def mobilenet(x, is_train=True, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope("mobilenet", reuse=reuse): n = InputLayer(x) n = conv_block(n, 32, strides=(2, 2), is_train=is_train, name="conv") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 64, is_train=is_train, name="depth1") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 128, strides=(2, 2), is_train=is_train, name="depth2") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 128, is_train=is_train, name="depth3") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 256, strides=(2, 2), is_train=is_train, name="depth4") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 256, is_train=is_train, name="depth5") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 512, strides=(2, 2), is_train=is_train, name="depth6") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 512, is_train=is_train, name="depth7") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 512, is_train=is_train, name="depth8") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 512, is_train=is_train, name="depth9") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 512, is_train=is_train, name="depth10") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 512, is_train=is_train, name="depth11") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 1024, strides=(2, 2), is_train=is_train, name="depth12") n = depthwise_conv_block(n, 1024, is_train=is_train, name="depth13") n = GlobalMeanPool2d(n) # n = DropoutLayer(n, 1-1e-3, True, is_train, name='drop') # n = DenseLayer(n, 1000, act=tf.identity, name='output') # equal n = ReshapeLayer(n, [-1, 1, 1, 1024]) n = Conv2d(n, 1000, (1, 1), (1, 1), name='out') n = FlattenLayer(n) return n
def get_E_x2za(x_shape=(None, flags.img_size_h, flags.img_size_w, flags.c_dim), name="Encoder_x2za"): # ref: Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation # input: (batch_size_train, 256, 256, 3) # output: vector (batch_size_train, za_dim) w_init = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.02) ni = Input(x_shape) n = Conv2d(64, (7, 7), (1, 1), act=tf.nn.relu, W_init=w_init)(ni) n = Conv2d(128, (4, 4), (2, 2), act=tf.nn.relu, W_init=w_init)(n) n = Conv2d(256, (4, 4), (2, 2), act=tf.nn.relu, W_init=w_init)(n) n = Conv2d(256, (4, 4), (2, 2), act=tf.nn.relu, W_init=w_init)(n) n = GlobalMeanPool2d()(n) n = Flatten()(n) n = Dense(flags.za_dim)(n) M = Model(inputs=ni, outputs=n, name=name) return M
def mobilenetv1(self, x, end_with='out', is_train=False, reuse=None): with tf.variable_scope("mobilenetv1", reuse=reuse): n = InputLayer(x) n = self.conv_block(n, 32, strides=(2, 2), is_train=is_train, name="conv") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 64, is_train=is_train, name="depth1") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 128, strides=(2, 2), is_train=is_train, name="depth2") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 128, is_train=is_train, name="depth3") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 256, strides=(2, 2), is_train=is_train, name="depth4") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 256, is_train=is_train, name="depth5") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 512, strides=(2, 2), is_train=is_train, name="depth6") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 512, is_train=is_train, name="depth7") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 512, is_train=is_train, name="depth8") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 512, is_train=is_train, name="depth9") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 512, is_train=is_train, name="depth10") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 512, is_train=is_train, name="depth11") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 1024, strides=(2, 2), is_train=is_train, name="depth12") if end_with in return n n = self.depthwise_conv_block(n, 1024, is_train=is_train, name="depth13") if end_with in return n n = GlobalMeanPool2d(n, name='globalmeanpool') if end_with in return n # n = DropoutLayer(n, 1-1e-3, True, is_train, name='drop') # n = DenseLayer(n, 1000, act=tf.identity, name='output') # equal n = ReshapeLayer(n, [-1, 1, 1, 1024], name='reshape') if end_with in return n n = Conv2d(n, 1000, (1, 1), (1, 1), name='out') n = FlattenLayer(n, name='flatten') if end_with == 'out': return n raise Exception("end_with : conv, depth1, depth2 ... depth13, globalmeanpool, out")
def get_Ea(x_shape=(None, flags.img_size_h, flags.img_size_w, flags.c_dim), name=None): # input: (1, 256, 256, 3) # ref: DRIT source code (Pytorch Implementation) w_init = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.02) ndf = 64 ni = Input(x_shape) nn = Conv2d(ndf, (7, 7), (1, 1), padding='VALID', W_init=w_init, act=None)(ni) ## Basic Blocks * 3 for i in range(1, 4): ## Basic Block # conv part n = Lambda(lambda x: tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, 0.2))(nn) # leaky relu (0.2) n = Conv2d(ndf * i, (3, 3), (1, 1), padding='VALID', W_init=w_init, act=lrelu)(n) # conv3x3 n = Conv2d(ndf * (i + 1), (3, 3), (1, 1), padding='VALID', W_init=w_init, act=None)(n) # conv3x3 in convMeanpool n = MeanPool2d((2, 2), (2, 2))(n) # meanPool2d in convMeanpool # shortcut part ns = MeanPool2d((2, 2), (2, 2))(nn) ns = Conv2d(ndf * (i + 1), (3, 3), (1, 1), padding='VALID', W_init=w_init)(ns) nn = Elementwise(tf.add)([n, ns]) n = GlobalMeanPool2d()(nn) n_mu = Dense(n_units=flags.za_dim, W_init=w_init, name="mean_linear")(n) n_log_var = Dense(n_units=flags.za_dim, W_init=w_init, name="var_linear")(n) # Sampling using reparametrization trick def sample(input): n_mu = input[0] n_log_var = input[1] epsilon = tf.random.truncated_normal(n_mu.shape) stddev = tf.exp(n_log_var) out = n_mu + stddev * epsilon return out no = Lambda(sample)([n_mu, n_log_var]) M = Model(inputs=ni, outputs=[no, n_mu, n_log_var], name=name) return M
def ShuffleNetV1(self, inputlayer, name): inputlayer = InputLayer(inputlayer, name='input')#32*32*2 #print(inputlayer.outputs.get_shape()) x = Conv2d(inputlayer, 24, (3, 3), strides=(2, 2), padding='SAME', act=tf.nn.relu, name=name+'_Con2d')###24 x = MaxPool2d(x, filter_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2), padding='SAME', name=name+'_MaxPool') x = self.stage(x, n_filter=384, filter_size=(3, 3), groups=8, repeat=4, stage=2, name=name+'_stage1') #print("stage1 finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") x = self.stage(x, n_filter=768, filter_size=(3, 3), groups=8, repeat=8, stage=3, name=name+'_stage2') #print("stage2 finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") x = self.stage(x, n_filter=1536, filter_size=(3, 3), groups=8, repeat=4, stage=4, name=name+'_stage3') #print("stage3 finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") print("stage3", x.outputs.get_shape()) print(x.count_params()) #x = GlobalMaxPool2d(x, name=name+'_GlobalMaxPool') #print("GMP", x.outputs.get_shape()) #print(x.count_params()) x = GlobalMeanPool2d(x, name=name+'_GlobalMaxPool') print("GAP", x.outputs.get_shape()) print(x.count_params()) x = DenseLayer(x, name=name+'_Dense') print("DENSE", x.outputs.get_shape()) print(x.count_params()) return x
def MobileNetV1(pretrained=False, end_with='out', name=None): """Pre-trained MobileNetV1 model (static mode). Input shape [?, 224, 224, 3], value range [0, 1]. Parameters ---------- pretrained : boolean Whether to load pretrained weights. Default False. end_with : str The end point of the model [conv, depth1, depth2 ... depth13, globalmeanpool, out]. Default ``out`` i.e. the whole model. name : None or str Name for this model. Examples --------- Classify ImageNet classes, see ` <>`__ >>> # get the whole model with pretrained weights >>> mobilenetv1 = tl.models.MobileNetV1(pretrained=True) >>> # use for inferencing >>> output = mobilenetv1(img1, is_train=False) >>> prob = tf.nn.softmax(output)[0].numpy() Extract features and Train a classifier with 100 classes >>> # get model without the last layer >>> cnn = tl.models.MobileNetV1(pretrained=True, end_with='reshape').as_layer() >>> # add one more layer and build new model >>> ni = Input([None, 224, 224, 3], name="inputs") >>> nn = cnn(ni) >>> nn = Conv2d(100, (1, 1), (1, 1), name='out')(nn) >>> nn = Flatten(name='flatten')(nn) >>> model = tl.models.Model(inputs=ni, outputs=nn) >>> # train your own classifier (only update the last layer) >>> train_params = model.get_layer('out').trainable_weights Returns ------- static MobileNetV1. """ ni = Input([None, 224, 224, 3], name="input") for i in range(len(layer_names)): if i == 0: n = conv_block(ni, n_filters[i], strides=(2, 2), name=layer_names[i]) elif layer_names[i] in ['depth2', 'depth4', 'depth6', 'depth12']: n = depthwise_conv_block(n, n_filters[i], strides=(2, 2), name=layer_names[i]) elif layer_names[i] == 'globalmeanpool': n = GlobalMeanPool2d(name='globalmeanpool')(n) elif layer_names[i] == 'reshape': n = Reshape([-1, 1, 1, 1024], name='reshape')(n) elif layer_names[i] == 'out': n = Conv2d(1000, (1, 1), (1, 1), name='out')(n) n = Flatten(name='flatten')(n) else: n = depthwise_conv_block(n, n_filters[i], name=layer_names[i]) if layer_names[i] == end_with: break network = Model(inputs=ni, outputs=n, name=name) if pretrained: restore_params(network) return network
def ResNet50(pretrained=False, end_with='fc1000', n_classes=1000, name=None): """Pre-trained MobileNetV1 model (static mode). Input shape [?, 224, 224, 3]. To use pretrained model, input should be in BGR format and subtracted from ImageNet mean [103.939, 116.779, 123.68]. Parameters ---------- pretrained : boolean Whether to load pretrained weights. Default False. end_with : str The end point of the model [conv, depth1, depth2 ... depth13, globalmeanpool, out]. Default ``out`` i.e. the whole model. n_classes : int Number of classes in final prediction. name : None or str Name for this model. Examples --------- Classify ImageNet classes, see `` >>> # get the whole model with pretrained weights >>> resnet = tl.models.ResNet50(pretrained=True) >>> # use for inferencing >>> output = resnet(img1, is_train=False) >>> prob = tf.nn.softmax(output)[0].numpy() Extract the features before fc layer >>> resnet = tl.models.ResNet50(pretrained=True, end_with='5c') >>> output = resnet(img1, is_train=False) Returns ------- ResNet50 model. """ ni = Input([None, 224, 224, 3], name="input") n = Conv2d(64, (7, 7), strides=(2, 2), padding='SAME', W_init=tf.initializers.he_normal(), name='conv1')(ni) n = BatchNorm(name='bn_conv1', act='relu')(n) n = MaxPool2d((3, 3), strides=(2, 2), name='max_pool1')(n) for i, block_name in enumerate(block_names): if len(block_name) == 2: stage = int(block_name[0]) block = block_name[1] if block == 'a': strides = (1, 1) if stage == 2 else (2, 2) n = conv_block(n, 3, block_filters[stage - 2], stage=stage, block=block, strides=strides) else: n = identity_block(n, 3, block_filters[stage - 2], stage=stage, block=block) elif block_name == 'avg_pool': n = GlobalMeanPool2d(name='avg_pool')(n) elif block_name == 'fc1000': n = Dense(n_classes, name='fc1000')(n) if block_name == end_with: break network = Model(inputs=ni, outputs=n, name=name) if pretrained: restore_params(network) return network
def squeezenetv1(cls, x, end_with='output', is_train=False, reuse=None): with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("squeezenetv1", reuse=reuse): with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("input"): n = InputLayer(x) # n = Conv2d(n, 96, (7,7),(2,2),tf.nn.relu,'SAME',name='conv1') n = Conv2d(n, 64, (3, 3), (2, 2), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='conv1') n = MaxPool2d(n, (3, 3), (2, 2), 'VALID', name='max') if end_with in return n with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("fire2"): n = Conv2d(n, 16, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 64, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 64, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') if end_with in return n with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("fire3"): n = Conv2d(n, 16, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 64, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 64, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') n = MaxPool2d(n, (3, 3), (2, 2), 'VALID', name='max') if end_with in return n with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("fire4"): n = Conv2d(n, 32, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 128, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 128, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') if end_with in return n with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("fire5"): n = Conv2d(n, 32, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 128, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 128, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') n = MaxPool2d(n, (3, 3), (2, 2), 'VALID', name='max') if end_with in return n with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("fire6"): n = Conv2d(n, 48, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 192, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 192, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') if end_with in return n with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("fire7"): n = Conv2d(n, 48, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 192, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 192, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') if end_with in return n with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("fire8"): n = Conv2d(n, 64, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 256, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 256, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') if end_with in return n with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("fire9"): n = Conv2d(n, 64, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 256, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 256, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') if end_with in return n with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("output"): n = DropoutLayer(n, keep=0.5, is_fix=True, is_train=is_train, name='drop1') n = Conv2d(n, 1000, (1, 1), (1, 1), padding='VALID', name='conv10') # 13, 13, 1000 n = GlobalMeanPool2d(n) if end_with in return n raise Exception("end_with : input, fire2, fire3 ... fire9, output")
def SqueezeNetV1(pretrained=False, end_with='out', name=None): """Pre-trained SqueezeNetV1 model (static mode). Input shape [?, 224, 224, 3], value range [0, 1]. Parameters ------------ pretrained : boolean Whether to load pretrained weights. Default False. end_with : str The end point of the model [conv1, maxpool1, fire2, fire3, fire4, ..., out]. Default ``out`` i.e. the whole model. name : None or str Name for this model. Examples --------- Classify ImageNet classes, see ` <>`__ >>> # get the whole model >>> squeezenet = tl.models.SqueezeNetV1(pretrained=True) >>> # use for inferencing >>> output = squeezenet(img1, is_train=False) >>> prob = tf.nn.softmax(output)[0].numpy() Extract features and Train a classifier with 100 classes >>> # get model without the last layer >>> cnn = tl.models.SqueezeNetV1(pretrained=True, end_with='drop1').as_layer() >>> # add one more layer and build new model >>> ni = Input([None, 224, 224, 3], name="inputs") >>> nn = cnn(ni) >>> nn = Conv2d(100, (1, 1), (1, 1), padding='VALID', name='conv10')(nn) >>> nn = GlobalMeanPool2d(name='globalmeanpool')(nn) >>> model = tl.models.Model(inputs=ni, outputs=nn) >>> # train your own classifier (only update the last layer) >>> train_params = model.get_layer('conv10').trainable_weights Returns ------- static SqueezeNetV1. """ ni = Input([None, 224, 224, 3], name="input") n = Lambda(lambda x: x * 255, name='scale')(ni) for i in range(len(layer_names)): if layer_names[i] == 'conv1': n = Conv2d(64, (3, 3), (2, 2), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='conv1')(n) elif layer_names[i] == 'maxpool1': n = MaxPool2d((3, 3), (2, 2), 'VALID', name='maxpool1')(n) elif layer_names[i] == 'drop1': n = Dropout(keep=0.5, name='drop1')(n) elif layer_names[i] == 'out': n = Conv2d(1000, (1, 1), (1, 1), padding='VALID', name='conv10')(n) # 13, 13, 1000 n = GlobalMeanPool2d(name='globalmeanpool')(n) elif layer_names[i] in ['fire3', 'fire5']: n = fire_block(n, n_filters[i - 2], max_pool=True, name=layer_names[i]) else: n = fire_block(n, n_filters[i - 2], max_pool=False, name=layer_names[i]) if layer_names[i] == end_with: break network = Model(inputs=ni, outputs=n, name=name) if pretrained: restore_params(network) return network
def squeezenet(x, is_train=True, reuse=False): # model from: # with tf.variable_scope("squeezenet", reuse=reuse): with tf.variable_scope("input"): n = InputLayer(x) # n = Conv2d(n, 96, (7,7),(2,2),tf.nn.relu,'SAME',name='conv1') n = Conv2d(n, 64, (3, 3), (2, 2), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='conv1') n = MaxPool2d(n, (3, 3), (2, 2), 'VALID', name='max') with tf.variable_scope("fire2"): n = Conv2d(n, 16, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 64, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 64, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') with tf.variable_scope("fire3"): n = Conv2d(n, 16, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 64, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 64, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') n = MaxPool2d(n, (3, 3), (2, 2), 'VALID', name='max') with tf.variable_scope("fire4"): n = Conv2d(n, 32, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 128, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 128, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') with tf.variable_scope("fire5"): n = Conv2d(n, 32, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 128, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 128, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') n = MaxPool2d(n, (3, 3), (2, 2), 'VALID', name='max') with tf.variable_scope("fire6"): n = Conv2d(n, 48, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 192, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 192, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') with tf.variable_scope("fire7"): n = Conv2d(n, 48, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 192, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 192, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') with tf.variable_scope("fire8"): n = Conv2d(n, 64, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 256, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 256, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') with tf.variable_scope("fire9"): n = Conv2d(n, 64, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='squeeze1x1') n1 = Conv2d(n, 256, (1, 1), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand1x1') n2 = Conv2d(n, 256, (3, 3), (1, 1), tf.nn.relu, 'SAME', name='expand3x3') n = ConcatLayer([n1, n2], -1, name='concat') with tf.variable_scope("output"): n = DropoutLayer(n, keep=0.5, is_fix=True, is_train=is_train, name='drop1') n = Conv2d(n, 1000, (1, 1), (1, 1), padding='VALID', name='conv10') # 13, 13, 1000 n = GlobalMeanPool2d(n) return n