Пример #1
def composite_function(_input, outSize, width):
    with tf.variable_scope("composite_function"):
        output = _conv1d(_input, outSize, width=width)
        output = ln(output)
        output = tf.nn.relu(output)

    return output
Пример #2
def conv1d(x, outputsize, width):
    inputSize = x.get_shape()[-1]
    filter_ = tf.get_variable("conv_filter",
                              shape=[width, inputSize, outputsize])
    bias = tf.get_variable("conv_bias", shape=[outputsize])
    convolved = tf.nn.conv1d(x, filters=filter_, stride=2, padding="SAME")
    convolved += bias
    convolved = ln(convolved)
    return convolved
Пример #3
def transition_to_vector(_input):
    Transforms the last block into a single vector by avg_pooling
    output = ln(_input)
    output = tf.nn.relu(output)
    last_pool_kernel = int(output.get_shape()[-2])
    output = avg_pool1d(output, last_pool_kernel)
    output = tf.squeeze(output, axis=1)
    return output
Пример #4
def bottleneck(_input, growthRate):
    Per the paper, each bottlneck outputs 4k feature size where k is the growth rate of the network.

    outSize = growthRate * 4
    output = _conv1d(_input, outSize, width=1)
    output = ln(output)
    output = tf.nn.relu(output)

    return output
Пример #5
def conv1d_transpose(x, targetHidden, width, growth_rate):
    length, inputHidden = x.get_shape()[-2:]
    outputShape = [
        FLAGS.batch_size, 1, length.value * growth_rate, targetHidden
    while len(x.get_shape()) < 4:
        x = tf.expand_dims(x, axis=1)
    bias = tf.get_variable("deconv_filter", shape=[targetHidden])
    filter_ = tf.get_variable("deconv_bias",
                              shape=[1, width, targetHidden, inputHidden])
    conv_trans = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(x,
                                        strides=[1, 1, growth_rate, 1])
    conv_trans += bias
    conv_trans = ln(conv_trans)
    conv_trans = tf.nn.relu(conv_trans)
    conv_trans = tf.squeeze(conv_trans, 1)
    return conv_trans
Пример #6
def nonlin_ln(x):
    return ln(
        tf.nn.dropout(tf.nn.softsign(x), keep_prob=FLAGS.dropout_keep_prob))
Пример #7
def layer_norm(input_tensor):
    """Run layer normalization on the last dimension of the tensor."""
    return ln(inputs=input_tensor, begin_norm_axis=-1, begin_params_axis=-1)