse",
        			"Rate": "90.00",
        			"StartTime": 2490
        	"ScanStartTime": 1566720905,
        	"Scenes": [
        	"Status": "Success",
        	"TaskId": "xxx",
        	"Url": "https://xxx/xxx.m4a"

        :param request: Request instance for ScanVoice.
        :type request: :class:`tencentcloud.gme.v20180711.models.ScanVoiceRequest`
        :rtype: :class:`tencentcloud.gme.v20180711.models.ScanVoiceResponse`

            params = request._serialize()
            body = self.call("ScanVoice", params)
            response = json.loads(body)
            if "Error" not in response["Response"]:
                model = models.ScanVoiceResponse()
                return model
                code = response["Response"]["Error"]["Code"]
                message = response["Response"]["Error"]["Message"]
                reqid = response["Response"]["RequestId"]
                raise TencentCloudSDKException(code, message, reqid)
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, TencentCloudSDKException):
                raise TencentCloudSDKException(e.message, e.message)