Пример #1
def test_cp_to_tensor():
    """Test for cp_to_tensor."""
    U1 = np.reshape(np.arange(1, 10), (3, 3))
    U2 = np.reshape(np.arange(10, 22), (4, 3))
    U3 = np.reshape(np.arange(22, 28), (2, 3))
    U4 = np.reshape(np.arange(28, 34), (2, 3))
    U = [tl.tensor(t) for t in [U1, U2, U3, U4]]
    true_res = tl.tensor([[[[  46754.,   51524.],
                            [  52748.,   58130.]],

                           [[  59084.,   65114.],
                            [  66662.,   73466.]],

                           [[  71414.,   78704.],
                            [  80576.,   88802.]],

                           [[  83744.,   92294.],
                            [  94490.,  104138.]]],

                          [[[ 113165.,  124784.],
                            [ 127790.,  140912.]],

                           [[ 143522.,  158264.],
                            [ 162080.,  178730.]],

                           [[ 173879.,  191744.],
                            [ 196370.,  216548.]],

                           [[ 204236.,  225224.],
                            [ 230660.,  254366.]]],

                          [[[ 179576.,  198044.],
                            [ 202832.,  223694.]],

                           [[ 227960.,  251414.],
                            [ 257498.,  283994.]],

                           [[ 276344.,  304784.],
                            [ 312164.,  344294.]],

                           [[ 324728.,  358154.],
                            [ 366830.,  404594.]]]])
    res = cp_to_tensor((tl.ones(3), U))
    assert_array_equal(res, true_res, err_msg='Khatri-rao incorrectly transformed into full tensor.')

    columns = 4
    rows = [3, 4, 2]
    matrices = [tl.tensor(np.arange(k * columns).reshape((k, columns))) for k in rows]
    tensor = cp_to_tensor((tl.ones(columns), matrices))
    for i in range(len(rows)):
        unfolded = unfold(tensor, mode=i)
        U_i = matrices.pop(i)
        reconstructed = tl.dot(U_i, tl.transpose(khatri_rao(matrices)))
        assert_array_almost_equal(reconstructed, unfolded)
        matrices.insert(i, U_i)
Пример #2
def test_initialize_nn_cp():
    """Test that if we initialise with an existing init, then it isn't modified.
    init = CPTensor(
        [None, [-tl.ones((30, 3)), -tl.ones((20, 3)), -tl.ones((10, 3))]])
    tensor = cp_to_tensor(init)
    initialised_tensor = initialize_nn_cp(tensor, 3, init=init)
    for factor_matrix, init_factor_matrix in zip(init[1],
        assert_array_equal(factor_matrix, init_factor_matrix)
    assert_array_equal(tensor, cp_to_tensor(initialised_tensor))
Пример #3
def test_parafac2_normalize_factors():
    rng = check_random_state(1234)
    rank = 2  # Rank 2 so we only need to test rank of minimum and maximum

    random_parafac2_tensor = random_parafac2(
        shapes=[(15 + rng.randint(5), 30) for _ in range(25)],
    random_parafac2_tensor.factors[0] = random_parafac2_tensor.factors[0] + 0.1
    norms = tl.ones(rank)
    for factor in random_parafac2_tensor.factors:
        norms = norms * tl.norm(factor, axis=0)

    slices = parafac2_to_tensor(random_parafac2_tensor)

    unnormalized_rec = parafac2(slices,
    assert unnormalized_rec.weights[0] == 1

    normalized_rec = parafac2(slices,
    assert tl.max(tl.abs(T.norm(normalized_rec.factors[0], axis=0) - 1)) < 1e-5
    assert abs(tl.max(norms) -
               tl.max(normalized_rec.weights)) / tl.max(norms) < 1e-2
    assert abs(tl.min(norms) -
               tl.min(normalized_rec.weights)) / tl.min(norms) < 1e-2
Пример #4
def test_symmetric_parafac_power_iteration(monkeypatch):
    """Test for symmetric Parafac optimized with robust tensor power iterations"""
    rng = tl.check_random_state(1234)
    tol_norm_2 = 10e-1
    tol_max_abs = 10e-1

    size = 5
    rank = 4
    true_factor = tl.tensor(rng.random_sample((size, rank)))
    true_weights = tl.ones(rank)
    tensor = tl.cp_to_tensor((true_weights, [true_factor] * 3))
    weights, factor = symmetric_parafac_power_iteration(tensor,

    rec = tl.cp_to_tensor((weights, [factor] * 3))
    error = tl.norm(rec - tensor, 2)
    error /= tl.norm(tensor, 2)
    assert_(error < tol_norm_2, 'norm 2 of reconstruction higher than tol')
    # Test the max abs difference between the reconstruction and the tensor
        tl.max(tl.abs(rec - tensor)) < tol_max_abs,
        'abs norm of reconstruction error higher than tol')
Пример #5
def vec2factors(vec, shape, rank, context=None):
    """Wrapper function detailed in Appendix C [1]
    Builds a set of N matrices, where the k-th matrix is shape(k) x rank in dimension

    vec : ndarray
        vector of values to proliferate matrices with
    shape: tensor shape
        shape of tensor dictates number of rows in each matrix
    rank: int
        number of columns in each matrix, *** rank cannot be > dimension of smallest mode ***

    M1 : CPTensor
        CPTensor with factor matrices formed by 'vec'
    numFacts = len(shape)
    factors = []
    place = 0
    for i in range(numFacts):
        factor = np.zeros((rank * shape[i]), **context)
        for j in range(shape[i] * rank):
            factor[j] = vec[j + place]
        factor = tl.tensor(factor.reshape((rank, shape[i])), **context)
        place += shape[i] * rank
    M1 = CPTensor((tl.ones(rank, ), factors))
    return M1
Пример #6
def smoothness_prox(tensor, regularizer):
    """Proximal operator for smoothness

    tensor : ndarray
    regularizer : float


    diag_matrix = tl.diag(2 * regularizer * tl.ones(tl.shape(tensor)[0]) + 1) + \
                  tl.diag(-regularizer * tl.ones(tl.shape(tensor)[0] - 1), k=-1) + \
                  tl.diag(-regularizer * tl.ones(tl.shape(tensor)[0] - 1), k=1)
    return tl.solve(diag_matrix, tensor)
Пример #7
def test_cp_normalize():
    shape = (3, 4, 5)
    rank = 4
    cp_tensor = random_cp(shape, rank)
    weights, factors = cp_normalize(cp_tensor)
    expected_norm = tl.ones(rank)
    for f in factors:
        assert_array_almost_equal(tl.norm(f, axis=0), expected_norm)
    assert_array_almost_equal(cp_to_tensor((weights, factors)), cp_to_tensor(cp_tensor))
Пример #8
def dtd(factors_old, X_old, X_new, rank, n_iter=1, mu=1, verbose=False):

    weights = tl.ones(rank)
    if verbose:
        X = tl.tensor(np.concatenate((X_old, X_new)))
    n_dim = tl.ndim(X_old)
    U = factors_old.copy()

    for i in range(n_iter):
        # temporal mode for A1
        V = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)))
        for j, factor in enumerate(U):
            if j != 0:
                V = V * tl.dot(tl.transpose(factor), factor)
        mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(X_new, (None, U), 0)
        A1 = tl.transpose(tl.solve(tl.transpose(V), tl.transpose(mttkrp)))

        # non-temporal mode
        for mode in range(1, n_dim):
            U1 = U.copy()
            U1[0] = A1
            V = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)))
            W = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)))
            for j, factor in enumerate(U):
                factor_old = factors_old[j]
                if j != mode:
                    W = W * tl.dot(tl.transpose(factor_old), factor)
                    if j == 0:
                        V = V * (mu * tl.dot(tl.transpose(factor), factor) +
                                 tl.dot(tl.transpose(A1), A1))
                        V = V * tl.dot(tl.transpose(factor), factor)
            mttkrp0 = mu * tl.dot(factors_old[mode], W)
            mttkrp1 = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(X_new, (None, U1), mode)
            U[mode] = tl.transpose(
                tl.solve(tl.transpose(V), tl.transpose(mttkrp0 + mttkrp1)))

        # temporal mode for A0
        V = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)))
        W = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)))
        for j, factor in enumerate(U):
            factor_old = factors_old[j]
            if j != 0:
                V = V * tl.dot(tl.transpose(factor), factor)
                W = W * tl.dot(tl.transpose(factor_old), factor)
        mttkrp = tl.dot(factors_old[0], W)
        U[0] = tl.transpose(tl.solve(tl.transpose(V), tl.transpose(mttkrp)))
        if verbose:
            U1 = U.copy()
            U1[0] = np.concatenate((U[0], A1))
            X_est = construct_tensor(U1)
            compare_tensors(X, X_est)

    U[0] = np.concatenate((U[0].copy(), A1))
    return KruskalTensor((weights, U))
Пример #9
def krprod(factors, indices_list):
    ''' Implement Khatri Rao Product for given nonzeros' indicies '''

    rank = tl.shape(factors[0])[1]
    nnz = len(indices_list[0])
    nonzeros = tl.ones((nnz, rank), **tl.context(factors[0]))

    for indices, factor in zip(indices_list, factors):
        nonzeros = nonzeros * factor[indices, :]

    return torch.sum(nonzeros, dim=1)
Пример #10
def normalize_factors(factors):
    """Normalizes factors to unit length and returns factor magnitudes

    Turns ``factors = [|U_1, ... U_n|]`` into ``[weights; |V_1, ... V_n|]``,
    where the columns of each `V_k` are normalized to unit Euclidean length
    from the columns of `U_k` with the normalizing constants absorbed into
    `weights`. In the special case of a symmetric tensor, `weights` holds the
    eigenvalues of the tensor.

    factors : ndarray list
        list of matrices, all with the same number of columns
            for u in U:
                u[i].shape == (s_i, R)

        where `R` is fixed while `s_i` can vary with `i`

    normalized_factors : list of ndarrays
        list of matrices with the same shape as `factors`
    weights : ndarray
        vector of length `R` holding normalizing constants

    # allocate variables for weights, and normalized factors
    rank = factors[0].shape[1]
    weights = tl.ones(rank, **tl.context(factors[0]))
    normalized_factors = []

    # normalize columns of factor matrices
    for factor in factors:
        scales = tl.norm(factor, axis=0)
        weights *= scales
        scales_non_zero = tl.where(
            scales == 0, tl.ones(tl.shape(scales), **tl.context(factors[0])),
        normalized_factors.append(factor / scales_non_zero)
    return normalized_factors, weights
Пример #11
def test_cp_to_vec():
    """Test for cp_to_vec"""
    U1 = np.reshape(np.arange(1, 10), (3, 3))
    U2 = np.reshape(np.arange(10, 22), (4, 3))
    U3 = np.reshape(np.arange(22, 28), (2, 3))
    U4 = np.reshape(np.arange(28, 34), (2, 3))
    U = [tl.tensor(t) for t in [U1, U2, U3, U4]]
    cp_tensor = CPTensor((tl.ones(3), U))
    full_tensor = cp_to_tensor(cp_tensor)
    true_res = tensor_to_vec(full_tensor)
    res = cp_to_vec(cp_tensor)
    assert_array_equal(true_res, res, err_msg='khatri_rao product converted incorrectly to vec.')
Пример #12
def test_cp_to_unfolded():
    """Test for cp_to_unfolded.
        !!Assumes that cp_to_tensor and unfold are properly tested and work!!
    U1 = np.reshape(np.arange(1, 10), (3, 3))
    U2 = np.reshape(np.arange(10, 22), (4, 3))
    U3 = np.reshape(np.arange(22, 28), (2, 3))
    U4 = np.reshape(np.arange(28, 34), (2, 3))
    U = [tl.tensor(t) for t in [U1, U2, U3, U4]]
    cp_tensor = CPTensor((tl.ones(3), U))

    full_tensor = cp_to_tensor(cp_tensor)
    for mode in range(4):
        true_res = unfold(full_tensor, mode)
        res = cp_to_unfolded(cp_tensor, mode)
        assert_array_equal(true_res, res, err_msg='khatri_rao product unfolded incorrectly for mode {}.'.format(mode))
Пример #13
def tl_sample_uniform(tensor, nsamp):
    """Uniformly sample 'nsamp' indices from a tensor 'tensor' along with
    corresponding values and the weight of the sample.

    X : ndarray
      Dense tensor
    nsamp : integer
      number of samples

    subs : ndarray
        Subscripts (indices)
    vals : ndarray
    wgts : ndarray
    d = tl.ndim(tensor)
    shp = tl.shape(tensor)
    tsz = 1
    for i in shp:
        tsz *= i

    # generate subscripts
    subSamp = lambda x, y: np.ceil(x * y)
    subs = subSamp(np.random.rand(nsamp, d), shp)
    subs = subs.astype(int) - 1  # adjust for zero-indexing

    # quick check that indices are in bounds
    if tl.min(subs) < 0:
        print("Bad subscripts generated for sampling.")

    # capture corresponding values for subscripts
    vals = []
    for i in subs:
        index = tuple(i.tolist())
    vals = tl.reshape(tl.tensor(vals), (len(vals), 1))

    # calculate weights for sample
    wgts = tsz / nsamp * tl.ones((nsamp, 1))

    return subs, vals, wgts
def test_gcp_fg_est_helper():
    # build up test case tensor(X) from CP tensor(M)
    # keying off Matlab implementation results in debug mode
    rank = 2
    shape = [4, 2, 3]
    ndim = len(shape)
    factors = []
    for i in range(ndim):
        factors.append(tl.tensor(np.arange(rank * shape[i]).reshape(rank, shape[i]).T))
    weights = tl.ones(rank)
    mTen = CPTensor((weights, factors))
    ten = tl.cp_to_tensor(mTen)
    nsamp = 10
    subs, vals, wgts = tl_sample_uniform(ten, nsamp)

    # set up test scenerio, alt_subs & alt_vals (wgts unaffected)
    ind0 = np.array([0, 1, 2])
    ind1 = np.array([3, 1, 1])
    ind2 = np.array([2, 0, 2])
    ind3 = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    ind4 = np.array([3, 0, 2])
    ind5 = np.array([2, 1, 1])
    ind6 = np.array([3, 1, 0])
    ind7 = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    ind8 = np.array([3, 0, 1])
    ind9 = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    alt_subs = tl.tensor(np.array([ind0, ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6, ind7, ind8, ind9]))

    alt_vals = []
    for i in range(nsamp):

    # call gcp_fg_est_helper()
    # model vals retured ought to match those in the alt_vals
    # because of how ten and mTen were constructed
    mvals, z_exp = gcp_fg_est_helper(mTen.factors, alt_subs)

    for k in range(nsamp):
        assert(mvals[k] == alt_vals[k])
Пример #15
def parafac2(tensor_slices,
    r"""PARAFAC2 decomposition [1]_ of a third order tensor via alternating least squares (ALS)

    Computes a rank-`rank` PARAFAC2 decomposition of the third-order tensor defined by 
    `tensor_slices`. The decomposition is on the form :math:`(A [B_i] C)` such that the
    i-th frontal slice, :math:`X_i`, of :math:`X` is given by

    .. math::
        X_i = B_i diag(a_i) C^T,
    where :math:`diag(a_i)` is the diagonal matrix whose nonzero entries are equal to
    the :math:`i`-th row of the :math:`I \times R` factor matrix :math:`A`, :math:`B_i` 
    is a :math:`J_i \times R` factor matrix such that the cross product matrix :math:`B_{i_1}^T B_{i_1}`
    is constant for all :math:`i`, and :math:`C` is a :math:`K \times R` factor matrix. 
    To compute this decomposition, we reformulate the expression for :math:`B_i` such that

    .. math::

        B_i = P_i B,

    where :math:`P_i` is a :math:`J_i \times R` orthogonal matrix and :math:`B` is a
    :math:`R \times R` matrix.

    An alternative formulation of the PARAFAC2 decomposition is that the tensor element
    :math:`X_{ijk}` is given by

    .. math::

        X_{ijk} = \sum_{r=1}^R A_{ir} B_{ijr} C_{kr},
    with the same constraints hold for :math:`B_i` as above.

    tensor_slices : ndarray or list of ndarrays
        Either a third order tensor or a list of second order tensors that may have different number of rows.
        Note that the second mode factor matrices are allowed to change over the first mode, not the
        third mode as some other implementations use (see note below).
    rank  : int
        Number of components.
    n_iter_max : int
        Maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random', CPTensor, Parafac2Tensor}
        Type of factor matrix initialization. See `initialize_factors`.
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    normalize_factors : bool (optional)
        If True, aggregate the weights of each factor in a 1D-tensor
        of shape (rank, ), which will contain the norms of the factors. Note that
        there may be some inaccuracies in the component weights.
    tol : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-8) Relative reconstruction error tolerance. The
        algorithm is considered to have found the global minimum when the
        reconstruction error is less than `tol`.
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        Level of verbosity
    return_errors : bool, optional
        Activate return of iteration errors
    n_iter_parafac: int, optional
        Number of PARAFAC iterations to perform for each PARAFAC2 iteration

    Parafac2Tensor : (weight, factors, projection_matrices)
        * weights : 1D array of shape (rank, )
            all ones if normalize_factors is False (default), 
            weights of the (normalized) factors otherwise
        * factors : List of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape
            (tensor.shape[i], rank)
        * projection_matrices : List of projection matrices used to create evolving
    errors : list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithms.

    .. [1] Kiers, H.A.L., ten Berge, J.M.F. and Bro, R. (1999), 
            PARAFAC2—Part I. A direct fitting algorithm for the PARAFAC2 model. 
            J. Chemometrics, 13: 275-294.

    This formulation of the PARAFAC2 decomposition is slightly different from the one in [1]_.
    The difference lies in that here, the second mode changes over the first mode, whereas in
    [1]_, the second mode changes over the third mode. We made this change since that means
    that the function accept both lists of matrices and a single nd-array as input without
    any reordering of the modes.
    weights, factors, projections = initialize_decomposition(
        tensor_slices, rank, init=init, svd=svd, random_state=random_state)

    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.sqrt(
        sum(tl.norm(tensor_slice, 2)**2 for tensor_slice in tensor_slices))
    svd_fun = _get_svd(svd)

    projected_tensor = tl.zeros([factor.shape[0] for factor in factors],

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if verbose:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration)
        factors[1] = factors[1] * T.reshape(weights, (1, -1))
        weights = T.ones(weights.shape, **tl.context(tensor_slices[0]))

        projections = _compute_projections(tensor_slices,
        projected_tensor = _project_tensor_slices(tensor_slices,
        _, factors = parafac(projected_tensor,
                             init=(weights, factors),

        if normalize_factors:
            new_factors = []
            for factor in factors:
                norms = T.norm(factor, axis=0)
                norms = tl.where(
                    tl.abs(norms) <= tl.eps(factor.dtype),
                    tl.ones(tl.shape(norms), **tl.context(factors[0])), norms)

                weights = weights * norms
                new_factors.append(factor / (tl.reshape(norms, (1, -1))))

            factors = new_factors

        if tol:
            rec_error = _parafac2_reconstruction_error(
                tensor_slices, (weights, factors, projections))
            rec_error /= norm_tensor

            if iteration >= 1:
                if verbose:
                    print('PARAFAC2 reconstruction error={}, variation={}.'.
                                 rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]))

                if tol and abs(rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]) < tol:
                    if verbose:
                        print('converged in {} iterations.'.format(iteration))
                if verbose:
                    print('PARAFAC2 reconstruction error={}'.format(

    parafac2_tensor = Parafac2Tensor((weights, factors, projections))

    if return_errors:
        return parafac2_tensor, rec_errors
        return parafac2_tensor
Пример #16
def one_ntd_step(tensor, ranks, in_core, in_factors, norm_tensor,
                 sparsity_coefficients, fixed_modes, normalize, mode_core_norm, 
                 alpha=0.5, delta=0.01):
    One pass of Hierarchical Alternating Least Squares update along all modes,
    and gradient update on the core,
    which decreases reconstruction error in Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition.

    Update the factors by solving a least squares problem per mode, as described in [1].

    Note that the unfolding order is the one described in [2], which is different from [1].

    This function is strictly superior to a least squares solver ran on the
    matricized problems min_X ||Y - AX||_F^2 since A is structured as a
    Kronecker product of the other factors/core.

    Tensors are manipulated with the tensorly toolbox [3].

    unfolded_tensors: list of array
        The spectrogram tensor, unfolded according to all its modes.
    ranks: list of integers
        Ranks for eac factor of the decomposition.
    in_core : tensorly tensor
        Current estimates of the core
    in_factors: list of array
        Current estimates for the factors of this NTD.
        The value of factor[update_mode] will be updated using a least squares update.
        The values in in_factors are not modified.
    norm_tensor : float
        The Frobenius norm of the input tensor
    sparsity_coefficients: list of float (as much as the number of modes + 1 for the core)
        The sparsity coefficients on each factor and on the core respectively.
    fixed_modes: list of integers (between 0 and the number of modes + 1 for the core)
        Has to be set not to update a factor, taken in the order of modes and lastly on the core.
    normalize: list of boolean (as much as the number of modes + 1 for the core)
        A boolean whereas the factors need to be normalized.
        The normalization is a l_2 normalization on each of the rank components
        (For the factors, each column will be normalized, ie each atom of the dimension of the current rank).
    mode_core_norm: integer or None
        The mode on which normalize the core, or None if normalization shouldn't be enforced.
        Will only be useful if the last element of the previous "normalise" argument is set to True.
        Indexes of the modes start at 0.
        Default: None
    alpha : positive float
        Ratio between outer computations and inner loops. Typically set to 0.5 or 1.
        Set to +inf in the deterministic mode, as it depends on runtime.
        Default: 0.5
    delta : float in [0,1]
        Early stop criterion, while err_k > delta*err_0. Set small for
        almost exact nnls solution, or larger (e.g. 1e-2) for inner loops
        of a NTD computation.
        Default: 0.01

    core: tensorly tensor
        The core tensor linking the factors of the decomposition
    factors: list of factors
        An array containing all the factors computed with the NTD
        The value of the cost function at this step,
        normalized by the squared norm of the original tensor.
    [1] Tamara G Kolda and Brett W Bader. "Tensor decompositions and applications",
    SIAM review 51.3 (2009), pp. 455{500.

    [2] Jeremy E Cohen. "About notations in multiway array processing",
    arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.01306, (2015).

    [3] J. Kossai et al. "TensorLy: Tensor Learning in Python",
    arxiv preprint (2018)

    # Avoiding errors
    for fixed_value in fixed_modes:
        sparsity_coefficients[fixed_value] = None

    # Copy
    core = in_core.copy()
    factors = in_factors.copy()

    # Generating the mode update sequence
    modes_list = [mode for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)) if mode not in fixed_modes]

    for mode in modes_list:

        #unfolded_core = tl.base.unfold(core, mode)

        tic = time.time()

        # UtU
        # First, element-wise products
        # some computations could be reused but the gain is small.
        elemprod = factors.copy()
        for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
            if i != mode:
                elemprod[i] = tl.dot(tl.conj(tl.transpose(factor)), factor)
        # Second, the multiway product with core G
        temp = tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(core, elemprod, skip=mode)
        # this line can be computed with tensor contractions
        con_modes = [i for i in range(tl.ndim(tensor)) if i != mode]
        UtU = tl.tenalg.contract(temp, con_modes, core, con_modes)
        #UtU = unfold(temp, mode)@tl.transpose(unfold(core, mode))

        # UtM
        # First, the contraction of data with other factors
        temp = tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(tensor, factors, skip=mode, transpose = True)
        # again, computable by tensor contractions
        #MtU = unfold(temp, mode)@tl.transpose(unfold(core, mode))
        MtU = tl.tenalg.contract(temp, con_modes, core, con_modes)
        UtM = tl.transpose(MtU)

        # Computing the Kronekcer product
        #kron = tl.tenalg.kronecker(factors, skip_matrix = mode, reverse = False)
        #kron_core = tl.dot(kron, tl.transpose(unfolded_core))
        #rhs = tl.dot(unfolded_tensors[mode], kron_core)

        # Maybe suboptimal
        #cross = tl.dot(tl.transpose(kron_core), kron_core)

        timer = time.time() - tic

        # Call the hals resolution with nnls, optimizing the current mode
        factors[mode] = tl.transpose(nnls.hals_nnls_acc(UtM, UtU, tl.transpose(factors[mode]),
               maxiter=100, atime=timer, alpha=alpha, delta=delta,
               sparsity_coefficient = sparsity_coefficients[mode], normalize = normalize[mode])[0])

    #refolded_tensor = tl.base.fold(unfolded_tensors[0], 0, tensor_shape)

    # Core update
    #all_MtX = tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(tensor, factors, transpose = True)
    # better implementation: reuse the computation of temp !
    # Also reuse elemprod form last update
    all_MtX = tl.tenalg.mode_dot(temp, tl.transpose(factors[modes_list[-1]]), modes_list[-1])
    all_MtM = tl.copy(elemprod)
    all_MtM[modes_list[-1]] = factors[modes_list[-1]].T@factors[modes_list[-1]]

    #all_MtM = np.array([fac.T@fac for fac in factors])

    # Projected gradient
    gradient_step = 1
    #print(f"factors[modes_list[-1]]: {factors[modes_list[-1]]}")        

    #print(f"all_MtM: {all_MtM}")
    for MtM in all_MtM:
        #print(f"MtM: {MtM}")
        gradient_step *= 1/(scipy.sparse.linalg.svds(MtM, k=1)[1][0])

    gradient_step = round(gradient_step, 6) # Heurisitc, to avoid consecutive imprecision

    cnt = 1
    upd_0 = 0
    upd = 1

    if sparsity_coefficients[-1] is None:
        sparse = 0
        sparse = sparsity_coefficients[-1]

    # TODO: dynamic stopping criterion
    # Maybe: try fast gradient instead of gradient
    while cnt <= 300 and upd>= delta * upd_0:
        gradient = - all_MtX + tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(core, all_MtM, transpose = False) + sparse * tl.ones(core.shape)

        # Proposition of reformulation for error computations
        delta_core = np.minimum(gradient_step*gradient, core)
        core = core - delta_core
        upd = tl.norm(delta_core)
        if cnt == 1:
            upd_0 = upd

        cnt += 1

    if normalize[-1]:
        unfolded_core = tl.unfold(core, mode_core_norm)
        for idx_mat in range(unfolded_core.shape[0]):
            if tl.norm(unfolded_core[idx_mat]) != 0:
                unfolded_core[idx_mat] = unfolded_core[idx_mat] / tl.norm(unfolded_core[idx_mat], 2)
        core = tl.fold(unfolded_core, mode_core_norm, core.shape)

    # Adding the l1 norm value to the reconstruction error
    sparsity_error = 0
    for index, sparse in enumerate(sparsity_coefficients):
        if sparse:
            if index < len(factors):
                sparsity_error += 2 * (sparse * np.linalg.norm(factors[index], ord=1))
            elif index == len(factors):
                sparsity_error += 2 * (sparse * tl.norm(core, 1))
                raise NotImplementedError("TODEBUG: Too many sparsity coefficients, should have been raised before.")

    rec_error = norm_tensor ** 2 - 2*tl.tenalg.inner(all_MtX, core) + tl.tenalg.inner(tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(core, all_MtM, transpose = False), core)
    cost_fct_val = (rec_error + sparsity_error) / (norm_tensor ** 2)

    #exhaustive_rec_error = (tl.norm(tensor - tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(core, factors, transpose = False), 2) + sparsity_error) / norm_tensor
    #print("diff: " + str(rec_error - exhaustive_rec_error))
    #print("max" + str(np.amax(factors[2])))
    return core, factors, cost_fct_val #  exhaustive_rec_error
Пример #17
def online_tensor_decomposition(dataset,
                                methods=['dao', 'dtd', 'ocp', 'fcp']):
    results = {}
    start = time.time()
    (weights, factors_old) = parafac(X_stream[0], rank, init='random')
    init_time = time.time() - start

    for method in methods:

        mem_usage = sys.getsizeof(X_stream[0])
        if method in ['dao', 'dtd']:
            print(f'>> {method}: rank-{rank} n_iter-{n_iter}')
        elif method in ['ocp', 'fcp']:
            print(f'>> {method}: rank-{rank}')

        factors = factors_old
        X_old = X_stream[0]
        n_dim = tl.ndim(X_old)
        if not method in ['dao', 'dtd', 'ocp', 'fcp']:
            raise ValueError('The method does not exist.')
        if method == 'fcp':
            mem_usage = sys.getsizeof(X)
            ktensor = parafac(X, rank, init='random')
            (weights, factors) = ktensor
            mem_usage += sys.getsizeof(factors)
            X_est = construct_tensor(factors)
            err_norm = tl.norm(X - X_est)
            global_rt = time.time() - start
            global_fit = 1 - (err_norm / tl.norm(X))
            print('Global Fitness         :', format(global_fit * 100, '.4f'),
            print('Global Running Time    :', format(global_rt, '.4f'), 'sec')
            print('Memory Usage           :', mem_usage, 'bytes')
            results[method] = [ktensor]

        ktensors = []
        verbose_list = []
        split_points = []
        refine_points = []
        fitness = []
        running_time = []
        begin = time.time() - init_time

        welford = Welford()
        X_est = construct_tensor(factors)
        err_norm = tl.norm(X_old - X_est)
        welford(err_norm * 1.2)

        if method == 'ocp':
            start = time.time()
            K = get_KhatriRao_except0(factors)
            H = get_Hadamard(factors)

            P = np.empty((n_dim), dtype=object)
            Q = np.empty((n_dim), dtype=object)

            for mode in range(1, n_dim):
                P[mode] = tl.dot(tl.unfold(X_old, mode),
                                 tl.tenalg.khatri_rao((factors[0], K[mode])))
                Q[mode] = H / tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[mode]),
            #print('init_time:', time.time()-start)
            mem_usage += sys.getsizeof(K)
            mem_usage += sys.getsizeof(H)
            mem_usage += sys.getsizeof(P)
            mem_usage += sys.getsizeof(Q)

        iter_mem_usage = 0
        for i, X_new in enumerate(X_stream[1:]):
            i_mem = sys.getsizeof(X_new)
            start = time.time()
            if method == 'dao':
                (weights, factors0) = data_adaptive_online_cp(factors.copy(),
            elif method == 'ocp':
                ((weights, factors0), P0, Q0) = online_cp(factors.copy(),
            elif method == 'dtd':
                (weights, factors0) = dtd(factors.copy(),

            U = factors0.copy()
            U[0] = U[0][-X_new.shape[0] - 1:-1]
            i_mem += sys.getsizeof(U)
            dX_est = construct_tensor(U)

            err_norm = tl.norm(X_new - dX_est)
            z_score = get_z_score(err_norm, welford.mean, welford.std)

            if method == 'dao' and ul > 0 and z_score > ul:
                weights = tl.ones(rank)
                ktensors.append(KruskalTensor((weights, factors.copy())))
                split_points.append(i + 1)

                X_old = X_stream[i + 1]

                (weights, factors0) = parafac(X_old, rank, init='random')
                elapsed_time = time.time() - start
                verbose_list.append([i + 1, elapsed_time, err_norm, z_score])

                i_mem += sys.getsizeof(factors0)
                start = time.time()
                X_est = construct_tensor(factors0)
                err_norm = tl.norm(X_old - X_est)
                welford = Welford()
                welford(err_norm * 1.2)

                z_score = get_z_score(err_norm, welford.mean, welford.std)
                factors = factors0.copy()
                elapsed_time = time.time() - start
                verbose_list.append([i + 1, elapsed_time, err_norm, z_score])
                fitness.append(err_norm / tl.norm(X_new))
            elif method == 'dao' and ll > 0 and z_score > ll:
                refine_points.append(i + 1)
                elapsed_time = time.time() - start
                verbose_list.append([i + 1, elapsed_time, err_norm, z_score])

                (weights, factors) = data_adaptive_online_cp(factors,
                                                             n_iter=n_iter * 2,

                i_mem += sys.getsizeof(factors)
                U = factors.copy()
                U[0] = U[0][-X_new.shape[0] - 1:-1]
                dX_est = construct_tensor(U)
                err_norm = tl.norm(X_new - dX_est)
                if method == 'ocp':
                    P = P0
                    Q = Q0
                factors = factors0.copy()

            elapsed_time = time.time() - start
            verbose_list.append([i + 1, elapsed_time, err_norm, z_score])
            fitness.append(err_norm / tl.norm(X_new))
            X_old = tl.concatenate((X_old, X_new))
            iter_mem_usage = max(iter_mem_usage, i_mem)
            if verbose:
                X_est = construct_tensor(factors)
                compare_tensors(X_old, X_est)

        mem_usage += iter_mem_usage

        weights = tl.ones(rank)
        ktensors.append(KruskalTensor((weights, factors)))
        mem_usage += sys.getsizeof(ktensors)

        global_rt = time.time() - begin

        tensor_est = construct_tensor(ktensors[0][1])
        for (weights, factors) in ktensors[1:]:
            tensor_est = tl.tensor(
                tl.concatenate((tensor_est, construct_tensor(factors))))
        global_error_norm = compare_tensors(X, tensor_est)
        if method == 'dao':
            print(f'SPLIT: {len(split_points)}, REFINE: {len(refine_points)}')

        if method != 'fcp':
            verbose_list = np.asarray(verbose_list, dtype=float)
            fitness = np.asarray(fitness, dtype=float)
            running_time = np.asarray(running_time, dtype=float)

            tot_norm = tl.norm(X)
            local_fit = 1 - np.mean(fitness)
            local_rt = np.mean(running_time)
            global_fit = 1 - (global_error_norm / tot_norm)
            print('Global Fitness         :', format(global_fit * 100, '.4f'),
            print('Avg Local Fitness      :', format(local_fit * 100, '.4f'),
            print('Global Running Time    :', format(global_rt, '.4f'), 'sec')
            print('Avg Local Running Time :', format(local_rt, '.4f'), 'sec')
            print('Memory Usage           :', mem_usage, 'bytes')
            results[method] = ktensors

    return results
Пример #18
def randomised_parafac(tensor,
    """Randomised CP decomposition via sampled ALS

    tensor : ndarray
    rank   : int
            number of components
    n_samples : int
                number of samples per ALS step
    n_iter_max : int
                 maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    tol : float, optional
          tolerance: the algorithm stops when the variation in
          the reconstruction error is less than the tolerance
    max_stagnation: int, optional, default is 0
                    if not zero, the maximum allowed number
                    of iterations with no decrease in fit
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}, default is None
    verbose : int, optional
        level of verbosity

    factors : ndarray list
            list of positive factors of the CP decomposition
            element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)``

    .. [3] Casey Battaglino, Grey Ballard and Tamara G. Kolda,
       "A Practical Randomized CP Tensor Decomposition",
    rng = check_random_state(random_state)
    factors = initialize_factors(tensor,
    rec_errors = []
    n_dims = tl.ndim(tensor)
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)
    min_error = 0

    weights = tl.ones(rank, **tl.context(tensor))
    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        for mode in range(n_dims):
            kr_prod, indices_list = sample_khatri_rao(factors,
            indices_list = [i.tolist() for i in indices_list]
            # Keep all the elements of the currently considered mode
            indices_list.insert(mode, slice(None, None, None))
            # MXNet will not be happy if this is a list insteaf of a tuple
            indices_list = tuple(indices_list)
            if mode:
                sampled_unfolding = tensor[indices_list]
                sampled_unfolding = tl.transpose(tensor[indices_list])

            pseudo_inverse = tl.dot(tl.transpose(kr_prod), kr_prod)
            factor = tl.dot(tl.transpose(kr_prod), sampled_unfolding)
            factor = tl.transpose(tl.solve(pseudo_inverse, factor))
            factors[mode] = factor

        if max_stagnation or tol:
            rec_error = tl.norm(tensor - kruskal_to_tensor(
                (weights, factors)), 2) / norm_tensor
            if not min_error or rec_error < min_error:
                min_error = rec_error
                stagnation = -1
            stagnation += 1


            if iteration > 1:
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}, variation={}.'.format(
                        rec_errors[-1], rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]))

                if (tol and abs(rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]) < tol) or \
                   (stagnation and (stagnation > max_stagnation)):
                    if verbose:
                        print('converged in {} iterations.'.format(iteration))

    return KruskalTensor((weights, factors))
Пример #19
def sample_khatri_rao(matrices,
    """Random subsample of the Khatri-Rao product of the given list of matrices

        If one matrix only is given, that matrix is directly returned.

    matrices : ndarray list
        list of matrices with the same number of columns, i.e.::

            for i in len(matrices):
                matrices[i].shape = (n_i, m)

    n_samples : int
        number of samples to be taken from the Khatri-Rao product

    skip_matrix : None or int, optional, default is None
        if not None, index of a matrix to skip

    random_state : None, int or numpy.random.RandomState
        if int, used to set the seed of the random number generator
        if numpy.random.RandomState, used to generate random_samples

    returned_sampled_rows : bool, default is False
        if True, also returns a list of the rows sampled from the full
        khatri-rao product

    sampled_Khatri_Rao : ndarray
        The sampled matricised tensor Khatri-Rao with `n_samples` rows

    indices : tuple list
        a list of indices sampled for each mode

    indices_kr : int list
        list of length `n_samples` containing the sampled row indices
    if random_state is None or not isinstance(random_state,
        rng = check_random_state(random_state)
            'You are creating a new random number generator at each call.\n'
            'If you are calling sample_khatri_rao inside a loop this will be slow:'
            ' best to create a rng outside and pass it as argument (random_state=rng).'
        rng = random_state

    if skip_matrix is not None:
        matrices = [
            matrices[i] for i in range(len(matrices)) if i != skip_matrix

    rank = tl.shape(matrices[0])[1]
    sizes = [tl.shape(m)[0] for m in matrices]

    # For each matrix, randomly choose n_samples indices for which to compute the khatri-rao product
    indices_list = [
        rng.randint(0, tl.shape(m)[0], size=n_samples, dtype=int)
        for m in matrices
    if return_sampled_rows:
        # Compute corresponding rows of the full khatri-rao product
        indices_kr = np.zeros((n_samples), dtype=int)
        for size, indices in zip(sizes, indices_list):
            indices_kr = indices_kr * size + indices

    # Compute the Khatri-Rao product for the chosen indices
    sampled_kr = tl.ones((n_samples, rank), **tl.context(matrices[0]))
    for indices, matrix in zip(indices_list, matrices):
        sampled_kr = sampled_kr * matrix[indices, :]

    if return_sampled_rows:
        return sampled_kr, indices_list, indices_kr
        return sampled_kr, indices_list
Пример #20
def parafac(tensor,
    """CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition via alternating least squares (ALS)
    Computes a rank-`rank` decomposition of `tensor` [1]_ such that,

        ``tensor = [|weights; factors[0], ..., factors[-1] |]``.

    tensor : ndarray
    rank  : int
        Number of components.
    n_iter_max : int
        Maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
        Type of factor matrix initialization. See `initialize_factors`.
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    normalize_factors : if True, aggregate the weights of each factor in a 1D-tensor
        of shape (rank, ), which will contain the norms of the factors
    tol : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-6) Relative reconstruction error tolerance. The
        algorithm is considered to have found the global minimum when the
        reconstruction error is less than `tol`.
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        Level of verbosity
    return_errors : bool, optional
        Activate return of iteration errors
    non_negative : bool, optional
        Perform non_negative PARAFAC. See :func:`non_negative_parafac`.
    mask : ndarray
        array of booleans with the same shape as ``tensor`` should be 0 where
        the values are missing and 1 everywhere else. Note:  if tensor is
        sparse, then mask should also be sparse with a fill value of 1 (or
        True). Allows for missing values [2]_

    KruskalTensor : (weight, factors)
        * weights : 1D array of shape (rank, )
            all ones if normalize_factors is False (default), 
            weights of the (normalized) factors otherwise
        * factors : List of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape
            (tensor.shape[i], rank)

    errors : list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithms.

    .. [1] T.G.Kolda and B.W.Bader, "Tensor Decompositions and Applications",
       SIAM REVIEW, vol. 51, n. 3, pp. 455-500, 2009.
    .. [2] Tomasi, Giorgio, and Rasmus Bro. "PARAFAC and missing values." 
            Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 75.2 (2005): 163-180.

    epsilon = 10e-12

    if orthogonalise and not isinstance(orthogonalise, int):
        orthogonalise = n_iter_max

    factors = initialize_factors(tensor,
    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)
    weights = tl.ones(rank, **tl.context(tensor))

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if orthogonalise and iteration <= orthogonalise:
            factors = [
                tl.qr(f)[0] if min(tl.shape(f)) >= rank else f
                for i, f in enumerate(factors)

        if verbose > 1:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1)
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            if verbose > 1:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))
            if non_negative:
                accum = 1
                # khatri_rao(factors).tl.dot(khatri_rao(factors))
                # simplifies to multiplications
                sub_indices = [i for i in range(len(factors)) if i != mode]
                for i, e in enumerate(sub_indices):
                    if i:
                        accum *= tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[e]), factors[e])
                        accum = tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[e]), factors[e])

            pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)),
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if i != mode:
                    pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse * tl.dot(
                        tl.conj(tl.transpose(factor)), factor)

            if mask is not None:
                tensor = tensor * mask + tl.kruskal_to_tensor(
                    (None, factors), mask=1 - mask)

            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None, factors), mode)

            if non_negative:
                numerator = tl.clip(mttkrp, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None)
                denominator = tl.dot(factors[mode], accum)
                denominator = tl.clip(denominator, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None)
                factor = factors[mode] * numerator / denominator
                factor = tl.transpose(

            if normalize_factors:
                weights = tl.norm(factor, order=2, axis=0)
                weights = tl.where(
                    tl.abs(weights) <= tl.eps(tensor.dtype),
                    tl.ones(tl.shape(weights), **tl.context(factors[0])),
                factor = factor / (tl.reshape(weights, (1, -1)))

            factors[mode] = factor

        if tol:
            # ||tensor - rec||^2 = ||tensor||^2 + ||rec||^2 - 2*<tensor, rec>
            factors_norm = kruskal_norm((weights, factors))

            # mttkrp and factor for the last mode. This is equivalent to the
            # inner product <tensor, factorization>
            iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp * factor, axis=0) * weights)
            rec_error = tl.sqrt(
                tl.abs(norm_tensor**2 + factors_norm**2 -
                       2 * iprod)) / norm_tensor

            if iteration >= 1:
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}, variation={}.'.format(
                        rec_errors[-1], rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]))

                if tol and abs(rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]) < tol:
                    if verbose:
                        print('converged in {} iterations.'.format(iteration))
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))

    kruskal_tensor = KruskalTensor((weights, factors))

    if return_errors:
        return kruskal_tensor, rec_errors
        return kruskal_tensor
Пример #21
    def forward(self, x, y=None):
        relu_latent = []
        pool_latent = []
        bias_latent_cnn = []
        relu_latentpn = []
        mean_latent_cnn = []
        var_latent_cnn = []
        xbias = th.zeros([1, x.shape[1], x.shape[2], x.shape[3]], device=None)

        ############################  conv1 #####################################
        x = self.features[0](x)
        xbias = self.features[0](xbias)
        mean_latent_cnn.append(th.mean(x, dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True))
            th.mean((x - th.mean(x, dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True))**2,
                    dim=(0, 2, 3),

        ############################   batchnorm1 ##################################
        x = self.features[1](x)
        xbias = self.insnorms_cnn[0](xbias)
        ############################   relu1 ##################################
        x = self.features[2](x)
        xbias = self.features[2](xbias)
        relu_latent.append(th.gt(x, 0).float() + th.le(x, 0).float() * 0.1)

        #relu_latent and relu_latentpn keeps track of the pixels pool_latent are activated in the leaky relu
            th.gt(xbias, 0).float() + th.le(xbias, 0).float() * 0.1)

        ############################   pool1 ##################################

                x - F.interpolate(
                    self.features[3](x), scale_factor=2, mode='nearest'), 0))
        #pool_latent records the locations where the original pixel values are greater than the ones after interpolation
        #from a max pooled output.
        x = self.features[3](x)  #perform maxpooling on input image/activation
        xbias = self.features[3](
            xbias)  #perform maxpooling on input bias/bias activation

        ############################  conv2 #####################################
        x = self.features[4](x)
        xbias = self.features[4](xbias)
        mean_latent_cnn.append(th.mean(x, dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True))
            th.mean((x - th.mean(x, dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True))**2,
                    dim=(0, 2, 3),

        ############################   batchnorm2 ##################################
        x = self.features[5](x)
        xbias = self.insnorms_cnn[1](xbias)

        ############################   relu2 ##################################
        x = self.features[6](x)
        xbias = self.features[6](xbias)
        relu_latent.append(th.gt(x, 0).float() + th.le(x, 0).float() * 0.1)

        #relu_latent and relu_latentpn keeps track of the pixels pool_latent are activated in the leaky relu
            th.gt(xbias, 0).float() + th.le(xbias, 0).float() * 0.1)

        ############################   pool2 ##################################

                x - F.interpolate(
                    self.features[7](x), scale_factor=2, mode='nearest'), 0))
        #pool_latent records the locations where the original pixel values are greater than the ones after interpolation
        #from a max pooled output.
        x = self.features[7](x)  #perform maxpooling on input image/activation
        xbias = self.features[7](
            xbias)  #perform maxpooling on input bias/bias activation

        ############################  conv3 #####################################
        x = self.features[8](x)
        xbias = self.features[8](xbias)
        mean_latent_cnn.append(th.mean(x, dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True))
            th.mean((x - th.mean(x, dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True))**2,
                    dim=(0, 2, 3),

        ############################   batchnorm3 ##################################
        x = self.features[9](x)
        xbias = self.insnorms_cnn[2](xbias)

        ############################   relu3 ##################################
        x = self.features[10](x)
        xbias = self.features[10](xbias)
        relu_latent.append(th.gt(x, 0).float() + th.le(x, 0).float() * 0.1)

        #relu_latent and relu_latentpn keeps track of the pixels pool_latent are activated in the leaky relu
            th.gt(xbias, 0).float() + th.le(xbias, 0).float() * 0.1)

        ############################   pool3 ##################################

                x - F.interpolate(
                    self.features[11](x), scale_factor=2, mode='nearest'), 0))
        #pool_latent records the locations where the original pixel values are greater than the ones after interpolation
        #from a max pooled output.
        x = self.features[11](x)  #perform maxpooling on input image/activation
        xbias = self.features[11](
            xbias)  #perform maxpooling on input bias/bias activation

        relu_latent = relu_latent[::-1]
        pool_latent = pool_latent[::-1]
        bias_latent_cnn = bias_latent_cnn[::-1]
        self.bias_latent_cnn = bias_latent_cnn
        relu_latentpn = relu_latentpn[::-1]
        mean_latent_cnn = mean_latent_cnn[::-1]
        var_latent_cnn = var_latent_cnn[::-1]

        # send the features into the classifier
        trl_w, z = self.trl(x)
        w_t = trl_w.permute(dims=(3, 0, 1, 2))

        # do reconstruction via nrm
        # xhat: the reconstruction image
        # loss_pn: path normalization loss
        # use z to reconstruct instead of argmax z

        xhat, _, loss_pn, loss_neg = self.topdown(
            self.nrm, make_one_hot(y, self.num_class), relu_latent,
            pool_latent, bias_latent_cnn, tl.ones(
                [1, z.size()[1]], device=None), relu_latentpn, mean_latent_cnn,
            var_latent_cnn, w_t) if y is not None else self.topdown(
                make_one_hot(th.argmax(z.detach(), dim=1), self.num_class),
                relu_latent, pool_latent, bias_latent_cnn,
                tl.ones([1, z.size()[1]], device=None), relu_latentpn,
                mean_latent_cnn, var_latent_cnn, w_t)

        return [z, xhat, loss_pn, loss_neg]
Пример #22
def make_svd_non_negative(tensor, U, S, V, nntype):
    """ Use NNDSVD method to transform SVD results into a non-negative form. This
    method leads to more efficient solving with NNMF [1].

    tensor : tensor being decomposed
    U, S, V: SVD factorization results
    nntype : {'nndsvd', 'nndsvda'}
        Whether to fill small values with 0.0 (nndsvd), or the tensor mean (nndsvda, default).

    [1]: Boutsidis & Gallopoulos. Pattern Recognition, 41(4): 1350-1362, 2008.

    # NNDSVD initialization
    W = tl.zeros_like(U)
    H = tl.zeros_like(V)

    # The leading singular triplet is non-negative
    # so it can be used as is for initialization.
    W = tl.index_update(W, tl.index[:, 0], tl.sqrt(S[0]) * tl.abs(U[:, 0]))
    H = tl.index_update(H, tl.index[0, :], tl.sqrt(S[0]) * tl.abs(V[0, :]))

    for j in range(1, tl.shape(U)[1]):
        x, y = U[:, j], V[j, :]

        # extract positive and negative parts of column vectors
        x_p, y_p = tl.clip(x, a_min=0.0), tl.clip(y, a_min=0.0)
        x_n, y_n = tl.abs(tl.clip(x, a_max=0.0)), tl.abs(tl.clip(y, a_max=0.0))

        # and their norms
        x_p_nrm, y_p_nrm = tl.norm(x_p), tl.norm(y_p)
        x_n_nrm, y_n_nrm = tl.norm(x_n), tl.norm(y_n)

        m_p, m_n = x_p_nrm * y_p_nrm, x_n_nrm * y_n_nrm

        # choose update
        if m_p > m_n:
            u = x_p / x_p_nrm
            v = y_p / y_p_nrm
            sigma = m_p
            u = x_n / x_n_nrm
            v = y_n / y_n_nrm
            sigma = m_n

        lbd = tl.sqrt(S[j] * sigma)
        W = tl.index_update(W, tl.index[:, j], lbd * u)
        H = tl.index_update(H, tl.index[j, :], lbd * v)

    # After this point we no longer need H
    eps = tl.eps(tensor.dtype)

    if nntype == "nndsvd":
        W = soft_thresholding(W, eps)
    elif nntype == "nndsvda":
        avg = tl.mean(tensor)
        W = tl.where(W < eps, tl.ones(tl.shape(W), **tl.context(W)) * avg, W)
        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid nntype parameter: got %r instead of one of %r' %
            (nntype, ('nndsvd', 'nndsvda')))

    return W
Пример #23
def parafac(tensor, rank, n_iter_max=100, init='svd', svd='numpy_svd',\
            normalize_factors=False, orthogonalise=False,\
            tol=1e-8, random_state=None,\
            verbose=0, return_errors=False,\
            sparsity = None,\
            l2_reg = 0,  mask=None,\
            cvg_criterion = 'abs_rec_error',\
            fixed_modes = [],
            linesearch = False):
    """CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition via alternating least squares (ALS)
    Computes a rank-`rank` decomposition of `tensor` [1]_ such that::

        tensor = [|weights; factors[0], ..., factors[-1] |].

    tensor : ndarray
    rank  : int
        Number of components.
    n_iter_max : int
        Maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
        Type of factor matrix initialization. See `initialize_factors`.
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    normalize_factors : if True, aggregate the weights of each factor in a 1D-tensor
        of shape (rank, ), which will contain the norms of the factors
    tol : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-6) Relative reconstruction error tolerance. The
        algorithm is considered to have found the global minimum when the
        reconstruction error is less than `tol`.
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        Level of verbosity
    return_errors : bool, optional
        Activate return of iteration errors
    mask : ndarray
        array of booleans with the same shape as ``tensor`` should be 0 where
        the values are missing and 1 everywhere else. Note:  if tensor is
        sparse, then mask should also be sparse with a fill value of 1 (or
        True). Allows for missing values [2]_
    cvg_criterion : {'abs_rec_error', 'rec_error'}, optional
       Stopping criterion for ALS, works if `tol` is not None. 
       If 'rec_error',  ALS stops at current iteration if ``(previous rec_error - current rec_error) < tol``.
       If 'abs_rec_error', ALS terminates when `|previous rec_error - current rec_error| < tol`.
    sparsity : float or int
        If `sparsity` is not None, we approximate tensor as a sum of low_rank_component and sparse_component, where low_rank_component = cp_to_tensor((weights, factors)). `sparsity` denotes desired fraction or number of non-zero elements in the sparse_component of the `tensor`.
    fixed_modes : list, default is []
        A list of modes for which the initial value is not modified.
        The last mode cannot be fixed due to error computation.
    svd_mask_repeats: int
        If using a tensor with masked values, this initializes using SVD multiple times to
        remove the effect of these missing values on the initialization.
    linesearch : bool, default is False
        Whether to perform line search as proposed by Bro [3].

    CPTensor : (weight, factors)
        * weights : 1D array of shape (rank, )

          * all ones if normalize_factors is False (default)
          * weights of the (normalized) factors otherwise

        * factors : List of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)``
        * sparse_component : nD array of shape tensor.shape. Returns only if `sparsity` is not None.

    errors : list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithms.

    .. [1] T.G.Kolda and B.W.Bader, "Tensor Decompositions and Applications", SIAM 
           REVIEW, vol. 51, n. 3, pp. 455-500, 2009.

    .. [2] Tomasi, Giorgio, and Rasmus Bro. "PARAFAC and missing values." 
           Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 75.2 (2005): 163-180.

    .. [3] R. Bro, "Multi-Way Analysis in the Food Industry: Models, Algorithms, and 
           Applications", PhD., University of Amsterdam, 1998
    rank = validate_cp_rank(tl.shape(tensor), rank=rank)
    if orthogonalise and not isinstance(orthogonalise, int):
        orthogonalise = n_iter_max

    if linesearch:
        acc_pow = 2.0 # Extrapolate to the iteration^(1/acc_pow) ahead
        acc_fail = 0 # How many times acceleration have failed
        max_fail = 4 # Increase acc_pow with one after max_fail failure

    weights, factors = initialize_cp(tensor, rank, init=init, svd=svd,

    if mask is not None and init == "svd":
        for _ in range(svd_mask_repeats):
            tensor = tensor*mask + tl.cp_to_tensor((weights, factors), mask=1-mask)

            weights, factors = initialize_cp(tensor, rank, init=init, svd=svd, random_state=random_state, normalize_factors=normalize_factors)

    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)
    Id = tl.eye(rank, **tl.context(tensor))*l2_reg

    if tl.ndim(tensor)-1 in fixed_modes:
        warnings.warn('You asked for fixing the last mode, which is not supported.\n The last mode will not be fixed. Consider using tl.moveaxis()')
    modes_list = [mode for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)) if mode not in fixed_modes]

    if sparsity:
        sparse_component = tl.zeros_like(tensor)
        if isinstance(sparsity, float):
            sparsity = int(sparsity * np.prod(tensor.shape))
            sparsity = int(sparsity)

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if orthogonalise and iteration <= orthogonalise:
            factors = [tl.qr(f)[0] if min(tl.shape(f)) >= rank else f for i, f in enumerate(factors)]

        if linesearch and iteration % 2 == 0:
            factors_last = [tl.copy(f) for f in factors]
            weights_last = tl.copy(weights)

        if verbose > 1:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1)
        for mode in modes_list:
            if verbose > 1:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))

            pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)), **tl.context(tensor))
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if i != mode:
                    pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse*tl.dot(tl.conj(tl.transpose(factor)), factor)
            pseudo_inverse += Id

            if not iteration and weights is not None:
                # Take into account init weights
                mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (weights, factors), mode)
                mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None, factors), mode)

            factor = tl.transpose(tl.solve(tl.conj(tl.transpose(pseudo_inverse)),

            if normalize_factors:
                scales = tl.norm(factor, 2, axis=0)
                weights = tl.where(scales==0, tl.ones(tl.shape(scales), **tl.context(factor)), scales)
                factor = factor / tl.reshape(weights, (1, -1))

            factors[mode] = factor

        # Will we be performing a line search iteration
        if linesearch and iteration % 2 == 0 and iteration > 5:
            line_iter = True
            line_iter = False

        # Calculate the current unnormalized error if we need it
        if (tol or return_errors) and line_iter is False:
            unnorml_rec_error, tensor, norm_tensor = error_calc(tensor, norm_tensor, weights, factors, sparsity, mask, mttkrp)
            if mask is not None:
                tensor = tensor*mask + tl.cp_to_tensor((weights, factors), mask=1-mask)

        # Start line search if requested.
        if line_iter is True:
            jump = iteration ** (1.0 / acc_pow)

            new_weights = weights_last + (weights - weights_last) * jump
            new_factors = [factors_last[ii] + (factors[ii] - factors_last[ii])*jump for ii in range(tl.ndim(tensor))]

            new_rec_error, new_tensor, new_norm_tensor = error_calc(tensor, norm_tensor, new_weights, new_factors, sparsity, mask)

            if (new_rec_error / new_norm_tensor) < rec_errors[-1]:
                factors, weights = new_factors, new_weights
                tensor, norm_tensor = new_tensor, new_norm_tensor
                unnorml_rec_error = new_rec_error
                acc_fail = 0

                if verbose:
                    print("Accepted line search jump of {}.".format(jump))
                unnorml_rec_error, tensor, norm_tensor = error_calc(tensor, norm_tensor, weights, factors, sparsity, mask, mttkrp)
                acc_fail += 1

                if verbose:
                    print("Line search failed for jump of {}.".format(jump))

                if acc_fail == max_fail:
                    acc_pow += 1.0
                    acc_fail = 0

                    if verbose:
                        print("Reducing acceleration.")

        rec_error = unnorml_rec_error / norm_tensor

        if tol:

            if iteration >= 1:
                rec_error_decrease = rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]
                if verbose:
                    print("iteration {}, reconstruction error: {}, decrease = {}, unnormalized = {}".format(iteration, rec_error, rec_error_decrease, unnorml_rec_error))

                if cvg_criterion == 'abs_rec_error':
                    stop_flag = abs(rec_error_decrease) < tol
                elif cvg_criterion == 'rec_error':
                    stop_flag =  rec_error_decrease < tol
                    raise TypeError("Unknown convergence criterion")
                if stop_flag:
                    if verbose:
                        print("PARAFAC converged after {} iterations".format(iteration))
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))

    cp_tensor = CPTensor((weights, factors))
    if sparsity:
        sparse_component = sparsify_tensor(tensor -\
                                           cp_to_tensor((weights, factors)),\
        cp_tensor = (cp_tensor, sparse_component)

    if return_errors:
        return cp_tensor, rec_errors
        return cp_tensor
Пример #24
def her_CPRAND(tensor,
    herCPRAND for CP-decomposition
    return also exact error

    tensor : tensor
    rank : int
    n_samples : int
        sample size
     factors : list of matrices, optional
        an initial factor matrices. The default is None.
    exact_err : boolean, optional
        whether use err or err_rand_fast for terminaison criterion. The default is False.
        (not useful for this version)
    it_max : int, optional
        maximal number of iteration. The default is 100.
    err_it_max : int, optional
        maximal of iteration if terminaison critirion is not improved. The default is 20.
    tol : float, optional
        error tolerance. The default is 1e-7.
    beta : float, optional
        extrapolation parameter. The default is 0.1.
    eta : float, optional
        decrease coefficient of beta. The default is 3.
    gamma : float, optional
        increase coefficient of beta. The default is 1.01.
    gamma_bar : float, optional
        increase coeefficient of beta_bar. The default is 1.005.
    list_factors : boolean, optional
        If true, then return factor matrices of each iteration. The default is False.
    time_rec : boolean, optional
        If true, return computation time of each iteration. The default is False.

    the CP decomposition, number of iteration and exact / estimated termination criterion. 
    list_fac and list_time are optional.

    beta_bar = 1
    N = tl.ndim(tensor)  # order of tensor
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor)  # norm of tensor
    if list_factors == True: list_fac = []
    if (time_rec == True): list_time = []

    if (factors == None): factors = svd_init_fac(tensor, rank)
    # Initialization of factor hat matrice by factor matrices
    factors_hat = factors
    if list_factors == True: list_fac.append(copy.deepcopy(factors))

    weights = None
    it = 0
    err_it = 0
    cpt = 0
    ######### error initialization #########
    F_hat_bf, ind_bf = err_rand(tensor, None, factors, n_samples)
    F_hat_bf_ex = err(tensor, None, factors)  # exact cost
    rng = tl.random.check_random_state(None)
    error = [F_hat_bf / norm_tensor]
    error_ex = [F_hat_bf_ex / norm_tensor]
    min_err = error[len(error) - 1]

    while (min_err > tol and it < it_max and err_it < err_it_max):
        if time_rec == True: tic = time.time()
        factors_hat_bf = factors_hat
        for n in range(N):
            Zs, indices = sample_khatri_rao(factors_hat,
            indices_list = [i.tolist() for i in indices]
            indices_list.insert(n, slice(None, None, None))
            indices_list = tuple(indices_list)
            V = tl.dot(tl.transpose(Zs), Zs)
            # J'ai du mal avec la syntaxe tensor[indices_list],
            # Ca renvoie une matrices et non un tenseur?
            if (n == 0): sampled_unfolding = tensor[indices_list]
            else: sampled_unfolding = tl.transpose(tensor[indices_list])
            W = tl.dot(sampled_unfolding, Zs)
            factor_bf = factors[n]
            # update
            factors[n] = tl.transpose(
                tl.solve(V, tl.transpose(W))
            )  # solve needs a squared full rank matrix, if rank>nb_sampls ok
            # if (n==N-1) : F_hat_new=tl.norm(tl.dot(Zs,tl.transpose(factors[n]))-sampled_unfolding,2) # cost update
            # extrapolate
            factors_hat[n] = factors[n] + beta * (factors[n] - factor_bf)
        #########      error update    #########

        matrices = factors_hat_bf[:-1]
        Zs_bf = tl.ones((n_samples, rank), **tl.context(matrices[0]))
        for indices, matrix in zip(indices_list, matrices):
            Zs_bf = Zs_bf * matrix[indices, :]
        V_bf = tl.dot(tl.transpose(Zs_bf), Zs_bf)
        W_bf = tl.dot(tl.transpose(tensor[indices_list]), Zs_bf)
        F_hat_bf, a = err_rand_fast(tensor, factor_bf, V_bf, W_bf,
                                    indices_list, n_samples)
        F_hat_new, _ = err_rand_fast(tensor, factors[N - 1], V, W,
                                     indices_list, n_samples)

        if (F_hat_new > F_hat_bf):
            factors_hat = factors
            beta_bar = beta
            beta = beta / eta
            cpt = cpt + 1
            factors = factors_hat
            beta_bar = min(1, beta_bar * gamma_bar)
            beta = min(beta_bar, gamma * beta)
        ######### update for next it   #########
        it = it + 1
        if list_factors == True: list_fac.append(copy.deepcopy(factors))
        error.append(F_hat_new / norm_tensor)
        if (error[len(error) - 1] < min_err):
            min_err = error[len(error) - 1]  # err update
            err_it = err_it + 1
        if time_rec == True:
            toc = time.time()
            list_time.append(toc - tic)
        error_ex.append(err(tensor, None, factors) /
                        norm_tensor)  # exact cost update
    # weights,factors=tl.cp_normalize((None,factors))
    if list_factors == True and time_rec == True:
        return (weights, factors, it, error_ex, error, cpt / it, list_fac,
    if list_factors == True:
        return (weights, factors, it, error_ex, error, cpt / it, list_fac)
    if time_rec == True:
        return (weights, factors, it, error_ex, error, cpt / it, list_time)
    return (weights, factors, it, error_ex, error, cpt / it)
Пример #25
def parafac(tensor, rank, n_iter_max=100, init='svd', svd='numpy_svd',\
            normalize_factors=False, orthogonalise=False,\
            tol=1e-8, random_state=None,\
            verbose=0, return_errors=False,\
            sparsity = None,\
            l2_reg = 0,  mask=None,\
            cvg_criterion = 'abs_rec_error'):
    """CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition via alternating least squares (ALS)
    Computes a rank-`rank` decomposition of `tensor` [1]_ such that,

        ``tensor = [|weights; factors[0], ..., factors[-1] |]``.

    tensor : ndarray
    rank  : int
        Number of components.
    n_iter_max : int
        Maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
        Type of factor matrix initialization. See `initialize_factors`.
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    normalize_factors : if True, aggregate the weights of each factor in a 1D-tensor
        of shape (rank, ), which will contain the norms of the factors
    tol : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-6) Relative reconstruction error tolerance. The
        algorithm is considered to have found the global minimum when the
        reconstruction error is less than `tol`.
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        Level of verbosity
    return_errors : bool, optional
        Activate return of iteration errors
    mask : ndarray
        array of booleans with the same shape as ``tensor`` should be 0 where
        the values are missing and 1 everywhere else. Note:  if tensor is
        sparse, then mask should also be sparse with a fill value of 1 (or
        True). Allows for missing values [2]_
    cvg_criterion : {'abs_rec_error', 'rec_error'}, optional
       Stopping criterion for ALS, works if `tol` is not None. 
       If 'rec_error',  ALS stops at current iteration if (previous rec_error - current rec_error) < tol.
       If 'abs_rec_error', ALS terminates when |previous rec_error - current rec_error| < tol.
    sparsity : float or int
        If `sparsity` is not None, we approximate tensor as a sum of low_rank_component and sparse_component, where low_rank_component = kruskal_to_tensor((weights, factors)). `sparsity` denotes desired fraction or number of non-zero elements in the sparse_component of the `tensor`.

    KruskalTensor : (weight, factors)
        * weights : 1D array of shape (rank, )
            all ones if normalize_factors is False (default), 
            weights of the (normalized) factors otherwise
        * factors : List of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape
            (tensor.shape[i], rank)
        * sparse_component : nD array of shape tensor.shape. Returns only if `sparsity` is not None.

    errors : list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithms.

    .. [1] T.G.Kolda and B.W.Bader, "Tensor Decompositions and Applications",
       SIAM REVIEW, vol. 51, n. 3, pp. 455-500, 2009.
    .. [2] Tomasi, Giorgio, and Rasmus Bro. "PARAFAC and missing values." 
            Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 75.2 (2005): 163-180.

    epsilon = 10e-12

    if orthogonalise and not isinstance(orthogonalise, int):
        orthogonalise = n_iter_max

    factors = initialize_factors(tensor, rank, init=init, svd=svd,
    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)
    weights = tl.ones(rank, **tl.context(tensor))
    Id = tl.eye(rank, **tl.context(tensor))*l2_reg

    if sparsity:
        sparse_component = tl.zeros_like(tensor)
        if isinstance(sparsity, float):
            sparsity = int(sparsity * np.prod(tensor.shape))
            sparsity = int(sparsity)
    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if orthogonalise and iteration <= orthogonalise:
            factors = [tl.qr(f)[0] if min(tl.shape(f)) >= rank else f for i, f in enumerate(factors)]

        if verbose > 1:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1)
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            if verbose > 1:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))

            pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)), **tl.context(tensor))
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if i != mode:
                    pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse*tl.dot(tl.conj(tl.transpose(factor)), factor)
            pseudo_inverse += Id

            if mask is not None:
                tensor = tensor*mask + tl.kruskal_to_tensor((None, factors), mask=1-mask)

            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None, factors), mode)
            factor = tl.transpose(tl.solve(tl.conj(tl.transpose(pseudo_inverse)),

            if normalize_factors:
                weights = tl.norm(factor, order=2, axis=0)
                weights = tl.where(tl.abs(weights) <= tl.eps(tensor.dtype), 
                                   tl.ones(tl.shape(weights), **tl.context(factors[0])),
                factor = factor/(tl.reshape(weights, (1, -1)))

            factors[mode] = factor

        if tol:
            if sparsity:
                low_rank_component = kruskal_to_tensor((weights, factors))
                sparse_component = sparsify_tensor(tensor - low_rank_component, sparsity)
                unnorml_rec_error = tl.norm(tensor - low_rank_component - sparse_component, 2)
                # ||tensor - rec||^2 = ||tensor||^2 + ||rec||^2 - 2*<tensor, rec>
                factors_norm = kruskal_norm((weights, factors))

                # mttkrp and factor for the last mode. This is equivalent to the
                # inner product <tensor, factorization>
                iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp*factor, axis=0)*weights)
                unnorml_rec_error = tl.sqrt(tl.abs(norm_tensor**2 + factors_norm**2 - 2*iprod))
            rec_error = unnorml_rec_error / norm_tensor

            if iteration >= 1:
                rec_error_decrease = rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]
                if verbose:
                    print("iteration {},  reconstraction error: {}, decrease = {}, unnormalized = {}".format(iteration, rec_error, rec_error_decrease, unnorml_rec_error))

                if cvg_criterion == 'abs_rec_error':
                    stop_flag = abs(rec_error_decrease) < tol
                elif cvg_criterion == 'rec_error':
                    stop_flag =  rec_error_decrease < tol
                    raise TypeError("Unknown convergence criterion")
                if stop_flag:
                    if verbose:
                        print("PARAFAC converged after {} iterations".format(iteration))
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))

    kruskal_tensor = KruskalTensor((weights, factors))
    if sparsity:
        sparse_component = sparsify_tensor(tensor -\
                                           kruskal_to_tensor((weights, factors)),\
        kruskal_tensor = (kruskal_tensor, sparse_component)

    if return_errors:
        return kruskal_tensor, rec_errors
        return kruskal_tensor
Пример #26
def non_negative_parafac(tensor, rank, n_iter_max=100, init='svd', svd='numpy_svd',
                         tol=10e-7, random_state=None, verbose=0, normalize_factors=False,
                         return_errors=False, mask=None, orthogonalise=False, cvg_criterion='abs_rec_error'):
    Non-negative CP decomposition

    Uses multiplicative updates, see [2]_

    This is the same as parafac(non_negative=True).

    tensor : ndarray
    rank   : int
            number of components
    n_iter_max : int
                 maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    tol : float, optional
          tolerance: the algorithm stops when the variation in
          the reconstruction error is less than the tolerance
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        level of verbosity

    factors : ndarray list
            list of positive factors of the CP decomposition
            element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)``

    .. [2] Amnon Shashua and Tamir Hazan,
       "Non-negative tensor factorization with applications to statistics and computer vision",
       In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML),
       pp 792-799, ICML, 2005
    epsilon = 10e-12

    if orthogonalise and not isinstance(orthogonalise, int):
        orthogonalise = n_iter_max

    factors = initialize_factors(tensor, rank, init=init, svd=svd,
    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)
    weights = tl.ones(rank, **tl.context(tensor))

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if orthogonalise and iteration <= orthogonalise:
            for i, f in enumerate(factors):
                if min(tl.shape(f)) >= rank:
                    factors[i] = tl.abs(tl.qr(f)[0])

        if verbose > 1:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1)
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            if verbose > 1:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))

            accum = 1
            # khatri_rao(factors).tl.dot(khatri_rao(factors))
            # simplifies to multiplications
            sub_indices = [i for i in range(len(factors)) if i != mode]
            for i, e in enumerate(sub_indices):
                if i:
                    accum *= tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[e]), factors[e])
                    accum = tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[e]), factors[e])

            if mask is not None:
                tensor = tensor*mask + tl.kruskal_to_tensor((None, factors), mask=1-mask)

            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None, factors), mode)

            numerator = tl.clip(mttkrp, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None)
            denominator = tl.dot(factors[mode], accum)
            denominator = tl.clip(denominator, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None)
            factor = factors[mode] * numerator / denominator
            if normalize_factors:
                weights = tl.norm(factor, order=2, axis=0)
                weights = tl.where(tl.abs(weights) <= tl.eps(tensor.dtype), 
                                   tl.ones(tl.shape(weights), **tl.context(factors[0])),
                factor = factor/(tl.reshape(weights, (1, -1)))

            factors[mode] = factor

        if tol:
            # ||tensor - rec||^2 = ||tensor||^2 + ||rec||^2 - 2*<tensor, rec>
            factors_norm = kruskal_norm((weights, factors))

            # mttkrp and factor for the last mode. This is equivalent to the
            # inner product <tensor, factorization>
            iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp*factor, axis=0)*weights)
            rec_error = tl.sqrt(tl.abs(norm_tensor**2 + factors_norm**2 - 2*iprod)) / norm_tensor
            if iteration >= 1:
                rec_error_decrease = rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]
                if verbose:
                    print("iteration {}, reconstraction error: {}, decrease = {}".format(iteration, rec_error, rec_error_decrease))

                if cvg_criterion == 'abs_rec_error':
                    stop_flag = abs(rec_error_decrease) < tol
                elif cvg_criterion == 'rec_error':
                    stop_flag =  rec_error_decrease < tol
                    raise TypeError("Unknown convergence criterion")
                if stop_flag:
                    if verbose:
                        print("PARAFAC converged after {} iterations".format(iteration))
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))

    kruskal_tensor = KruskalTensor((weights, factors))

    if return_errors:
        return kruskal_tensor, rec_errors
        return kruskal_tensor
Пример #27
def online_cp(factors_old,
    weights = tl.ones(rank)
    if verbose:
        X = tl.tensor(np.concatenate((X_old, X_new)))
    n_dim = tl.ndim(X_old)
    U = factors_old.copy()

    if not transformed:
        K = get_KhatriRao_except0(factors_old)
    H = get_Hadamard(factors_old[1:])

    for i in range(n_iter):
        # temporal mode for A1
        if not transformed:
            mttkrp = tl.dot(tl.unfold(X_new, 0),
                            tl.tenalg.khatri_rao((U[1], K[1])))
            # for higher accracy, lower speed
            mttkrp_parts = []
            for r in range(rank):
                component = tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(X_new,
                                                     [f[:, r] for f in U],
            mttkrp = np.stack(mttkrp_parts, axis=1)

        A1 = tl.transpose(tl.solve(tl.transpose(H), tl.transpose(mttkrp)))

        # non-temporal mode
        for mode in range(1, n_dim):

            if not transformed:
                dP = tl.dot(tl.unfold(X_new, mode),
                            tl.tenalg.khatri_rao((A1, K[mode])))
                UTU = tl.dot(tl.transpose(U[mode]), U[mode])
                dQ = tl.dot(tl.transpose(A1), A1) * H / UTU

                U[mode] = tl.transpose(
                    tl.solve(tl.transpose(mu * Q[mode] + dQ),
                             tl.transpose(mu * P[mode] + dP)))
                P[mode] = P[mode] + dP
                Q[mode] = Q[mode] + dQ
                U1 = U.copy()
                U1[0] = A1

                H_mode = H / tl.dot(tl.transpose(U[mode]), U[mode])
                V = (mu * tl.dot(tl.transpose(U[0]), U[0]) +
                     tl.dot(tl.transpose(A1), A1)) * H_mode

                mttkrp0 = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(X_old, (None, U), mode)
                mttkrp1 = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(X_new, (None, U1), mode)

                U[mode] = tl.transpose(
                             tl.transpose(mu * mttkrp0 + mttkrp1)))
                H = H_mode * tl.dot(tl.transpose(U[mode]), U[mode])

        # temporal mode for A0
        if transformed:
            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(X_old, (None, U), 0)
            U[0] = tl.transpose(tl.solve(tl.transpose(H),

        if verbose:
            U1 = U.copy()
            U1[0] = np.concatenate((U[0], A1))
            X_est = construct_tensor(U1)
            compare_tensors(X, X_est)

    U[0] = np.concatenate((U[0], A1))
    return (KruskalTensor((weights, U)), P, Q)
Пример #28
        if not iteration and weights is not None:
            # Take into account init weights
            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (weights, factors),
                                              mode)  #ALS显式解的前两项
            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None, factors), mode)

        factor = tl.transpose(
                tl.transpose(mttkrp)))  #这里之所以有这么多转置是因为solve(a,b)是解ax = b中的x
        if normalize_factors:
            scales = tl.norm(factor, 2, axis=0)
            weights = tl.where(scales == 0,
                               tl.ones(tl.shape(scales), **tl.context(factor)),
            factor = factor / tl.reshape(weights,
                                         (1, -1))  #这里做归一化要小心,有numpy不熟悉的除法

        factors[mode] = factor

    # Will we be performing a line search iteration
    line_iter = False

    # Calculate the current unnormalized error if we need it
    if (tol or return_errors) and line_iter is False:
        unnorml_rec_error, tensor, norm_tensor = error_calc(
            tensor, norm_tensor, weights, factors, sparsity, mask,
            mttkrp)  #The unnormalized reconstruction error
Пример #29
def non_negative_parafac_hals(tensor,
    Non-negative CP decomposition via HALS

    Uses Hierarchical ALS (Alternating Least Squares) which updates each factor column-wise (one column at a time while keeping all other columns fixed), see [1]_

    tensor : ndarray
    rank   : int
            number of components
    n_iter_max : int
                 maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    tol : float, optional
          tolerance: the algorithm stops when the variation in
          the reconstruction error is less than the tolerance
          Default: 1e-8
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    sparsity_coefficients: array of float (of length the number of modes)
        The sparsity coefficients on each factor.
        If set to None, the algorithm is computed without sparsity
        Default: None,
    fixed_modes: array of integers (between 0 and the number of modes)
        Has to be set not to update a factor, 0 and 1 for U and V respectively
        Default: None
    nn_modes: None, 'all' or array of integers (between 0 and the number of modes)
        Used to specify which modes to impose non-negativity constraints on.
        If 'all', then non-negativity is imposed on all modes.
        Default: 'all'
    exact: If it is True, the algorithm gives a results with high precision but it needs high computational cost.
        If it is False, the algorithm gives an approximate solution
        Default: False
    normalize_factors : if True, aggregate the weights of each factor in a 1D-tensor
        of shape (rank, ), which will contain the norms of the factors
    verbose: boolean
        Indicates whether the algorithm prints the successive
        reconstruction errors or not
        Default: False
    return_errors: boolean
        Indicates whether the algorithm should return all reconstruction errors
        and computation time of each iteration or not
        Default: False
    cvg_criterion : {'abs_rec_error', 'rec_error'}, optional
        Stopping criterion for ALS, works if `tol` is not None.
        If 'rec_error',  ALS stops at current iteration if ``(previous rec_error - current rec_error) < tol``.
        If 'abs_rec_error', ALS terminates when `|previous rec_error - current rec_error| < tol`.
    sparsity : float or int
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}

    factors : ndarray list
            list of positive factors of the CP decomposition
            element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)``
    errors: list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithm.

    .. [1]: N. Gillis and F. Glineur, Accelerated Multiplicative Updates and
       Hierarchical ALS Algorithms for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization,
       Neural Computation 24 (4): 1085-1105, 2012.

    weights, factors = initialize_nn_cp(tensor,

    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)

    n_modes = tl.ndim(tensor)
    if sparsity_coefficients is None or isinstance(sparsity_coefficients,
        sparsity_coefficients = [sparsity_coefficients] * n_modes

    if fixed_modes is None:
        fixed_modes = []

    if nn_modes == 'all':
        nn_modes = set(range(n_modes))
    elif nn_modes is None:
        nn_modes = set()

    # Avoiding errors
    for fixed_value in fixed_modes:
        sparsity_coefficients[fixed_value] = None

    for mode in range(n_modes):
        if sparsity_coefficients[mode] is not None:
                "Sparsity coefficient is ignored in unconstrained modes.")
    # Generating the mode update sequence
    modes = [mode for mode in range(n_modes) if mode not in fixed_modes]

    # initialisation - declare local varaibles
    rec_errors = []

    # Iteratation
    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        # One pass of least squares on each updated mode
        for mode in modes:

            # Computing Hadamard of cross-products
            pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(tl.ones((rank, rank)),
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if i != mode:
                    pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse * tl.dot(
                        tl.transpose(factor), factor)

            pseudo_inverse = tl.reshape(weights,
                                        (-1, 1)) * pseudo_inverse * tl.reshape(
                                            weights, (1, -1))
            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (weights, factors), mode)

            if mode in nn_modes:
                # Call the hals resolution with nnls, optimizing the current mode
                nn_factor, _, _, _ = hals_nnls(
                factors[mode] = tl.transpose(nn_factor)
                factor = tl.solve(tl.transpose(pseudo_inverse),
                factors[mode] = tl.transpose(factor)
            if normalize_factors and mode != modes[-1]:
                weights, factors = cp_normalize((weights, factors))
        if tol:
            factors_norm = cp_norm((weights, factors))
            iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp * factors[-1], axis=0))
            rec_error = tl.sqrt(
                tl.abs(norm_tensor**2 + factors_norm**2 -
                       2 * iprod)) / norm_tensor
            if iteration >= 1:
                rec_error_decrease = rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]

                if verbose:
                        "iteration {}, reconstruction error: {}, decrease = {}"
                        .format(iteration, rec_error, rec_error_decrease))

                if cvg_criterion == 'abs_rec_error':
                    stop_flag = abs(rec_error_decrease) < tol
                elif cvg_criterion == 'rec_error':
                    stop_flag = rec_error_decrease < tol
                    raise TypeError("Unknown convergence criterion")

                if stop_flag:
                    if verbose:
                        print("PARAFAC converged after {} iterations".format(
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))
        if normalize_factors:
            weights, factors = cp_normalize((weights, factors))
    cp_tensor = CPTensor((weights, factors))
    if return_errors:
        return cp_tensor, rec_errors
        return cp_tensor
Пример #30
def data_adaptive_online_cp(factors_old,

    weights = tl.ones(rank)
    if verbose:
        X = tl.tensor(np.concatenate((X_old, X_new)))
    n_dim = tl.ndim(X_old)
    U = factors_old.copy()

    H = get_Hadamard(U[1:])
    G = H

    ATA0 = tl.dot(tl.transpose(U[0]), U[0])
    ATA1 = tl.dot(tl.transpose(U[1]), U[1])

    for i in range(n_iter):
        # temporal mode for A1
        mttkrp_parts = []
        for r in range(rank):
            component = tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(X_new, [f[:, r] for f in U],
        mttkrp = np.stack(mttkrp_parts, axis=1)

        A1 = tl.transpose(tl.solve(tl.transpose(H), tl.transpose(mttkrp)))
        ATA1 = tl.dot(tl.transpose(A1), A1)

        # non-temporal mode
        for mode in range(1, n_dim):

            U1 = U.copy()
            U1[0] = A1

            G = G / tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors_old[mode]), U[mode])
            W = G * tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors_old[0]), U[0])
            mttkrp0 = mu * tl.dot(factors_old[mode], W)
            mttkrp1 = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(X_new, (None, U1), mode)

            H = H / tl.dot(tl.transpose(U[mode]), U[mode])
            V = H * (mu * ATA0 + ATA1)
            U[mode] = tl.transpose(
                tl.solve(tl.transpose(V), tl.transpose(mttkrp0 + mttkrp1)))
            G = G * tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors_old[mode]), U[mode])
            H = H * tl.dot(tl.transpose(U[mode]), U[mode])

        # temporal mode for A0
        mttkrp = tl.dot(factors_old[0], G)
        U[0] = tl.transpose(tl.solve(tl.transpose(H), tl.transpose(mttkrp)))
        ATA0 = tl.dot(tl.transpose(U[0]), U[0])

        if verbose:
            U1 = U.copy()
            U1[0] = np.concatenate((U[0], A1))
            X_est = construct_tensor(U1)
            compare_tensors(X, X_est)

    U[0] = np.concatenate((U[0].copy(), A1))
    return KruskalTensor((weights, U))