Пример #1
def variable_summaries(var, scope=""):
  """Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor (for TensorBoard visualization)."""
  with tf.name_scope(scope):
    with tf.name_scope("summaries"):
      mean = tf.reduce_mean(var)
      tf.summary.scalar("mean", mean)
      with tf.name_scope("stddev"):
        stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(var - mean)))
      tf.summary.scalar("stddev", stddev)
      tf.summary.scalar("max", tf.reduce_max(var))
      tf.summary.scalar("min", tf.reduce_min(var))
      tf.summary.histogram("histogram", var)
Пример #2
def focal_loss(logits, targets, alpha, gamma, normalizer):
  """Compute the focal loss between `logits` and the golden `target` values.

  Focal loss = -(1-alpha)^gamma * log(pt)
  where pt is the probability of being classified to the true class.

    logits: A float32 tensor of size
      [batch, height_in, width_in, num_predictions].
    targets: A float32 tensor of size
      [batch, height_in, width_in, num_predictions].
    alpha: A float32 scalar multiplying alpha to the loss from positive examples
      and (1-alpha) to the loss from negative examples.
    gamma: A float32 scalar modulating loss from hard and easy examples.
    normalizer: A float32 scalar normalizes the total loss from all examples.
    loss: A float32 scalar representing normalized total loss.
  with tf.name_scope('focal_loss'):
    positive_label_mask = tf.equal(targets, 1.0)
    cross_entropy = (
        tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=targets, logits=logits))
    probs = tf.sigmoid(logits)
    probs_gt = tf.where(positive_label_mask, probs, 1.0 - probs)
    # With small gamma, the implementation could produce NaN during back prop.
    modulator = tf.pow(1.0 - probs_gt, gamma)
    loss = modulator * cross_entropy
    weighted_loss = tf.where(positive_label_mask, alpha * loss,
                             (1.0 - alpha) * loss)
    total_loss = tf.reduce_sum(weighted_loss)
    total_loss /= normalizer
  return total_loss
Пример #3
def upsampling_tpu_compatible(data, scale):
  """Nearest neighbor upsampling TPU-compatible implementation.

  This implementation is TPU compatible as opposed to

    data: A 4D float32 tensor of shape [batch, height, width, channels].
    scale: An integer multiple to scale resolution of input data.

    A 4D float32 tensor of shape [batch, height*scale, width*scale, channels].
  with tf.name_scope('upsampling_tpu_compatible'):
    if data.get_shape().is_fully_defined():
      bs, height, width, _ = [s.value for s in data.get_shape()]
      shape = tf.shape(data)
      bs, height, width = shape[0], shape[1], shape[2]
    channels = data.get_shape().as_list()[3]
    # Use reshape to quickly upsample the input. The nearest pixel is selected
    # implicitly via broadcasting.
    data = tf.reshape(data, [bs, height, 1, width, 1, channels]) * tf.ones(
        [1, 1, scale, 1, scale, 1], dtype=data.dtype)
    return tf.reshape(data, [bs, height * scale, width * scale, channels])
Пример #4
        def _dataset_parser(value):
            """Parse data to a fixed dimension input image and learning targets."""
            with tf.name_scope('parser'):
                data = example_decoder.decode(value)
                source_id = data['source_id']
                image = data['image']
                boxes = data['groundtruth_boxes']
                classes = data['groundtruth_classes']
                classes = tf.reshape(tf.cast(classes, dtype=tf.float32),
                                     [-1, 1])

                # the image normalization is identical to Cloud TPU ResNet-50
                image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, dtype=tf.float32)
                image = _normalize_image(image)

                if params['input_rand_hflip']:
                    image, boxes = preprocessor.random_horizontal_flip(
                        image, boxes=boxes)
                image_original_shape = tf.shape(image)
                image, _ = preprocessor.resize_to_range(
                image_scale = tf.to_float(
                    image_original_shape[0]) / tf.to_float(tf.shape(image)[0])
                image, boxes = preprocessor.scale_boxes_to_pixel_coordinates(
                    image, boxes, keypoints=None)

                image = tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box(image, 0, 0,
                (cls_targets, box_targets,
                 num_positives) = anchor_labeler.label_anchors(boxes, classes)

                source_id = tf.string_to_number(source_id, out_type=tf.float32)
                row = (image, cls_targets, box_targets, num_positives,
                       source_id, image_scale)
                return row
Пример #5
        def _dataset_parser(value):
            """Parse data to a fixed dimension input image and learning targets.

        value: A dictionary contains an image and groundtruth annotations.

        A list of the following elements in order:
        image: Image tensor that is preproessed to have normalized value and
          fixed dimension [image_size, image_size, 3]
        label: label tensor of the same spatial dimension as the image.
            with tf.name_scope('parser'):
                data = example_decoder.decode(value)
                image = data['image']
                label = data['labels_class']
                label = tf.to_int32(label)
                input_processor = SegmentationInputProcessor(
                    image, params['image_size'], label)
                # The image normalization is identical to Cloud TPU ResNet.
                if self._is_training and params['input_rand_hflip']:
                if self._is_training:
                        params['train_scale_min'], params['train_scale_max'])
                image = input_processor.resize_and_crop_image()

                # Set padding to background (class=0) during training.
                if self._is_training:
                    label = input_processor.resize_and_crop_label(0)
                    label = input_processor.resize_and_crop_label(
                if params['use_bfloat16']:
                    image = tf.cast(image, dtype=tf.bfloat16)
                return image, label
Пример #6
        def _dataset_parser(value):
            """Parse data to a fixed dimension input image and learning targets.

        value: A dictionary contains an image and groundtruth annotations.

        features: A dictionary that contains the image and auxiliary
          information. The following describes {key: value} pairs in the
          image: An image tensor that is preprocessed to have normalized value
            and fixed dimension [image_size, image_size, 3]
          image_info: Image information that includes the original height and
            width, the scale of the processed image to the original image, and
            the scaled height and width.
          source_ids: Source image id. Default value -1 if the source id is
            empty in the groundtruth annotation.
        labels: (only for training) A dictionary that contains groundtruth
          labels. The following describes {key: value} pairs in the dictionary.
          score_targets_dict: An ordered dictionary with keys
            [min_level, min_level+1, ..., max_level]. The values are tensor with
            shape [height_l, width_l, num_anchors]. The height_l and width_l
            represent the dimension of objectiveness score at l-th level.
          box_targets_dict: An ordered dictionary with keys
            [min_level, min_level+1, ..., max_level]. The values are tensor with
            shape [height_l, width_l, num_anchors * 4]. The height_l and
            width_l represent the dimension of bounding box regression output at
            l-th level.
          gt_boxes: Groundtruth bounding box annotations. The box is represented
             in [y1, x1, y2, x2] format. The tennsor is padded with -1 to the
             fixed dimension [self._max_num_instances, 4].
          gt_classes: Groundtruth classes annotations. The tennsor is padded
            with -1 to the fixed dimension [self._max_num_instances].
          cropped_gt_masks: Groundtruth masks cropped by the bounding box and
            resized to a fixed size determined by params['gt_mask_size']
            with tf.name_scope('parser'):
                data = example_decoder.decode(value)

                image = data['image']
                source_id = data['source_id']
                source_id = tf.where(tf.equal(source_id, tf.constant('')),
                                     '-1', source_id)
                source_id = tf.string_to_number(source_id)

                if self._mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT:
                    input_processor = InstanceSegmentationInputProcessor(
                        image, image_size, params['short_side_image_size'],
                    image = input_processor.resize_and_crop_image()
                    if params['use_bfloat16']:
                        image = tf.cast(image, dtype=tf.bfloat16)

                    image_info = input_processor.get_image_info()
                    return {
                        'images': image,
                        'image_info': image_info,
                        'source_ids': source_id

                # The following part is for training.
                instance_masks = data['groundtruth_instance_masks']
                boxes = data['groundtruth_boxes']
                classes = data['groundtruth_classes']
                classes = tf.reshape(tf.cast(classes, dtype=tf.float32),
                                     [-1, 1])
                if not params['use_category']:
                    classes = tf.cast(tf.greater(classes, 0), dtype=tf.float32)

                if (params['skip_crowd_during_training']
                        and self._mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN):
                    indices = tf.where(
                    classes = tf.gather_nd(classes, indices)
                    boxes = tf.gather_nd(boxes, indices)
                    instance_masks = tf.gather_nd(instance_masks, indices)

                input_processor = InstanceSegmentationInputProcessor(
                    image, image_size, params['short_side_image_size'],
                    params['long_side_max_image_size'], boxes, classes,
                if params['input_rand_hflip']:

                image = input_processor.resize_and_crop_image()

                boxes, classes = input_processor.resize_and_crop_boxes()
                cropped_gt_masks = input_processor.crop_gt_masks(

                image_info = input_processor.get_image_info()
                # Assign anchors.
                is_height_short_side = tf.less(image_info[3], image_info[4])
                score_targets, box_targets = tf.cond(
                    lambda: anchor_labeler.label_anchors(boxes, classes),
                    lambda: height_long_side_anchor_labeler.label_anchors(boxes, classes))  # pylint: disable=line-too-long

                # Pad groundtruth data.
                boxes *= image_info[2]
                boxes = pad_to_fixed_size(boxes, -1,
                                          [self._max_num_instances, 4])
                classes = pad_to_fixed_size(classes, -1,
                                            [self._max_num_instances, 1])
                # Pads cropped_gt_masks.
                cropped_gt_masks = tf.reshape(
                    cropped_gt_masks, [-1, (params['gt_mask_size'] + 4)**2])
                cropped_gt_masks = pad_to_fixed_size(
                    cropped_gt_masks, -1,
                    [self._max_num_instances, (params['gt_mask_size'] + 4)**2])
                cropped_gt_masks = tf.reshape(cropped_gt_masks, [
                    self._max_num_instances, params['gt_mask_size'] + 4,
                    params['gt_mask_size'] + 4
                if params['use_bfloat16']:
                    image = tf.cast(image, dtype=tf.bfloat16)

                features = {}
                features['images'] = image
                features['image_info'] = image_info
                features['source_ids'] = source_id

                labels = {}
                for level in range(params['min_level'],
                                   params['max_level'] + 1):
                    labels['score_targets_%d' % level] = score_targets[level]
                    labels['box_targets_%d' % level] = box_targets[level]
                labels['gt_boxes'] = boxes
                labels['gt_classes'] = classes
                labels['cropped_gt_masks'] = cropped_gt_masks
                return features, labels
Пример #7
        def _dataset_parser(value):
            """Parse data to a fixed dimension input image and learning targets.

        value: A dictionary contains an image and groundtruth annotations.

        image: Image tensor that is preproessed to have normalized value and
          fixed dimension [image_size, image_size, 3]
        cls_targets_dict: ordered dictionary with keys
          [min_level, min_level+1, ..., max_level]. The values are tensor with
          shape [height_l, width_l, num_anchors]. The height_l and width_l
          represent the dimension of class logits at l-th level.
        box_targets_dict: ordered dictionary with keys
          [min_level, min_level+1, ..., max_level]. The values are tensor with
          shape [height_l, width_l, num_anchors * 4]. The height_l and
          width_l represent the dimension of bounding box regression output at
          l-th level.
        num_positives: Number of positive anchors in the image.
        source_id: Source image id. Default value -1 if the source id is empty
          in the groundtruth annotation.
        image_scale: Scale of the proccessed image to the original image.
        boxes: Groundtruth bounding box annotations. The box is represented in
          [y1, x1, y2, x2] format. The tennsor is padded with -1 to the fixed
          dimension [self._max_num_instances, 4].
        is_crowds: Groundtruth annotations to indicate if an annotation
          represents a group of instances by value {0, 1}. The tennsor is
          padded with 0 to the fixed dimension [self._max_num_instances].
        areas: Groundtruth areas annotations. The tennsor is padded with -1
          to the fixed dimension [self._max_num_instances].
        classes: Groundtruth classes annotations. The tennsor is padded with -1
          to the fixed dimension [self._max_num_instances].
            with tf.name_scope('parser'):
                data = example_decoder.decode(value)
                source_id = data['source_id']
                image = data['image']
                boxes = data['groundtruth_boxes']
                classes = data['groundtruth_classes']
                classes = tf.reshape(tf.cast(classes, dtype=tf.float32),
                                     [-1, 1])
                areas = data['groundtruth_area']
                is_crowds = data['groundtruth_is_crowd']
                classes = tf.reshape(tf.cast(classes, dtype=tf.float32),
                                     [-1, 1])

                if params['skip_crowd_during_training'] and self._is_training:
                    indices = tf.where(
                    classes = tf.gather_nd(classes, indices)
                    boxes = tf.gather_nd(boxes, indices)

                # NOTE: The autoaugment method works best when used alongside the
                # standard horizontal flipping of images along with size jittering
                # and normalization.
                if params.get('autoaugment_policy',
                              None) and self._is_training:
                    image, boxes = autoaugment.distort_image_with_autoaugment(
                        image, boxes, params['autoaugment_policy'])

                input_processor = DetectionInputProcessor(
                    image, params['image_size'], boxes, classes)
                if self._is_training and params['input_rand_hflip']:
                if self._is_training:
                        params['train_scale_min'], params['train_scale_max'])
                image = input_processor.resize_and_crop_image()
                boxes, classes = input_processor.resize_and_crop_boxes()

                # Assign anchors.
                (cls_targets, box_targets,
                 num_positives) = anchor_labeler.label_anchors(boxes, classes)

                source_id = tf.where(tf.equal(source_id, tf.constant('')),
                                     '-1', source_id)
                source_id = tf.string_to_number(source_id)

                # Pad groundtruth data for evaluation.
                image_scale = input_processor.image_scale_to_original
                boxes *= image_scale
                is_crowds = tf.cast(is_crowds, dtype=tf.float32)
                boxes = pad_to_fixed_size(boxes, -1,
                                          [self._max_num_instances, 4])
                is_crowds = pad_to_fixed_size(is_crowds, 0,
                                              [self._max_num_instances, 1])
                areas = pad_to_fixed_size(areas, -1,
                                          [self._max_num_instances, 1])
                classes = pad_to_fixed_size(classes, -1,
                                            [self._max_num_instances, 1])
                if params['use_bfloat16']:
                    image = tf.cast(image, dtype=tf.bfloat16)
                return (image, cls_targets, box_targets, num_positives,
                        source_id, image_scale, boxes, is_crowds, areas,
Пример #8
    def estimator_metric_fn(self, detections, image_scale):
        """Constructs the metric function for tf.TPUEstimator.

    For each metric, we return the evaluation op and an update op; the update op
    is shared across all metrics and simply appends the set of detections to the
    `self.detections` list. The metric op is invoked after all examples have
    been seen and computes the aggregate COCO metrics. Please find details API
    in: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/contrib/learn/MetricSpec
      detections: detection results in a tensor with each row representing
        [image_id, x, y, width, height, score, class]
      image_scale: a float tensor representing the scale between original image
        and input image for the detector. It is used to rescale detections for
        evaluating with the original groundtruth annotations.
      metrics_dict: A dictionary mapping from evaluation name to a tuple of
        operations (`metric_op`, `update_op`). `update_op` appends the
        detections for the metric to the `self.detections` list.
        def _evaluate():
            """Evaluates with detections from all images with COCO API.

        coco_metric: float numpy array with shape [12] representing the
          coco-style evaluation metrics.
            detections = np.array(self.detections)
            image_ids = list(set(detections[:, 0]))
            coco_dt = self.coco_gt.loadRes(detections)
            coco_eval = COCOeval(self.coco_gt, coco_dt)
            coco_eval.params.imgIds = image_ids
            coco_metrics = coco_eval.stats
            # clean self.detections after evaluation is done.
            # this makes sure the next evaluation will start with an empty list of
            # self.detections.
            self.detections = []
            return np.array(coco_metrics, dtype=np.float32)

        def _update_op(detections, image_scale):
            """Extends self.detections with the detection results in one image.

       detections: detection results in a tensor with each row representing
         [image_id, x, y, width, height, score, class]
       image_scale: a float tensor representing the scale between original image
         and input image for the detector. It is used to rescale detections for
         evaluating with the original groundtruth annotations.
            detections[:, 1:5] *= image_scale

        with tf.name_scope('coco_metric'):
            update_op = tf.py_func(_update_op, [detections, image_scale], [])
            metrics = tf.py_func(_evaluate, [], tf.float32)
            metrics_dict = {}
            for i, name in enumerate(self.metric_names):
                metrics_dict[name] = (metrics[i], update_op)
            return metrics_dict