Пример #1
def validate_class_name(flag_value, category, modules, expected_superclass):
    """Checks that the given string matches a class of the expected type.

    flag_value: A string naming the class to instantiate.
    category: A string used further describe the class in error messages
              (e.g. 'model', 'reader', 'loss').
    modules: A list of modules to search for the given class.
    expected_superclass: A class that the given class should inherit from.

    FlagsError: If the given class could not be found or if the first class
    found with that name doesn't inherit from the expected superclass.

    True if a class was found that matches the given constraints.
    candidates = [getattr(module, flag_value, None) for module in modules]
    for candidate in candidates:
        if not candidate:
        if not issubclass(candidate, expected_superclass):
            raise flags.FlagsError(
                "%s '%s' doesn't inherit from %s." %
                (category, flag_value, expected_superclass.__name__))
        return True
    raise flags.FlagsError("Unable to find %s '%s'." % (category, flag_value))
Пример #2
def validate_class_name(flag_value, category, modules, expected_superclass):
    candidates = [getattr(module, flag_value, None) for module in modules]
    for candidate in candidates:
        if not candidate:
        if not issubclass(candidate, expected_superclass):
            raise flags.FlagsError(
                    f"{category} '{flag_value}' doesn't inherit "\
                    f"from {expected_superclass.__name__}.")
        return True
    raise flags.FlagsError(f"Unable to find {category} '{flag_value}'.")
Пример #3
def validate_class_name(flag_value, category, modules, expected_superclass):

    candidates = [getattr(module, flag_value, None) for module in modules]
    for candidate in candidates:
        if not candidate:
        if not issubclass(candidate, expected_superclass):
            raise flags.FlagsError(
                "%s '%s' doesn't inherit from %s." %
                (category, flag_value, expected_superclass.__name__))
        return True
    raise flags.FlagsError("Unable to find %s '%s'." % (category, flag_value))