def load_bert_weight_from_ckpt( bert_model: tf.keras.Model, bert_ckpt_dir: str, repl_patterns: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None ) -> Tuple[tf.keras.Model, Mapping[str, str], Mapping[str, Any]]: """Loads checkpoint weights and match to model weights if applicable. Args: bert_model: The BERT Encoder model whose weights to load from checkpoints. bert_ckpt_dir: Path to BERT pre-trained checkpoints. repl_patterns: A mapping of regex string patterns and their replacements. To be used to update checkpoint weight names so they match those in bert_model (e.g., via re.sub(pattern, repl, weight_name)) Returns: bert_model: The BERT Encoder model with loaded weights. names_to_keys: A dict mapping of weight name to checkpoint keys. keys_to_weights: A dict mapping of checkpoint keys to weight values. """ # Load a dict mapping of weight names to their corresponding checkpoint keys. names_to_keys = object_graph_key_mapping(bert_ckpt_dir) if repl_patterns: # Update weight names so they match those in bert_model names_to_keys = { update_weight_name(repl_patterns, weight_name): weight_key for weight_name, weight_key in names_to_keys.items() } # Load a dict mapping of checkpoint keys to weight values.'Loading weights from checkpoint: %s', bert_ckpt_dir) keys_to_weights = load_ckpt_keys_to_weight_mapping(bert_ckpt_dir) # Arranges the pre-trained weights in the order of model weights. init_weight_list = match_ckpt_weights_to_model(bert_model, names_to_keys, keys_to_weights) # Load weights into model. bert_model.set_weights(init_weight_list) return bert_model, names_to_keys, keys_to_weights
def evaluate_neural_network(testset:, neural_network: tf.keras.Model, num_monte_carlo: int = 0): assert isinstance(num_monte_carlo, int) assert num_monte_carlo >= 0 if num_monte_carlo > 0: assert num_monte_carlo > 1 y_true = [] probabilities = [] for batch_X, batch_y in testset: assert batch_y.shape[0] == batch_X[0].shape[0] y_true.append(batch_y) if num_monte_carlo > 0: new_probabilities = tf.reduce_mean(tf.stack([ neural_network.predict_on_batch(batch_X) for _ in range(num_monte_carlo) ]), axis=0) else: new_probabilities = neural_network.predict_on_batch(batch_X) probabilities.append( np.reshape(new_probabilities.numpy(), newshape=(batch_X[0].shape[0], ))) y_true = np.concatenate(y_true) probabilities = np.concatenate(probabilities) print('Evaluation results:') print(' ROC-AUC is {0:.6f}'.format(roc_auc_score(y_true, probabilities))) y_pred = np.asarray(probabilities >= 0.5, dtype=np.uint8) del probabilities with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UndefinedMetricWarning) print(' Precision is {0:.6f}'.format( precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average='binary'))) print(' Recall is {0:.6f}'.format( recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average='binary'))) print(' F1 is {0:.6f}'.format( f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average='binary'))) print('') del y_pred, y_true
def add_image_loss( model: tf.keras.Model, fixed_image: tf.Tensor, pred_fixed_image: tf.Tensor, loss_config: dict, ) -> tf.keras.Model: """ add image dissimilarity loss of ddf into model :param model: tf.keras.Model :param fixed_image: tensor of shape (batch, f_dim1, f_dim2, f_dim3) :param pred_fixed_image: tensor of shape (batch, f_dim1, f_dim2, f_dim3) :param loss_config: config for loss """ if loss_config["dissimilarity"]["image"]["weight"] > 0: loss_image = tf.reduce_mean( image_loss.dissimilarity_fn( y_true=fixed_image, y_pred=pred_fixed_image, **loss_config["dissimilarity"]["image"], )) weighted_loss_image = (loss_image * loss_config["dissimilarity"]["image"]["weight"]) model.add_loss(weighted_loss_image) model.add_metric(loss_image, name="loss/image_dissimilarity", aggregation="mean") model.add_metric( weighted_loss_image, name="loss/weighted_image_dissimilarity", aggregation="mean", ) return model
def hparam_search( hparam_options: Dict, model: tf.keras.Model, dataset: DataSet, log_root = None, verbose = False, debug = False ) -> List[Dict]: def onexit(log_dir): print('Ctrl-C KeyboardInterrupt') if os.path.isdir(log_dir): shutil.rmtree(log_dir) # remove logs for incomplete trainings print(f'rm -rf {log_dir}') model_config = model.get_config() combninations = hparam_combninations(hparam_options) logdir = hparam_logdir(combninations[0], hparam_options, log_root) stats_history = [] # print(f"--- Model Config: ", model_config) print(f"--- Testing {len(combninations)} combinations in {logdir}") print(f"--- hparam_options: ", hparam_options) for index, hparams in enumerate(combninations): run_name = hparam_run_name(hparams, hparam_options) logdir = hparam_logdir(hparams, hparam_options, log_root) print("") print(f"--- Starting trial {index+1}/{len(combninations)}: {logdir.split('/')[-2]} | {run_name}") print(hparams) if os.path.exists(logdir): print('Exists: skipping') continue if debug: continue atexit.register(onexit, logdir) # DOCS: if model_config['name'] == 'sequential': model_clone = tf.keras.Sequential.from_config(model_config) else: model_clone = tf.keras.Model.from_config(model_config) stats = hparam.model_compile_fit(hparams, model_clone, dataset, log_dir=logdir, verbose=verbose) stats_history += stats print(stats) atexit.unregister(onexit) print("") print("--- Stats History") print(stats_history) print("--- Finished") return stats_history
def gen_text(transformer_model: tf.keras.Model, tokenizer: AutoTokenizer, config, dataset, input_text: str, temperature=0.3, topk=300): input_token_dic = tokenizer(input_text, truncation=True, max_length=512, return_tensors='tf') if input_token_dic['input_ids'].shape[1] > config.MAX_LENGTH: input_token_dic['input_ids'] = input_token_dic[ 'input_ids'][:, -config.MAX_LENGTH:] input_token_dic['attention_mask'] = input_token_dic[ 'attention_mask'][:, -config.MAX_LENGTH:] input_token_dic['token_type_ids'] = input_token_dic[ 'token_type_ids'][:, -config.MAX_LENGTH:] else: input_token_dic = tokenizer(input_text, padding='max_length', truncation=True, max_length=config.MAX_LENGTH, return_tensors='tf') output_ids = np.full((1, config.MAX_CHAR_LEN + 1), dataset.char_idx[dataset.MU]) output_ids[0, 0] = dataset.char_idx[dataset.STR] generated_text = "" for cur in range(1, config.MAX_CHAR_LEN + 1): # encoder_output = encoder_model.predict_on_batch((input_token_dic['input_ids'], input_token_dic['attention_mask'])) # preds = decoder_model.predict_on_batch( # (encoder_output, output_ids[:, :-1])) preds = transformer_model.predict_on_batch( (input_token_dic['input_ids'], input_token_dic['attention_mask'], output_ids[:, :-1])) temp_ids = [] for pidx in range(config.MAX_CHAR_LEN): temp_ids.append( int(sample(preds[0][pidx], temperature=temperature, topk=topk))) next_id = temp_ids[cur - 1] if next_id == dataset.char_idx[dataset.MU]: break output_ids[0, cur] = next_id generated_text += dataset.idx_char[next_id] return generated_text
def make_prediction(model: tf.keras.Model, input: str) -> np.ndarray: if os.path.isdir(input): raise IsADirectoryError() # Loading data image = data = np.array(image, dtype=np.float64) # Expanding to add batch dimension data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=0) # Making a prediction and converting to uint8 prediction = (model.predict(data) * 255)[0] return prediction.astype(np.uint8)
def load_weights(model: tf.keras.Model, model_weights_path: str, checkpoint_format: str = 'tf_checkpoint'): """Load model weights from the given file path. Args: model: the model to load weights into model_weights_path: the path of the model weights checkpoint_format: The source of checkpoint files. By default, we assume the checkpoint is saved by tf.train.Checkpoint().save(). For legacy reasons, we can also resotre checkpoint from keras model.save_weights() method by setting checkpoint_format = 'keras_checkpoint'. """ if checkpoint_format == 'tf_checkpoint': checkpoint_dict = {'model': model} checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(**checkpoint_dict) checkpoint.restore(model_weights_path).assert_existing_objects_matched() elif checkpoint_format == 'keras_checkpoint': # Assert makes sure load is successeful. model.load_weights(model_weights_path).assert_existing_objects_matched() else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported checkpoint format {checkpoint_format}.')
def measure_backwards_fps(model: tf.keras.Model, data: Tuple[Tuple[tf.Tensor]], repeats: int = 100, verbose: int = 1): times = [] for i in range(repeats + 1): start = time.time() model.train_step(data) times.append(time.time() - start) if verbose: print(f"\rProgress: {(i + 1) / 101:>7.2%}", end="") if verbose: print() mean_time = tf.reduce_mean(times[1:]).numpy() if verbose: print(f" [*] BATCH PER SEC: {1 / mean_time:.5f}") print(f" [*] SEC PER BATCH: {mean_time:.5f}") print() return mean_time
def custom_recall_validation_with_generator( self, generator: Iterable[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]], model: tf.keras.Model) -> float: # TODO: write description total_predictions = np.zeros((0, )) total_ground_truth = np.zeros((0, )) for x, y in generator: predictions = model.predict(x) predictions = predictions.argmax(axis=-1).reshape((-1, )) total_predictions = np.append(total_predictions, predictions) total_ground_truth = np.append(total_ground_truth, y.argmax(axis=-1).reshape((-1, ))) return self.evaluation_metric(total_ground_truth, total_predictions)
def set_model(self, model: tf.keras.Model): # pylint: disable=protected-access old_model = getattr(self, "model", None) if old_model is not None: del old_model._callbacks[] if not hasattr(model, "_callbacks"): model._callbacks = {} callbacks = model._callbacks # pylint: enable=protected-access assert not in callbacks callbacks[] = self self.model = model # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
def add_spectral_norm_for_model(model: tf.keras.Model): if model.built: raise ValueError("Can't add spectral norm on built layer!") original_build = # Very Very Evil HACK def new_build(self, input_shape): original_build(input_shape) for sub_layer in self.layers: add_spectral_norm(sub_layer) = types.MethodType(new_build, model)
def _predict_img(self, model: tf.keras.Model, prediction_img_amount: int): pairs = {'frames': [], 'masks': []} for _ in range(prediction_img_amount): sample_pair = next(self.DsGenerator.get_next_pair()) pairs['frames'].append(sample_pair['frame']) pairs['masks'].append(sample_pair['mask']) feature_maps = model.predict([pairs['frames']]) for i, feature_map in enumerate(feature_maps): predicted_mask = create_mask(feature_map) self.draw_prediction(pairs['frames'][i], np.reshape(pairs['masks'][i], pairs['masks'][i].shape[:-1]), predicted_mask, i)
def run_time_priorized_detection(time_data_loader: COCODoomDataset, model: tf.keras.Model, detection_file="default"): def process(file_names_list): file_name_dataset = file_name_dataset = file_name_dataset = file_name_dataset = lambda t: tf.image.convert_image_dtype(t, tf.float32)) return file_name_dataset img_root = time_data_loader.cfg.images_root file_names = [ os.path.join(img_root, meta["file_name"]) for meta in time_data_loader.image_meta.values() if "prev_image_id" in meta ] category_index = { cat["name"]: cat for cat in time_data_loader.categories.values() } prev_file_names = [] for meta in time_data_loader.image_meta.values(): prev_meta_id = meta.get("prev_image_id", None) if prev_meta_id is None: continue prev_meta = time_data_loader.image_meta[prev_meta_id] prev_file_names.append(os.path.join(img_root, prev_meta["file_name"])) present: = process(file_names) past: = process(prev_file_names) IDs = [meta["id"] for meta in time_data_loader.image_meta.values()]) dataset =, past, IDs)) detections = [] print() for i, (past, present, ID) in enumerate(dataset, start=1): result = model.detect((past, present)) detections.extend( _convert_to_coco_format(result, category_index, int(ID))) print("\r [Verres] - COCO eval " f"P: {i / len(time_data_loader.image_meta):>7.2%} ") print() return _evaluate(detections, time_data_loader, detection_file)
def save_tf_model(model: tf.keras.Model, filepath: str, save_dir: str = None, model_name: str = 'model') -> None: """ Save TensorFlow model. Parameters ---------- model A tf.keras Model. filepath Save directory. save_dir Save folder. model_name Name of saved model. """ # create folder for model weights if not os.path.isdir(filepath): logger.warning( 'Directory {} does not exist and is now created.'.format(filepath)) os.mkdir(filepath) if not save_dir: model_dir = os.path.join(filepath, 'model') else: model_dir = os.path.join(filepath, save_dir) if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): os.mkdir(model_dir) # save classification model if isinstance(model, tf.keras.Model) or isinstance(model, tf.keras.Sequential):, model_name + '.h5')) else: logger.warning( 'No `tf.keras.Model` or `tf.keras.Sequential` detected. No model saved.' )
def transfer_weights(source_model: tf.keras.Model, target_model: tf.keras.Model, is_cloned: bool = False, layer_name_prefix: str = '', beta: float = 0.0) -> None: """Linear beta-interpolation of weights from source_model to target_model. Can be used to maintain a shadow exponential moving average of source_model. Only weights of layers with the same name in both models and both starting with 'layer_name_prefix' are transferred. If target_model and source_model are clones and share the exact same topology a significantly faster implementation is used. If is_cloned is False, this function assumes source_model is a topological sub-network of target_model; in that case missing layers in either target_model or source_model are silently ignored. Args: source_model: the source to transfer weights from target_model: the target to transfer weights to is_cloned: whether or not source and target are exact clones (significantly speeds up computation) layer_name_prefix: only layers, which names start with layer_name_prefix, are transferred beta: value for linear interpolation; must be within [0.0, 1.0) Raises: ValueError: if beta exceeds interval [0.0, 1.0) """ if not 0.0 <= beta < 1.0: raise ValueError( f'beta must be within [0.0, 1.0) but received beta={beta} instead') if is_cloned: # same exact layer order and topology in both models for source_layer, target_layer in zip(source_model.layers, target_model.layers): if == and layer_name_prefix): for source_var, target_var in zip(source_layer.variables, target_layer.variables): delta_value = (1 - beta) * (target_var - source_var) target_var.assign_sub(delta_value) else: # iterate source_model.layers and transfer to target_layer, if target_layer exists for source_layer in source_model.layers: source_vars = source_layer.variables if and source_vars: try: target_layer = target_model.get_layer( except ValueError: continue for source_var, target_var in zip(source_vars, target_layer.variables): delta_value = (1 - beta) * (target_var - source_var) target_var.assign_sub(delta_value)
def add_compile(model: tf.keras.Model, **params) -> tf.keras.Model: """Compiles the model with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- model: tf.keras.Model The model to compile. Returns ------- tf.keras.Model Compiles the model with loss and optimizer. """ optimizer = Adam(lr=params["learning_rate"], clipnorm=params.get("clipnorm", 1)) model.compile( loss=tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(), optimizer=optimizer, metrics=["accuracy", tf.keras.metrics.AUC(multi_label=True)], )
def test_single_image(model: tf.keras.Model, path: str, save_result: bool): """ Loads image from disk and inference on it :param model: Model object with weights loaded :param path: Image path to load :param save_result: Specifies if result will be save as image or not """ # Load image with PIL as RGB print('Loading image!') img_pil ="RGB") # Reshape for model input img_pil_resized = img_pil.resize((224, 224)) # Normalize img = np.array(img_pil_resized, dtype=np.float32) / 255. # Creating empty axis on batch axis img = img[np.newaxis, :, :, :] # Inference on model t = time.time() print('Inference started') pred = model.predict(img) print(f'Inference finished: {time.time() - t:.5f} second\n\n') # Unpacking predictions is_defect_pred = pred[0] class_type_pred = pred[1] bbox_param_pred = np.squeeze(pred[2]) bbox_center_pred = np.squeeze(pred[3]) # Printing logs print(f'Is defected: \tPrediction | {is_defect_pred.squeeze()}') print( f'Class type: \tPrediction | {np.argmax(class_type_pred.squeeze()) + 1}' ) print(f'Bbox center: \tPrediction | {bbox_center_pred}') print(f'Bbox params: \tPrediction | {bbox_param_pred}') img_original = np.array(img_pil, dtype=np.uint8) # Plot configuration fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12)) plt.imshow(img_original, cmap='gray') # Creating un-filled ellipse on image e = Ellipse(xy=(bbox_center_pred * 512), width=bbox_param_pred[0] * 256, height=bbox_param_pred[1] * 256, angle=((bbox_param_pred[2] * 2 * np.pi - np.pi) * 180 / np.pi), edgecolor='b', lw=2, facecolor='none') e.set_alpha(0.8) ax.add_artist(e) if save_result: # Saves plot to disk fig.savefig('logs/result.png')
def attack_by_bit_success( x: np.ndarray, img: np.ndarray, y_true: int, model: tf.keras.Model ): """Predict ONE image and return True if expected. None otherwise.""" attack_image = original_perturb_image_by_bit_fault(x, img) confidence = model.predict(attack_image)[0] predicted_class = np.argmax(confidence) # If the prediction is what we want (misclassification or # targeted classification), return True logging.debug(f"Confidence: {confidence[y_true]}") if predicted_class == y_true: return True
def train_model(model: tf.keras.Model, train_ds:, val_ds: -> tf.keras.Model: """Function trains the model and evaluates it's performance, displays training metrics. :param model: Untrained model :param train_ds: Training Dataset containing input data and labels :param val_ds: Validation Dataset containing input data and labels :return: Trained model """ early_stop = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=5, restore_best_weights=True) history =, validation_data=val_ds, epochs=100, verbose=2, callbacks=[early_stop], use_multiprocessing=True, workers=-1) loss, acc = model.evaluate(valid_ds) print(f'Validation loss: {loss}\nValidation accuracy: {acc}') plot_history(history) return model
def get_logits_labels(model: tf.keras.Model, evaluation_set: """Predicts model output on the given evaluation set Parameters: model: tf.keras.Model to be used for prediction evaluation_set: to be used for prediction Returns: model output: numpy.ndarray labels: numpy.ndarray """ logits_numpys = model.predict(evaluation_set).squeeze() labels_numpys = np.concatenate(list(map( lambda x: x[1], evaluation_set))).squeeze().argmax(axis=-1) return logits_numpys, labels_numpys
def train_and_eval(model: tf.keras.Model, model_dir: str, train_input_dataset:, eval_input_dataset:, steps_per_epoch: int, epochs: int, eval_steps: int): """Train and evaluate.""" callbacks = get_callbacks(model, model_dir) history =, validation_data=eval_input_dataset, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, epochs=epochs, validation_steps=eval_steps, callbacks=callbacks) tf.get_logger().info(history) return model
def train_model(model: tf.keras.Model, dataset: pd.DataFrame, epochs: int, batch_size: int, target_name: str) -> tf.keras.callbacks.History: """Trains the given keras model with the given dataset.""" features = {name: np.array(value) for name, value in dataset.items()} target = np.array(features.pop(target_name)) history =, y=target, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation_split=0.2, verbose=1) return history
def freeze_all(model: tf.keras.Model, frozen: bool = True): """ freeze_all(model: tf.Keras.Model, frozen: boolean) A function which takes tf Model and makes specified layers non trainable for transfer learning :param model: Trained tensorflow model :param frozen: boolean to freeze the model layers :return: returns void with the specified model layers are made non trainable """ model.trainable = not frozen if isinstance(model, tf.keras.Model): for l in model.layers: freeze_all(l, frozen)
def train_model( model: tf.keras.Model, train_dataset:, hyperparameters: Hyperparameters, ) -> Tuple[tf.keras.Model, str]: # define the checkpoint directory to store the checkpoints checkpoint_dir = "./training_checkpoints" # define the name of the checkpoint files checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "ckpt_{epoch}") # define a callback for printing the learning rate at the end of each epoch class PrintLR(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback): def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): print( "\nLearning rate for epoch {} is {}".format( epoch + 1, ) ) # put all the callbacks together callbacks = [ tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir="./logs"), tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint( filepath=checkpoint_prefix, save_weights_only=True ), tf.keras.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler(decay), PrintLR(), ] # train the model, epochs=hyperparameters.epochs, callbacks=callbacks) # save the model, save_format="tf") return model, checkpoint_dir
def build_checkpoint_callback( model: tf.keras.Model, dataset:, log_dir: str, save_period: int, ckpt_path: str, ) -> Tuple[CheckpointManagerCallback, int]: """ Function to prepare callbacks for training. :param model: model to train :param dataset: dataset for training :param log_dir: directory of logs :param save_period: save the checkpoint every X epochs :param ckpt_path: path to restore ckpt :return: a list of callbacks """ # fit the model for 1 step to initialise optimiser arguments as trackable Variables x=dataset, steps_per_epoch=1, epochs=1, verbose=0, ) checkpoint_manager_callback = CheckpointManagerCallback(model, log_dir + "/save", period=save_period) if ckpt_path: initial_epoch_str = ckpt_path.split("-")[-1] assert initial_epoch_str.isdigit(), ( f"Checkpoint path for checkpoint manager " f"must be of form ckpt-epoch_count, got {ckpt_path}") initial_epoch = int(initial_epoch_str) checkpoint_manager_callback.restore(ckpt_path) else: initial_epoch = 0 return checkpoint_manager_callback, initial_epoch
def compare_generated_to_real( dataloader, num_images: int, noise_size: int, model: tf.keras.Model, save_location: str, img_size: int, subsequent_model: Optional[tf.keras.Model] = None, ): """ For a given number of images, generate the stackGAN stage 1 output by randomly sampling a dataloader. The generated images and the real original are saved side-by-side in the save_location. """ rmdir(save_location) mkdir(save_location) noise_list = [ np.random.normal(0, 1, (1, noise_size)).astype("float32") for idx in range(num_images) ] samples = sample_data(dataloader, num_samples=num_images, img_size=img_size) real_tensors, real_embeddings = zip(*samples) stage1_tensors = [ model.generator([embedding, noise], training=False)[0] for embedding, noise in zip(real_embeddings, noise_list) ] real_images = format_as_images(real_tensors, is_real=True) stage1_images = format_as_images(stage1_tensors, is_real=False) if subsequent_model is not None: stage2_tensors = [ subsequent_model.generator([generated_image, embedding], training=False)[0] for generated_image, embedding in zip(stage1_tensors, real_embeddings) ] stage2_images = format_as_images(stage2_tensors, is_real=False) for i, (real_image, stage1_image, stage2_image) in enumerate( zip(real_images, stage1_images, stage2_images)): image = concate_horizontallly(real_image, stage1_img=stage1_image, stage2_img=stage2_image), f"fake-vs-real-{i}.png")) else: for i, (real_image, stage1_image) in enumerate(zip(real_images, stage1_images)): image = concate_horizontallly(real_image, stage1_img=stage1_image), f"fake-vs-real-{i}.png"))
def export_best_model(strategy, pmetric, best_pmetric_val, model: tf.keras.Model, out_dir): """Exports best model if current primary metric value is better than the best metric value""" pmetric_name = pmetric_val = float_metric_value(pmetric) if best_pmetric_val is not None: f'Existing best primary metric ({pmetric_name}): {best_pmetric_val}' )'Current primary metric ({pmetric_name}): {pmetric_val}') if best_pmetric_val is None or pmetric_val > best_pmetric_val: f'Exporting model with new best primary metric ({}): {pmetric_val}' ) if should_export_checkpoint(strategy): else: # In multi worker training we need every worker to save models, because variables can trigger synchronization on read and synchronization needs # all workers to participate. To avoid workers overriding each other we save to a temporary directory on non-chief workers. tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() return pmetric_val return best_pmetric_val
def train(model: tf.keras.Model, model_path: str, n_epoch: int = 10): x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = load_and_split() optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.005) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=simnet_loss) reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.2, verbose=1, patience=5, min_lr=0.0001) mcp_save = ModelCheckpoint(model_path, # {epoch:02d}-{val_loss:.2f}.hdf5 save_best_only=True, monitor='val_loss', mode='min') # fit and check validation data history =, y_train, batch_size=2, epochs=n_epoch, workers=8, callbacks=[reduce_lr, mcp_save], validation_data=(x_test, y_test)) #'./benchmarks/encoder_' + str(np.around(history.history['val_loss'][-1], 3))) model.summary() plot_loss(history) tf.keras.utils.plot_model(model, 'simnet_model.png', show_shapes=True, expand_nested=True)
def train_model( model:tf.keras.Model, dataset: pd.DataFrame, epochs: int, batch_size: int, label_name: str) -> tf.keras.callbacks.History: """Trains the given model on the dataset.""" features = {name: np.array(value) for name, value in dataset.items()} label = np.array(features.pop(label_name)) history = x = features, y = label, epochs = epochs, batch_size = batch_size, validation_split = 0.2, shuffle = True ) return history
def read_dis_data(self, gen: tf.keras.Model): print('generate_fake_data') lens = len(self.x) sizes = lens // 10240 y_fake = [] for i in range(sizes): out = gen.predict(self.x[i * 10240: (i + 1) * 10240, :]) [y_fake.append([tf.argmax(o)]) for o in out] print('\r%d/%d' % (i, sizes - 1), end='') out = gen.predict(self.x[sizes * 10240:, :]) [y_fake.append([tf.argmax(o)]) for o in out] true = [] fake = [] a = (self.x == 0).argmax(axis=1) sizes = len(a) for i, v in enumerate(a): temp = self.x[i].copy() temp[v] = self.y[i][0] true.append(temp) temp = self.x[i].copy() temp[v] = y_fake[i][0] fake.append(temp) print('\r%d/%d' % (i, sizes - 1), end='') return np.array(true), np.array(fake)