def test_get_tensor_with_random_shape(self):
    x = test_utils.get_tensor_with_random_shape()
    self.assertIsInstance(x, tf.Tensor)
    # Rank of the Tensor should be known, even though the dimension is not.
    self.assertEqual(1, x.shape.ndims)

    # Assert that unknown shape corresponds to a value of actually random shape
    # at execution time.
    samples = [self.evaluate(x) for _ in range(10)]
    self.assertGreater(len(set([len(s) for s in samples])), 1)

    # Test that source_fn has effect on the output values.
    x_uniform = test_utils.get_tensor_with_random_shape(
        expected_num_elements=50, source_fn=tf.random.uniform)
    x_normal = test_utils.get_tensor_with_random_shape(
        expected_num_elements=50, source_fn=tf.random.normal)
    self.assertGreaterEqual(self.evaluate(tf.reduce_min(x_uniform)), 0.0)
    self.assertLess(self.evaluate(tf.reduce_min(x_normal)), 0.0)
  def test_decode_needs_input_shape_dynamic(self):
    """Tests that mechanism for passing input shape works with dynamic shape."""
    encoder = simple_encoder.SimpleEncoder(

    x = test_utils.get_tensor_with_random_shape()
    encoded_x, decode_fn = encoder.encode(x)
    decoded_x = decode_fn(encoded_x)

    x, decoded_x = self.evaluate([x, decoded_x])
    self.assertAllEqual(x.shape, decoded_x.shape)
Пример #3
    def test_decode_needs_input_shape_unknown_input_shape(self):
        """Tests that encoder works with stages that need input shape for decode.

    This test chains two stages with this property, and provides an input with
    statically unknown shape information.
        encoder = core_encoder.EncoderComposer(
                test_utils.ReduceMeanEncodingStage(), RM_VALS).make()
        x = test_utils.get_tensor_with_random_shape()
        encode_params, decode_params = encoder.get_params(
        encoded_x, _, input_shapes = encoder.encode(x, encode_params)
        decoded_x = encoder.decode(encoded_x, decode_params, input_shapes)
        assert x.shape.as_list(
        )[0] is None  # Validate the premise of the test.
        x, decoded_x = self.evaluate([x, decoded_x])

        # Assert shape is correctly recovered, and finctionality is as expected.
        self.assertAllEqual(x.shape, decoded_x.shape)
        self.assertAllClose([x.mean()] * len(x), decoded_x)
Пример #4
    def test_decode_needs_input_shape_dynamic(self):
        """Tests that mechanism for passing input shape works with dynamic shape."""
        if tf.executing_eagerly():
            fn = tf.function(test_utils.get_tensor_with_random_shape)
            tensorspec = tf.TensorSpec.from_tensor(
            x = fn()
            x = test_utils.get_tensor_with_random_shape()
            tensorspec = tf.TensorSpec.from_tensor(x)
        encoder = simple_encoder.SimpleEncoder(
                test_utils.ReduceMeanEncodingStage()).make(), tensorspec)

        # Validate the premise of the test - that encode mehtod expects an unknown
        # shape. This should be true both for graph and eager mode.
        assert (encoder._encode_fn.get_concrete_function().inputs[0].shape.
                as_list() == [None])

        state = encoder.initial_state()
        iteration = _make_iteration_function(encoder)
        x, _, decoded_x, _ = self.evaluate(iteration(x, state))
        self.assertAllEqual(x.shape, decoded_x.shape)
Пример #5
 def random_shape_2d_tensor():
   # Returns Tensor of shape [3, <unknown>]
   random_shape_vector = test_utils.get_tensor_with_random_shape()
   return tf.stack([random_shape_vector] * 3)
Пример #6
 def test_unknown_shape_raises(self):
   x = test_utils.get_tensor_with_random_shape()
   stage = self.default_encoding_stage()
   params, _ = stage.get_params()
   with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'fully known'):
     stage.encode(x, params)
Пример #7
 def get_random_shape_input():
   # Returns a Tensor of shape (?, 6)
   return tf.map_fn(lambda x: x * tf.random.normal([6]),