Пример #1
  def testContWithPlaceholders(self):
    stepper = NodeStepper(
            self.ph0: [[1.0, 2.0], [-3.0, 5.0]],
            self.ph1: [[-1.0], [0.5]]

    self.assertEqual(["ph0:0", "ph1:0", "x:0", "y:0"],

    result = stepper.cont(self.x)
    self.assertAllClose([[0.0], [5.5]], result)
        "ph0:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_CLIENT,
        "ph1:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_CLIENT,
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    self.assertEqual(["x:0"], stepper.handle_names())

    result = stepper.cont(self.y)
    self.assertAllClose([[-1.0], [6.0]], result)
        "x:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE,
        "ph1:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_CLIENT,
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())
Пример #2
  def testUsingNodesNotUsingIntermediateTensors(self):
    stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, self.e)

    # There should be no handles before any cont() calls.
    self.assertEqual([], stepper.handle_names())

    # Before the cont() call, the stepper should not have access to the value
    # of c:0.
    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
        "This stepper instance does not have access to the value of tensor "

    # Using the node/tensor itself, instead of the name str, should work on
    # cont().
    result = stepper.cont(self.c)
    self.assertAllClose(6.0, result)
    self.assertEqual({}, stepper.last_feed_types())

    self.assertEqual(["c:0"], stepper.handle_names())

    # After the cont() call, the stepper should have access to the value of c:0
    # via a tensor handle.
    self.assertAllClose(6.0, stepper.get_tensor_value("c:0"))

    result = stepper.cont(self.e)
    self.assertAllClose(24.0, result)
        "c:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())
Пример #3
  def testContToUpdateA(self):
    stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, "optim")

    result = stepper.cont("a:0")
    self.assertAllClose(1.0, result)
    self.assertEqual({}, stepper.last_feed_types())

    result = stepper.cont("optim/learning_rate:0")
    self.assertAllClose(0.01, result)
    self.assertEqual({}, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # Before any cont calls on ApplyGradientDescent, there should be no "dirty"
    # variables.
    self.assertEqual(set(), stepper.dirty_variables())

    # First, all the two control inputs to optim.
    result = stepper.cont("optim/update_a/ApplyGradientDescent")

    # Now variable a should have been marked as dirty due to the update
    # by optim/update_a/ApplyGradientDescent.
    self.assertEqual({"a:0"}, stepper.dirty_variables())
        "optim/learning_rate:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # Check that Variable "a" has been updated properly, but "b", "c" and "d"
    # remain the same.
    # For backprop on Variable a:
    #   Because f = a * b * b * c, df / da = b * b * c.
    #   1.0 - learning_rate * b * b * c
    #     = 1.0 -  0.01 * 2.0 * 2.0 * 4.0 = 0.84.
    self.assertAllClose(0.84, self.sess.run(self.a))
    self.assertAllClose(2.0, self.sess.run(self.b))
    self.assertAllClose(4.0, self.sess.run(self.c))
Пример #4
  def testOverrideAndContToSameTensor(self):
    stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, self.e)

    result = stepper.cont(self.c)
    self.assertAllClose(6.0, result)
    self.assertEqual({}, stepper.last_feed_types())
    self.assertEqual(["c:0"], stepper.handle_names())

    self.assertAllClose(6.0, stepper.cont(self.c))

    # The last cont() call should use the tensor handle directly.
        "c:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # Override c:0.
    stepper.override_tensor("c:0", 7.0)

    # As a result of the override, the tensor handle should have been
    # invalidated.
    self.assertEqual([], stepper.handle_names())

    result = stepper.cont(self.c)
    self.assertAllClose(7.0, result)

        "c:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_OVERRIDE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())
Пример #5
  def testAttemptToContToPlaceholderWithTensorNameFeedKeysShouldWork(self):

    ph0_feed = [[1.0, 2.0], [-3.0, 5.0]]
    ph1_feed = [[-1.0], [0.5]]
    stepper = NodeStepper(
            self.ph0.name: ph0_feed,
            self.ph1.name: ph1_feed,

    self.assertAllClose(ph0_feed, stepper.cont(self.ph0))
        self.ph0.name: NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_CLIENT
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    self.assertAllClose(ph1_feed, stepper.cont(self.ph1))
        self.ph1.name: NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_CLIENT
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    ph0_node = self.sess.graph.as_graph_element("ph0")
    self.assertAllClose(ph0_feed, stepper.cont(ph0_node))
        self.ph0.name: NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_CLIENT
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    self.assertAllClose([[-1.0], [6.0]], stepper.finalize())
Пример #6
  def testOverrideValueTwice(self):
    stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, self.e)

    # Override once.
    stepper.override_tensor("c:0", 7.0)
    self.assertAllClose(28.0, stepper.cont(self.e))
        "c:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_OVERRIDE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    self.assertEqual(["e:0"], stepper.handle_names())
    self.assertEqual(["c:0"], stepper.override_names())

    # Calling cont(self.e) again. This time the cached tensor handle of e
    # should be used.
    self.assertEqual(28.0, stepper.cont(self.e))
        "e:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # Override c again. This should have invalidated the cache for e.
    stepper.override_tensor("c:0", 8.0)

    self.assertEqual([], stepper.handle_names())
    self.assertEqual(["c:0"], stepper.override_names())

    self.assertAllClose(32.0, stepper.cont(self.e))
        "c:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_OVERRIDE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())
Пример #7
    def testOverrideThenContToUpdate(self):
        """Test cont() to update nodes after overriding tensor values."""

        stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, "optim")

        result = stepper.cont("d:0")
        self.assertAllClose(2.0, result)
        self.assertEqual({}, stepper.last_feed_types())
        self.assertEqual(set(), stepper.dirty_variables())
        self.assertEqual(["d:0"], stepper.handle_names())

        # Override the value from 1.0 to 10.0.
        stepper.override_tensor("a/read:0", 10.0)

        self.assertEqual(["a/read:0"], stepper.override_names())

        result = stepper.cont("optim/update_c/ApplyGradientDescent",

        # The last cont() call should have not used the tensor handle to d:0,
        # because the transitive closure of d:0 contains an override tensor.
        self.assertEqual({"a/read:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_OVERRIDE},

        # The tensor handle to d:0 should have been removed due to the dirty
        # transitive closure.
        self.assertEqual([], stepper.handle_names())

        # For this backprop on c, the overriding value of a/read:0 should have been
        # used:
        #   4.0 - learning_rate * a * b * b
        #     = 4.0 - 0.01 * 10.0 * 2.0 * 2.0 = 3.6.
        self.assertAllClose(3.6, self.sess.run(self.c))

        # Now remove the overriding value of a/read:0.
        self.assertEqual([], stepper.override_names())

        # Obtain the tensor handle to d:0 again.
        result = stepper.cont("d:0")
        self.assertAllClose(2.0, result)
        self.assertEqual(["d:0"], stepper.handle_names())

        # Then call update_c again, without restoring c.
        result = stepper.cont("optim/update_c/ApplyGradientDescent",

        # This time, the d:0 tensor handle should have been used, because its
        # transitive closure is clean.
        self.assertEqual({"d:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE},

        # For this backprop on c, the overriding value of a/read:0 should have been
        # used:
        #   3.6 - learning_rate * a * b * b
        #     = 3.6 - 0.01 * 1.0 * 2.0 * 2.0 = 3.56.
        self.assertAllClose(3.56, self.sess.run(self.c))
Пример #8
  def testRemoveOverrideValue(self):
    stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, self.e)

    result = stepper.cont(self.c)
    self.assertAllClose(6.0, result)
    self.assertEqual({}, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # The previous cont() step should have generated a cached tensor handle.
    self.assertEqual(["c:0"], stepper.handle_names())
    self.assertSetEqual({"c"}, stepper.handle_node_names())

    # Override c:0.
    stepper.override_tensor("c:0", 7.0)

    # The overriding should have invalidated the tensor handle.
    self.assertEqual([], stepper.handle_names())
    self.assertSetEqual(set(), stepper.handle_node_names())
    self.assertEqual(["c:0"], stepper.override_names())

    result = stepper.cont(self.e)
    self.assertAllClose(28.0, result)  # Should reflect the overriding value.
        "c:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_OVERRIDE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # The handle to tensor e:0 should have been cached, even though its
    # transitive closure contains an override.
    self.assertIn("e:0", stepper.handle_names())
    self.assertSetEqual({"e"}, stepper.handle_node_names())

    # Remove the override.
    # c:0 should not be in the overrides anymore.
    self.assertEqual([], stepper.override_names())

    # Removing the override should have invalidated the tensor handle for c.
    self.assertNotIn("e:0", stepper.handle_names())
    self.assertNotIn("e", stepper.handle_node_names())

    # Should reflect the non-overriding value.
    self.assertAllClose(24.0, stepper.cont(self.e))

    # This time, the handle to tensor e:0 should have been cached again, even
    # thought its transitive closure contains an override.
    self.assertIn("e:0", stepper.handle_names())
    self.assertIn("e", stepper.handle_node_names())

    # Calling cont(self.e) again should have used the tensor handle to e:0.
    self.assertAllClose(24.0, stepper.cont(self.e))
        "e:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())
Пример #9
  def testUsingNamesNotUsingIntermediateTensors(self):
    stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, "e:0")

    # The first cont() call should have used no feeds.
    result = stepper.cont("c:0")
    self.assertAllClose(6.0, result)
    self.assertEqual({}, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # The second cont() call should have used the tensor handle from the
    # previous cont() call.
    result = stepper.cont("e:0")
    self.assertAllClose(24.0, result)
        "c:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())
Пример #10
  def testContToNodeWithOutputTensors(self):
    """cont() to an op should cache its output tensors if appropriate."""

    stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, "optim")

    # In the transitive closure of the stepper, look for an op of which the
    # output tensor also is in the transitive closure.
    # Do not assume a specific op, e.g., ""gradients/e_grad/Reshape_1",
    # because it may vary between builds.
    closure = stepper.sorted_transitive_closure()
    op_with_output_in_closure = None
    for element_name in closure:
      if element_name + ":0" in closure:
        op_with_output_in_closure = str(element_name)

    output_tensor = op_with_output_in_closure + ":0"

    # The op "gradients/?_grad/Reshape_1" is in the transitive closure of the
    # stepper, because it is the control input to another o. However, its
    # output tensor "gradients/?_grad/Reshape_1:0" is also in the transitive
    # closure, because it is the (non-control) input of certain ops. Calling
    # cont() on the op should lead to the caching of the tensor handle for
    # the output tensor.

    self.assertEqual([output_tensor], stepper.handle_names())

    # Do a cont() call that uses the cached tensor of
    # "gradients/?_grad/Reshape_1:0".
        output_tensor: NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())
Пример #11
    def testContToNodeWithOutputTensors(self):
        """cont() to an op should cache its output tensors if appropriate."""

        stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, "optim")

        # In the transitive closure of the stepper, look for an op of which the
        # output tensor also is in the transitive closure.
        # Do not assume a specific op, e.g., ""gradients/e_grad/Reshape_1",
        # because it may vary between builds.
        closure = stepper.sorted_transitive_closure()
        op_with_output_in_closure = None
        for element_name in closure:
            if element_name + ":0" in closure:
                op_with_output_in_closure = str(element_name)

        output_tensor = op_with_output_in_closure + ":0"

        # The op "gradients/?_grad/Reshape_1" is in the transitive closure of the
        # stepper, because it is the control input to another o. However, its
        # output tensor "gradients/?_grad/Reshape_1:0" is also in the transitive
        # closure, because it is the (non-control) input of certain ops. Calling
        # cont() on the op should lead to the caching of the tensor handle for
        # the output tensor.

        self.assertEqual([output_tensor], stepper.handle_names())

        # Do a cont() call that uses the cached tensor of
        # "gradients/?_grad/Reshape_1:0".
        self.assertEqual({output_tensor: NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE},
Пример #12
  def testSelectiveHandleUsageDependingOnTransitiveCleanliness(self):
    """Test tensor handlers are using only during clean transitive closure.

    "clean" means no Variables have been updated by preceding cont() calls.

    stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, "optim")

    # First, call cont() on the two tensors on the intermediate level: e and f.
    result = stepper.cont("d:0")
    self.assertAllClose(2.0, result)
    self.assertEqual({}, stepper.last_feed_types())
    self.assertEqual(set(), stepper.dirty_variables())

    # The cont call above should have restored Variable "b".
    result = stepper.cont("e:0")
    self.assertAllClose(8.0, result)
    self.assertEqual({}, stepper.last_feed_types())
    self.assertEqual(set(), stepper.dirty_variables())

    # Now run update_a, so as to let Variable a be diry.
    result = stepper.cont("optim/update_a/ApplyGradientDescent",
    self.assertEqual({"a:0"}, stepper.dirty_variables())

    # Now, run update_b.
    result = stepper.cont("optim/update_b/ApplyGradientDescent",

    # The last cont() run should have use the handle of tensor e, but not the
    # handle of tensor d, because the transitive closure of e is clean, whereas
    # that of d is dirty due to the update to a in the previous cont() call.
        "e:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # The result of the update_b should be identical to as if no other
    # update_* cont() calls have occurred before.
    self.assertAllClose(1.0, self.sess.run(self.a))
    self.assertAllClose(1.84, self.sess.run(self.b))
    self.assertAllClose(4.0, self.sess.run(self.c))
Пример #13
  def testOverrideValue(self):
    stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, self.e)

    result = stepper.cont(self.c)
    self.assertAllClose(6.0, result)
    self.assertEqual({}, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # There should be no overrides before any cont() calls.
    self.assertEqual([], stepper.override_names())

    # Calling cont() on c again should lead to use of the handle.
    result = stepper.cont(self.c)
    self.assertAllClose(6.0, result)
        "c:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # Override c:0.
    stepper.override_tensor("c:0", 7.0)

    # After the overriding, calling get_tensor_value() on c:0 should yield the
    # overriding value.
    self.assertEqual(7.0, stepper.get_tensor_value("c:0"))

    # Now c:0 should have only an override value, but no cached handle, because
    # the handle should have been invalidated.
    self.assertEqual([], stepper.handle_names())
    self.assertSetEqual(set(), stepper.handle_node_names())
    self.assertEqual(["c:0"], stepper.override_names())

    # Run a downstream tensor after the value override.
    result = stepper.cont(self.e)
    self.assertAllClose(28.0, result)  # Should reflect the overriding value.

    # Should use override, instead of the handle.
        "c:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_OVERRIDE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())
Пример #14
  def testFinalizeWithPreviousOverrides(self):
    stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, self.e)

    stepper.override_tensor("a/read:0", 20.0)
    self.assertEqual(["a/read:0"], stepper.override_names())

    # Should reflect the overriding value.
    self.assertAllClose(24000.0, stepper.cont("e:0"))
        "a/read:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_OVERRIDE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # Finalize call should have ignored the overriding value.
    self.assertAllClose(24.0, stepper.finalize())
Пример #15
  def testOverrideThenContToUpdate(self):
    """Test cont() to update nodes after overriding tensor values."""

    stepper = NodeStepper(self.sess, "optim")

    result = stepper.cont("d:0")
    self.assertAllClose(2.0, result)
    self.assertEqual({}, stepper.last_feed_types())
    self.assertEqual(set(), stepper.dirty_variables())
    self.assertEqual(["d:0"], stepper.handle_names())

    # Override the value from 1.0 to 10.0.
    stepper.override_tensor("a/read:0", 10.0)

    self.assertEqual(["a/read:0"], stepper.override_names())

    result = stepper.cont("optim/update_c/ApplyGradientDescent",

    # The last cont() call should have not used the tensor handle to d:0,
    # because the transitive closure of d:0 contains an override tensor.
        "a/read:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_OVERRIDE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # The tensor handle to d:0 should have been removed due to the dirty
    # transitive closure.
    self.assertEqual([], stepper.handle_names())

    # For this backprop on c, the overriding value of a/read:0 should have been
    # used:
    #   4.0 - learning_rate * a * b * b
    #     = 4.0 - 0.01 * 10.0 * 2.0 * 2.0 = 3.6.
    self.assertAllClose(3.6, self.sess.run(self.c))

    # Now remove the overriding value of a/read:0.
    self.assertEqual([], stepper.override_names())

    # Obtain the tensor handle to d:0 again.
    result = stepper.cont("d:0")
    self.assertAllClose(2.0, result)
    self.assertEqual(["d:0"], stepper.handle_names())

    # Then call update_c again, without restoring c.
    result = stepper.cont(
        "optim/update_c/ApplyGradientDescent", restore_variable_values=False)

    # This time, the d:0 tensor handle should have been used, because its
    # transitive closure is clean.
        "d:0": NodeStepper.FEED_TYPE_HANDLE
    }, stepper.last_feed_types())

    # For this backprop on c, the overriding value of a/read:0 should have been
    # used:
    #   3.6 - learning_rate * a * b * b
    #     = 3.6 - 0.01 * 1.0 * 2.0 * 2.0 = 3.56.
    self.assertAllClose(3.56, self.sess.run(self.c))