Пример #1
    def _batch_accumulator(cls, primals, tangents):
        """Factory constructor to test accumulator on batches of tangents.

      primals: A tensor or nested structure of tensors to watch.
      tangents: A tensor or nested structure of tensors, with the same nesting
        structure as `primals`, with each element being a vector with compatible
        shape `[None] + primal.shape` of the corresponding primal element.

      A batch accumulator object.
        acc = super(ForwardAccumulator, cls).__new__(cls, primals, tangents)
        acc._recording = False
        acc._accumulator = pywrap_tfe.TFE_Py_ForwardAccumulatorNew(True)
        primal_ids = set()
        for primal, tangent in zip(nest.flatten(primals),
                tensor_shape.TensorShape([None]) + primal.shape)
            if id(primal) in primal_ids:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Tensor {} was specified as a primal multiple times. This may "
                    "indicate an error. If it was intended, please sum the "
                    "corresponding tangents.")
        acc._watch(primals, tangents)
        return acc
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, primals, tangents):
        """Specify tensors to watch and their Jacobian-vector products.

    Mathematically, `tangents` is a vector right-multiplying the Jacobian matrix
    (a Jacobian-vector product) for the function computed while this accumulator
    is active. Since JVPs are computed in forward mode as the computation
    happens, this vector must be supplied in advance.

    Listing a single tensor multiple times in `primals` raises an
    exception. Excluding a tensor from `primals` is equivalent to watching it
    with a tangent tensor of zeros.

      primals: A tensor or nested structure of tensors to watch.
      tangents: A tensor or nested structure of tensors, with the same nesting
        structure as `primals`, with each element being a vector with the same
        size as the corresponding primal element.

      ValueError: If the same tensor or variable is specified multiple times in
        self._accumulator = pywrap_tfe.TFE_Py_ForwardAccumulatorNew(False)
        self._recording = False
        primal_ids = set()
        for primal in nest.flatten(primals):
            if id(primal) in primal_ids:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Tensor {} was specified as a primal multiple times. This may "
                    "indicate an error. If it was intended, please sum the "
                    "corresponding tangents.")
        self._watch(primals, tangents)