def testArgRenames(self): with self.test_session(): a = [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]] b = [[True, False, False], [False, True, True]] dim0 = [1] dim1 = [1] self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_any(b, reduction_indices=dim0).eval(), [True, True]) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_all(b, reduction_indices=[0]).eval(), [False, False, False]) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_all(b, reduction_indices=dim1).eval(), [False, False]) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_sum(a, reduction_indices=[1]).eval(), [6.0, 15.0]) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_sum(a, reduction_indices=[0, 1]).eval(), 21.0) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_sum(a, [0, 1]).eval(), 21.0) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_prod(a, reduction_indices=[1]).eval(), [6.0, 120.0]) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_prod(a, reduction_indices=[0, 1]).eval(), 720.0) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_prod(a, [0, 1]).eval(), 720.0) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_mean(a, reduction_indices=[1]).eval(), [2.0, 5.0]) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_mean(a, reduction_indices=[0, 1]).eval(), 3.5) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_mean(a, [0, 1]).eval(), 3.5) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_min(a, reduction_indices=[1]).eval(), [1.0, 4.0]) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_min(a, reduction_indices=[0, 1]).eval(), 1.0) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_min(a, [0, 1]).eval(), 1.0) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_max(a, reduction_indices=[1]).eval(), [3.0, 6.0]) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_max(a, reduction_indices=[0, 1]).eval(), 6.0) self.assertAllEqual(tf.reduce_max(a, [0, 1]).eval(), 6.0) self.assertAllClose(tf.reduce_logsumexp(a, reduction_indices=[1]).eval(), [3.40760589, 6.40760612]) self.assertAllClose(tf.reduce_logsumexp(a, reduction_indices=[0, 1]).eval(), 6.45619344711) self.assertAllClose(tf.reduce_logsumexp(a, [0, 1]).eval(), 6.45619344711) self.assertAllEqual(tf.expand_dims([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dim=1).eval(), [[[1, 2]], [[3, 4]]])
def while_step(t, rnn_state, tas, accs): """Implements one timestep of FIVO computation.""" log_weights_acc, log_p_hat_acc, kl_acc = accs cur_inputs, cur_mask = nested.read_tas([inputs_ta, mask_ta], t) # Run the cell for one step. log_q_z, log_p_z, log_p_x_given_z, kl, new_state = cell( cur_inputs, rnn_state, cur_mask, ) # Compute the incremental weight and use it to update the current # accumulated weight. kl_acc += kl * cur_mask log_alpha = (log_p_x_given_z + log_p_z - log_q_z) * cur_mask log_alpha = tf.reshape(log_alpha, [num_samples, batch_size]) log_weights_acc += log_alpha # Calculate the effective sample size. ess_num = 2 * tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_weights_acc, axis=0) ess_denom = tf.reduce_logsumexp(2 * log_weights_acc, axis=0) log_ess = ess_num - ess_denom # Calculate the ancestor indices via resampling. Because we maintain the # log unnormalized weights, we pass the weights in as logits, allowing # the distribution object to apply a softmax and normalize them. resampling_dist = tf.contrib.distributions.Categorical( logits=tf.transpose(log_weights_acc, perm=[1, 0])) ancestor_inds = tf.stop_gradient( resampling_dist.sample(sample_shape=num_samples, seed=random_seed)) # Because the batch is flattened and laid out as discussed # above, we must modify ancestor_inds to index the proper samples. # The particles in the ith filter are distributed every batch_size rows # in the batch, and offset i rows from the top. So, to correct the indices # we multiply by the batch_size and add the proper offset. Crucially, # when ancestor_inds is flattened the layout of the batch is maintained. offset = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size), 0) ancestor_inds = tf.reshape(ancestor_inds * batch_size + offset, [-1]) noresample_inds = tf.range(num_samples * batch_size) # Decide whether or not we should resample; don't resample if we are past # the end of a sequence. should_resample = resampling_criterion(num_samples, log_ess, t) should_resample = tf.logical_and(should_resample, cur_mask[:batch_size] > 0.) float_should_resample = tf.to_float(should_resample) ancestor_inds = tf.where( tf.tile(should_resample, [num_samples]), ancestor_inds, noresample_inds) new_state = nested.gather_tensors(new_state, ancestor_inds) # Update the TensorArrays before we reset the weights so that we capture # the incremental weights and not zeros. ta_updates = [log_weights_acc, log_ess, float_should_resample] new_tas = [ta.write(t, x) for ta, x in zip(tas, ta_updates)] # For the particle filters that resampled, update log_p_hat and # reset weights to zero. log_p_hat_update = tf.reduce_logsumexp( log_weights_acc, axis=0) - tf.log(tf.to_float(num_samples)) log_p_hat_acc += log_p_hat_update * float_should_resample log_weights_acc *= (1. - tf.tile(float_should_resample[tf.newaxis, :], [num_samples, 1])) new_accs = (log_weights_acc, log_p_hat_acc, kl_acc) return t + 1, new_state, new_tas, new_accs
def while_step(t, rnn_state, tas, accs): """Implements one timestep of IWAE computation.""" log_weights_acc, kl_acc = accs cur_inputs, cur_mask = nested.read_tas([inputs_ta, mask_ta], t) # Run the cell for one step. log_q_z, log_p_z, log_p_x_given_z, kl, new_state = cell( cur_inputs, rnn_state, cur_mask, ) # Compute the incremental weight and use it to update the current # accumulated weight. kl_acc += kl * cur_mask log_alpha = (log_p_x_given_z + log_p_z - log_q_z) * cur_mask log_alpha = tf.reshape(log_alpha, [num_samples, batch_size]) log_weights_acc += log_alpha # Calculate the effective sample size. ess_num = 2 * tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_weights_acc, axis=0) ess_denom = tf.reduce_logsumexp(2 * log_weights_acc, axis=0) log_ess = ess_num - ess_denom # Update the Tensorarrays and accumulators. ta_updates = [log_weights_acc, log_ess] new_tas = [ta.write(t, x) for ta, x in zip(tas, ta_updates)] new_accs = (log_weights_acc, kl_acc) return t + 1, new_state, new_tas, new_accs
def ess_criterion(log_weights, unused_t): """A criterion that resamples based on effective sample size.""" num_particles = tf.shape(log_weights)[0] # Calculate the effective sample size. ess_num = 2 * tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_weights, axis=0) ess_denom = tf.reduce_logsumexp(2 * log_weights, axis=0) log_ess = ess_num - ess_denom return log_ess <= tf.log(tf.to_float(num_particles) / 2.0)
def __init__(self, env_spec, expert_trajs=None, discrim_arch=relu_net, discrim_arch_args={}, score_using_discrim=False, l2_reg=0, name='gcl'): super(AIRLDiscrete, self).__init__() self.dO = env_spec.observation_space.flat_dim self.dU = env_spec.action_space.flat_dim self.score_using_discrim = score_using_discrim if expert_trajs: self.expert_trajs = expert_trajs self.expert_trajs_extracted = self.extract_paths(expert_trajs) # build energy model with tf.variable_scope(name) as _vs: # Should be batch_size x T x dO/dU self.obs_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.dO], name='obs') self.act_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.dU], name='act') self.labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1], name='labels') self.lprobs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1], name='log_probs') = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (), name='lr') obs_act = tf.concat([self.obs_t, self.act_t], axis=1) with tf.variable_scope('discrim') as dvs: with tf.variable_scope('energy'): energy = discrim_arch(obs_act, dout=self.dU, **discrim_arch_args) self.value_fn = tf.reduce_logsumexp(-energy, axis=1, keep_dims=True) = tf.reduce_sum(energy*self.act_t, axis=1, keep_dims=True) # select action log_p_tau = - self.value_fn discrim_vars = tf.get_collection('reg_vars', log_q_tau = self.lprobs if l2_reg > 0: reg_loss = l2_reg*tf.reduce_sum([tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(var)) for var in discrim_vars]) else: reg_loss = 0 log_pq = tf.reduce_logsumexp([log_p_tau, log_q_tau], axis=0) self.d_tau = tf.exp(log_p_tau-log_pq) cent_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(self.labels*(log_p_tau-log_pq) + (1-self.labels)*(log_q_tau-log_pq)) self.loss = cent_loss + reg_loss self.step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( self._make_param_ops(_vs)
def testCrfLogNorm(self): inputs = np.array( [[4, 5, -3], [3, -1, 3], [-1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32) transition_params = np.array( [[-3, 5, -2], [3, 4, 1], [1, 2, 1]], dtype=np.float32) num_words = inputs.shape[0] num_tags = inputs.shape[1] sequence_lengths = np.array(3, dtype=np.int32) with self.test_session() as sess: all_sequence_scores = [] # Compare the dynamic program with brute force computation. for tag_indices in itertools.product( range(num_tags), repeat=sequence_lengths): tag_indices = list(tag_indices) tag_indices.extend([0] * (num_words - sequence_lengths)) all_sequence_scores.append( tf.contrib.crf.crf_sequence_score( inputs=tf.expand_dims(inputs, 0), tag_indices=tf.expand_dims(tag_indices, 0), sequence_lengths=tf.expand_dims(sequence_lengths, 0), transition_params=tf.constant(transition_params))) brute_force_log_norm = tf.reduce_logsumexp(all_sequence_scores) log_norm = tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_norm( inputs=tf.expand_dims(inputs, 0), sequence_lengths=tf.expand_dims(sequence_lengths, 0), transition_params=tf.constant(transition_params)) log_norm = tf.squeeze(log_norm, [0]) tf_brute_force_log_norm, tf_log_norm = [brute_force_log_norm, log_norm]) self.assertAllClose(tf_log_norm, tf_brute_force_log_norm)
def log_alpha_likelihood_ratio(self, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu): # each nn sample returns (log f, log likelihoods) nn_samples = [ self.sample_neural_network(activation_fn) for _ in range(self.num_mc_nn_samples) ] nn_log_f_samples = [elt[0] for elt in nn_samples] nn_log_lk_samples = [elt[1] for elt in nn_samples] # we stack the (log f, log likelihoods) from the k nn samples nn_log_f_stack = tf.stack(nn_log_f_samples) # k x 1 nn_log_lk_stack = tf.stack(nn_log_lk_samples) # k x N nn_f_tile = tf.tile(nn_log_f_stack, [self.batch_size]) nn_f_tile = tf.reshape(nn_f_tile, [self.num_mc_nn_samples, self.batch_size]) # now both the log f and log likelihood terms have shape: k x N # apply formula in nn_log_ratio = nn_log_lk_stack - nn_f_tile nn_log_ratio = self.alpha * tf.transpose(nn_log_ratio) logsumexp_value = tf.reduce_logsumexp(nn_log_ratio, -1) log_k_scalar = tf.log(tf.cast(self.num_mc_nn_samples, tf.float32)) log_k = log_k_scalar * tf.ones([self.batch_size]) return tf.reduce_sum(logsumexp_value - log_k, -1)
def testCrfLogLikelihood(self): inputs = np.array( [[4, 5, -3], [3, -1, 3], [-1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32) transition_params = np.array( [[-3, 5, -2], [3, 4, 1], [1, 2, 1]], dtype=np.float32) sequence_lengths = np.array(3, dtype=np.int32) num_words = inputs.shape[0] num_tags = inputs.shape[1] with self.test_session() as sess: all_sequence_log_likelihoods = [] # Make sure all probabilities sum to 1. for tag_indices in itertools.product( range(num_tags), repeat=sequence_lengths): tag_indices = list(tag_indices) tag_indices.extend([0] * (num_words - sequence_lengths)) sequence_log_likelihood, _ = tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood( inputs=tf.expand_dims(inputs, 0), tag_indices=tf.expand_dims(tag_indices, 0), sequence_lengths=tf.expand_dims(sequence_lengths, 0), transition_params=tf.constant(transition_params)) all_sequence_log_likelihoods.append(sequence_log_likelihood) total_log_likelihood = tf.reduce_logsumexp(all_sequence_log_likelihoods) tf_total_log_likelihood = self.assertAllClose(tf_total_log_likelihood, 0.0)
def _log_variance(self): # Following calculation is based on law of total variance: # # Var[Z] = E[Var[Z | V]] + Var[E[Z | V]] # # where, # # Z|v ~ interpolate_affine[v](distribution) # V ~ mixture_distribution # # thus, # # E[Var[Z | V]] = sum{ prob[d] Var[d] : d=0, ..., deg-1 } # Var[E[Z | V]] = sum{ prob[d] (Mean[d] - Mean)**2 : d=0, ..., deg-1 } v = tf.stack( [ # log(self.distribution.variance()) = log(Var[d]) = log(rate[d]) self.distribution.log_rate, # log((Mean[d] - Mean)**2) 2. * tf.log( tf.abs(self.distribution.mean() - self._mean()[..., tf.newaxis])), ], axis=-1) return tf.reduce_logsumexp( self.mixture_distribution.logits[..., tf.newaxis] + v, axis=[-2, -1])
def _log_prob(self, x): with tf.control_dependencies(self._runtime_assertions): x = self._pad_sample_dims(x) log_prob_x = self.components_distribution.log_prob(x) # [S, B, k] log_mix_prob = tf.nn.log_softmax( self.mixture_distribution.logits, axis=-1) # [B, k] return tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_prob_x + log_mix_prob, axis=-1) # [S, B]
def _assert_valid_sample(self, x): if not self.validate_args: return x return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([ tf.assert_non_positive(x), tf.assert_near( tf.zeros([], dtype=self.dtype), tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis=[-1])), ], x)
def log_prob(self, x): n1 = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal(, self.sigma1) n2 = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal(, self.sigma2) mix1 = tf.reduce_sum(n1.log_prob(x), -1) + tf.log(self.pi) mix2 = tf.reduce_sum(n2.log_prob(x), -1) + tf.log(np.float32(1.0 - self.pi)) prior_mix = tf.stack([mix1, mix2]) lse_mix = tf.reduce_logsumexp(prior_mix, [0]) return tf.reduce_sum(lse_mix)
def eval_func(func): feval = func(mc_Xr, **Ys) feval = tf.reshape(feval, (S, N, -1)) if logspace: log_S = tf.log(tf.cast(S, settings.float_type)) return tf.reduce_logsumexp(feval, axis=0) - log_S # N x D else: return tf.reduce_mean(feval, axis=0)
def eval_func(f): feval = f(*Xs, **Ys) # f should be elementwise: return shape N x H**Din if logspace: log_gh_w = np.log(gh_w.reshape(1, -1)) result = tf.reduce_logsumexp(feval + log_gh_w, axis=1) else: result = tf.matmul(feval, gh_w.reshape(-1, 1)) return tf.reshape(result, shape)
def reduce_logmeanexp(input_tensor, axis=None, keep_dims=False): logsumexp = tf.reduce_logsumexp(input_tensor, axis, keep_dims) input_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(input_tensor) n = input_tensor.shape.as_list() if axis is None: n = tf.cast(tf.reduce_prod(n), logsumexp.dtype) else: n = tf.cast(tf.reduce_prod(n[axis]), logsumexp.dtype) return -tf.log(n) + logsumexp
def neg_log_likelihood(state): state_ext = tf.expand_dims(state, 0) linear_part = tf.matmul(state_ext, x_data) linear_part_ex = tf.stack([tf.zeros_like(linear_part), linear_part], axis=0) term1 = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul( tf.reduce_logsumexp(linear_part_ex, axis=0), y_data), -1) term2 = (0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(state_ext * state_ext, -1) - tf.reduce_sum(linear_part, -1)) return tf.squeeze(term1 + term2)
def get_KL_divergence_Sample(shape, mu, sigma, prior, Z): """ Compute KL divergence between posterior and prior. Instead of computing the real KL distance between the Prior and Variatiational posterior of the weights, we will jsut sample its value of the specific values of the sampled weights W. In this case: - Posterior: Multivariate Independent Gaussian. - Prior: Mixture model The sample of the posterior is: KL_sample = log(q(W|theta)) - log(p(W|theta_0)) where p(theta) = pi*N(0,sigma1) + (1-pi)*N(0,sigma2) Input: - mus,sigmas: - Z: Samples weights values, the hidden variables ! shape = shape of the sample we want to compute the KL of mu = the mu variable used when sampling sigma= the sigma variable used when sampling prior = the prior object with parameters sample = the sample from the posterior """ # Flatten the hidden variables (weights) Z = tf.reshape(Z, [-1]) #Get the log probability distribution of your sampled variable # Distribution of the Variational Posterior VB_distribution = Normal(mu, sigma) # Distribution of the Gaussian Components of the prior prior_1_distribution = Normal(0.0, prior.sigma1) prior_2_distribution = Normal(0.0, prior.sigma2) # Now we compute the log likelihood of those Hidden variables for their # prior and posterior. #get: sum( log[ q( theta | mu, sigma ) ] ) q_ll = tf.reduce_sum(VB_distribution.log_prob(Z)) #get: sum( log[ p( theta ) ] ) for mixture prior mix1 = tf.reduce_sum(prior_1_distribution.log_prob(Z)) + tf.log(prior.pi_mix) mix2 = tf.reduce_sum(prior_2_distribution.log_prob(Z)) + tf.log(1.0 - prior.pi_mix) p_ll = tf.reduce_logsumexp([mix1,mix2]) #Compute the sample of the KL distance as the substaction ob both KL = q_ll - p_ll return KL
def _log_cdf(self, x): with tf.control_dependencies(self._assertions): x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") distribution_log_cdfs = [d.log_cdf(x) for d in self.components] cat_log_probs = self._cat_probs(log_probs=True) final_log_cdfs = [ cat_lp + d_lcdf for (cat_lp, d_lcdf) in zip(cat_log_probs, distribution_log_cdfs) ] concatted_log_cdfs = tf.stack(final_log_cdfs, axis=0) mixture_log_cdf = tf.reduce_logsumexp(concatted_log_cdfs, [0]) return mixture_log_cdf
def _log_prob(self, x): with tf.control_dependencies(self._assertions): x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") distribution_log_probs = [d.log_prob(x) for d in self.components] cat_log_probs = self._cat_probs(log_probs=True) final_log_probs = [ cat_lp + d_lp for (cat_lp, d_lp) in zip(cat_log_probs, distribution_log_probs) ] concat_log_probs = tf.stack(final_log_probs, 0) log_sum_exp = tf.reduce_logsumexp(concat_log_probs, [0]) return log_sum_exp
def _forward_log_det_jacobian(self, x): # This code is similar to tf.nn.log_softmax but different because we have # an implicit zero column to handle. I.e., instead of: # reduce_sum(logits - reduce_sum(exp(logits), dim)) # we must do: # log_normalization = 1 + reduce_sum(exp(logits)) # -log_normalization + reduce_sum(logits - log_normalization) log_normalization = tf.nn.softplus( tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis=-1, keep_dims=True)) return tf.squeeze( (-log_normalization + tf.reduce_sum( x - log_normalization, axis=-1, keepdims=True)), axis=-1)
def marginal_log_prob(self, x, **kwargs): 'The marginal log probability of the observed variable. Sums out `cat`.' batch_event_rank = self.event_shape.ndims + self.batch_shape.ndims # expand x to broadcast log probs over num_components dimension expanded_x = tf.expand_dims(x, -1 - batch_event_rank) log_probs = self.components.log_prob(expanded_x) p_ndims = perm = tf.concat([[p_ndims - 1], tf.range(p_ndims - 1)], 0) transposed_p = tf.transpose(, perm) return tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_probs + tf.log(transposed_p), -1 - batch_event_rank)
def while_step(t, state, tas, log_weights_acc, log_z_hat_acc): """Implements one timestep of the particle filter.""" particle_state, loop_state = state cur_mask = nested.read_tas(mask_ta, t) # Propagate the particles one step. log_alpha, new_particle_state, loop_args = transition(particle_state, t) # Update the current weights with the incremental weights. log_alpha *= cur_mask log_alpha = tf.reshape(log_alpha, [num_particles, batch_size]) log_weights_acc += log_alpha should_resample = resampling_criterion(log_weights_acc, t) if resampling_criterion == never_resample_criterion: resampled = tf.to_float(should_resample) else: # Compute the states as if we did resample. resampled_states = resampling_fn( log_weights_acc, new_particle_state, num_particles, batch_size) # Decide whether or not we should resample; don't resample if we are past # the end of a sequence. should_resample = tf.logical_and(should_resample, cur_mask[:batch_size] > 0.) float_should_resample = tf.to_float(should_resample) new_particle_state = nested.where_tensors( tf.tile(should_resample, [num_particles]), resampled_states, new_particle_state) resampled = float_should_resample new_loop_state = loop_fn(loop_state, loop_args, new_particle_state, log_weights_acc, resampled, cur_mask, t) # Update log Z hat. log_z_hat_update = tf.reduce_logsumexp( log_weights_acc, axis=0) - tf.log(tf.to_float(num_particles)) # If it is the last timestep, always add the update. log_z_hat_acc += tf.cond(t < max_num_steps - 1, lambda: log_z_hat_update * resampled, lambda: log_z_hat_update) # Update the TensorArrays before we reset the weights so that we capture # the incremental weights and not zeros. ta_updates = [log_weights_acc, resampled] new_tas = [ta.write(t, x) for ta, x in zip(tas, ta_updates)] # For the particle filters that resampled, reset weights to zero. log_weights_acc *= (1. - tf.tile(resampled[tf.newaxis, :], [num_particles, 1])) new_state = (new_particle_state, new_loop_state) return t + 1, new_state, new_tas, log_weights_acc, log_z_hat_acc
def _log_prob(self, y): # For caching to work, it is imperative that the bijector is the first to # modify the input. x = self.bijector.inverse(y) event_ndims = self._maybe_get_static_event_ndims() ildj = self.bijector.inverse_log_det_jacobian(y, event_ndims=event_ndims) if self.bijector._is_injective: # pylint: disable=protected-access return self._finish_log_prob_for_one_fiber(y, x, ildj, event_ndims) lp_on_fibers = [ self._finish_log_prob_for_one_fiber(y, x_i, ildj_i, event_ndims) for x_i, ildj_i in zip(x, ildj)] return tf.reduce_logsumexp(tf.stack(lp_on_fibers), axis=0)
def testLogCdf(self): gm = tfd.MixtureSameFamily( mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(probs=[0.3, 0.7]), components_distribution=tfd.Normal( loc=[-1., 1], scale=[0.1, 0.5])) x = gm.sample(10, seed=42) actual_log_cdf = gm.log_cdf(x) expected_log_cdf = tf.reduce_logsumexp( (gm.mixture_distribution.logits + gm.components_distribution.log_cdf( x[..., tf.newaxis])), axis=1) actual_log_cdf_, expected_log_cdf_ = self.evaluate( [actual_log_cdf, expected_log_cdf]) self.assertAllClose(actual_log_cdf_, expected_log_cdf_, rtol=1e-6, atol=0.0)
def iwae(model, observation, num_timesteps, num_samples=1, summarize=False): """Compute the IWAE evidence lower bound. Args: model: A callable that computes one timestep of the model. observation: A shape [batch_size*num_samples, state_size] Tensor containing z_n, the observation for each sequence in the batch. num_timesteps: The number of timesteps in each sequence, an integer. num_samples: The number of samples to use to compute the IWAE bound. Returns: log_p_hat: The IWAE estimator of the lower bound on the log marginal. loss: A tensor that you can perform gradient descent on to optimize the bound. maintain_ema_op: A no-op included for compatibility with FIVO. states: The sequence of states sampled. """ # Initialization num_instances = tf.shape(observation)[0] batch_size = tf.cast(num_instances / num_samples, tf.int32) states = [model.zero_state(num_instances)] log_weights = [] log_weight_acc = tf.zeros([num_samples, batch_size], dtype=observation.dtype) for t in xrange(num_timesteps): # run the model for one timestep (zt, log_q_zt, log_p_zt, log_p_x_given_z, _) = model( states[-1], observation, t) # update accumulators states.append(zt) log_weight = log_p_zt + log_p_x_given_z - log_q_zt log_weight_acc += tf.reshape(log_weight, [num_samples, batch_size]) if summarize: weight_dist = tf.contrib.distributions.Categorical( logits=tf.transpose(log_weight_acc, perm=[1, 0]), allow_nan_stats=False) weight_entropy = weight_dist.entropy() weight_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(weight_entropy) tf.summary.scalar("weight_entropy/%d" % t, weight_entropy) log_weights.append(log_weight_acc) # Compute the lower bound on the log evidence. log_p_hat = (tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_weight_acc, axis=0) - tf.log(tf.cast(num_samples, observation.dtype))) / num_timesteps loss = -tf.reduce_mean(log_p_hat) losses = [Loss("log_p_hat", loss)] # we clip off the initial state before returning. # there are no emas for iwae, so we return a noop for that return log_p_hat, losses, tf.no_op(), states[1:], log_weights
def _log_prob(self, value): with tf.control_dependencies(self._runtime_assertions): # The argument `value` is a tensor of sequences of observations. # `observation_batch_shape` is the shape of that tensor with the # sequence part removed. # `observation_batch_shape` is then broadcast to the full batch shape # to give the `working_shape` that defines the shape of the result. observation_batch_shape = tf.shape( value)[:-1 - self._underlying_event_rank] # value :: observation_batch_shape num_steps observation_event_shape working_shape = tf.broadcast_dynamic_shape(observation_batch_shape, self.batch_shape_tensor()) log_init = tf.broadcast_to(self._log_init, tf.concat([working_shape, [self._num_states]], axis=0)) # log_init :: working_shape num_states log_transition = self._log_trans # `observation_event_shape` is the shape of each sequence of observations # emitted by the model. observation_event_shape = tf.shape( value)[-1 - self._underlying_event_rank:] working_obs = tf.broadcast_to(value, tf.concat([working_shape, observation_event_shape], axis=0)) # working_obs :: working_shape observation_event_shape r = self._underlying_event_rank # Move index into sequence of observations to front so we can apply # tf.foldl working_obs = util.move_dimension(working_obs, -1 - r, 0)[..., tf.newaxis] # working_obs :: num_steps working_shape underlying_event_shape observation_probs = ( self._observation_distribution.log_prob(working_obs)) def forward_step(log_prev_step, log_observation): return _log_vector_matrix(log_prev_step, log_transition) + log_observation fwd_prob = tf.foldl(forward_step, observation_probs, initializer=log_init) # fwd_prob :: working_shape num_states log_prob = tf.reduce_logsumexp(fwd_prob, axis=-1) # log_prob :: working_shape return log_prob
def logsumexp(v, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False): if float(tf.__version__[:4]) > 0.10: # reduce_logsumexp does not exist below tfv0.11 if isinstance(reduction_indices, int): # due to a bug in tfv0.11 reduction_indices = [reduction_indices] return handle_inf( tf.reduce_logsumexp(v, reduction_indices, # this is a bit fragile. reduction_indices got renamed to axis in tfv0.12 keep_dims=keep_dims) ) else: m = tf.reduce_max(v, reduction_indices=reduction_indices, keep_dims=keep_dims) # Use SMALL_NUMBER to handle v = [] return m + tf.log(tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(v - m), reduction_indices=reduction_indices, keep_dims=keep_dims) + SMALL_NUMBER)
def SampledSoftmaxLoss(features, sampler, num_classes, target_classes, target_params, sampled_classes, sampled_params): """Loss for training softmax classifiers on large label vocabulary. This function assumes that we have already chosen the sampled classes and fetched the parameters for the target classes and the sampled classes. Args: features: a Tensor with shape [batch_size, hidden_size] sampler: a candidate sampler object num_classes: an integer target_classes: an integer Tensor with shape [batch_size] target_params: a Tensor with shape [batch_size, hidden_size] The parameters corresponding to the target classes. sampled_classes: an integer tensor with shape [num_sampled_classes] sampled_params: a Tensor with shape [num_sampled_classes, hidden_size] The parameters corresponding to the sampled classes. Returns: a Tensor with shape [batch_size] """ sampled_logits = (tf.matmul(features, sampled_params, transpose_b=True) - sampler.log_expected_count(sampled_classes)) target_logits = (tf.reduce_sum(target_params * features, 1) - sampler.log_expected_count(target_classes)) sampled_log_denominator = tf.reduce_logsumexp( sampled_logits, [1], name='SampledLogDenominator') sampled_classes_mask = tf.unsorted_segment_sum( tf.fill(tf.shape(sampled_classes), float('-inf')), sampled_classes, num_classes) target_log_denominator = ( target_logits + tf.gather(sampled_classes_mask, target_classes)) combined_log_denominator = tf.reduce_logsumexp( tf.stack([sampled_log_denominator, target_log_denominator]), [0]) loss = combined_log_denominator - target_logits return loss
def _log_prob(self, x): # By convention, we always put the grid points right-most. y = tf.stack([aff.inverse(x) for aff in self.interpolated_affine], axis=-1) log_prob = tf.reduce_sum(self.distribution.log_prob(y), axis=-2) # Because the affine transformation has a constant Jacobian, it is the case # that `affine.fldj(x) = -affine.ildj(x)`. This is not true in general. fldj = tf.stack( [ aff.forward_log_det_jacobian( x, event_ndims=tf.rank(self.event_shape_tensor())) for aff in self.interpolated_affine ], axis=-1) return tf.reduce_logsumexp( self.mixture_distribution.logits - fldj + log_prob, axis=-1)
def body(handle, cost, correct, total, *arrays): """Runs the network and advances the state by a step.""" with tf.control_dependencies([handle, cost, correct, total] + [x.flow for x in arrays]): # Get a copy of the network inside this while loop. updated_state = MasterState(handle, state.current_batch_size) network_tensors = self._feedforward_unit( updated_state, arrays, network_states, stride, during_training=True) # Every layer is written to a TensorArray, so that it can be backprop'd. next_arrays = update_tensor_arrays(network_tensors, arrays) with tf.control_dependencies([x.flow for x in next_arrays]): with tf.name_scope('compute_loss'): # A gold label > -1 determines that the sentence is still # in a valid state. Otherwise, the sentence has ended. # # We add only the valid sentences to the loss, in the following way: # 1. We compute 'valid_ix', the indices in gold that contain # valid oracle actions. # 2. We compute the cost function by comparing logits and gold # only for the valid indices. gold = dragnn_ops.emit_oracle_labels(handle, gold.set_shape([None]) valid = tf.greater(gold, -1) valid_ix = tf.reshape(tf.where(valid), [-1]) gold = tf.gather(gold, valid_ix) logits = logits = tf.gather(logits, valid_ix) cost += tf.reduce_sum( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=tf.cast(gold, tf.int64), logits=logits)) if (self.eligible_for_self_norm and self.master.hyperparams.self_norm_alpha > 0): log_z = tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, [1]) cost += (self.master.hyperparams.self_norm_alpha * tf.nn.l2_loss(log_z)) correct += tf.reduce_sum( tf.to_int32(tf.nn.in_top_k(logits, gold, 1))) total += tf.size(gold) with tf.control_dependencies([cost, correct, total, gold]): handle = dragnn_ops.advance_from_oracle(handle, return [handle, cost, correct, total] + next_arrays
def _build(self, model): #, drop_one_logit=False): n_samples=model.n_samples_ph y = model.y shaper = tf.shape(y) distr = model.prediction_distr if self._use_alpha: if self._alpha_parameter!=0: y_tile = tf.tile(y, [n_samples, 1]) loss_core = -distr.log_prob(y_tile) #loss_per_minibatch = tf.exp(tf.scalar_mul(self._alpha_parameter,distr.log_prob(y_tile))) #loss_per_minibatch_reshaped=tf.reshape(loss_per_minibatch, (alpha_samples,shaper[0])) #loss_per_minibatch_avg=tf.reduce_mean(loss_per_minibatch_reshaped,axis=0) #loss_per_sample=tf.scalar_mul(-1./self._alpha_parameter,tf.log(loss_per_minibatch_avg)) loss_per_minibatch = tf.scalar_mul(self._alpha_parameter,distr.log_prob(y_tile)) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() loss_per_minibatch_reshaped=tf.reshape(loss_per_minibatch, (n_samples, shaper[0])) loss_per_minibatch_avg=tf.reduce_logsumexp(loss_per_minibatch_reshaped,axis=0) loss_per_sample=tf.scalar_mul(-1./self._alpha_parameter,loss_per_minibatch_avg) else: y_tile = tf.tile(y, [n_samples, 1]) loss_core = -distr.log_prob(y_tile) loss_per_minibatch = -distr.log_prob(y_tile) loss_per_minibatch_reshaped=tf.reshape(loss_per_minibatch, (n_samples, shaper[0])) loss_per_sample=tf.reduce_mean(loss_per_minibatch_reshaped, axis=0) else: loss_per_sample = -distr.log_prob(y) loss_core = loss_per_sample nll = tf.reduce_mean(loss_per_sample, name="nll") kl_losses = model.kl_losses total_KL = tf.reduce_sum(kl_losses) / model.dataset.n_samples_train loss = nll + total_KL nll_core = tf.reduce_mean(loss_core, name="nll_core") # in case of Bayesian network I need to add kl_losses for the weights if I want to see them # (otherwise kl_losses will be an empty list for non bayesian predictions) # if kl_losses: # # KL_i_names = ["KL_" + str(int(i+1)) for i, l in enumerate(kl_losses)] # # nodes_to_log = [[loss], # [nll], # # [total_KL], # # kl_losses # ] # # names_of_nodes_to_log = [["loss"], # ["NLL"], # # ["total_KL"], # # KL_i_names # ] # # filenames_to_log_to = [{"fileName" : "loss"}, # {"fileName" : "negloglikelihood"}, # # {"fileName" : "total_KL"}, # # {"fileName" : "all_KLs", "legend": 0} # ] # # else: means = model.prediction_mean # if self._use_alpha: means=tf.reshape(means, (n_samples,shaper[0],shaper[1])) means=tf.reduce_mean(means,axis=0) # else: # pass mse_per_sample = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(y - means), axis=1) mse = tf.reduce_mean(mse_per_sample) # First panel will be at screen during training list_of_vpanels_of_plots = [ [ { 'nodes' : [loss], 'names': ["loss"], 'output': {'fileName' : "loss"} }, { 'nodes': [nll], 'names': ["NLL"], 'output': {'fileName': "negloglikelihood"} }, { 'nodes': [mse], 'names': ["mse"], 'output': {'fileName': "mse"} } ] ] nodes_to_log, names_of_nodes_to_log, filenames_to_log_to = create_panels_lists(list_of_vpanels_of_plots) # nodes_to_log = [[loss], [nll], [mse], [loss_core]] # # names_of_nodes_to_log = [["loss"], ["NLL"], ["MSE"], ["loss_core"]] # # filenames_to_log_to = [{"fileName": "loss"}, # {"fileName": "negloglikelihood"}, # {"fileName": "mse"}, # {"fileName": "loss_core"} # ] return loss, loss_per_sample, nodes_to_log, names_of_nodes_to_log, filenames_to_log_to
def build_loss_and_gradients(self, var_list): """Build loss function $\\text{KL}( p(z \mid x) \| q(z) ) = \mathbb{E}_{p(z \mid x)} [ \log p(z \mid x) - \log q(z; \lambda) ]$ and stochastic gradients based on importance sampling. The loss function can be estimated as $\\frac{1}{S} \sum_{s=1}^S [ w_{\\text{norm}}(z^s; \lambda) (\log p(x, z^s) - \log q(z^s; \lambda) ],$ where for $z^s \sim q(z; \lambda)$, $w_{\\text{norm}}(z^s; \lambda) = w(z^s; \lambda) / \sum_{s=1}^S w(z^s; \lambda)$ normalizes the importance weights, $w(z^s; \lambda) = p(x, z^s) / q(z^s; \lambda)$. This provides a gradient, $- \\frac{1}{S} \sum_{s=1}^S [ w_{\\text{norm}}(z^s; \lambda) \\nabla_{\lambda} \log q(z^s; \lambda) ].$ """ p_log_prob = [0.0] * self.n_samples q_log_prob = [0.0] * self.n_samples for s in range(self.n_samples): # Form dictionary in order to replace conditioning on prior or # observed variable with conditioning on a specific value. scope = 'inference_' + str(id(self)) + '/' + str(s) dict_swap = {} for x, qx in six.iteritems( if isinstance(x, RandomVariable): if isinstance(qx, RandomVariable): qx_copy = copy(qx, scope=scope) dict_swap[x] = qx_copy.value() else: dict_swap[x] = qx for z, qz in six.iteritems(self.latent_vars): # Copy q(z) to obtain new set of posterior samples. qz_copy = copy(qz, scope=scope) dict_swap[z] = qz_copy.value() q_log_prob[s] += tf.reduce_sum( qz_copy.log_prob(tf.stop_gradient(dict_swap[z]))) for z in six.iterkeys(self.latent_vars): z_copy = copy(z, dict_swap, scope=scope) p_log_prob[s] += tf.reduce_sum(z_copy.log_prob(dict_swap[z])) for x in six.iterkeys( if isinstance(x, RandomVariable): x_copy = copy(x, dict_swap, scope=scope) p_log_prob[s] += tf.reduce_sum( x_copy.log_prob(dict_swap[x])) p_log_prob = tf.stack(p_log_prob) q_log_prob = tf.stack(q_log_prob) if self.logging: summary_key = 'summaries_' + str(id(self)) tf.summary.scalar("loss/p_log_prob", tf.reduce_mean(p_log_prob), collections=[summary_key]) tf.summary.scalar("loss/q_log_prob", tf.reduce_mean(q_log_prob), collections=[summary_key]) log_w = p_log_prob - q_log_prob log_w_norm = log_w - tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_w) w_norm = tf.exp(log_w_norm) loss = tf.reduce_mean(w_norm * log_w) grads = tf.gradients( -tf.reduce_mean(q_log_prob * tf.stop_gradient(w_norm)), var_list) grads_and_vars = list(zip(grads, var_list)) return loss, grads_and_vars
def log_posterior(self, x): logp = self.unnor_logpdf(x) log_posteriors = logp - tf.reduce_logsumexp( logp, axis=2, keepdims=True) return log_posteriors
def seq_log_probs_to_word_log_probs(get_beam_outputs, get_sequence_log_probs, Nclasses, index_sequences_elements, max_targ_length, padding_value=0): ''' :param get_outputs: (Nsequences x beam_width x max_prediction_length) :param get_sequence_log_probs: (Nsequences x beam_width) :param Nclasses: scalar :param index_sequence_elements: (sum_i^Nsequences seq_len(i) x 2), a list of all the (putative) non-zero indices in the tensor of sequences :param max_targ_length: scalar tensor :return: score_as_unnorm_log_probs: (sum_i^Nsequences seq_len(i) x Nclasses), a tensor of log probabilities for each id, de-sequenced A sensible set of variables for a beam search to return is the set of the K most probable sequences and their probabilities, where K=beam_width. (These sequence_log_probs are not assumed to be normalized.) We want to expand the log probabilities to cover *all* tokens, not just the K most likely. Conceptually, this is straightforward: For each element of each sequence, exponentiate the log probabilities; compute the "leftover" probability for all ids outside the beam, and divide it up equally among them; compute the logarithm elementwise. Computationally, however, it is more complicated, b/c an effort must be made to avoid over- and underflows. Furthermore, to avoid doing any serious calculations, we have to make some simplifying choice for how to compute the "leftover" probabilities. Here, we basically assign each non-selected id probability 1/S, S=total number of possible sequences. That is, we pretend that each non-selected *sequence* has equal probability, 1/S, and then assume (what is certainly false) that each non-selected token at each time step *in each beam* can be assigned to exactly one of these non-selected sequences. Hence e.g., even if token 324 appears in at least one beam at time step t, it will still be assigned probability 1/S at t in all beams where it did *not* appear. This facilitates summing log probabilities across the beams. Total number of sequences: For simplicity, ignore the end-of-sequence tokens. For a vocabulary of size N and a maximum sequence length of M, there are N possible sequences that end at the first step; N^2 that end at the second step; and so forth up to N^M. Thus altogether there are N^1 + N^2 + N^3 + ... + N^M = N^0 + N^1 + N^2 + N^3 + ... + N^M - 1 = (N^(M+1) - 1)/(N - 1) - 1 ~= N^M sequences, where the approximation follows from the fact that, for N or M of any reasonable size, the -1s don't matter. Likewise, subtracting out the K in-beam sequences has no appreciable effect for any reasonable K. Hence the probability of each out-of-beam sequence is approximately N^-M, or again: log(out_beam_prob) = -M*log(N) Given the approximations, and more importantly since no attempt is made to decrease the in-beam probabilities by the probability assigned to out-of- beam ids, the result of logsumexp will be *unnormalized* log probabilities. These values are furthermore desequenced into shape (sum_i^Ncases targ_seq_len(i) x Nclasses) before returning. ''' # one-hotify and scale by log probabilities # -> (Ncases x beam_width x max_pred_length x Nclasses) # NB that the resulting tensor does *not* represent log probs, b/c it has # *zeros* in the out-of-beam locations in_beam_log_probs = tf.multiply( tf.one_hot(get_beam_outputs, Nclasses, axis=-1), tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(get_sequence_log_probs, axis=-1), axis=-1)) # pad out to max_targ_length # -> (Ncases x beam_width x max_targ_length x Nclasses) max_pred_length = common_layers.shape_list(get_beam_outputs)[2] in_beam_log_probs = tf.pad( tensor=in_beam_log_probs, paddings=[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, tf.maximum(max_targ_length - max_pred_length, 0) + 1], [0, 0]], constant_values=padding_value) ### # This assumes the pad token=0. Ideally, you'd pass this in explicitly, # and then set constant_values=<pad value> in tf.pad. ### # fill in zeros with (approximate) out-of-beam log probs (see above) out_beam_log_prob = tf.multiply(tf.cast(-max_targ_length, tf.float32), tf.math.log(tf.cast(Nclasses, tf.float32))) out_beam_log_probs = tf.fill(common_layers.shape_list(in_beam_log_probs), out_beam_log_prob) IS_OUT_OF_BEAM = tf.equal(in_beam_log_probs, 0) beam_log_probs = tf.compat.v1.where(IS_OUT_OF_BEAM, out_beam_log_probs, in_beam_log_probs) # collapse across beam -> (Ncases x max_targ_length x Nclasses) score_as_unnorm_log_probs = tf.reduce_logsumexp(beam_log_probs, axis=1) # de-sequence -> (sum_i^Ncases targ_seq_len(i) x Nclasses) score_as_unnorm_log_probs = tf.gather_nd(score_as_unnorm_log_probs, index_sequences_elements) return score_as_unnorm_log_probs
def __init__(self, s_size, a_size, scope, trainer): with tf.variable_scope(scope): self.kernel = adaptive_isotropic_gaussian_kernel self.inputs = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, s_size], dtype=tf.float32) self.imageIn = tf.reshape(self.inputs, shape=[-1, 84, 84, 1]) self.conv1 = slim.conv2d(activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, inputs=self.imageIn, num_outputs=32, kernel_size=[8, 8], stride=[4, 4], padding='VALID') self.conv2 = slim.conv2d(activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, inputs=self.conv1, num_outputs=64, kernel_size=[4, 4], stride=[2, 2], padding='VALID') self.conv3 = slim.conv2d(activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, inputs=self.conv2, num_outputs=64, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1], padding='VALID') hidden = slim.fully_connected(slim.flatten(self.conv3), 512, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu) self.policy = slim.fully_connected( hidden, a_size, activation_fn=tf.nn.softmax, weights_initializer=normalized_columns_initializer(0.01), biases_initializer=None) self.q = slim.fully_connected( hidden, a_size, activation_fn=None, weights_initializer=normalized_columns_initializer(0.01), biases_initializer=None) if scope != 'global': local_vars = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope) global_vars = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, 'global') self.actions = tf.placeholder(shape=[None], dtype=tf.int32) self.actions_onehot = tf.one_hot(self.actions, a_size, dtype=tf.float32) #self.rewards = tf.placeholder(shape=[None],dtype=tf.float32) # td error update q_a = self.q / tau self.v_next = tf.reduce_logsumexp(q_a, axis=1) self.q_target = tf.placeholder(shape=[None], dtype=tf.float32) self.readout_action = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply( self.q, self.actions_onehot), axis=1) self.td_loss = tf.reduce_mean( 0.5 * tf.square(self.q_target - self.readout_action)) # svgd update = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, k], dtype=tf.int32) self.aj = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, k], dtype=tf.int32) self.ai_onehot = tf.one_hot(, a_size, dtype=tf.float32) self.aj_onehot = tf.one_hot(self.aj, a_size, dtype=tf.float32) self.readout_actionj = self.aj_onehot * tf.expand_dims( self.policy, axis=1) self.readout_actioni = self.ai_onehot * tf.expand_dims( self.policy, axis=1) self.Q_soft = tf.expand_dims(self.q, axis=1) * self.readout_actioni Q_soft_grad = tf.gradients(self.Q_soft, self.readout_actioni)[0] self.Q_soft_grad = tf.expand_dims(Q_soft_grad, axis=2) self.Q_soft_grad = tf.stop_gradient(self.Q_soft_grad) self.readout_actioni = tf.stop_gradient(self.readout_actioni) self.kernel, self.kernel_grad = self.kernel( self.readout_actioni, self.readout_actionj) self.kernel = tf.expand_dims(self.kernel, axis=3) self.action_gradient = tf.reduce_mean( self.kernel * self.Q_soft_grad + self.kernel_grad, axis=1) self.action_gradients = tf.stop_gradient(self.action_gradient) = tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_sum(self.action_gradients * self.readout_actionj, axis=2), axis=1) self.surrogate_loss = -tf.reduce_mean( #action_gradients = tf.reduce_mean(self.kernel * self.Q_soft_grad + self.kernel_grad, axis=1) #self.gradient = tf.gradients(self.readout_actionj, local_vars, grad_ys=action_gradients) #self.surrogate_loss = -tf.reduce_sum(local_vars * tf.stop_gradient(self.gradient)) # total loss self.loss = self.td_loss + self.surrogate_loss self.gradients = tf.gradients(self.loss, local_vars) self.var_norms = tf.global_norm(local_vars) grads, self.grad_norms = tf.clip_by_global_norm( self.gradients, 40.0) self.apply_grads = trainer.apply_gradients( zip(grads, global_vars))
def _build_graph(self): self.context_word = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [self.document_size, None, None]) self.context_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [self.document_size, None]) self.context_char = tf.placeholder( tf.int32, [self.document_size, None, None, None]) self.context_word_len = tf.placeholder( tf.int32, [self.document_size, None, None]) self.question_word = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None]) self.question_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None]) self.question_char = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None, None]) self.question_word_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None]) self.answer_start = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [self.document_size, None]) self.answer_end = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [self.document_size, None]) self.abstractive_answer_mask = tf.placeholder( tf.int32, [self.document_size, None, self.abstractive_answer_num]) = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, []) self.question_tokens = tf.placeholder(tf.string, [None, None]) self.context_tokens = tf.placeholder(tf.string, [self.document_size, None, None]) # 1. Word encoding word_embedding = Embedding( pretrained_embedding=self.pretrained_word_embedding, embedding_shape=(len(self.vocab.get_word_vocab()) + 1, self.word_embedding_size), trainable=self.word_embedding_trainable) char_embedding = Embedding( embedding_shape=(len(self.vocab.get_char_vocab()) + 1, self.char_embedding_size), trainable=True, init_scale=0.05) # 1.1 Embedding dropout = Dropout(self.keep_prob) context_word_repr = word_embedding(self.context_word) context_char_repr = char_embedding(self.context_char) question_word_repr = word_embedding(self.question_word) question_char_repr = char_embedding(self.question_char) if self.use_elmo: elmo_emb = ElmoEmbedding(local_path=self.elmo_local_path) context_elmo_repr = elmo_emb(self.context_tokens, self.context_len) context_elmo_repr = dropout(context_elmo_repr, question_elmo_repr = elmo_emb(self.question_tokens, self.question_len) question_elmo_repr = dropout(question_elmo_repr, # 1.2 Char convolution conv1d = Conv1DAndMaxPooling(self.char_conv_filters, self.char_conv_kernel_size) if self.max_pooling_mask: question_char_repr = conv1d( dropout(question_char_repr,, self.question_word_len) context_char_repr = conv1d( dropout(context_char_repr,, self.context_word_len) else: question_char_repr = conv1d( dropout(question_char_repr, context_char_repr = conv1d( dropout(context_char_repr, # 2. Phrase encoding context_embs = [context_word_repr, context_char_repr] question_embs = [question_word_repr, question_char_repr] if self.use_elmo: context_embs.append(context_elmo_repr) question_embs.append(question_elmo_repr) context_repr = tf.concat(context_embs, axis=-1) question_repr = tf.concat(question_embs, axis=-1) variational_dropout = VariationalDropout(self.keep_prob) emb_enc_gru = CudnnBiGRU(self.rnn_hidden_size) context_repr = variational_dropout(context_repr, context_repr, _ = emb_enc_gru(context_repr, self.context_len) context_repr = variational_dropout(context_repr, question_repr = variational_dropout(question_repr, question_repr, _ = emb_enc_gru(question_repr, self.question_len) question_repr = variational_dropout(question_repr, # 3. Bi-Attention bi_attention = BiAttention( TriLinear(bias=True, name="bi_attention_tri_linear")) c2q, q2c = bi_attention(context_repr, question_repr, self.context_len, self.question_len) context_repr = tf.concat( [context_repr, c2q, context_repr * c2q, context_repr * q2c], axis=-1) # 4. Self-Attention layer dense1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.rnn_hidden_size * 2, use_bias=True, activation=tf.nn.relu) gru = CudnnBiGRU(self.rnn_hidden_size) dense2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.rnn_hidden_size * 2, use_bias=True, activation=tf.nn.relu) self_attention = SelfAttention( TriLinear(bias=True, name="self_attention_tri_linear")) inputs = dense1(context_repr) outputs = variational_dropout(inputs, outputs, _ = gru(outputs, self.context_len) outputs = variational_dropout(outputs, c2c = self_attention(outputs, self.context_len) outputs = tf.concat([c2c, outputs, c2c * outputs], axis=len(c2c.shape) - 1) outputs = dense2(outputs) context_repr = inputs + outputs context_repr = variational_dropout(context_repr, # 5. Modeling layer sum_max_encoding = SumMaxEncoder() context_modeling_gru1 = CudnnBiGRU(self.rnn_hidden_size) context_modeling_gru2 = CudnnBiGRU(self.rnn_hidden_size) question_modeling_gru1 = CudnnBiGRU(self.rnn_hidden_size) question_modeling_gru2 = CudnnBiGRU(self.rnn_hidden_size) self.max_context_len = tf.reduce_max(self.context_len) self.max_question_len = tf.reduce_max(self.question_len) modeled_context1, _ = context_modeling_gru1(context_repr, self.context_len) modeled_context2, _ = context_modeling_gru2( tf.concat([context_repr, modeled_context1], axis=2), self.context_len) encoded_context = sum_max_encoding(modeled_context1, self.context_len, self.max_context_len) modeled_question1, _ = question_modeling_gru1(question_repr, self.question_len) modeled_question2, _ = question_modeling_gru2( tf.concat([question_repr, modeled_question1], axis=2), self.question_len) encoded_question = sum_max_encoding(modeled_question2, self.question_len, self.max_question_len) # 6. Predictions start_dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation=None) start_logits = tf.squeeze(start_dense(modeled_context1), squeeze_dims=[2]) start_logits = mask_logits(start_logits, self.context_len) end_dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation=None) end_logits = tf.squeeze(end_dense(modeled_context2), squeeze_dims=[2]) end_logits = mask_logits(end_logits, self.context_len) abstractive_answer_logits = None if self.abstractive_answer_num != 0: abstractive_answer_logits = [] for i in range(self.abstractive_answer_num): tri_linear = TriLinear(name="cls" + str(i)) abstractive_answer_logits.append( tf.squeeze(tri_linear(encoded_context, encoded_question), squeeze_dims=[2])) abstractive_answer_logits = tf.concat(abstractive_answer_logits, axis=-1) # 7. Loss and input/output dict seq_length = tf.shape(start_logits)[1] start_mask = tf.one_hot(self.answer_start, depth=seq_length, dtype=tf.float32) end_mask = tf.one_hot(self.answer_end, depth=seq_length, dtype=tf.float32) if self.abstractive_answer_num != 0: abstractive_answer_mask = tf.cast(self.abstractive_answer_mask, dtype=tf.float32) extractive_mask = 1. - tf.reduce_max( abstractive_answer_mask, axis=-1, keepdims=True) start_mask = extractive_mask * start_mask end_mask = extractive_mask * end_mask concated_start_masks = tf.concat( [start_mask, abstractive_answer_mask], axis=1) concated_end_masks = tf.concat([end_mask, abstractive_answer_mask], axis=1) concated_start_logits = tf.concat( [start_logits, abstractive_answer_logits], axis=1) concated_end_logits = tf.concat( [end_logits, abstractive_answer_logits], axis=1) else: concated_start_masks = start_mask concated_end_masks = end_mask concated_start_logits = start_logits concated_end_logits = end_logits start_log_norm = tf.reduce_logsumexp(concated_start_logits, axis=1) start_log_score = tf.reduce_logsumexp( concated_start_logits + VERY_NEGATIVE_NUMBER * (1 - tf.cast(concated_start_masks, tf.float32)), axis=1) self.start_loss = tf.reduce_mean(-(start_log_score - start_log_norm)) end_log_norm = tf.reduce_logsumexp(concated_end_logits, axis=1) end_log_score = tf.reduce_logsumexp( concated_end_logits + VERY_NEGATIVE_NUMBER * (1 - tf.cast(concated_end_masks, tf.float32)), axis=1) self.end_loss = tf.reduce_mean(-(end_log_score - end_log_norm)) self.loss = self.start_loss + self.end_loss global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() self.input_placeholder_dict = OrderedDict({ "context_word": self.context_word, "question_word": self.question_word, "context_char": self.context_char, "question_char": self.question_char, "context_len": self.context_len, "question_len": self.question_len, "answer_start": self.answer_start, "answer_end": self.answer_end, "training": }) if self.max_pooling_mask: self.input_placeholder_dict[ 'context_word_len'] = self.context_word_len self.input_placeholder_dict[ 'question_word_len'] = self.question_word_len if self.use_elmo: self.input_placeholder_dict['context_tokens'] = self.context_tokens self.input_placeholder_dict[ 'question_tokens'] = self.question_tokens if self.abstractive_answer_num != 0: self.input_placeholder_dict[ "abstractive_answer_mask"] = self.abstractive_answer_mask self.output_variable_dict = OrderedDict({ "start_logits": start_logits, "end_logits": end_logits, }) if self.abstractive_answer_num != 0: self.output_variable_dict[ "abstractive_answer_logits"] = abstractive_answer_logits # 8. Metrics and summary with tf.variable_scope("train_metrics"): self.train_metrics = {'loss': tf.metrics.mean(self.loss)} self.train_update_metrics = *[op for _, op in self.train_metrics.values()]) metric_variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES, scope="train_metrics") self.train_metric_init_op = tf.variables_initializer(metric_variables) with tf.variable_scope("eval_metrics"): self.eval_metrics = {'loss': tf.metrics.mean(self.loss)} self.eval_update_metrics = *[op for _, op in self.eval_metrics.values()]) metric_variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES, scope="eval_metrics") self.eval_metric_init_op = tf.variables_initializer(metric_variables) tf.summary.scalar('loss', self.loss) self.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
def logsumexp(x, axis=None): '''Returns `log(sum(exp(x), axis=axis))` with improved numerical stability. ''' return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis=[axis])
def iwae(cell, inputs, seq_lengths, num_samples=1, parallel_iterations=30, swap_memory=True): """Computes the IWAE lower bound on the log marginal probability. This method accepts a stochastic latent variable model and some observations and computes a stochastic lower bound on the log marginal probability of the observations. The IWAE estimator is defined by averaging multiple importance weights. For more details see "Importance Weighted Autoencoders" by Burda et al. When num_samples = 1, this bound becomes the evidence lower bound (ELBO). Args: cell: A callable that implements one timestep of the model. See models/ for an example. inputs: The inputs to the model. A potentially nested list or tuple of Tensors each of shape [max_seq_len, batch_size, ...]. The Tensors must have a rank at least two and have matching shapes in the first two dimensions, which represent time and the batch respectively. At each timestep 'cell' will be called with a slice of the Tensors in inputs. seq_lengths: A [batch_size] Tensor of ints encoding the length of each sequence in the batch (sequences can be padded to a common length). num_samples: The number of samples to use. parallel_iterations: The number of parallel iterations to use for the internal while loop. swap_memory: Whether GPU-CPU memory swapping should be enabled for the internal while loop. Returns: log_p_hat: A Tensor of shape [batch_size] containing IWAE's estimate of the log marginal probability of the observations. kl: A Tensor of shape [batch_size] containing the kl divergence from q(z|x) to p(z), averaged over samples. log_weights: A Tensor of shape [max_seq_len, batch_size, num_samples] containing the log weights at each timestep. Will not be valid for timesteps past the end of a sequence. log_ess: A Tensor of shape [max_seq_len, batch_size] containing the log effective sample size at each timestep. Will not be valid for timesteps past the end of a sequence. """ batch_size = tf.shape(seq_lengths)[0] max_seq_len = tf.reduce_max(seq_lengths) seq_mask = tf.transpose(tf.sequence_mask(seq_lengths, maxlen=max_seq_len, dtype=tf.float32), perm=[1, 0]) if num_samples > 1: inputs, seq_mask = nested.tile_tensors([inputs, seq_mask], [1, num_samples]) inputs_ta, mask_ta = nested.tas_for_tensors([inputs, seq_mask], max_seq_len) t0 = tf.constant(0, tf.int32) init_states = cell.zero_state(batch_size * num_samples, tf.float32) ta_names = ['log_weights', 'log_ess'] tas = [ tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, max_seq_len, name='%s_ta' % n) for n in ta_names ] log_weights_acc = tf.zeros([num_samples, batch_size], dtype=tf.float32) kl_acc = tf.zeros([num_samples * batch_size], dtype=tf.float32) accs = (log_weights_acc, kl_acc) def while_predicate(t, *unused_args): return t < max_seq_len ######################################################################## def while_step(t, rnn_state, tas, accs): """Implements one timestep of IWAE computation.""" log_weights_acc, kl_acc = accs cur_inputs, cur_mask = nested.read_tas([inputs_ta, mask_ta], t) # Run the cell for one step. log_q_z, log_p_z, log_p_x_given_z, kl, new_state = cell( cur_inputs, rnn_state, cur_mask, ) # Compute the incremental weight and use it to update the current # accumulated weight. kl_acc += kl * cur_mask log_alpha = (log_p_x_given_z + log_p_z - log_q_z) * cur_mask log_alpha = tf.reshape(log_alpha, [num_samples, batch_size]) log_weights_acc += log_alpha # Calculate the effective sample size. ess_num = 2 * tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_weights_acc, axis=0) ess_denom = tf.reduce_logsumexp(2 * log_weights_acc, axis=0) log_ess = ess_num - ess_denom # Update the Tensorarrays and accumulators. ta_updates = [log_weights_acc, log_ess] new_tas = [ta.write(t, x) for ta, x in zip(tas, ta_updates)] new_accs = (log_weights_acc, kl_acc) return t + 1, new_state, new_tas, new_accs ######################################################################### _, _, tas, accs = tf.while_loop(while_predicate, while_step, loop_vars=(t0, init_states, tas, accs), parallel_iterations=parallel_iterations, swap_memory=swap_memory) log_weights, log_ess = [x.stack() for x in tas] final_log_weights, kl = accs log_p_hat = (tf.reduce_logsumexp(final_log_weights, axis=0) - tf.log(tf.to_float(num_samples))) kl = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reshape(kl, [num_samples, batch_size]), axis=0) log_weights = tf.transpose(log_weights, perm=[0, 2, 1]) return log_p_hat, kl, log_weights, log_ess
def _log_sum_sq(x, axis=None): """Computes log(sum(x**2)).""" return tf.reduce_logsumexp(2. * tf.log(tf.abs(x)), axis)
def fivo(cell, inputs, seq_lengths, num_samples=1, resampling_criterion=ess_criterion, parallel_iterations=30, swap_memory=True, random_seed=None): """Computes the FIVO lower bound on the log marginal probability. This method accepts a stochastic latent variable model and some observations and computes a stochastic lower bound on the log marginal probability of the observations. The lower bound is defined by a particle filter's unbiased estimate of the marginal probability of the observations. For more details see "Filtering Variational Objectives" by Maddison et al. When the resampling criterion is "never resample", this bound becomes IWAE. Args: cell: A callable that implements one timestep of the model. See models/ for an example. inputs: The inputs to the model. A potentially nested list or tuple of Tensors each of shape [max_seq_len, batch_size, ...]. The Tensors must have a rank at least two and have matching shapes in the first two dimensions, which represent time and the batch respectively. At each timestep 'cell' will be called with a slice of the Tensors in inputs. seq_lengths: A [batch_size] Tensor of ints encoding the length of each sequence in the batch (sequences can be padded to a common length). num_samples: The number of particles to use in each particle filter. resampling_criterion: The resampling criterion to use for this particle filter. Must accept the number of samples, the effective sample size, and the current timestep and return a boolean Tensor of shape [batch_size] indicating whether each particle filter should resample. See ess_criterion and related functions defined in this file for examples. parallel_iterations: The number of parallel iterations to use for the internal while loop. Note that values greater than 1 can introduce non-determinism even when random_seed is provided. swap_memory: Whether GPU-CPU memory swapping should be enabled for the internal while loop. random_seed: The random seed to pass to the resampling operations in the particle filter. Mainly useful for testing. Returns: log_p_hat: A Tensor of shape [batch_size] containing FIVO's estimate of the log marginal probability of the observations. kl: A Tensor of shape [batch_size] containing the sum over time of the kl divergence from q_t(z_t|x) to p_t(z_t), averaged over particles. Note that this includes kl terms from trajectories that are culled during resampling steps. log_weights: A Tensor of shape [max_seq_len, batch_size, num_samples] containing the log weights at each timestep of the particle filter. Note that on timesteps when a resampling operation is performed the log weights are reset to 0. Will not be valid for timesteps past the end of a sequence. log_ess: A Tensor of shape [max_seq_len, batch_size] containing the log effective sample size of each particle filter at each timestep. Will not be valid for timesteps past the end of a sequence. resampled: A Tensor of shape [max_seq_len, batch_size] indicating when the particle filters resampled. Will be 1.0 on timesteps when resampling occurred and 0.0 on timesteps when it did not. """ # batch_size represents the number of particle filters running in parallel. batch_size = tf.shape(seq_lengths)[0] max_seq_len = tf.reduce_max(seq_lengths) seq_mask = tf.transpose(tf.sequence_mask(seq_lengths, maxlen=max_seq_len, dtype=tf.float32), perm=[1, 0]) # Each sequence in the batch will be the input data for a different # particle filter. The batch will be laid out as: # particle 1 of particle filter 1 # particle 1 of particle filter 2 # ... # particle 1 of particle filter batch_size # particle 2 of particle filter 1 # ... # particle num_samples of particle filter batch_size if num_samples > 1: inputs, seq_mask = nested.tile_tensors([inputs, seq_mask], [1, num_samples]) inputs_ta, mask_ta = nested.tas_for_tensors([inputs, seq_mask], max_seq_len) t0 = tf.constant(0, tf.int32) init_states = cell.zero_state(batch_size * num_samples, tf.float32) ta_names = ['log_weights', 'log_ess', 'resampled'] tas = [ tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, max_seq_len, name='%s_ta' % n) for n in ta_names ] log_weights_acc = tf.zeros([num_samples, batch_size], dtype=tf.float32) log_p_hat_acc = tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.float32) kl_acc = tf.zeros([num_samples * batch_size], dtype=tf.float32) accs = (log_weights_acc, log_p_hat_acc, kl_acc) def while_predicate(t, *unused_args): return t < max_seq_len def while_step(t, rnn_state, tas, accs): """Implements one timestep of FIVO computation.""" log_weights_acc, log_p_hat_acc, kl_acc = accs cur_inputs, cur_mask = nested.read_tas([inputs_ta, mask_ta], t) # Run the cell for one step. log_q_z, log_p_z, log_p_x_given_z, kl, new_state = cell( cur_inputs, rnn_state, cur_mask, ) # Compute the incremental weight and use it to update the current # accumulated weight. kl_acc += kl * cur_mask log_alpha = (log_p_x_given_z + log_p_z - log_q_z) * cur_mask log_alpha = tf.reshape(log_alpha, [num_samples, batch_size]) log_weights_acc += log_alpha # Calculate the effective sample size(ESS for unnormalized weights). ess_num = 2 * tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_weights_acc, axis=0) ess_denom = tf.reduce_logsumexp(2 * log_weights_acc, axis=0) log_ess = ess_num - ess_denom # Calculate the ancestor indices via resampling. Because we maintain the # log unnormalized weights, we pass the weights in as logits, allowing # the distribution object to apply a softmax and normalize them. resampling_dist = tf.contrib.distributions.Categorical( logits=tf.transpose(log_weights_acc, perm=[1, 0])) ancestor_inds = tf.stop_gradient( resampling_dist.sample(sample_shape=num_samples, seed=random_seed)) # Because the batch is flattened and laid out as discussed # above, we must modify ancestor_inds to index the proper samples. # The particles in the ith filter are distributed every batch_size rows # in the batch, and offset i rows from the top. So, to correct the indices # we multiply by the batch_size and add the proper offset. Crucially, # when ancestor_inds is flattened the layout of the batch is maintained. offset = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size), 0) ancestor_inds = tf.reshape(ancestor_inds * batch_size + offset, [-1]) noresample_inds = tf.range(num_samples * batch_size) # Decide whether or not we should resample; don't resample if we are past # the end of a sequence. # should_resample = resampling_criterion(log_weights_acc, log_ess, t) should_resample = -tf.reduce_sum( log_weights_acc, axis=0) >= tf.reduce_sum(num_samples / 2.0) ## GIVEN # should_resample = resampling_criterion(num_samples, log_ess, t) should_resample = tf.logical_and(should_resample, cur_mask[:batch_size] > 0.) float_should_resample = tf.to_float(should_resample) ancestor_inds = tf.where(tf.tile(should_resample, [num_samples]), ancestor_inds, noresample_inds) new_state = nested.gather_tensors(new_state, ancestor_inds) # Update the TensorArrays before we reset the weights so that we capture # the incremental weights and not zeros. ta_updates = [log_weights_acc, log_ess, float_should_resample] new_tas = [ta.write(t, x) for ta, x in zip(tas, ta_updates)] # For the particle filters that resampled, update log_p_hat and # reset weights to zero. log_p_hat_update = tf.reduce_logsumexp( log_weights_acc, axis=0) - tf.log(tf.to_float(num_samples)) log_p_hat_acc += log_p_hat_update * float_should_resample log_weights_acc *= ( 1. - tf.tile(float_should_resample[tf.newaxis, :], [num_samples, 1])) new_accs = (log_weights_acc, log_p_hat_acc, kl_acc) return t + 1, new_state, new_tas, new_accs _, _, tas, accs = tf.while_loop(while_predicate, while_step, loop_vars=(t0, init_states, tas, accs), parallel_iterations=parallel_iterations, swap_memory=swap_memory) log_weights, log_ess, resampled = [x.stack() for x in tas] final_log_weights, log_p_hat, kl = accs # Add in the final weight update to log_p_hat( objective loss). log_p_hat += (tf.reduce_logsumexp(final_log_weights, axis=0) - tf.log(tf.to_float(num_samples))) kl = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reshape(kl, [num_samples, batch_size]), axis=0) log_weights = tf.transpose(log_weights, perm=[0, 2, 1]) return log_p_hat, kl, log_weights, log_ess, resampled
def call(self, X): """ Calculates the log-likelihood of datapoint(s) with M-dimensions In matrix-multiplication format like z . (A (x) B)^T . (C (x) D)^T ... Input X : Datapoint(s) in M-dimensions. Return log likelihoods of data """ # Ensure dimension of data is the same as model if X.shape[1] != self.M: raise Exception('Dataset has wrong dimensions') X = tf.cast(tf.reshape(X, (-1, self.M)), tf.float32) # Go from logits -> weights wk0 = tf.nn.softmax(self.wk0_logits, axis=1) # axis 1 as it is (1, K0) W = [tf.nn.softmax(self.W_logits[i], axis=0) for i in range(self.M)] # Modify params params = self.fix_params() if self.M < 7: # ######### Multiply in exp_domain product = tf.eye(wk0.shape[1]) # start out with identity matrix for i in range(self.M): result = tfm.exp( tfm.log(W[i]) + self.dists[i](*params[i]).log_prob( # Make data broadcastable into (n, km, kn) X[:, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, i]) ) # intermediary calculation in log-domain -> exp after. # Keep batch dimension in place, transpose matrices product = product @ tf.transpose(result, perm=[0, 2, 1]) # In order: Squeeze (n, 1, k_last) -> (n, k_last). # Reduce sum over k_last into (n, ) # Squeeze result to (n, ) if n > 1 or () if n == 1 likelihoods = tf.squeeze( tf.reduce_sum(tf.squeeze(wk0 @ product, axis=1), axis=1)) # add small number to avoid nan log_likelihoods = tfm.log(likelihoods + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) else: ######### Multiply in log_domain # Inner product product = tfm.log(W[0]) + self.dists[0](*params[0]).log_prob( X[:, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, 0]) product = tf.transpose(product, perm=[0, 2, 1]) for i in range(1, self.M): result = tfm.log(W[i]) + self.dists[i](*params[i]).log_prob( X[:, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, i]) product = tf.reduce_logsumexp( product[:, :, :, tf.newaxis] + tf.transpose(result, perm=[0, 2, 1])[:, tf.newaxis, :, :], axis=2) # Multiply with wk0 prod = tf.squeeze(tfm.reduce_logsumexp( tfm.log(wk0[:, :, tf.newaxis]) + product[:, tf.newaxis, :, :], axis=2), axis=1) log_likelihoods = tf.reduce_logsumexp(prod, axis=1) return log_likelihoods
def __init__( self, *, env_spec, # No good default, but we do need to have it expert_trajs=None, reward_arch=cnn_net, reward_arch_args={}, value_fn_arch=cnn_net, score_discrim=False, discount=1.0, state_only=False, max_itrs=100, fusion=False, name='airl', drop_framestack=False, only_show_scores=False, rescore_expert_trajs=True, encoder_loc=None): super(AIRL, self).__init__() # Write down everything that we're going to need in order to restore # this. All of these arguments are serializable, so it's pretty easy self.init_args = dict(model=AtariAIRL, env_spec=env_spec, expert_trajs=expert_trajs, reward_arch=reward_arch, reward_arch_args=reward_arch_args, value_fn_arch=value_fn_arch, score_discrim=score_discrim, discount=discount, state_only=state_only, max_itrs=max_itrs, fusion=fusion, name=name, rescore_expert_trajs=rescore_expert_trajs, drop_framestack=drop_framestack, only_show_scores=only_show_scores, encoder_loc=encoder_loc) self.encoder = None if not encoder_loc else encoding.VariationalAutoEncoder.load( encoder_loc) self.encode_fn = None if self.encoder: if state_only: self.encode_fn = self.encoder.base_vector else: self.encode_fn = self.encoder.encode if fusion: self.fusion = RamFusionDistr(100, subsample_ratio=0.5) else: self.fusion = None if self.encoder: self.dO = self.encoder.encoding_shape self.dOshape = self.encoder.encoding_shape else: self.dO = env_spec.observation_space.flat_dim self.dOshape = env_spec.observation_space.shape if drop_framestack: assert len(self.dOshape) == 3 self.dOshape = (*self.dOshape[:-1], 1) self.dU = env_spec.action_space.flat_dim assert isinstance(env_spec.action_space, Box) self.score_discrim = score_discrim self.gamma = discount assert value_fn_arch is not None #self.set_demos(expert_trajs) self.expert_trajs = expert_trajs self.state_only = state_only self.max_itrs = max_itrs self.drop_framestack = drop_framestack self.only_show_scores = only_show_scores self.expert_cache = None self.rescore_expert_trajs = rescore_expert_trajs # build energy model with tf.variable_scope(name) as _vs: # Should be batch_size x T x dO/dU obs_dtype = tf.int8 if reward_arch == cnn_net else tf.float32 self.obs_t = tf.placeholder(obs_dtype, list((None, ) + self.dOshape), name='obs') self.nobs_t = tf.placeholder(obs_dtype, list((None, ) + self.dOshape), name='nobs') self.act_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.dU], name='act') self.nact_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.dU], name='nact') self.labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1], name='labels') self.lprobs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1], name='log_probs') = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (), name='lr') with tf.variable_scope('discrim') as dvs: rew_input = self.obs_t with tf.variable_scope('reward'): if self.state_only: self.reward = reward_arch(rew_input, dout=1, **reward_arch_args) else: print("Not state only", self.act_t) self.reward = reward_arch(rew_input, actions=self.act_t, dout=1, **reward_arch_args) # value function shaping with tf.variable_scope('vfn'): fitted_value_fn_n = value_fn_arch(self.nobs_t, dout=1) with tf.variable_scope('vfn', reuse=True): self.value_fn = fitted_value_fn = value_fn_arch(self.obs_t, dout=1) # Define log p_tau(a|s) = r + gamma * V(s') - V(s) self.qfn = self.reward + self.gamma * fitted_value_fn_n log_p_tau = self.reward + self.gamma * fitted_value_fn_n - fitted_value_fn log_q_tau = self.lprobs log_pq = tf.reduce_logsumexp([log_p_tau, log_q_tau], axis=0) self.discrim_output = tf.exp(log_p_tau - log_pq) self.accuracy, self.update_accuracy = tf.metrics.accuracy( labels=self.labels, predictions=self.discrim_output > 0.5) self.loss = -tf.reduce_mean(self.labels * (log_p_tau - log_pq) + (1 - self.labels) * (log_q_tau - log_pq)) self.step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( self.loss) self._make_param_ops(_vs) self.grad_reward = tf.gradients(self.reward, [self.obs_t, self.act_t]) self.modify_obs = self.get_ablation_modifiers() self.score_mean = 0 self.score_std = 1
def _log_sum_sq(x, axis=None): """Computes log(sum(x**2)).""" return tf.reduce_logsumexp( input_tensor=2. * tf.math.log(tf.abs(x)), axis=axis)
def loop_step(batch_index, ts, stop_decoder, states, alphas, cand_seqs, cand_scores, completed_scores, completed_scores_scaled, completed_seqs, completed_lens): """ Args: ts (int): time step stop_decoder (bool): stop decoding ys (?): [beam_size] states (float): [beam_size, state_size] alphas (float): [beam_size, alpha_size] cand_scores: [beam_size], sequence score cand_seqs: [beam_size, ts], ts increases over time Returns: logits shape: [beam_size, output_dim] state: [beam_size, state_size] alpha: [beam_size, alpha_size] """ # 1. get score from one step decoder # logits = tf.one_hot(ts, depth=num_symbols, off_value=0.0, dtype=tf.float32) if DEBUG: ts = tf.Print(ts, [ts], message='ts: ') ys = cand_seqs[:, ts] if DEBUG: ys = tf.Print(ys, [ys], message='Y(t-1): ') logits, states, alphas = self.step(ys, states, alphas, batch_index) if DEBUG: logits = tf.Print(logits, [logits], message='logits: ') Z = tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, 1, keep_dims=True) if DEBUG: Z = tf.Print(Z, [Z], message='Z: ') logprobs = tf.subtract(logits, Z) # [beam_size, num_symbols] new_scores = tf.add(logprobs, tf.expand_dims(cand_scores, 1)) # [beam_size, num_symbols] if DEBUG: new_scores = tf.Print(new_scores, [new_scores], message='new_scores: ') num_unstop_symbols = tf.shape(new_scores)[1] - 1 new_uncompleted_scores, new_completed_scores = tf.split( new_scores, [num_unstop_symbols, 1], 1) if DEBUG: new_uncompleted_scores = tf.Print( new_uncompleted_scores, [new_uncompleted_scores], message='new_uncompleted_scores: ') # 2. Update completed seqs -------------------------------------- # 2.1 update scores new_completed_scores = tf.squeeze(new_completed_scores, -1) # [beam_size] all_completed_scores = tf.concat( [completed_scores, new_completed_scores], 0) # [2*beam_size] # 2.2 choose top K from scaled_scores new_completed_scores_scaled = tf.div(new_completed_scores, tf.to_float(ts + 1)) all_scores_scaled = tf.concat( [completed_scores_scaled, new_completed_scores_scaled], 0) completed_scores_scaled, indices = tf.nn.top_k(all_scores_scaled, k=beam_size, sorted=False) if DEBUG: indices = tf.Print(indices, [indices], message='top K completed indices: ') # 2.2 update len new_completed_lens = tf.fill([beam_size], tf.add(ts, 1)) # [beam_size] all_lens = tf.concat([completed_lens, new_completed_lens], 0) # [2*beam_size] completed_lens = tf.gather(all_lens, indices, validate_indices=True, axis=0) # [beam_size] if DEBUG: completed_lens = tf.Print(completed_lens, [completed_lens], message='completed lens', summarize=5) # 2.3 update seqs all_completed = tf.concat([completed_seqs, cand_seqs], 0) completed_seqs = tf.gather(all_completed, indices, validate_indices=True, axis=0) # [beam_size, ts] if DEBUG: completed_seqs = tf.Print(completed_seqs, [completed_seqs], message='completed seqs: ', summarize=MAX_STEPS + 2) # 2.4 stop decoding loop max_uncompleted = tf.reduce_max(new_uncompleted_scores) completed_scores = tf.gather(all_completed_scores, indices, validate_indices=True, axis=0) min_completed = tf.reduce_min(completed_scores) stop_decoder = tf.greater(min_completed, max_uncompleted) # 2. Update completed seqs -------------------------------------- # 3. Update uncompleted sequences -------------------------------- # new_uncompleted_scores: [beam_size, num_symbols-1] # top_k: [beam_size]. indices of top k scores def f0(): return new_uncompleted_scores[0, :] def f1(): return new_uncompleted_scores un_scores = tf.cond(tf.equal(ts, 0), f0, f1) new_flat = tf.squeeze(tf.reshape( un_scores, [-1, 1])) # [beam_size*num_unstop_symbols] # get top K symbols cand_scores, flat_indices = tf.nn.top_k(new_flat, k=beam_size, sorted=False) cand_parents = tf.div(flat_indices, num_unstop_symbols) _ys = tf.mod(flat_indices, num_unstop_symbols) # [beam_size], y(t) for next step A = tf.gather(cand_seqs[:, 0:ts + 1], cand_parents) #[beam_size, ts+1] B = tf.expand_dims(_ys, -1) # [beam_size, 1] C = tf.fill([beam_size, MAX_STEPS + 2 - ts - 2], stop_symbol) cand_seqs = tf.concat([A, B, C], 1) # [beam_size, MAX_STEPS] if DEBUG: cand_seqs = tf.Print(cand_seqs, [cand_seqs], message='cand seqs: ', summarize=MAX_STEPS + 2) # cand_seqs.set_shape([beam_size, MAX_STEPS+2]) cand_seqs = tf.reshape(cand_seqs, [beam_size, MAX_STEPS + 2]) cand_scores.set_shape([beam_size]) # completed_seqs.set_shape([beam_size, MAX_STEPS+2]) completed_seqs = tf.reshape(completed_seqs, [beam_size, MAX_STEPS + 2]) s1_shape = [beam_size, self.attention_cell.state_size] s2_shape = [beam_size, self.decoder_cell.state_size] s3_shape = [beam_size, self.attn_context.context_size] # prepare data for next step # states = tf.gather(states, cand_parents, axis=0) # states = self.select_states(states, cand_parents) states = tuple(tf.gather(el, cand_parents) for el in states) states[0].set_shape(s1_shape) states[1].set_shape(s2_shape) states[2].set_shape(s3_shape) alphas = tf.gather(alphas, cand_parents, axis=1) alphas_shape = [self.attn_context.num_encoder_states, beam_size] alphas = tf.reshape(alphas, alphas_shape) # alphas.set_shape(alphas_shape) # 3. Update uncompleted sequences -------------------------------- ts = tf.add(ts, 1) return ts, stop_decoder, states, alphas, cand_seqs, \ cand_scores, completed_scores, completed_scores_scaled, \ completed_seqs, completed_lens
def _compute_log_acceptance_correction(current_momentums, proposed_momentums, independent_chain_ndims, name=None): """Helper to `kernel` which computes the log acceptance-correction. A sufficient but not necessary condition for the existence of a stationary distribution, `p(x)`, is "detailed balance", i.e.: ```none p(x'|x) p(x) = p(x|x') p(x') ``` In the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a state is proposed according to `g(x'|x)` and accepted according to `a(x'|x)`, hence `p(x'|x) = g(x'|x) a(x'|x)`. Inserting this into the detailed balance equation implies: ```none g(x'|x) a(x'|x) p(x) = g(x|x') a(x|x') p(x') ==> a(x'|x) / a(x|x') = p(x') / p(x) [g(x|x') / g(x'|x)] (*) ``` One definition of `a(x'|x)` which satisfies (*) is: ```none a(x'|x) = min(1, p(x') / p(x) [g(x|x') / g(x'|x)]) ``` (To see that this satisfies (*), notice that under this definition only at most one `a(x'|x)` and `a(x|x') can be other than one.) We call the bracketed term the "acceptance correction". In the case of UncalibratedHMC, the log acceptance-correction is not the log proposal-ratio. UncalibratedHMC augments the state-space with momentum, z. Assuming a standard Gaussian distribution for momentums, the chain eventually converges to: ```none p([x, z]) propto= target_prob(x) exp(-0.5 z**2) ``` Relating this back to Metropolis-Hastings parlance, for HMC we have: ```none p([x, z]) propto= target_prob(x) exp(-0.5 z**2) g([x, z] | [x', z']) = g([x', z'] | [x, z]) ``` In other words, the MH bracketed term is `1`. However, because we desire to use a general MH framework, we can place the momentum probability ratio inside the metropolis-correction factor thus getting an acceptance probability: ```none target_prob(x') accept_prob(x'|x) = ----------------- [exp(-0.5 z**2) / exp(-0.5 z'**2)] target_prob(x) ``` (Note: we actually need to handle the kinetic energy change at each leapfrog step, but this is the idea.) Args: current_momentums: `Tensor` representing the value(s) of the current momentum(s) of the state (parts). proposed_momentums: `Tensor` representing the value(s) of the proposed momentum(s) of the state (parts). independent_chain_ndims: Scalar `int` `Tensor` representing the number of leftmost `Tensor` dimensions which index independent chains. name: Python `str` name prefixed to Ops created by this function. Default value: `None` (i.e., 'compute_log_acceptance_correction'). Returns: log_acceptance_correction: `Tensor` representing the `log` acceptance-correction. (See docstring for mathematical definition.) """ with tf.compat.v1.name_scope( name, 'compute_log_acceptance_correction', [independent_chain_ndims, current_momentums, proposed_momentums]): log_current_kinetic, log_proposed_kinetic = [], [] for current_momentum, proposed_momentum in zip( current_momentums, proposed_momentums): axis = tf.range(independent_chain_ndims, tf.rank(current_momentum)) log_current_kinetic.append(_log_sum_sq(current_momentum, axis)) log_proposed_kinetic.append(_log_sum_sq(proposed_momentum, axis)) current_kinetic = 0.5 * tf.exp( tf.reduce_logsumexp( input_tensor=tf.stack(log_current_kinetic, axis=-1), axis=-1)) proposed_kinetic = 0.5 * tf.exp( tf.reduce_logsumexp( input_tensor=tf.stack(log_proposed_kinetic, axis=-1), axis=-1)) return mcmc_util.safe_sum([current_kinetic, -proposed_kinetic])
def main(unused_argv=()): # load default data data = utils.get_data_retina() # verify utils utils.verify_data(data) ######################################################################### ## Try some architecture. embedx = 20 embedy = 10 stim_history = 30 batch_size = 1000 batch_neg_resp = 100 beta = 10 is_training = True with tf.Session() as sess: ei_embedding, ei_tf = em.embed_ei(embedx, embedy, data['eix'], data['eiy'], data['n_elec'], data['ei_embedding_matrix'], is_training=is_training) responses_embedding, responses_tf = em.embed_responses( embedx, embedy, ei_embedding, is_training=is_training) stimulus_embedding, stim_tf = em.embed_stimulus( embedx, embedy, data['stimx'], data['stimy'], stim_history=stim_history, is_training=is_training) responses_embedding_pos = tf.gather( responses_embedding, np.arange(batch_size).astype( responses_embedding_neg = tf.gather( responses_embedding, np.arange(batch_size, batch_neg_resp + batch_size).astype( d_pos = tf.reduce_sum( (stimulus_embedding - responses_embedding_pos)**2, [1, 2]) d_neg_pairs = tf.reduce_sum( (tf.expand_dims(responses_embedding_pos, 1) - tf.expand_dims(responses_embedding_neg, 0))**2, [2, 3]) d_neg = -tf.reduce_logsumexp(-d_neg_pairs / beta, 1) loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.relu(d_pos - d_neg + 1)) train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.01).minimize(loss) from IPython import embed embed() for _ in range(10000): stim_batch, resp_batch, ei_batch, resp_batch_neg = get_train_batch( data, batch_size=batch_size, batch_neg_resp=batch_neg_resp, stim_history=stim_history) feed_dict = { ei_tf: ei_batch, responses_tf: np.append(resp_batch, resp_batch_neg, 0), stim_tf: stim_batch } loss_np, _ =[loss, train_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) print(loss_np)
def neglogp(self, x): p = tf.stack([self.log_mixing_probs[:,i] + self.gaussians[i].logp(x) for i in range(self.n)]) if self.hard_grad: return -tf.reduce_max(p, axis=[0]) else: return -tf.reduce_logsumexp(p, axis=[0])
def get_mdn_coef(output): logmix, mean, logstd = tf.split(output, 3, 1) logmix = logmix - tf.reduce_logsumexp(logmix, 1, keepdims=True) return logmix, mean, logstd
def step_fn(inputs): """Per-Replica StepFn.""" images = inputs['features'] labels = inputs['labels'] logits_list = [] stddev_list = [] for i in range(FLAGS.ensemble_size): logits = model(images, training=False) if isinstance(logits, (list, tuple)): # If model returns a tuple of (logits, covmat), extract both logits, covmat = logits else: covmat = tf.eye(logits.shape[0]) logits = mean_field_logits( logits, covmat, mean_field_factor=FLAGS.gp_mean_field_factor) stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.linalg.diag_part(covmat)) stddev_list.append(stddev) logits_list.append(logits) member_probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits) member_loss = tf.keras.losses.sparse_categorical_crossentropy( labels, member_probs) metrics[f'{dataset_split}/nll_member_{i}'].update_state( member_loss) metrics[f'{dataset_split}/accuracy_member_{i}'].update_state( labels, member_probs) # Logits dimension is (num_samples, batch_size, num_classes). logits_list = tf.stack(logits_list, axis=0) stddev_list = tf.stack(stddev_list, axis=0) stddev = tf.reduce_mean(stddev_list, axis=0) probs_list = tf.nn.softmax(logits_list) probs = tf.reduce_mean(probs_list, axis=0) labels_broadcasted = tf.broadcast_to( labels, [FLAGS.ensemble_size, labels.shape[0]]) log_likelihoods = -tf.keras.losses.sparse_categorical_crossentropy( labels_broadcasted, logits_list, from_logits=True) negative_log_likelihood = tf.reduce_mean( -tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_likelihoods, axis=[0]) + tf.math.log(float(FLAGS.ensemble_size))) if dataset_name == 'clean': metrics[ f'{dataset_split}/negative_log_likelihood'].update_state( negative_log_likelihood) metrics[f'{dataset_split}/accuracy'].update_state( labels, probs) metrics[f'{dataset_split}/ece'].add_batch(probs, label=labels) metrics[f'{dataset_split}/stddev'].update_state(stddev) else: corrupt_metrics['test/nll_{}'.format( dataset_name)].update_state(negative_log_likelihood) corrupt_metrics['test/accuracy_{}'.format( dataset_name)].update_state(labels, probs) corrupt_metrics['test/ece_{}'.format(dataset_name)].add_batch( probs, label=labels) corrupt_metrics['test/stddev_{}'.format( dataset_name)].update_state(stddev)
def test_partition_2_step_incomplete_does_not_add_up_to_one(self): log_values = self.dynamic_spn( [self.data_2_steps[:-1], [2] * (self.data_2_steps.shape[0] - 1)] ) self.assertNotEqual(tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_values), 0.0)
def __init__( self, train_envs, n_act_dim=envs.N_ACT_DIM, n_obs_dim=envs.N_OBS_DIM, true_dynamics=None, ): """ Args: train_envs: List of environments. Uses known rewards. true_dynamics: If None, use dynamics from first training task. """ n_train_tasks = len(train_envs) demo_obs_t_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None]) demo_act_t_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None]) demo_task_t_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None]) demo_batch_size_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32) demo_batch_idxes = tf.reshape( tf.range(0, demo_batch_size_ph, 1), [demo_batch_size_ph, 1]) demo_q_t = tf.stack([ self._build_mlp( self._featurize_obs(demo_obs_t_ph, n_obs_dim), n_act_dim, q_scope+'-'+str(train_task_idx), n_layers=q_n_layers, size=q_layer_size, activation=q_activation, output_activation=q_output_activation, ) for train_task_idx in range(n_train_tasks) ], axis=0) demo_q_t = tf.gather_nd(demo_q_t, tf.concat( [tf.expand_dims(demo_task_t_ph, 1), demo_batch_idxes], axis=1)) demo_act_idxes = tf.concat([demo_batch_idxes, tf.reshape( demo_act_t_ph, [demo_batch_size_ph, 1])], axis=1) demo_act_val_t = tf.gather_nd(demo_q_t, demo_act_idxes) state_val_t = tf.reduce_logsumexp(demo_q_t, axis=1) act_log_likelihoods = demo_act_val_t - state_val_t neg_avg_log_likelihood = -tf.reduce_mean(act_log_likelihoods) obs_for_obs_tp1_probs = tf.cast(tf.floor( tf.range(0, n_obs_dim*n_act_dim, 1) / n_act_dim), dtype=tf.int32) act_for_obs_tp1_probs = tf.floormod(tf.range( 0, n_obs_dim*n_act_dim, 1), n_act_dim) obs_tp1_probs_in = tf.one_hot( obs_for_obs_tp1_probs*n_act_dim+act_for_obs_tp1_probs, n_obs_dim*n_act_dim) obs_tp1_probs = self._build_mlp( obs_tp1_probs_in, n_obs_dim, im_scope, n_layers=n_layers, size=layer_size, activation=activation, output_activation=output_activation ) obs_tp1_probs = tf.reshape( obs_tp1_probs, [n_obs_dim, n_act_dim, n_obs_dim]) q_tp1 = tf.stack([ self._build_mlp( self._featurize_obs(tf.range(0, n_obs_dim, 1), n_obs_dim), n_act_dim, q_scope+'-'+str(train_task_idx), n_layers=q_n_layers, size=q_layer_size, activation=q_activation, output_activation=q_output_activation, reuse=True, ) for train_task_idx in range(n_train_tasks) ], axis=0) v_tp1 = tf.reduce_logsumexp(q_tp1, axis=2) all_rew = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.stack( [env.unwrapped.R for env in train_envs], axis=0), dtype=tf.float32) v_tp1_broad = tf.reshape(v_tp1, [n_train_tasks, 1, 1, n_obs_dim]) obs_tp1_probs_broad = tf.expand_dims(obs_tp1_probs, 0) exp_v_tp1 = tf.reduce_sum(obs_tp1_probs_broad * v_tp1_broad, axis=3) exp_rew_t = tf.reduce_sum(obs_tp1_probs_broad * all_rew, axis=3) target_t = exp_rew_t + gamma * exp_v_tp1 q_t = tf.stack([ self._build_mlp( self._featurize_obs(tf.range(0, n_obs_dim, 1), n_obs_dim), n_act_dim, q_scope+'-'+str(train_task_idx), n_layers=q_n_layers, size=q_layer_size, activation=q_activation, output_activation=q_output_activation, reuse=True, ) for train_task_idx in range(n_train_tasks) ], axis=0) td_err = q_t - target_t sq_td_err = tf.reduce_mean(td_err**2) loss = neg_avg_log_likelihood + sq_td_err_penalty * sq_td_err update_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss) self.n_act_dim = n_act_dim self.n_obs_dim = n_obs_dim self.demo_obs_t_ph = demo_obs_t_ph self.demo_act_t_ph = demo_act_t_ph self.demo_task_t_ph = demo_task_t_ph self.demo_batch_size_ph = demo_batch_size_ph self.q_t = q_t self.loss = loss self.neg_avg_log_likelihood = neg_avg_log_likelihood self.sq_td_err = sq_td_err self.update_op = update_op self.obs_tp1_probs = obs_tp1_probs if true_dynamics is None: self.true_dynamics = np.argmax(train_envs[0].unwrapped.T, axis=2) else: self.true_dynamics = true_dynamics
def get_lossfunc(logmix, mean, logstd, y): v = logmix + tf_lognormal(y, mean, logstd) v = tf.reduce_logsumexp(v, 1, keepdims=True) return -tf.reduce_mean(v)
def add_relevant_loss(loss, relevant_Y, final_loss): relevant_loss = tf.gather(params=loss, indices=relevant_Y) # get relevant rows relevant_loss = tf.reduce_logsumexp(relevant_loss) # calculate the any-sample loss of these rows final_loss = final_loss + relevant_loss # add to final loss return final_loss
def resample(particle_states, particle_weights, alpha): """ Implements (soft)-resampling of particles. :param particle_states: tf op (batch, K, 3), particle states :param particle_weights: tf op (batch, K), unnormalized particle weights in log space :param alpha: float, trade-off parameter for soft-resampling. alpha == 1 corresponds to standard, hard-resampling. alpha == 0 corresponds to sampling particles uniformly, ignoring their weights. :return: particle_states, particle_weights """ with tf.name_scope('resample'): assert 0.0 < alpha <= 1.0 batch_size, num_particles = particle_states.get_shape().as_list( )[:2] # normalize particle_weights = particle_weights - tf.reduce_logsumexp( particle_weights, axis=-1, keep_dims=True) uniform_weights = tf.constant(-np.log(num_particles), shape=(batch_size, num_particles), dtype=tf.float32) # build sampling distribution, q(s), and update particle weights if alpha < 1.0: # soft resampling q_weights = tf.stack([ particle_weights + np.log(alpha), uniform_weights + np.log(1.0 - alpha) ], axis=-1) q_weights = tf.reduce_logsumexp(q_weights, axis=-1, keep_dims=False) q_weights = q_weights - tf.reduce_logsumexp( q_weights, axis=-1, keep_dims=True) # normalized particle_weights = particle_weights - q_weights # this is unnormalized else: # hard resampling. this will produce zero gradients q_weights = particle_weights particle_weights = uniform_weights # sample particle indices according to q(s) indices = tf.cast(tf.multinomial(q_weights, num_particles), tf.int32) # shape: (batch_size, num_particles) # index into particles helper = tf.range(0, batch_size * num_particles, delta=num_particles, dtype=tf.int32) # (batch, ) indices = indices + tf.expand_dims(helper, axis=1) particle_states = tf.reshape(particle_states, (batch_size * num_particles, 3)) particle_states = tf.gather( particle_states, indices=indices, axis=0) # (batch_size, num_particles, 3) particle_weights = tf.reshape(particle_weights, (batch_size * num_particles, )) particle_weights = tf.gather( particle_weights, indices=indices, axis=0) # (batch_size, num_particles,) return particle_states, particle_weights
def main(): print("Local rank: ", hvd.local_rank(), hvd.size()) logdir = osp.join(FLAGS.logdir, FLAGS.exp) if hvd.rank() == 0: if not osp.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) logger = TensorBoardOutputFormat(logdir) else: logger = None LABEL = None print("Loading Data...") if FLAGS.dataset == 'cifar10': dataset = Cifar10(augment=FLAGS.augment, rescale=FLAGS.rescale) test_dataset = Cifar10(train=False, rescale=FLAGS.rescale) channel_num = 3 X_NOISE = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 32, 32, 3), dtype=tf.float32) X = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 32, 32, 3), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 10), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL_POS = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 10), dtype=tf.float32) if FLAGS.large_model: model = ResNet32Large( num_channels=channel_num, num_filters=128, train=True) elif FLAGS.larger_model: model = ResNet32Larger( num_channels=channel_num, num_filters=128) elif FLAGS.wider_model: model = ResNet32Wider( num_channels=channel_num, num_filters=192) else: model = ResNet32( num_channels=channel_num, num_filters=128) elif FLAGS.dataset == 'imagenet': dataset = Imagenet(train=True) test_dataset = Imagenet(train=False) channel_num = 3 X_NOISE = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 32, 32, 3), dtype=tf.float32) X = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 32, 32, 3), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 1000), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL_POS = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 1000), dtype=tf.float32) model = ResNet32Wider( num_channels=channel_num, num_filters=256) elif FLAGS.dataset == 'imagenetfull': channel_num = 3 X_NOISE = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 128, 128, 3), dtype=tf.float32) X = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 128, 128, 3), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 1000), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL_POS = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 1000), dtype=tf.float32) model = ResNet128( num_channels=channel_num, num_filters=64) elif FLAGS.dataset == 'mnist': dataset = Mnist(rescale=FLAGS.rescale) test_dataset = dataset channel_num = 1 X_NOISE = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 28, 28), dtype=tf.float32) X = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 28, 28), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 10), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL_POS = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 10), dtype=tf.float32) model = MnistNet( num_channels=channel_num, num_filters=FLAGS.num_filters) elif FLAGS.dataset == 'dsprites': dataset = DSprites( cond_shape=FLAGS.cond_shape, cond_size=FLAGS.cond_size, cond_pos=FLAGS.cond_pos, cond_rot=FLAGS.cond_rot) test_dataset = dataset channel_num = 1 X_NOISE = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 64, 64), dtype=tf.float32) X = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 64, 64), dtype=tf.float32) if FLAGS.dpos_only: LABEL = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 2), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL_POS = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 2), dtype=tf.float32) elif FLAGS.dsize_only: LABEL = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 1), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL_POS = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 1), dtype=tf.float32) elif FLAGS.drot_only: LABEL = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 2), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL_POS = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 2), dtype=tf.float32) elif FLAGS.cond_size: LABEL = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 1), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL_POS = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 1), dtype=tf.float32) elif FLAGS.cond_shape: LABEL = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 3), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL_POS = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 3), dtype=tf.float32) elif FLAGS.cond_pos: LABEL = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 2), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL_POS = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 2), dtype=tf.float32) elif FLAGS.cond_rot: LABEL = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 2), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL_POS = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 2), dtype=tf.float32) else: LABEL = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 3), dtype=tf.float32) LABEL_POS = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 3), dtype=tf.float32) model = DspritesNet( num_channels=channel_num, num_filters=FLAGS.num_filters, cond_size=FLAGS.cond_size, cond_shape=FLAGS.cond_shape, cond_pos=FLAGS.cond_pos, cond_rot=FLAGS.cond_rot) print("Done loading...") if FLAGS.dataset == "imagenetfull": # In the case of full imagenet, use custom_tensorflow dataloader data_loader = TFImagenetLoader('train', FLAGS.batch_size, hvd.rank(), hvd.size(), rescale=FLAGS.rescale) else: data_loader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, num_workers=FLAGS.data_workers, drop_last=True, shuffle=True) batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size weights = [model.construct_weights('context_0')] Y = tf.placeholder(shape=(None), dtype=tf.int32) # Varibles to run in training X_SPLIT = tf.split(X, FLAGS.num_gpus) X_NOISE_SPLIT = tf.split(X_NOISE, FLAGS.num_gpus) LABEL_SPLIT = tf.split(LABEL, FLAGS.num_gpus) LABEL_POS_SPLIT = tf.split(LABEL_POS, FLAGS.num_gpus) LABEL_SPLIT_INIT = list(LABEL_SPLIT) tower_grads = [] tower_gen_grads = [] x_mod_list = [] optimizer = AdamOptimizer(, beta1=0.0, beta2=0.999) optimizer = hvd.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer) for j in range(FLAGS.num_gpus): if FLAGS.model_cclass: ind_batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size // FLAGS.num_gpus label_tensor = tf.Variable( tf.convert_to_tensor( np.reshape( np.tile(np.eye(10), (FLAGS.batch_size, 1, 1)), (FLAGS.batch_size * 10, 10)), dtype=tf.float32), trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32) x_split = tf.tile( tf.reshape( X_SPLIT[j], (ind_batch_size, 1, 32, 32, 3)), (1, 10, 1, 1, 1)) x_split = tf.reshape(x_split, (ind_batch_size * 10, 32, 32, 3)) energy_pos = model.forward( x_split, weights[0], label=label_tensor, stop_at_grad=False) energy_pos_full = tf.reshape(energy_pos, (ind_batch_size, 10)) energy_partition_est = tf.reduce_logsumexp( energy_pos_full, axis=1, keepdims=True) uniform = tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(energy_pos_full)) label_tensor = tf.argmax(-energy_pos_full - tf.log(-tf.log(uniform)) - energy_partition_est, axis=1) label = tf.one_hot(label_tensor, 10, dtype=tf.float32) label = tf.Print(label, [label_tensor, energy_pos_full]) LABEL_SPLIT[j] = label energy_pos = tf.concat(energy_pos, axis=0) else: energy_pos = [ model.forward( X_SPLIT[j], weights[0], label=LABEL_POS_SPLIT[j], stop_at_grad=False)] energy_pos = tf.concat(energy_pos, axis=0) print("Building graph...") x_mod = x_orig = X_NOISE_SPLIT[j] x_grads = [] energy_negs = [] loss_energys = [] energy_negs.extend([model.forward(tf.stop_gradient( x_mod), weights[0], label=LABEL_SPLIT[j], stop_at_grad=False, reuse=True)]) eps_begin = tf.zeros(1) steps = tf.constant(0) c = lambda i, x: tf.less(i, FLAGS.num_steps) def langevin_step(counter, x_mod): x_mod = x_mod + tf.random_normal(tf.shape(x_mod), mean=0.0, stddev=0.005 * FLAGS.rescale * FLAGS.noise_scale) energy_noise = energy_start = tf.concat( [model.forward( x_mod, weights[0], label=LABEL_SPLIT[j], reuse=True, stop_at_grad=False, stop_batch=True)], axis=0) x_grad, label_grad = tf.gradients( FLAGS.temperature * energy_noise, [x_mod, LABEL_SPLIT[j]]) energy_noise_old = energy_noise lr = FLAGS.step_lr if FLAGS.proj_norm != 0.0: if FLAGS.proj_norm_type == 'l2': x_grad = tf.clip_by_norm(x_grad, FLAGS.proj_norm) elif FLAGS.proj_norm_type == 'li': x_grad = tf.clip_by_value( x_grad, -FLAGS.proj_norm, FLAGS.proj_norm) else: print("Other types of projection are not supported!!!") assert False # Clip gradient norm for now if FLAGS.hmc: # Step size should be tuned to get around 65% acceptance def energy(x): return FLAGS.temperature * \ model.forward(x, weights[0], label=LABEL_SPLIT[j], reuse=True) x_last = hmc(x_mod, 15., 10, energy) else: x_last = x_mod - (lr) * x_grad x_mod = x_last x_mod = tf.clip_by_value(x_mod, 0, FLAGS.rescale) counter = counter + 1 return counter, x_mod steps, x_mod = tf.while_loop(c, langevin_step, (steps, x_mod)) energy_eval = model.forward(x_mod, weights[0], label=LABEL_SPLIT[j], stop_at_grad=False, reuse=True) x_grad = tf.gradients(FLAGS.temperature * energy_eval, [x_mod])[0] x_grads.append(x_grad) energy_negs.append( model.forward( tf.stop_gradient(x_mod), weights[0], label=LABEL_SPLIT[j], stop_at_grad=False, reuse=True)) test_x_mod = x_mod temp = FLAGS.temperature energy_neg = energy_negs[-1] x_off = tf.reduce_mean( tf.abs(x_mod[:tf.shape(X_SPLIT[j])[0]] - X_SPLIT[j])) loss_energy = model.forward( x_mod, weights[0], reuse=True, label=LABEL, stop_grad=True) print("Finished processing loop construction ...") target_vars = {} if FLAGS.cclass or FLAGS.model_cclass: label_sum = tf.reduce_sum(LABEL_SPLIT[0], axis=0) label_prob = label_sum / tf.reduce_sum(label_sum) label_ent = -tf.reduce_sum(label_prob * tf.math.log(label_prob + 1e-7)) else: label_ent = tf.zeros(1) target_vars['label_ent'] = label_ent if FLAGS.train: if FLAGS.objective == 'logsumexp': pos_term = temp * energy_pos energy_neg_reduced = (energy_neg - tf.reduce_min(energy_neg)) coeff = tf.stop_gradient(tf.exp(-temp * energy_neg_reduced)) norm_constant = tf.stop_gradient(tf.reduce_sum(coeff)) + 1e-4 pos_loss = tf.reduce_mean(temp * energy_pos) neg_loss = coeff * (-1 * temp * energy_neg) / norm_constant loss_ml = FLAGS.ml_coeff * (pos_loss + tf.reduce_sum(neg_loss)) elif FLAGS.objective == 'cd': pos_loss = tf.reduce_mean(temp * energy_pos) neg_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(temp * energy_neg) loss_ml = FLAGS.ml_coeff * (pos_loss + tf.reduce_sum(neg_loss)) elif FLAGS.objective == 'softplus': loss_ml = FLAGS.ml_coeff * \ tf.nn.softplus(temp * (energy_pos - energy_neg)) loss_total = tf.reduce_mean(loss_ml) if not FLAGS.zero_kl: loss_total = loss_total + tf.reduce_mean(loss_energy) loss_total = loss_total + \ FLAGS.l2_coeff * (tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(energy_pos)) + tf.reduce_mean(tf.square((energy_neg)))) print("Started gradient computation...") gvs = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss_total) gvs = [(k, v) for (k, v) in gvs if k is not None] print("Applying gradients...") tower_grads.append(gvs) print("Finished applying gradients.") target_vars['loss_ml'] = loss_ml target_vars['total_loss'] = loss_total target_vars['loss_energy'] = loss_energy target_vars['weights'] = weights target_vars['gvs'] = gvs target_vars['X'] = X target_vars['Y'] = Y target_vars['LABEL'] = LABEL target_vars['LABEL_POS'] = LABEL_POS target_vars['X_NOISE'] = X_NOISE target_vars['energy_pos'] = energy_pos target_vars['energy_start'] = energy_negs[0] if len(x_grads) >= 1: target_vars['x_grad'] = x_grads[-1] target_vars['x_grad_first'] = x_grads[0] else: target_vars['x_grad'] = tf.zeros(1) target_vars['x_grad_first'] = tf.zeros(1) target_vars['x_mod'] = x_mod target_vars['x_off'] = x_off target_vars['temp'] = temp target_vars['energy_neg'] = energy_neg target_vars['test_x_mod'] = test_x_mod target_vars['eps_begin'] = eps_begin if FLAGS.train: grads = average_gradients(tower_grads) train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads) target_vars['train_op'] = train_op config = tf.ConfigProto() if hvd.size() > 1: config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = str(hvd.local_rank()) sess = tf.Session(config=config) saver = loader = tf.train.Saver( max_to_keep=30, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=6) total_parameters = 0 for variable in tf.trainable_variables(): # shape is an array of tf.Dimension shape = variable.get_shape() variable_parameters = 1 for dim in shape: variable_parameters *= dim.value total_parameters += variable_parameters print("Model has a total of {} parameters".format(total_parameters)) resume_itr = 0 if (FLAGS.resume_iter != -1 or not FLAGS.train) and hvd.rank() == 0: model_file = osp.join(logdir, 'model_{}'.format(FLAGS.resume_iter)) resume_itr = FLAGS.resume_iter # saver.restore(sess, model_file) optimistic_restore(sess, model_file) print("Initializing variables...") print("Start broadcast") print("End broadcast") if FLAGS.train: train(target_vars, saver, sess, logger, data_loader, resume_itr, logdir) test(target_vars, saver, sess, logger, data_loader)
def _create_td_update(self): """Create a minimization operation for Q-function update.""" next_observations = tf.tile( self._next_observations_ph[:, tf.newaxis, :], (1, self._value_n_particles, 1)) next_observations = tf.reshape( next_observations, (-1, *self._observation_shape)) target_actions = tf.random_uniform( (1, self._value_n_particles, *self._action_shape), -1, 1) target_actions = tf.tile( target_actions, (tf.shape(self._next_observations_ph)[0], 1, 1)) target_actions = tf.reshape(target_actions, (-1, *self._action_shape)) Q_next_targets = tuple( Q([next_observations, target_actions]) for Q in self._Q_targets) min_Q_next_targets = tf.reduce_min(Q_next_targets, axis=0) assert_shape(min_Q_next_targets, (None, 1)) min_Q_next_target = tf.reshape( min_Q_next_targets, (-1, self._value_n_particles)) assert_shape(min_Q_next_target, (None, self._value_n_particles)) # Equation 10: next_value = tf.reduce_logsumexp( min_Q_next_target, keepdims=True, axis=1) assert_shape(next_value, [None, 1]) # Importance weights add just a constant to the value. next_value -= tf.log(tf.to_float(self._value_n_particles)) next_value += * np.log(2) # \hat Q in Equation 11: Q_target = tf.stop_gradient( self._reward_scale * self._rewards_ph + (1 - self._terminals_ph) * self._discount * next_value) assert_shape(Q_target, [None, 1]) Q_values = self._Q_values = tuple( Q([self._observations_ph, self._actions_ph]) for Q in self._Qs) for Q_value in self._Q_values: assert_shape(Q_value, [None, 1]) # Equation 11: Q_losses = self._Q_losses = tuple( tf.losses.mean_squared_error( labels=Q_target, predictions=Q_value, weights=0.5) for Q_value in Q_values) if self._train_Q: self._Q_optimizers = tuple( tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=self._Q_lr, name='{}_{}_optimizer'.format(Q._name, i) ) for i, Q in enumerate(self._Qs)) Q_training_ops = tuple( tf.contrib.layers.optimize_loss( Q_loss, None, learning_rate=self._Q_lr, optimizer=Q_optimizer, variables=Q.trainable_variables, increment_global_step=False, summaries=()) for i, (Q, Q_loss, Q_optimizer) in enumerate(zip(self._Qs, Q_losses, self._Q_optimizers))) self._training_ops.append(
def _log_prob_from_logits(logits): return logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, axis=2, keepdims=True)
def get_coref_softmax_loss(antecedent_scores, antecedent_labels): gold_scores = antecedent_scores + tf.log(tf.to_float(antecedent_labels)) # [k, max_ant + 1] marginalized_gold_scores = tf.reduce_logsumexp(gold_scores, [1]) # [k] log_norm = tf.reduce_logsumexp(antecedent_scores, [1]) # [k] return log_norm - marginalized_gold_scores # [k]
def while_step(t, rnn_state, tas, accs): """Implements one timestep of FIVO computation.""" log_weights_acc, log_p_hat_acc, kl_acc = accs cur_inputs, cur_mask = nested.read_tas([inputs_ta, mask_ta], t) # Run the cell for one step. log_q_z, log_p_z, log_p_x_given_z, kl, new_state = cell( cur_inputs, rnn_state, cur_mask, ) # Compute the incremental weight and use it to update the current # accumulated weight. kl_acc += kl * cur_mask log_alpha = (log_p_x_given_z + log_p_z - log_q_z) * cur_mask log_alpha = tf.reshape(log_alpha, [num_samples, batch_size]) log_weights_acc += log_alpha # Calculate the effective sample size(ESS for unnormalized weights). ess_num = 2 * tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_weights_acc, axis=0) ess_denom = tf.reduce_logsumexp(2 * log_weights_acc, axis=0) log_ess = ess_num - ess_denom # Calculate the ancestor indices via resampling. Because we maintain the # log unnormalized weights, we pass the weights in as logits, allowing # the distribution object to apply a softmax and normalize them. resampling_dist = tf.contrib.distributions.Categorical( logits=tf.transpose(log_weights_acc, perm=[1, 0])) ancestor_inds = tf.stop_gradient( resampling_dist.sample(sample_shape=num_samples, seed=random_seed)) # Because the batch is flattened and laid out as discussed # above, we must modify ancestor_inds to index the proper samples. # The particles in the ith filter are distributed every batch_size rows # in the batch, and offset i rows from the top. So, to correct the indices # we multiply by the batch_size and add the proper offset. Crucially, # when ancestor_inds is flattened the layout of the batch is maintained. offset = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size), 0) ancestor_inds = tf.reshape(ancestor_inds * batch_size + offset, [-1]) noresample_inds = tf.range(num_samples * batch_size) # Decide whether or not we should resample; don't resample if we are past # the end of a sequence. # should_resample = resampling_criterion(log_weights_acc, log_ess, t) should_resample = -tf.reduce_sum( log_weights_acc, axis=0) >= tf.reduce_sum(num_samples / 2.0) ## GIVEN # should_resample = resampling_criterion(num_samples, log_ess, t) should_resample = tf.logical_and(should_resample, cur_mask[:batch_size] > 0.) float_should_resample = tf.to_float(should_resample) ancestor_inds = tf.where(tf.tile(should_resample, [num_samples]), ancestor_inds, noresample_inds) new_state = nested.gather_tensors(new_state, ancestor_inds) # Update the TensorArrays before we reset the weights so that we capture # the incremental weights and not zeros. ta_updates = [log_weights_acc, log_ess, float_should_resample] new_tas = [ta.write(t, x) for ta, x in zip(tas, ta_updates)] # For the particle filters that resampled, update log_p_hat and # reset weights to zero. log_p_hat_update = tf.reduce_logsumexp( log_weights_acc, axis=0) - tf.log(tf.to_float(num_samples)) log_p_hat_acc += log_p_hat_update * float_should_resample log_weights_acc *= ( 1. - tf.tile(float_should_resample[tf.newaxis, :], [num_samples, 1])) new_accs = (log_weights_acc, log_p_hat_acc, kl_acc) return t + 1, new_state, new_tas, new_accs
def test_partition_2_step_adds_up_to_one(self): log_values = self.dynamic_spn( [self.data_2_steps, [2] * self.data_2_steps.shape[0]] ) self.assertEqual(tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_values), 0.0)