Пример #1
def _disallow_inside_tf_function(method_name):
    """Disallow calling a method inside a `tf.function`."""
    if tf.inside_function():
        error_msg = (
            "Detected a call to `PreprocessingLayer.{method_name}` inside a "
            "`tf.function`. `PreprocessingLayer.{method_name} is a high-level "
            "endpoint that manages its own `tf.function`. Please move the call "
            "to `PreprocessingLayer.{method_name}` outside of all enclosing "
            "`tf.function`s. Note that you can call a `PreprocessingLayer` "
            "directly on `Tensor`s inside a `tf.function` like: `layer(x)`, "
            "or update its state like: `layer.update_state(x)`."
        raise RuntimeError(error_msg)
Пример #2
def is_in_tf_function():
    """Returns if inside of a tf.function."""
    # Check if running in V1 graph mode.
    if not tf.compat.v1.executing_eagerly_outside_functions():
        return False
    if not tf.inside_function():
        return False
    # Check if inside Keras FuncGraph.
    if is_in_keras_graph():
        return False
    # Check for a v1 `wrap_function` FuncGraph.
    graph = tf.compat.v1.get_default_graph()
    if (getattr(graph, 'name', False)
            and graph.name.startswith('wrapped_function')):
        return False
    return True