Пример #1
def pred_abs_error(y_true, y_pred):
    y_pred = K.cast(K.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1), y_pred.dtype)
    y_true = K.cast(K.sum(y_true, axis=-1), y_pred.dtype)
    return K.mean(K.abs(y_pred - y_true))
Пример #2
def pixel_accuracy(y_true, y_pred):
    # Convert prediction into labels by choosing the highest-scored class
    y_pred = K.cast(K.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1), y_true.dtype)
    return K.mean(K.equal(K.flatten(y_true), K.flatten(y_pred)))
Пример #3
def mean_squareroot_error(y_true, y_pred):
    if not K.is_tensor(y_pred):
        y_pred = K.constant(y_pred)
    y_true = K.cast(y_true, y_pred.dtype)
    return K.mean(K.sqrt(K.abs(y_pred - y_true) + 0.00000001), axis=-1)
Пример #4
def accuracy(y_true, y_pred):
    '''Compute classification accuracy with a fixed threshold on distances.
    return K.mean(K.equal(y_true, K.cast(y_pred > 0.5, y_true.dtype)))
Пример #5
def yolo3_loss(args,
    YOLOv3 loss function.

    yolo_outputs: list of tensor, the output of yolo_body or tiny_yolo_body
    y_true: list of array, the output of preprocess_true_boxes
    anchors: array, shape=(N, 2), wh
    num_classes: integer
    ignore_thresh: float, the iou threshold whether to ignore object confidence loss

    loss: tensor, shape=(1,)

    num_layers = len(anchors) // 3  # default setting
    yolo_outputs = args[:num_layers]
    y_true = args[num_layers:]

    if num_layers == 3:
        anchor_mask = [[6, 7, 8], [3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2]]
        scale_x_y = [1.05, 1.1, 1.2] if elim_grid_sense else [None, None, None]
        anchor_mask = [[3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2]]
        scale_x_y = [1.05, 1.05] if elim_grid_sense else [None, None]

    input_shape = K.cast(
        K.shape(yolo_outputs[0])[1:3] * 32, K.dtype(y_true[0]))
    grid_shapes = [
        K.cast(K.shape(yolo_outputs[l])[1:3], K.dtype(y_true[0]))
        for l in range(num_layers)
    loss = 0
    total_location_loss = 0
    total_confidence_loss = 0
    total_class_loss = 0
    batch_size = K.shape(yolo_outputs[0])[0]  # batch size, tensor
    batch_size_f = K.cast(batch_size, K.dtype(yolo_outputs[0]))

    for l in range(num_layers):
        object_mask = y_true[l][..., 4:5]
        true_class_probs = y_true[l][..., 5:]
        if label_smoothing:
            true_class_probs = _smooth_labels(true_class_probs,
            true_objectness_probs = _smooth_labels(object_mask,
            true_objectness_probs = object_mask

        grid, raw_pred, pred_xy, pred_wh = yolo3_decode(
        pred_box = K.concatenate([pred_xy, pred_wh])

        # Darknet raw box to calculate loss.
        raw_true_xy = y_true[l][..., :2] * grid_shapes[l][::-1] - grid
        raw_true_wh = K.log(y_true[l][..., 2:4] / anchors[anchor_mask[l]] *
        raw_true_wh = K.switch(object_mask, raw_true_wh,
                               K.zeros_like(raw_true_wh))  # avoid log(0)=-inf
        box_loss_scale = 2 - y_true[l][..., 2:3] * y_true[l][..., 3:4]

        # Find ignore mask, iterate over each of batch.
        ignore_mask = tf.TensorArray(K.dtype(y_true[0]),
        object_mask_bool = K.cast(object_mask, 'bool')

        def loop_body(b, ignore_mask):
            true_box = tf.boolean_mask(y_true[l][b, ..., 0:4],
                                       object_mask_bool[b, ..., 0])
            iou = box_iou(pred_box[b], true_box)
            best_iou = K.max(iou, axis=-1)
            ignore_mask = ignore_mask.write(
                b, K.cast(best_iou < ignore_thresh, K.dtype(true_box)))
            return b + 1, ignore_mask

        _, ignore_mask = tf.while_loop(lambda b, *args: b < batch_size,
                                       loop_body, [0, ignore_mask])
        ignore_mask = ignore_mask.stack()
        ignore_mask = K.expand_dims(ignore_mask, -1)

        if use_focal_obj_loss:
            # Focal loss for objectness confidence
            confidence_loss = sigmoid_focal_loss(true_objectness_probs,
                                                 raw_pred[..., 4:5])
            confidence_loss = object_mask * K.binary_crossentropy(true_objectness_probs, raw_pred[...,4:5], from_logits=True)+ \
                (1-object_mask) * K.binary_crossentropy(object_mask, raw_pred[...,4:5], from_logits=True) * ignore_mask

        if use_focal_loss:
            # Focal loss for classification score
            if use_softmax_loss:
                class_loss = softmax_focal_loss(true_class_probs, raw_pred[...,
                class_loss = sigmoid_focal_loss(true_class_probs, raw_pred[...,
            if use_softmax_loss:
                # use softmax style classification output
                class_loss = object_mask * K.expand_dims(
                        true_class_probs, raw_pred[..., 5:], from_logits=True),
                # use sigmoid style classification output
                class_loss = object_mask * K.binary_crossentropy(
                    true_class_probs, raw_pred[..., 5:], from_logits=True)

        if use_giou_loss:
            # Calculate GIoU loss as location loss
            raw_true_box = y_true[l][..., 0:4]
            giou = box_giou(raw_true_box, pred_box)
            giou_loss = object_mask * box_loss_scale * (1 - giou)
            giou_loss = K.sum(giou_loss) / batch_size_f
            location_loss = giou_loss
        elif use_diou_loss:
            # Calculate DIoU loss as location loss
            raw_true_box = y_true[l][..., 0:4]
            diou = box_diou(raw_true_box, pred_box)
            diou_loss = object_mask * box_loss_scale * (1 - diou)
            diou_loss = K.sum(diou_loss) / batch_size_f
            location_loss = diou_loss
            # Standard YOLOv3 location loss
            # K.binary_crossentropy is helpful to avoid exp overflow.
            xy_loss = object_mask * box_loss_scale * K.binary_crossentropy(
                raw_true_xy, raw_pred[..., 0:2], from_logits=True)
            wh_loss = object_mask * box_loss_scale * 0.5 * K.square(
                raw_true_wh - raw_pred[..., 2:4])
            xy_loss = K.sum(xy_loss) / batch_size_f
            wh_loss = K.sum(wh_loss) / batch_size_f
            location_loss = xy_loss + wh_loss

        confidence_loss = K.sum(confidence_loss) / batch_size_f
        class_loss = K.sum(class_loss) / batch_size_f
        loss += location_loss + confidence_loss + class_loss
        total_location_loss += location_loss
        total_confidence_loss += confidence_loss
        total_class_loss += class_loss

    # Fit for tf 2.0.0 loss shape
    loss = K.expand_dims(loss, axis=-1)

    return loss, total_location_loss, total_confidence_loss, total_class_loss
Пример #6
 def accuracy(y_true, y_pred):
     y_true = tf.matmul(y_true, y_true, transpose_b=True)
     return K.mean(K.cast(K.abs(y_true - y_pred) < margin, 'float32'))
Пример #7
    def get_updates(self, loss, params):
        grads = self.get_gradients(loss, params)

        # first update the number of iterations
        self.updates = [K.update_add(self.iterations, 1)]

        # Cycling Gaussian LR
        # I implement this lr_f = lambda x,b,c,s: b+ s*np.exp(-(x-c)**2/(c*0.5)**2)
        def gauss_lr(min_lr, max_lr, center, lrsigma, i):

            return (min_lr + max_lr * K.exp(-(i - center)**2 /
                                            (center * lrsigma)**2))

        ite_casted = K.cast(self.iterations, K.dtype(self.peaklriter))
        all_lr = gauss_lr(self.min_lr['all'], self.peak_lr['all'],
                          self.peaklriter, self.lrsigma, ite_casted)
        #current_lr = self.min_lr['all'] +
        self.updates.append(K.update(self.lr['all'], all_lr))

        shapes = [K.int_shape(p) for p in params]
        moments = [K.zeros(s) for s in shapes]
        self.weights = [self.iterations] + moments

        for p, g, m in zip(params, grads, moments):
            #print("HEREEEE:", p.name, g, m)
            lrptrkey = set_pattern_find(p.name, self.lr.keys())
            if lrptrkey:
                if self.verbose > 0:
                    print("Setting different learning rate for ", p.name,
                          " : ", K.eval(self.lr[lrptrkey]))
                if set_pattern_find(p.name,
                                    self.min_lr.keys()) and set_pattern_find(
                                        p.name, self.peak_lr.keys()):
                    p_lr = gauss_lr(self.min_lr[lrptrkey],
                                    self.peak_lr[lrptrkey], self.peaklriter,
                                    self.lrsigma, ite_casted)
                    p_lr = gauss_lr(self.min_lr['all'], self.peak_lr['all'],
                                    self.peaklriter, self.lrsigma, ite_casted)
                p_lr = self.lr['all']

            momptrkey = set_pattern_find(p.name, self.momentum.keys())
            if momptrkey:
                if self.verbose > 0:
                    print("Setting different momentum for ", p.name, " , ",
                momentum = self.momentum[momptrkey]
                momentum = self.momentum['all']

            if self.nesterov:
                updt = momentum * (momentum * m - p_lr * g) - p_lr * g
                updt = momentum * m - p_lr * g

            # CHANGE CLIP
            _to_tensor = K.tensorflow_backend._to_tensor
            _clip_by_val = K.tf.clip_by_value
            margin = K.mean(K.abs(p)) * K.constant(self.UPCLIP)
            #margin = K.mean(K.abs(p*K.constant(self.UPCLIP)))
            #min_value = _to_tensor(-margin, p.dtype.base_dtype)
            #max_value = _to_tensor(margin, p.dtype.base_dtype)

            #max_v = K.maximum(min_value, max_value)
            min_v = K.zeros_like(margin)
            updt_sign = K.sign(updt)
            updt_val = _clip_by_val(K.abs(updt), min_v, margin)

            v = updt_sign * updt_val  # velocity
            new_p = p + v

            self.updates.append(K.update(m, v))
            # Apply constraints.
            if getattr(p, 'constraint', None) is not None:
                new_p = p.constraint(new_p)
            clptrkey = set_pattern_find(p.name, self.clips.keys())
            if self.clips_val and clptrkey:
                c = K.eval(self.clips[clptrkey])
                if self.verbose > 0:
                    print("Clipping variable", p.name, " to ", c)
                new_p = K.clip(new_p, c[0], c[1])
            #print("updates for ", p.name, " lr: ", K.eval(lr), " mom:", K.eval(momentum))
            self.updates.append(K.update(p, new_p))
        return self.updates
Пример #8
    def _process_sample(args):
        _hm, _reg, _wh, _kps, _hm_hp, _hp_offset = args
        _scores, _inds = tf.math.top_k(_hm, k=k, sorted=True)
        _classes = K.cast(_inds % cat, 'float32')
        _inds = K.cast(_inds / cat, 'int32')
        _xs = K.cast(_inds % width, 'float32')
        _ys = K.cast(K.cast(_inds / width, 'int32'), 'float32')
        _wh = K.gather(_wh, _inds)
        _reg = K.gather(_reg, _inds)
        _kps = K.gather(_kps, _inds)

        # shift keypoints by their center
        _kps_x = _kps[:, ::2]
        _kps_y = _kps[:, 1::2]
        _kps_x = _kps_x + K.expand_dims(_xs, -1)  # k x J
        _kps_y = _kps_y + K.expand_dims(_ys, -1)  # k x J
        _kps = K.stack([_kps_x, _kps_y], -1)  # k x J x 2

        _xs = _xs + _reg[..., 0]
        _ys = _ys + _reg[..., 1]

        _x1 = _xs - _wh[..., 0] / 2
        _y1 = _ys - _wh[..., 1] / 2
        _x2 = _xs + _wh[..., 0] / 2
        _y2 = _ys + _wh[..., 1] / 2

        # snap center keypoints to the closest heatmap keypoint
        def _process_channel(args):
            __kps, __hm_hp = args
            thresh = 0.1
            __hm_scores, __hm_inds = tf.math.top_k(__hm_hp, k=k, sorted=True)
            __hm_xs = K.cast(__hm_inds % width, 'float32')
            __hm_ys = K.cast(K.cast(__hm_inds / width, 'int32'), 'float32')
            __hp_offset = K.gather(_hp_offset, __hm_inds)
            __hm_xs = __hm_xs + __hp_offset[..., 0]
            __hm_ys = __hm_ys + __hp_offset[..., 1]
            mask = K.cast(__hm_scores > thresh, 'float32')
            __hm_scores = (1. - mask) * -1. + mask * __hm_scores
            __hm_xs = (1. - mask) * -10000. + mask * __hm_xs
            __hm_ys = (1. - mask) * -10000. + mask * __hm_ys
            __hm_kps = K.stack([__hm_xs, __hm_ys], -1)  # k x 2
            __broadcast_hm_kps = K.expand_dims(__hm_kps, 1)  # k x 1 x 2
            __broadcast_kps = K.expand_dims(__kps, 0)  # 1 x k x 2
            dist = K.sqrt(
                K.sum(K.pow(__broadcast_kps - __broadcast_hm_kps, 2),
                      2))  # k, k
            min_dist = K.min(dist, 0)
            min_ind = K.argmin(dist, 0)
            __hm_scores = K.gather(__hm_scores, min_ind)
            __hm_kps = K.gather(__hm_kps, min_ind)
            mask = (K.cast(__hm_kps[..., 0] < _x1, 'float32') +
                    K.cast(__hm_kps[..., 0] > _x2, 'float32') +
                    K.cast(__hm_kps[..., 1] < _y1, 'float32') +
                    K.cast(__hm_kps[..., 1] > _y2, 'float32') +
                    K.cast(__hm_scores < thresh, 'float32') + K.cast(
                        min_dist > 0.3 *
                        (K.maximum(_wh[..., 0], _wh[..., 1])), 'float32'))
            mask = K.expand_dims(mask, -1)
            mask = K.cast(mask > 0, 'float32')
            __kps = (1. - mask) * __hm_kps + mask * __kps
            return __kps

        _kps = K.permute_dimensions(_kps, (1, 0, 2))  # J x k x 2
        _hm_hp = K.permute_dimensions(_hm_hp, (1, 0))  # J x -1
        _kps = K.map_fn(_process_channel, [_kps, _hm_hp], dtype='float32')
        _kps = K.reshape(K.permute_dimensions(_kps, (1, 2, 0)),
                         (k, -1))  # k x J * 2

        # rescale to image coordinates
        _x1 = output_stride * _x1
        _y1 = output_stride * _y1
        _x2 = output_stride * _x2
        _y2 = output_stride * _y2
        _kps = output_stride * _kps

        _boxes = K.stack([_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2], -1)
        _scores = K.expand_dims(_scores, -1)
        _classes = K.expand_dims(_classes, -1)
        _detection = K.concatenate([_boxes, _scores, _kps, _classes], -1)
        return _detection
Пример #9
    def custom_mse(y_true, y_pred):
        # assume 1st dimension is the number of samples
        keep = tfk.cast(tfk.not_equal(y_true, missing_value), tfk.floatx())
        mse = tfk.mean(tfk.square((y_pred - y_true) * keep), axis=2)

        return mse
Пример #10
 def _process_channel(args):
     __kps, __hm_hp = args
     thresh = 0.1
     __hm_scores, __hm_inds = tf.math.top_k(__hm_hp, k=k, sorted=True)
     __hm_xs = K.cast(__hm_inds % width, 'float32')
     __hm_ys = K.cast(K.cast(__hm_inds / width, 'int32'), 'float32')
     __hp_offset = K.gather(_hp_offset, __hm_inds)
     __hm_xs = __hm_xs + __hp_offset[..., 0]
     __hm_ys = __hm_ys + __hp_offset[..., 1]
     mask = K.cast(__hm_scores > thresh, 'float32')
     __hm_scores = (1. - mask) * -1. + mask * __hm_scores
     __hm_xs = (1. - mask) * -10000. + mask * __hm_xs
     __hm_ys = (1. - mask) * -10000. + mask * __hm_ys
     __hm_kps = K.stack([__hm_xs, __hm_ys], -1)  # k x 2
     __broadcast_hm_kps = K.expand_dims(__hm_kps, 1)  # k x 1 x 2
     __broadcast_kps = K.expand_dims(__kps, 0)  # 1 x k x 2
     dist = K.sqrt(
         K.sum(K.pow(__broadcast_kps - __broadcast_hm_kps, 2),
               2))  # k, k
     min_dist = K.min(dist, 0)
     min_ind = K.argmin(dist, 0)
     __hm_scores = K.gather(__hm_scores, min_ind)
     __hm_kps = K.gather(__hm_kps, min_ind)
     mask = (K.cast(__hm_kps[..., 0] < _x1, 'float32') +
             K.cast(__hm_kps[..., 0] > _x2, 'float32') +
             K.cast(__hm_kps[..., 1] < _y1, 'float32') +
             K.cast(__hm_kps[..., 1] > _y2, 'float32') +
             K.cast(__hm_scores < thresh, 'float32') + K.cast(
                 min_dist > 0.3 *
                 (K.maximum(_wh[..., 0], _wh[..., 1])), 'float32'))
     mask = K.expand_dims(mask, -1)
     mask = K.cast(mask > 0, 'float32')
     __kps = (1. - mask) * __hm_kps + mask * __kps
     return __kps
Пример #11
def _nms(heat, kernel=3):
    hmax = K.pool2d(heat, (kernel, kernel), padding='same', pool_mode='max')
    keep = K.cast(K.equal(hmax, heat), K.floatx())
    return heat * keep
Пример #12
def iou(y_true, y_pred, thres=0.5, label=1):
    y_pred = K.cast(K.greater(y_pred, thres), dtype='float32')
    intersection = K.sum(y_true * y_pred)
    union = K.sum(y_true) + K.sum(y_pred) - intersection
    return intersection / union
Пример #13
def ord_pred_abs_error(y_true, y_pred, threshold=0.0):
    y_pred = K.sum(K.cast(y_pred > threshold, y_pred.dtype), axis=-1)
    y_true = K.sum(y_true, axis=-1)
    return K.mean(K.abs(y_pred - y_true))
Пример #14
def ord_pred_accuracy(y_true, y_pred, threshold=0.0):
    y_pred = K.sum(K.cast(y_pred > threshold, y_pred.dtype), axis=-1)
    y_true = K.sum(y_true, axis=-1)
    return K.mean(K.equal(y_true, y_pred))
Пример #15
def yolo2_loss(args,
    YOLOv2 loss function.

    yolo_output : tensor
        Final convolutional layer features.

    y_true : array
        output of preprocess_true_boxes, with shape [conv_height, conv_width, num_anchors, 6]

    anchors : tensor
        Anchor boxes for model.

    num_classes : int
        Number of object classes.

    rescore_confidence : bool, default=False
        If true then set confidence target to IOU of best predicted box with
        the closest matching ground truth box.

    total_loss : float
        total mean YOLOv2 loss across minibatch
    (yolo_output, y_true) = args
    num_anchors = len(anchors)
    scale_x_y = 1.05 if elim_grid_sense else None
    yolo_output_shape = K.shape(yolo_output)
    input_shape = K.cast(yolo_output_shape[1:3] * 32, K.dtype(y_true))
    grid_shape = K.cast(yolo_output_shape[1:3],
                        K.dtype(y_true))  # height, width
    batch_size_f = K.cast(yolo_output_shape[0],
                          K.dtype(yolo_output))  # batch size, float tensor
    object_scale = 5
    no_object_scale = 1
    class_scale = 1
    location_scale = 1

    grid, raw_pred, pred_xy, pred_wh = yolo2_decode(yolo_output,
    pred_confidence = K.sigmoid(raw_pred[..., 4:5])
    pred_class_prob = K.softmax(raw_pred[..., 5:])

    object_mask = y_true[..., 4:5]

    # Expand pred x,y,w,h to allow comparison with ground truth.
    # batch, conv_height, conv_width, num_anchors, num_true_boxes, box_params
    pred_boxes = K.concatenate([pred_xy, pred_wh])
    pred_boxes = K.expand_dims(pred_boxes, 4)

    raw_true_boxes = y_true[..., 0:4]
    raw_true_boxes = K.expand_dims(raw_true_boxes, 4)

    iou_scores = box_iou(pred_boxes, raw_true_boxes)
    iou_scores = K.squeeze(iou_scores, axis=0)

    # Best IOUs for each location.
    best_ious = K.max(iou_scores, axis=4)  # Best IOU scores.
    best_ious = K.expand_dims(best_ious)

    # A detector has found an object if IOU > thresh for some true box.
    object_detections = K.cast(best_ious > 0.6, K.dtype(best_ious))

    # Determine confidence weights from object and no_object weights.
    # NOTE: YOLOv2 does not use binary cross-entropy. Here we try it.
    no_object_weights = (no_object_scale * (1 - object_detections) *
                         (1 - object_mask))
    if use_crossentropy_obj_loss:
        no_objects_loss = no_object_weights * K.binary_crossentropy(

        if rescore_confidence:
            objects_loss = (object_scale * object_mask * K.binary_crossentropy(
                best_ious, pred_confidence, from_logits=False))
            objects_loss = (
                object_scale * object_mask *
        no_objects_loss = no_object_weights * K.square(-pred_confidence)

        if rescore_confidence:
            objects_loss = (object_scale * object_mask *
                            K.square(best_ious - pred_confidence))
            objects_loss = (object_scale * object_mask *
                            K.square(1 - pred_confidence))
    confidence_loss = objects_loss + no_objects_loss

    # Classification loss for matching detections.
    # NOTE: YOLOv2 does not use categorical cross-entropy loss.
    #       Here we try it.
    matching_classes = K.cast(y_true[..., 5], 'int32')
    matching_classes = K.one_hot(matching_classes, num_classes)

    if label_smoothing:
        matching_classes = _smooth_labels(matching_classes, label_smoothing)

    if use_crossentropy_loss:
        classification_loss = (
            class_scale * object_mask *
                matching_classes, pred_class_prob, from_logits=False),
        classification_loss = (class_scale * object_mask *
                               K.square(matching_classes - pred_class_prob))

    if use_giou_loss:
        # Calculate GIoU loss as location loss
        giou = box_giou(raw_true_boxes, pred_boxes)
        giou = K.squeeze(giou, axis=-1)
        giou_loss = location_scale * object_mask * (1 - giou)
        location_loss = giou_loss
    elif use_diou_loss:
        # Calculate DIoU loss as location loss
        diou = box_diou(raw_true_boxes, pred_boxes)
        diou = K.squeeze(diou, axis=-1)
        diou_loss = location_scale * object_mask * (1 - diou)
        location_loss = diou_loss
        # YOLOv2 location loss for matching detection boxes.
        # Darknet trans box to calculate loss.
        trans_true_xy = y_true[..., :2] * grid_shape[::-1] - grid
        trans_true_wh = K.log(y_true[..., 2:4] / anchors * input_shape[::-1])
        trans_true_wh = K.switch(
            object_mask, trans_true_wh,
            K.zeros_like(trans_true_wh))  # avoid log(0)=-inf
        trans_true_boxes = K.concatenate([trans_true_xy, trans_true_wh])

        # Unadjusted box predictions for loss.
        trans_pred_boxes = K.concatenate(
            (K.sigmoid(raw_pred[..., 0:2]), raw_pred[..., 2:4]), axis=-1)

        location_loss = (location_scale * object_mask *
                         K.square(trans_true_boxes - trans_pred_boxes))

    confidence_loss_sum = K.sum(confidence_loss) / batch_size_f
    location_loss_sum = K.sum(location_loss) / batch_size_f
    # only involve class loss for multiple classes
    if num_classes == 1:
        classification_loss_sum = K.constant(0)
        classification_loss_sum = K.sum(classification_loss) / batch_size_f

    total_loss = 0.5 * (confidence_loss_sum + classification_loss_sum +

    # Fit for tf 2.0.0 loss shape
    total_loss = K.expand_dims(total_loss, axis=-1)

    return total_loss, location_loss_sum, confidence_loss_sum, classification_loss_sum
Пример #16
 def loop_body(b, ignore_mask):
     true_box = tf.boolean_mask(y_true[l][b,...,0:4], object_mask_bool[b,...,0])
     iou = box_iou(pred_box[b], true_box)
     best_iou = K.max(iou, axis=-1)
     ignore_mask = ignore_mask.write(b, K.cast(best_iou<ignore_thresh, K.dtype(true_box)))
     return b+1, ignore_mask
Пример #17
 def binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred):
     y_true = tf.matmul(y_true, y_true, transpose_b=True)
     return (K.cast(K.abs(y_true - y_pred) > margin,
                    'float32')) * K.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred)
Пример #18
def sparse_gather(y_pred, target_indices, task_name):
    clf_h = Lambda(lambda x: K.reshape(x, (-1, K.int_shape(x)[-1])),
                   name=task_name + '_flatten')(y_pred)
    return Lambda(lambda x: K.gather(x[0], K.cast(x[1], 'int32')),
                  name=task_name + '_gather')([clf_h, target_indices])
Пример #19
    def get_updates(self, loss, params):
        grads = self.get_gradients(loss, params)

        # first update the number of iterations
        self.updates = [K.update_add(self.iterations, 1)]

        if self.decay_epochs:
            ite_casted = K.cast(self.iterations, K.dtype(self.decay_epochs))
            hit_decay_epoch = K.any(K.equal(ite_casted, self.decay_epochs))

            lr = K.switch(hit_decay_epoch, self.lr['all'] * self.decay['all'],

            #a = K.switch(hit_decay_epoch,
            #             K.print_tensor(self.lr['all'],message='Decays:'),
            #             K.print_tensor(self.lr['all'],message=' '))

            self.updates.append(K.update(self.lr['all'], lr))

        shapes = [K.int_shape(p) for p in params]
        moments = [K.zeros(s) for s in shapes]
        self.weights = [self.iterations] + moments

        for p, g, m in zip(params, grads, moments):
            #print("HEREEEE:", p.name, g, m)
            lrptrkey = set_pattern_find(p.name, self.lr.keys())
            if lrptrkey:
                if self.verbose > 0:
                    print("Setting different learning rate for ", p.name,
                          " : ", K.eval(self.lr[lrptrkey]))
                lr = self.lr[lrptrkey]
                dcptrkey = set_pattern_find(p.name, self.decay.keys())
                if self.decay_epochs and dcptrkey:
                    lr = K.switch(hit_decay_epoch,
                                  self.lr[lrptrkey] * self.decay[dcptrkey],
                    self.updates.append(K.update(self.lr[lrptrkey], lr))
                    if self.verbose > 0:
                        print("Added decay to ", p.name, ": ", K.eval(lr), ",",
                elif self.decay_epochs:
                    lr = K.switch(hit_decay_epoch,
                                  self.lr[lrptrkey] * self.decay['all'],
                    self.updates.append(K.update(self.lr[lrptrkey], lr))
                    if self.verbose > 0:
                        print("Added decay to ", p.name, ": ", K.eval(lr), ",",
                    lr = self.lr[lrptrkey]

                lr = self.lr['all']

            momptrkey = set_pattern_find(p.name, self.momentum.keys())
            if momptrkey:
                if self.verbose > 0:
                    print("Setting different momentum for ", p.name, " , ",
                momentum = self.momentum[momptrkey]
                momentum = self.momentum['all']

            v = momentum * m - lr * g  # velocity
            self.updates.append(K.update(m, v))

            if self.nesterov:
                new_p = p + momentum * (momentum * m - lr * g) - lr * g
                new_p = p + momentum * m - lr * g

            # CHANGE CLIP
            _to_tensor = K.tensorflow_backend._to_tensor
            _clip_by_val = K.tf.clip_by_value
            margin = K.mean(K.abs(p * K.constant(self.UPCLIP)))
            min_value = _to_tensor(p - margin, p.dtype.base_dtype)
            max_value = _to_tensor(p + margin, p.dtype.base_dtype)

            max_v = K.maximum(min_value, max_value)
            min_v = K.minimum(min_value, max_value)

            new_p = _clip_by_val(new_p, min_v, max_v)

            # Apply constraints.
            if getattr(p, 'constraint', None) is not None:
                new_p = p.constraint(new_p)
            clptrkey = set_pattern_find(p.name, self.clips.keys())
            if self.clips_val and clptrkey:
                if self.verbose > 0:
                    print("Clipping variable", p.name, " to ",
                c = K.eval(self.clips[clptrkey])
                new_p = K.clip(new_p, c[0], c[1])
            #print("updates for ", p.name, " lr: ", K.eval(lr), " mom:", K.eval(momentum))
            self.updates.append(K.update(p, new_p))
        return self.updates
Пример #20
def _mask_loss(y_true, y_pred, y_mask, element_wise_loss):
    l = K.switch(y_mask, element_wise_loss(y_true, y_pred),
                 K.zeros_like(y_mask, dtype=K.floatx()))
    return K.sum(l) / (K.cast(K.sum(y_mask), dtype='float32') + K.epsilon())
Пример #21
    def call(self, x, mask=None):

        assert (len(x) == 2)

        img = x[0]
        rois = x[1]

        input_shape = K.shape(img)

        outputs = []

        for roi_idx in range(self.num_rois):

            x = rois[0, roi_idx, 0]
            y = rois[0, roi_idx, 1]
            w = rois[0, roi_idx, 2]
            h = rois[0, roi_idx, 3]

            row_length = w / float(self.pool_size)
            col_length = h / float(self.pool_size)

            num_pool_regions = self.pool_size

            #NOTE: the RoiPooling implementation differs between theano and tensorflow due to the lack of a resize op
            # in theano. The theano implementation is much less efficient and leads to long compile times

            if self.dim_ordering == 'channels_first':
                for jy in range(num_pool_regions):
                    for ix in range(num_pool_regions):
                        x1 = x + ix * row_length
                        x2 = x1 + row_length
                        y1 = y + jy * col_length
                        y2 = y1 + col_length

                        x1 = K.cast(x1, 'int32')
                        x2 = K.cast(x2, 'int32')
                        y1 = K.cast(y1, 'int32')
                        y2 = K.cast(y2, 'int32')

                        x2 = x1 + K.maximum(1, x2 - x1)
                        y2 = y1 + K.maximum(1, y2 - y1)

                        new_shape = [
                            input_shape[0], input_shape[1], y2 - y1, x2 - x1

                        x_crop = img[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2]
                        xm = K.reshape(x_crop, new_shape)
                        pooled_val = K.max(xm, axis=(2, 3))

            elif self.dim_ordering == 'channels_last':
                x = K.cast(x, 'int32')
                y = K.cast(y, 'int32')
                w = K.cast(w, 'int32')
                h = K.cast(h, 'int32')

                rs = tf.image.resize(img[:, y:y + h, x:x + w, :],
                                     (self.pool_size, self.pool_size))

        final_output = K.concatenate(outputs, axis=0)
        final_output = K.reshape(final_output,
                                 (1, self.num_rois, self.pool_size,
                                  self.pool_size, self.nb_channels))

        if self.dim_ordering == 'channels_first':
            final_output = K.permute_dimensions(final_output, (0, 1, 4, 2, 3))
            final_output = K.permute_dimensions(final_output, (0, 1, 2, 3, 4))

        return final_output
Пример #22
 def call(self, inputs, mask=None):
     if mask is not None:
         mask = K.cast(mask, K.floatx())
         inputs *= K.expand_dims(mask, axis=-1)
     return super(MaskedConv1D, self).call(inputs)
Пример #23
 def haraka_post_corrections(self, in_out):
     Change any obviously wrong haraka marks according to the character and its context.
     :param in_out: input layer and prediction layers outputs.
     :return: corrected predictions.
     inputs, pred_haraka, pred_shadda = in_out
     if not self.rules_enabled:
         return pred_haraka
     char_index = K.argmax(inputs[:, -1], axis=-1)
     # Force the correct haraka on some letters
     forced_diac_chars = {CHAR2INDEX['إ']: 3}
     for f_diac_char, f_diac in forced_diac_chars.items():
         mask = K.reshape(K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index, f_diac_char), 'float32'), (-1, 1))
         pred_haraka = mask * pred_haraka + (1 - mask) * K.one_hot(f_diac, K.int_shape(pred_haraka)[-1])
     # Force the correct haraka before some letters
     f_prev_diac_chars = {CHAR2INDEX['ى']: 1, CHAR2INDEX['ة']: 1}
     prev_char_index = K.argmax(inputs[:, -2], axis=-1)
     for fd_char, f_diac in f_prev_diac_chars.items():
         mask = K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index[1:], fd_char), 'float32')
         mask = K.reshape(K.concatenate([mask, K.ones((1,))], axis=0), (-1, 1))
         pred_haraka = pred_haraka * mask + (1 - mask) * K.one_hot(f_diac, K.int_shape(pred_haraka)[-1])
     # Allow only Fatha, Fathatan, or nothing before ا if it is in the end of the word
     mask = K.reshape(K.concatenate([K.clip(
         K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index[1:-1], CHAR2INDEX['ا']), 'float32') +
         K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index[2:], CHAR2INDEX[' ']), 'float32'), 0, 1), K.ones((2,))], axis=0), (-1, 1))
     pred_haraka = mask * pred_haraka + (1 - mask) * K.constant([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], shape=(1, 8)) * pred_haraka
     # Force Fatha before ا if it is not in the end of the word
     mask = K.reshape(K.concatenate([K.clip(
         K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index[1:-1], CHAR2INDEX['ا']), 'float32') +
         K.cast(K.equal(char_index[2:], CHAR2INDEX[' ']), 'float32'), 0, 1), K.ones((2,))], axis=0), (-1, 1))
     pred_haraka = mask * pred_haraka + (1 - mask) * K.one_hot(1, K.int_shape(pred_haraka)[-1])
     # Force no sukun and tanween at the beginning of the word
     mask = K.reshape(
         K.concatenate([K.zeros((1,)), K.cast(K.not_equal(prev_char_index[1:], CHAR2INDEX[' ']), 'float32')],
                       axis=0), (-1, 1))
     pred_haraka = mask * pred_haraka + (1 - mask) * K.constant([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], shape=(1, 8)) * pred_haraka
     # Allow tanween only at the end of the word
     mask = K.reshape(K.concatenate([K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index[1:], CHAR2INDEX[' ']), 'float32'), K.zeros((1,))],
                                    axis=0), (-1, 1))
     pred_haraka = mask * K.constant([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], shape=(1, 8)) * pred_haraka + (1 - mask) * pred_haraka
     # Prohibit Fathatan on most letters
     mask = K.reshape(K.concatenate([K.clip(
         K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index[1:], CHAR2INDEX[' ']), 'float32') +
         K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index[:-1], CHAR2INDEX['ء']), 'float32'), 0, 1), K.ones((1,))], axis=0), (-1, 1))
     mask *= K.reshape(K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index, CHAR2INDEX['ة']), 'float32'), (-1, 1))
     mask *= K.reshape(K.concatenate([K.clip(
         K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index[1:-1], CHAR2INDEX['ا']), 'float32') +
         K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index[2:], CHAR2INDEX[' ']), 'float32'), 0, 1), K.ones((2,))], axis=0), (-1, 1))
     pred_haraka = mask * K.constant([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1], shape=(1, 8)) * pred_haraka + (1 - mask) * pred_haraka
     # Drop haraka from the forbidden characters
     forbidden_chars = [CHAR2INDEX[' '], CHAR2INDEX['0'], CHAR2INDEX['آ'], CHAR2INDEX['ى'], CHAR2INDEX['ا']]
     mask = K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index, forbidden_chars[0]), 'float32')
     for forbidden_char in forbidden_chars[1:]:
         mask *= K.cast(K.not_equal(char_index, forbidden_char), 'float32')
     mask = K.reshape(mask, (-1, 1))
     pred_haraka = mask * pred_haraka + (1 - mask) * K.one_hot(0, K.int_shape(pred_haraka)[-1])
     return pred_haraka
Пример #24
    layer_dict = dict([(layer.name, layer) for layer in model.layers])

    # 源代码是K.variable, 但是似乎用的是tf.Variable, 使用assign_add相关函数后无法求梯度。。。。。、
    # 改成tf.constant后可以运行,constant,Variable,tensor含义有区别需要注意
    # constant一般定义输入,variable一般定义权重,tensor则是中间结果
    # loss = tf.constant(0.)

    # 将assign_add 改成 tf.add后可以运行
    # assign_add是改变了变量值,而tf.add是生成一个tensor,代表了一个表达式
    # 貌似只有用tensor,求梯度才有效果,用variable返回[None]
    loss = K.variable(0.)
    for layer_name in layer_contributions:
        coeff = layer_contributions[layer_name]
        activation = layer_dict[layer_name].output
        scaling = K.prod(K.cast(K.shape(activation), 'float32'))
        # 注意这个 K.sum, K.prod对应 tf.reduce_sum, tf.reduce_prod, 其他可以直接改
        loss = tf.add(
            coeff * K.sum(K.square(activation[:, 2:-2, 2:-2, :])) / scaling)
        # loss += (coeff * K.sum(K.square(activation[:, 2: -2, 2: -2, :])) / scaling)

    dream = model.input
    # 求得是输入梯度
    grads = tf.gradients(loss, dream)[0]
    grads /= tf.maximum(tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(grads)), 1e-7)
    outputs = [loss, grads]

    # K.function 与tf.function不同
    fetch_loss_and_grads = K.function([dream], outputs)
Пример #25
def get_PAD_mask(q, k):  # todo check it latter
    ones = K.expand_dims(K.ones_like(q, dtype='float32'), -1)
    mask = K.cast(K.expand_dims(K.not_qual(k, 0), 1), 'float32')
    mask = K.batch_dot(ones, mask, axes=[2, 1])
    return mask
Пример #26
 def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None):
     mask_combine = K.all([K.cast(inputs[1], bool), mask[0]], axis=0)
     return mask_combine
Пример #27
 def update_state(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None):
     return super(PixelIoU, self).update_state(
         y_pred=K.cast(K.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1), y_true.dtype),
Пример #28
def yolo_loss(args, anchors, num_classes, ignore_thresh=.5, print_loss=False):
    '''Return yolo_loss tensor

    yolo_outputs: list of tensor, the output of yolo_body or tiny_yolo_body
    y_true: list of array, the output of preprocess_true_boxes
    anchors: array, shape=(N, 2), wh
    num_classes: integer
    ignore_thresh: float, the iou threshold whether to ignore object confidence loss

    loss: tensor, shape=(1,)

    num_layers = len(anchors) // 3  # default setting
    yolo_outputs = args[:num_layers]
    y_true = args[num_layers:]
    anchor_mask = [[6, 7, 8], [3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2]
                   ] if num_layers == 3 else [[3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3]]
    input_shape = K.cast(
        K.shape(yolo_outputs[0])[1:3] * 32, K.dtype(y_true[0]))
    grid_shapes = [
        K.cast(K.shape(yolo_outputs[l])[1:3], K.dtype(y_true[0]))
        for l in range(num_layers)
    loss = 0
    m = K.shape(yolo_outputs[0])[0]  # batch size, tensor
    mf = K.cast(m, K.dtype(yolo_outputs[0]))

    for l in range(num_layers):
        object_mask = y_true[l][..., 4:5]
        true_class_probs = y_true[l][..., 5:]

        grid, raw_pred, pred_xy, pred_wh = yolo_head(yolo_outputs[l],
        pred_box = K.concatenate([pred_xy, pred_wh])

        # Darknet raw box to calculate loss.
        raw_true_xy = y_true[l][..., :2] * grid_shapes[l][::-1] - grid
        raw_true_wh = K.log(y_true[l][..., 2:4] / anchors[anchor_mask[l]] *
        raw_true_wh = K.switch(object_mask, raw_true_wh,
                               K.zeros_like(raw_true_wh))  # avoid log(0)=-inf
        box_loss_scale = 2 - y_true[l][..., 2:3] * y_true[l][..., 3:4]

        # Find ignore mask, iterate over each of batch.
        ignore_mask = tf.TensorArray(K.dtype(y_true[0]),
        object_mask_bool = K.cast(object_mask, 'bool')

        def loop_body(b, ignore_mask):
            true_box = tf.boolean_mask(y_true[l][b, ..., 0:4],
                                       object_mask_bool[b, ..., 0])
            iou = box_iou(pred_box[b], true_box)
            best_iou = K.max(iou, axis=-1)
            ignore_mask = ignore_mask.write(
                b, K.cast(best_iou < ignore_thresh, K.dtype(true_box)))
            return b + 1, ignore_mask

        _, ignore_mask = K.control_flow_ops.while_loop(lambda b, *args: b < m,
                                                       [0, ignore_mask])
        ignore_mask = ignore_mask.stack()
        ignore_mask = K.expand_dims(ignore_mask, -1)

        # K.binary_crossentropy is helpful to avoid exp overflow.
        xy_loss = object_mask * box_loss_scale * K.binary_crossentropy(
            raw_true_xy, raw_pred[..., 0:2], from_logits=True)
        wh_loss = object_mask * box_loss_scale * 0.5 * K.square(
            raw_true_wh - raw_pred[..., 2:4])
        confidence_loss = object_mask * K.binary_crossentropy(object_mask, raw_pred[...,4:5], from_logits=True)+ \
            (1-object_mask) * K.binary_crossentropy(object_mask, raw_pred[...,4:5], from_logits=True) * ignore_mask
        class_loss = object_mask * K.binary_crossentropy(
            true_class_probs, raw_pred[..., 5:], from_logits=True)

        xy_loss = K.sum(xy_loss) / mf
        wh_loss = K.sum(wh_loss) / mf
        confidence_loss = K.sum(confidence_loss) / mf
        class_loss = K.sum(class_loss) / mf
        loss += xy_loss + wh_loss + confidence_loss + class_loss
        if print_loss:
            loss = tf.Print(loss, [
                loss, xy_loss, wh_loss, confidence_loss, class_loss,
                            message='loss: ')
    return loss
 def call(self, inputs):
     if K.dtype(inputs) != 'int32':
         inputs = K.cast(inputs, 'int32')
     embeddings = K.gather(self.embeddings, inputs)
     embeddings *= self._model_dim ** 0.5 # Scale
     return embeddings
Пример #30
def calculate_accuracy(true_and_pred):
    y_true, y_pred = true_and_pred
    start_prob = y_pred[0][K.cast(y_true[0], dtype='int32')]
    end_prob = y_pred[1][K.cast(y_true[1], dtype='int32')]
    return (start_prob + end_prob) / 2.0