def eval_prepared(self, num_gpu, batch_size): if self.min_num_workers == 0: return MapData(self, self.ex_process.val_process) else: return MultiProcessMapData(self, max(num_gpu, self.min_num_workers), self.ex_process.val_process)
def get_plain_train_dataflow(batch_size=2): # no aspect ratio grouping print("In train dataflow") roidbs = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(DatasetRegistry.get(x).training_roidbs() for x in cfg.DATA.TRAIN)) print_class_histogram(roidbs) print("Done loading roidbs") # Filter out images that have no gt boxes, but this filter shall not be applied for testing. # The model does support training with empty images, but it is not useful for COCO. num = len(roidbs) roidbs = list(filter(lambda img: len(img["boxes"][img["is_crowd"] == 0]) > 0, roidbs)) "Filtered {} images which contain no non-crowd groudtruth boxes. Total #images for training: {}".format( num - len(roidbs), len(roidbs) ) ) ds = DataFromList(roidbs, shuffle=True) preprocess = TrainingDataPreprocessor() buffer_size = cfg.DATA.NUM_WORKERS * 20 ds = MultiProcessMapData(ds, cfg.DATA.NUM_WORKERS, preprocess, buffer_size=buffer_size) ds.reset_state() dataiter = ds.__iter__() return dataiter
def prepared(self, num_gpu, batch_size, eval=False): # use a single process version to debug if needed if self.min_num_workers == 0: ds = MapData(self, self.ex_process.train_process) else: ds = MultiProcessMapData(self, max(num_gpu, self.min_num_workers), self.ex_process.train_process) return BatchData(ds, batch_size)
def get_train_dataflow(): """ Return a training dataflow. Each datapoint consists of the following: An image: (h, w, 3), 1 or more pairs of (anchor_labels, anchor_boxes): anchor_labels: (h', w', NA) anchor_boxes: (h', w', NA, 4) gt_boxes: (N, 4) gt_labels: (N,) If MODE_MASK, gt_masks: (N, h, w) """ roidbs = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( DatasetRegistry.get(x).training_roidbs() for x in cfg.DATA.TRAIN)) print( "----------------------------------------------------------------" ) print_class_histogram(roidbs) # Filter out images that have no gt boxes, but this filter shall not be applied for testing. # The model does support training with empty images, but it is not useful for COCO. num = len(roidbs) roidbs = list( filter(lambda img: len(img["boxes"][img["is_crowd"] == 0]) > 0, roidbs)) "Filtered {} images which contain no non-crowd groudtruth boxes. Total #images for training: {}" .format(num - len(roidbs), len(roidbs))) ds = DataFromList(roidbs, shuffle=True) preprocess = TrainingDataPreprocessor(cfg) if cfg.DATA.NUM_WORKERS > 0: if cfg.TRAINER == "horovod": # one dataflow for each process, therefore don't need large buffer buffer_size = cfg.DATA.NUM_WORKERS * 10 ds = MultiThreadMapData(ds, cfg.DATA.NUM_WORKERS, preprocess, buffer_size=buffer_size) # MPI does not like fork() else: buffer_size = cfg.DATA.NUM_WORKERS * 20 ds = MultiProcessMapData(ds, cfg.DATA.NUM_WORKERS, preprocess, buffer_size=buffer_size) else: ds = MapData(ds, preprocess) return ds
def get_train_dataflow_coco(add_mask=False): """ Return a training dataflow. Each datapoint is: image, fm_labels, fm_boxes, gt_boxes, gt_class [, masks] """ imgs = COCODetection.load_many(config.BASEDIR, config.TRAIN_DATASET, add_gt=True, add_mask=add_mask) # Valid training images should have at least one fg box. # But this filter shall not be applied for testing. imgs = list(filter(lambda img: len(img['boxes']) > 0, imgs)) # log invalid training ds = DataFromList(imgs, shuffle=True) aug = imgaug.AugmentorList([ CustomResize(config.SHORT_EDGE_SIZE, config.MAX_SIZE), imgaug.Flip(horiz=True) ]) def preprocess(img): print("start preproc coco") start = time.time() if config.USE_SECOND_HEAD: fname, boxes, klass, second_klass, is_crowd = img['file_name'], img['boxes'], img['class'], \ img['second_class'], img['is_crowd'] else: fname, boxes, klass, is_crowd = img['file_name'], img[ 'boxes'], img['class'], img['is_crowd'] second_klass = None res = preproc_img(fname, boxes, klass, second_klass, is_crowd, aug) if res is None: print("coco: preproc_img returned None on", fname) return None ret, params = res im = ret[0] boxes = ret[3] # masks if add_mask: # augmentation will modify the polys in-place segmentation = copy.deepcopy(img.get('segmentation', None)) segmentation = [ segmentation[k] for k in range(len(segmentation)) if not is_crowd[k] ] assert len(segmentation) == len(boxes), (len(segmentation), len(boxes)) # one image-sized binary mask per box masks = [] for polys in segmentation: polys = [aug.augment_coords(p, params) for p in polys] masks.append( segmentation_to_mask(polys, im.shape[0], im.shape[1])) masks = np.asarray(masks, dtype='uint8') # values in {0, 1} ret.append(masks) # from viz import draw_annotation, draw_mask # viz = draw_annotation(im, boxes, klass) # for mask in masks: # viz = draw_mask(viz, mask) # tpviz.interactive_imshow(viz) end = time.time() elapsed = end - start print("coco example done, elapsed:", elapsed) return ret #ds = MapData(ds, preprocess) ds = MultiProcessMapData(ds, nr_proc=4, map_func=preprocess, buffer_size=20) return ds
def get_train_dataflow_mapillary(add_mask=False, map_to_coco=False): train_img_path = config.MAPILLARY_PATH + "training/images/" train_label_path = config.MAPILLARY_PATH + "training/instances/" imgs = glob.glob(train_img_path + "*.jpg") ds = DataFromList(imgs, shuffle=True) aug = imgaug.AugmentorList([ CustomResize(config.SHORT_EDGE_SIZE, config.MAX_SIZE), imgaug.Flip(horiz=True) ]) def preprocess(fname): print("start preproc mapillary") start = time.time() label_fname = fname.replace(train_img_path, train_label_path).replace(".jpg", ".png") pil_label = label = np.array(pil_label) instances = np.unique(label) instance_classes = [x // 256 for x in instances] # filter by categories we use instances_valid = [ cls in config.MAPILLARY_CAT_IDS_TO_USE for cls in instance_classes ] instances = [ inst for inst, valid in zip(instances, instances_valid) if valid ] instance_classes = [ cls for cls, valid in zip(instance_classes, instances_valid) if valid ] if len(instances) == 0: print("no instances") pil_label.close() return None if map_to_coco: instance_classes = [ config.MAPILLARY_TO_COCO_MAP[cls] for cls in instance_classes ] instance_classes = [ config.VOID_LABEL if cls == config.VOID_LABEL else COCOMeta.category_id_to_class_id[cls] for cls in instance_classes ] else: # remap to contiguous numbers starting with 1 instance_classes = [ config.MAPILLARY_CAT_IDS_TO_USE.index(cls) + 1 for cls in instance_classes ] masks = np.array([label == inst for inst in instances], dtype=np.uint8) #import cProfile #start1 = time.time() boxes1 = np.array( [get_bbox_from_segmentation_mask(mask) for mask in masks], dtype=np.float32) #boxes1_time = time.time() - start1 #pr = cProfile.Profile() #pr.enable() #start1 = time.time() #boxes2 = get_bboxes_from_segmentation_masks(masks) #print("boxes1", boxes1_time, "boxes2", time.time() - start1) #pr.disable() #pr.print_stats(sort="cumulative") #assert (boxes1 == boxes2).all(), (boxes1, boxes2) boxes = boxes1 second_klass = np.array(instance_classes, klass = np.ones_like(second_klass) is_crowd = np.zeros_like(second_klass) res = preproc_img(fname, boxes, klass, second_klass, is_crowd, aug) if res is None: print("mapillary: preproc_img returned None on", fname) pil_label.close() return None ret, params = res if add_mask: do_flip, h, w = params[1] assert do_flip in (True, False), do_flip # augment label label = np.array(pil_label.resize((w, h), Image.NEAREST)) if do_flip: label = label[:, ::-1] # create augmented masks masks = np.array([label == inst for inst in instances], dtype=np.uint8) ret.append(masks) end = time.time() elapsed = end - start print("mapillary example done, elapsed:", elapsed) VISUALIZE = False if VISUALIZE: from viz import draw_annotation, draw_mask config.CLASS_NAMES = [str(idx) for idx in range(81)] im = ret[0] boxes = ret[3] draw_klass = ret[-2] viz = draw_annotation(im, boxes, draw_klass) for mask in masks: viz = draw_mask(viz, mask) tpviz.interactive_imshow(viz) pil_label.close() return ret #ds = MapData(ds, preprocess) ds = MultiProcessMapData(ds, nr_proc=8, map_func=preprocess, buffer_size=35) return ds
def get_train_dataflow_w_unlabeled(load_path): """ Return a training dataflow. Each datapoint consists of the following: An image: (h, w, 3), 1 or more pairs of (anchor_labels, anchor_boxes): anchor_labels: (h', w', NA) anchor_boxes: (h', w', NA, 4) gt_boxes: (N, 4) gt_labels: (N,) If MODE_MASK, gt_masks: (N, h, w) """ assert os.path.isfile(load_path), "{} does not find".format(load_path) roidbs = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( DatasetRegistry.get(x).training_roidbs() for x in cfg.DATA.TRAIN)) print_class_histogram(roidbs) if "VOC" in cfg.DATA.TRAIN[0]: roidbs_u = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( DatasetRegistry.get(x).training_roidbs() for x in cfg.DATA.UNLABEL)) unlabled2017_used = False else: unlabled2017_used = np.any(["@" not in x for x in cfg.DATA.TRAIN]) def prase_name(x): if not unlabled2017_used: assert "@" in load_path, ( "{}: Did you use wrong for " "this model?").format(load_path) return x + "-unlabeled" else: # return coco2017 unlabeled data return "coco_unlabeled2017" roidbs_u = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( DatasetRegistry.get(prase_name(x)).training_roidbs() for x in cfg.DATA.TRAIN)) print_class_histogram(roidbs_u) # Filter out images that have no gt boxes, but this filter shall not be applied for testing. # The model does support training with empty images, but it is not useful for COCO. def remove_no_box_data(_roidbs, filter_fn, dset): num = len(_roidbs) _roidbs = filter_fn(_roidbs) "Filtered {} images which contain no non-crowd groudtruth boxes. Total {} #images for training: {}" .format(num - len(_roidbs), dset, len(_roidbs))) return _roidbs roidbs = remove_no_box_data( roidbs, lambda x: list( filter(lambda img: len(img["boxes"][img["is_crowd"] == 0]) > 0, x) ), "labeled") # load unlabeled if unlabled2017_used: assert "@" not in load_path, "Did you use the wrong pseudo path" pseudo_targets ="Loaded {} pseudo targets from {}".format( len(pseudo_targets), load_path)) roidbs_u = remove_no_box_data( roidbs_u, lambda x: list( filter( lambda img: len(pseudo_targets[img["image_id"]]["boxes"]) > 0, x)), "unlabeled") preprocess = TrainingDataPreprocessorSSlAug( cfg, confidence=cfg.TRAIN.CONFIDENCE, pseudo_targets=pseudo_targets) ds = DataFrom2List(roidbs, roidbs_u, shuffle=True) if cfg.DATA.NUM_WORKERS > 0: if cfg.TRAINER == "horovod": buffer_size = cfg.DATA.NUM_WORKERS * 10 ds = MultiThreadMapData(ds, cfg.DATA.NUM_WORKERS, preprocess, buffer_size=buffer_size) else: buffer_size = cfg.DATA.NUM_WORKERS * 20 ds = MultiProcessMapData(ds, cfg.DATA.NUM_WORKERS, preprocess, buffer_size=buffer_size) else: ds = MapData(ds, preprocess) return ds
def get_train_dataflow(add_mask=False): """ Return a training dataflow. Each datapoint is: image, fm_labels, fm_boxes, gt_boxes, gt_class [, masks] """ imgs = COCODetection.load_many(config.BASEDIR, config.TRAIN_DATASET, add_gt=True, add_mask=add_mask) """ To train on your own data, change this to your loader. Produce "igms" as a list of dict, in the dict the following keys are needed for training: height, width: integer file_name: str boxes: kx4 floats class: k integers is_crowd: k booleans. Use k False if you don't know what it means. segmentation: k numpy arrays. Each array is a polygon of shape Nx2. If your segmentation annotations are masks rather than polygons, either convert it, or the augmentation code below will need to be changed or skipped accordingly. """ # Valid training images should have at least one fg box. # But this filter shall not be applied for testing. imgs = list(filter(lambda img: len(img['boxes']) > 0, imgs)) # log invalid training ds = DataFromList(imgs, shuffle=True) aug = imgaug.AugmentorList([ CustomResize(config.SHORT_EDGE_SIZE, config.MAX_SIZE), imgaug.Flip(horiz=True) ]) def preprocess(img): fname, boxes, klass, is_crowd = img['file_name'], img['boxes'], img[ 'class'], img['is_crowd'] im = cv2.imread(fname, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) assert im is not None, fname im = im.astype('float32') # assume floatbox as input assert boxes.dtype == np.float32 # augmentation: im, params = aug.augment_return_params(im) points = box_to_point8(boxes) points = aug.augment_coords(points, params) boxes = point8_to_box(points) # rpn anchor: try: fm_labels, fm_boxes = get_rpn_anchor_input(im, boxes, is_crowd) boxes = boxes[is_crowd == 0] # skip crowd boxes in training target klass = klass[is_crowd == 0] if not len(boxes): raise MalformedData("No valid gt_boxes!") except MalformedData as e: log_once( "Input {} is filtered for training: {}".format(fname, str(e)), 'warn') return None ret = [im, fm_labels, fm_boxes, boxes, klass] if add_mask: # augmentation will modify the polys in-place segmentation = copy.deepcopy(img.get('segmentation', None)) segmentation = [ segmentation[k] for k in range(len(segmentation)) if not is_crowd[k] ] assert len(segmentation) == len(boxes) # Apply augmentation on polygon coordinates. # And produce one image-sized binary mask per box. masks = [] for polys in segmentation: polys = [aug.augment_coords(p, params) for p in polys] masks.append( segmentation_to_mask(polys, im.shape[0], im.shape[1])) masks = np.asarray(masks, dtype='uint8') # values in {0, 1} ret.append(masks) # from viz import draw_annotation, draw_mask # viz = draw_annotation(im, boxes, klass) # for mask in masks: # viz = draw_mask(viz, mask) # tpviz.interactive_imshow(viz) return ret ds = MultiProcessMapData(ds, 3, preprocess) return ds