Пример #1
    def expected_PosteriormeanVariance(self, X, L, hyperpars, K_expected):
        size = self.n_tasks * self.n_train

        beta, varm, loc, varc = hyperpars

        Cov_test_expected = mixing_Covariance_diag(K_expected, self.Wmix, varm,
                                                   varc)  # shape M

        #----- covariance between test data and simulationn training data
        Kx3 = self.kernel(self.Xtrain, X, beta)  # shape Q x Ntrain x Nb
        Kx3_expected = tf.reduce_mean(Kx3, axis=-1,
                                      keepdims=True)  # shape Q x Ntrain x 1
        Cov_mixed_expected = mixing_Covariance(
            Kx3_expected, self.Wmix, varm, varc)  # shape M x N_train x M x 1
        Cov_mixed_expected = tf.reshape(Cov_mixed_expected,
                                        [size, self.n_tasks])

        mean_training = tf.tile(loc[:, tf.newaxis], [1, self.n_train])
        mean_training = tf.reshape(mean_training, [size, 1])

        Y = tf.transpose(self.Ytrain)
        Y = tf.reshape(Y, [size, 1]) - mean_training

        mean, var = posterior_Gaussian(L, Cov_mixed_expected,
                                       Cov_test_expected, Y, False)
        var = tf.maximum(var, 1e-40)

        mean = mean + loc[:, tf.newaxis]

        mean_and_var = tf.concat([mean, var], axis=1)
        return mean_and_var
Пример #2
    def full_PosteriormeanVariance(self, X, L, hyperpars):
        n_new = X.shape[0].value
        size_new = self.n_tasks * n_new

        beta, varm, loc, varc = hyperpars

        Cov_test = varc * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(self.Wmix),
                                        axis=1) + tf.reduce_sum(varm, axis=1)
        Cov_test = tf.tile(Cov_test[:, tf.newaxis], [1, n_new])
        Cov_test = tf.reshape(Cov_test, [size_new])

        Kx3 = self.kernel(self.Xtrain, X, beta)

        size = self.n_tasks * self.n_train

        Cov_mixed = mixing_Covariance(Kx3, self.Wmix, varm,
                                      varc)  # with shape M x N x M x N_test

        Cov_mixed = tf.reshape(Cov_mixed, [size, size_new])

        mean_training = tf.tile(loc[:, tf.newaxis], [1, self.n_train])
        mean_training = tf.reshape(mean_training, [size, 1])

        mean_test = tf.tile(loc[:, tf.newaxis], [1, n_new])
        mean_test = tf.reshape(mean_test, [size_new, 1])

        Y = tf.transpose(self.Ytrain)
        Y = tf.reshape(Y, [size, 1]) - mean_training

        mean, var = posterior_Gaussian(L, Cov_mixed, Cov_test, Y, False)

        mean = mean + mean_test

        mean_and_var = tf.concat([mean, var], axis=1)
        return mean_and_var
Пример #3
    def predict_posterior(self, Xnew, hyperpar_samples):
        # function used to compute the mean and variance of posterior Gaussian process
        # Inputs:
        # Xnew := 2-dimensional numpy array containing the input samples
        # hyperpar_samples := list (of the form [loc_samples, varm_samples, beta_samples]) of numpy arrays containing samples for the hyperparameters
        Wmix = self.Wmix
        noise = self.noise
        noise_matrix = tf.tile(self.noise[:, tf.newaxis], [1, self.n_train])
        noise_matrix = tf.linalg.diag(tf.reshape(noise_matrix, [-1]))

        X = tf.convert_to_tensor(Xnew, tf.float32)

        loc_samples, varm_samples, beta_samples, varc_samples = hyperpar_samples
        beta = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.median(beta_samples, axis=0),
        varm = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.median(varm_samples, axis=0),
        loc = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.median(loc_samples, axis=0), tf.float32)
        varc = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.median(varc_samples, axis=0),
        hyperpars = [beta, varm, loc, varc]

        # ------- generate covariance matrix for training data and computing the corresponding cholesky factor
        Kxx = self.kernel(self.Xtrain, self.Xtrain,
                          beta)  # kernels for the latent Gaussian processes
        # Kxx has shape R x N x N

        Cov_train = mixing_Covariance(Kxx, Wmix, varm,
                                      varc)  # with shape M x N x M x N

        size = self.n_tasks * self.n_train

        Cov_train = tf.reshape(
            [size, size]) + noise_matrix + (self.jitter_level) * tf.eye(size)

        #-------- Computing the cholesky factor ------------
        L = tf.linalg.cholesky(Cov_train)

        results = self.full_PosteriormeanVariance(X, L, hyperpars)

        with tf.Session() as sess:
            results_ = sess.run(results)
        return results_
Пример #4
    def joint_log_prob(self, noise, Wmix, beta, varm, loc, varc):
        # function for computing the joint_log_prob given values for the inverse lengthscales
        # the variance of the kernel and  the mean of the simulator Gaussian process

        #------ forming the kernels -----------------
        Kxx = self.kernel(self.Xtrain, self.Xtrain, beta)  # shape Q x N x N

        Cov_train = mixing_Covariance(Kxx, Wmix, varm,
                                      varc)  # with shape M x N x M x N

        size = self.n_tasks * self.n_train

        noise_matrix = tf.tile(self.noise[:, tf.newaxis], [1, self.n_train])
        noise_matrix = tf.linalg.diag(tf.reshape(noise_matrix, [-1]))

        Cov_train = tf.reshape(
            [size, size]) + noise_matrix + self.jitter_level * tf.eye(size)

        #-------- Computing the cholesky factor ------------
        L = tf.linalg.cholesky(Cov_train)

        #---- Multivariate normal random variable for the combined outputs -----
        mean = tf.tile(loc[:, tf.newaxis], [1, self.n_train])
        mean = tf.reshape(mean, [size])
        rv_observations = tfd.MultivariateNormalTriL(loc=mean, scale_tril=L)

        Yreshaped = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(self.Ytrain), [size])

        #--- Collecting the log_probs from the different random variables
        sum_log_prob = (rv_observations.log_prob(Yreshaped) +
                        self.rv_beta.log_prob(beta) +
                        self.rv_varm.log_prob(varm) +
                        self.rv_loc.log_prob(loc) +

        return sum_log_prob
Пример #5
    def expected_predict_posterior(self, sampling_dict, hyperpar_samples):
        # function used to compute the mean and variance of main effect Gaussian processes
        # These are Gaussian processes of the form
        #          E[Y|X_i]
        # This means that we are keeping a set of variables fixed (in this case the
        # subset X_i) while averaging out over the rest of the variables. For simplicity,
        # the variables are assumed to have uniform distributions. The integrals involved
        # in the computation are approximated with Monte Carlo integration
        # Inputs:
        # sampling_dict := 4-dimensional numpy array containing the input samples
        # hyperpar_samples := list (of the form [loc_samples, varm_samples, beta_samples]) of numpy arrays containing samples for the hyperparameters

        loc_samples, varm_samples, beta_samples, varc_samples = hyperpar_samples
        beta_median = np.median(beta_samples, axis=0)
        varm_median = np.median(varm_samples, axis=0)
        loc_median = np.median(loc_samples, axis=0)
        varc_median = np.median(varc_samples, axis=0)
        beta = tf.convert_to_tensor(beta_median, tf.float32)
        varm = tf.convert_to_tensor(varm_median, tf.float32)
        loc = tf.convert_to_tensor(loc_median, tf.float32)
        varc = tf.convert_to_tensor(varc_median, tf.float32)
        hyperpars = [beta, varm, loc, varc]

        Wmix = self.Wmix
        noise = self.noise

        # ------- generate covariance matrix for training data and computing the corresponding cholesky factor
        Kxx = self.kernel(self.Xtrain, self.Xtrain,
                          beta)  # kernels for the latent Gaussian processes
        # Kxx has shape R x N x N

        Cov_train = mixing_Covariance(Kxx, Wmix, varm,
                                      varc)  # with shape M x N x M x N

        size = self.n_tasks * self.n_train
        noise_matrix = tf.tile(self.noise[:, tf.newaxis], [1, self.n_train])
        noise_matrix = tf.linalg.diag(tf.reshape(noise_matrix, [-1]))

        Cov_train = tf.reshape(
            [size, size]) + noise_matrix + (self.jitter_level) * tf.eye(size)

        #-------- Computing the cholesky factor ------------
        L = tf.linalg.cholesky(Cov_train)

        K_expected = tf.Variable(tf.ones(self.n_latent), name='K_expected')

        f = lambda Xin: self.expected_PosteriormeanVariance(
            Xin, L, hyperpars, K_expected)
        k = list(sampling_dict.keys())[0]
        grid_points, num_samples1, _ = sampling_dict[k]['X_sampling'].shape
        num_samples2, _ = sampling_dict[k]['diff_samples'].shape
        n_input = self.dim_input
        indices = set([i for i in range(n_input)])
        beta_slice = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                    shape=[self.n_latent, n_input],
        diff_samples = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                      shape=[num_samples2, n_input],
        Xin = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                             shape=[grid_points, num_samples1, n_input],
        K_expected_new = self.expected_kernel(diff_samples, beta_slice)
        K_expected_update = K_expected.assign(K_expected_new)
        with tf.control_dependencies([K_expected_update]):
            results = tf.map_fn(f, Xin)
        collect_results = {}
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            for i in sampling_dict.keys():
                ids = sampling_dict[i]['fixed_indices_list']
                ids_left = list(indices - set(ids))
                pad_size = len(ids)
                diff_samples_batch = sampling_dict[i]['diff_samples']
                diff_samples_batch = np.pad(diff_samples_batch,
                                            ((0, 0), (0, pad_size)),
                Xbatch = sampling_dict[i]['X_sampling']
                beta_input = beta_median[:, ids_left]
                beta_input = np.pad(beta_input, ((0, 0), (0, pad_size)),

                _, collect_results[i] = sess.run(
                    [K_expected_update, results],
                        beta_slice: beta_input,
                        diff_samples: diff_samples_batch,
                        Xin: Xbatch

        return collect_results
Пример #6
    def posteriormeanVariance(self, Xtest, hyperpars, fullCov=False):
        # generate posterior mean and variance for the Gaussian process, given values for the hyperparameters
        # Xtest := N x D tensorflow array of new inputs
        # output := mean of posterior distribution in the form of a N x Q array
        #         and (Co)variance of posterior in the form of a N x N X Q array if
        #		fullCov = True or a N x 1 array if fullCov = False
        beta, varm, loc, varc = hyperpars
        noise = self.noise
        Wmix = self.Wmix

        # ------- generate covariance matrix for training data and computing the corresponding cholesky factor
        Kxx = self.kernel(self.Xtrain, self.Xtrain,
                          beta)  # kernels for the latent Gaussian processes
        # Kxx has shape R x N x N

        Cov_train = mixing_Covariance(Kxx, Wmix, varm,
                                      varc)  # with shape M x N x M x N

        size = self.n_tasks * self.n_train
        noise_matrix = tf.tile(self.noise[:, tf.newaxis], [1, self.n_train])
        noise_matrix = tf.linalg.diag(tf.reshape(noise_matrix, [-1]))

        Cov_train = tf.reshape(
            [size, size]) + noise_matrix + (self.jitter_level) * tf.eye(size)

        #-------- Computing the cholesky factor ------------
        L = tf.linalg.cholesky(Cov_train)

        #-------- generate covariance matrix for test data
        n_test = Xtest.shape[0].value
        size_test = self.n_tasks * n_test
        if fullCov:
            Kx2 = self.kernel(Xtest, Xtest, beta)
            Cov_test = mixing_Covariance(Kx2, Wmix, varm, varc)

            Cov_test = tf.reshape(
                Cov_test, [size_test, size_test
                           ]) + (noise + self.jitter_level) * tf.eye(size_test)
            Cov_test = varc * tf.reduce_sum(
                tf.square(Wmix), axis=1) + tf.reduce_sum(varm, axis=1)
            Cov_test = tf.tile(Cov_test[:, tf.newaxis], [1, n_test])
            Cov_test = tf.reshape(Cov_test, [size_test])

        #------- covariance between test data and training data
        Kx3 = self.kernel(self.Xtrain, Xtest, beta)

        Cov_mixed = mixing_Covariance(Kx3, Wmix, varm,
                                      varc)  # with shape M x N x M x N_test

        Cov_mixed = tf.reshape(Cov_mixed, [size, size_test])

        mean_training = tf.tile(loc[:, tf.newaxis], [1, self.n_train])
        mean_training = tf.reshape(mean_training, [size, 1])

        mean_test = tf.tile(loc[:, tf.newaxis], [1, n_test])
        mean_test = tf.reshape(mean_test, [size_test, 1])

        Y = tf.transpose(self.Ytrain)
        Y = tf.reshape(Y, [size, 1]) - mean_training

        mean_pos, var_pos = posterior_Gaussian(L, Cov_mixed, Cov_test, Y,

        mean_pos = mean_pos + mean_test

        return mean_pos, var_pos