Пример #1
  def _set_inputs_and_outputs(self, input_shape=None, tensor=None):
    """Set model's input and output specs based on the input received.

    If `tensor` is provided, `input_shape` is not required.

      input_shape: Optional shape of input.
      tensor: Optional existing tensor to wrap into the `Input` layer.
    if not self.inputs:
      dtype = K.floatx()
      if tensor is not None:
        batch_shape = (None,) + tuple(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1:])
        x = Input(dtype=dtype, name=self.name + '_input', tensor=tensor)
      elif input_shape is not None:
        batch_shape = tuple(input_shape)
        x = Input(
            batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=dtype, name=self.name + '_input')
      self.inputs = [x]
      for layer in self._layers:
        x = layer(x)
      self.outputs = [x]
      # Make sure that the model's input shape will be preserved during
      # serialization.
      if self._layers:
        self._layers[0]._batch_input_shape = batch_shape

    if self.inputs:
      self._init_graph_network(self.inputs, self.outputs, name=self.name)
      self.built = True
    if self._layers:
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):
        #self.inception = InceptionResNetV2(weights=None, include_top=True)
        #inception.graph = tf.get_default_graph()

        embed_input = Input(shape=(1000,))
        encoder_input = Input(shape=(256, 256, 1,))
        encoder_output = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', strides=2)(encoder_input)
        encoder_output = Conv2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(encoder_output)
        encoder_output = Conv2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', strides=2)(encoder_output)
        encoder_output = Conv2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(encoder_output)
        encoder_output = Conv2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', strides=2)(encoder_output)
        encoder_output = Conv2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(encoder_output)
        encoder_output = Conv2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(encoder_output)
        encoder_output = Conv2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(encoder_output)  # Fusion

        fusion_output = RepeatVector(32 * 32)(embed_input)
        fusion_output = Reshape(([32, 32, 1000]))(fusion_output)
        fusion_output = concatenate([encoder_output, fusion_output], axis=3)
        fusion_output = Conv2D(256, (1, 1), activation='relu', padding='same')(fusion_output)  # Decoder
        decoder_output = Conv2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(fusion_output)

        decoder_output = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(decoder_output)
        decoder_output = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(decoder_output)
        decoder_output = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(decoder_output)
        decoder_output = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(decoder_output)
        decoder_output = Conv2D(16, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(decoder_output)
        decoder_output = Conv2D(2, (3, 3), activation='tanh', padding='same')(decoder_output)
        decoder_output = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(decoder_output)

        model = Model(inputs=[encoder_input, embed_input], outputs=decoder_output)
        model.compile(optimizer="adagrad", loss='mse')
        self.model = model
Пример #3
  def test_include_layers_with_dict_input(self):

    class PLMergeDict(PLMerge):

      def call(self, inputs):
        return inputs['a'] + inputs['b']

    x0 = Input(shape=(3,))
    x1 = Input(shape=(3,))

    l0 = PLMergeDict()
    y = l0({'a': x0, 'b': x1})

    l1 = PLSplit()
    z, y = l1(y)

    stage = preprocessing_stage.FunctionalPreprocessingStage([x0, x1], [y, z])

    one_array = np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32')
    adapt_data = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((one_array, one_array))
    self.assertEqual(l0.adapt_count, 1)
    self.assertEqual(l1.adapt_count, 1)
    self.assertLessEqual(l0.adapt_time, l1.adapt_time)

    # Check call
    y, z = stage([
        array_ops.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32'),
        array_ops.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32')
    self.assertAllClose(y, np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32'))
    self.assertAllClose(z, np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32') + 2.)
Пример #4
  def test_include_layers_with_nested_input(self):

    class PLMergeNest(PLMerge):

      def call(self, inputs):
        a = inputs[0]
        b = inputs[1][0]
        c = inputs[1][1]
        return a + b + c

    x0 = Input(shape=(3,))
    x1 = Input(shape=(3,))
    x2 = Input(shape=(3,))

    l0 = PLMergeNest()
    y = l0([x0, [x1, x2]])

    stage = preprocessing_stage.FunctionalPreprocessingStage([x0, x1, x2], y)

    one_array = np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32')
    adapt_data = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((one_array,) * 3)
    self.assertEqual(l0.adapt_count, 1)

    # Check call
    y = stage([
        array_ops.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32'),
        array_ops.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32'),
        array_ops.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32')
    self.assertAllClose(y, np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32') + 2.)
Пример #5
def compute_word_embeddings(model_dir, epoch):
    path_to_model = to_model_path(model_dir, epoch)
    """ lookup model vocabulary """
    vocabulary = Vocabulary.create_vocabulary_from_vocabulary_json(
        model_dir, "", use_nltk=False)
    """ prepare and load model """
    vinput = Input((196, 512))
    model = create_shatt_model_v2(image_features_graph=(vinput, vinput),
    model.load_weights(path_to_model, by_name=True)
    """ establish embedding model """
    layer_name = "shatt_word_embeddings"
    layer = model.get_layer(layer_name)
    if layer == None:
        raise Exception("Cannot find layer with name " + layer_name)
    input_words = Input(shape=(1, ), name="embedding_callback_input_words")
    layer_output = layer(input_words)
    layer_output = Flatten(name="embedding_callback_flatten")(layer_output)
    embedding_model = Model(inputs=input_words, outputs=layer_output)
    """ write metadata.tsv """
    word_sequence = vocabulary.get_word_sequence(padding_symbol="<PAD>")
    """ encode sequence"""
    encoded_word_sequence = vocabulary.get_encoded_word_sequence(

    sequence = WordSequence(encoded_word_sequence, 64)

    processed_count = 0
    expected_num_batches = sequence.get_num_batches()
    results = []
        for words in sequence.one_shot_iterator():
            words = np.expand_dims(words, axis=-1)
            word_embeddings = embedding_model.predict_on_batch(words)
            processed_count = processed_count + 1
            print(">> Computing word embeddings {:d}/{:d} ({:3.0f}%)".format(
                processed_count, expected_num_batches,
                processed_count / expected_num_batches * 100),
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception: ", e)
    results = np.array(results)
    store_numpy_to(results, model_dir, lookup_file_name="word_embeddings.npy")
 def test_raise_dimension_specified(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         inputs = Input(shape=(32, 32, None))
         outputs = OctaveConv2D(13, kernel_size=3, ratio_out=0.0)(inputs)
         model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
         model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy')
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         inputs_high = Input(shape=(32, 32, 3))
         inputs_low = Input(shape=(32, 32, None))
         outputs = OctaveConv2D(13, kernel_size=3, ratio_out=0.0)([inputs_high, inputs_low])
         model = Model(inputs=[inputs_high, inputs_low], outputs=outputs)
         model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy')
Пример #7
  def test_preprocessing_stage_with_nested_input(self):
    # Test with NumPy array
    x0 = Input(shape=(3,))
    x1 = Input(shape=(3,))
    x2 = Input(shape=(3,))

    l0 = PLMerge()
    y = l0([x0, x1])

    l1 = PLMerge()
    y = l1([y, x2])

    l2 = PLSplit()
    z, y = l2(y)

    stage = preprocessing_stage.FunctionalPreprocessingStage([x0, [x1, x2]],
                                                             [y, z])
    one_array = np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32')
    stage.adapt([one_array, [one_array, one_array]])
    self.assertEqual(l0.adapt_count, 1)
    self.assertEqual(l1.adapt_count, 1)
    self.assertEqual(l2.adapt_count, 1)
    self.assertLessEqual(l0.adapt_time, l1.adapt_time)
    self.assertLessEqual(l1.adapt_time, l2.adapt_time)

    # Check call
    y, z = stage([
        array_ops.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32'),
            array_ops.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32'),
            array_ops.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32')
    self.assertAllClose(y, np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32') + 1.)
    self.assertAllClose(z, np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32') + 3.)

    # Test with dataset
    adapt_data = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
        (one_array, (one_array, one_array)))
    adapt_data = adapt_data.batch(2)  # 5 batches of 2 samples

    self.assertEqual(l0.adapt_count, 2)
    self.assertEqual(l1.adapt_count, 2)
    self.assertEqual(l2.adapt_count, 2)
    self.assertLessEqual(l0.adapt_time, l1.adapt_time)
    self.assertLessEqual(l1.adapt_time, l2.adapt_time)

    # Test error with bad data
    with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'requires a '):
Пример #8
    def init_discriminator(self):
        layers = [
            Conv2D(16, (4, 4),
            Dense(self.image_height * self.image_width,
            Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')

        self.discriminator = self.make_model(layers)
        self.discriminator = self.compile_model(self.discriminator)

        self.discriminator_first_layer_to_unlock = 0
        self.discriminator_last_layer_to_unlock = len(layers)  #-1 ?
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.num_class = config.num_cls
        self.num_anchor = config.num_anchors
        self.pooling_region = config.pooling_region
        self.num_rois = config.num_roi
        self.feature_shape = config.feature_shape

        self.img_input = Input(config.img_shape)
        self.roi_input = Input(shape=(None, 4))
        self.feature_input = Input(self.feature_shape)

        self.base_fun = config.base_net

        self.num_anchors = config.num_anchors
        self.num_cls = config.num_cls
Пример #10
  def test_adapt_preprocessing_stage_with_dict_output(self):
    x = Input(shape=(3,), name='x')

    l0 = PLSplit()
    y0, y1 = l0(x)

    l1 = PLSplit()
    z0, z1 = l1(y0)
    stage = preprocessing_stage.FunctionalPreprocessingStage({'x': x}, {
        'y1': y1,
        'z1': z1,
        'y0': y0,
        'z0': z0

    # Test with NumPy array
    one_array = np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32')
    adapt_data = {'x': one_array}
    self.assertEqual(l0.adapt_count, 1)
    self.assertEqual(l1.adapt_count, 1)
    self.assertLessEqual(l0.adapt_time, l1.adapt_time)

    # Check call
    outputs = stage({'x': array_ops.constant(one_array)})
    self.assertEqual(set(outputs.keys()), {'y0', 'y1', 'z0', 'z1'})
    self.assertAllClose(outputs['y0'], np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32') + 1.)
    self.assertAllClose(outputs['y1'], np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32') - 1.)
    self.assertAllClose(outputs['z0'], np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32') + 2.)
    self.assertAllClose(outputs['z1'], np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32'))
Пример #11
 def model(self) -> Model:
     if self._lazy_model is None:
         input = Input(shape=self.input_size)
         layer = input
         kernel_size = (3, 3)
         depth = int(self.input_size[1] / 8)
         for i in range(depth):
             filters = (2**i) * self.filter_root
             params = {'kernel_size': kernel_size, 'padding': 'same'}
             layer = Conv2D(filters=filters, name=f'CV_{i}',
             layer = Activation(activation=self.activation,
         layer = Flatten()(layer)
         lung_pixel = Input(shape=(1, ))
         layer = Concatenate(axis=1)([layer, lung_pixel])
         layer = Dense(filters=self.filter_root, activation='relu')(layer)
         self._lazy_model = Model(input, layer, name="Volume")
     return self._lazy_model
Пример #12
def _clone_sequential_model(model, input_tensors=None):
    """Clone a `Sequential` model instance.

  Model cloning is similar to calling a model on new inputs,
  except that it creates new layers (and thus new weights) instead
  of sharing the weights of the existing layers.

      model: Instance of `Sequential`.
      input_tensors: optional list of input tensors
          to build the model upon. If not provided,
          placeholders will be created.

      An instance of `Sequential` reproducing the behavior
      of the original model, on top of new inputs tensors,
      using newly instantiated weights.

      ValueError: in case of invalid `model` argument value.
    if not isinstance(model, Sequential):
        raise ValueError(
            'Expected `model` argument '
            'to be a `Sequential` model instance, '
            'but got:', model)

    def clone(layer):
        return layer.__class__.from_config(layer.get_config())

    layers = [clone(layer) for layer in model.layers]
    if input_tensors is None:
        return Sequential(layers=layers, name=model.name)
        if len(generic_utils.to_list(input_tensors)) != 1:
            raise ValueError('To clone a `Sequential` model, we expect '
                             ' at most one tensor '
                             'as part of `input_tensors`.')

        if isinstance(input_tensors, tuple):
            input_tensors = list(input_tensors)
        x = generic_utils.to_list(input_tensors)[0]
        if K.is_keras_tensor(x):
            origin_layer = x._keras_history[0]
            if isinstance(origin_layer, InputLayer):
                return Sequential(layers=[origin_layer] + layers,
                raise ValueError('Cannot clone a `Sequential` model on top '
                                 'of a tensor that comes from a Keras layer '
                                 'other than an `InputLayer`. '
                                 'Use the functional API instead.')
        input_tensor = Input(tensor=x, name='input_wrapper_for_' + str(x.name))
        input_layer = input_tensor._keras_history[0]
        return Sequential(layers=[input_layer] + layers, name=model.name)
 def test_fit_octave(self):
     inputs = Input(shape=(32, 3))
     high, low = OctaveConv1D(13, kernel_size=3, octave=4)(inputs)
     high, low = MaxPool1D()(high), MaxPool1D()(low)
     conv = OctaveConv1D(5, kernel_size=3, octave=4, ratio_out=0.0)([high, low])
     flatten = Flatten()(conv)
     outputs = Dense(units=2, activation='softmax')(flatten)
     model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
     model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy')
Пример #14
def L_model(input_shape, nb_actions):
    print('Creating L_Model...')
    action_input = Input(shape=(nb_actions, ), name='action_input')
    observation_input = Input(input_shape, name='observation_input')
    x = Concatenate()([action_input, Flatten()(observation_input)])
    # x = concatenate([Flatten()(observation_input),action_input])
    # x =Reshape((time_frame,nb_observation+nb_actions))(x)
    # x =LSTM(nb_observation*5,activation='sigmoid',return_sequences=True,stateful=False)(x)
    x = Dense(nb_observation, activation='tanh')(x)
    # x =LSTM(nb_observation*5,activation='sigmoid',return_sequences=True,stateful=False)(x)
    x = Dense(nb_observation, activation='sigmoid')(x)
    x = Dense(nb_observation, activation='sigmoid')(x)
    x = Dense(nb_observation, activation='sigmoid')(x)
    x = Dense(nb_observation, activation='sigmoid')(x)
    # x =LSTM(nb_observation*5,activation='sigmoid',return_sequences=False,stateful=False)(x)
    x = Dense((nb_actions * nb_actions + nb_actions) // 2,
                  x)  # ((nb_actions * nb_actions + nb_actions) / 2))
    L_model = Model(inputs=[action_input, observation_input], outputs=x)
    # print(L_model.summary())
    return L_model
 def test_fit_channels_first(self):
     inputs = Input(shape=(3, 32, 32))
     high, low = OctaveConv2D(13, kernel_size=3, data_format='channels_first')(inputs)
     high, low = MaxPool2D(data_format='channels_first')(high), MaxPool2D(data_format='channels_first')(low)
     high, low = OctaveConv2D(7, kernel_size=3, data_format='channels_first')([high, low])
     high, low = MaxPool2D(data_format='channels_first')(high), MaxPool2D(data_format='channels_first')(low)
     conv = OctaveConv2D(5, kernel_size=3, ratio_out=0.0, data_format='channels_first')([high, low])
     flatten = Flatten()(conv)
     outputs = Dense(units=2, activation='softmax')(flatten)
     model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
     model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy')
     self._test_fit(model, data_format='channels_first')
 def test_make_dual_lambda(self):
     inputs = Input(shape=(32, 32, 3))
     conv = OctaveConv2D(13, kernel_size=3)(inputs)
     pool = OctaveConvDual()(conv, lambda: MaxPool2D())
     conv = OctaveConv2D(7, kernel_size=3)(pool)
     pool = OctaveConvDual()(conv, lambda: MaxPool2D())
     conv = OctaveConv2D(5, kernel_size=3, ratio_out=0.0)(pool)
     flatten = Flatten()(conv)
     outputs = Dense(units=2, activation='softmax')(flatten)
     model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
     model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy')
Пример #17
  def test_mixing_preprocessing_and_regular_layers(self):
    x0 = Input(shape=(10, 10, 3))
    x1 = Input(shape=(10, 10, 3))
    x2 = Input(shape=(10, 10, 3))

    y0 = merge.Add()([x0, x1])
    y1 = image_preprocessing.CenterCrop(8, 8)(x2)
    y1 = convolutional.ZeroPadding2D(padding=1)(y1)

    z = merge.Add()([y0, y1])
    z = normalization.Normalization()(z)
    z = convolutional.Conv2D(4, 3)(z)

    stage = preprocessing_stage.FunctionalPreprocessingStage([x0, x1, x2], z)

    data = [
        np.ones((12, 10, 10, 3), dtype='float32'),
        np.ones((12, 10, 10, 3), dtype='float32'),
        np.ones((12, 10, 10, 3), dtype='float32')

    _ = stage(data)
    stage.compile('rmsprop', 'mse')
    with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Preprocessing stage'):
      stage.fit(data, np.ones((12, 8, 8, 4)))

    ds_x0 = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(np.ones((12, 10, 10, 3)))
    ds_x1 = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(np.ones((12, 10, 10, 3)))
    ds_x2 = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(np.ones((12, 10, 10, 3)))
    ds_x = dataset_ops.Dataset.zip((ds_x0, ds_x1, ds_x2))
    ds_y = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(np.ones((12, 8, 8, 4)))
    dataset = dataset_ops.Dataset.zip((ds_x, ds_y)).batch(4)

    with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Preprocessing stage'):
    _ = stage.evaluate(data, np.ones((12, 8, 8, 4)))
    _ = stage.predict(data)
Пример #18
    def build(self, input_shape=None):
        if input_shape and not self.inputs:
            batch_shape = tuple(input_shape)
            dtype = K.floatx()
            x = Input(batch_shape=batch_shape,
                      name=self.name + '_input')
            self.inputs = [x]
            for layer in self._layers:
                x = layer(x)
            self.outputs = [x]

        if self.inputs:
            self._init_graph_network(self.inputs, self.outputs, name=self.name)
            self.built = True
Пример #19
  def build(self, input_shape=None):
    if input_shape and not self.inputs:
      batch_shape = tuple(input_shape)
      dtype = K.floatx()
      x = Input(
          batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=dtype, name=self.name + '_input')
      self.inputs = [x]
      for layer in self._layers:
        x = layer(x)
      self.outputs = [x]
      # Make sure that the model's input shape will be preserved during
      # serialization.
      if self._layers:
        self._layers[0]._batch_input_shape = batch_shape

    if self.inputs:
      self._init_graph_network(self.inputs, self.outputs, name=self.name)
      self.built = True
    if self._layers:
Пример #20
  def test_adapt_preprocessing_stage_with_single_input_output(self):

    x = Input(shape=(3,))

    l0 = PL()
    y = l0(x)

    l1 = PL()
    z = l1(y)

    stage = preprocessing_stage.FunctionalPreprocessingStage(x, z)

    # Test with NumPy array
    one_array = np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32')
    self.assertEqual(l0.adapt_count, 1)
    self.assertEqual(l1.adapt_count, 1)
    self.assertLessEqual(l0.adapt_time, l1.adapt_time)

    # Check call
    z = stage(array_ops.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32'))
    self.assertAllClose(z, np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32') + 2.)

    # Test with dataset
    adapt_data = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(one_array)
    adapt_data = adapt_data.batch(2)  # 5 batches of 2 samples

    self.assertEqual(l0.adapt_count, 2)
    self.assertEqual(l1.adapt_count, 2)
    self.assertLessEqual(l0.adapt_time, l1.adapt_time)

    # Test error with bad data
    with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'requires a '):

    # Disallow calling fit
    with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Preprocessing stage'):
Пример #21
def get_model(data, params):
    input = Input(shape=data.x_train.shape[1:])

    x = input
    for element in params["network"]:
        if element[0] == "C2D":
            x = Conv2D(filters=element[1],
            if element[3]:
                x = BatchNormalization()(x)
        elif element[0] == "Dense":
            x = Dense(units=element[1])(x)
        elif element[0] == "A":
            x = Activation(element[1])(x)
        elif element[0] == "MaxPool2D":
            x = MaxPool2D()(x)
        elif element[0] == "Flatten":
            x = Flatten()(x)
            print("Invalid element: " + element[0])

    # There has to be a Dense layer at the end
    x = Dense(units=data.num_classes)(x)

    y_pred = Activation("softmax")(x)

    # Build the model
    model = Model(inputs=[input], outputs=[y_pred])


    return model
Пример #22
def _clone_sequential_model(model, input_tensors=None, layer_fn=_clone_layer):
    """Clone a `Sequential` model instance.

  Model cloning is similar to calling a model on new inputs,
  except that it creates new layers (and thus new weights) instead
  of sharing the weights of the existing layers.

      model: Instance of `Sequential`.
      input_tensors: optional list of input tensors
          to build the model upon. If not provided,
          placeholders will be created.
      layer_fn: callable to be applied on non-input layers in the model. By
          default it clones the layer. Another example is to preserve the layer
          to share the weights. This is required when we create a per-replica
          copy of the model with distribution strategy; we want the weights to
          be shared but still feed inputs separately so we create new input

      An instance of `Sequential` reproducing the behavior
      of the original model, on top of new inputs tensors,
      using newly instantiated weights.

      ValueError: in case of invalid `model` argument value or `layer_fn`
      argument value.
    if not isinstance(model, Sequential):
        raise ValueError(
            'Expected `model` argument '
            'to be a `Sequential` model instance, '
            'but got:', model)

    if not callable(layer_fn):
        raise ValueError('Expected `layer_fn` argument to be a callable.')

    layers = []  # Layers needed to compute the model's outputs.
    layer_map = {}
    # Use model._layers to ensure that all layers are cloned. The model's layers
    # property will exclude the initial InputLayer (if it exists) in the model,
    # resulting in a different Sequential model structure.
    for layer in model._layers:
        if isinstance(layer, InputLayer) and input_tensors is not None:
            # If input tensors are provided, the original model's InputLayer is
            # overwritten with a different InputLayer.
        cloned_layer = (_clone_layer(layer)
                        if isinstance(layer, InputLayer) else layer_fn(layer))
        layer_map[layer] = cloned_layer
    layers, ancillary_layers = _remove_ancillary_layers(
        model, layer_map, layers)

    if input_tensors is None:
        cloned_model = Sequential(layers=layers, name=model.name)
    elif len(generic_utils.to_list(input_tensors)) != 1:
        raise ValueError('To clone a `Sequential` model, we expect '
                         ' at most one tensor '
                         'as part of `input_tensors`.')
        # Overwrite the original model's input layer.
        if isinstance(input_tensors, tuple):
            input_tensors = list(input_tensors)
        x = generic_utils.to_list(input_tensors)[0]
        if K.is_keras_tensor(x):
            origin_layer = x._keras_history.layer
            if isinstance(origin_layer, InputLayer):
                cloned_model = Sequential(layers=[origin_layer] + layers,
                raise ValueError('Cannot clone a `Sequential` model on top '
                                 'of a tensor that comes from a Keras layer '
                                 'other than an `InputLayer`. '
                                 'Use the functional API instead.')
            input_tensor = Input(tensor=x,
                                 name='input_wrapper_for_' + str(x.name))
            input_layer = input_tensor._keras_history.layer
            cloned_model = Sequential(layers=[input_layer] + layers,

    if not ancillary_layers:
        return cloned_model

    tensor_map = {}  # Maps tensors from `model` to those in `cloned_model`.
    for depth, cloned_nodes in cloned_model._nodes_by_depth.items():
        nodes = model._nodes_by_depth[depth]
        # This should be safe in a Sequential model. In an arbitrary network, you
        # need to sort using the outbound layer of the node as a key.
        for cloned_node, node in zip(cloned_nodes, nodes):
            if isinstance(cloned_node.output_tensors, list):
                for j, output_tensor in enumerate(cloned_node.output_tensors):
                    tensor_map[node.output_tensors[j]] = output_tensor
                tensor_map[node.output_tensors] = cloned_node.output_tensors
    # Ancillary nodes have negative depth.
    new_nodes = _make_new_nodes(
            depth: nodes
            for depth, nodes in model._nodes_by_depth.items() if depth < 0
        }, layer_fn, layer_map, tensor_map)
    _insert_ancillary_layers(cloned_model, ancillary_layers,
                             model.metrics_names, new_nodes)
    return cloned_model
Пример #23
def _clone_functional_model(model, input_tensors=None, layer_fn=_clone_layer):
  """Clone a functional `Model` instance.

  Model cloning is similar to calling a model on new inputs,
  except that it creates new layers (and thus new weights) instead
  of sharing the weights of the existing layers.

  Input layers are always cloned.

      model: Instance of `Model`.
      input_tensors: optional list of input tensors
          to build the model upon. If not provided,
          placeholders will be created.
      layer_fn: callable to be applied on non-input layers in the model. By
          default it clones the layer. Another example is to preserve the layer
          to share the weights. This is required when we create a per-replica
          copy of the model with distribution strategy; we want the weights to
          be shared but still feed inputs separately so we create new input

      An instance of `Model` reproducing the behavior
      of the original model, on top of new inputs tensors,
      using newly instantiated weights.

      ValueError: in case of invalid `model` argument value or `layer_fn`
      argument value.
  if not isinstance(model, Model):
    raise ValueError('Expected `model` argument '
                     'to be a `Model` instance, got ', model)
  if isinstance(model, Sequential):
    raise ValueError('Expected `model` argument '
                     'to be a functional `Model` instance, '
                     'got a `Sequential` instance instead:', model)
  if not model._is_graph_network:
    raise ValueError('Expected `model` argument '
                     'to be a functional `Model` instance, '
                     'but got a subclass model instead.')

  layer_map = {}  # Cache for created layers.
  tensor_map = {}  # Map {reference_tensor: corresponding_tensor}
  if input_tensors is None:
    # Create placeholders to build the model on top of.
    input_tensors = []
    for layer in model._input_layers:
      input_tensor = Input(
      # Cache newly created input layer.
      newly_created_input_layer = input_tensor._keras_history[0]
      layer_map[layer] = newly_created_input_layer
    # Make sure that all input tensors come from a Keras layer.
    # If tensor comes from an input layer: cache the input layer.
    input_tensors = nest.flatten(input_tensors)
    input_tensors_ = []
    for i in range(len(input_tensors)):
      input_tensor = input_tensors[i]
      if not K.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor):
        original_input_layer = model._input_layers[i]
        name = original_input_layer.name
        input_tensor = Input(tensor=input_tensor,
                             name='input_wrapper_for_' + name)

        # Cache newly created input layer.
        newly_created_input_layer = input_tensor._keras_history[0]
        layer_map[original_input_layer] = newly_created_input_layer
    input_tensors = input_tensors_

  for x, y in zip(model.inputs, input_tensors):
    tensor_map[x] = y

  if not callable(layer_fn):
    raise ValueError('Expected `layer_fn` argument to be a callable.')

  new_nodes = set()

  # Iterated over every node in the reference model, in depth order.
  depth_keys = list(model._nodes_by_depth.keys())
  for depth in depth_keys:
    nodes = model._nodes_by_depth[depth]
    for node in nodes:
      # Recover the corresponding layer.
      layer = node.outbound_layer

      # Get or create layer.
      if layer not in layer_map:
        new_layer = layer_fn(layer)
        layer_map[layer] = new_layer
        layer = new_layer
        # Reuse previously cloned layer.
        layer = layer_map[layer]
        # Don't call InputLayer multiple times.
        if isinstance(layer, InputLayer):

      # If all previous input tensors are available in tensor_map,
      # then call node.inbound_layer on them.
      if all(
          tensor in tensor_map for tensor in nest.flatten(node.input_tensors)):
        computed_tensors = nest.map_structure(lambda t: tensor_map[t],
        # Call layer.
        kwargs = node.arguments or {}
        output_tensors = layer(computed_tensors, **kwargs)

        # Thread-safe way to keep track of what node was created.
        first_output_tensor = nest.flatten(output_tensors)[0]

        for x, y in zip(
            nest.flatten(node.output_tensors), nest.flatten(output_tensors)):
          tensor_map[x] = y

  # Check that we did compute the model outputs,
  # then instantiate a new model from inputs and outputs.
  output_tensors = []
  for x in model.outputs:
    assert x in tensor_map, 'Could not compute output ' + str(x)

  input_tensors = nest.pack_sequence_as(model._nested_inputs, input_tensors)
  output_tensors = nest.pack_sequence_as(model._nested_outputs, output_tensors)
  model = Model(input_tensors, output_tensors, name=model.name)
  # Layers not directly tied to outputs of the Model, such as loss layers
  # created in `add_loss`.
  ancillary_layers = [
      layer for layer in layer_map.values() if layer not in model.layers
  if ancillary_layers:
    nodes = set(
        nest.flatten([layer._inbound_nodes for layer in ancillary_layers]))
    relevant_nodes = list(nodes.intersection(new_nodes))
    model._insert_layers(ancillary_layers, relevant_nodes=relevant_nodes)
  return model
Пример #24
  def test_adapt_preprocessing_stage_with_dict_input(self):
    x0 = Input(shape=(3,), name='x0')
    x1 = Input(shape=(4,), name='x1')
    x2 = Input(shape=(3, 5), name='x2')

    # dimension will mismatch if x1 incorrectly placed.
    x1_sum = core.Lambda(
        lambda x: math_ops.reduce_sum(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True))(
    x2_sum = core.Lambda(lambda x: math_ops.reduce_sum(x, axis=-1))(x2)

    l0 = PLMerge()
    y = l0([x0, x1_sum])

    l1 = PLMerge()
    y = l1([y, x2_sum])

    l2 = PLSplit()
    z, y = l2(y)
    stage = preprocessing_stage.FunctionalPreprocessingStage(
            'x2': x2,
            'x0': x0,
            'x1': x1
        }, [y, z])

    # Test with dict of NumPy array
    one_array0 = np.ones((4, 3), dtype='float32')
    one_array1 = np.ones((4, 4), dtype='float32')
    one_array2 = np.ones((4, 3, 5), dtype='float32')
    adapt_data = {'x1': one_array1, 'x0': one_array0, 'x2': one_array2}
    self.assertEqual(l0.adapt_count, 1)
    self.assertEqual(l1.adapt_count, 1)
    self.assertEqual(l2.adapt_count, 1)
    self.assertLessEqual(l0.adapt_time, l1.adapt_time)
    self.assertLessEqual(l1.adapt_time, l2.adapt_time)

    # Check call
    y, z = stage({
        'x1': array_ops.constant(one_array1),
        'x2': array_ops.constant(one_array2),
        'x0': array_ops.constant(one_array0)
    self.assertAllClose(y, np.zeros((4, 3), dtype='float32') + 9.)
    self.assertAllClose(z, np.zeros((4, 3), dtype='float32') + 11.)

    # Test with list of NumPy array
    adapt_data = [one_array0, one_array1, one_array2]
    self.assertEqual(l0.adapt_count, 2)
    self.assertEqual(l1.adapt_count, 2)
    self.assertEqual(l2.adapt_count, 2)
    self.assertLessEqual(l0.adapt_time, l1.adapt_time)
    self.assertLessEqual(l1.adapt_time, l2.adapt_time)

    # Test with flattened dataset
    adapt_data = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
        (one_array0, one_array1, one_array2))
    adapt_data = adapt_data.batch(2)  # 5 batches of 2 samples

    self.assertEqual(l0.adapt_count, 3)
    self.assertEqual(l1.adapt_count, 3)
    self.assertEqual(l2.adapt_count, 3)
    self.assertLessEqual(l0.adapt_time, l1.adapt_time)
    self.assertLessEqual(l1.adapt_time, l2.adapt_time)

    # Test with dataset in dict shape
    adapt_data = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices({
        'x0': one_array0,
        'x2': one_array2,
        'x1': one_array1
    adapt_data = adapt_data.batch(2)  # 5 batches of 2 samples
    self.assertEqual(l0.adapt_count, 4)
    self.assertEqual(l1.adapt_count, 4)
    self.assertEqual(l2.adapt_count, 4)
    self.assertLessEqual(l0.adapt_time, l1.adapt_time)
    self.assertLessEqual(l1.adapt_time, l2.adapt_time)

    # Test error with bad data
    with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'requires a '):
Пример #25
def _clone_functional_model(model, input_tensors=None, layer_fn=_clone_layer):
    """Clone a functional `Model` instance.

  Model cloning is similar to calling a model on new inputs,
  except that it creates new layers (and thus new weights) instead
  of sharing the weights of the existing layers.

  Input layers are always cloned.

      model: Instance of `Model`.
      input_tensors: optional list of input tensors
          to build the model upon. If not provided,
          placeholders will be created.
      layer_fn: callable to be applied on non-input layers in the model. By
          default it clones the layer. Another example is to preserve the layer
          to share the weights. This is required when we create a per-replica
          copy of the model with distribution strategy; we want the weights to
          be shared but still feed inputs separately so we create new input

      An instance of `Model` reproducing the behavior
      of the original model, on top of new inputs tensors,
      using newly instantiated weights.

      ValueError: in case of invalid `model` argument value or `layer_fn`
      argument value.
    if not isinstance(model, Model):
        raise ValueError(
            'Expected `model` argument '
            'to be a `Model` instance, got ', model)
    if isinstance(model, Sequential):
        raise ValueError(
            'Expected `model` argument '
            'to be a functional `Model` instance, '
            'got a `Sequential` instance instead:', model)
    if not model._is_graph_network:
        raise ValueError('Expected `model` argument '
                         'to be a functional `Model` instance, '
                         'but got a subclass model instead.')

    new_input_layers = {}  # Cache for created layers.
    if input_tensors is not None:
        # Make sure that all input tensors come from a Keras layer.
        input_tensors = nest.flatten(input_tensors)
        for i, input_tensor in enumerate(input_tensors):
            original_input_layer = model._input_layers[i]

            # Cache input layer. Create a new layer if the tensor is originally not
            # from a Keras layer.
            if not K.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor):
                name = original_input_layer.name
                input_tensor = Input(tensor=input_tensor,
                                     name='input_wrapper_for_' + name)
                newly_created_input_layer = input_tensor._keras_history.layer
                    original_input_layer] = newly_created_input_layer
                new_input_layers[original_input_layer] = original_input_layer

    if not callable(layer_fn):
        raise ValueError('Expected `layer_fn` argument to be a callable.')

    model_config, created_layers = _clone_layers_and_model_config(
        model, new_input_layers, layer_fn)
    # Reconstruct model from the config, using the cloned layers.
    input_tensors, output_tensors, created_layers = (
    metrics_names = model.metrics_names
    model = Model(input_tensors, output_tensors, name=model.name)
    # Layers not directly tied to outputs of the Model, such as loss layers
    # created in `add_loss` and `add_metric`.
    ancillary_layers = [
        layer for layer in created_layers.values() if layer not in model.layers
    if ancillary_layers:
        new_nodes = nest.flatten([
            if network._should_skip_first_node(layer) else layer.inbound_nodes
            for layer in created_layers.values()
        _insert_ancillary_layers(model, ancillary_layers, metrics_names,
    return model
Пример #26
def _clone_sequential_model(model, input_tensors=None, share_weights=False):
    """Clone a `Sequential` model instance.

  Model cloning is similar to calling a model on new inputs,
  except that it creates new layers (and thus new weights) instead
  of sharing the weights of the existing layers.

      model: Instance of `Sequential`.
      input_tensors: optional list of input tensors
          to build the model upon. If not provided,
          placeholders will be created.
      share_weights: flag to enable sharing of non-input layers between the
          cloned and original model. Note this still clones the input layers.
          This is required when we create a per-replica copy of the model with
          distribution strategy; we want the weights to be shared but still
          feed inputs separately so we create new input layers.

      An instance of `Sequential` reproducing the behavior
      of the original model, on top of new inputs tensors,
      using newly instantiated weights.

      ValueError: in case of invalid `model` argument value.
    if not isinstance(model, Sequential):
        raise ValueError(
            'Expected `model` argument '
            'to be a `Sequential` model instance, '
            'but got:', model)

    # Use model._layers to ensure that all layers are cloned. The model's layers
    # property will exclude the initial InputLayer (if it exists) in the model,
    # resulting in a different Sequential model structure.
    if input_tensors is None:
        if share_weights:
            # In preserve weights case we still want the input layers to be cloned.
            layers = []
            for layer in model._layers:
                if isinstance(layer, InputLayer):
            layers = [_clone_layer(layer) for layer in model._layers]
        return Sequential(layers=layers, name=model.name)
        # If input tensors are provided, the original model's InputLayer is
        # overwritten with a different InputLayer.
        layers = [
            layer for layer in model._layers
            if not isinstance(layer, InputLayer)
        if not share_weights:
            layers = [_clone_layer(layer) for layer in layers]
        if len(generic_utils.to_list(input_tensors)) != 1:
            raise ValueError('To clone a `Sequential` model, we expect '
                             ' at most one tensor '
                             'as part of `input_tensors`.')

        if isinstance(input_tensors, tuple):
            input_tensors = list(input_tensors)
        x = generic_utils.to_list(input_tensors)[0]
        if K.is_keras_tensor(x):
            origin_layer = x._keras_history[0]
            if isinstance(origin_layer, InputLayer):
                return Sequential(layers=[origin_layer] + layers,
                raise ValueError('Cannot clone a `Sequential` model on top '
                                 'of a tensor that comes from a Keras layer '
                                 'other than an `InputLayer`. '
                                 'Use the functional API instead.')
        input_tensor = Input(tensor=x, name='input_wrapper_for_' + str(x.name))
        input_layer = input_tensor._keras_history[0]
        return Sequential(layers=[input_layer] + layers, name=model.name)
Пример #27
def _clone_functional_model(model, input_tensors=None):
    """Clone a functional `Model` instance.

  Model cloning is similar to calling a model on new inputs,
  except that it creates new layers (and thus new weights) instead
  of sharing the weights of the existing layers.

      model: Instance of `Model`.
      input_tensors: optional list of input tensors
          to build the model upon. If not provided,
          placeholders will be created.

      An instance of `Model` reproducing the behavior
      of the original model, on top of new inputs tensors,
      using newly instantiated weights.

      ValueError: in case of invalid `model` argument value.
    if not isinstance(model, Model):
        raise ValueError(
            'Expected `model` argument '
            'to be a `Model` instance, got ', model)
    if isinstance(model, Sequential):
        raise ValueError(
            'Expected `model` argument '
            'to be a functional `Model` instance, '
            'got a `Sequential` instance instead:', model)

    layer_map = {}  # Cache for created layers.
    tensor_map = {}  # Map {reference_tensor: corresponding_tensor}
    if input_tensors is None:
        # Create placeholders to build the model on top of.
        input_layers = []
        input_tensors = []
        for layer in model._input_layers:
            input_tensor = Input(batch_shape=layer._batch_input_shape,
            # Cache newly created input layer.
            newly_created_input_layer = input_tensor._keras_history[0]
            layer_map[layer] = newly_created_input_layer
        for original_input_layer, cloned_input_layer in zip(
                model._input_layers, input_layers):
            layer_map[original_input_layer] = cloned_input_layer
        # Make sure that all input tensors come from a Keras layer.
        # If tensor comes from an input layer: cache the input layer.
        if isinstance(input_tensors, tuple):
            input_tensors = list(input_tensors)
        input_tensors = generic_utils.to_list(input_tensors)
        input_tensors_ = []
        for i in range(len(input_tensors)):
            input_tensor = input_tensors[i]
            if not K.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor):
                original_input_layer = model._input_layers[i]
                name = original_input_layer.name
                input_tensor = Input(tensor=input_tensor,
                                     name='input_wrapper_for_' + name)
                # Cache newly created input layer.
                newly_created_input_layer = input_tensor._keras_history[0]
                layer_map[original_input_layer] = newly_created_input_layer
        input_tensors = input_tensors_

    for x, y in zip(model.inputs, input_tensors):
        tensor_map[x] = y

    # Iterated over every node in the reference model, in depth order.
    depth_keys = list(model._nodes_by_depth.keys())
    for depth in depth_keys:
        nodes = model._nodes_by_depth[depth]
        for node in nodes:
            # Recover the corresponding layer.
            layer = node.outbound_layer

            # Get or create layer.
            if layer not in layer_map:
                # Clone layer.
                new_layer = layer.__class__.from_config(layer.get_config())
                layer_map[layer] = new_layer
                layer = new_layer
                # Reuse previously cloned layer.
                layer = layer_map[layer]
                # Don't call InputLayer multiple times.
                if isinstance(layer, InputLayer):

            # Gather inputs to call the new layer.
            reference_input_tensors = node.input_tensors
            reference_output_tensors = node.output_tensors

            # If all previous input tensors are available in tensor_map,
            # then call node.inbound_layer on them.
            computed_tensors = []
            for x in reference_input_tensors:
                if x in tensor_map:

            if len(computed_tensors) == len(reference_input_tensors):
                # Call layer.
                if node.arguments:
                    kwargs = node.arguments
                    kwargs = {}
                if len(computed_tensors) == 1:
                    computed_tensor = computed_tensors[0]
                    output_tensors = generic_utils.to_list(
                        layer(computed_tensor, **kwargs))
                    computed_tensors = [computed_tensor]
                    computed_tensors = computed_tensors
                    output_tensors = generic_utils.to_list(
                        layer(computed_tensors, **kwargs))

                for x, y in zip(reference_output_tensors, output_tensors):
                    tensor_map[x] = y

    # Check that we did compute the model outputs,
    # then instantiate a new model from inputs and outputs.
    output_tensors = []
    for x in model.outputs:
        assert x in tensor_map, 'Could not compute output ' + str(x)
    return Model(input_tensors, output_tensors, name=model.name)
Пример #28
def create_model(noise=True,
                 first_kernel_size=(7, 7),
    kernel = (3, 3)
    n_classes = len(classes)

    input_layer = Input(shape=(300, 300, 3))
    if noise:
        input_layer = GaussianNoise(0.1)(input_layer)

    model = BatchNormalization(axis=[1, 2])(input_layer)

    model = Conv2D(filters=n_filters,
    model = BatchNormalization(axis=[1, 2])(model)
    model = MaxPooling2D((2, 2))(model)

    for i in range(2, n_covul_layers):
        model = Conv2D(filters=n_filters * i,
        model = Conv2D(filters=n_filters * i,
        model = BatchNormalization(axis=[1, 2])(model)
        model = MaxPooling2D((2, 2))(model)

    model = Conv2D(filters=n_filters * (n_covul_layers + 1),
    model = Conv2D(filters=n_filters * (n_covul_layers + 1),
    model = BatchNormalization(axis=[1, 2])(model)
    model = MaxPooling2D((2, 2))(model)

    model = Flatten()(model)
    model = Dense(dense_neurons, activation=activation)(model)
    model = BatchNormalization()(model)
    model = Dropout(dropout)(model)

    model = Dense(dense_neurons / 2, activation=activation)(model)
    model = BatchNormalization()(model)
    model = Dropout(dropout)(model)

    output = Dense(n_classes, activation="softmax")(model)

    model = Model(input_layer, output)

    return model
Пример #29
def _clone_functional_model(model, input_tensors=None, share_weights=False):
    """Clone a functional `Model` instance.

  Model cloning is similar to calling a model on new inputs,
  except that it creates new layers (and thus new weights) instead
  of sharing the weights of the existing layers.

      model: Instance of `Model`.
      input_tensors: optional list of input tensors
          to build the model upon. If not provided,
          placeholders will be created.
      share_weights: flag to enable sharing of non-input layers between the
          cloned and original model. Note this still clones the input layers.
          This is required when we create a per-replica copy of the model with
          distribution strategy; we want the weights to be shared but still
          feed inputs separately so we create new input layers.

      An instance of `Model` reproducing the behavior
      of the original model, on top of new inputs tensors,
      using newly instantiated weights.

      ValueError: in case of invalid `model` argument value.
    if not isinstance(model, Model):
        raise ValueError(
            'Expected `model` argument '
            'to be a `Model` instance, got ', model)
    if isinstance(model, Sequential):
        raise ValueError(
            'Expected `model` argument '
            'to be a functional `Model` instance, '
            'got a `Sequential` instance instead:', model)

    layer_map = {}  # Cache for created layers.
    tensor_map = {}  # Map {reference_tensor: corresponding_tensor}
    if input_tensors is None:
        # Create placeholders to build the model on top of.
        input_layers = []
        input_tensors = []
        for layer in model._input_layers:
            input_tensor = Input(batch_shape=layer._batch_input_shape,
            # Cache newly created input layer.
            newly_created_input_layer = input_tensor._keras_history[0]
            layer_map[layer] = newly_created_input_layer

        for original_input_layer, cloned_input_layer in zip(
                model._input_layers, input_layers):
            layer_map[original_input_layer] = cloned_input_layer
        # Make sure that all input tensors come from a Keras layer.
        # If tensor comes from an input layer: cache the input layer.
        input_tensors = nest.flatten(input_tensors)
        input_tensors_ = []
        for i in range(len(input_tensors)):
            input_tensor = input_tensors[i]
            if not K.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor):
                original_input_layer = model._input_layers[i]
                name = original_input_layer.name
                input_tensor = Input(tensor=input_tensor,
                                     name='input_wrapper_for_' + name)

                # Cache newly created input layer.
                newly_created_input_layer = input_tensor._keras_history[0]
                layer_map[original_input_layer] = newly_created_input_layer
        input_tensors = input_tensors_

    for x, y in zip(model.inputs, input_tensors):
        tensor_map[x] = y

    # Iterated over every node in the reference model, in depth order.
    depth_keys = list(model._nodes_by_depth.keys())
    for depth in depth_keys:
        nodes = model._nodes_by_depth[depth]
        for node in nodes:
            # Recover the corresponding layer.
            layer = node.outbound_layer

            # Get or create layer.
            if layer not in layer_map:
                if not share_weights:
                    # Clone layer.
                    new_layer = _clone_layer(layer)
                    layer_map[layer] = new_layer
                    layer = new_layer
                # Reuse previously cloned layer.
                layer = layer_map[layer]
                # Don't call InputLayer multiple times.
                if isinstance(layer, InputLayer):

            # If all previous input tensors are available in tensor_map,
            # then call node.inbound_layer on them.
            if all(tensor in tensor_map
                   for tensor in nest.flatten(node.input_tensors)):
                computed_tensors = nest.map_structure(lambda t: tensor_map[t],
                # Call layer.
                kwargs = node.arguments or {}
                output_tensors = layer(computed_tensors, **kwargs)

                for x, y in zip(nest.flatten(node.output_tensors),
                    tensor_map[x] = y

    # Check that we did compute the model outputs,
    # then instantiate a new model from inputs and outputs.
    output_tensors = []
    for x in model.outputs:
        assert x in tensor_map, 'Could not compute output ' + str(x)

    input_tensors = nest.pack_sequence_as(model._nested_inputs, input_tensors)
    output_tensors = nest.pack_sequence_as(model._nested_outputs,
    return Model(input_tensors, output_tensors, name=model.name)
Пример #30
def _clone_functional_model(model, input_tensors=None, layer_fn=_clone_layer):
  """Clone a functional `Model` instance.

  Model cloning is similar to calling a model on new inputs,
  except that it creates new layers (and thus new weights) instead
  of sharing the weights of the existing layers.

  Input layers are always cloned.

      model: Instance of `Model`.
      input_tensors: optional list of input tensors
          to build the model upon. If not provided,
          placeholders will be created.
      layer_fn: callable to be applied on non-input layers in the model. By
          default it clones the layer. Another example is to preserve the layer
          to share the weights. This is required when we create a per-replica
          copy of the model with distribution strategy; we want the weights to
          be shared but still feed inputs separately so we create new input

      An instance of `Model` reproducing the behavior
      of the original model, on top of new inputs tensors,
      using newly instantiated weights.

      ValueError: in case of invalid `model` argument value or `layer_fn`
      argument value.
  if not isinstance(model, Model):
    raise ValueError('Expected `model` argument '
                     'to be a `Model` instance, got ', model)
  if isinstance(model, Sequential):
    raise ValueError('Expected `model` argument '
                     'to be a functional `Model` instance, '
                     'got a `Sequential` instance instead:', model)
  if not model._is_graph_network:
    raise ValueError('Expected `model` argument '
                     'to be a functional `Model` instance, '
                     'but got a subclass model instead.')

  layer_map = {}  # Cache for created layers.
  tensor_map = object_identity.ObjectIdentityDictionary(
  )  # Map {reference_tensor: corresponding_tensor}
  if input_tensors is None:
    # Create placeholders to build the model on top of.
    input_tensors = []
    for layer in model._input_layers:
      input_tensor = Input(
      # Cache newly created input layer.
      newly_created_input_layer = input_tensor._keras_history.layer
      layer_map[layer] = newly_created_input_layer
    # Make sure that all input tensors come from a Keras layer.
    # If tensor comes from an input layer: cache the input layer.
    input_tensors = nest.flatten(input_tensors)
    input_tensors_ = []
    for i, input_tensor in enumerate(input_tensors):
      if not K.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor):
        original_input_layer = model._input_layers[i]
        name = original_input_layer.name
        input_tensor = Input(tensor=input_tensor,
                             name='input_wrapper_for_' + name)

        # Cache newly created input layer.
        newly_created_input_layer = input_tensor._keras_history.layer
        layer_map[original_input_layer] = newly_created_input_layer
    input_tensors = input_tensors_

  for x, y in zip(model.inputs, input_tensors):
    tensor_map[x] = y

  if not callable(layer_fn):
    raise ValueError('Expected `layer_fn` argument to be a callable.')

  # Has the side effect of filling out `layer_map` and `tensor_map`.
  new_nodes = _make_new_nodes(model._nodes_by_depth, layer_fn, layer_map,
  # Check that we did compute the model outputs,
  # then instantiate a new model from inputs and outputs.
  output_tensors = []
  for x in model.outputs:
    assert x in tensor_map, 'Could not compute output ' + str(x)

  input_tensors = nest.pack_sequence_as(model._nested_inputs, input_tensors)
  output_tensors = nest.pack_sequence_as(model._nested_outputs, output_tensors)
  metrics_names = model.metrics_names
  model = Model(input_tensors, output_tensors, name=model.name)
  # Layers not directly tied to outputs of the Model, such as loss layers
  # created in `add_loss` and `add_metric`.
  ancillary_layers = [
      layer for layer in layer_map.values() if layer not in model.layers
  if ancillary_layers:
    _insert_ancillary_layers(model, ancillary_layers, metrics_names, new_nodes)
  return model