def train_Gnet(self, count): self.netG.zero_grad() for myit in range(len(self.netsD)): self.netsD[myit].zero_grad() errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_fimgs[0].size(0) [ criterion_one, criterion_class, c_code, p_code ] = self.criterion_one, self.criterion_class, self.c_code, self.p_code for i in range(self.num_Ds): outputs = self.netsD[i](self.fake_imgs[i]) # real/fake loss for background (0) and child (2) stage if i == 0 or i == 2: real_labels = torch.ones_like(outputs[1]) errG = criterion_one(outputs[1], real_labels) if i == 0: errG = errG * cfg.TRAIN.BG_LOSS_WT # Background/Foreground classification loss for # the fake background image (on patch level) errG_classi = criterion_one(outputs[0], real_labels) errG = errG + errG_classi errG_total = errG_total + errG if i == 1: # Mutual information loss for the parent stage (1) pred_p = self.netsD[i](self.fg_mk[i-1]) errG_info = criterion_class( pred_p[0], torch.nonzero(p_code.long())[:, 1]) elif i == 2: # Mutual information loss for the child stage (2) pred_c = self.netsD[i](self.fg_mk[i-1]) errG_info = criterion_class( pred_c[0], torch.nonzero(c_code.long())[:, 1]) if(i > 0): errG_total = errG_total + errG_info if flag == 0: if i > 0: summary_D_class = summary.scalar( 'Information_loss_%d' % i, errG_info.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_class, count) if i == 0 or i == 2: summary_D = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i, errG.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) errG_total.backward() for myit in range(len(self.netsD)): self.optimizerG[myit].step() return errG_total
def train_Gnet(self, count): self.netG.zero_grad() errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion, mu, logvar = self.criterion,, self.logvar real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] for i in range(self.num_Ds): outputs = self.netsD[i](self.fake_imgs[i], mu) errG = criterion(outputs[0], real_labels) if len(outputs) > 1 and cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS > 0: errG_patch = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * criterion( outputs[1], real_labels) errG = errG + errG_patch errG_total = errG_total + errG if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i, errG.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) # Compute color consistency losses if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS > 0: if self.num_Ds > 1: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-1]) mu2, covariance2 = compute_mean_covariance( self.fake_imgs[-2].detach()) like_mu2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * nn.MSELoss()( covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu2 + like_cov2 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu2', like_mu2.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, global_step=count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov2', like_cov2.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, global_step=count) if self.num_Ds > 2: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2]) mu2, covariance2 = compute_mean_covariance( self.fake_imgs[-3].detach()) like_mu1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * nn.MSELoss()( covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu1 + like_cov1 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu1', like_mu1.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov1', like_cov1.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) kl_loss = KL_loss(mu, logvar) * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.KL errG_total = errG_total + kl_loss errG_total.backward() self.optimizerG.step() return kl_loss, errG_total
def main(exercise: str = "Aufgabe-2"): with open("./config.{}.json".format(exercise), mode="r") as f: args = json.load(f, object_hook=lambda d: namedtuple("X", d.keys()) (*d.values())) environment = gym.make(args.env) input_shape = environment.observation_space.shape num_actions = environment.action_space.n output_directory = "./tmp/{}/{}".format(exercise, writer = FileWriter(output_directory) agent = make_agent(args, input_shape, num_actions, output_directory) rewards = [] for episode in range(args.episodes): episode_rewards = run_episode( environment, agent, render=episode % args.render_episode_interval == 0, max_length=args.max_episode_length, ) rewards.append(episode_rewards) if episode % args.training_interval == 0: for _ in range(args.training_interval): loss = agent.train() if loss and episode % (args.training_interval * 10) == 0: mean_rewards = np.mean(rewards) std_rewards = np.std(rewards) writer.add_summary(summary=summary.scalar("dqn/loss", loss), global_step=episode) writer.add_summary( summary=summary.scalar("rewards/mean", mean_rewards), global_step=episode, ) writer.add_summary( summary=summary.scalar("rewards/standard deviation", std_rewards), global_step=episode, ) writer.add_summary( summary=summary.scalar("dqn/epsilon", agent.exploration_strategy.epsilon), global_step=episode, ) print("Episode {}\tMean rewards {:f}\tLoss {:f}\tEpsilon {:f}". format(episode, mean_rewards, loss, agent.exploration_strategy.epsilon)) rewards.clear()
def train_Gnet(self, count): self.netG.zero_grad() errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion = self.criterion real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] for i in range(self.num_Ds): netD = self.netsD[i] outputs = netD(self.fake_imgs[i]) errG = criterion(outputs[0], real_labels) # errG = self.stage_coeff[i] * errG errG_total = errG_total + errG if flag == 0: summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) # Compute color preserve losses if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS > 0: if self.num_Ds > 1: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-1]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2].detach()) like_mu2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu2 + like_cov2 if self.num_Ds > 2: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-3].detach()) like_mu1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu1 + like_cov1 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) if self.num_Ds > 2: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) errG_total.backward() self.optimizerG.step() return errG_total
def write_loss(iterations, max_iterations, trainer, train_writer, elapsed_time): print("Iteration: %08d/%08d %.2fs" % (iterations + 1, max_iterations, elapsed_time)) members = [attr for attr in dir(trainer) \ if not callable(getattr(trainer, attr)) and not attr.startswith("__") and 'loss' in attr] for m in members: train_writer.add_summary(summary.scalar(m, getattr(trainer, m)), iterations + 1) members = [attr for attr in dir(trainer) \ if not callable(getattr(trainer, attr)) and not attr.startswith("__") and 'acc' in attr] for m in members: train_writer.add_summary(summary.scalar(m, getattr(trainer, m)), iterations + 1)
def train_Gnet(self, count): errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_tgpu[0].size(0) criterion_1, mu = self.criterion_1, self.mu_theta1 params = [ self.shape1, self.scale1, self.Phi1, self.theta1, self.txtbow ] criterion, optEnG, netG = self.criterion_2, self.optimizerEnG, self.netG loss, theta1_KL, Likelihood, p1, p2, p3, shape1, scale1 = criterion( params) real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] for i in xrange(self.num_Ds): outputs = self.netsD[i](self.fake_imgs[i], mu) errG = criterion_1(outputs[0], real_labels) if len(outputs) > 1 and cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS > 0: errG_patch = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion_1(outputs[1], real_labels) errG = errG + errG_patch errG_total = errG_total + errG if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) errG_total += loss optEnG.zero_grad() errG_total.backward() optEnG.step() return float(errG_total ), theta1_KL, Likelihood, loss, p1, p2, p3, shape1, scale1
def train_Gnet(self, idx, count): optG = self.optimizersG[idx] optG.zero_grad() errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_tgpu[0].size(0) criterion, c_code = self.criterion, self.c_code[idx] real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] for i in xrange(len(self.netsG)): outputs = self.netsD[idx * 3 + i](self.fake_imgs[idx * 3 + i], c_code) errG = criterion(outputs[0], real_labels) if len(outputs) > 1 and cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS > 0: errG_patch = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS *\ criterion(outputs[1], real_labels) errG = errG + errG_patch errG_total = errG_total + errG if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) errG_total = errG_total errG_total.backward() optG.step() return float(errG_total)
def train_Dnet(self, idx, count): flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion = self.criterion netD, optD = self.netsD[idx], self.optimizersD[idx] real_imgs = self.real_imgs[idx] fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[idx] real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] fake_labels = self.fake_labels[:batch_size] # netD.zero_grad() # real_logits = netD(real_imgs) fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach()) # errD_real = criterion(real_logits[0], real_labels) errD_fake = criterion(fake_logits[0], fake_labels) # errD = errD_real + errD_fake errD.backward() # update parameters optD.step() # log if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) return errD
def train_MDnet(self, count): flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) real_imgs = self.real_imgs[-1] wrong_imgs = self.wrong_imgs[-1] fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[-1] similar_imgs = self.similar_imgs # netMD = self.netMD optMD = self.optimizerMD netMD.zero_grad() same_labels = self.same_labels[:batch_size] real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] fake_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] wrong_labels = self.wrong_labels[:batch_size] real_feat = self.image_cnn(real_imgs.detach()) real_feat = self.image_encoder(real_feat.detach()) similar_feat = self.image_cnn(similar_imgs.detach()) similar_feat = self.image_encoder(similar_feat.detach()) fake_feat = self.image_cnn(fake_imgs.detach()) fake_feat = self.image_encoder(fake_feat.detach()) wrong_feat = self.image_cnn(wrong_imgs.detach()) wrong_feat = self.image_encoder(wrong_feat.detach()) same_logits = netMD(real_feat, real_feat) real_logits2 = netMD(real_feat, similar_feat) fake_logits2 = netMD(real_feat, fake_feat.detach()) wrong_logits2 = netMD(real_feat, wrong_feat) errMD_si = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS * nn.CrossEntropyLoss()( real_logits2, real_labels.long()) errMD_sa = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS * nn.CrossEntropyLoss()( same_logits, same_labels.long()) errMD_fa = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS * nn.CrossEntropyLoss()( fake_logits2, fake_labels.long()) errMD_wr = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS * nn.CrossEntropyLoss()( wrong_logits2, wrong_labels.long()) if cfg.DATASET_NAME == 'birds' or cfg.DATASET_NAME == 'flowers': errMD = errMD_si + errMD_sa + errMD_fa + errMD_wr else: errMD = errMD_si + errMD_fa + errMD_wr # backward errMD.backward() optMD.step() # log if flag == 0: summary_MD = summary.scalar('MD_loss', errMD.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_MD, count) return errMD
def train_Dnet(self, idx, count): flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion, mu = self.criterion, netD, optD = self.netsD[idx], self.optimizersD[idx] real_imgs = self.real_imgs[idx] wrong_imgs = self.wrong_imgs[idx] fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[idx] # netD.zero_grad() # Forward real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] fake_labels = self.fake_labels[:batch_size] # for real real_logits = netD(real_imgs, mu.detach()) wrong_logits = netD(wrong_imgs, mu.detach()) fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach(), mu.detach()) # errD_real = criterion(real_logits[0], real_labels) errD_wrong = criterion(wrong_logits[0], fake_labels) errD_fake = criterion(fake_logits[0], fake_labels) if len(real_logits) > 1 and cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS > 0: errD_real_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(real_logits[1], real_labels) errD_wrong_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(wrong_logits[1], real_labels) errD_fake_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(fake_logits[1], fake_labels) # errD_real = errD_real + errD_real_uncond errD_wrong = errD_wrong + errD_wrong_uncond errD_fake = errD_fake + errD_fake_uncond # errD = errD_real + errD_wrong + errD_fake else: errD = errD_real + 0.5 * (errD_wrong + errD_fake) # backward errD.backward() # update parameters optD.step() # log if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) return errD
def train_Enet(self, count): errEn_total = 0 flag = count % 100 params = [ self.shape_1, self.scale_1, self.shape_2, self.scale_2, self.shape_3, self.scale_3, self.Phi[0], self.theta_1, self.Phi[1], self.theta_2, self.Phi[2], self.theta_3, self.txtbow ] criterion, optEn, netEn = self.vae, self.optimizerEn, self.netEn loss, theta3_KL, theta2_KL, theta1_KL, Likelihood, Lowerbound = criterion( params) errEn_total = errEn_total + loss netEn.zero_grad() # backward errEn_total.backward() # update parameters optEn.step() if flag == 0: summary_LS = summary.scalar('En_loss', float( summary_LB = summary.scalar('En_lowerbound', float( summary_LL = summary.scalar('En_likelihood', float( summary_KL1 = summary.scalar('En_kl1', float( summary_KL2 = summary.scalar('En_kl2', float( summary_KL3 = summary.scalar('En_kl3', float( self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_LS, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_LB, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_LL, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_KL1, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_KL2, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_KL3, count) return theta1_KL, theta2_KL, theta3_KL, Likelihood, Lowerbound, loss
def train(self, data_loader, stage=1): if stage == 1: netG, netD = self.load_network_stageI() else: netG, netD = self.load_network_stageII() nz = cfg.Z_DIM batch_size = self.batch_size noise = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, nz)) fixed_noise = \ Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, nz).normal_(0, 1), volatile=True) real_labels = torch.FloatTensor([1]) fake_labels = real_labels * -1 wrong_labels = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size).fill_(0)) # real_labels = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size).fill_(1)) # fake_labels = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size).fill_(0)) if cfg.CUDA: noise, fixed_noise = noise.cuda(), fixed_noise.cuda() real_labels, fake_labels, wrong_labels = real_labels.cuda( ), fake_labels.cuda(), wrong_labels.cuda() generator_lr = cfg.TRAIN.GENERATOR_LR discriminator_lr = cfg.TRAIN.DISCRIMINATOR_LR lr_decay_step = cfg.TRAIN.LR_DECAY_EPOCH optimizerD = optim.RMSprop(netD.parameters(), lr=discriminator_lr) netG_para = [] for p in netG.parameters(): if p.requires_grad: netG_para.append(p) optimizerG = optim.RMSprop(netG_para, lr=generator_lr) # optimizerD = \ # optim.Adam(netD.parameters(), # lr=cfg.TRAIN.DISCRIMINATOR_LR, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) # netG_para = [] # for p in netG.parameters(): # if p.requires_grad: # netG_para.append(p) # optimizerG = optim.Adam(netG_para, # lr=cfg.TRAIN.GENERATOR_LR, # betas=(0.5, 0.999)) count = 0 for epoch in range(self.max_epoch): start_t = time.time() if epoch % lr_decay_step == 0 and epoch > 0: generator_lr *= 0.5 for param_group in optimizerG.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = generator_lr discriminator_lr *= 0.5 for param_group in optimizerD.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = discriminator_lr for i, data in enumerate(data_loader, 0): ###################################################### # (1) Prepare training data ###################################################### real_img_cpu, txt_embedding = data real_imgs = Variable(real_img_cpu) txt_embedding = Variable(txt_embedding) if cfg.CUDA: real_imgs = real_imgs.cuda() txt_embedding = txt_embedding.cuda() ####################################################### # (2) Generate fake images ######################################################, 1) inputs = (txt_embedding, noise) _, fake_imgs, mu, logvar = \ nn.parallel.data_parallel(netG, inputs, self.gpus) ############################ # (3) Update D network ########################### for p in netD.parameters():, 0.01) netD.zero_grad() errD, errD_real, errD_wrong, errD_fake = \ compute_discriminator_loss(netD, real_imgs, fake_imgs, real_labels, fake_labels,wrong_labels, mu, self.gpus) optimizerD.step() ############################ # (2) Update G network ########################### netG.zero_grad() errG = compute_generator_loss(netD, fake_imgs, real_labels, mu, self.gpus) kl_loss = KL_loss(mu, logvar) errG_total = kl_loss * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.KL errG_total.backward(retain_graph=True) optimizerG.step() count = count + 1 if i % 100 == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss',[0]) summary_D_r = summary.scalar('D_loss_real', errD_real) summary_D_w = summary.scalar('D_loss_wrong', errD_wrong) summary_D_f = summary.scalar('D_loss_fake', errD_fake) summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss',[0]) summary_KL = summary.scalar('KL_loss',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_r, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_w, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_f, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_KL, count) # save the image result for each epoch inputs = (txt_embedding, fixed_noise) lr_fake, fake, _, _ = \ nn.parallel.data_parallel(netG, inputs, self.gpus) save_img_results(real_img_cpu, fake, epoch, self.image_dir) if lr_fake is not None: save_img_results(None, lr_fake, epoch, self.image_dir) end_t = time.time() print('''[%d/%d][%d/%d] Loss_D: %.4f Loss_G: %.4f Loss_KL: %.4f Loss_real: %.4f Loss_wrong:%.4f Loss_fake %.4f Total Time: %.2fsec ''' % (epoch, self.max_epoch, i, len(data_loader),[0],[0],[0], errD_real, errD_wrong, errD_fake, (end_t - start_t))) if epoch % self.snapshot_interval == 0: save_model(netG, netD, epoch, self.model_dir) # save_model(netG, netD, self.max_epoch, self.model_dir) # self.summary_writer.close()
def train(self): self.netG, self.netsD, self.netIMG, self.inception_model,\ self.num_Ds, start_count = load_network(self.gpus) avg_param_G = copy_G_params(self.netG) self.optimizersD, self.optimizerEnG = \ define_optimizers(self.netG, self.netsD, self.netIMG) self.criterion_1 = nn.BCELoss() self.criterion_2 = myLoss() self.real_labels = \ Variable(torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size).fill_(1)) self.fake_labels = \ Variable(torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size).fill_(0)) # Prepare PHI real_min = np.float64(2.2e-308) Phi1 = 0.2 + 0.8 * np.float64(np.random.rand(1000, 256)) Phi1 = Phi1 / np.maximum(real_min, Phi1.sum(0)) if cfg.CUDA: self.Phi1 = Variable(Phi1).cuda() self.criterion_1.cuda() self.criterion_2.cuda() self.real_labels = self.real_labels.cuda() self.fake_labels = self.fake_labels.cuda() predictions = [] count = start_count start_epoch = start_count // self.num_batches batch_length = self.num_batches self.NDot = 0 self.ForgetRate = np.power( (0 + np.linspace(1, cfg.TRAIN.MAX_EPOCH * int(batch_length), cfg.TRAIN.MAX_EPOCH * int(batch_length))), -0.7) self.eta = 0.1 epsit = np.power( (20 + np.linspace(1, cfg.TRAIN.MAX_EPOCH * int(batch_length), cfg.TRAIN.MAX_EPOCH * int(batch_length))), -0.7) self.epsit = 1 * epsit / epsit[0] num_total_samples = batch_length * self.batch_size start_t = time.time() for epoch in xrange(start_epoch, self.max_epoch): LL = 0 KL = 0 LS = 0 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = 0 DL = 0 GL = 0 shape = [] scale = [] for step, data in enumerate(self.data_loader, 0): ####################################################### # (0) Prepare training data ###################################################### self.img_tcpu, self.txtbow, self.real_tgpu, self.wrong_tgpu = self.prepare_data( data) ####################################################### # (1) Get conv hidden units ###################################################### _, self.flat = self.inception_model(self.real_tgpu[-1]) ####################################################### # (2) Get shape, scale and sample of theta ###################################################### self.theta1, self.shape1, self.scale1 = self.netIMG(self.flat) shape1 = self.shape1.detach().cpu().numpy() scale1 = self.scale1.detach().cpu().numpy() mu_theta1 = scale1 * ss.gamma(1 + 1 / shape1) self.mu_theta1 = torch.tensor(mu_theta1, dtype=torch.float32) ####################################################### # (3) Generate fake images ###################################################### self.fake_imgs, _ = self.netG(self.mu_theta1.detach()) ####################################################### # (4) Update D network ###################################################### errD_total = 0 for i in xrange(self.num_Ds): errD = self.train_Dnet(i, count) errD_total += errD ####################################################### # (5) Update G network (or En network): maximize log(D(G(z))) ###################################################### errG_total, self.KL1, self.LL, self.LS, self.p1, self.p2, self.p3, shape1, scale1 = self.train_Gnet( count) LL += self.LL KL += self.KL1 LS += self.LS p1 += self.p1 p2 += self.p2 p3 += self.p3 shape.append(shape1) scale.append(scale1) for p, avg_p in zip(self.netG.parameters(), avg_param_G): avg_p.mul_(0.999).add_(0.001, DL += errD_total GL += errG_total ####################################################### # (6) Update Phi ####################################################### input_txt = np.array(np.transpose(self.txtbow.cpu().numpy()), order='C').astype('double') Phi1 = np.array(self.Phi1.cpu().numpy(), order='C').astype('double') Theta1 = np.array(np.transpose(self.theta1.cpu().numpy()), order='C').astype('double') phi1, self.NDot = self.updatePhi(input_txt, Phi1, Theta1, int(batch_length), count, self.NDot) self.Phi1 = torch.tensor(phi1, dtype=torch.float32).cuda() # for inception score pred, _ = self.inception_model(self.fake_imgs[-1].detach()) predictions.append( if count % 100 == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss', errD_total) summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss', errG_total) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) if count % cfg.TRAIN.SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL == 0: save_model(self.netIMG, self.netG, avg_param_G, self.netsD, epoch, count, self.model_dir) # Save images backup_para = copy_G_params(self.netG) load_params(self.netG, avg_param_G) self.fake_imgs, _ = \ self.netG(self.theta1) save_img_results(self.img_tcpu, self.fake_imgs, self.num_Ds, count, self.image_dir, self.summary_writer) # load_params(self.netG, backup_para) # Compute inception score if len(predictions) > 500: predictions = np.concatenate(predictions, 0) mean, std = compute_inception_score(predictions, 10) m_incep = summary.scalar('Inception_mean', mean) self.summary_writer.add_summary(m_incep, count) # mean_nlpp, std_nlpp = \ negative_log_posterior_probability(predictions, 10) m_nlpp = summary.scalar('NLPP_mean', mean_nlpp) self.summary_writer.add_summary(m_nlpp, count) # predictions = [] count += 1 end_t = time.time() LS = LS / num_total_samples LL = LL / num_total_samples KL = KL / num_total_samples DL = DL / num_total_samples GL = GL / num_total_samples print( 'Epoch: %d/%d, Time elapsed: %.4fs\n' '* Batch Train Loss: %.6f (LL: %.6f, KL: %.6f, Loss_D:' '%.2f Loss_G: %.2f)\n' % (epoch, self.max_epoch, end_t - start_t, LS, LL, KL, DL, GL)) start_t = time.time() if epoch % 50 == 0: save_model(self.netIMG, self.netG, avg_param_G, self.netsD, epoch, count, self.model_dir) # save the model at the last updating save_model(self.netIMG, self.netG, avg_param_G, self.netsD, epoch, count, self.model_dir) self.summary_writer.close()
def train_Dnet(self, idx, count): if idx == 0 or idx == 2: # Discriminator is only trained in background and child stage. (NOT in parent stage) flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_fimgs[0].size(0) criterion, criterion_one = self.criterion, self.criterion_one netD, optD = self.netsD[idx], self.optimizersD[idx] if idx == 0: real_imgs = self.real_fimgs[0] elif idx == 2: real_imgs = self.real_cimgs[0] fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[idx] netD.zero_grad() real_logits = netD(real_imgs) if idx == 2: fake_labels = torch.zeros_like(real_logits[1]) real_labels = torch.ones_like(real_logits[1]) elif idx == 0: fake_labels = torch.zeros_like(real_logits[1]) ext, output = real_logits weights_real = torch.ones_like(output) real_labels = torch.ones_like(output) for i in range(batch_size): x1 = self.warped_bbox[0][i] x2 = self.warped_bbox[2][i] y1 = self.warped_bbox[1][i] y2 = self.warped_bbox[3][i] a1 = max( torch.tensor(0).float().cuda(), torch.ceil((x1 - self.recp_field) / self.patch_stride)) a2 = min( torch.tensor(self.n_out - 1).float().cuda(), torch.floor((self.n_out - 1) - ((126 - self.recp_field) - x2) / self.patch_stride)) + 1 b1 = max( torch.tensor(0).float().cuda(), torch.ceil((y1 - self.recp_field) / self.patch_stride)) b2 = min( torch.tensor(self.n_out - 1).float().cuda(), torch.floor((self.n_out - 1) - ((126 - self.recp_field) - y2) / self.patch_stride)) + 1 if (x1 != x2 and y1 != y2): weights_real[ i, :, a1.type(, b1.type(] = 0.0 norm_fact_real = weights_real.sum() norm_fact_fake = weights_real.shape[0] * weights_real.shape[ 1] * weights_real.shape[2] * weights_real.shape[3] real_logits = ext, output fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach()) if idx == 0: # Background stage errD_real_uncond = criterion( real_logits[1], real_labels ) # Real/Fake loss for 'real background' (on patch level) errD_real_uncond = torch.mul( errD_real_uncond, weights_real ) # Masking output units which correspond to receptive fields which lie within the boundin box errD_real_uncond = errD_real_uncond.mean() errD_real_uncond_classi = criterion( real_logits[0], weights_real) # Background/foreground classification loss errD_real_uncond_classi = errD_real_uncond_classi.mean() errD_fake_uncond = criterion( fake_logits[1], fake_labels ) # Real/Fake loss for 'fake background' (on patch level) errD_fake_uncond = errD_fake_uncond.mean() if ( norm_fact_real > 0 ): # Normalizing the real/fake loss for background after accounting the number of masked members in the output. errD_real = errD_real_uncond * ((norm_fact_fake * 1.0) / (norm_fact_real * 1.0)) else: errD_real = errD_real_uncond errD_fake = errD_fake_uncond errD = ((errD_real + errD_fake) * cfg.TRAIN.BG_LOSS_WT) + errD_real_uncond_classi if idx == 2: errD_real = criterion_one( real_logits[1], real_labels) # Real/Fake loss for the real image errD_fake = criterion_one( fake_logits[1], fake_labels) # Real/Fake loss for the fake image errD = errD_real + errD_fake if (idx == 0 or idx == 2): errD.backward() optD.step() if (flag == 0): summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) summary_D_real = summary.scalar('D_loss_real_%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_real, count) summary_D_fake = summary.scalar('D_loss_fake_%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_fake, count) return errD
def train(self, data_loader, stage=1): if stage == 1: netG, netD = self.load_network_stageI() else: netG, netD = self.load_network_stageII() nz = cfg.Z_DIM batch_size = self.batch_size noise = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, nz)) with torch.no_grad(): fixed_noise = \ Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, nz).normal_(0, 1)) real_labels = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size).fill_(1)) fake_labels = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size).fill_(0)) if cfg.CUDA: noise, fixed_noise = noise.cuda(), fixed_noise.cuda() real_labels, fake_labels = real_labels.cuda(), fake_labels.cuda() generator_lr = cfg.TRAIN.GENERATOR_LR discriminator_lr = cfg.TRAIN.DISCRIMINATOR_LR lr_decay_step = cfg.TRAIN.LR_DECAY_EPOCH optimizerD = \ optim.Adam(netD.parameters(), lr=cfg.TRAIN.DISCRIMINATOR_LR, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) netG_para = [] for p in netG.parameters(): if p.requires_grad: netG_para.append(p) optimizerG = optim.Adam(netG_para, lr=cfg.TRAIN.GENERATOR_LR, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) count = 0'Training stage-{}'.format(stage)) for epoch in range(self.max_epoch): start_t = time.time() if epoch % lr_decay_step == 0 and epoch > 0: generator_lr *= 0.5 for param_group in optimizerG.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = generator_lr discriminator_lr *= 0.5 for param_group in optimizerD.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = discriminator_lr for i, data in enumerate( tqdm(iter(data_loader), leave=False, total=len(data_loader)), 0): ###################################################### # (1) Prepare training data ###################################################### real_voxels_cpu = data['voxel_tensor'] txt_embeddings = data['raw_embedding'] real_voxels = Variable(real_voxels_cpu) txt_embeddings = Variable(txt_embeddings) if cfg.CUDA: real_voxels = real_voxels.cuda() txt_embeddings = txt_embeddings.cuda() ####################################################### # (2) Generate fake voxels ######################################################, 1) inputs = (txt_embeddings, noise) _, fake_voxels, mu, logvar = \ nn.parallel.data_parallel(netG, inputs, self.gpus) ############################ # (3) Update D network ########################### netD.zero_grad() errD, errD_real, errD_wrong, errD_fake = \ compute_discriminator_loss(netD, real_voxels, fake_voxels, real_labels, fake_labels, mu, self.gpus) errD.backward() optimizerD.step() ############################ # (2) Update G network ########################### netG.zero_grad() errG = compute_generator_loss(netD, fake_voxels, real_labels, mu, self.gpus) kl_loss = KL_loss(mu, logvar) errG_total = errG + kl_loss * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.KL errG_total.backward() optimizerG.step() count = count + 1 if i % 100 == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss', errD.item()) summary_D_r = summary.scalar('D_loss_real', errD_real) summary_D_w = summary.scalar('D_loss_wrong', errD_wrong) summary_D_f = summary.scalar('D_loss_fake', errD_fake) summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss', errG.item()) summary_KL = summary.scalar('KL_loss', kl_loss.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_r, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_w, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_f, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_KL, count) # save the voxels result for each epoch inputs = (txt_embeddings, fixed_noise) lr_fake, fake, _, _ = \ nn.parallel.data_parallel(netG, inputs, self.gpus) save_voxels_results(real_voxels_cpu, fake, epoch, self.voxels_dir) if lr_fake is not None: save_voxels_results(None, lr_fake, epoch, self.voxels_dir) end_t = time.time() '''[%d/%d][%d/%d] Loss_D: %.4f Loss_G: %.4f Loss_KL: %.4f Loss_real: %.4f Loss_wrong:%.4f Loss_fake %.4f Total Time: %.2fsec ''' % (epoch, self.max_epoch, i, len(data_loader), errD.item(), errG.item(), kl_loss.item(), errD_real, errD_wrong, errD_fake, (end_t - start_t))) if epoch % self.snapshot_interval == 0: save_model(netG, netD, epoch, self.model_dir) save_model(netG, netD, self.max_epoch, self.model_dir) self.summary_writer.close()
def train(self): self.netEn, self.netsG, self.netsD, self.num_Ds,\ self.inception_model, start_count = load_network(self.gpus) avg_param_G = [] for i in xrange(len(self.netsG)): avg_param_G.append(copy_G_params(self.netsG[i])) self.optimizerEn, self.optimizersG, self.optimizersD = \ define_optimizers(self.netEn, self.netsG, self.netsD) self.criterion = nn.BCELoss() self.vae = myLoss() self.real_labels = \ Variable(torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size).fill_(1)) self.fake_labels = \ Variable(torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size).fill_(0)) predictions = [] count = start_count start_epoch = start_count // self.num_batches batch_length = self.num_batches self.Phi = [] self.eta = [] K = [256, 128, 64] real_min = np.float64(2.2e-308) eta = np.ones(3) * 0.1 for i in range(3): self.eta.append(eta[i]) if i == 0: self.Phi.append(0.2 + 0.8 * np.float64(np.random.rand(1000, K[i]))) else: self.Phi.append(0.2 + 0.8 * np.float64(np.random.rand(K[i - 1], K[i]))) self.Phi[i] = self.Phi[i] / np.maximum(real_min, self.Phi[i].sum(0)) self.NDot = [0] * 3 self.Xt_to_t1 = [0] * 3 self.WSZS = [0] * 3 self.EWSZS = [0] * 3 self.ForgetRate = np.power( (0 + np.linspace(1, cfg.TRAIN.MAX_EPOCH * int(batch_length), cfg.TRAIN.MAX_EPOCH * int(batch_length))), -0.7) epsit = np.power( (20 + np.linspace(1, cfg.TRAIN.MAX_EPOCH * int(batch_length), cfg.TRAIN.MAX_EPOCH * int(batch_length))), -0.7) self.epsit = 1 * epsit / epsit[0] num_total_samples = batch_length * self.batch_size if cfg.CUDA: for i in xrange(len(self.Phi)): self.Phi[i] = Variable(torch.from_numpy( self.Phi[i]).float()).cuda() self.criterion.cuda() self.real_labels = self.real_labels.cuda() self.fake_labels = self.fake_labels.cuda() for epoch in xrange(start_epoch, self.max_epoch): start_t = time.time() LL = 0 KL1 = 0 KL2 = 0 KL3 = 0 LS = 0 DL = 0 GL = 0 for step, data in enumerate(self.data_loader, 0): ####################################################### # (0) Prepare training data ###################################################### self.img_tcpu, self.txtbow, self.real_tgpu, self.wrong_tgpu = self.prepare_data( data) ####################################################### # (1) Get conv hidden units ###################################################### _, self.flat = self.inception_model(self.real_tgpu[-1]) self.theta_1, self.shape_1, self.scale_1, self.theta_2,\ self.shape_2, self.scale_2, self.theta_3, self.shape_3,\ self.scale_3 = self.netEn(self.flat) self.txt_embedding = [] self.txt_embedding.append(self.theta_3.detach()) self.txt_embedding.append(self.theta_2.detach()) self.txt_embedding.append(self.theta_1.detach()) ####################################################### # (2) Generate fake images ###################################################### tmp = [] self.c_code = [] x_embedding = None for it in xrange(len(self.netsG)): fake_imgs, c_code, x_embedding = \ self.netsG[it](self.txt_embedding[it], x_embedding) tmp.append(fake_imgs) self.c_code.append(c_code) self.fake_imgs = [] for it in xrange(len(tmp)): for jt in xrange(len(tmp[it])): self.fake_imgs.append(tmp[it][jt]) ####################################################### # (3) Update En network ###################################################### self.KL1, self.KL2, self.KL3, self.LL, self.LB, self.LS = self.train_Enet( count) LL += self.LL KL1 += self.KL1 KL2 += self.KL2 KL3 += self.KL3 LS += self.LS if count % 100 == 0: print(self.LS) print(self.KL1) print(self.KL2) print(self.KL3) ####################################################### # (4) Update Phi ####################################################### input_txt = np.array(np.transpose(self.txtbow.cpu().numpy()), order='C').astype('double') Phi = [] theta = [] self.theta = [self.theta_1, self.theta_2, self.theta_3] for i in xrange(len(self.Phi)): Phi.append( np.array(self.Phi[i].cpu().numpy(), order='C').astype('double')) theta.append( np.array(np.transpose( self.theta[i].detach().cpu().numpy()), order='C').astype('double')) phi = self.updatePhi(input_txt, Phi, theta, int(batch_length), count) for i in xrange(len(phi)): self.Phi[i] = torch.tensor(phi[i], dtype=torch.float32).cuda() ####################################################### # (5) Update D network ###################################################### errD_total = 0 for i in xrange(self.num_Ds): errD = self.train_Dnet(i, count) errD_total += errD DL += errD_total ####################################################### # (6) Update G network: maximize log(D(G(z))) ###################################################### errG_total = 0 for i in xrange(len(self.netsG)): errG = self.train_Gnet(i, count) errG_total += errG for p, avg_p in zip(self.netsG[i].parameters(), avg_param_G[i]): avg_p.mul_(0.999).add_(0.001, GL += errG_total # for inception score if cfg.INCEPTION: pred, _ = self.inception_model(self.fake_imgs[-1].detach()) predictions.append( if count % 100 == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss', errD_total) summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss', errG_total) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) if count % cfg.TRAIN.SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL == 0: save_model(self.netEn, self.netsG, avg_param_G, self.netsD, epoch, self.model_dir) # Save images backup_para = [] for i in xrange(len(self.netsG)): backup_para.append(copy_G_params(self.netsG[i])) load_params(self.netsG[i], avg_param_G[i]) x_embedding = None self.fake_imgs = [] for it in xrange(len(self.netsG)): fake_imgs, _, x_embedding = self.netsG[it]( self.txt_embedding[it], x_embedding) self.fake_imgs.append(fake_imgs[-1]) save_img_results(self.img_tcpu, self.fake_imgs, len(self.netsG), count, self.image_dir) for i in xrange(len(self.netsG)): load_params(self.netsG[i], backup_para[i]) if cfg.INCEPTION: # Compute inception score if len(predictions) > 500: predictions = np.concatenate(predictions, 0) mean, std = compute_inception_score( predictions, 10) m_incep = summary.scalar('Inception_mean', mean) self.summary_writer.add_summary(m_incep, count) mean_nlpp, std_nlpp = \ negative_log_posterior_probability(predictions, 10) m_nlpp = summary.scalar('NLPP_mean', mean_nlpp) self.summary_writer.add_summary(m_nlpp, count) predictions = [] count = count + 1 end_t = time.time() LS = LS / num_total_samples LL = LL / num_total_samples KL1 = KL1 / num_total_samples KL2 = KL2 / num_total_samples KL3 = KL3 / num_total_samples DL = DL / num_total_samples GL = GL / num_total_samples print( 'Epoch: %d/%d, Time elapsed: %.4fs\n' '* Batch Train Loss: %.6f (LL: %.6f, KL1: %.6f, KL2: %.6f,' 'KL3: %.6f, Loss_D: %.2f Loss_G: %.2f)\n' % (epoch, self.max_epoch, end_t - start_t, LS, LL, KL1, KL2, KL3, DL, GL)) save_model(self.netEn, self.netsG, avg_param_G, self.netsD, epoch, self.model_dir) self.summary_writer.close()
def train_Gnet(self, count): self.netG.zero_grad() for myit in range(4): self.netsD[myit].zero_grad() errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_fimgs.size(0) criterion_one, criterion_class, c_code, p_code = self.criterion_one, self.criterion_class, self.c_code, self.p_code for i in range(3): if i == 0 or i == 2: # real/fake loss for background (0) and child (2) stage if i == 0: outputs = self.netsD[0](self.fake_imgs[0], self.alpha, self.aux_masks) real_labels = torch.ones_like(outputs[1]) errG0 = criterion_one(outputs[1], real_labels) errG0 = errG0 * cfg.TRAIN.BG_LOSS_WT_GLB outputs = self.netsD[3](self.fake_imgs[0], self.alpha) real_labels = torch.ones_like(outputs[1]) errG1 = criterion_one(outputs[1], real_labels) errG1 = errG1 * cfg.TRAIN.BG_LOSS_WT_LCL errG_classi = criterion_one( outputs[0], real_labels ) # Background/Foreground classification loss for the fake background image (on patch level) errG_classi = errG_classi * cfg.TRAIN.BG_CLASSI_WT errG = errG0 + errG1 + errG_classi errG_total = errG_total + errG else: # i = 2 outputs = self.netsD[2](self.fake_imgs[2], self.alpha) real_labels = torch.ones_like(outputs[1]) errG = criterion_one(outputs[1], real_labels) errG_total = errG_total + errG if i == 1: # Mutual information loss for the parent stage (1) pred_p = self.netsD[i](self.fg_mk[i - 1], self.alpha) errG_info = criterion_class(pred_p[0], torch.nonzero(p_code.long())[:, 1]) elif i == 2: # Mutual information loss for the child stage (2) pred_c = self.netsD[i](self.fg_mk[i - 1], self.alpha) errG_info = criterion_class(pred_c[0], torch.nonzero(c_code.long())[:, 1]) if i > 0: errG_total = errG_total + errG_info if flag == 0: if i > 0: summary_D_class = summary.scalar('Information_loss_%d' % i, errG_info.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_class, count) if i == 0 or i == 2: summary_D = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i, errG.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) errG_total.backward() for myit in range(3): self.optimizerG[myit].step() return errG_total
def run(args): with tf.Graph().as_default(): global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False) train_flag = tf.placeholder(tf.bool) keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) feature_1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, args.input_dimension], 'feature_1') feature_2 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, args.input_dimension], 'feature_2') feature_3 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, args.input_dimension], 'feature_3') real_labels=tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, ], 'real_labels') ### generated predicate features ### bottle_z = ST_encoder(dim_G, feature_1, keep_prob, reuse=False, training=train_flag) reconstruction = ST_decoder(dim_D,1000, bottle_z, feature_2, keep_prob, reuse=False, training=train_flag) errL1 = tf.reduce_mean(tf.losses.absolute_difference(reconstruction, feature_3, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE)) if args.ac_weight > 0: ac_loss = aux_classifier(reconstruction, real_labels, args.num_predicates, keep_prob, reuse=False, training=train_flag) else: ac_loss=tf.zeros(1,dtype=tf.dtypes.float32) #errL1 = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(reconstruction - feature_3)) errD_fake = netD(256, reconstruction, n_layers=0, reuse=False) errD_real = netD(256, feature_3, n_layers=0, reuse=True) # cost functions errD = tf.reduce_mean(errD_fake) - tf.reduce_mean(errD_real) errG = -tf.reduce_mean(errD_fake) if args.ac_weight > 0: errG_total = errG + errL1 * args.L1_weight + args.ac_weight * ac_loss else: errG_total = errG + errL1 * args.L1_weight # gradient penalty epsilon = tf.random_uniform([], 0.0, 1.0) x_hat = feature_3 * (1 - epsilon) + epsilon * reconstruction d_hat = netD(256,x_hat, n_layers=0, reuse=True) gradients = tf.gradients(d_hat, x_hat)[0] slopes = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(gradients), reduction_indices=[1])) gradient_penalty = 10 * tf.reduce_mean((slopes - 1.0) ** 2) errD_total = errD + gradient_penalty t_vars = tf.trainable_variables() d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'Discriminator' in] g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'Generator' in] learning_rate = get_learning_rate(data_num, global_step) G_train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, beta1=0.5, beta2=0.9).minimize(errG_total,global_step,var_list=g_vars) D_train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, beta1=0.5, beta2=0.9).minimize(errD_total,global_step,var_list=d_vars) ops = {'D_train_op': D_train_op, 'G_train_op': G_train_op, 'feature_1': feature_1, 'feature_2': feature_2, 'feature_3': feature_3, 'keep_prob': keep_prob, 'real_labels': real_labels, 'train_flag': train_flag, 'errD': errD, 'errG': errG, 'errL1': errL1, 'ac_loss': ac_loss, 'reconstruction': reconstruction} saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=None) init =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) ### make gpu memory grow according to needed ### gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True) sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)) summary_writer = FileWriter(log_path, graph=tf.get_default_graph()) # tf.add_to_collection('train_op', train_op) tf.add_to_collection('G_train_op', G_train_op) tf.add_to_collection('D_train_op', D_train_op) start_epoch=0 if # restore previous model if there is one ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(model_pth) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: print("Restoring previous model...") try: start_epoch = int(os.path.basename(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path).split('-')[1]) + 1 print(start_epoch) saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) print("Model restored") except: print("Could not restore model") pass ########################################### training portion for epoch in range(start_epoch,args.max_epoch): start = time.time() train_loss_d, train_loss_g, train_loss_L1Loss,train_loss_acLoss = train_one_epoch(sess, input_data, ops, args) print('epoch:', epoch, 'D loss:', train_loss_d.avg, 'G_loss:', train_loss_g.avg, 'L1:',train_loss_L1Loss.avg,'AC:',train_loss_acLoss.avg, 'time:', time.time() - start) summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss', train_loss_d.avg) summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, epoch) summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss', train_loss_g.avg) summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, epoch) summary_G_L1 = summary.scalar('G_L1', train_loss_L1Loss.avg) summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G_L1, epoch) summary_AC = summary.scalar('G_AC', train_loss_acLoss.avg) summary_writer.add_summary(summary_AC, epoch) if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0: print('save model') if not os.path.exists(model_pth): os.makedirs(model_pth), model_pth + 'checkpoint-' + str(epoch)) saver.export_meta_graph(model_pth + 'checkpoint-' + str(epoch) + '.meta') else: print('evaluation') ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(model_pth) try: epoch = int(os.path.basename(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path).split('-')[1]) saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) print("Model restored") except: print("Could not restore model") exit(0) pass ### generate whole data### if args.test_setting == 'wholedata': print('generate whole data:', epoch) generate_wholedata(sess, input_data, ops, epoch) ### generate lowshot vrd data### elif args.test_setting == 'lowshot': print('generate lowshot data:', epoch) generate_lowshot(sess, input_data, ops, args, epoch) input_data.close()
def log_history(hist, epoch): for ep in hist.epoch: for val in hist.history: writer.add_summary( summary=summary.scalar("nn/" + val, hist.history[val][ep]), global_step=epoch )
labels = test_feature_all['pre_label'][ start_ind:end_ind] gt_concat_fea = np.concatenate( (test_feature_all['sub_fea'][start_ind:end_ind], test_feature_all['obj_fea'][start_ind:end_ind]), axis=1) rd_loss_temp, acc_temp, acc_each = vnet.val_predicate_fea_concate( sess, gt_concat_fea, labels) rd_loss_val = rd_loss_val + rd_loss_temp acc_val += sum(acc_each) print( "whole-val: {0} rd_loss: {1}, acc: {2}, best_acc: {3}". format(step, rd_loss_val / N_val, acc_val / N_val, acc_val_all)) val_loss = summary.scalar('val_loss', rd_loss_val / N_val) summary_writer.add_summary(val_loss, step) val_accuracy = summary.scalar('val_acc', acc_val / N_val) summary_writer.add_summary(val_accuracy, step) if (acc_val / N_val) > acc_val_all: save_path = model_path + '/' + + '_vgg_' + format( int(step), '04'), save_path) saver.export_meta_graph(save_path + '.meta') acc_val_all = acc_val / N_val best_acc_val = step ###evaluation lowshot dataset ### elif args.mode == "lowshot": rd_loss_val_lowshot = 0.0
def train(self): if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS > 0: self.netG, self.netsD, self.netMD, self.num_Ds, self.inception_model, start_count = load_network( self.gpus, self.num_batches) else: self.netG, self.netsD, self.num_Ds, self.inception_model, start_count = load_network( self.gpus, self.num_batches) avg_param_G = copy_G_params(self.netG) if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.CONTENTCONSIST_LOSS > 0 or cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.SEMANTICONSIST_LOSS > 0 or cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS > 0: self.image_cnn = Inception_v3() self.image_encoder = LINEAR_ENCODER() if not isinstance(self.image_cnn, torch.nn.DataParallel): self.image_cnn = nn.DataParallel(self.image_cnn) if not isinstance(self.image_encoder, torch.nn.DataParallel): self.image_encoder = nn.DataParallel(self.image_encoder) if cfg.DATASET_NAME == 'birds': self.image_encoder.load_state_dict( torch.load( "outputs/pre_train/birds/models/best_image_model.pth")) if cfg.DATASET_NAME == 'flowers': self.image_encoder.load_state_dict( torch.load( "outputs/pre_train/flowers/models/best_image_model.pth" )) if cfg.CUDA: self.image_cnn = self.image_cnn.cuda() self.image_encoder = self.image_encoder.cuda() self.image_cnn.eval() self.image_encoder.eval() for p in self.image_cnn.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False for p in self.image_encoder.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False self.optimizerG, self.optimizersD = define_optimizers( self.netG, self.netsD) if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS > 0: self.optimizerMD = optim.Adam(self.netMD.parameters(), lr=cfg.TRAIN.DISCRIMINATOR_LR, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) self.criterion = nn.BCELoss() self.real_labels = Variable( torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size).fill_(1)) self.fake_labels = Variable( torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size).fill_(0)) self.same_labels = Variable( torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size).fill_(0)) self.wrong_labels = Variable( torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size).fill_(2)) self.gradient_one = torch.FloatTensor([1.0]) self.gradient_half = torch.FloatTensor([0.5]) nz = cfg.GAN.Z_DIM noise = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size, nz)) fixed_noise = Variable( torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size, nz).normal_(0, 1)) if cfg.CUDA: self.criterion.cuda() self.real_labels = self.real_labels.cuda() self.fake_labels = self.fake_labels.cuda() self.same_labels = self.same_labels.cuda() self.wrong_labels = self.wrong_labels.cuda() self.gradient_one = self.gradient_one.cuda() self.gradient_half = self.gradient_half.cuda() noise, fixed_noise = noise.cuda(), fixed_noise.cuda() predictions = [] count = start_count start_epoch = start_count // (self.num_batches) for epoch in range(start_epoch, self.max_epoch): start_t = time.time() for step, data in enumerate(self.data_loader, 0): ####################################################### # (0) Prepare training data ###################################################### self.imgs_tcpu, self.real_imgs, self.wrong_imgs, self.similar_imgs, self.txt_embedding, self.class_ids = self.prepare_data( data) ####################################################### # (1) Generate fake images ######################################################, 1) self.fake_imgs,, self.logvar = self.netG( noise, self.txt_embedding) ####################################################### # (2) Update D network ###################################################### errD_total = 0 for i in range(self.num_Ds): errD = self.train_Dnet(i, count) errD_total += errD #update MD network errMD = self.train_MDnet(count) errD_total += errMD ####################################################### # (3) Update G network: maximize log(D(G(z))) ###################################################### kl_loss, errG_total = self.train_Gnet(count) for p, avg_p in zip(self.netG.parameters(), avg_param_G): avg_p.mul_(0.999).add_(0.001, # # for inception score # pred = self.inception_model(self.fake_imgs[-1].detach()) # predictions.append( if count % 100 == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss', errD_total.item()) summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss', errG_total.item()) summary_KL = summary.scalar('KL_loss', kl_loss.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_KL, count) count = count + 1 if epoch % cfg.TRAIN.SAVE_EPOCH == 0: if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS > 0: DIS_NET = [self.netsD, self.netMD] else: DIS_NET = self.netsD save_model(self.netG, avg_param_G, DIS_NET, epoch, self.model_dir) if epoch % cfg.TRAIN.SNAPSHOT_EPOCH == 0: # Save images backup_para = copy_G_params(self.netG) load_params(self.netG, avg_param_G) # self.fake_imgs, _, _ = self.netG(fixed_noise, self.txt_embedding) save_img_results(self.imgs_tcpu, self.fake_imgs, self.num_Ds, epoch, self.image_dir, self.summary_writer) # load_params(self.netG, backup_para) ############################# #***during the training process, the paramerter of G are updated alone #**why in the generating stage, use the weighting parameter of G ############################# """ # Compute inception score if len(predictions) > 500: predictions = np.concatenate(predictions, 0) mean, std = compute_inception_score(predictions, 10) # print('mean:', mean, 'std', std) m_incep = summary.scalar('Inception_mean', mean) self.summary_writer.add_summary(m_incep, count) # mean_nlpp, std_nlpp = negative_log_posterior_probability(predictions, 10) m_nlpp = summary.scalar('NLPP_mean', mean_nlpp) self.summary_writer.add_summary(m_nlpp, count) # predictions = [] """ end_t = time.time() print('''[%d/%d][%d] Loss_D: %.2f Loss_G: %.2f Loss_KL: %.2f Time: %.2fs ''' # D(real): %.4f D(wrong):%.4f D(fake) %.4f % (epoch, self.max_epoch, self.num_batches, errD_total.item(), errG_total.item(), kl_loss.item(), end_t - start_t)) if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS > 0: DIS_NET = [self.netsD, self.netMD] else: DIS_NET = self.netsD save_model(self.netG, avg_param_G, DIS_NET, epoch, self.model_dir) self.summary_writer.close()
def train_Gnet(self, count): self.netG.zero_grad() errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion, mu, logvar = self.criterion,, self.logvar real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] for i in range(self.num_Ds): outputs = self.netsD[i](self.fake_imgs[i], mu) errG = criterion(outputs[0], real_labels) if len(outputs) > 1 and cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS > 0: errG_patch = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * criterion( outputs[1], real_labels) errG = errG + errG_patch errG_total = errG_total + errG if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.CONTENTCONSIST_LOSS > 0 or cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.SEMANTICONSIST_LOSS > 0 or cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS > 0: fake_feat = self.image_cnn(self.fake_imgs[i]) fake_feat = self.image_encoder(fake_feat) if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.CONTENTCONSIST_LOSS > 0 or cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS > 0: real_feat = self.image_cnn(self.real_imgs[i]) real_feat = self.image_encoder(real_feat) if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.CONTENTCONSIST_LOSS > 0: loss1, loss2 = batch_loss(real_feat, fake_feat, self.class_ids) errG_CC = loss1 + loss2 errG_total = errG_total + errG_CC * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.CONTENTCONSIST_LOSS if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.SEMANTICONSIST_LOSS > 0: loss1, loss2 = batch_loss(self.txt_embedding, fake_feat, self.class_ids) errG_SC = loss1 + loss2 errG_total = errG_total + errG_SC * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.SEMANTICONSIST_LOSS if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS > 0 and i == (self.num_Ds - 1): outputs2 = self.netMD(real_feat, fake_feat) errMG = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(outputs2, real_labels.long()) errG_total = errG_total + errMG * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.MD_LOSS if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i, errG.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) # Compute color consistency losses if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS > 0: if self.num_Ds > 1: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-1]) mu2, covariance2 = compute_mean_covariance( self.fake_imgs[-2].detach()) like_mu2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * nn.MSELoss()( covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu2 + like_cov2 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu2', like_mu2.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, global_step=count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov2', like_cov2.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, global_step=count) if self.num_Ds > 2: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2]) mu2, covariance2 = compute_mean_covariance( self.fake_imgs[-3].detach()) like_mu1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * nn.MSELoss()( covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu1 + like_cov1 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu1', like_mu1.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov1', like_cov1.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) kl_loss = KL_loss(mu, logvar) * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.KL errG_total = errG_total + kl_loss errG_total.backward() self.optimizerG.step() return kl_loss, errG_total
def train(self, data_loader, stage=1): if stage == 1: netG, netD = self.load_network_stageI() else: netG, netD = self.load_network_stageII() nz = cfg.Z_DIM # 100 batch_size = self.batch_size noise = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, nz)) fixed_noise = \ Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, nz).normal_(0, 1), volatile=True) real_labels = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size).fill_(1)) fake_labels = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size).fill_(0)) if cfg.CUDA: noise, fixed_noise = noise.cuda(), fixed_noise.cuda() real_labels, fake_labels = real_labels.cuda(), fake_labels.cuda() generator_lr = cfg.TRAIN.GENERATOR_LR discriminator_lr = cfg.TRAIN.DISCRIMINATOR_LR lr_decay_step = cfg.TRAIN.LR_DECAY_EPOCH optimizerD = \ optim.Adam(netD.parameters(), lr=cfg.TRAIN.DISCRIMINATOR_LR, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) netG_para = [] for p in netG.parameters(): if p.requires_grad: netG_para.append(p) optimizerG = optim.Adam(netG_para, lr=cfg.TRAIN.GENERATOR_LR, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) count = 0 detectron = Detectron() for epoch in range(self.max_epoch): start_t = time.time() if epoch % lr_decay_step == 0 and epoch > 0: generator_lr *= 0.5 for param_group in optimizerG.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = generator_lr discriminator_lr *= 0.5 for param_group in optimizerD.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = discriminator_lr #print('check 0') for i, data in enumerate(data_loader): ###################################################### # (1) Prepare training data ###################################################### #print('check 1') real_img_cpu, txt_embedding, caption = data caption = np.moveaxis(np.array(caption), 1, 0) #print('check 2') real_imgs = Variable(real_img_cpu) txt_embedding = Variable(txt_embedding) #print('check 3') if cfg.CUDA: real_imgs = real_imgs.cuda() txt_embedding = txt_embedding.cuda() ####################################################### # (2) Generate fake images ###################################################### #print(real_imgs.size()), 1) inputs = (txt_embedding, noise) _, fake_imgs, mu, logvar = \ nn.parallel.data_parallel(netG, inputs, self.gpus) ############################ # (3) Update D network ########################### netD.zero_grad() errD, errD_real, errD_wrong, errD_fake = \ compute_discriminator_loss(netD, real_imgs, fake_imgs, real_labels, fake_labels, mu, self.gpus) errD.backward() optimizerD.step() ############################ # (2) Update G network ########################### netG.zero_grad() errG = compute_generator_loss(netD, fake_imgs, real_labels, mu, self.gpus) kl_loss = KL_loss(mu, logvar) fake_img = fake_imgs.cpu().detach().numpy() #print(fake_img.shape) det_obj_list = detectron.get_labels(fake_img) fake_l = Variable(get_ohe(det_obj_list)).cuda() real_l = Variable(get_ohe(caption)).cuda() det_loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss()(fake_l, real_l) errG_total = det_loss + errG + kl_loss * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.KL errG_total.backward() optimizerG.step() count = count + 1 if i % 100 == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss', errD.item()) summary_D_r = summary.scalar('D_loss_real', errD_real) summary_D_w = summary.scalar('D_loss_wrong', errD_wrong) summary_D_f = summary.scalar('D_loss_fake', errD_fake) summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss', errG.item()) summary_KL = summary.scalar('KL_loss', kl_loss.item()) summary_DET = summary.scalar('det_loss', det_loss.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_r, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_w, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_f, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_KL, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_DET, count) # save the image result for each epoch inputs = (txt_embedding, fixed_noise) lr_fake, fake, _, _ = \ nn.parallel.data_parallel(netG, inputs, self.gpus) save_img_results(real_img_cpu, fake, epoch, self.image_dir) if lr_fake is not None: save_img_results(None, lr_fake, epoch, self.image_dir) end_t = time.time() print( '''[%d/%d][%d/%d] Loss_D: %.4f Loss_G: %.4f Loss_KL: %.4f Loss_real: %.4f Loss_wrong:%.4f Loss_fake %.4f Total Time: %.2fsec ''' % (epoch, self.max_epoch, i, len(data_loader), errD.item(), errG.item(), kl_loss.item(), errD_real, errD_wrong, errD_fake, (end_t - start_t))) if epoch % self.snapshot_interval == 0: save_model(netG, netD, epoch, self.model_dir) # save_model(netG, netD, self.max_epoch, self.model_dir) # self.summary_writer.close()
def train(self, data_loader): netG, netD = self.load_network_stageII() nz = cfg.Z_DIM batch_size = self.batch_size noise = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, nz)) real_labels = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size).fill_(1)) fake_labels = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size).fill_(0)) if cfg.CUDA: real_labels, fake_labels = real_labels.cuda(), fake_labels.cuda() generator_lr = cfg.TRAIN.GENERATOR_LR discriminator_lr = cfg.TRAIN.DISCRIMINATOR_LR lr_decay_step = cfg.TRAIN.LR_DECAY_EPOCH optimizerD = \ optim.Adam(netD.parameters(), lr=cfg.TRAIN.DISCRIMINATOR_LR, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) netG_para = [] for p in netG.parameters(): if p.requires_grad: netG_para.append(p) optimizerG = optim.Adam(netG_para, lr=cfg.TRAIN.GENERATOR_LR, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) count = 0 for epoch in range(self.max_epoch): start_t = time.time() if epoch % lr_decay_step == 0 and epoch > 0: generator_lr *= 0.5 for param_group in optimizerG.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = generator_lr discriminator_lr *= 0.5 for param_group in optimizerD.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = discriminator_lr for i, data in enumerate(data_loader, 0): ###################################################### # (1) Prepare training data ###################################################### real_img_cpu, feat_cpu = data real_img_cpu = real_img_cpu.squeeze(1).permute(0,3,1,2) feat_cpu = feat_cpu.squeeze(1).permute(0,3,1,2) real_imgs = Variable(real_img_cpu) feats = Variable(feat_cpu) if cfg.CUDA: real_imgs = real_imgs.cuda() feats = feats.cuda() ####################################################### # (2) Generate fake images ######################################################, 1) inputs = feats fake_imgs = \ nn.parallel.data_parallel(netG, inputs, self.gpus) ############################ # (3) Update D network ########################### netD.zero_grad() #errD, errD_real, errD_wrong, errD_fake = \ errD, errD_real, errD_fake, errD_wrong = \ compute_discriminator_loss(netD, real_imgs, feats, fake_imgs, real_labels, fake_labels, self.gpus) errD.backward() optimizerD.step() ############################ # (2) Update G network ########################### netG.zero_grad() errG = compute_generator_loss(netD, fake_imgs, feats, real_labels, self.gpus) errG.backward() optimizerG.step() count = count + 1 if i % 100 == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss', errD.item()) summary_D_r = summary.scalar('D_loss_real', errD_real) summary_D_w = summary.scalar('D_loss_wrong', errD_wrong) summary_D_f = summary.scalar('D_loss_fake', errD_fake) summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss', errG.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_r, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_w, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_f, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) # save the image result for each epoch inputs = feats fake = \ nn.parallel.data_parallel(netG, inputs, self.gpus) #save_img_results(real_img_cpu, fake, epoch, self.image_dir) save_img_results2(real_img_cpu, fake, feat_cpu, epoch, self.image_dir) end_t = time.time() print('''[%d/%d][%d/%d] Loss_D: %.4f Loss_G: %.4f Loss_KL: %.4f Loss_real: %.4f Loss_wrong:%.4f Loss_fake %.4f Total Time: %.2fsec ''' % (epoch, self.max_epoch, i, len(data_loader), errD.item(), errG.item(), 0.0, errD_real, errD_wrong, errD_fake, (end_t - start_t))) if epoch % self.snapshot_interval == 0: save_model(netG, netD, epoch, self.model_dir) # save_model(netG, netD, self.max_epoch, self.model_dir) # self.summary_writer.close()
def train_Dnet(self, idx, count): flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_fimgs.size(0) criterion, criterion_one = self.criterion, self.criterion_one if idx == 0: real_imgs = self.real_fimgs fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[0] optD = self.optimizersD[0] netD = self.netsD[0] netD.zero_grad() real_logits = netD(real_imgs, self.alpha, self.masks.detach()) fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach(), self.alpha, self.aux_masks) real_labels = torch.ones_like(real_logits[1]) fake_labels = torch.zeros_like(real_logits[1]) errD_real = criterion_one( real_logits[1], real_labels) # Real/Fake loss for the real image errD_fake = criterion_one( fake_logits[1], fake_labels) # Real/Fake loss for the fake image errD0 = (errD_real + errD_fake) * cfg.TRAIN.BG_LOSS_WT_GLB netD = self.netsD[3] netD.zero_grad() _fg = self.masks == 0 rev_masks = torch.zeros_like(self.masks) rev_masks.masked_fill_(_fg, 1.0) real_logits = netD(real_imgs, self.alpha, rev_masks) fake_labels = torch.zeros_like(real_logits[1]) ext, output, fnl_masks = real_logits weights_real = torch.ones_like(output) real_labels = torch.ones_like(output) # for i in range(batch_size): invalid_patch = fnl_masks != 0.0 weights_real.masked_fill_(invalid_patch, 0.0) norm_fact_real = weights_real.sum() norm_fact_fake = weights_real.shape[0] * weights_real.shape[ 1] * weights_real.shape[2] * weights_real.shape[3] real_logits = ext, output fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach(), self.alpha) errD_real_uncond = criterion( real_logits[1], real_labels ) # Real/Fake loss for 'real background' (on patch level) errD_real_uncond = torch.mul( errD_real_uncond, weights_real ) # Masking output units which correspond to receptive fields which lie within the boundin box errD_real_uncond = errD_real_uncond.mean() errD_fake_uncond = criterion( fake_logits[1], fake_labels ) # Real/Fake loss for 'fake background' (on patch level) errD_fake_uncond = errD_fake_uncond.mean() if norm_fact_real > 0: # Normalizing the real/fake loss for background after accounting the number of masked members in the output. errD_real = errD_real_uncond * ((norm_fact_fake * 1.0) / (norm_fact_real * 1.0)) else: errD_real = errD_real_uncond errD_fake = errD_fake_uncond errD1 = (errD_real + errD_fake) * cfg.TRAIN.BG_LOSS_WT_LCL # Background/foreground classification loss errD_real_uncond_classi = criterion(real_logits[0], weights_real) errD_real_uncond_classi = errD_real_uncond_classi.mean() errD_classi = errD_real_uncond_classi * cfg.TRAIN.BG_CLASSI_WT # print(errD0, errD1) # sys.exit(0) errD = errD0 + errD1 + errD_classi elif idx == 2: # Discriminator is only trained in background and child stage. (NOT in parent stage) netD, optD = self.netsD[2], self.optimizersD[2] real_imgs = self.real_cimgs fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[2] netD.zero_grad() real_logits = netD(real_imgs, self.alpha) fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach(), self.alpha) real_labels = torch.ones_like(real_logits[1]) fake_labels = torch.zeros_like(real_logits[1]) errD_real = criterion_one( real_logits[1], real_labels) # Real/Fake loss for the real image errD_fake = criterion_one( fake_logits[1], fake_labels) # Real/Fake loss for the fake image errD = errD_real + errD_fake errD.backward() optD.step() if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss%d' % idx, errD.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) summary_D_real = summary.scalar('D_loss_real_%d' % idx, errD_real.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_real, count) summary_D_fake = summary.scalar('D_loss_fake_%d' % idx, errD_fake.item()) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_fake, count) return errD
def train(self): self.netG, self.netsD, self.num_Ds,\ self.inception_model, start_count = load_network(self.gpus) avg_param_G = copy_G_params(self.netG) self.optimizerG, self.optimizersD = \ define_optimizers(self.netG, self.netsD) self.criterion = nn.BCELoss() self.real_labels = \ Variable(torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size).fill_(1)) self.fake_labels = \ Variable(torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size).fill_(0)) self.gradient_one = torch.FloatTensor([1.0]) self.gradient_half = torch.FloatTensor([0.5]) nz = cfg.GAN.Z_DIM noise = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size, nz)) fixed_noise = \ Variable(torch.FloatTensor(self.batch_size, nz).normal_(0, 1)) if cfg.CUDA: self.criterion.cuda() self.real_labels = self.real_labels.cuda() self.fake_labels = self.fake_labels.cuda() self.gradient_one = self.gradient_one.cuda() self.gradient_half = self.gradient_half.cuda() noise, fixed_noise = noise.cuda(), fixed_noise.cuda() predictions = [] count = start_count start_epoch = start_count // (self.num_batches) for epoch in range(start_epoch, self.max_epoch): start_t = time.time() for step, data in enumerate(self.data_loader, 0): ####################################################### # (0) Prepare training data ###################################################### self.imgs_tcpu, self.real_imgs, self.wrong_imgs, \ self.txt_embedding = self.prepare_data(data) ####################################################### # (1) Generate fake images ######################################################, 1) self.fake_imgs,, self.logvar = \ self.netG(noise, self.txt_embedding) ####################################################### # (2) Update D network ###################################################### errD_total = 0 for i in range(self.num_Ds): errD = self.train_Dnet(i, count) errD_total += errD ####################################################### # (3) Update G network: maximize log(D(G(z))) ###################################################### kl_loss, errG_total = self.train_Gnet(count) for p, avg_p in zip(self.netG.parameters(), avg_param_G): avg_p.mul_(0.999).add_(0.001, # for inception score pred = self.inception_model(self.fake_imgs[-1].detach()) predictions.append( if count % 100 == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss',[0]) summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss',[0]) summary_KL = summary.scalar('KL_loss',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_KL, count) count = count + 1 if count % cfg.TRAIN.SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL == 0: save_model(self.netG, avg_param_G, self.netsD, count, self.model_dir) # Save images backup_para = copy_G_params(self.netG) load_params(self.netG, avg_param_G) # self.fake_imgs, _, _ = \ self.netG(fixed_noise, self.txt_embedding) save_img_results(self.imgs_tcpu, self.fake_imgs, self.num_Ds, count, self.image_dir, self.summary_writer) # load_params(self.netG, backup_para) # Compute inception score if len(predictions) > 500: predictions = np.concatenate(predictions, 0) mean, std = compute_inception_score(predictions, 10) # print('mean:', mean, 'std', std) m_incep = summary.scalar('Inception_mean', mean) self.summary_writer.add_summary(m_incep, count) # mean_nlpp, std_nlpp = \ negative_log_posterior_probability(predictions, 10) m_nlpp = summary.scalar('NLPP_mean', mean_nlpp) self.summary_writer.add_summary(m_nlpp, count) # predictions = [] end_t = time.time() print('''[%d/%d][%d] Loss_D: %.2f Loss_G: %.2f Loss_KL: %.2f Time: %.2fs ''' # D(real): %.4f D(wrong):%.4f D(fake) %.4f % (epoch, self.max_epoch, self.num_batches,[0],[0],[0], end_t - start_t)) save_model(self.netG, avg_param_G, self.netsD, count, self.model_dir) self.summary_writer.close()
def train(self, data_loader, stage=1): if stage == 1: netG, netD = self.load_network_stageI() else: netG, netD = self.load_network_stageII() nz = cfg.Z_DIM batch_size = self.batch_size noise = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, nz)) fixed_noise = \ Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, nz).normal_(0, 1), volatile=True) real_labels = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size).fill_(1)) fake_labels = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size).fill_(0)) if cfg.CUDA: noise, fixed_noise = noise.cuda(), fixed_noise.cuda() real_labels, fake_labels = real_labels.cuda(), fake_labels.cuda() generator_lr = cfg.TRAIN.GENERATOR_LR discriminator_lr = cfg.TRAIN.DISCRIMINATOR_LR lr_decay_step = cfg.TRAIN.LR_DECAY_EPOCH netG_para = [] for p in netG.parameters(): if p.requires_grad: netG_para.append(p) if cfg.TRAIN.ADAM: optimizerD = \ optim.Adam(netD.parameters(), lr=cfg.TRAIN.DISCRIMINATOR_LR, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) optimizerG = optim.Adam(netG_para, lr=cfg.TRAIN.GENERATOR_LR, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) else: optimizerD = \ optim.RMSprop(netD.parameters(), lr=cfg.TRAIN.DISCRIMINATOR_LR) optimizerG = \ optim.RMSprop(netG_para, lr=cfg.TRAIN.GENERATOR_LR) cnn = models.vgg19(pretrained=True).features cnn = nn.Sequential(*list(cnn.children())[0:28]) gram = GramMatrix() if cfg.CUDA: cnn.cuda() gram.cuda() count = 0 for epoch in range(self.max_epoch): start_t = time.time() if epoch % lr_decay_step == 0 and epoch > 0: generator_lr *= 0.5 for param_group in optimizerG.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = generator_lr discriminator_lr *= 0.5 for param_group in optimizerD.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = discriminator_lr for i, data in enumerate(data_loader, 0): ###################################################### # (1) Prepare training data ###################################################### real_img_cpu, txt_embedding = data real_imgs = Variable(real_img_cpu) txt_embedding = Variable(txt_embedding) if cfg.CUDA: real_imgs = real_imgs.cuda() txt_embedding = txt_embedding.cuda() ####################################################### # (2) Generate fake images ######################################################, 1) inputs = (txt_embedding, noise) if cfg.CUDA: _, fake_imgs, mu, logvar = \ nn.parallel.data_parallel(netG, inputs, self.gpus) else: _, fake_imgs, mu, logvar = netG(txt_embedding, noise) ############################ # (3) Update D network ########################### netD.zero_grad() errD, errD_real, errD_wrong, errD_fake = \ compute_discriminator_loss(netD, real_imgs, fake_imgs, real_labels, fake_labels, mu, self.gpus, cfg.CUDA) errD.backward() optimizerD.step() ############################ # (2) Update G network ########################### netG.zero_grad() errG = compute_generator_loss(netD, fake_imgs, real_labels, mu, self.gpus, cfg.CUDA) kl_loss = KL_loss(mu, logvar) pixel_loss = PIXEL_loss(real_imgs, fake_imgs) if cfg.CUDA: fake_features = nn.parallel.data_parallel( cnn, fake_imgs.detach(), self.gpus) real_features = nn.parallel.data_parallel( cnn, real_imgs.detach(), self.gpus) else: fake_features = cnn(fake_imgs) real_features = cnn(real_imgs) active_loss = ACT_loss(fake_features, real_features) text_loss = TEXT_loss(gram, fake_features, real_features, cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.TEXT) errG_total = errG + kl_loss * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.KL + \ pixel_loss * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.PIX + \ active_loss * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.ACT +\ text_loss errG_total.backward() optimizerG.step() count = count + 1 if i % 100 == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss',[0]) summary_D_r = summary.scalar('D_loss_real', errD_real) summary_D_w = summary.scalar('D_loss_wrong', errD_wrong) summary_D_f = summary.scalar('D_loss_fake', errD_fake) summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss',[0]) summary_KL = summary.scalar('KL_loss',[0]) summary_Pix = summary.scalar('Pixel_loss',[0]) summary_Act = summary.scalar('Act_loss',[0]) summary_Text = summary.scalar('Text_loss',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_r, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_w, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D_f, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_KL, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_Pix, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_Act, count) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_Text, count) # save the image result for each epoch inputs = (txt_embedding, fixed_noise) if cfg.CUDA: lr_fake, fake, _, _ = \ nn.parallel.data_parallel(netG, inputs, self.gpus) else: lr_fake, fake, _, _ = netG(txt_embedding, fixed_noise) save_img_results(real_img_cpu, fake, epoch, self.image_dir) if lr_fake is not None: save_img_results(None, lr_fake, epoch, self.image_dir) end_t = time.time() print( '''[%d/%d][%d/%d] Loss_D: %.4f Loss_G: %.4f Loss_KL: %.4f Loss_Pixel: %.4f Loss_Activ: %.4f Loss_Text: %.4f Loss_real: %.4f Loss_wrong:%.4f Loss_fake %.4f Total Time: %.2fsec ''' % (epoch, self.max_epoch, i, len(data_loader),[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0], errD_real, errD_wrong, errD_fake, (end_t - start_t))) if epoch % self.snapshot_interval == 0: save_model(netG, netD, epoch, self.model_dir) # save_model(netG, netD, self.max_epoch, self.model_dir) # self.summary_writer.close()