class ConfusionMatrixMetricsTest(testutil.TensorflowModelAnalysisTest,

      ('specificity', confusion_matrix_metrics.Specificity(), 2.0 /
       (2.0 + 3.0)),
      ('fall_out', confusion_matrix_metrics.FallOut(), 3.0 / (3.0 + 2.0)),
      ('miss_rate', confusion_matrix_metrics.MissRate(), 4.0 / (4.0 + 1.0)),
       confusion_matrix_metrics.NegativePredictiveValue(), 2.0 / (2.0 + 4.0)),
      ('false_discovery_rate', confusion_matrix_metrics.FalseDiscoveryRate(),
       3.0 / (3.0 + 1.0)),
      ('false_omission_rate', confusion_matrix_metrics.FalseOmissionRate(),
       4.0 / (4.0 + 2.0)),
      ('prevalence', confusion_matrix_metrics.Prevalence(),
       (1.0 + 4.0) / (1.0 + 2.0 + 3.0 + 4.0)),
      ('prevalence_threshold', confusion_matrix_metrics.PrevalenceThreshold(),
       (math.sqrt((1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0)) * (1.0 - 1.0 * (2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0)))) +
        (2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0) - 1.0)) / ((1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0) +
                                       (2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0)) - 1.0))),
      ('threat_score', confusion_matrix_metrics.ThreatScore(), 1.0 /
       (1.0 + 4.0 + 3.0)),
      ('balanced_accuracy', confusion_matrix_metrics.BalancedAccuracy(),
       ((1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0)) + (2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0))) / 2),
      ('f1_score', confusion_matrix_metrics.F1Score(), 2 * 1.0 /
       (2 * 1.0 + 3.0 + 4.0)),
       (1.0 * 2.0 - 3.0 * 4.0) / math.sqrt(
           (1.0 + 3.0) * (1.0 + 4.0) * (2.0 + 3.0) * (2.0 + 4.0))),
      ('fowlkes_mallows_index', confusion_matrix_metrics.FowlkesMallowsIndex(),
       math.sqrt(1.0 / (1.0 + 3.0) * 1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0))),
      ('informedness', confusion_matrix_metrics.Informedness(),
       (1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0)) + (2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0)) - 1.0),
      ('markedness', confusion_matrix_metrics.Markedness(),
       (1.0 / (1.0 + 3.0)) + (2.0 / (2.0 + 4.0)) - 1.0),
       (1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0)) / (3.0 / (3.0 + 2.0))),
       (4.0 / (4.0 + 1.0)) / (2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0))),
      ('diagnostic_odds_ratio', confusion_matrix_metrics.DiagnosticOddsRatio(),
       ((1.0 / 3.0)) / (4.0 / 2.0)),
  def testConfusionMatrixMetrics(self, metric, expected_value):
    computations = metric.computations()
    histogram = computations[0]
    matrices = computations[1]
    metrics = computations[2]

    # tp = 1
    # tn = 2
    # fp = 3
    # fn = 4
    example1 = {
        'labels': np.array([1.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.6]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
    example2 = {
        'labels': np.array([0.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.3]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
    example3 = {
        'labels': np.array([0.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.2]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
    example4 = {
        'labels': np.array([0.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.6]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
    example5 = {
        'labels': np.array([0.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.7]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
    example6 = {
        'labels': np.array([0.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.8]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
    example7 = {
        'labels': np.array([1.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.1]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
    example8 = {
        'labels': np.array([1.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.2]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
    example9 = {
        'labels': np.array([1.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.3]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
    example10 = {
        'labels': np.array([1.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.4]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),

    with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
      # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
      result = (
          | 'Create' >> beam.Create([
              example1, example2, example3, example4, example5, example6,
              example7, example8, example9, example10
          | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
          | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
          | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
          | 'ComputeMatrices' >> beam.Map(
              lambda x: (x[0], matrices.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: ignore
          | 'ComputeMetrics' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (x[0], metrics.result(x[1])))
      )  # pyformat: ignore

      # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

      def check_result(got):
          self.assertLen(got, 1)
          got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
          self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
          self.assertLen(got_metrics, 1)
          key = metrics.keys[0]
              got_metrics, {key: expected_value}, places=5)
        except AssertionError as err:
          raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

      util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')

  def testConfusionMatrixMetricsWithNan(self):
    computations = confusion_matrix_metrics.Specificity().computations()
    histogram = computations[0]
    matrices = computations[1]
    metrics = computations[2]

    example1 = {
        'labels': np.array([1.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([1.0]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),

    with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
      # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
      result = (
          | 'Create' >> beam.Create([example1])
          | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
          | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
          | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
          | 'ComputeMatrices' >> beam.Map(
              lambda x: (x[0], matrices.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: ignore
          | 'ComputeMetrics' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (x[0], metrics.result(x[1])))
      )  # pyformat: ignore

      # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

      def check_result(got):
          self.assertLen(got, 1)
          got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
          self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
          self.assertLen(got_metrics, 1)
          key = metrics.keys[0]
          self.assertIn(key, got_metrics)
        except AssertionError as err:
          raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

      util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')

  def testConfusionMatrixAtThresholds(self):
    computations = confusion_matrix_metrics.ConfusionMatrixAtThresholds(
        thresholds=[0.3, 0.5, 0.8]).computations()
    histogram = computations[0]
    matrices = computations[1]
    metrics = computations[2]

    example1 = {
        'labels': np.array([0.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.0]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
    example2 = {
        'labels': np.array([0.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.5]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
    example3 = {
        'labels': np.array([1.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.3]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
    example4 = {
        'labels': np.array([1.0]),
        'predictions': np.array([0.9]),
        'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),

    with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
      # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
      result = (
          | 'Create' >> beam.Create([example1, example2, example3, example4])
          | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
          | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
          | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
          | 'ComputeMatrices' >> beam.Map(
              lambda x: (x[0], matrices.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: ignore
          | 'ComputeMetrics' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (x[0], metrics.result(x[1])))
      )  # pyformat: ignore

      # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

      def check_result(got):
          self.assertLen(got, 1)
          got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
          self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
          self.assertLen(got_metrics, 1)
          key = metric_types.MetricKey(name='confusion_matrix_at_thresholds')
          self.assertIn(key, got_metrics)
          got_metric = got_metrics[key]
              matrices {
                threshold: 0.3
                false_negatives: 1.0
                true_negatives: 1.0
                false_positives: 1.0
                true_positives: 1.0
                precision: 0.5
                recall: 0.5
              matrices {
                threshold: 0.5
                false_negatives: 1.0
                true_negatives: 2.0
                true_positives: 1.0
                precision: 1.0
                recall: 0.5
              matrices {
                threshold: 0.8
                false_negatives: 1.0
                true_negatives: 2.0
                true_positives: 1.0
                precision: 1.0
                recall: 0.5
          """, got_metric)

        except AssertionError as err:
          raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

      util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')
class ConfusionMatrixMetricsTest(testutil.TensorflowModelAnalysisTest,
        ('specificity', confusion_matrix_metrics.Specificity(), 1.0 /
         (1.0 + 3.0)),
        ('fall_out', confusion_matrix_metrics.FallOut(), 3.0 / (3.0 + 1.0)),
        ('miss_rate', confusion_matrix_metrics.MissRate(), 1.0 / (1.0 + 1.0)))
    def testRateMetrics(self, metric, expected_value):
        computations = metric.computations()
        histogram = computations[0]
        matrices = computations[1]
        metrics = computations[2]

        # tp = 1
        # tn = 1
        # fp = 3
        # fn = 1
        example1 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.0]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example2 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.6]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example3 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.3]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example4 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.9]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example5 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([1.0]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example6 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.6]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),

        with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
            # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
            result = (
                | 'Create' >> beam.Create([
                    example1, example2, example3, example4, example5, example6
                | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
                | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
                | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
                | 'ComputeMatrices' >>
                beam.Map(lambda x:
                         (x[0], matrices.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: ignore
                | 'ComputeMetrics' >> beam.Map(lambda x:
                                               (x[0], metrics.result(x[1])))
            )  # pyformat: ignore

            # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

            def check_result(got):
                    self.assertLen(got, 1)
                    got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
                    self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
                    self.assertLen(got_metrics, 1)
                    key = metrics.keys[0]
                                                       {key: expected_value},
                except AssertionError as err:
                    raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

            util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')

    def testRateMetricsWithNan(self):
        computations = confusion_matrix_metrics.Specificity().computations()
        histogram = computations[0]
        matrices = computations[1]
        metrics = computations[2]

        example1 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([1.0]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),

        with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
            # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
            result = (
                | 'Create' >> beam.Create([example1])
                | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
                | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
                | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
                | 'ComputeMatrices' >>
                beam.Map(lambda x:
                         (x[0], matrices.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: ignore
                | 'ComputeMetrics' >> beam.Map(lambda x:
                                               (x[0], metrics.result(x[1])))
            )  # pyformat: ignore

            # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

            def check_result(got):
                    self.assertLen(got, 1)
                    got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
                    self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
                    self.assertLen(got_metrics, 1)
                    key = metrics.keys[0]
                    self.assertIn(key, got_metrics)
                except AssertionError as err:
                    raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

            util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')

    def testConfusionMatrixAtThresholds(self):
        computations = confusion_matrix_metrics.ConfusionMatrixAtThresholds(
            thresholds=[0.3, 0.5, 0.8]).computations()
        histogram = computations[0]
        matrices = computations[1]
        metrics = computations[2]

        example1 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.0]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example2 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.5]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example3 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.3]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example4 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.9]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),

        with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
            # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
            result = (
                | 'Create' >> beam.Create(
                    [example1, example2, example3, example4])
                | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
                | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
                | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
                | 'ComputeMatrices' >>
                beam.Map(lambda x:
                         (x[0], matrices.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: ignore
                | 'ComputeMetrics' >> beam.Map(lambda x:
                                               (x[0], metrics.result(x[1])))
            )  # pyformat: ignore

            # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

            def check_result(got):
                    self.assertLen(got, 1)
                    got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
                    self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
                    self.assertLen(got_metrics, 1)
                    key = metric_types.MetricKey(
                    self.assertIn(key, got_metrics)
                    got_metric = got_metrics[key]
              matrices {
                threshold: 0.3
                false_negatives: 1.0
                true_negatives: 1.0
                false_positives: 1.0
                true_positives: 1.0
                precision: 0.5
                recall: 0.5
              matrices {
                threshold: 0.5
                false_negatives: 1.0
                true_negatives: 2.0
                true_positives: 1.0
                precision: 1.0
                recall: 0.5
              matrices {
                threshold: 0.8
                false_negatives: 1.0
                true_negatives: 2.0
                true_positives: 1.0
                precision: 1.0
                recall: 0.5
          """, got_metric)

                except AssertionError as err:
                    raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

            util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')
class ConfusionMatrixMetricsTest(testutil.TensorflowModelAnalysisTest,

    # LINT.IfChange(tfma_confusion_matrix_metrics_tests)
        ('auc', confusion_matrix_metrics.AUC(), 0.26),
        ('auc_precision_recall', confusion_matrix_metrics.AUCPrecisionRecall(),
         confusion_matrix_metrics.SpecificityAtSensitivity(0.5), 0.2),
         confusion_matrix_metrics.SensitivityAtSpecificity(0.5), 0.0),
         confusion_matrix_metrics.PrecisionAtRecall(0.5), 0.5),
         confusion_matrix_metrics.RecallAtPrecision(0.5), 1.0),
        ('true_positives', confusion_matrix_metrics.TruePositives(), 1.0),
        ('tp', confusion_matrix_metrics.TP(), 1.0),
        ('false_positives', confusion_matrix_metrics.FalsePositives(), 3.0),
        ('fp', confusion_matrix_metrics.FP(), 3.0),
        ('true_negatives', confusion_matrix_metrics.TrueNegatives(), 2.0),
        ('tn', confusion_matrix_metrics.TN(), 2.0),
        ('false_negatives', confusion_matrix_metrics.FalseNegatives(), 4.0),
        ('fn', confusion_matrix_metrics.FN(), 4.0),
        ('binary_accuracy', confusion_matrix_metrics.BinaryAccuracy(),
         (1.0 + 2.0) / (1.0 + 2.0 + 3.0 + 4.0)),
        ('precision', confusion_matrix_metrics.Precision(), 1.0 / (1.0 + 3.0)),
        ('ppv', confusion_matrix_metrics.PPV(), 1.0 / (1.0 + 3.0)),
        ('recall', confusion_matrix_metrics.Recall(), 1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0)),
        ('tpr', confusion_matrix_metrics.TPR(), 1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0)),
        ('specificity', confusion_matrix_metrics.Specificity(), 2.0 /
         (2.0 + 3.0)),
        ('tnr', confusion_matrix_metrics.TNR(), 2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0)),
        ('fall_out', confusion_matrix_metrics.FallOut(), 3.0 / (3.0 + 2.0)),
        ('fpr', confusion_matrix_metrics.FPR(), 3.0 / (3.0 + 2.0)),
        ('miss_rate', confusion_matrix_metrics.MissRate(), 4.0 / (4.0 + 1.0)),
        ('fnr', confusion_matrix_metrics.FNR(), 4.0 / (4.0 + 1.0)),
         confusion_matrix_metrics.NegativePredictiveValue(), 2.0 /
         (2.0 + 4.0)),
        ('npv', confusion_matrix_metrics.NPV(), 2.0 / (2.0 + 4.0)),
        ('false_discovery_rate', confusion_matrix_metrics.FalseDiscoveryRate(),
         3.0 / (3.0 + 1.0)),
        ('false_omission_rate', confusion_matrix_metrics.FalseOmissionRate(),
         4.0 / (4.0 + 2.0)),
        ('prevalence', confusion_matrix_metrics.Prevalence(),
         (1.0 + 4.0) / (1.0 + 2.0 + 3.0 + 4.0)),
         confusion_matrix_metrics.PrevalenceThreshold(), (math.sqrt(
             (1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0)) *
             (1.0 - (2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0)))) + (2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0) - 1.0)) /
         ((1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0) + (2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0)) - 1.0))),
        ('threat_score', confusion_matrix_metrics.ThreatScore(), 1.0 /
         (1.0 + 4.0 + 3.0)),
        ('balanced_accuracy', confusion_matrix_metrics.BalancedAccuracy(),
         ((1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0)) + (2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0))) / 2),
        ('f1_score', confusion_matrix_metrics.F1Score(), 2 * 1.0 /
         (2 * 1.0 + 3.0 + 4.0)),
         (1.0 * 2.0 - 3.0 * 4.0) / math.sqrt(
             (1.0 + 3.0) * (1.0 + 4.0) * (2.0 + 3.0) * (2.0 + 4.0))),
         math.sqrt(1.0 / (1.0 + 3.0) * 1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0))),
        ('informedness', confusion_matrix_metrics.Informedness(),
         (1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0)) + (2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0)) - 1.0),
        ('markedness', confusion_matrix_metrics.Markedness(),
         (1.0 / (1.0 + 3.0)) + (2.0 / (2.0 + 4.0)) - 1.0),
         (1.0 / (1.0 + 4.0)) / (3.0 / (3.0 + 2.0))),
         (4.0 / (4.0 + 1.0)) / (2.0 / (2.0 + 3.0))),
         ((1.0 / 3.0)) / (4.0 / 2.0)),
         (1.0 + 3.0) / (1.0 + 2.0 + 3.0 + 4.0)),
    def testConfusionMatrixMetrics(self, metric, expected_value):
        if (_TF_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 and metric.__class__.__name__
                in ('SpecificityAtSensitivity', 'SensitivityAtSpecificity',
                    'PrecisionAtRecall', 'RecallAtPrecision')):
            self.skipTest('Not supported in TFv1.')

        computations = metric.computations(example_weighted=True)
        histogram = computations[0]
        matrices = computations[1]
        metrics = computations[2]

        # tp = 1
        # tn = 2
        # fp = 3
        # fn = 4
        example1 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.6]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example2 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.3]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example3 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.2]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example4 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.6]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example5 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.7]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example6 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.8]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example7 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.1]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example8 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.2]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example9 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.3]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example10 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.4]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),

        with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
            # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
            result = (
                | 'Create' >> beam.Create([
                    example1, example2, example3, example4, example5, example6,
                    example7, example8, example9, example10
                | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
                | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
                | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
                | 'ComputeMatrices' >>
                beam.Map(lambda x:
                         (x[0], matrices.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: ignore
                | 'ComputeMetrics' >> beam.Map(lambda x:
                                               (x[0], metrics.result(x[1])))
            )  # pyformat: ignore

            # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

            def check_result(got):
                    self.assertLen(got, 1)
                    got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
                    self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
                    self.assertLen(got_metrics, 1)
                    key = metrics.keys[0]
                                                       {key: expected_value},
                except AssertionError as err:
                    raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

            util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')

        ('auc', confusion_matrix_metrics.AUC(), 0.64286),
        ('auc_precision_recall', confusion_matrix_metrics.AUCPrecisionRecall(),
         confusion_matrix_metrics.SpecificityAtSensitivity(0.5), 0.642857),
         confusion_matrix_metrics.SensitivityAtSpecificity(0.5), 1.0),
         confusion_matrix_metrics.PrecisionAtRecall(0.5), 0.58333),
         confusion_matrix_metrics.RecallAtPrecision(0.5), 1.0),
        ('true_positives', confusion_matrix_metrics.TruePositives(), 0.7),
        ('false_positives', confusion_matrix_metrics.FalsePositives(), 0.5),
        ('true_negatives', confusion_matrix_metrics.TrueNegatives(), 0.9),
        ('false_negatives', confusion_matrix_metrics.FalseNegatives(), 0.0),
        ('binary_accuracy', confusion_matrix_metrics.BinaryAccuracy(),
         (0.7 + 0.9) / (0.7 + 0.9 + 0.5 + 0.0)),
        ('precision', confusion_matrix_metrics.Precision(), 0.7 / (0.7 + 0.5)),
        ('recall', confusion_matrix_metrics.Recall(), 0.7 / (0.7 + 0.0)),
        ('specificity', confusion_matrix_metrics.Specificity(), 0.9 /
         (0.9 + 0.5)),
        ('fall_out', confusion_matrix_metrics.FallOut(), 0.5 / (0.5 + 0.9)),
        ('miss_rate', confusion_matrix_metrics.MissRate(), 0.0 / (0.0 + 0.7)),
         confusion_matrix_metrics.NegativePredictiveValue(), 0.9 /
         (0.9 + 0.0)),
        ('false_discovery_rate', confusion_matrix_metrics.FalseDiscoveryRate(),
         0.5 / (0.5 + 0.7)),
        ('false_omission_rate', confusion_matrix_metrics.FalseOmissionRate(),
         0.0 / (0.0 + 0.9)),
        ('prevalence', confusion_matrix_metrics.Prevalence(),
         (0.7 + 0.0) / (0.7 + 0.9 + 0.5 + 0.0)),
         confusion_matrix_metrics.PrevalenceThreshold(), (math.sqrt(
             (0.7 / (0.7 + 0.0)) *
             (1.0 - (0.9 / (0.9 + 0.5)))) + (0.9 / (0.9 + 0.5) - 1.0)) /
         ((0.7 / (0.7 + 0.0) + (0.9 / (0.9 + 0.5)) - 1.0))),
        ('threat_score', confusion_matrix_metrics.ThreatScore(), 0.7 /
         (0.7 + 0.0 + 0.5)),
        ('balanced_accuracy', confusion_matrix_metrics.BalancedAccuracy(),
         ((0.7 / (0.7 + 0.0)) + (0.9 / (0.9 + 0.5))) / 2),
        ('f1_score', confusion_matrix_metrics.F1Score(), 2 * 0.7 /
         (2 * 0.7 + 0.5 + 0.0)),
         (0.7 * 0.9 - 0.5 * 0.0) / math.sqrt(
             (0.7 + 0.5) * (0.7 + 0.0) * (0.9 + 0.5) * (0.9 + 0.0))),
         math.sqrt(0.7 / (0.7 + 0.5) * 0.7 / (0.7 + 0.0))),
        ('informedness', confusion_matrix_metrics.Informedness(),
         (0.7 / (0.7 + 0.0)) + (0.9 / (0.9 + 0.5)) - 1.0),
        ('markedness', confusion_matrix_metrics.Markedness(),
         (0.7 / (0.7 + 0.5)) + (0.9 / (0.9 + 0.0)) - 1.0),
         (0.7 / (0.7 + 0.0)) / (0.5 / (0.5 + 0.9))),
         (0.0 / (0.0 + 0.7)) / (0.9 / (0.9 + 0.5))),
         (0.7 + 0.5) / (0.7 + 0.9 + 0.5 + 0.0)),
    def testConfusionMatrixMetricsWithWeights(self, metric, expected_value):
        if (_TF_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 and metric.__class__.__name__
                in ('SpecificityAtSensitivity', 'SensitivityAtSpecificity',
                    'PrecisionAtRecall', 'RecallAtPrecision')):
            self.skipTest('Not supported in TFv1.')

        computations = metric.computations(example_weighted=True)
        histogram = computations[0]
        matrix = computations[1]
        derived_metric = computations[2]

        # tp = 0.7
        # tn = 0.9
        # fp = 0.5
        # fn = 0.0
        example1 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([1.0]),
            'example_weights': np.array([0.5]),
        example2 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.7]),
            'example_weights': np.array([0.7]),
        example3 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.5]),
            'example_weights': np.array([0.9]),

        with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
            # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
            result = (
                | 'Create' >> beam.Create([example1, example2, example3])
                | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
                | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
                | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
                | 'ComputeConfusionMatrix' >> beam.Map(
                    lambda x: (x[0], matrix.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: disable
                | 'ComputeMetric' >> beam.Map(  # pyformat: disable
                    lambda x: (x[0], derived_metric.result(x[1]))))

            # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

            def check_result(got):
                    self.assertLen(got, 1)
                    got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
                    self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
                    key = metric_types.MetricKey(,
                                                       {key: expected_value},

                except AssertionError as err:
                    raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

            util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')

    # LINT.ThenChange(../google/sql:uda_auc_tests)

        ('auc', confusion_matrix_metrics.AUC(), 0.8571428),
        ('auc_precision_recall', confusion_matrix_metrics.AUCPrecisionRecall(),
        ('true_positives', confusion_matrix_metrics.TruePositives(), 1.4),
        ('false_positives', confusion_matrix_metrics.FalsePositives(), 0.6),
        ('true_negatives', confusion_matrix_metrics.TrueNegatives(), 1.0),
        ('false_negatives', confusion_matrix_metrics.FalseNegatives(), 0.0),
    def testConfusionMatrixMetricsWithFractionalLabels(self, metric,
        computations = metric.computations(example_weighted=True)
        histogram = computations[0]
        matrix = computations[1]
        derived_metric = computations[2]

        # The following examples will be expanded to:
        # prediction | label | weight
        #     0.0    |   -   |  1.0
        #     0.7    |   -   |  0.4
        #     0.7    |   +   |  0.6
        #     1.0    |   -   |  0.2
        #     1.0    |   +   |  0.8
        example1 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.0]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example2 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.6]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.7]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example3 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.8]),
            'predictions': np.array([1.0]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),

        with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
            # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
            result = (
                | 'Create' >> beam.Create([example1, example2, example3])
                | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
                | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
                | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
                | 'ComputeConfusionMatrix' >> beam.Map(
                    lambda x: (x[0], matrix.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: disable
                | 'ComputeMetric' >> beam.Map(  # pyformat: disable
                    lambda x: (x[0], derived_metric.result(x[1]))))

            # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

            def check_result(got):
                    self.assertLen(got, 1)
                    got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
                    self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
                    key = metric_types.MetricKey(,
                                                       {key: expected_value},

                except AssertionError as err:
                    raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

            util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')

        ('precision@2 (using sub_key)', confusion_matrix_metrics.Precision(),
         2, 1.6 / (1.6 + 3.2)),
        ('precision@2 (using param)',
         confusion_matrix_metrics.Precision(top_k=2), None, 1.6 / (1.6 + 3.2)),
        ('recall@2 (using sub_key)', confusion_matrix_metrics.Recall(), 2,
         1.6 / (1.6 + 0.8)),
        ('recall@2 (using param)', confusion_matrix_metrics.Recall(top_k=2),
         None, 1.6 / (1.6 + 0.8)),
        ('precision@3 (using sub_key)', confusion_matrix_metrics.Precision(),
         3, 1.9 / (1.9 + 5.3)),
        ('recall@3 (using sub_key)', confusion_matrix_metrics.Recall(), 3,
         1.9 / (1.9 + 0.5)),
    def testConfusionMatrixMetricsWithTopK(self, metric, top_k,
        computations = metric.computations(
            sub_keys=[metric_types.SubKey(top_k=top_k)], example_weighted=True)
        histogram = computations[0]
        matrix = computations[1]
        derived_metric = computations[2]

        # top_k = 2
        #   TP = 0.5*0 + 0.7*1 + 0.9*1 + 0.3*0 = 1.6
        #   FP = 0.5*2 + 0.7*1 + 0.9*1 + 0.3*2 = 3.2
        #   FN = 0.5*1 + 0.7*0 + 0.9*0 + 0.3*1 = 0.8
        # top_k = 3
        #   TP = 0.5*0 + 0.7*1 + 0.9*1 + 0.3*1 = 1.9
        #   FP = 0.5*3 + 0.7*2 + 0.9*2 + 0.3*2 = 5.3
        #   FN = 0.5*1 + 0.7*0 + 0.9*0 + 0.3*0 = 0.5
        example1 = {
            'labels': np.array([2]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35]),
            'example_weights': np.array([0.5]),
        example2 = {
            'labels': np.array([1]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 0.15, 0.3]),
            'example_weights': np.array([0.7]),
        example3 = {
            'labels': np.array([3]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.01, 0.2, 0.09, 0.5, 0.2]),
            'example_weights': np.array([0.9]),
        example4 = {
            'labels': np.array([1]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.3, 0.2, 0.05, 0.4, 0.05]),
            'example_weights': np.array([0.3]),

        with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
            # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
            result = (
                | 'Create' >> beam.Create(
                    [example1, example2, example3, example4])
                | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
                | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
                | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
                | 'ComputeConfusionMatrix' >> beam.Map(
                    lambda x: (x[0], matrix.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: disable
                | 'ComputeMetric' >> beam.Map(  # pyformat: disable
                    lambda x: (x[0], derived_metric.result(x[1]))))

            # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

            def check_result(got):
                    self.assertLen(got, 1)
                    got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
                    self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
                    if top_k:
                        sub_key = metric_types.SubKey(top_k=top_k)
                        sub_key = metric_types.SubKey(
                    key = metric_types.MetricKey(,
                                                       {key: expected_value},

                except AssertionError as err:
                    raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

            util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')

        ('precision (class_id=1 using sub_key)',
         confusion_matrix_metrics.Precision(thresholds=[0.1]), 1, 0.5 /
         (0.5 + 1.6)),
        ('precision (class_id=1 using param)',
             class_id=1, thresholds=[0.1]), None, 0.5 / (0.5 + 1.6)),
        ('recall (class_id=3 using sub_key)',
         confusion_matrix_metrics.Recall(thresholds=[0.1]), 3, 0.7 /
         (0.7 + 0.9)),
        ('recall (class_id=3 using param)',
             class_id=3, thresholds=[0.1]), None, 0.7 / (0.7 + 0.9)),
    def testConfusionMatrixMetricsWithClassId(self, metric, class_id,
        computations = metric.computations(
        histogram = computations[0]
        matrix = computations[1]
        derived_metric = computations[2]

        # class_id = 1, threshold = 0.1
        #   TP = 0.5*1 + 0.7*0 + 0.9*0 + 0.3*0 = 0.5
        #   FP = 0.5*0 + 0.7*1 + 0.9*1 + 0.3*0 = 1.6
        #   FN = 0.5*0 + 0.7*0 + 0.9*0 + 0.3*1 = 0.3
        # class_id = 3, threshold = 0.1
        #   TP = 0.5*0 + 0.7*1 + 0.9*0 + 0.3*0 = 0.7
        #   FP = 0.5*1 + 0.7*0 + 0.9*0 + 0.3*1 = 0.8
        #   FN = 0.5*0 + 0.7*0 + 0.9*1 + 0.3*0 = 0.9
        example1 = {
            'labels': np.array([1]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35]),
            'example_weights': np.array([0.5]),
        example2 = {
            'labels': np.array([3]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 0.15, 0.3]),
            'example_weights': np.array([0.7]),
        example3 = {
            'labels': np.array([3]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.01, 0.2, 0.2, 0.09, 0.5]),
            'example_weights': np.array([0.9]),
        example4 = {
            'labels': np.array([1]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.1, 0.05, 0.3, 0.4, 0.05]),
            'example_weights': np.array([0.3]),

        with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
            # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
            result = (
                | 'Create' >> beam.Create(
                    [example1, example2, example3, example4])
                | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
                | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
                | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
                | 'ComputeConfusionMatrix' >> beam.Map(
                    lambda x: (x[0], matrix.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: disable
                | 'ComputeMetric' >> beam.Map(  # pyformat: disable
                    lambda x: (x[0], derived_metric.result(x[1]))))

            # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

            def check_result(got):
                    self.assertLen(got, 1)
                    got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
                    self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
                    if class_id:
                        sub_key = metric_types.SubKey(class_id=class_id)
                        sub_key = metric_types.SubKey(
                    key = metric_types.MetricKey(,
                                                       {key: expected_value},

                except AssertionError as err:
                    raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

            util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')

    def testConfusionMatrixMetricsWithNan(self):
        computations = confusion_matrix_metrics.Specificity().computations(
        histogram = computations[0]
        matrices = computations[1]
        metrics = computations[2]

        example1 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([1.0]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),

        with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
            # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
            result = (
                | 'Create' >> beam.Create([example1])
                | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
                | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
                | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
                | 'ComputeMatrices' >>
                beam.Map(lambda x:
                         (x[0], matrices.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: ignore
                | 'ComputeMetrics' >> beam.Map(lambda x:
                                               (x[0], metrics.result(x[1])))
            )  # pyformat: ignore

            # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

            def check_result(got):
                    self.assertLen(got, 1)
                    got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
                    self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
                    self.assertLen(got_metrics, 1)
                    key = metrics.keys[0]
                    self.assertIn(key, got_metrics)
                except AssertionError as err:
                    raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

            util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')

    def testRaisesErrorIfClassIDAndTopKBothUsed(self):
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                'Metric precision is configured with both class_id=2 and top_k=2 '
                'settings. Only one may be specified at a time.'):
                class_id=2, top_k=2).computations(example_weighted=True)

        ('class_id as param and class_id as sub_key',
         confusion_matrix_metrics.Precision(class_id=2), 2, None),
        ('top_k as param and top_k as sub_key',
         confusion_matrix_metrics.Precision(top_k=2), None, 2),
        ('class_id as param and top_k as sub_key',
         confusion_matrix_metrics.Precision(class_id=2), None, 2),
    def testRaisesErrorIfOverlappingSettings(self, metric, class_id, top_k):
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                ValueError, '.*is configured with overlapping settings.*'):
                sub_keys=[metric_types.SubKey(class_id=class_id, top_k=top_k)])

    def testConfusionMatrixAtThresholds(self):
        computations = confusion_matrix_metrics.ConfusionMatrixAtThresholds(
            thresholds=[0.3, 0.5, 0.8]).computations(example_weighted=True)
        histogram = computations[0]
        matrices = computations[1]
        metrics = computations[2]

        example1 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.0]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example2 = {
            'labels': np.array([0.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.5]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example3 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.3]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),
        example4 = {
            'labels': np.array([1.0]),
            'predictions': np.array([0.9]),
            'example_weights': np.array([1.0]),

        with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
            # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
            result = (
                | 'Create' >> beam.Create(
                    [example1, example2, example3, example4])
                | 'Process' >> beam.Map(metric_util.to_standard_metric_inputs)
                | 'AddSlice' >> beam.Map(lambda x: ((), x))
                | 'ComputeHistogram' >> beam.CombinePerKey(histogram.combiner)
                | 'ComputeMatrices' >>
                beam.Map(lambda x:
                         (x[0], matrices.result(x[1])))  # pyformat: ignore
                | 'ComputeMetrics' >> beam.Map(lambda x:
                                               (x[0], metrics.result(x[1])))
            )  # pyformat: ignore

            # pylint: enable=no-value-for-parameter

            def check_result(got):
                    self.assertLen(got, 1)
                    got_slice_key, got_metrics = got[0]
                    self.assertEqual(got_slice_key, ())
                    self.assertLen(got_metrics, 1)
                    key = metric_types.MetricKey(
                    self.assertIn(key, got_metrics)
                    got_metric = got_metrics[key]
                            thresholds=[0.3, 0.5, 0.8],
                            tp=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
                            tn=[1.0, 2.0, 2.0],
                            fp=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                            fn=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), got_metric)

                except AssertionError as err:
                    raise util.BeamAssertException(err)

            util.assert_that(result, check_result, label='result')