Пример #1
def get_or_compute_grads(loss_or_grads, params):
    """Helper function returning a list of gradients

    loss_or_grads : symbolic expression or list of expressions
        A scalar loss expression, or a list of gradient expressions
    params : list of shared variables
        The variables to return the gradients for

    list of expressions
        If `loss_or_grads` is a list, it is assumed to be a list of
        gradients and returned as is, unless it does not match the length
        of `params`, in which case a `ValueError` is raised.
        Otherwise, `loss_or_grads` is assumed to be a cost expression and
        the function returns `theano.grad(loss_or_grads, params)`.

        If `loss_or_grads` is a list of a different length than `params`, or if
        any element of `params` is not a shared variable (while we could still
        compute its gradient, we can never update it and want to fail early).
    if any(not theano.compat.is_shared(p) for p in params):
        raise ValueError(
            "params must contain shared variables only. If it "
            "contains arbitrary parameter expressions, then "
            "lasagne.utils.collect_shared_vars() may help you."
    if isinstance(loss_or_grads, list):
        if not len(loss_or_grads) == len(params):
            raise ValueError("Got %d gradient expressions for %d parameters" % (len(loss_or_grads), len(params)))
        return loss_or_grads
        return theano.grad(loss_or_grads, params)
Пример #2
 def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs):
     input, layer_out, layer_in = inputs
     return theano.grad(None, wrt=layer_in, known_grads={layer_out: input})