Пример #1
 def _compareShapeN(self, x, use_gpu=False):
     np_ans = np.array(np.shape(x))
     with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu) as sess:
         tf_ans = tf.shape_n([x, x, x])
         tf_ans_64 = tf.shape_n([x, x, x], out_type=tf.int64)
         result = sess.run(tf_ans)
         result_64 = sess.run(tf_ans_64)
     for i in range(3):
         self.assertAllEqual(np_ans, result[i])
         self.assertAllEqual(np_ans, result_64[i])
         self.assertShapeEqual(np_ans, tf_ans[i])
Пример #2
 def _compareShapeN(self, x, use_gpu=False):
   np_ans = np.array(np.shape(x))
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu) as sess:
     tf_ans = tf.shape_n([x, x, x])
     tf_ans_64 = tf.shape_n([x, x, x], out_type=tf.int64)
     result = sess.run(tf_ans)
     result_64 = sess.run(tf_ans_64)
   for i in range(3):
     self.assertAllEqual(np_ans, result[i])
     self.assertAllEqual(np_ans, result_64[i])
     self.assertShapeEqual(np_ans, tf_ans[i])
Пример #3
    def _verify_compatible_image_shapes(img1, img2):
        Checks if two image tensors are compatible for applying SSIM or PSNR.
        This function checks if two sets of images have ranks at least 3, and if the
        last three dimensions match.
        img1: Tensor containing the first image batch.
        img2: Tensor containing the second image batch.
        A tuple containing: the first tensor shape, the second tensor shape, and a
        list of control_flow_ops.Assert() ops implementing the checks.
        ValueError: When static shape check fails.
        shape1 = img1.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)
        shape2 = img2.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)

        if shape1.ndims is not None and shape2.ndims is not None:
            for dim1, dim2 in zip(reversed(shape1[:-3]), reversed(shape2[:-3])):
                if not (dim1 == 1 or dim2 == 1 or dim1.is_compatible_with(dim2)):
                    raise ValueError('Two images are not compatible: %s and %s' % (shape1, shape2))

        # Now assign shape tensors.
        shape1, shape2 = tf.shape_n([img1, img2])

        # TODO(sjhwang): Check if shape1[:-3] and shape2[:-3] are broadcastable.
        checks = []
        checks.append(tf.Assert(tf.greater_equal(tf.size(shape1), 3),
                                [shape1, shape2], summarize=10))
        checks.append(tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(shape1[-3:], shape2[-3:])),
                                [shape1, shape2], summarize=10))

        return shape1, shape2, checks
Пример #4
    def _verify_compatible_image_shapes(img1, img2):
        Checks if two image tensors are compatible for applying SSIM or PSNR.
        This function checks if two sets of images have ranks at least 3, and if the
        last three dimensions match.
        img1: Tensor containing the first image batch.
        img2: Tensor containing the second image batch.
        A tuple containing: the first tensor shape, the second tensor shape, and a
        list of control_flow_ops.Assert() ops implementing the checks.
        ValueError: When static shape check fails.
        shape1 = img1.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)
        shape2 = img2.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)

        if shape1.ndims is not None and shape2.ndims is not None:
            for dim1, dim2 in zip(reversed(shape1[:-3]), reversed(shape2[:-3])):
                if not (dim1 == 1 or dim2 == 1 or dim1.is_compatible_with(dim2)):
                    raise ValueError('Two images are not compatible: %s and %s' % (shape1, shape2))

        # Now assign shape tensors.
        shape1, shape2 = tf.shape_n([img1, img2])

        # TODO(sjhwang): Check if shape1[:-3] and shape2[:-3] are broadcastable.
        checks = []
        checks.append(tf.Assert(tf.greater_equal(tf.size(shape1), 3),[shape1, shape2], summarize=10))
        checks.append(tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(shape1[-3:], shape2[-3:])),[shape1, shape2], summarize=10))
        return shape1, shape2, checks
Пример #5
def _SSIMIndexPerChannel(
        img1, img2, filter_size, filter_width, max_val=255.0):
    """Computes SSIM index between img1 and img2 per color channel.

    This function matches the standard SSIM implementation found at:

      - To reproduce a 11x11 Gaussian filter of width 1.5 is used.
      - k1 = 0.01, k2 = 0.03 as in the original paper.

      img1: First RGB image batch.
      img2: Second RGB image batch.
      filter_size: An integer, the filter size of the Gaussian kernel used.
      filter_width: A float, the filter width of the Gaussian kernel used.
      max_val: the dynamic range of the images (i.e., the difference between the
        maximum the and minimum allowed values).

      A pair of tensors containing batch-wise and channel-wise SSIM and
      contrast-structure measure. The shape is [..., channels].
    filter_size = tf.constant(filter_size, dtype=tf.int32)
    filter_sigma = tf.constant(filter_width, dtype=img1.dtype)

    shape1, shape2 = tf.shape_n([img1, img2])

    # If the images are bigger than the filter size, reduce the filter size
    # to the smallest image size.
    # This is consistent with the implementation in
    # third_party/tensorflow_models/compression/msssim.py
    # but is not present in the original algorithm.

    filter_size = tf.reduce_min(
        tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(filter_size, axis=0),

    kernel = FSpecialGauss(filter_size, filter_sigma)
    kernel = tf.tile(kernel, multiples=[1, 1, shape1[-1], 1])

    # The correct compensation factor is `1.0 - tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(kernel))`,
    # but to match MATLAB implementation of MS-SSIM, we use 1.0 instead.
    compensation = 1.0

    def reducer(x):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        shape = tf.shape(x)
        x = tf.reshape(x, shape=tf.concat([[-1], shape[-3:]], 0))
        y = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(x, kernel, strides=[1] * 4, padding='VALID')
        return tf.reshape(y, tf.concat([shape[:-3], tf.shape(y)[1:]], 0))

    luminance, cs = _SSIMHelper(img1, img2, reducer, max_val, compensation)

    # Average over the second and the third from the last: height, width.
    axes = tf.constant([-3, -2], dtype=tf.int32)
    ssim = tf.reduce_mean(luminance * cs, axes)
    cs = tf.reduce_mean(cs, axes)
    return ssim, cs
Пример #6
def generate_shape_n_pb():
    with tf.compat.v1.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:
        x = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(dtype="int32", shape=(2, 2))
        y = tf.shape_n([1, 2], name="shape_n")
Пример #7
def _calculateRpnLoss(predRawScores, predBoxes, predRegressions,
        predAnchors, mini_batch_size, gt_boxes, feature_h, feature_w):
    """Refactoring of code from calculateRpnLoss into another function for testing"""
    num_classes = tf.shape_n(gt_boxes)[0] - 1  # subtract one since background is not a class
    iou_threshold_neg = s.DEF_IOU_THRESHOLD_TRAIN_NEG
    iou_threshold_pos = s.DEF_IOU_THRESHOLD_TRAIN_POS
    with easy_scope(name="proposal_layer_test"), tf.device("/cpu:0"):
        labeled_boxes = iou_labeler(predBoxes, gt_boxes, iou_threshold_neg, iou_threshold_pos)

        # Sample boxes and raw scores for loss

        posIdx, negIdx = tf.py_func(lambda x: sampleBoxes(x, num_classes, mini_batch_size),
            [labeled_boxes], [tf.int32, tf.int32], stateful=False, name="sampleBoxes")
        # posIdx, negIdx = tf.py_func(sampleBoxes, [labeled_boxes, num_classes, mini_batch_size],
        #        tf.float32, stateful=False, name="sampleBoxes")
        positive_raw_scores = tf.gather(predRawScores, posIdx, axis=0,
        negative_raw_scores = tf.gather(predRawScores, negIdx, axis=0,

        # There is no regression loss for negative examples.  For the positives, we need
        # to find the gt regression from anchor to gt boxes
        positive_anchors = tf.gather(predAnchors, posIdx, axis=0,
        positive_gt_boxes = tf.gather(gt_boxes,
            tf.cast(tf.gather(labeled_boxes[:, 4], posIdx), dtype=tf.int32),
        positive_gt_regs = calculateRegressions(positive_anchors, positive_gt_boxes, axis=-1)
        positive_raw_regressions = tf.gather(predRegressions, posIdx, axis=0,

        # Flatten regressions before passing into the huber loss function
        flat_pred_regs = tf.reshape(positive_raw_regressions, [-1])
        flat_gt_regs = tf.reshape(positive_gt_regs, [-1])
        reg_loss = tf.losses.huber_loss(flat_pred_regs, flat_gt_regs,
                reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE, delta=1.0)
        reg_loss = tf.reduce_sum(reg_loss)

        # Class-agnostic log loss for positive examples
        # Need to create a whole bunch of [0,1]s of the right length
        num_pos = tf.shape(positive_raw_scores)[0]
        cls_loss_pos = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            labels=tf.ones([num_pos], dtype=tf.int32), logits=positive_raw_scores)
        cls_loss_pos = tf.reduce_sum(cls_loss_pos)

        # Log-loss for the negative examples
        num_neg = tf.shape(negative_raw_scores)[0]
        cls_loss_neg = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            labels=tf.zeros([num_neg], dtype=tf.int32), logits=negative_raw_scores)
        cls_loss_neg = tf.reduce_sum(cls_loss_neg)

        # Adding up and normalizing the losses.
        reg_loss /= (feature_h * feature_w) / 10.
        cls_loss = (cls_loss_pos + cls_loss_neg) / mini_batch_size

        total_loss = tf.add(reg_loss, cls_loss, name="total_loss")
        return total_loss
Пример #8
def test_shapen():
    import tensorflow as tf
    from dace.frontend.tensorflow import TFSession
    myshape = [69, 96, 666]
    num_inputs = 5

    inpList = [tf.ones(myshape) for _ in range(num_inputs)]

    sess_tf = tf.Session()
    sess_dace = TFSession()

    shapes_tf = sess_tf.run(tf.shape_n(inpList))
    shapes_dace = sess_dace.run(tf.shape_n(inpList))
    for dc, tf in zip(shapes_dace, shapes_tf):
            assert (dc == tf).all()
        except (AssertionError):
Пример #9
  def __call__(self, query, previous_alignments):
    """Score the query based on the keys and values.
      query: Tensor of dtype matching `self.values` and shape     #Current Decoder State
        `[batch_size, query_depth]`.
      previous_alignments: Tensor of dtype matching `self.values` and shape
        `[batch_size, alignments_size]`
        (`alignments_size` is memory's `max_time`).
      alignments: Tensor of dtype matching `self.values` and shape
        `[batch_size, alignments_size]` (`alignments_size` is memory's
    # with variable_scope.variable_scope(None, "luong_attention", [query]):
    #   score = _luong_score(query, self._keys, self._scale)
    # alignments = self._probability_fn(score, previous_alignments)
    # return alignments
    encoder_parts = self.memory #batch, items, dim

    # eshape=encoder_parts.get_shape().as_list()
    # new_encoder_parts=encoder_parts
    # l=int(self.segment_length)
    # print("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ",l)
    # enc=tf.expand_dims(encoder_parts,3) 
    # for i in range(1,l):
    #   #temp=tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(i+1,1,1,1))
    #   #k = tf.fill(tf.shape(temp), 1.0)
    #   temp = tf.nn.conv2d(enc, self.segment_kernels[i+1], strides=[1,1,1,1], padding='VALID')
    #   ans=tf.squeeze(temp,3)  
    #   ans=tf.nn.relu(ans)
    #   new_encoder_parts=tf.concat([new_encoder_parts,ans],1)

    # encoder_parts=new_encoder_parts
    decoder_parts = ops.convert_to_tensor(query, dtype=self.dtype)
    decoder_parts_len = len(decoder_parts.shape.as_list())
    eshape, dshape = tf.shape_n([encoder_parts, decoder_parts])
    encoder_parts = tf.reshape(encoder_parts, [eshape[0]*eshape[1],eshape[2]])
    encoder_parts = tf.matmul(encoder_parts, self.eW_kernel)
    encoder_parts = tf.reshape(encoder_parts,[eshape[0],eshape[1],-1])
    encoder_parts = tf.reshape(encoder_parts,[eshape[0]*eshape[1],-1])
    encoder_parts = tf.matmul(encoder_parts,self.mult_kernel)
    encoder_parts = tf.reshape(encoder_parts,[eshape[0],eshape[1],-1])

    combined_states = tf.nn.tanh(encoder_parts + tf.expand_dims( tf.matmul(decoder_parts, self.dW_kernel) + self.at_bias, dim=1)) 
    #batch, items, emb
    logits = tf.reshape(tf.matmul( tf.reshape(combined_states, [ -1 , self.memory.shape[-1].value]),  self.kernel), [eshape[0], eshape[1], self.vocab_size]) 
    #batch, items, vocab
    logits=logits + tf.matmul(encoder_parts,tf.expand_dims(decoder_parts,1),transpose_b=True)
    #adding (d^T)(e_i)
    logits=logits + self.bias
    logits = tf.reduce_max(logits, 1)
    # logits = 0*logits + tf.nn.xw_plus_b (decoder_parts, self.kernel1, self.bias1)
    tf.print(logits,message="LOGITS: ")  
    return logits
Пример #10
 def preprocess_single_image(self, image):
     """Resize image to 299 * 299."""
     image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)
     shape, = tf.shape_n([image])
     h = shape[0]
     w = shape[1]
     d = tf.maximum(h, w)
     image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, d, d)
     image = tf.image.resize_images(image, (299, 299))
     image.set_shape((299, 299, 3))
     image = tf.image.per_image_standardization(image)
     return image
Пример #11
def function_factory(model, loss, train_x, train_y, pars):
    # obtain the shapes of all trainable parameters in the model
    shapes = tf.shape_n(model.trainable_variables)
    n_tensors = len(shapes)

    # stitch and partition indexes
    count = 0
    stitch = []
    part = []

    for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
        n = np.product(shape)
            tf.reshape(tf.range(count, count + n, dtype=tf.int32), shape))
        part.extend([i] * n)
        count += n

    part = tf.constant(part)

    def assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d):
        params = tf.dynamic_partition(params_1d, part, n_tensors)
        for i, (shape, param) in enumerate(zip(shapes, params)):
            model.trainable_variables[i].assign(tf.reshape(param, shape))

    # will be returned by this factory
    def f(params_1d):
        with tf.GradientTape() as g:
            # loss_value = loss(train_y, model(train_x[0], train_x[1]))
            loss_value = loss(train_x[0], train_x[1], train_y)

        # calculate gradients and convert to 1D tf.Tensor
        grads = g.gradient(loss_value, model.trainable_variables)
        grads = tf.dynamic_stitch(stitch, grads)
        error = model.get_error(pars)

        # track
        if f.iter % 100 == 0 or f.iter == 1:
            tf.print("Epoch:", f.iter, "loss:", loss_value, "error:", error)

        return loss_value, grads

    # store these information as members so we can use them outside the scope
    f.iter = tf.Variable(0)
    f.idx = stitch
    f.part = part
    f.shapes = shapes
    f.assign_new_model_parameters = assign_new_model_parameters

    return f
Пример #12
def buildFunctions(model, loss, train_x, train_y, lam):

    shapes = tf.shape_n(model.trainable_variables)
    n_tensors = len(shapes)

    count = 0
    idx = []
    part = []

    for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
        n = np.product(shape)
            tf.reshape(tf.range(count, count + n, dtype=tf.int32), shape))
        part.extend([i] * n)
        count += n

    part = tf.constant(part)

    def assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d):

        params = tf.dynamic_partition(params_1d, part, n_tensors)
        for i, (shape, param) in enumerate(zip(shapes, params)):
            model.trainable_variables[i].assign(tf.reshape(param, shape))

    def f(params_1d):

        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            loss_value = loss(
                model(train_x, training=True),
                train_y) + lam * tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(params_1d))

        grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, model.trainable_variables)
        grads = tf.dynamic_stitch(idx, grads)

        if f.iter % 50000 == 0:
            tf.print("Iter:", f.iter, "loss:", loss_value)

        tf.py_function(f.history.append, inp=[loss_value], Tout=[])

        return loss_value, grads

    f.iter = tf.Variable(0)
    f.idx = idx
    f.part = part
    f.shapes = shapes
    f.assign_new_model_parameters = assign_new_model_parameters
    f.history = []
    return f
Пример #13
def loss_function_with_model_parameters(model, loss, train_x, train_y):
    """Create a new function that assign the model parameter to the model
    and evaluate its value.

        model : an instance of `tf.keras.Model` or its subclasses.
        loss : a function with signature loss_value = loss(pred_y, true_y).
        train_x : the input part of training data.
        train_y : the output part of training data.

        A function that has a signature of:
            loss_value = f(model_parameters).

    # obtain the shapes of all trainable parameters in the model
    shapes = tf.shape_n(model.trainable_variables)
    count = 0
    sizes = []

    # Record the shape of each parameter
    for shape in shapes:
        n = reduce(mul, shape)
        count += n

    # Function accept the parameter and evaluate model
    def func(params):
        """A function that can be used by tfq.optimizer.rotosolve_minimize.

           params [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor.

            Loss function value

        # update the parameters of the model
        start = 0
        for i, size in enumerate(sizes):
                tf.reshape(params[start:start + size], shape))
            start += size

        # evaluate the loss
        loss_value = loss(model(train_x, training=True), train_y)
        return loss_value

    return func
Пример #14
def LL_gradient(x_name, x_val, param_name, param_val, y_train):

    shapes = tf.shape_n(param_val)
    n_tensors = len(shapes)

    count = 0
    idx = []
    part = []

    for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
        n = numpy.product(shape)
            tf.reshape(tf.range(count, count + n, dtype=tf.int32), shape))
        part.extend([i] * n)
        count += n

    def assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d):

        updated_params = tf.dynamic_partition(params_1d, part, n_tensors)

        for i, (shape, param) in enumerate(zip(shapes, updated_params)):
            param_val[i].assign(tf.reshape(param, shape))

    def est_grad(params_1d):

        # Derive the Tensorflow gradient
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:

            # Call the function to update and convert the shape of parameters

            # Estimated Choice Probability
            yhat = model_fun(x_name, x_val, param_name, param_val, avail_list)

            # Call the cost function
            loss_value = cost_fun(y_train, yhat)

        # Calculate the gradient for each parameter
        estimated_grad = tape.gradient(loss_value, param_val)

        grads_1dim = tf.dynamic_stitch(idx, estimated_grad)
        return loss_value, grads_1dim

    est_grad.idx = idx

    return est_grad
Пример #15
def VerifyCompatibleImageShapes(img1, img2):
    """Checks if two image tensors are compatible for metric computation.

  This function checks if two sets of images have ranks at least 3, and if the
  last three dimensions match.

    img1: The first images tensor.
    img2: The second images tensor.

    A tuple of the first tensor shape, the second tensor shape, and a list of
    tf.Assert() implementing the checks.

    ValueError: when static shape check fails.
    shape1 = img1.shape.with_rank_at_least(3)
    shape2 = img2.shape.with_rank_at_least(3)

    if shape1.ndims is not None and shape2.ndims is not None:
        for dim1, dim2 in zip(reversed(shape1[:-3]), reversed(shape2[:-3])):
            # For TF V1 compatibility.
                dim1 = dim1.value
                dim2 = dim2.value
            except AttributeError:

            if not (dim1 in (None, 1) or dim2 in (None, 1) or dim1 == dim2):
                raise ValueError('Two images are not compatible: %s and %s' %
                                 (shape1, shape2))
        raise ValueError('The two images do not have a defined shape.')

    # Now assign shape tensors.
    shape1, shape2 = tf.shape_n([img1, img2])

    checks = []
        tf.Assert(tf.greater_equal(tf.size(shape1), 3), [shape1, shape2],
        tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(shape1[-3:], shape2[-3:])),
                  [shape1, shape2],
    return shape1, shape2, checks
    def _make_1d_mapping(self):
        Function to make the mapping to convert to and from a 1D weight tensor back to the original weight shapes
        :return: trainable_shapes, indexes, partitions
        trainable_shapes = tf.shape_n(self.trainable_variables)

        indexes = []  # indexes to map from original shapes to 1D tensor
        partitions = []  # which layer each param in 1D tensor should be mapped to

        n = 0  # offset for current layer indexes
        for layer, shape in enumerate(trainable_shapes):
            num_values = np.product(shape)  # number of trainable params in layer
            # create an index for current layer in current layer shape
            indexes.append(tf.reshape(tf.range(n, n + num_values), shape))
            # Update the list of partitions
            partitions.extend([layer] * num_values)
            n += num_values

        return trainable_shapes, indexes, partitions
Пример #17
def _conv_add_relu_grad(op, grad):
  act = op.get_attr('act')
  y = op.outputs[0]
  if act == 'RELU':
    grad = gen_nn_ops.relu_grad(grad, y)
  elif act == 'RELU6':
    grad = gen_nn_ops.relu6_grad(grad, y)
  elif act == 'TANH':
    y = math_ops.conj(y)
    grad = gen_math_ops.tanh_grad(y, grad)

  broadcast_shape = tf.shape(y)
  input_value_shape = tf.shape(op.inputs[2])
  _, reduction_axes = tf.raw_ops.BroadcastGradientArgs(
      s0=broadcast_shape, s1=input_value_shape)
  updates_grad_reshaped = tf.reduce_sum(
      grad, axis=reduction_axes, keepdims=True)
  bias_grad = tf.reshape(updates_grad_reshaped, input_value_shape)

  dilations = [1, op.get_attr('dilation_w'), op.get_attr('dilation_h'), 1]
  strides = [1, op.get_attr('stride_w'), op.get_attr('stride_h'), 1]
  padding = op.get_attr('padding')
  shape_0, shape_1 = tf.shape_n([op.inputs[0], op.inputs[1]])
  return [
          data_format='NHWC'), bias_grad
Пример #18
  def get_context(self, query, token):
    encoder_parts = self.memory #batch, items, dim
    print("Token ",token, self.kernel)

    decoder_parts = ops.convert_to_tensor(query, dtype=self.dtype)
    decoder_parts_len = len(decoder_parts.shape.as_list())
    eshape, dshape = tf.shape_n([encoder_parts, decoder_parts])
    encoder_parts = tf.reshape(encoder_parts, [eshape[0]*eshape[1],eshape[2]])
    encoder_parts = tf.matmul(encoder_parts, self.eW_kernel)
    encoder_parts = tf.reshape(encoder_parts,[eshape[0],eshape[1],-1])
    encoder_parts = tf.reshape(encoder_parts,[eshape[0]*eshape[1],-1])
    encoder_parts = tf.matmul(encoder_parts,self.mult_kernel)
    encoder_parts = tf.reshape(encoder_parts,[eshape[0],eshape[1],-1])

    print(decoder_parts_len, decoder_parts)
    combined_states = tf.nn.tanh(encoder_parts + tf.expand_dims( tf.matmul(decoder_parts, self.dW_kernel) + self.at_bias, dim=1)) 
    #batch, items, emb
    word_embedding=tf.nn.embedding_lookup( tf.transpose(self.kernel),token)
    print("Word Embedding ",word_embedding)
    scores = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul ( combined_states, tf.expand_dims(word_embedding, dim=1), transpose_b=True), axis=2) 
    #batch, items
    attention_values=tf.nn.softmax(scores) #batch, items
    context=tf.reduce_sum(tf.expand_dims(attention_values,dim=2)*self.memory, axis=1) #batch, dim
    return context, attention_values
def verify_compatible_shapes(img1, img2):
  """Checks if two image tensors are compatible for metric computation.

  This function checks if two sets of images have ranks at least 3, and if the
  last three dimensions match.

    img1: The first images tensor.
    img2: The second images tensor.

    A tuple of the first tensor shape, the second tensor shape, and a list of
    tf.Assert() implementing the checks.

    ValueError: when static shape check fails.
  shape1 = img1.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)
  shape2 = img2.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)

  if shape1.ndims is not None and shape2.ndims is not None:
    for dim1, dim2 in zip(reversed(shape1[:-3]), reversed(shape2[:-3])):
      if not (dim1 == 1 or dim2 == 1 or dim1.is_compatible_with(dim2)):
        raise ValueError(
            'Two images are not compatible: %s and %s' % (shape1, shape2))

  # Now assign shape tensors.
  shape1, shape2 = tf.shape_n([img1, img2])

  checks = []
  checks.append(tf.Assert(tf.greater_equal(tf.size(shape1), 3),
                          [shape1, shape2], summarize=10))
  checks.append(tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(shape1[-3:], shape2[-3:])),
                          [shape1, shape2], summarize=10))
  return shape1, shape2, checks
Пример #20
def Scipy_Keras_Wrapper(model, loss_func, X_i, u_i, X_b, u_b, X_f):
    #Borrowed from Py Chao https://pychao.com/2019/11/02/optimize-tensorflow-keras-models-with-l-bfgs-from-tensorflow-probability/
    # obtain the shapes of all trainable parameters in the model
    shapes = tf.shape_n(model.trainable_variables)
    n_tensors = len(shapes)

    # we'll use tf.dynamic_stitch and tf.dynamic_partition later, so we need to
    # prepare required information first
    count = 0
    idx = []  # stitch indices
    part = []  # partition indices

    loss = []

    for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
        n = np.product(shape)
            tf.reshape(tf.range(count, count + n, dtype=tf.int32), shape))
        part.extend([i] * n)
        count += n

    part = tf.constant(part)

    def assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d):
        """A function updating the model's parameters with a 1D tf.Tensor.
            params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor representing the model's trainable parameters.

        params = tf.dynamic_partition(params_1d, part, n_tensors)
        for i, (shape, param) in enumerate(zip(shapes, params)):
            model.trainable_variables[i].assign(tf.reshape(param, shape))

    def val_and_grads_1d(params_1d):
        """A function that can be used by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize.
        This function is created by function_factory.
           params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor.
            A scalar loss and the gradients w.r.t. the `params_1d`.

        start_time = time.time()

        # use GradientTape so that we can calculate the gradient of loss w.r.t. parameters
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            # update the parameters in the model
            # calculate the loss
            loss_value = loss_func(X_i, u_i, X_b, u_b, X_f)

        # calculate gradients and convert to 1D tf.Tensor
        grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, model.trainable_variables)
        grads = tf.dynamic_stitch(idx, grads)

        # print out iteration & loss
        print('QN.  It: %d, Loss: %.3e, Time: %.2f' %
              (val_and_grads_1d.iter, loss_value,
               np.round(time.time() - start_time, 3)))
        # tf.print("Iter:", val_and_grads_1d.iter, "Loss:", np.round(loss_value, 5), "Time:", np.round(time.time() - start_time, 2))

        return loss_value.numpy(), grads.numpy()

        # store these information as members so we can use them outside the scope

    val_and_grads_1d.iter = tf.Variable(0)
    val_and_grads_1d.idx = idx
    val_and_grads_1d.part = part
    val_and_grads_1d.shapes = shapes
    val_and_grads_1d.assign_new_model_parameters = assign_new_model_parameters
    val_and_grads_1d.loss = loss

    return val_and_grads_1d
Пример #21
    def _ssim_per_channel(img1, img2, max_val=1.0):
        Computes SSIM index between img1 and img2 per color channel.
        This function matches the standard SSIM implementation from:
        Wang, Z., Bovik, A. C., Sheikh, H. R., & Simoncelli, E. P. (2004). Image
        quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity. IEEE
        transactions on image processing.
        - 11x11 Gaussian filter of width 1.5 is used.
        - k1 = 0.01, k2 = 0.03 as in the original paper.
        img1: First image batch.
        img2: Second image batch.
        max_val: The dynamic range of the images (i.e., the difference between the
          maximum the and minimum allowed values).
        A pair of tensors containing and channel-wise SSIM and contrast-structure
        values. The shape is [..., channels].

        def _fspecial_gauss(size, sigma):
            Function to mimic the 'fspecial' gaussian MATLAB function.
            size = tf.convert_to_tensor(size, 'int32')
            sigma = tf.convert_to_tensor(sigma)

            coords = tf.cast(tf.range(size), sigma.dtype)
            coords -= tf.cast(size - 1, sigma.dtype) / 2.0

            var_g = tf.square(coords)
            var_g *= -0.5 / tf.square(sigma)

            var_g = tf.reshape(var_g, shape=[1, -1]) + tf.reshape(var_g, shape=[-1, 1])
            var_g = tf.reshape(var_g, shape=[1, -1])  # For tf.nn.softmax().
            var_g = tf.nn.softmax(var_g)
            return tf.reshape(var_g, shape=[size, size, 1, 1])

        def _ssim_helper(var_x, var_y, max_val, kernel, compensation=1.0):
            Helper function for computing SSIM.
            SSIM estimates covariances with weighted sums.  The default parameters
            use a biased estimate of the covariance:
            Suppose `reducer` is a weighted sum, then the mean estimators are
            mu_x = sum_i w_i x_i,
            mu_y = sum_i w_i y_i,
            where w_i's are the weighted-sum weights, and covariance estimator is
            cov_{xy} = sum_i w_i (x_i - mu_x) (y_i - mu_y)
            with assumption sum_i w_i = 1. This covariance estimator is biased, since
            E[cov_{xy}] = (1 - sum_i w_i ^ 2) Cov(X, Y).
            For SSIM measure with unbiased covariance estimators, pass as `compensation`
            argument (1 - sum_i w_i ^ 2).
            x: First set of images.
            y: Second set of images.
            reducer: Function that computes 'local' averages from set of images.
              For non-covolutional version, this is usually tf.reduce_mean(x, [1, 2]),
              and for convolutional version, this is usually tf.nn.avg_pool or
              tf.nn.conv2d with weighted-sum kernel.
            max_val: The dynamic range (i.e., the difference between the maximum
              possible allowed value and the minimum allowed value).
            compensation: Compensation factor. See above.
            A pair containing the luminance measure, and the contrast-structure measure.

            def reducer(var_x, kernel):
                shape = tf.shape(var_x)
                var_x = tf.reshape(var_x, shape=tf.concat([[-1], shape[-3:]], 0))
                var_y = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(var_x, kernel, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID')
                return tf.reshape(var_y, tf.concat([shape[:-3], tf.shape(var_y)[1:]], 0))

            _ssim_k1 = 0.01
            _ssim_k2 = 0.03

            c_1 = (_ssim_k1 * max_val) ** 2
            c_2 = (_ssim_k2 * max_val) ** 2

            # SSIM luminance measure is
            # (2 * mu_x * mu_y + c_1) / (mu_x ** 2 + mu_y ** 2 + c_1).
            mean0 = reducer(var_x, kernel)
            mean1 = reducer(var_y, kernel)
            num0 = mean0 * mean1 * 2.0
            den0 = tf.square(mean0) + tf.square(mean1)
            luminance = (num0 + c_1) / (den0 + c_1)

            # SSIM contrast-structure measure is
            #   (2 * cov_{xy} + c_2) / (cov_{xx} + cov_{yy} + c_2).
            # Note that `reducer` is a weighted sum with weight w_k, \sum_i w_i = 1, then
            #   cov_{xy} = \sum_i w_i (x_i - \mu_x) (y_i - \mu_y)
            #          = \sum_i w_i x_i y_i - (\sum_i w_i x_i) (\sum_j w_j y_j).
            num1 = reducer(var_x * var_y, kernel) * 2.0
            den1 = reducer(tf.square(var_x) + tf.square(var_y), kernel)
            c_2 *= compensation
            c_s = (num1 - num0 + c_2) / (den1 - den0 + c_2)

            # SSIM score is the product of the luminance and contrast-structure measures.
            return luminance, c_s

        filter_size = tf.constant(9, dtype='int32')  # changed from 11 to 9 due
        filter_sigma = tf.constant(1.5, dtype=img1.dtype)

        shape1, shape2 = tf.shape_n([img1, img2])
        checks = [tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(tf.greater_equal(shape1[-3:-1], filter_size)),
                            [shape1, filter_size], summarize=8),
                  tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(tf.greater_equal(shape2[-3:-1], filter_size)),
                            [shape2, filter_size], summarize=8)]

        # Enforce the check to run before computation.
        with tf.control_dependencies(checks):
            img1 = tf.identity(img1)

        # TODO(sjhwang): Try to cache kernels and compensation factor.
        kernel = _fspecial_gauss(filter_size, filter_sigma)
        kernel = tf.tile(kernel, multiples=[1, 1, shape1[-1], 1])

        # The correct compensation factor is `1.0 - tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(kernel))`,
        # but to match MATLAB implementation of MS-SSIM, we use 1.0 instead.
        compensation = 1.0

        # TODO(sjhwang): Try FFT.
        # TODO(sjhwang): Gaussian kernel is separable in space. Consider applying
        #   1-by-n and n-by-1 Gaussain filters instead of an n-by-n filter.

        luminance, c_s = _ssim_helper(img1, img2, max_val, kernel, compensation)

        # Average over the second and the third from the last: height, width.
        axes = tf.constant([-3, -2], dtype='int32')
        ssim_val = tf.reduce_mean(luminance * c_s, axes)
        c_s = tf.reduce_mean(c_s, axes)
        return ssim_val, c_s
def function_factory(model, residual, loss_bc, loss_ic, x, y, t, x_train_bc,
                     y_train_bc, t_train_bc, bc_train, x_train_ic, y_train_ic,
                     t_train_ic, ic_train, alpha, beta, D):
    """A factory to create a function required by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize.
        model [in]: an instance of `tf.keras.Model` or its subclasses.
        loss [in]: a function with signature loss_value = loss(pred_y, true_y).
        train_x [in]: the input part of training data.
        train_y [in]: the output part of training data.
        A function that has a signature of:
            loss_value, gradients = f(model_parameters).

    # 计算model中可训练参数的形状
    shapes = tf.shape_n(model.trainable_variables)
    n_tensors = len(shapes)

    # 随后将使用tf.dynamic_switch和tf.dynamic_partition来更改形状,下面是准备工作
    count = 0
    idx = []  # stitch indices
    part = []  # partition indices
    for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
        n = np.product(shape)
            tf.reshape(tf.range(count, count + n, dtype=tf.int32), shape))
        part.extend([i] * n)
        count += n
    part = tf.constant(part)

    def assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d):
        """A function updating the model's parameters with a 1D tf.Tensor.
            params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor representing the model's trainable parameters.
        params = tf.dynamic_partition(params_1d, part, n_tensors)
        for i, (shape, param) in enumerate(zip(shapes, params)):
            model.trainable_variables[i].assign(tf.reshape(param, shape))

    # now create a function that will be returned by this factory
    def f(params_1d):
        """A function that can be used by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize.
        This function is created by function_factory.
            params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor.
            A scalar loss and the gradients the `params_1d`.
        # use GradientTape so that we can calculate the gradient of loss
        with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape1:
            # update the parameters in the model
            with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape2:
                with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape3:
                    Psi = model(tf.concat([x, y, t], 1))
                Psi_x, Psi_y, Psi_t = tape3.gradient(Psi, [x, y, t])
            Psi_xx = tape2.gradient(Psi_x, x)
            Psi_yy = tape2.gradient(Psi_y, y)
            loss_e = residual(Psi_xx=Psi_xx,
            loss_b = loss_bc(model=model,
            loss_i = loss_ic(model=model,
            # calculate the loss
            loss_value = loss_e + alpha * loss_b + beta * loss_i
        # calculate gradients and convert to 1D tf.Tensor
        grads = tape1.gradient(loss_value, model.trainable_variables)
        grads = tf.dynamic_stitch(idx, grads)
        # print out iteration & loss
        if f.iter % 2000 == 0:
            tf.print("Iter:", f.iter, "loss:", loss_value)
        # store loss value so we can retrieve later
                       inp=[[loss_value, loss_e, loss_b, loss_i]],
        return loss_value, grads

    # store these information as members so we can use them outside the scope
    f.iter = tf.Variable(0)
    f.idx = idx
    f.part = part
    f.shapes = shapes
    f.assign_new_model_parameters = assign_new_model_parameters
    f.history = []
    return f
Пример #23
def ms_ssim(img1, img2, max_val=1.0, power_factors=(0.0517, 0.3295, 0.3462, 0.2726)):
    Computes the MS-SSIM between img1 and img2.
    This function assumes that `img1` and `img2` are image batches, i.e. the last
    three dimensions are [height, width, channels].
    Note: The true SSIM is only defined on grayscale.  This function does not
    perform any colorspace transform.  (If input is already YUV, then it will
    compute YUV SSIM average.)
    Original paper: Wang, Zhou, Eero P. Simoncelli, and Alan C. Bovik. "Multiscale
    structural similarity for image quality assessment." Signals, Systems and
    Computers, 2004.
    img1: First image batch.
    img2: Second image batch. Must have the same rank as img1.
    max_val: The dynamic range of the images (i.e., the difference between the
      maximum the and minimum allowed values).
    power_factors: Iterable of weights for each of the scales. The number of
      scales used is the length of the list. Index 0 is the unscaled
      resolution's weight and each increasing scale corresponds to the image
      being downsampled by 2.  Defaults to (0.0448, 0.2856, 0.3001, 0.2363,
      0.1333), which are the values obtained in the original paper.
    A tensor containing an MS-SSIM value for each image in batch.  The values
    are in range [0, 1].  Returns a tensor with shape:
    broadcast(img1.shape[:-3], img2.shape[:-3]).

    def _verify_compatible_image_shapes(img1, img2):
        Checks if two image tensors are compatible for applying SSIM or PSNR.
        This function checks if two sets of images have ranks at least 3, and if the
        last three dimensions match.
        img1: Tensor containing the first image batch.
        img2: Tensor containing the second image batch.
        A tuple containing: the first tensor shape, the second tensor shape, and a
        list of control_flow_ops.Assert() ops implementing the checks.
        ValueError: When static shape check fails.
        shape1 = img1.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)
        shape2 = img2.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)

        if shape1.ndims is not None and shape2.ndims is not None:
            for dim1, dim2 in zip(reversed(shape1[:-3]), reversed(shape2[:-3])):
                if not (dim1 == 1 or dim2 == 1 or dim1.is_compatible_with(dim2)):
                    raise ValueError('Two images are not compatible: %s and %s' % (shape1, shape2))

        # Now assign shape tensors.
        shape1, shape2 = tf.shape_n([img1, img2])

        # TODO(sjhwang): Check if shape1[:-3] and shape2[:-3] are broadcastable.
        checks = []
        checks.append(tf.Assert(tf.greater_equal(tf.size(shape1), 3),
                                [shape1, shape2], summarize=10))
        checks.append(tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(shape1[-3:], shape2[-3:])),
                                [shape1, shape2], summarize=10))

        return shape1, shape2, checks

    def _ssim_per_channel(img1, img2, max_val=1.0):
        Computes SSIM index between img1 and img2 per color channel.
        This function matches the standard SSIM implementation from:
        Wang, Z., Bovik, A. C., Sheikh, H. R., & Simoncelli, E. P. (2004). Image
        quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity. IEEE
        transactions on image processing.
        - 11x11 Gaussian filter of width 1.5 is used.
        - k1 = 0.01, k2 = 0.03 as in the original paper.
        img1: First image batch.
        img2: Second image batch.
        max_val: The dynamic range of the images (i.e., the difference between the
          maximum the and minimum allowed values).
        A pair of tensors containing and channel-wise SSIM and contrast-structure
        values. The shape is [..., channels].

        def _fspecial_gauss(size, sigma):
            Function to mimic the 'fspecial' gaussian MATLAB function.
            size = tf.convert_to_tensor(size, 'int32')
            sigma = tf.convert_to_tensor(sigma)

            coords = tf.cast(tf.range(size), sigma.dtype)
            coords -= tf.cast(size - 1, sigma.dtype) / 2.0

            var_g = tf.square(coords)
            var_g *= -0.5 / tf.square(sigma)

            var_g = tf.reshape(var_g, shape=[1, -1]) + tf.reshape(var_g, shape=[-1, 1])
            var_g = tf.reshape(var_g, shape=[1, -1])  # For tf.nn.softmax().
            var_g = tf.nn.softmax(var_g)
            return tf.reshape(var_g, shape=[size, size, 1, 1])

        def _ssim_helper(var_x, var_y, max_val, kernel, compensation=1.0):
            Helper function for computing SSIM.
            SSIM estimates covariances with weighted sums.  The default parameters
            use a biased estimate of the covariance:
            Suppose `reducer` is a weighted sum, then the mean estimators are
            mu_x = sum_i w_i x_i,
            mu_y = sum_i w_i y_i,
            where w_i's are the weighted-sum weights, and covariance estimator is
            cov_{xy} = sum_i w_i (x_i - mu_x) (y_i - mu_y)
            with assumption sum_i w_i = 1. This covariance estimator is biased, since
            E[cov_{xy}] = (1 - sum_i w_i ^ 2) Cov(X, Y).
            For SSIM measure with unbiased covariance estimators, pass as `compensation`
            argument (1 - sum_i w_i ^ 2).
            x: First set of images.
            y: Second set of images.
            reducer: Function that computes 'local' averages from set of images.
              For non-covolutional version, this is usually tf.reduce_mean(x, [1, 2]),
              and for convolutional version, this is usually tf.nn.avg_pool or
              tf.nn.conv2d with weighted-sum kernel.
            max_val: The dynamic range (i.e., the difference between the maximum
              possible allowed value and the minimum allowed value).
            compensation: Compensation factor. See above.
            A pair containing the luminance measure, and the contrast-structure measure.

            def reducer(var_x, kernel):
                shape = tf.shape(var_x)
                var_x = tf.reshape(var_x, shape=tf.concat([[-1], shape[-3:]], 0))
                var_y = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(var_x, kernel, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID')
                return tf.reshape(var_y, tf.concat([shape[:-3], tf.shape(var_y)[1:]], 0))

            _ssim_k1 = 0.01
            _ssim_k2 = 0.03

            c_1 = (_ssim_k1 * max_val) ** 2
            c_2 = (_ssim_k2 * max_val) ** 2

            # SSIM luminance measure is
            # (2 * mu_x * mu_y + c_1) / (mu_x ** 2 + mu_y ** 2 + c_1).
            mean0 = reducer(var_x, kernel)
            mean1 = reducer(var_y, kernel)
            num0 = mean0 * mean1 * 2.0
            den0 = tf.square(mean0) + tf.square(mean1)
            luminance = (num0 + c_1) / (den0 + c_1)

            # SSIM contrast-structure measure is
            #   (2 * cov_{xy} + c_2) / (cov_{xx} + cov_{yy} + c_2).
            # Note that `reducer` is a weighted sum with weight w_k, \sum_i w_i = 1, then
            #   cov_{xy} = \sum_i w_i (x_i - \mu_x) (y_i - \mu_y)
            #          = \sum_i w_i x_i y_i - (\sum_i w_i x_i) (\sum_j w_j y_j).
            num1 = reducer(var_x * var_y, kernel) * 2.0
            den1 = reducer(tf.square(var_x) + tf.square(var_y), kernel)
            c_2 *= compensation
            c_s = (num1 - num0 + c_2) / (den1 - den0 + c_2)

            # SSIM score is the product of the luminance and contrast-structure measures.
            return luminance, c_s

        filter_size = tf.constant(9, dtype='int32')  # changed from 11 to 9 due
        filter_sigma = tf.constant(1.5, dtype=img1.dtype)

        shape1, shape2 = tf.shape_n([img1, img2])
        checks = [tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(tf.greater_equal(shape1[-3:-1], filter_size)),
                            [shape1, filter_size], summarize=8),
                  tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(tf.greater_equal(shape2[-3:-1], filter_size)),
                            [shape2, filter_size], summarize=8)]

        # Enforce the check to run before computation.
        with tf.control_dependencies(checks):
            img1 = tf.identity(img1)

        # TODO(sjhwang): Try to cache kernels and compensation factor.
        kernel = _fspecial_gauss(filter_size, filter_sigma)
        kernel = tf.tile(kernel, multiples=[1, 1, shape1[-1], 1])

        # The correct compensation factor is `1.0 - tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(kernel))`,
        # but to match MATLAB implementation of MS-SSIM, we use 1.0 instead.
        compensation = 1.0

        # TODO(sjhwang): Try FFT.
        # TODO(sjhwang): Gaussian kernel is separable in space. Consider applying
        #   1-by-n and n-by-1 Gaussain filters instead of an n-by-n filter.

        luminance, c_s = _ssim_helper(img1, img2, max_val, kernel, compensation)

        # Average over the second and the third from the last: height, width.
        axes = tf.constant([-3, -2], dtype='int32')
        ssim_val = tf.reduce_mean(luminance * c_s, axes)
        c_s = tf.reduce_mean(c_s, axes)
        return ssim_val, c_s

    def do_pad(images, remainder):
        padding = tf.expand_dims(remainder, -1)
        padding = tf.pad(padding, [[1, 0], [1, 0]])
        return [tf.pad(x, padding, mode='SYMMETRIC') for x in images]

    # Shape checking.
    shape1 = img1.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)
    shape2 = img2.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)

    with tf.name_scope(None, 'MS-SSIM', [img1, img2]):
        shape1, shape2, checks = _verify_compatible_image_shapes(img1, img2)
    with tf.control_dependencies(checks):
        img1 = tf.identity(img1)

    # Need to convert the images to float32.  Scale max_val accordingly so that
    # SSIM is computed correctly.
    max_val = tf.cast(max_val, img1.dtype)
    max_val = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(max_val, 'float32')
    img1 = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img1, 'float32')
    img2 = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img2, 'float32')

    imgs = [img1, img2]
    shapes = [shape1, shape2]

    # img1 and img2 are assumed to be a (multi-dimensional) batch of
    # 3-dimensional images (height, width, channels). `heads` contain the batch
    # dimensions, and `tails` contain the image dimensions.
    heads = [s[:-3] for s in shapes]
    tails = [s[-3:] for s in shapes]

    divisor = [1, 2, 2, 1]
    divisor_tensor = tf.constant(divisor[1:], dtype='int32')

    mc_s = []
    for k in range(len(power_factors)):
        with tf.name_scope(None, 'Scale%d' % k, imgs):
            if k > 0:
                # Avg pool takes rank 4 tensors. Flatten leading dimensions.
                flat_imgs = [tf.reshape(x, tf.concat([[-1], t], 0))
                             for x, t in zip(imgs, tails)]

                remainder = tails[0] % divisor_tensor
                need_padding = tf.reduce_any(tf.not_equal(remainder, 0))
                padded = tf.cond(need_padding,
                                 lambda: do_pad(flat_imgs, remainder),
                                 lambda: flat_imgs)

                downscaled = [tf.nn.avg_pool(x, ksize=divisor, strides=divisor, padding='VALID')
                              for x in padded]
                tails = [x[1:] for x in tf.shape_n(downscaled)]
                imgs = [tf.reshape(x, tf.concat([h, t], 0))
                        for x, h, t in zip(downscaled, heads, tails)]

                # Overwrite previous ssim value since we only need the last one.
                ssim_per_channel, c_s = _ssim_per_channel(*imgs, max_val=max_val)

    # Remove the c_s score for the last scale. In the MS-SSIM calculation,
    # we use the l(p) at the highest scale. l(p) * c_s(p) is ssim(p).
    mc_s.pop()  # Remove the c_s score for the last scale.
    mc_s_and_ssim = tf.stack(mc_s + [tf.nn.relu(ssim_per_channel)], axis=-1)
    # Take weighted geometric mean across the scale axis.
    ms_ssim = tf.reduce_prod(tf.pow(mc_s_and_ssim, power_factors), [-1])

    return tf.reduce_mean(ms_ssim, [-1])  # Avg over color channels.
Пример #24
def function_factory(model, loss, train_x, train_y, batch_size=10):

    # obtain the shapes of all trainable parameters in the model
    shapes = tf.shape_n(model.trainable_variables)
    n_tensors = len(shapes)

    # we'll use tf.dynamic_stitch and tf.dynamic_partition later, so we need to
    # prepare required information first
    count = 0
    idx = []  # stitch indices
    part = []  # partition indices

    for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
        n = np.product(shape)
            tf.reshape(tf.range(count, count + n, dtype=tf.int32), shape))
        part.extend([i] * n)
        count += n

    part = tf.constant(part)

    def assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d):

        params = tf.dynamic_partition(params_1d, part, n_tensors)
        for i, (shape, param) in enumerate(zip(shapes, params)):
            model.trainable_variables[i].assign(tf.reshape(param, shape))

    # now create a function that will be returned by this factory
    def f(params_1d):

        N = len(x_train)
        # use GradientTape so that we can calculate the gradient of loss w.r.t. parameters
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            # update the parameters in the model
            if batch_size < N:
                perm = np.random.permutation(N)
                loss_value = 0
                for i in range(0, N, batch_size):
                    # calculate the loss
                    loss_value += loss(
                        model(train_x[perm[i:i + batch_size]], training=True),
                        train_y[perm[i:i + batch_size]])
                # calculate the loss
                loss_value = loss(model(train_x, training=True), train_y)

        # calculate gradients and convert to 1D tf.Tensor
        grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, model.trainable_variables)
        grads = tf.dynamic_stitch(idx, grads)

        # print out iteration & loss
        tf.print("Iter:", f.iter, "loss:", loss_value)

        # store loss value so we can retrieve later
        tf.py_function(f.history.append, inp=[loss_value], Tout=[])

        return loss_value, grads

    # store these information as members so we can use them outside the scope
    f.iter = tf.Variable(0)
    f.idx = idx
    f.part = part
    f.shapes = shapes
    f.assign_new_model_parameters = assign_new_model_parameters
    f.history = []

    return f
Пример #25
def ms_ssim_calc(img1,
                 power_factors=(0.0517, 0.3295, 0.3462, 0.2726)):
    Computes the MS-SSIM between img1 and img2.
    This function assumes that `img1` and `img2` are image batches, i.e. the last
    three dimensions are [height, width, channels].
    Note: The true SSIM is only defined on grayscale.  This function does not
    perform any colorspace transform.  (If input is already YUV, then it will
    compute YUV SSIM average.)
    Original paper: Wang, Zhou, Eero P. Simoncelli, and Alan C. Bovik. "Multiscale
    structural similarity for image quality assessment." Signals, Systems and
    Computers, 2004.
    img1: First image batch.
    img2: Second image batch. Must have the same rank as img1.
    max_val: The dynamic range of the images (i.e., the difference between the
      maximum the and minimum allowed values).
    power_factors: Iterable of weights for each of the scales. The number of
      scales used is the length of the list. Index 0 is the unscaled
      resolution's weight and each increasing scale corresponds to the image
      being downsampled by 2.  Defaults to (0.0448, 0.2856, 0.3001, 0.2363,
      0.1333), which are the values obtained in the original paper.
    A tensor containing an MS-SSIM value for each image in batch.  The values
    are in range [0, 1].  Returns a tensor with shape:
    broadcast(img1.shape[:-3], img2.shape[:-3]).
    def _verify_compatible_image_shapes(img1, img2):
        Checks if two image tensors are compatible for applying SSIM or PSNR.
        This function checks if two sets of images have ranks at least 3, and if the
        last three dimensions match.
        img1: Tensor containing the first image batch.
        img2: Tensor containing the second image batch.
        A tuple containing: the first tensor shape, the second tensor shape, and a
        list of control_flow_ops.Assert() ops implementing the checks.
        ValueError: When static shape check fails.
        shape1 = img1.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)
        shape2 = img2.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)

        if shape1.ndims is not None and shape2.ndims is not None:
            for dim1, dim2 in zip(reversed(shape1[:-3]),
                if not (dim1 == 1 or dim2 == 1
                        or dim1.is_compatible_with(dim2)):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Two images are not compatible: %s and %s' %
                        (shape1, shape2))

        # Now assign shape tensors.
        shape1, shape2 = tf.shape_n([img1, img2])

        # TODO(sjhwang): Check if shape1[:-3] and shape2[:-3] are broadcastable.
        checks = []
            tf.Assert(tf.greater_equal(tf.size(shape1), 3), [shape1, shape2],
            tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(shape1[-3:], shape2[-3:])),
                      [shape1, shape2],

        return shape1, shape2, checks

    def _ssim_per_channel(img1, img2, max_val=1.0):
        Computes SSIM index between img1 and img2 per color channel.
        This function matches the standard SSIM implementation from:
        Wang, Z., Bovik, A. C., Sheikh, H. R., & Simoncelli, E. P. (2004). Image
        quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity. IEEE
        transactions on image processing.
        - 11x11 Gaussian filter of width 1.5 is used.
        - k1 = 0.01, k2 = 0.03 as in the original paper.
        img1: First image batch.
        img2: Second image batch.
        max_val: The dynamic range of the images (i.e., the difference between the
          maximum the and minimum allowed values).
        A pair of tensors containing and channel-wise SSIM and contrast-structure
        values. The shape is [..., channels].
        def _fspecial_gauss(size, sigma):
            """ Function to mimic the 'fspecial' gaussian MATLAB function. """

            size = tf.convert_to_tensor(size, 'int32')
            sigma = tf.convert_to_tensor(sigma)
            coords = tf.cast(tf.range(size), sigma.dtype)
            coords -= tf.cast(size - 1, sigma.dtype) / 2.0

            gauss = tf.square(coords)
            gauss *= -0.5 / tf.square(sigma)
            gauss = tf.reshape(gauss, shape=[1, -1]) + tf.reshape(
                gauss, shape=[-1, 1])
            gauss = tf.reshape(gauss, shape=[1, -1])  # For tf.nn.softmax().
            gauss = tf.nn.softmax(gauss)
            return tf.reshape(gauss, shape=[size, size, 1, 1])

        def _ssim_helper(img1, img2, max_val, kernel, compensation=1.):
            Helper function for computing SSIM.
            SSIM estimates covariances with weighted sums.  The default parameters
            use a biased estimate of the covariance:
            Suppose `reducer` is a weighted sum, then the mean estimators are
            mu_x = sum_i w_i x_i,
            mu_y = sum_i w_i y_i,
            where w_i's are the weighted-sum weights, and covariance estimator is
            cov_{xy} = sum_i w_i (x_i - mu_x) (y_i - mu_y)
            with assumption sum_i w_i = 1. This covariance estimator is biased, since
            E[cov_{xy}] = (1 - sum_i w_i ^ 2) Cov(X, Y).
            For SSIM measure with unbiased covariance estimators, pass as `compensation`
            argument (1 - sum_i w_i ^ 2).
            img1: First set of images.
            img2: Second set of images.
            reducer: Function that computes 'local' averages from set of images.
              For non-covolutional version, this is usually tf.reduce_mean(img1, [1, 2]),
              and for convolutional version, this is usually tf.nn.avg_pool or
              tf.nn.conv2d with weighted-sum kernel.
            max_val: The dynamic range (i.e., the difference between the maximum
              possible allowed value and the minimum allowed value).
            compensation: Compensation factor. See above.
            A pair containing the luminance measure, and the contrast-structure measure.
            def reducer(img1, kernel):
                shape = tf.shape(img1)
                img1 = tf.reshape(img1, shape=tf.concat([[-1], shape[-3:]], 0))
                img2 = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(img1,
                                              strides=[1, 1, 1, 1],
                return tf.reshape(
                    tf.concat([shape[:-3], tf.shape(img2)[1:]], 0))

            c_one = (0.01 * max_val)**2
            c_two = ((0.03 * max_val))**2 * compensation

            # SSIM luminance measure is
            # (2 * mu_x * mu_y + c_one) / (mu_x ** 2 + mu_y ** 2 + c_one).
            mean0 = reducer(img1, kernel)
            mean1 = reducer(img2, kernel)
            num0 = mean0 * mean1 * 2.
            den0 = tf.square(mean0) + tf.square(mean1)
            luminance = (num0 + c_one) / (den0 + c_one)

            # SSIM contrast-structure measure is
            #   (2 * cov_{xy} + c_two) / (cov_{xx} + cov_{yy} + c_two).
            # Note that `reducer` is a weighted sum with weight w_k, \sum_i w_i = 1, then
            #   cov_{xy} = \sum_i w_i (x_i - \mu_x) (y_i - \mu_y)
            #          = \sum_i w_i x_i y_i - (\sum_i w_i x_i) (\sum_j w_j y_j).
            num1 = reducer(img1 * img2, kernel) * 2.0
            den1 = reducer(tf.square(img1) + tf.square(img2), kernel)
            c_s = (num1 - num0 + c_two) / (den1 - den0 + c_two)

            # SSIM score is the product of the luminance and contrast-structure measures.
            return luminance, c_s

        filter_size = tf.constant(9, dtype='int32')  # changed from 11 to 9 due
        filter_sigma = tf.constant(1.5, dtype=img1.dtype)

        shape1, shape2 = tf.shape_n([img1, img2])
        checks = [
                tf.greater_equal(shape1[-3:-1], filter_size)),
                      [shape1, filter_size],
                tf.greater_equal(shape2[-3:-1], filter_size)),
                      [shape2, filter_size],

        # Enforce the check to run before computation.
        with tf.control_dependencies(checks):
            img1 = tf.identity(img1)

        # TODO(sjhwang): Try to cache kernels and compensation factor.
        kernel = _fspecial_gauss(filter_size, filter_sigma)
        kernel = tf.tile(kernel, multiples=[1, 1, shape1[-1], 1])

        # The correct compensation factor is `1.0 - tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(kernel))`,
        # but to match MATLAB implementation of MS-SSIM, we use 1.0 instead.
        compensation = 1.

        # TODO(sjhwang): Try FFT.
        # TODO(sjhwang): Gaussian kernel is separable in space. Consider applying
        #   1-by-n and n-by-1 Gaussain filters instead of an n-by-n filter.

        luminance, c_s = _ssim_helper(img1, img2, max_val, kernel,

        # Average over the second and the third from the last: height, width.
        axes = tf.constant([-3, -2], dtype='int32')
        ssim_val = tf.reduce_mean(luminance * c_s, axes)
        c_s = tf.reduce_mean(c_s, axes)
        return ssim_val, c_s

    def do_pad(images, remainder):
        padding = tf.expand_dims(remainder, -1)
        padding = tf.pad(padding, [[1, 0], [1, 0]])
        return [tf.pad(x, padding, mode='SYMMETRIC') for x in images]

    # Shape checking.
    shape1 = img1.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)
    shape2 = img2.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)

    with tf.name_scope(None, 'MS-SSIM', [img1, img2]):
        shape1, shape2, checks = _verify_compatible_image_shapes(img1, img2)
    with tf.control_dependencies(checks):
        img1 = tf.identity(img1)

    # Need to convert the images to float32.  Scale max_val accordingly so that
    # SSIM is computed correctly.
    max_val = tf.cast(max_val, img1.dtype)
    max_val = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(max_val, 'float32')
    img1 = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img1, 'float32')
    img2 = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img2, 'float32')

    imgs = [img1, img2]
    shapes = [shape1, shape2]

    # img1 and img2 are assumed to be a (multi-dimensional) batch of
    # 3-dimensional images (height, width, channels). `heads` contain the batch
    # dimensions, and `tails` contain the image dimensions.
    heads = [s[:-3] for s in shapes]
    tails = [s[-3:] for s in shapes]

    divisor = [1, 2, 2, 1]
    divisor_tensor = tf.constant(divisor[1:], dtype='int32')

    mc_s = []
    for k in range(len(power_factors)):
        with tf.name_scope(None, 'Scale%d' % k, imgs):
            if k > 0:
                # Avg pool takes rank 4 tensors. Flatten leading dimensions.
                zipped = zip(imgs, tails)
                flat_imgs = [
                    tf.reshape(x, tf.concat([[-1], t], 0)) for x, t in zipped
                remainder = tails[0] % divisor_tensor
                need_padding = tf.reduce_any(tf.not_equal(remainder, 0))
                padded = tf.cond(need_padding,
                                 lambda: do_pad(flat_imgs, remainder),
                                 lambda: flat_imgs)

                downscaled = [
                                   padding='VALID') for x in padded
                tails = [x[1:] for x in tf.shape_n(downscaled)]
                zipper = zip(downscaled, heads, tails)
                imgs = [
                    tf.reshape(x, tf.concat([h, t], 0)) for x, h, t in zipper

            # Overwrite previous ssim value since we only need the last one.
            ssim_per_channel, c_s = _ssim_per_channel(*imgs, max_val=max_val)

    # Remove the c_s score for the last scale. In the MS-SSIM calculation,
    # we use the l(p) at the highest scale. l(p) * c_s(p) is ssim(p).
    mc_s.pop()  # Remove the c_s score for the last scale.
    mcs_and_ssim = tf.stack(mc_s + [tf.nn.relu(ssim_per_channel)], axis=-1)
    # Take weighted geometric mean across the scale axis.
    ms_ssim = tf.reduce_prod(tf.pow(mcs_and_ssim, power_factors), [-1])

    return tf.reduce_mean(ms_ssim, [-1])  # Avg over color channels.
Пример #26
def function_factory(model, loss_f, X, Y,params,kernel):
    """A factory to create a function required by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize.
        model [in]: an instance of `tf.keras.Model` or its subclasses.
        loss [in]: a function with signature loss_value = loss(pred_y, true_y).
        train_x [in]: the input part of training data.
        train_y [in]: the output part of training data.
        A function that has a signature of:
            loss_value, gradients = f(model_parameters).

    # obtain the shapes of all trainable parameters in the model
    shapes = tf.shape_n(model._opti_variables)
    n_tensors = len(shapes)

    # we'll use tf.dynamic_stitch and tf.dynamic_partition later, so we need to
    # prepare required information first
    count = 0
    idx = [] # stitch indices
    part = [] # partition indices

    for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
        n = np.product(shape)
        idx.append(tf.reshape(tf.range(count, count+n, dtype=tf.int32), shape))
        count += n

    part = tf.constant(part)
    def assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d):
        """A function updating the model's parameters with a 1D tf.Tensor.
            params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor representing the model's trainable parameters.
        params = tf.dynamic_partition(params_1d, part, n_tensors)
        for i, (shape, param) in enumerate(zip(shapes, params)):
            model._opti_variables[i].assign(tf.cast(tf.reshape(param, shape), dtype=_precision))

    # now create a function that will be returned by this factory

    def f(params_1d):
        """A function that can be used by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize.
        This function is created by function_factory.
           params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor.
            A scalar loss and the gradients w.r.t. the `params_1d`.

        # use GradientTape so that we can calculate the gradient of loss w.r.t. parameters
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            # update the parameters in the model
            # calculate the loss
            loss_value = model(X,Y,kernel)[0][0]

        # calculate gradients and convert to 1D tf.Tensor
        grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, model.variables)
        grads = tf.dynamic_stitch(idx, grads)

        # print out iteration & loss
        #tf.print("Iter:", f.iter, "loss:", loss_value)
        # store loss value so we can retrieve later
        tf.py_function(f.history.append, inp=[loss_value], Tout=[])
        #return loss_value ,grads
        return np.array(loss_value, order='F'),np.array(grads, order='F')

    # store these information as members so we can use them outside the scope
    f.iter = tf.convert_to_tensor(0)
    f.idx = idx
    f.part = part
    f.shapes = shapes
    f.assign_new_model_parameters = assign_new_model_parameters
    f.history = []

    return f
Пример #27
    import tensorflow as tf
except ImportError:
    print("WARNING: Tensorflow not found, skipping test")

from dace.frontend.tensorflow import TFSession

myshape = [69, 96, 666]
num_inputs = 5

inpList = [tf.ones(myshape) for _ in range(num_inputs)]

sess_tf = tf.Session()
sess_dace = TFSession()

shapes_tf = sess_tf.run(tf.shape_n(inpList))
shapes_dace = sess_dace.run(tf.shape_n(inpList))
for dc, tf in zip(shapes_dace, shapes_tf):
        assert (dc == tf).all()
    except (AssertionError):
Пример #28
def _MultiscaleSSIMHelper(img1,
    """Computes the MS-SSIM between img1 and img2.

  This function assumes that `img1` and `img2` are image batches, i.e. the last
  three dimensions are [row, col, channels].

    img1: First RGB image batch.
    img2: Second RGB image batch. Must have the same rank as img1.
    filter_size: An integer, the filter size of the Gaussian kernel used.
    filter_width: A float, the filter width of the Gaussian kernel used.
    power_factors: iterable of weightings for each of the scales. The number of
      scales used is the length of the list. Index 0 is the unscaled
      resolution's weighting and each increasing scale corresponds to the image
      being downsampled by 2.
    max_val: the dynamic range of the images (i.e., the difference between the
      maximum the and minimum allowed values).

    A tensor containing batch-wise MS-SSIM measure. MS-SSIM has range [0, 1].
    The shape is broadcast(img1.shape[:-3], img2.shape[:-3]).
    # Shape checking.
    shape1 = img1.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)
    shape2 = img2.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)

    with tf.name_scope(None, 'MS-SSIM', [img1, img2]):
        shape1, shape2, checks = VerifyCompatibleImageShapes(img1, img2)
        with tf.control_dependencies(checks):
            img1 = tf.identity(img1)

        imgs = [img1, img2]
        shapes = [shape1, shape2]

        # img1 and img2 are assumed to be a (multi-dimensional) batch of
        # 3-dimensional images (height, width, channels). `heads` contain the batch
        # dimensions, and `tails` contain the image dimensions.
        heads = [s[:-3] for s in shapes]
        tails = [s[-3:] for s in shapes]

        divisor = [1, 2, 2, 1]
        divisor_tensor = tf.constant(divisor[1:], dtype=tf.int32)

        def do_pad(images, remainder):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            padding = tf.expand_dims(remainder, -1)
            padding = tf.pad(padding, [[1, 0], [1, 0]])
            return [tf.pad(x, padding, mode='SYMMETRIC') for x in images]

        mcs = []
        for k in range(len(power_factors)):
            with tf.name_scope(None, 'Scale%d' % k, imgs):
                if k > 0:
                    # Avg pool takes rank 4 tensors. Flatten leading dimensions.
                    flat_imgs = [
                        tf.reshape(x, tf.concat([[-1], t], 0))
                        for x, t in zip(imgs, tails)

                    remainder = tails[0] % divisor_tensor
                    need_padding = tf.reduce_any(tf.not_equal(remainder, 0))
                    # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
                    padded = tf.cond(need_padding,
                                     lambda: do_pad(flat_imgs, remainder),
                                     lambda: flat_imgs)
                    # pylint: enable=cell-var-from-loop

                    downscaled = [
                                       padding='VALID') for x in padded
                    tails = [x[1:] for x in tf.shape_n(downscaled)]
                    imgs = [
                        tf.reshape(x, tf.concat([h, t], 0))
                        for x, h, t in zip(downscaled, heads, tails)

                # Overwrite previous ssim value since we only need the last one.
                ssim, cs = _SSIMIndexPerChannel(*imgs,

        # Remove the cs score for the last scale. In the MS-SSIM calculation,
        # we use the l(p) at the highest scale. l(p) * cs(p) is ssim(p).
        mcs.pop()  # Remove the cs score for the last scale.
        mcs_and_ssim = tf.stack(mcs + [tf.nn.relu(ssim)], axis=-1)
        # Take weighted geometric mean across the scale axis.
        ms_ssim = tf.reduce_prod(tf.pow(mcs_and_ssim, power_factors), [-1])

        ms_ssim = tf.reduce_mean(ms_ssim, [-1])  # Average over color channels.
        return ms_ssim
Пример #29
def scipy_function_factory(model, *args):
    """A factory to create a function required by scipy.opimizer.
    Based on the example from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59029854/use-scipy-optimizer-with-tensorflow-2-0-for-neural-network-training
        model [in]: an instance of `tf.keras.Model` or its subclasses.
        *args: arguments to be passed to model.get_grads method        
        A function that has a signature of:
            loss_value, gradients = f(model_parameters).

    # obtain the shapes of all trainable parameters in the model
    shapes = tf.shape_n(model.trainable_variables)
    n_tensors = len(shapes)

    # we'll use tf.dynamic_stitch and tf.dynamic_partition later, so we need to
    # prepare required information first
    count = 0
    idx = []  # stitch indices
    part = []  # partition indices

    for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
        n = np.product(shape)
            tf.reshape(tf.range(count, count + n, dtype=tf.int32), shape))
        part.extend([i] * n)
        count += n

    part = tf.constant(part)

    def assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d):
        """A function updating the model's parameters with a 1D tf.Tensor.

            params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor representing the model's trainable parameters.

        params = tf.dynamic_partition(params_1d, part, n_tensors)
        for i, (shape, param) in enumerate(zip(shapes, params)):
            model.trainable_variables[i].assign(tf.reshape(param, shape))

    # now create a function that will be returned by this factory
    def f(params_1d):
        """A function that can be used by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize.

        This function is created by function_factory.

           params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor.

            A scalar loss and the gradients w.r.t. the `params_1d`.
        loss_value, grads = model.get_grad(*args)
        grads = tf.dynamic_stitch(idx, grads)

        # print out iteration & loss
        if f.iter % model.print_epoch == 0:
            tf.print("Iter:", f.iter, "loss:", loss_value)

        return loss_value.numpy(), grads.numpy()

    # store these information as members so we can use them outside the scope
    f.iter = tf.Variable(0)
    f.idx = idx
    f.part = part
    f.shapes = shapes
    f.assign_new_model_parameters = assign_new_model_parameters

    return f
Пример #30
    def _function_wrapper(self, loss_func, model):
        """A factory to create a function required by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize.

            loss_func: a function with signature loss_value = loss(model).
            model: an instance of `tf.keras.Model` or its subclasses.

            A function that has a signature of:
                loss_value, gradients = f(model_parameters).

        # obtain the shapes of all trainable parameters in the model
        shapes = tf.shape_n(model.trainable_variables)
        n_tensors = len(shapes)

        # we'll use tf.dynamic_stitch and tf.dynamic_partition later, so we need to
        # prepare required information first
        count = 0
        idx = []  # stitch indices
        part = []  # partition indices

        for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
            n = np.product(shape)
                tf.reshape(tf.range(count, count + n, dtype=tf.int32), shape))
            part.extend([i] * n)
            count += n

        part = tf.constant(part)

        def assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d):
            """A function updating the model's parameters with a 1D tf.Tensor.

                params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor representing the model's trainable parameters.

            params = tf.dynamic_partition(params_1d, part, n_tensors)
            for i, (shape, param) in enumerate(zip(shapes, params)):
                model.trainable_variables[i].assign(tf.reshape(param, shape))

        # now create a function that will be returned by this factory
        def f(params_1d):
            """A function that can be used by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize.

            This function is created by function_factory.

               params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor.

                A scalar loss and the gradients w.r.t. the `params_1d`.

            # use GradientTape so that we can calculate the gradient of loss w.r.t. parameters
            with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
                # update the parameters in the model
                # calculate the loss
                loss_value = loss_func(model)

            # calculate gradients and convert to 1D tf.Tensor
            grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, model.trainable_variables)
            grads = tf.dynamic_stitch(idx, grads)

            # print out iteration & loss
            tf.print("Iter:", f.iter, "loss:", loss_value)

            if self.callback_list is not None:
                info_dict = {
                    'iter': f.iter,
                    'loss': loss_value,
                    'grad': grads,

                for callback in self.callback_list:
                    callback(model, info_dict=info_dict)

            return loss_value, grads

        if self.trace_function:
            f = tf.function(f)

        # store these information as members so we can use them outside the scope
        f.iter = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
        f.idx = idx
        f.part = part
        f.shapes = shapes
        f.assign_new_model_parameters = assign_new_model_parameters

        return f
Пример #31
    def _ssim_per_channel(img1, img2, max_val=1.0):
        Computes SSIM index between img1 and img2 per color channel.
        This function matches the standard SSIM implementation from:
        Wang, Z., Bovik, A. C., Sheikh, H. R., & Simoncelli, E. P. (2004). Image
        quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity. IEEE
        transactions on image processing.
        - 11x11 Gaussian filter of width 1.5 is used.
        - k1 = 0.01, k2 = 0.03 as in the original paper.
        img1: First image batch.
        img2: Second image batch.
        max_val: The dynamic range of the images (i.e., the difference between the
          maximum the and minimum allowed values).
        A pair of tensors containing and channel-wise SSIM and contrast-structure
        values. The shape is [..., channels].
        def _fspecial_gauss(size, sigma):
            """ Function to mimic the 'fspecial' gaussian MATLAB function. """

            size = tf.convert_to_tensor(size, 'int32')
            sigma = tf.convert_to_tensor(sigma)
            coords = tf.cast(tf.range(size), sigma.dtype)
            coords -= tf.cast(size - 1, sigma.dtype) / 2.0

            gauss = tf.square(coords)
            gauss *= -0.5 / tf.square(sigma)
            gauss = tf.reshape(gauss, shape=[1, -1]) + tf.reshape(
                gauss, shape=[-1, 1])
            gauss = tf.reshape(gauss, shape=[1, -1])  # For tf.nn.softmax().
            gauss = tf.nn.softmax(gauss)
            return tf.reshape(gauss, shape=[size, size, 1, 1])

        def _ssim_helper(img1, img2, max_val, kernel, compensation=1.):
            Helper function for computing SSIM.
            SSIM estimates covariances with weighted sums.  The default parameters
            use a biased estimate of the covariance:
            Suppose `reducer` is a weighted sum, then the mean estimators are
            mu_x = sum_i w_i x_i,
            mu_y = sum_i w_i y_i,
            where w_i's are the weighted-sum weights, and covariance estimator is
            cov_{xy} = sum_i w_i (x_i - mu_x) (y_i - mu_y)
            with assumption sum_i w_i = 1. This covariance estimator is biased, since
            E[cov_{xy}] = (1 - sum_i w_i ^ 2) Cov(X, Y).
            For SSIM measure with unbiased covariance estimators, pass as `compensation`
            argument (1 - sum_i w_i ^ 2).
            img1: First set of images.
            img2: Second set of images.
            reducer: Function that computes 'local' averages from set of images.
              For non-covolutional version, this is usually tf.reduce_mean(img1, [1, 2]),
              and for convolutional version, this is usually tf.nn.avg_pool or
              tf.nn.conv2d with weighted-sum kernel.
            max_val: The dynamic range (i.e., the difference between the maximum
              possible allowed value and the minimum allowed value).
            compensation: Compensation factor. See above.
            A pair containing the luminance measure, and the contrast-structure measure.
            def reducer(img1, kernel):
                shape = tf.shape(img1)
                img1 = tf.reshape(img1, shape=tf.concat([[-1], shape[-3:]], 0))
                img2 = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(img1,
                                              strides=[1, 1, 1, 1],
                return tf.reshape(
                    tf.concat([shape[:-3], tf.shape(img2)[1:]], 0))

            c_one = (0.01 * max_val)**2
            c_two = ((0.03 * max_val))**2 * compensation

            # SSIM luminance measure is
            # (2 * mu_x * mu_y + c_one) / (mu_x ** 2 + mu_y ** 2 + c_one).
            mean0 = reducer(img1, kernel)
            mean1 = reducer(img2, kernel)
            num0 = mean0 * mean1 * 2.
            den0 = tf.square(mean0) + tf.square(mean1)
            luminance = (num0 + c_one) / (den0 + c_one)

            # SSIM contrast-structure measure is
            #   (2 * cov_{xy} + c_two) / (cov_{xx} + cov_{yy} + c_two).
            # Note that `reducer` is a weighted sum with weight w_k, \sum_i w_i = 1, then
            #   cov_{xy} = \sum_i w_i (x_i - \mu_x) (y_i - \mu_y)
            #          = \sum_i w_i x_i y_i - (\sum_i w_i x_i) (\sum_j w_j y_j).
            num1 = reducer(img1 * img2, kernel) * 2.0
            den1 = reducer(tf.square(img1) + tf.square(img2), kernel)
            c_s = (num1 - num0 + c_two) / (den1 - den0 + c_two)

            # SSIM score is the product of the luminance and contrast-structure measures.
            return luminance, c_s

        filter_size = tf.constant(9, dtype='int32')  # changed from 11 to 9 due
        filter_sigma = tf.constant(1.5, dtype=img1.dtype)

        shape1, shape2 = tf.shape_n([img1, img2])
        checks = [
                tf.greater_equal(shape1[-3:-1], filter_size)),
                      [shape1, filter_size],
                tf.greater_equal(shape2[-3:-1], filter_size)),
                      [shape2, filter_size],

        # Enforce the check to run before computation.
        with tf.control_dependencies(checks):
            img1 = tf.identity(img1)

        # TODO(sjhwang): Try to cache kernels and compensation factor.
        kernel = _fspecial_gauss(filter_size, filter_sigma)
        kernel = tf.tile(kernel, multiples=[1, 1, shape1[-1], 1])

        # The correct compensation factor is `1.0 - tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(kernel))`,
        # but to match MATLAB implementation of MS-SSIM, we use 1.0 instead.
        compensation = 1.

        # TODO(sjhwang): Try FFT.
        # TODO(sjhwang): Gaussian kernel is separable in space. Consider applying
        #   1-by-n and n-by-1 Gaussain filters instead of an n-by-n filter.

        luminance, c_s = _ssim_helper(img1, img2, max_val, kernel,

        # Average over the second and the third from the last: height, width.
        axes = tf.constant([-3, -2], dtype='int32')
        ssim_val = tf.reduce_mean(luminance * c_s, axes)
        c_s = tf.reduce_mean(c_s, axes)
        return ssim_val, c_s
Пример #32
    def function_factory(self, loss, train_x, train_y):
        """A factory to create a function required by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize.
            self [in]: an instance of `tf.keras.Model` or its subclasses.
            loss [in]: a function with signature loss_value = loss(pred_y, true_y).
            train_x [in]: the input part of training data.
            train_y [in]: the output part of training data.
            A function that has a signature of:
                loss_value, gradients = f(model_parameters).

        # obtain the shapes of all trainable parameters in the model
        shapes = tf.shape_n(self.trainable_variables)
        n_tensors = len(shapes)

        # we'll use tf.dynamic_stitch and tf.dynamic_partition later, so we need to
        # prepare required information first
        count = 0
        idx = []  # stitch indices
        part = []  # partition indices

        for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
            n = numpy.product(shape)
                tf.reshape(tf.range(count, count + n, dtype=tf.int32), shape))
            part.extend([i] * n)
            count += n

        part = tf.constant(part)

        def assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d):
            """A function updating the model's parameters with a 1D tf.Tensor.
                params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor representing the model's trainable parameters.

            params = tf.dynamic_partition(params_1d, part, n_tensors)
            for i, (shape, param) in enumerate(zip(shapes, params)):
                self.trainable_variables[i].assign(tf.reshape(param, shape))

        # now create a function that will be returned by this factory
        def f(params_1d):
            """A function that can be used by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize.
            This function is created by function_factory.
               params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor.
                A scalar loss and the gradients w.r.t. the `params_1d`.

            # use GradientTape so that we can calculate the gradient of loss w.r.t. parameters
            with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
                # update the parameters in the model
                # calculate the loss
                loss_value = loss(self(train_x, training=True), train_y)

            # calculate gradients and convert to 1D tf.Tensor
            grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, self.trainable_variables)
            grads = [
                k if k is not None else tf.zeros_like(
                    self.trainable_variables[i]) for i, k in enumerate(grads)
            grads = tf.dynamic_stitch(idx, grads)

            # print out iteration & loss
            tf.print("Iter:", f.iter, "loss:", loss_value, "\t", end='\r')

            return loss_value, grads

        # store these information as members so we can use them outside the scope
        f.iter = tf.Variable(0)
        f.idx = idx
        f.part = part
        f.shapes = shapes
        f.assign_new_model_parameters = assign_new_model_parameters

        return f
Пример #33
a = tf.Variable([[1, 2, 4], [3, 4, 5]])
s = tf.shape(a)
sess = tf.Session()
out = sess.run(s)
print("shape:", out)

size = tf.size(a)
out = sess.run(size)
print("size:", out)

rank = tf.rank(a)
out = sess.run(rank)
print("rank:", out)

shape_n = tf.shape_n([a])
out = sess.run(shape_n)
print("shape_n:", out)
5. 改变tensor的shape: tf.reshape

6. 扩展维度: tf.expand_dims

7. 去掉size为1的维度:tf.squeeze(input,axis=None,name=None,squeeze_dims=None)
    * input: Tensor
    * axis: a list of ints, 可选。要去掉的维度。
    * name:
    * squeeze_dims: 过时的参数,同axis。
8. Broadcasts parameters : tf.meshgrid()
Пример #34
def graph_lbfgs(model, loss):
    """A factory to create a function required by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize.
        model [in]: an instance of `tf.keras.Model` or its subclasses.
        loss [in]: a function with signature loss_value = loss(pred_y, true_y).
        A function that has a signature of:
            loss_value, gradients = f(model_parameters).

    # obtain the shapes of all trainable parameters in the model
    shapes = tf.shape_n(model.trainable_variables)
    n_tensors = len(shapes)

    # we'll use tf.dynamic_stitch and tf.dynamic_partition later, so we need to
    # prepare required information first
    count = 0
    idx = []  # stitch indices
    part = []  # partition indices
    start_time = time.time()

    for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
        n = numpy.product(shape)
            tf.reshape(tf.range(count, count + n, dtype=tf.int32), shape))
        part.extend([i] * n)
        count += n

    part = tf.constant(part)

    def assign_new_model_parameters(params_1d):
        """A function updating the model's parameters with a 1D tf.Tensor.
            params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor representing the model's trainable parameters.

        params = tf.dynamic_partition(params_1d, part, n_tensors)
        for i, (shape, param) in enumerate(zip(shapes, params)):
            model.trainable_variables[i].assign(tf.reshape(param, shape))

    # now create a function that will be returned by this factory
    def f(params_1d):
        """A function that can be used by tfp.optimizer.lbfgs_minimize.
        This function is created by function_factory.
           params_1d [in]: a 1D tf.Tensor.
            A scalar loss and the gradients w.r.t. the `params_1d`.
        # use GradientTape so that we can calculate the gradient of loss w.r.t. parameters
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            # update the parameters in the model
            # calculate the loss
            loss_value = loss()

        # calculate gradients and convert to 1D tf.Tensor
        grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, model.trainable_variables)
        grads = tf.dynamic_stitch(idx, grads)

        # print out iteration & loss

        if f.iter % 300 == 0:
            elapsed = tf.timestamp() - f.start_time

            tf.print("Iter:", f.iter // 3, "loss:", loss_value, "time:",

        # store loss value so we can retrieve later
        tf.py_function(f.history.append, inp=[loss_value], Tout=[])

        return loss_value, grads

    # store these information as members so we can use them outside the scope
    f.iter = tf.Variable(0)
    f.idx = idx
    f.part = part
    f.shapes = shapes
    f.assign_new_model_parameters = assign_new_model_parameters
    f.history = []
    f.start_time = tf.Variable(tf.timestamp())

    return f
Пример #35
def _calculateRpnLoss(predRawScores, predBoxes, predRegressions, predAnchors,
                      mini_batch_size, gt_boxes, feature_h, feature_w):
    """Refactoring of code from calculateRpnLoss into another function for testing"""
    num_classes = tf.shape_n(
        gt_boxes)[0] - 1  # subtract one since background is not a class
    iou_threshold_neg = s.DEF_IOU_THRESHOLD_TRAIN_NEG
    iou_threshold_pos = s.DEF_IOU_THRESHOLD_TRAIN_POS
    with easy_scope(name="proposal_layer_test"), tf.device("/cpu:0"):
        labeled_boxes = iou_labeler(predBoxes, gt_boxes, iou_threshold_neg,

        # Sample boxes and raw scores for loss

        posIdx, negIdx = tf.py_func(
            lambda x: sampleBoxes(x, num_classes, mini_batch_size),
            [labeled_boxes], [tf.int32, tf.int32],
        # posIdx, negIdx = tf.py_func(sampleBoxes, [labeled_boxes, num_classes, mini_batch_size],
        #        tf.float32, stateful=False, name="sampleBoxes")
        positive_raw_scores = tf.gather(predRawScores,
        negative_raw_scores = tf.gather(predRawScores,

        # There is no regression loss for negative examples.  For the positives, we need
        # to find the gt regression from anchor to gt boxes
        positive_anchors = tf.gather(predAnchors,
        positive_gt_boxes = tf.gather(gt_boxes,
                                          labeled_boxes[:, 4], posIdx),
        positive_gt_regs = calculateRegressions(positive_anchors,
        positive_raw_regressions = tf.gather(predRegressions,

        # Flatten regressions before passing into the huber loss function
        flat_pred_regs = tf.reshape(positive_raw_regressions, [-1])
        flat_gt_regs = tf.reshape(positive_gt_regs, [-1])
        reg_loss = tf.losses.huber_loss(flat_pred_regs,
        reg_loss = tf.reduce_sum(reg_loss)

        # Class-agnostic log loss for positive examples
        # Need to create a whole bunch of [0,1]s of the right length
        num_pos = tf.shape(positive_raw_scores)[0]
        cls_loss_pos = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            labels=tf.ones([num_pos], dtype=tf.int32),
        cls_loss_pos = tf.reduce_sum(cls_loss_pos)

        # Log-loss for the negative examples
        num_neg = tf.shape(negative_raw_scores)[0]
        cls_loss_neg = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            labels=tf.zeros([num_neg], dtype=tf.int32),
        cls_loss_neg = tf.reduce_sum(cls_loss_neg)

        # Adding up and normalizing the losses.
        reg_loss /= (feature_h * feature_w) / 10.
        cls_loss = (cls_loss_pos + cls_loss_neg) / mini_batch_size

        total_loss = tf.add(reg_loss, cls_loss, name="total_loss")
        return total_loss