Пример #1
def test_define_tnet_weighted():
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(nettype='wu', timetype='discrete')
    if not tnet.network.shape[1] == 4:
        raise AssertionError()
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(nettype='bu')
    if not tnet.network.shape[1] == 3:
        raise AssertionError()
    edgelist = [[0, 1, 2, 0.5], [0, 2, 1, 0.5]]
    tnet_edgelist = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_edgelist=edgelist)
    if not tnet_edgelist.network.shape == (2, 4):
        raise AssertionError()
    G = np.zeros([3, 3, 3])
    G[[0, 0], [1, 2], [2, 1]] = 0.5
    tnet_array = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_array=G)
    if not all(tnet_array.network == tnet_edgelist.network):
        raise AssertionError()
    C = teneto.utils.graphlet2contact(G)
    tnet_dict = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_dict=C)
    if not all(tnet_dict.network == tnet_edgelist.network):
        raise AssertionError()
    tnet_edgelist.add_edge([[0, 3, 1, 0.8]])
    if not all(tnet_edgelist.network.iloc[-1].values == [0, 3, 1, 0.8]):
        raise AssertionError()
    if not tnet_edgelist.network.shape == (3, 4):
        raise AssertionError()
    tnet_edgelist.drop_edge([[0, 3, 1]])
    if not tnet_edgelist.network.shape == (2, 4):
        raise AssertionError()
Пример #2
def test_tnet_functions():
    G = np.zeros([3, 3, 3])
    G[[0, 0], [1, 2], [2, 1]] = 1
    G = G + G.transpose([1, 0, 2])
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_array=G)
    G = teneto.utils.set_diagonal(G, 0)
    D = tnet.calc_networkmeasure('temporal_degree_centrality')
    assert all(G.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1) == D)
    G = np.zeros([3, 3, 3])
    G[[0, 0], [1, 2], [2, 1]] = 0.5
    G = G + G.transpose([1, 0, 2])
    G = teneto.utils.set_diagonal(G, 0)
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_array=G)
    D = tnet.calc_networkmeasure('temporal_degree_centrality')
    assert all(G.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1) == D)
Пример #3
def test_tnet_functions():
    array = np.zeros([3, 3, 3])
    array[[0, 0], [1, 2], [2, 1]] = 1
    array = array + array.transpose([1, 0, 2])
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_array=array)
    array = teneto.utils.set_diagonal(array, 0)
    degree = tnet.calc_networkmeasure('temporal_degree_centrality')
    if not all(array.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1) == degree):
        raise AssertionError()
    array = np.zeros([3, 3, 3])
    array[[0, 0], [1, 2], [2, 1]] = 0.5
    array = array + array.transpose([1, 0, 2])
    array = teneto.utils.set_diagonal(array, 0)
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_array=array)
    degree = tnet.calc_networkmeasure('temporal_degree_centrality')
    if not all(array.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1) == degree):
        raise AssertionError()
    def from_numpy_array(_class, array, node_ids_to_names=None):
        """Create a TemporalNetwork from an array representation of the network

        array - a numpy.array with dimensions (nodes, nodes, time)
        node_ids_to_names - a dictionary whose keys (integers) are node IDs and values (of any type) are more
            descriptive names for nodes.

        teneto_network = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_array=array)
        return _class(teneto_network, node_ids_to_names=node_ids_to_names)
Пример #5
def test_define_tnet_unweighted():
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(nettype='wu', timetype='discrete')
    if not tnet.network.shape[1] == 4:
        raise AssertionError()
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(nettype='bu')
    if not tnet.network.shape[1] == 3:
        raise AssertionError()
    edgelist = [[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 1]]
    tnet_edgelist = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_edgelist=edgelist)
    if not tnet_edgelist.network.shape == (2, 3):
        raise AssertionError()
    array = np.zeros([3, 3, 3])
    array[[0, 0], [1, 2], [2, 1]] = 1
    tnet_array = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_array=array)
    if not all(tnet_array.network == tnet_edgelist.network):
        raise AssertionError()
    tnet_df = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_df=tnet_array.network)
    if not all(tnet_array.network == tnet_df.network):
        raise AssertionError()
    contact = teneto.utils.graphlet2contact(array)
    tnet_dict = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_dict=contact)
    if not all(tnet_dict.network == tnet_edgelist.network):
        raise AssertionError()
    tnet_edgelist.add_edge([[0, 3, 1]])
    if not all(tnet_edgelist.network.iloc[-1].values == [0, 3, 1]):
        raise AssertionError()
    if not tnet_edgelist.network.shape == (3, 3):
        raise AssertionError()
    tnet_edgelist.add_edge([0, 3, 1])
    if not all(tnet_edgelist.network.iloc[-1].values == [0, 3, 1]):
        raise AssertionError()
    tnet_edgelist.drop_edge([0, 3, 1])
    if not tnet_edgelist.network.shape == (2, 3):
        raise AssertionError()
Пример #6
def test_process_input():
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork()
    tnet.generatenetwork('rand_binomial', prob=[0.5, 0.2], size=[5, 12])
    G = tnet.to_array()
    tnet2 = teneto.utils.process_input(G, 'G', 'TN')
    assert all(tnet2.network == tnet.network)
    C = teneto.utils.process_input(G, 'G', 'C')
    tnet3 = teneto.utils.process_input(C, 'C', 'TN')
    assert all(tnet2.network == tnet3.network)
    C2 = teneto.utils.process_input(tnet, 'TN', 'C')
    G2, _ = teneto.utils.process_input(tnet, 'TN', 'G')
    assert (C['contacts'] == C2['contacts']).all()
    assert (G == G2).all()
Пример #7
def test_hdf5():
    df = pd.DataFrame({'i': [0, 0], 'j': [1, 2], 't': [0, 1]})
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_df=df, hdf5=True)
    if not tnet.network == './teneto_temporalnetwork.h5':
        raise AssertionError()
    df2 = pd.read_hdf('./teneto_temporalnetwork.h5')
    if not (df == df2).all().all():
        raise AssertionError()
    tnet.add_edge([0, 2, 2])
    df3 = pd.read_hdf('./teneto_temporalnetwork.h5')
    if not (df3.iloc[2].values == [0, 2, 2]).all():
        raise AssertionError()
    tnet.drop_edge([0, 2, 2])
    df4 = pd.read_hdf('./teneto_temporalnetwork.h5')
    if not (df == df4).all().all():
        raise AssertionError()
Пример #8
def test_metadata():
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(nodelabels=['A', 'B', 'C'],
                                  timelabels=[0, 1, 2],
                                  desc='test meta data',
    if not tnet.nodelabels == ['A', 'B', 'C']:
        raise AssertionError()
    if not tnet.timelabels == [0, 1, 2]:
        raise AssertionError()
    if not tnet.starttime == 0:
        raise AssertionError()
    if not tnet.desc == 'test meta data':
        raise AssertionError()
    if not tnet.timeunit == 'au':
        raise AssertionError()
    def from_edge_list_dataframe(_class, edges, normalise=None, threshold=0, binary=False):
        """Create a TemporalNetwork from a DataFrame of edges over time

        edges - a pandas.DataFrame with columns representing source node, target node, time and (optionally) weight
        normalise - a value determining what (if any) normalisation is applied. If 'normalise' is 'global', all weights
            will be divided through by the max weight across all edges. If 'normalise' is 'local', all weights
            corresponding to an edge (i,j) at some time will be divided through by the max weight of the edge (i,j)
            across all times. To skip normalisation, set to None.
        threshold - any edges with weight < 'threshold' (after normalising) will not be included in the temporal network
        binary - if True, all positive weights (after thresholding) will be set to 1. If False, does nothing.

        number_of_columns = edges.shape[1]
        if number_of_columns == 3:
            edges['weight'] = 1
        elif number_of_columns != 4:
            raise ValueError('Edge list requires either 3 or 4 columns')
        edges.columns = ['i', 'j', 't', 'weight']

        if normalise == 'global':
            min_weight = edges['weight'].min()
            difference = edges['weight'].max() - min_weight
            edges['weight'] = (edges['weight'] - min_weight) / difference
        if normalise == 'local':
            # Sort first two columns; we only care about *unordered* pairs (i,j), not ordered pairs.
            edges[['i', 'j']] = np.sort(edges[['i', 'j']], axis=1)
            grouped = edges.groupby(['i', 'j'])['weight']
            maxes = grouped.transform('max')
            mins = grouped.transform('min')
            edges['weight'] = (edges['weight'] - mins) / (maxes - mins)
            # In cases where max = min we'll have a division by zero error.
            edges['weight'] = edges['weight'].fillna(0.5)
        edges = edges[edges['weight'] >= threshold]
        if binary:
            edges.loc[edges['weight'] > 0, 'weight'] = 1

        edges, ids_to_names = replace_nodes_with_ids(edges)
        edges = edges.sort_values('t')
        start_time = edges['t'].iloc[0]
        if start_time != 0:
            # For compatibility with teneto, shift all times so that we start at time 0
            edges['t'] -= start_time

        teneto_network = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_df=edges)
        return _class(teneto_network, start_time, ids_to_names)
Пример #10
def test_hdf5_getnetwokwhen():
    df = pd.DataFrame({'i': [0, 1], 'j': [1, 2], 't': [0, 1]})
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_df=df, hdf5=True)
    dfcheck = tnet.get_network_when(i=0)
    if not (dfcheck.values == [0, 1, 0]).all():
        raise AssertionError()
    dfcheck = tnet.get_network_when(i=0, j=1, t=0, logic='and')
    if not (dfcheck.values == [0, 1, 0]).all():
        raise AssertionError()
    dfcheck = tnet.get_network_when(i=0, j=1, t=1, logic='or')
    if not (dfcheck.values == [[0, 1, 0], [1, 2, 1]]).all():
        raise AssertionError()
    dfcheck = tnet.get_network_when(t=0)
    if not (dfcheck.values == [0, 1, 0]).all():
        raise AssertionError()
    dfcheck = tnet.get_network_when(ij=1)
    if not (dfcheck.values == [[0, 1, 0], [1, 2, 1]]).all():
        raise AssertionError()
Пример #11
def discrete_time_simulation(n_nodes, n_times, prob, simProcess, ncontacts,
                             lam, nettype):
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(timetype='discrete')
    if simProcess == 'rand_binomial':
                             size=(n_nodes, n_nodes, n_times),
    elif simProcess == 'rand_poisson':
        raise Exception('simulation method do not supported!')
    return tnet
Пример #12
def test_process_input():
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork()
    tnet.generatenetwork('rand_binomial', prob=[0.5, 0.2], size=[5, 12])
    G = tnet.network
    tnet2 = teneto.utils.process_input(G, 'G', 'TN')
    if not np.all(tnet2.network == tnet.network):
        raise AssertionError()
    C = teneto.utils.process_input(G, 'G', 'C')
    tnet3 = teneto.utils.process_input(C, 'C', 'TN')
    # Note TN>G>C>TN will fail if first time-point is all 0s.
    # This is because G>C changes starttime to 1.
    # Thus, must set start_at to zero in function below to not get error.
    if not np.all(tnet2.network == tnet3.df_to_array(start_at='zero')):
        raise AssertionError()
    C2 = teneto.utils.process_input(tnet, 'TN', 'C')
    G2, _ = teneto.utils.process_input(tnet, 'TN', 'G')
    if not (C['contacts'] == C2['contacts']).all():
        raise AssertionError()
    if not (G == G2).all():
        raise AssertionError()
Пример #13
def test_define_tnet_unweighted():
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(nettype='wu', timetype='discrete')
    assert tnet.network.shape[1] == 4
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(nettype='bu')
    assert tnet.network.shape[1] == 3
    edgelist = [[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 1]]
    tnet_edgelist = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_edgelist=edgelist)
    assert tnet_edgelist.network.shape == (2, 3)
    G = np.zeros([3, 3, 3])
    G[[0, 0], [1, 2], [2, 1]] = 1
    tnet_array = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_array=G)
    assert all(tnet_array.network == tnet_edgelist.network)
    tnet_df = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_df=tnet_array.network)
    assert all(tnet_array.network == tnet_df.network)
    C = teneto.utils.graphlet2contact(G)
    tnet_dict = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_dict=C)
    assert all(tnet_dict.network == tnet_edgelist.network)
    tnet_edgelist.add_edge([[0, 3, 1]])
    assert all(tnet_edgelist.network.iloc[-1].values == [0, 3, 1])
    assert tnet_edgelist.network.shape == (3, 3)
    tnet_edgelist.add_edge([0, 3, 1])
    assert all(tnet_edgelist.network.iloc[-1].values == [0, 3, 1])
    tnet_edgelist.drop_edge([0, 3, 1])
    assert tnet_edgelist.network.shape == (2, 3)
Пример #14
def process_input(netin, allowedformats, outputformat='G', forcesparse=False):
    Takes input network and checks what the input is.


    netin : array, dict, or teneto.TemporalNetwork
        Network (graphlet, contact or object)
    allowedformats : list or str
        Which format of network objects that are allowed. Options: 'C', 'TN', 'G'.
    outputformat: str, default=G
        Target output format. Options: 'C' or 'G'.


    C : dict


    tnet : array
        Graphlet representation.
    netinfo : dict
        Metainformation about network.


    tnet : object
        object of teneto.TemporalNetwork class


    netinfo = {}
    if outputformat == 'DF':
        outputformat = 'TN'
        return_df = True
        forcesparse = True
        return_df = False
    inputtype = check_input(netin)
    if inputtype == 'DF':
        netin = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_df=netin)
        inputtype = 'TN'
    # Convert TN to tnet representation
    if inputtype == 'TN' and 'TN' in allowedformats and outputformat != 'TN':
        if netin.sparse:
            tnet = netin.df_to_array()
            tnet = netin.network
        netinfo = {
            'nettype': netin.nettype,
            [netin.netshape[0], netin.netshape[0], netin.netshape[1]]
    elif inputtype == 'TN' and 'TN' in allowedformats and outputformat == 'TN':
        if not netin.sparse and forcesparse:
            tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_array=netin.network,
            tnet = netin
    elif inputtype == 'C' and 'C' in allowedformats and outputformat == 'G':
        tnet = contact2graphlet(netin)
        netinfo = dict(netin)
    elif inputtype == 'C' and 'C' in allowedformats and outputformat == 'TN':
        tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_dict=netin)
    elif inputtype == 'G' and 'G' in allowedformats and outputformat == 'TN':
        tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_array=netin,
    # Get network type if not set yet
    elif inputtype == 'G' and 'G' in allowedformats:
        netinfo = {}
        netinfo['netshape'] = netin.shape
        netinfo['nettype'] = gen_nettype(netin)
        tnet = netin
    elif inputtype == 'C' and outputformat == 'C':
        raise ValueError('Input invalid.')
    if outputformat == 'TN' and isinstance(tnet.network, pd.DataFrame):
        tnet.network['i'] = tnet.network['i'].astype(int)
        tnet.network['j'] = tnet.network['j'].astype(int)
        tnet.network['t'] = tnet.network['t'].astype(int)
    if outputformat == 'C' or outputformat == 'G':
        netinfo['inputtype'] = inputtype
    if inputtype != 'C' and outputformat == 'C':
        return graphlet2contact(tnet, netinfo)
    if outputformat == 'G':
        return tnet, netinfo
    elif outputformat == 'C':
        return netin
    elif outputformat == 'TN':
        if return_df:
            return tnet.network
            return tnet
Пример #15
def test_errors():
    # Make sure that only 1 of three different input methods is specified
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_dict={}, from_array=np.zeros([2, 2]))
    # Make sure error raised from_array if not a numpy array
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_array=[1, 2, 3])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    # Make sure error raised from_dict if not a dictionary
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_dict=[1, 2, 3])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    # Make sure error raised edge_list if not a list of lists
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_edgelist=[[0, 1], [0, 1, 2, 3]])
    # Make sure error raised df is not pandas
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        df = pd.DataFrame({'i': [1, 2], 'j': [0, 1]})
    # Make sure error raised when nettype is wrong
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    edgelist = [[0, 1, 2, 0.5], [0, 2, 1, 0.5]]
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_edgelist=edgelist)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        tnet._check_input(datain=edgelist, datatype='skmdla')
Пример #16
def test_plot():
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork()
    tnet.generatenetwork('rand_binomial', size=(5, 10), prob=1)
Пример #17
def test_generatenetwork():
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork()
    tnet.generatenetwork('rand_binomial', size=(5, 10), prob=1)
    assert tnet.netshape == (5, 10)
Пример #18
def test_generatenetwork():
    tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork()
    tnet.generatenetwork('rand_binomial', size=(5, 10), prob=1)
    if not tnet.netshape == (5, 10):
        raise AssertionError()