def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): main_input, embedding_matrix = inputs input_shape_tensor = tf.shape(main_input) last_input_dim = tf.int_shape(main_input)[-1] emb_input_dim, emb_output_dim = tf.int_shape(embedding_matrix) projected =, (-1, last_input_dim)), self.projection) if self.add_biases: projected = tf.bias_add(projected, self.biases, data_format='channels_last') if 0 < self.projection_dropout < 1: projected = tf.in_train_phase( lambda: tf.dropout(projected, self.projection_dropout), projected, training=kwargs.get('training')) attention =, tf.transpose(embedding_matrix)) if self.scaled_attention: # scaled dot-product attention, described in # "Attention is all you need" ( sqrt_d = tf.constant(math.sqrt(emb_output_dim), dtype=tf.floatx()) attention = attention / sqrt_d result = tf.reshape( self.activation(attention), (input_shape_tensor[0], input_shape_tensor[1], emb_input_dim)) return result
def approximate_log_det(A, m, nv, sess): # Inputs: A a linear operator, m degree, nv = number of samples u = tfp.math.random_rademacher([A.shape[0]]) v = u/tf.linalg.norm(u) T = lanczos_bidiag(A, m, starting_vector=v) e, v = tf.eigh(T) e = tf.reshape(e, [-1]) taus = tf.gather(v, [0], axis=1) taus = tf.reshape(taus, [-1]) Gamma =**2, e, axes=[0,0]) return Gamma
def test_imagenet(self): img = model = Img2Vec(cuda=True) q_vec = model.extract_vec(img, True) temp = search_vec = model.extract_vec(temp, True) scores =, q_vec) print(scores) cos = cosine_similarity(np.reshape(q_vec, (1, -1)), np.reshape(search_vec, (1, -1))) print(cos)
def db_retrieval(query, db, db_encoded=None, encoder=None): if db_encoded is None and encoder is None: raise ValueError("db_encoded and encoder can't both be None.") if db_encoded: scores =, tf.nn.l2_normalize(db_encoded)) best_idx = tf.argmax(scores) best_score = tf.reduce_max(scores) return db[best_idx], best_score else: db_encoded = encoder.model_fn({"inputs": db}, tf.ModeKeys.PREDICT, encoder.params) return db_retrieval_dense(query, db, db_encoded)
def bert_seq_aggerate(repres, input_mask, scope, reuse): with tf.variable_scope(scope + "/seq_aggerate", reuse=reuse): attn = tf.get_variable("seq_attention", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[ tf.shape(repres)[1], ], initializer=tf.initializers.random_uniform( 0, 1)) out =, attn) # batch x seq masked_out = attention_utils.mask_logits(out, input_mask) weight = tf.exp(tf.nn.log_softmax(masked_out, axis=1)) # batch x seq weight = tf.expand_dims(weight, -1) # batch x seq x 1 seq_repres = tf.reduce_sum(weight * out, axis=1) return seq_repres
def reflection_matrix(point, normal): """Return matrix to mirror at plane defined by point and normal vector.""" dtype = point.dtype if normal.dtype != point.dtype: raise ValueError('point and normal must be same dtype') if dtype not in [tf.float32, tf.float64]: raise ValueError('dtype not in allowable list [float32, float64]') normal = unit_vector(normal[..., :3]) dims = point.shape ndims = dims.ndims i3 = tf.identity_mnatrix(3) z3 = tf.zeros((1,) * (ndims-1) + (3, 1), dtype=dtype) one = tf.ones(dims[:-1].as_list() + [1], dtype=dtype) M = tf.stack([ tf.stack([-2*outer(normal, normal) + i3, z3], axis=-1), tf.stack([2 *[..., :3], normal) * normal, one], axis=-1), ], axis=-1) return M
def __init__(self, source, input_size, hidden_size, name, act_fn): self.parent = source self.source = get_source(source) self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size = name self.act_fn = act_fn # Get weights and bias self.W = get_weights(self.input_size, self.hidden_size, 'W_' + name) self.b = get_bias(self.hidden_size, 'b_' + name) # Calculate output self.output_pre_activ =, self.W) + self.b.dimshuffle( 'x', 0) # Activate it self.output = get_activation(self.output_pre_activ, act_fn=self.act_fn, self.params = [self.W, self.b]
def test_place365(self): scene_model = scene_visual('resnet50', '../weights/places365/{}.pth', '../weights/places365/categories.txt', 'cuda:0') for i in ['test1.jpg', 'test2.jpg']: temp = scene_model.detect(i) print(temp) temp = cv2.imread('test1.jpg') temp = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(temp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) temp = scene_model.detect(temp, True) print(temp) # Test vector extraction and cosine similarity # TODO The accuracy is decreasing when transforming temp = cv2.imread('test_sofa1.jpg') q_tensor = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(temp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) q_vec = scene_model.extract_vec(q_tensor, True) print(type(q_vec)) temp = cv2.imread('test_beach.jpg') search_tensor = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(temp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) search_vec = scene_model.extract_vec(search_tensor, True) scores =, q_vec) print(scores)
def igsp(source_positions, source_numbers, target_positions, target_numbers): translation = tf.reduce_mean(target_positions, axis=0) - tf.reduce_mean(source_positions, axis=0) source_positions_copy = tf.identity(source_positions) n_source_atoms = tf.shape(source_positions)[0] change_in_rotation = 1000 igsp_step = 0 while change_in_rotation > (10 * 3.14159/180) and igsp_step < 20: euclidean_distance = get_distances(source_positions_copy, target_positions) feature_distance = 1000 * get_distances(source_numbers, target_numbers) feature_weight = tf.math.exp(-igsp_step / n_source_atoms) euclidean_weight = 1 - feature_weight + 0.001 compound_distance = euclidean_weight * euclidean_distance + feature_weight * feature_distance rows, columns = scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(compound_distance) ordered_source_positions = tf.gather(source_positions, columns) - tf.reduce_mean(ordered_source_positions, axis=0) ordered_target_positions = tf.gather(target_positions, rows) - tf.reduce_mean(ordered_target_positions, axis=0) covariance =, tf.transpose(ordered_target_positions)) s, u, v = tf.linalg.svd(covariance) d = tf.det(v * tf.transpose(u)) temporary_rotation = v * tf.linalg.diag([1,1,d]) * tf.transpose(u) source_positions_copy = temporary_rotation * source_positions change_in_rotation = cos(rotation, temporary_rotation) igsp_step += 1 return rows, columns, translation, rotation
def build_model(self): """Builds the model. Inputs: self.image_embeddings self.seq_embeddings self.target_seqs (training and eval only) self.input_mask (training and eval only) Outputs: self.total_loss (training and eval only) self.target_cross_entropy_losses (training and eval only) self.target_cross_entropy_loss_weights (training and eval only) """ # This LSTM cell has biases and outputs tanh(new_c) * sigmoid(o), but the # modified LSTM in the "Show and Tell" paper has no biases and outputs # new_c * sigmoid(o). lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell( num_units=self.config.num_lstm_units, state_is_tuple=True) if self.mode == "train": lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper( lstm_cell, input_keep_prob=self.config.lstm_dropout_keep_prob, output_keep_prob=self.config.lstm_dropout_keep_prob) with tf.variable_scope("lstm", initializer=self.initializer) as lstm_scope: # Feed the image embeddings to set the initial LSTM state. zero_state = lstm_cell.zero_state( batch_size=self.image_embeddings.get_shape()[0], dtype=tf.float32) _, initial_state = lstm_cell(self.image_embeddings, zero_state) # Allow the LSTM variables to be reused. lstm_scope.reuse_variables() if self.mode == "inference": # In inference mode, use concatenated states for convenient feeding and # fetching. # I think we canged that function, bring it back to the original one? TODO tf.concat(axis=1, values=initial_state, name="initial_state") # Placeholder for feeding a batch of concatenated states. state_feed = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, sum(lstm_cell.state_size)], name="state_feed") state_tuple = tf.split(value=state_feed, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=1) print("ss shape",state_tuple.shape) # Run a single LSTM step. lstm_outputs, state_tuple = lstm_cell( inputs=tf.squeeze(self.seq_embeddings, axis=[1]), state=state_tuple) #Now do the attention mechanism if self.seq_run > 0 : score = 0 context = 0 c_score = [] the_n = self.n if self.allExamined : the_n = 0 for j in range(self.n, i): tScore +=,tf.matmul(self.wa,self.listState[j])) c_score.append(tf.exp( tScore * listState[i-1])) score+=tScore c_score = np.asarray(c_score) c_score /= score context = np.sum(c_score) attention_vector = tf.tanh(tf.matmul(self.wc,tf.concat([context,state_tuple],axis=2))) lstm_outputs = attention_vector self.seq_run+=1; self.listOutput.append(lstm_outputs) self.listState.append(state_tuple) # Concatentate the resulting state. tf.concat(axis=1, values=state_tuple, name="state") else: # Run the batch of sequence embeddings through the LSTM. sequence_length = tf.reduce_sum(self.input_mask, 1) print(sequence_length) # Here we will need to call the self.attention_w variable that we created TODO # We will need to update the attention lists, I think that state_list and output_list need to be replaced with the previous self var TODO '''for i in range(0, sequence_length): if i==0: merged = self.seq_embeddings LSTMState = initial_state else: merged = lstm_outputs lstm_outputs, LSTMState= lstm_cell(merged, LSTMState) #lstm_outputs will be a sequence of logits? 1 logits for each generated word? if i > 0: score = 0 alpha_score = [] for j in range(0, i): score +=,tf.matmul(wa,output_list[j])) alpha_score.append(tf.exp(,tf.matmul(wa,output_list[i-1])))/tf.exp(score)) context = 0 for j in range(0, i): context += alphaa_score[j]*output_list[j] attention_vector = tf.tanh(tf.matmul(wc,tf.concat([context,lstm_outputs],axis=2))) lstm_outputs = attention_vector state_list.append(LSTMState) output_list.append(lstm_outputs)''' print(self.seq_embeddings) print(initial_state) print(sequence_length) sequence_length = tf.Print(sequence_length,["Seq length : ",sequence_length]) #first try to convert the normal one : self.seq_embeddings = tf.Print(self.seq_embeddings, ["Seq embedding ",tf.shape(self.seq_embeddings)]) lstm_outputs, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=lstm_cell, inputs=self.seq_embeddings, sequence_length=sequence_length, initial_state=initial_state, dtype=tf.float32, scope=lstm_scope) lstm_outputs = tf.Print(lstm_outputs, ["lstm output original ",tf.shape(lstm_outputs)]) '''i = tf.constant(0,dtype=tf.int32) max_length = tf.reduce_max(sequence_length) print(max_length,'testing') lastStateC = initial_state.c lastStateH = initial_state.h lastOutput = tf.constant(0,shape=[32,512],dtype=tf.float32) stateC_list = tf.TensorArray(size = 1,dynamic_size = True,dtype=tf.float32) stateH_list = tf.TensorArray(size = 1,dynamic_size = True,dtype=tf.float32) output_list = tf.TensorArray(size = 1,dynamic_size = True,dtype=tf.float32) def condition(i,stateC_list,stateH_list,output_list,lastStateC,lastStateH,lastOutput): return tf.less(i,max_length) def body(i,stateC_list,stateH_list,output_list,lastStateC,lastStateH,lastOutput): lastState = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple(lastStateC, lastStateH) def f1(): return self.seq_embeddings[:,i] def f2(): #return lastOutput return self.seq_embeddings[:,i] inputI = tf.cond(tf.less(i, 1), f1, f2) lastOutput, lastState= lstm_cell(inputI, lastState) #lstm_outputs will be a sequence of logits? 1 logits for each generated word? lastStateC = lastState.c lastStateH = lastState.h stateC_list=stateC_list.write(i,lastState.c) stateH_list=stateH_list.write(i,lastState.h) output_list=output_list.write(i,lastOutput) return [tf.add(i,1),stateC_list,stateH_list,output_list,lastStateC,lastStateH,lastOutput] lstm_outputs = tf.while_loop( condition,body, loop_vars = (i,stateC_list,stateH_list,output_list,lastStateC,lastStateH,lastOutput), #lastout ) lstm_outputs = lstm_outputs[3].stack() lstm_outputs = tf.transpose(lstm_outputs, [1,0,2], name = "result_unwrapped_stats")''' '''i = tf.constant(0,dtype=tf.int32) max_length = tf.reduce_max(sequence_length) print(max_length,'testing') lastStateC = initial_state.c lastStateH = initial_state.h lastOutput = tf.constant(0,shape=[self.config.batch_size,512],dtype=tf.float32) stateC_list = tf.TensorArray(size = 1,dynamic_size = True,dtype=tf.float32) stateH_list = tf.TensorArray(size = 1,dynamic_size = True,dtype=tf.float32) output_list = tf.TensorArray(size = 1,dynamic_size = True,dtype=tf.float32) def condition(i,stateC_list,stateH_list,output_list,lastStateC,lastStateH,lastOutput): return tf.less(i,max_length) def body(i,stateC_list,stateH_list,output_list,lastStateC,lastStateH,lastOutput): lastState = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple(lastStateC, lastStateH) def f1(): return self.seq_embeddings[:,i] def f2(): #return lastOutput return self.seq_embeddings[:,i] inputI = tf.cond(tf.less(i, 1), f1, f2) lastOutput, lastState= lstm_cell(inputI, lastState) #lstm_outputs will be a sequence of logits? 1 logits for each generated word? lastStateC = lastState.c lastStateH = lastState.h contextList = tf.TensorArray(size = 1,dynamic_size = True,dtype=tf.float32) def f11(lastOutput): return lastOutput def f22(stateC_list,stateH_list): #return lastOutput score = tf.constant(0,dtype=tf.float32) ###this is loop of att weiights, and context if self.allExamined : j = tf.constant(0,dtype=tf.int32) else : j = tf.constant(tf.substract(i-self.n),dtype=tf.int32) lim = tf.substract(i,1) def condition2(j,stateH_list,lastStateH,score,contextList): return tf.less(j,lim) def body2(j,stateH_list,lastStateH,score,contextList): ImScore = tf.exp(,tf.matmul(self.wa, curContext = imScore * contextList.write(j) score += imScore return (tf.add(j,1),stateH_list,lastStateH,score,contextList) score = tf.while_loop(condition2,body2,loop_vars = (j,stateH_list,lastStateH,score)) #### end loop of score contextList.stack() contextList = tf.divide(contextList,score) #normalize by all score contextList = tf.reduce_sum(contextList) #sum all #### calcualte attention vector attention_vector = tf.tanh(tf.matmul(self.wc,tf.concat([context,lstm_outputs],axis=2))) #### this is ht end of loop of context return attention_vector lastOutput = tf.cond(tf.less(i, 1), f11(lastOutput), f22(stateC_list,stateH_list)) stateC_list=stateC_list.write(i,lastState.c) stateH_list=stateH_list.write(i,lastState.h) output_list=output_list.write(i,lastOutput) return [tf.add(i,1),stateC_list,stateH_list,output_list,lastStateC,lastStateH,lastOutput] lstm_outputs = tf.while_loop( condition,body, loop_vars = (i,stateC_list,stateH_list,output_list,lastStateC,lastStateH,lastOutput), #lastout ) lstm_outputs = lstm_outputs[3].stack() lstm_outputs = tf.transpose(lstm_outputs, [1,0,2], name = "result_unwrapped_stats")''' print("output",lstm_outputs) lstm_outputs = tf.Print(lstm_outputs, ["lstm output alter ",tf.shape(lstm_outputs)]) # Stack batches vertically. lstm_outputs = tf.reshape(lstm_outputs, [-1, lstm_cell.output_size]) #modify the inference result with tf.variable_scope("logits") as logits_scope: logits = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected( inputs=lstm_outputs, num_outputs=self.config.vocab_size, activation_fn=None, weights_initializer=self.initializer, scope=logits_scope) # TODO do text simplification if self.mode == "inference": tf.nn.softmax(logits, name="softmax") else: targets = tf.reshape(self.target_seqs, [-1]) weights = tf.to_float(tf.reshape(self.input_mask, [-1])) # Compute losses. losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=targets, logits=logits) batch_loss = tf.div(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(losses, weights)), tf.reduce_sum(weights), name="batch_loss") tf.losses.add_loss(batch_loss) total_loss = tf.losses.get_total_loss() # Add summaries. tf.summary.scalar("losses/batch_loss", batch_loss) tf.summary.scalar("losses/total_loss", total_loss) for var in tf.trainable_variables(): tf.summary.histogram("parameters/" +, var) self.total_loss = total_loss self.target_cross_entropy_losses = losses # Used in evaluation. self.target_cross_entropy_loss_weights = weights # Used in evaluation.
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np x= np.random.randn(4,5,20) input = tf.constant(x) x = tf.cast(input,'float32') con = tf.get_variable("weight",[20, 10]),con) # z=tf.nn.conv2d(tf.cast(input,'float32'),con,strides=[1,1,1,1],padding="VALID") sess=tf.Session() output = print(output.shape)
def score(hDst, hSrc): return tf.reduce_sum(hDst * hSrc, 0) return, hSrc)
def inner_cca_objective(y_true, y_pred): """ It is the loss function of CCA as introduced in the original paper. There can be other formulations. It is implemented by Theano tensor operations, and does not work on Tensorflow backend y_true is just ignored """ r1 = 1e-4 r2 = 1e-4 eps = 1e-12 o1 = o2 = y_pred.shape[1] // 2 # unpack (separate) the output of networks for view 1 and view 2 H1 = tf.transpose(y_pred[:, 0:o1]) H2 = tf.transpose(y_pred[:, o1:o1 + o2]) m = H1.shape[1] H1bar = H1 - (tf.math.divide(1, m)) *, tf.ones([m, m])) H2bar = H2 - (tf.math.divide(1, m)) *, tf.ones([m, m])) SigmaHat12 = (tf.math.divide(1, m-1)) * \, tf.transpose(H2bar)) SigmaHat11 = (tf.math.divide(1, m - 1)) * H1bar, tf.transpose(H1bar)) + r1 * tf.eye(o1) SigmaHat22 = (tf.math.divide(1, m - 1)) * H2bar, tf.transpose(H2bar)) + r2 * tf.eye(o2) # Calculating the root inverse of covariance matrices by using eigen decomposition [D1, V1] = tf.nlinalg.eigh(SigmaHat11) [D2, V2] = tf.nlinalg.eigh(SigmaHat22) # Added to increase stability posInd1 =, eps).nonzero()[0] D1 = D1[posInd1] V1 = V1[:, posInd1] posInd2 =, eps).nonzero()[0] D2 = D2[posInd2] V2 = V2[:, posInd2] SigmaHat11RootInv =, tf.nlinalg.diag(D1**-0.5)), tf.transpose(V1)) SigmaHat22RootInv =, tf.nlinalg.diag(D2**-0.5)), tf.transpose(V2)) Tval =, SigmaHat12), SigmaHat22RootInv) if use_all_singular_values: # all singular values are used to calculate the correlation corr = tf.sqrt(tf.nlinalg.trace(, Tval))) else: # just the top outdim_size singular values are used [U, V] = tf.nlinalg.eigh(, Tval)) U = U[, eps).nonzero()[0]] U = U.sort() corr = tf.sum(tf.sqrt(U[0:outdim_size])) return -corr