Пример #1
    def make_inverse_update_ops(self):
        """Create and return update ops corresponding to registered computations."""
        # TODO(b/69918258): Add correctness tests for this method.
        # pylint: disable=invalid-name

        ops = super(FullyConnectedMultiKF, self).make_inverse_update_ops()

        if (len(self._option1quants_by_damping) +

            # Note that C0 and C1 are stand-ins for A0 and A1, or G0 and G1, from
            # the pseudo-code in the original paper.  Because the computations for
            # the A and G case are essentially the same they can both be performed by
            # the same class (this one).

            C1 = self.get_cov_dt1()

            # Get the eigendecomposition of C0  (= self.get_cov())
            eigen_e, eigen_V = self.get_eigendecomp()

            # TODO(b/69678661): Note, there is an implicit assumption here that C1
            # and C0 (as represented here by its eigen-decomp) are consistent.  This
            # could fail to be the case if self._cov and self._cov_dt1 are not updated
            # consistently, or are somehow read between or during the cov updates.
            # Can this possibly happen?  Is there a way to prevent it?

            for damping, (Lmat_var,
                          psi_var) in self._option1quants_by_damping.items():

                invsqrtC0 = math_ops.matmul(eigen_V *
                                            (eigen_e + damping)**(-0.5),

                # Might need to enforce symmetry lost due to numerical issues.
                invsqrtC0 = (invsqrtC0 + array_ops.transpose(invsqrtC0)) / 2.0

                # The following line imposses the symmetry assumed by "Option 1" on C1.
                # Stangely the code can work okay with this line commented out,
                # depending on how psd_eig is defined.  I'm not sure why.
                C1 = (C1 + array_ops.transpose(C1)) / 2.0

                # hPsi = C0^(-1/2) * C1 * C0^(-1/2)  (hPsi means hat{Psi})
                hPsi = math_ops.matmul(math_ops.matmul(invsqrtC0, C1),

                # Compute the decomposition U*diag(psi)*U^T = hPsi
                psi, U = utils.posdef_eig(hPsi)

                # L = C0^(-1/2) * U
                Lmat = math_ops.matmul(invsqrtC0, U)


            for damping, (Pmat_var, Kmat_var,
                          mu_var) in self._option2quants_by_damping.items():

                # compute C0^(-1/2)
                invsqrtC0 = math_ops.matmul(eigen_V *
                                            (eigen_e + damping)**(-0.5),

                # Might need to enforce symmetry lost due to numerical issues.
                invsqrtC0 = (invsqrtC0 + array_ops.transpose(invsqrtC0)) / 2.0

                # Compute the product C0^(-1/2) * C1
                invsqrtC0C1 = math_ops.matmul(invsqrtC0, C1)

                # hPsi = C0^(-1/2) * C1 * C0^(-1/2)  (hPsi means hat{Psi})
                hPsi = math_ops.matmul(invsqrtC0C1, invsqrtC0)

                # Compute the decomposition E*diag(mu)*E^T = hPsi^T * hPsi
                # Note that we using the notation mu instead of "m" for the eigenvalues.
                # Instead of computing the product hPsi^T * hPsi and then doing an
                # eigen-decomposition of this we just compute the SVD of hPsi and then
                # square the singular values to get the eigenvalues. For a justification
                # of this approach, see:
                # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular-value_decomposition#Relation_to_eigenvalue_decomposition
                sqrtmu, _, E = linalg_ops.svd(hPsi)
                mu = math_ops.square(sqrtmu)

                # Mathematically, the eigenvalues should not should not exceed 1.0, but
                # due to numerical issues, or possible issues with inconsistent
                # values of C1 and (the eigen-decomposition of) C0 they might. So
                # we enforce this condition.
                mu = math_ops.minimum(mu, 1.0)

                # P = (C0^(-1/2) * C1)^T * C0^(-1/2) = C_1^T * C_0^(-1)
                Pmat = math_ops.matmul(invsqrtC0C1,

                # K = C_0^(-1/2) * E
                Kmat = math_ops.matmul(invsqrtC0, E)


        return [control_flow_ops.group(*ops)]
Пример #2
  def make_inverse_update_ops(self):
    """Create and return update ops corresponding to registered computations."""
    # TODO(b/69918258): Add correctness tests for this method.
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    ops = super(FullyConnectedMultiKF, self).make_inverse_update_ops()

    if (len(self._option1quants_by_damping) +

      # Note that C0 and C1 are stand-ins for A0 and A1, or G0 and G1, from
      # the pseudo-code in the original paper.  Because the computations for
      # the A and G case are essentially the same they can both be performed by
      # the same class (this one).

      C1 = self.get_cov_dt1()

      # Get the eigendecomposition of C0  (= self.get_cov())
      eigen_e, eigen_V = self.get_eigendecomp()

      # TODO(b/69678661): Note, there is an implicit assumption here that C1
      # and C0 (as represented here by its eigen-decomp) are consistent.  This
      # could fail to be the case if self._cov and self._cov_dt1 are not updated
      # consistently, or are somehow read between or during the cov updates.
      # Can this possibly happen?  Is there a way to prevent it?

      for damping, (Lmat_var,
                    psi_var) in self._option1quants_by_damping.items():

        invsqrtC0 = math_ops.matmul(
            eigen_V * (eigen_e + damping)**(-0.5), eigen_V, transpose_b=True)

        # Might need to enforce symmetry lost due to numerical issues.
        invsqrtC0 = (invsqrtC0 + array_ops.transpose(invsqrtC0)) / 2.0

        # The following line imposses the symmetry assumed by "Option 1" on C1.
        # Stangely the code can work okay with this line commented out,
        # depending on how psd_eig is defined.  I'm not sure why.
        C1 = (C1 + array_ops.transpose(C1)) / 2.0

        # hPsi = C0^(-1/2) * C1 * C0^(-1/2)  (hPsi means hat{Psi})
        hPsi = math_ops.matmul(math_ops.matmul(invsqrtC0, C1), invsqrtC0)

        # Compute the decomposition U*diag(psi)*U^T = hPsi
        psi, U = utils.posdef_eig(hPsi)

        # L = C0^(-1/2) * U
        Lmat = math_ops.matmul(invsqrtC0, U)


      for damping, (Pmat_var, Kmat_var,
                    mu_var) in self._option2quants_by_damping.items():

        # compute C0^(-1/2)
        invsqrtC0 = math_ops.matmul(
            eigen_V * (eigen_e + damping)**(-0.5), eigen_V, transpose_b=True)

        # Might need to enforce symmetry lost due to numerical issues.
        invsqrtC0 = (invsqrtC0 + array_ops.transpose(invsqrtC0)) / 2.0

        # Compute the product C0^(-1/2) * C1
        invsqrtC0C1 = math_ops.matmul(invsqrtC0, C1)

        # hPsi = C0^(-1/2) * C1 * C0^(-1/2)  (hPsi means hat{Psi})
        hPsi = math_ops.matmul(invsqrtC0C1, invsqrtC0)

        # Compute the decomposition E*diag(mu)*E^T = hPsi^T * hPsi
        # Note that we using the notation mu instead of "m" for the eigenvalues.
        # Instead of computing the product hPsi^T * hPsi and then doing an
        # eigen-decomposition of this we just compute the SVD of hPsi and then
        # square the singular values to get the eigenvalues. For a justification
        # of this approach, see:
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular-value_decomposition#Relation_to_eigenvalue_decomposition
        sqrtmu, _, E = linalg_ops.svd(hPsi)
        mu = math_ops.square(sqrtmu)

        # Mathematically, the eigenvalues should not should not exceed 1.0, but
        # due to numerical issues, or possible issues with inconsistent
        # values of C1 and (the eigen-decomposition of) C0 they might. So
        # we enforce this condition.
        mu = math_ops.minimum(mu, 1.0)

        # P = (C0^(-1/2) * C1)^T * C0^(-1/2) = C_1^T * C_0^(-1)
        Pmat = math_ops.matmul(invsqrtC0C1, invsqrtC0, transpose_a=True)

        # K = C_0^(-1/2) * E
        Kmat = math_ops.matmul(invsqrtC0, E)


    return [control_flow_ops.group(*ops)]