def __init__(self, testing_database_file_f, testing_database_file_m, opt): '''Opens the specified pickle files to get the combined dataset: This dataset is a dictionary of pressure maps with the corresponding 3d position and orientation of the markers associated with it.''' # change this to 'direct' when you are doing baseline methods self.CTRL_PNL = {} self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'] = opt.losstype self.CTRL_PNL['verbose'] = opt.verbose self.opt = opt self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs'] = 101 self.CTRL_PNL['incl_inter'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['shuffle'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] = 3 self.CTRL_PNL['GPU'] = GPU self.CTRL_PNL['dtype'] = dtype self.CTRL_PNL['repeat_real_data_ct'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['regr_angles'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels_test'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] = False #do this if we're working in a two-part regression self.CTRL_PNL['precomp_net1'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['precomp_net1'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] #holds betas and root same as prior estimate self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['clip_betas'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['mesh_bottom_dist'] = True if opt.losstype == 'direct': self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] == True: #for a two part regression self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 3 self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels_batch0'] = np.copy(self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels']) if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 2 self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/henry/' self.CTRL_PNL['aws'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['lock_root'] = False # change this to 'direct' when you are doing baseline methods self.CTRL_PNL_COR = self.CTRL_PNL.copy() self.CTRL_PNL_COR['depth_map_output'] = True self.CTRL_PNL_COR['depth_map_input_est'] = True self.CTRL_PNL_COR['adjust_ang_from_est'] = True self.CTRL_PNL_COR['incl_ht_wt_channels'] = True self.CTRL_PNL_COR['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL_COR['num_input_channels'] = 3 if self.CTRL_PNL_COR['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL_COR['num_input_channels'] += 1 if self.CTRL_PNL_COR['depth_map_input_est'] == True: #for a two part regression self.CTRL_PNL_COR['num_input_channels'] += 3 self.CTRL_PNL_COR['num_input_channels_batch0'] = np.copy(self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels']) if self.CTRL_PNL_COR['incl_ht_wt_channels'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL_COR['num_input_channels'] += 2 self.mat_size = (NUMOFTAXELS_X, NUMOFTAXELS_Y) self.output_size_train = (NUMOFOUTPUTNODES_TRAIN, NUMOFOUTPUTDIMS) self.output_size_val = (NUMOFOUTPUTNODES_TEST, NUMOFOUTPUTDIMS) self.parents = np.array([4294967295, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]).astype(np.int32) #################################### PREP TESTING ########################################## #load testing synth data dat_f_synth = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database(testing_database_file_f, 'synth') dat_m_synth = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database(testing_database_file_m, 'synth') dat_f_real = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database(testing_database_file_f, 'real') dat_m_real = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database(testing_database_file_m, 'real') self.test_x_flat = [] # Initialize the testing pressure mat list self.test_x_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_images(self.test_x_flat, dat_f_synth, dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1) self.test_x_flat = list(np.clip(np.array(self.test_x_flat) * 5.0, a_min=0, a_max=100)) self.test_x_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_images(self.test_x_flat, dat_f_real, dat_m_real, num_repeats = self.CTRL_PNL['repeat_real_data_ct']) self.test_x_flat = PreprocessingLib().preprocessing_blur_images(self.test_x_flat, self.mat_size, sigma=0.5) if len(self.test_x_flat) == 0: print("NO testing DATA INCLUDED") self.test_a_flat = [] # Initialize the testing pressure mat angle list self.test_a_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_angles(self.test_a_flat, dat_f_synth, dat_m_real, num_repeats = 1) self.test_a_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_angles(self.test_a_flat, dat_f_real, dat_m_real, num_repeats = self.CTRL_PNL['repeat_real_data_ct']) if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] == True: self.depth_contact_maps = [] #Initialize the precomputed depth and contact maps self.depth_contact_maps = TensorPrepLib().prep_depth_contact(self.depth_contact_maps, dat_f_synth, dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1) else: self.depth_contact_maps = None test_xa = PreprocessingLib().preprocessing_create_pressure_angle_stack(self.test_x_flat, self.test_a_flat, self.CTRL_PNL['incl_inter'], self.mat_size, self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'], self.CTRL_PNL['verbose']) test_xa = TensorPrepLib().append_input_depth_contact(np.array(test_xa), include_pmat_contact = self.CTRL_PNL_COR['incl_pmat_cntct_input'], mesh_depth_contact_maps = self.depth_contact_maps, include_mesh_depth_contact = self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels']) self.test_x_tensor = torch.Tensor(test_xa) self.test_y_flat = [] # Initialize the testing ground truth list self.test_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels(self.test_y_flat, dat_f_synth, num_repeats = 1, z_adj = -0.075, gender = "f", is_synth = True, loss_vector_type = self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est = self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est']) self.test_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels(self.test_y_flat, dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1, z_adj = -0.075, gender = "m", is_synth = True, loss_vector_type = self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est = self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est']) self.test_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels(self.test_y_flat, dat_f_real, num_repeats = self.CTRL_PNL['repeat_real_data_ct'], z_adj = 0.0, gender = "m", is_synth = False, loss_vector_type = self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est = self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est']) self.test_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels(self.test_y_flat, dat_m_real, num_repeats = self.CTRL_PNL['repeat_real_data_ct'], z_adj = 0.0, gender = "m", is_synth = False, loss_vector_type = self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est = self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est']) self.test_y_tensor = torch.Tensor(self.test_y_flat) print self.test_x_tensor.shape, 'Input testing tensor shape' print self.test_y_tensor.shape, 'Output testing tensor shape'
def __init__(self, testing_database_file_f, testing_database_file_m, opt, filename): '''Opens the specified pickle files to get the combined dataset: This dataset is a dictionary of pressure maps with the corresponding 3d position and orientation of the markers associated with it.''' # change this to 'direct' when you are doing baseline methods self.CTRL_PNL = {} self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size'] = 64 self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'] = opt.losstype self.CTRL_PNL['verbose'] = opt.verbose self.opt = opt self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs'] = 101 self.CTRL_PNL['incl_inter'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['shuffle'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['lock_root'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] = 3 self.CTRL_PNL['GPU'] = GPU self.CTRL_PNL['dtype'] = dtype self.CTRL_PNL['repeat_real_data_ct'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['regr_angles'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['dropout'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels_test'] = True #can only be true is we have 100% synth for testing self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] = False #do this if we're working in a two-part regression self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] #holds betas and root same as prior estimate self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['clip_betas'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['mesh_bottom_dist'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['all_tanh_activ'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['L2_contact'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'] = int(5) self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['double_network_size'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['first_pass'] = True self.filename = filename if opt.losstype == 'direct': self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = False #if there's calibration noise we need to recompute this every batch self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] == True: #for a two part regression self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 3 self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels_batch0'] = np.copy(self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels']) if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 2 if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 pmat_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 11.70153502792190, 19.90905848383454, 23.07018866032369, 0.0, 25.50538629767412] if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: sobel_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 29.80360490415032, 33.33532963163579, 34.14427844692501, 0.0, 34.86393494050921] else: sobel_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 45.61635847182483, 77.74920396659292, 88.89398421073700, 0.0, 97.90075708182506] self.CTRL_PNL['norm_std_coeffs'] = [1./41.80684362163343, #contact 1./16.69545796387731, #pos est depth 1./45.08513083167194, #neg est depth 1./43.55800622930469, #cm est 1./pmat_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat x5 1./sobel_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat sobel 1./1.0, #bed height mat 1./1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1./1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1. / 30.216647403350, #weight 1. / 14.629298141231] #height if == True: self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/ubuntu/' else: self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/henry/' #self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/' if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] == True: #we need all the vertices if we're going to regress the depth maps self.verts_list = "all" else: self.verts_list = [1325, 336, 1032, 4515, 1374, 4848, 1739, 5209, 1960, 5423] print self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs'], 'NUM EPOCHS!' # Entire pressure dataset with coordinates in world frame self.save_name = '_' + opt.losstype + \ '_synth_32000' + \ '_' + str(self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size']) + 'b' + \ '_' + str(self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs']) + 'e' + \ '_x' + str(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult']) + 'pmult' if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] == True: self.save_name += '_' + str(self.opt.j_d_ratio) + 'rtojtdpth' if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] == True: self.save_name += '_depthestin' if self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] == True: self.save_name += '_angleadj' if self.CTRL_PNL['all_tanh_activ'] == True: self.save_name += '_alltanh' if self.CTRL_PNL['L2_contact'] == True: self.save_name += '_l2cnt' if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.save_name += '_calnoise' # self.save_name = '_' + opt.losstype+'_real_s9_alltest_' + str(self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size']) + 'b_'# + str(self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs']) + 'e' print 'appending to', 'train' + self.save_name self.train_val_losses = {} self.train_val_losses['train' + self.save_name] = [] self.train_val_losses['val' + self.save_name] = [] self.train_val_losses['epoch' + self.save_name] = [] self.mat_size = (NUMOFTAXELS_X, NUMOFTAXELS_Y) self.output_size_train = (NUMOFOUTPUTNODES_TRAIN, NUMOFOUTPUTDIMS) self.output_size_val = (NUMOFOUTPUTNODES_TEST, NUMOFOUTPUTDIMS) self.parents = np.array([4294967295, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]).astype(np.int32) #################################### PREP TESTING DATA ########################################## # load in the test file test_dat_f_synth = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database(testing_database_file_f, 'synth') test_dat_m_synth = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database(testing_database_file_m, 'synth') test_dat_f_real = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database(testing_database_file_f, 'real') test_dat_m_real = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database(testing_database_file_m, 'real') for possible_dat in [test_dat_f_synth, test_dat_m_synth, test_dat_f_real, test_dat_m_real]: if possible_dat is not None: self.dat = possible_dat self.dat['mdm_est'] = [] self.dat['cm_est'] = [] self.dat['angles_est'] = [] self.dat['root_xyz_est'] = [] self.dat['betas_est'] = [] self.dat['root_atan2_est'] = [] self.test_x_flat = [] # Initialize the testing pressure mat list self.test_x_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_images(self.test_x_flat, test_dat_f_synth, test_dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1) self.test_x_flat = list(np.clip(np.array(self.test_x_flat) * float(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult']), a_min=0, a_max=100)) self.test_x_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_images(self.test_x_flat, test_dat_f_real, test_dat_m_real, num_repeats = 1) if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: self.test_x_flat = PreprocessingLib().preprocessing_blur_images(self.test_x_flat, self.mat_size, sigma=0.5) if len(self.test_x_flat) == 0: print("NO TESTING DATA INCLUDED") self.test_a_flat = [] # Initialize the testing pressure mat angle listhave self.test_a_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_angles(self.test_a_flat, test_dat_f_synth, test_dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1) self.test_a_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_angles(self.test_a_flat, test_dat_f_real, test_dat_m_real, num_repeats = 1) if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels_test'] == True: self.depth_contact_maps = [] #Initialize the precomputed depth and contact maps. only synth has this label. self.depth_contact_maps = TensorPrepLib().prep_depth_contact(self.depth_contact_maps, test_dat_f_synth, test_dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1) else: self.depth_contact_maps = None if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] == True: self.depth_contact_maps_input_est = [] #Initialize the precomputed depth and contact map input estimates self.depth_contact_maps_input_est = TensorPrepLib().prep_depth_contact_input_est(self.depth_contact_maps_input_est, test_dat_f_synth, test_dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1) self.depth_contact_maps_input_est = TensorPrepLib().prep_depth_contact_input_est(self.depth_contact_maps_input_est, test_dat_f_real, test_dat_m_real, num_repeats = 1) else: self.depth_contact_maps_input_est = None print np.shape(self.test_x_flat), np.shape(self.test_a_flat) test_xa = PreprocessingLib().preprocessing_create_pressure_angle_stack(self.test_x_flat, self.test_a_flat, self.mat_size, self.CTRL_PNL) test_xa = TensorPrepLib().append_input_depth_contact(np.array(test_xa), CTRL_PNL = self.CTRL_PNL, mesh_depth_contact_maps_input_est = self.depth_contact_maps_input_est, mesh_depth_contact_maps = self.depth_contact_maps) #normalize the input if self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] == True: test_xa = TensorPrepLib().normalize_network_input(test_xa, self.CTRL_PNL) self.test_x_tensor = torch.Tensor(test_xa) test_y_flat = [] # Initialize the ground truth listhave test_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels(test_y_flat, test_dat_f_synth, num_repeats = 1, z_adj = -0.075, gender = "f", is_synth = True, loss_vector_type = self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est = self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'], full_body_rot = self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot']) test_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels(test_y_flat, test_dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1, z_adj = -0.075, gender = "m", is_synth = True, loss_vector_type = self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est = self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'], full_body_rot = self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot']) test_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels(test_y_flat, test_dat_f_real, num_repeats = 1, z_adj = 0.0, gender = "f", is_synth = False, loss_vector_type = self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est = self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'], full_body_rot = self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot']) test_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels(test_y_flat, test_dat_m_real, num_repeats = 1, z_adj = 0.0, gender = "m", is_synth = False, loss_vector_type = self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est = self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'], full_body_rot = self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot']) if self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] == True: test_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().normalize_wt_ht(test_y_flat, self.CTRL_PNL) self.test_y_tensor = torch.Tensor(test_y_flat) print self.test_x_tensor.shape, 'Input testing tensor shape' print self.test_y_tensor.shape, 'Output testing tensor shape'
class GeneratePose(): def __init__(self, filepath_prefix = '/home/henry'): ## Load SMPL model self.filepath_prefix = filepath_prefix self.index_queue = [] if GENDER == "m": model_path = filepath_prefix+'/git/SMPL_python_v.1.0.0/smpl/models/basicModel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl' else: model_path = filepath_prefix+'/git/SMPL_python_v.1.0.0/smpl/models/basicModel_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl' self.reset_pose = False self.m = load_model(model_path) self.marker0, self.marker1, self.marker2, self.marker3 = None, None, None, None self.pressure = None self.markers = [self.marker0, self.marker1, self.marker2, self.marker3] rospy.Subscriber("/multi_pose/ar_pose_marker", AlvarMarkers, self.callback_bed_tags) rospy.Subscriber("/multi_pose/kinect2/qhd/points", PointCloud2, self.callback_points) rospy.Subscriber("/multi_pose/fsascan", FloatArrayBare, self.callback_pressure) rospy.Subscriber("/abdout0", FloatArrayBare, self.bed_config_callback) #rospy.Subscriber("/abdout0", FloatArrayBare, self.callback_bed_state) print "init subscriber" rospy.init_node('vol_3d_listener', anonymous=False) self.point_cloud_array = np.array([[0., 0., 0.]]) self.pc_isnew = False self.CTRL_PNL = {} self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'] = 'anglesDC' #'anglesEU' self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'] = 'anglesDC' #'anglesEU' self.CTRL_PNL['verbose'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs'] = 101 self.CTRL_PNL['incl_inter'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['shuffle'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] = 3 self.CTRL_PNL['lock_root'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['GPU'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['dtype'] = torch.cuda.FloatTensor self.CTRL_PNL['repeat_real_data_ct'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['regr_angles'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['dropout'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] = False#rue #do this if we're working in a two-part regression self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] #holds betas and root same as prior estimate self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['clip_betas'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['mesh_bottom_dist'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['all_tanh_activ'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['L2_contact'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'] = int(5) self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['double_network_size'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['first_pass'] = True if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = False #if there's calibration noise we need to recompute this every batch self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] == True: #for a two part regression self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 3 self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels_batch0'] = np.copy(self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels']) if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 2 if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 pmat_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 11.70153502792190, 19.90905848383454, 23.07018866032369, 0.0, 25.50538629767412] if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: sobel_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 29.80360490415032, 33.33532963163579, 34.14427844692501, 0.0, 34.86393494050921] else: sobel_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 45.61635847182483, 77.74920396659292, 88.89398421073700, 0.0, 97.90075708182506] self.CTRL_PNL['norm_std_coeffs'] = [1./41.80684362163343, #contact 1./16.69545796387731, #pos est depth 1./45.08513083167194, #neg est depth 1./43.55800622930469, #cm est 1./pmat_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat x5 1./sobel_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat sobel 1./1.0, #bed height mat 1./1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1./1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1. / 30.216647403350, #weight 1. / 14.629298141231] #height self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/henry/' if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] == True: # we need all the vertices if we're going to regress the depth maps self.verts_list = "all" self.TPL = TensorPrepLib() def bed_config_callback(self, msg): '''This callback accepts incoming pressure map from the Vista Medical Pressure Mat and sends it out. Remember, this array needs to be binarized to be used''' bedangle = np.round([0], 0) # this little statement tries to filter the angle data. Some of the angle data is messed up, so we make a queue and take the mode. if self.index_queue == []: self.index_queue = np.zeros(5) if bedangle > 350: self.index_queue = self.index_queue + math.ceil(bedangle) - 360 else: self.index_queue = self.index_queue + math.ceil(bedangle) bedangle = mode(self.index_queue)[0][0] else: self.index_queue[1:5] = self.index_queue[0:4] if bedangle > 350: self.index_queue[0] = math.ceil(bedangle) - 360 else: self.index_queue[0] = math.ceil(bedangle) bedangle = mode(self.index_queue)[0][0] if bedangle > 180: bedangle = bedangle - 360 self.bedangle = bedangle + 5. def callback_bed_tags(self, data): self.marker0, self.marker1, self.marker2, self.marker3 = None, None, None, None for marker in data.markers: if == 0: self.marker0 = np.array([marker.pose.pose.position.x, marker.pose.pose.position.y, marker.pose.pose.position.z])*213./228. if == 1: self.marker1 = np.array([marker.pose.pose.position.x, marker.pose.pose.position.y, marker.pose.pose.position.z])*213./228. if == 2: self.marker2 = np.array([marker.pose.pose.position.x, marker.pose.pose.position.y, marker.pose.pose.position.z])*213./228. if == 3: self.marker3 = np.array([marker.pose.pose.position.x, marker.pose.pose.position.y, marker.pose.pose.position.z])*213./228. self.markers = [self.marker0, self.marker1, self.marker2, self.marker3] def callback_points(self, data): point_cloud_array = [] last_time = time.time() for point in sensor_msgs.point_cloud2.read_points(data, skip_nans = True): point_cloud_array.append(point[0:3]) self.point_cloud_array = np.array(point_cloud_array) try: self.point_cloud_array -= (self.marker2 - np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) except: self.point_cloud_array = np.array([[0., 0., 0.]]) self.pc_isnew = True print "Time to convert point cloud is: ", time.time() - last_time def callback_pressure(self, data): if len( > 1: self.pressure = np.array( def generate_prechecked_pose(self, posture, stiffness, filename): prechecked_pose_list = np.load(filename, allow_pickle = True).tolist() print len(prechecked_pose_list) shuffle(prechecked_pose_list) pyRender = libRender.pyRenderMesh() for shape_pose_vol in prechecked_pose_list[6:]: #print shape_pose_vol #print shape_pose_vol[0] #print shape_pose_vol[1] #print shape_pose_vol[2] for idx in range(len(shape_pose_vol[0])): #print shape_pose_vol[0][idx] self.m.betas[idx] = shape_pose_vol[0][idx] print 'init' print shape_pose_vol[2][0],shape_pose_vol[2][1],shape_pose_vol[2][2] self.m.pose[:] = np.array(72 * [0.]) for idx in range(len(shape_pose_vol[1])): #print shape_pose_vol[1][idx] #print self.m.pose[shape_pose_vol[1][idx]] #print shape_pose_vol[2][idx] pose_index = shape_pose_vol[1][idx]*1 self.m.pose[pose_index] = shape_pose_vol[2][idx]*1. #print idx, pose_index, self.m.pose[pose_index], shape_pose_vol[2][idx] print self.m.pose[0:3] init_root = np.array(self.m.pose[0:3])+0.000001 init_rootR = libKinematics.matrix_from_dir_cos_angles(init_root) root_rot = libKinematics.eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix([np.pi, 0.0, np.pi/2]) #print root_rot trans_root = libKinematics.dir_cos_angles_from_matrix(np.matmul(root_rot, init_rootR)) self.m.pose[0] = trans_root[0] self.m.pose[1] = trans_root[1] self.m.pose[2] = trans_root[2] print root_rot print init_rootR print trans_root print init_root, trans_root #print self.m.J_transformed[1, :], self.m.J_transformed[4, :] # self.m.pose[51] = selection_r pyRender.mesh_render_pose_bed(self.m, self.point_cloud_array, self.pc_isnew, self.pressure, self.markers) self.point_cloud_array = None #dss = dart_skel_sim.DartSkelSim(render=True, m=self.m, gender = gender, posture = posture, stiffness = stiffness, shiftSIDE = shape_pose_vol[4], shiftUD = shape_pose_vol[5], filepath_prefix=self.filepath_prefix, add_floor = False) #dss.run_simulation(10000) #generator.standard_render() #break def estimate_real_time(self, filename1, filename2 = None): pyRender = libRender.pyRenderMesh() mat_size = (64, 27) from unpack_batch_lib import UnpackBatchLib if torch.cuda.is_available(): # Use for GPU GPU = True dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor print '######################### CUDA is available! #############################' else: # Use for CPU GPU = False dtype = torch.FloatTensor print '############################## USING CPU #################################' from torch.autograd import Variable if GPU == True: for i in range(0, 8): try: model = torch.load(filename1, map_location={'cuda:'+str(i):'cuda:0'}) model = model.cuda().eval() break except: pass if filename2 is not None: for i in range(0, 8): try: model2 = torch.load(filename2, map_location={'cuda:'+str(i):'cuda:0'}) model2 = model2.cuda().eval() break except: pass else: model2 = None else: model = torch.load(filename1, map_location='cpu').eval() if filename2 is not None: model2 = torch.load(filename2, map_location='cpu').eval() else: model2 = None pub = rospy.Publisher('meshTopic', MeshAttr) #rospy.init_node('talker', anonymous=False) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pmat = np.fliplr(np.flipud(np.clip(self.pressure.reshape(mat_size)*float(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult']*4), a_min=0, a_max=100))) #pmat = np.fliplr(np.flipud(np.clip(self.pressure.reshape(mat_size)*float(1), a_min=0, a_max=100))) #print "max is : ", np.max(pmat) #print "sum is : ", np.sum(pmat) if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: pmat = gaussian_filter(pmat, sigma= 0.5) pmat_stack = PreprocessingLib().preprocessing_create_pressure_angle_stack_realtime(pmat, self.bedangle, mat_size) if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: pmat_stack = np.clip(pmat_stack, a_min=0, a_max=100) pmat_stack = np.array(pmat_stack) if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: pmat_contact = np.copy(pmat_stack[:, 0:1, :, :]) pmat_contact[pmat_contact > 0] = 100 pmat_stack = np.concatenate((pmat_contact, pmat_stack), axis = 1) weight_input = WEIGHT_LBS/2.20462 height_input = (HEIGHT_IN*0.0254 - 1)*100 batch1 = np.zeros((1, 162)) if GENDER == 'f': batch1[:, 157] += 1 elif GENDER == 'm': batch1[:, 158] += 1 batch1[:, 160] += weight_input batch1[:, 161] += height_input if self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] = False pmat_stack = self.TPL.normalize_network_input(pmat_stack, self.CTRL_PNL) batch1 = self.TPL.normalize_wt_ht(batch1, self.CTRL_PNL) pmat_stack = torch.Tensor(pmat_stack) batch1 = torch.Tensor(batch1) batch = [] batch.append(pmat_stack) batch.append(batch1) self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = False scores, INPUT_DICT, OUTPUT_DICT = UnpackBatchLib().unpackage_batch_kin_pass(batch, False, model, self.CTRL_PNL) self.CTRL_PNL['first_pass'] = False mdm_est_pos = OUTPUT_DICT['batch_mdm_est'].clone().unsqueeze(1) / 16.69545796387731 mdm_est_neg = OUTPUT_DICT['batch_mdm_est'].clone().unsqueeze(1) / 45.08513083167194 mdm_est_pos[mdm_est_pos < 0] = 0 mdm_est_neg[mdm_est_neg > 0] = 0 mdm_est_neg *= -1 cm_est = OUTPUT_DICT['batch_cm_est'].clone().unsqueeze(1) * 100 / 43.55800622930469 #1. / 16.69545796387731, # pos est depth #1. / 45.08513083167194, # neg est depth #1. / 43.55800622930469, # cm est if model2 is not None: batch_cor = [] batch_cor.append([:, 0:1, :, :], mdm_est_pos.type(torch.FloatTensor), mdm_est_neg.type(torch.FloatTensor), cm_est.type(torch.FloatTensor), pmat_stack[:, 1:, :, :]), dim=1)) if self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'] == False: batch_cor.append(, OUTPUT_DICT['batch_betas_est'].cpu(), OUTPUT_DICT['batch_angles_est'].cpu(), OUTPUT_DICT['batch_root_xyz_est'].cpu()), dim = 1)) elif self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'] == True: batch_cor.append(, OUTPUT_DICT['batch_betas_est'].cpu(), OUTPUT_DICT['batch_angles_est'].cpu(), OUTPUT_DICT['batch_root_xyz_est'].cpu(), OUTPUT_DICT['batch_root_atan2_est'].cpu()), dim = 1)) self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = True scores, INPUT_DICT, OUTPUT_DICT = UnpackBatchLib().unpackage_batch_kin_pass(batch_cor, False, model2, self.CTRL_PNL) betas_est = np.squeeze(OUTPUT_DICT['batch_betas_est_post_clip'].cpu().numpy()) angles_est = np.squeeze(OUTPUT_DICT['batch_angles_est_post_clip']) root_shift_est = np.squeeze(OUTPUT_DICT['batch_root_xyz_est_post_clip'].cpu().numpy()) #print betas_est.shape, root_shift_est.shape, angles_est.shape #print betas_est, root_shift_est, angles_est angles_est = angles_est.reshape(72) for idx in range(10): #print shape_pose_vol[0][idx] self.m.betas[idx] = betas_est[idx] for idx in range(72): self.m.pose[idx] = angles_est[idx] init_root = np.array(self.m.pose[0:3])+0.000001 init_rootR = libKinematics.matrix_from_dir_cos_angles(init_root) root_rot = libKinematics.eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix([np.pi, 0.0, np.pi/2]) #print root_rot trans_root = libKinematics.dir_cos_angles_from_matrix(np.matmul(root_rot, init_rootR)) self.m.pose[0] = trans_root[0] self.m.pose[1] = trans_root[1] self.m.pose[2] = trans_root[2] #print self.m.J_transformed[1, :], self.m.J_transformed[4, :] # self.m.pose[51] = selection_r print self.m.r #print OUTPUT_DICT['verts'] pyRender.mesh_render_pose_bed_orig(self.m, root_shift_est, self.point_cloud_array, self.pc_isnew, pmat, self.markers, self.bedangle) self.point_cloud_array = None
def __init__(self, filepath_prefix = '/home/henry'): ## Load SMPL model self.filepath_prefix = filepath_prefix self.index_queue = [] if GENDER == "m": model_path = filepath_prefix+'/git/SMPL_python_v.1.0.0/smpl/models/basicModel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl' else: model_path = filepath_prefix+'/git/SMPL_python_v.1.0.0/smpl/models/basicModel_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl' self.reset_pose = False self.m = load_model(model_path) self.marker0, self.marker1, self.marker2, self.marker3 = None, None, None, None self.pressure = None self.markers = [self.marker0, self.marker1, self.marker2, self.marker3] rospy.Subscriber("/multi_pose/ar_pose_marker", AlvarMarkers, self.callback_bed_tags) rospy.Subscriber("/multi_pose/kinect2/qhd/points", PointCloud2, self.callback_points) rospy.Subscriber("/multi_pose/fsascan", FloatArrayBare, self.callback_pressure) rospy.Subscriber("/abdout0", FloatArrayBare, self.bed_config_callback) #rospy.Subscriber("/abdout0", FloatArrayBare, self.callback_bed_state) print "init subscriber" rospy.init_node('vol_3d_listener', anonymous=False) self.point_cloud_array = np.array([[0., 0., 0.]]) self.pc_isnew = False self.CTRL_PNL = {} self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'] = 'anglesDC' #'anglesEU' self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'] = 'anglesDC' #'anglesEU' self.CTRL_PNL['verbose'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs'] = 101 self.CTRL_PNL['incl_inter'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['shuffle'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] = 3 self.CTRL_PNL['lock_root'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['GPU'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['dtype'] = torch.cuda.FloatTensor self.CTRL_PNL['repeat_real_data_ct'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['regr_angles'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['dropout'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] = False#rue #do this if we're working in a two-part regression self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] #holds betas and root same as prior estimate self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['clip_betas'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['mesh_bottom_dist'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['all_tanh_activ'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['L2_contact'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'] = int(5) self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['double_network_size'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['first_pass'] = True if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = False #if there's calibration noise we need to recompute this every batch self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] == True: #for a two part regression self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 3 self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels_batch0'] = np.copy(self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels']) if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 2 if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 pmat_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 11.70153502792190, 19.90905848383454, 23.07018866032369, 0.0, 25.50538629767412] if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: sobel_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 29.80360490415032, 33.33532963163579, 34.14427844692501, 0.0, 34.86393494050921] else: sobel_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 45.61635847182483, 77.74920396659292, 88.89398421073700, 0.0, 97.90075708182506] self.CTRL_PNL['norm_std_coeffs'] = [1./41.80684362163343, #contact 1./16.69545796387731, #pos est depth 1./45.08513083167194, #neg est depth 1./43.55800622930469, #cm est 1./pmat_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat x5 1./sobel_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat sobel 1./1.0, #bed height mat 1./1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1./1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1. / 30.216647403350, #weight 1. / 14.629298141231] #height self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/henry/' if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] == True: # we need all the vertices if we're going to regress the depth maps self.verts_list = "all" self.TPL = TensorPrepLib()
def __init__(self, training_database_file_f, training_database_file_m): #if this is your first time looking at the code don't pay much attention to this __init__ function. #it's all just boilerplate for loading in the synthetic data self.CTRL_PNL = {} self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'] = 'anglesDC' self.CTRL_PNL['verbose'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs'] = 100 self.CTRL_PNL['incl_inter'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['shuffle'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['dropout'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['lock_root'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] = 3 self.CTRL_PNL['GPU'] = False repeat_real_data_ct = 3 self.CTRL_PNL['regr_angles'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['aws'] = False self.CTRL_PNL[ 'depth_map_labels'] = True #can only be true if we have 100% synthetic data for training self.CTRL_PNL[ 'depth_map_labels_test'] = True #can only be true is we have 100% synth for testing self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] = self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] self.CTRL_PNL[ 'depth_map_input_est'] = False #do this if we're working in a two-part regression self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = self.CTRL_PNL[ 'depth_map_input_est'] #holds betas and root same as prior estimate self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['clip_betas'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['mesh_bottom_dist'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['all_tanh_activ'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['L2_contact'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'] = int(1) self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['double_network_size'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['first_pass'] = True self.weight_joints = 1.0 #self.opt.j_d_ratio*2 self.weight_depth_planes = (1 - 0.5) #*2 if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL[ 'incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = False #if there's calibration noise we need to recompute this every batch self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 if self.CTRL_PNL[ 'depth_map_input_est'] == True: #for a two part regression self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 3 self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels_batch0'] = np.copy( self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels']) if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 2 if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 pmat_std_from_mult = [ 'N/A', 11.70153502792190, 19.90905848383454, 23.07018866032369, 0.0, 25.50538629767412 ] if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: sobel_std_from_mult = [ 'N/A', 29.80360490415032, 33.33532963163579, 34.14427844692501, 0.0, 34.86393494050921 ] else: sobel_std_from_mult = [ 'N/A', 45.61635847182483, 77.74920396659292, 88.89398421073700, 0.0, 97.90075708182506 ] self.CTRL_PNL['norm_std_coeffs'] = [ 1. / 41.80684362163343, #contact 1. / 16.69545796387731, #pos est depth 1. / 45.08513083167194, #neg est depth 1. / 43.55800622930469, #cm est 1. / pmat_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat x5 1. / sobel_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat sobel 1. / 1.0, #bed height mat 1. / 1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1. / 1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1. / 30.216647403350, #weight 1. / 14.629298141231 ] #height self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/henry/' #self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/' if self.CTRL_PNL[ 'depth_map_output'] == True: #we need all the vertices if we're going to regress the depth maps self.verts_list = "all" else: self.verts_list = [ 1325, 336, 1032, 4515, 1374, 4848, 1739, 5209, 1960, 5423 ] print self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs'], 'NUM EPOCHS!' # Entire pressure dataset with coordinates in world frame self.mat_size = (NUMOFTAXELS_X, NUMOFTAXELS_Y) #################################### PREP TRAINING DATA ########################################## #load training ysnth data dat_f_synth = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database( training_database_file_f, 'synth') dat_m_synth = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database( training_database_file_m, 'synth') self.train_x_flat = [] # Initialize the testing pressure mat list self.train_x_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_images(self.train_x_flat, dat_f_synth, dat_m_synth, num_repeats=1) self.train_x_flat = list( np.clip(np.array(self.train_x_flat) * float(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult']), a_min=0, a_max=100)) if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: self.train_x_flat = PreprocessingLib().preprocessing_blur_images( self.train_x_flat, self.mat_size, sigma=0.5) if len(self.train_x_flat) == 0: print("NO TRAINING DATA INCLUDED") self.train_a_flat = [ ] # Initialize the training pressure mat angle list self.train_a_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_angles(self.train_a_flat, dat_f_synth, dat_m_synth, num_repeats=1) if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] == True: self.depth_contact_maps = [ ] #Initialize the precomputed depth and contact maps. only synth has this label. self.depth_contact_maps = TensorPrepLib().prep_depth_contact( self.depth_contact_maps, dat_f_synth, dat_m_synth, num_repeats=1) else: self.depth_contact_maps = None if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] == True: self.depth_contact_maps_input_est = [ ] #Initialize the precomputed depth and contact map input estimates self.depth_contact_maps_input_est = TensorPrepLib( ).prep_depth_contact_input_est(self.depth_contact_maps_input_est, dat_f_synth, dat_m_synth, num_repeats=1) else: self.depth_contact_maps_input_est = None #stack the bed height array on the pressure image as well as a sobel filtered image train_xa = PreprocessingLib( ).preprocessing_create_pressure_angle_stack(self.train_x_flat, self.train_a_flat, self.mat_size, self.CTRL_PNL) #stack the depth and contact mesh images (and possibly a pmat contact image) together train_xa = TensorPrepLib().append_input_depth_contact( np.array(train_xa), CTRL_PNL=self.CTRL_PNL, mesh_depth_contact_maps_input_est=self. depth_contact_maps_input_est, mesh_depth_contact_maps=self.depth_contact_maps) #normalize the input if self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] == True: train_xa = TensorPrepLib().normalize_network_input( train_xa, self.CTRL_PNL) self.train_x_tensor = torch.Tensor(train_xa) train_y_flat = [] # Initialize the training ground truth list train_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels( train_y_flat, dat_f_synth, num_repeats=1, z_adj=-0.075, gender="f", is_synth=True, loss_vector_type=self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est=self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'], full_body_rot=self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot']) train_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels( train_y_flat, dat_m_synth, num_repeats=1, z_adj=-0.075, gender="m", is_synth=True, loss_vector_type=self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est=self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'], full_body_rot=self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot']) # normalize the height and weight if self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] == True: train_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().normalize_wt_ht( train_y_flat, self.CTRL_PNL) self.train_y_tensor = torch.Tensor(train_y_flat) self.train_dataset = self.train_x_tensor, self.train_y_tensor) self.train_loader = self.train_dataset, self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size'], shuffle=self.CTRL_PNL['shuffle'])
def __init__(self, filepath_prefix, participant_directory): ##load participant info #if False: participant_info = load_pickle("/home/henry/Desktop/CVPR2020_study/P136/participant_info.p") print "participant directory: ", participant_directory for entry in participant_info: print entry, participant_info[entry] self.gender = participant_info['gender'] self.height_in = participant_info['height_in'] self.weight_lbs = participant_info['weight_lbs'] self.calibration_optim_values = participant_info['cal_func'] self.tf_corners = participant_info['corners'] #except: ## Load SMPL model self.filepath_prefix = filepath_prefix self.index_queue = [] if self.gender == "m": model_path = filepath_prefix+'/git/SMPL_python_v.1.0.0/smpl/models/basicModel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl' else: model_path = filepath_prefix+'/git/SMPL_python_v.1.0.0/smpl/models/basicModel_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl' self.reset_pose = False self.m = load_model(model_path) self.marker0, self.marker1, self.marker2, self.marker3 = None, None, None, None self.pressure = None self.markers = [self.marker0, self.marker1, self.marker2, self.marker3] self.point_cloud_array = np.array([[0., 0., 0.]]) self.pc_isnew = False self.CTRL_PNL = {} self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'] = 'anglesDC' self.CTRL_PNL['verbose'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs'] = 101 self.CTRL_PNL['incl_inter'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['shuffle'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] = 3 self.CTRL_PNL['GPU'] = GPU self.CTRL_PNL['dtype'] = dtype self.CTRL_PNL['repeat_real_data_ct'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['regr_angles'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['dropout'] = DROPOUT self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] = False#rue #do this if we're working in a two-part regression self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] #holds betas and root same as prior estimate self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['clip_betas'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['mesh_bottom_dist'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['all_tanh_activ'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['L2_contact'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'] = int(5) self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['output_only_prev_est'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['double_network_size'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = False #if there's calibration noise we need to recompute this every batch self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] == True: #for a two part regression self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 3 self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels_batch0'] = np.copy(self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels']) if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 2 if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 pmat_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 11.70153502792190, 19.90905848383454, 23.07018866032369, 0.0, 25.50538629767412] if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: sobel_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 29.80360490415032, 33.33532963163579, 34.14427844692501, 0.0, 34.86393494050921] else: sobel_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 45.61635847182483, 77.74920396659292, 88.89398421073700, 0.0, 97.90075708182506] self.CTRL_PNL['norm_std_coeffs'] = [1./41.80684362163343, #contact 1./16.69545796387731, #pos est depth 1./45.08513083167194, #neg est depth 1./43.55800622930469, #cm est 1./pmat_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat x5 1./sobel_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat sobel 1./1.0, #bed height mat 1./1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1./1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1. / 30.216647403350, #weight 1. / 14.629298141231] #height self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/henry/' if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] == True: # we need all the vertices if we're going to regress the depth maps self.verts_list = "all" self.TPL = TensorPrepLib() self.count = 0 self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/henry/' self.CTRL_PNL['aws'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['lock_root'] = False self.bridge = CvBridge() self.color, self.depth_r, self.pressure = 0, 0, 0 self.kinect_im_size = (960, 540) self.pressure_im_size = (64, 27) self.pressure_im_size_required = (64, 27) # initialization of kinect and thermal cam calibrations from YAML files dist_model = 'rational_polynomial' self.kcam = Camera('kinect', self.kinect_im_size, dist_model) self.kcam.init_from_yaml(osp.expanduser('~/catkin_ws/src/multimodal_pose/calibrations/kinect.yaml')) # we are at qhd not hd so need to cut the focal lengths and centers in half self.kcam.K[0:2, 0:3] = self.kcam.K[0:2, 0:3] / 2 print self.kcam.K self.new_K_kin, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(self.kcam.K, self.kcam.D, self.kinect_im_size, 1, self.kinect_im_size) print self.new_K_kin self.drawing = False # true if mouse is pressed self.mode = True # if True, draw rectangle. Press 'm' to toggle to curve self.ix, self.iy = -1, -1 self.label_index = 0 self.coords_from_top_left = [0, 0] self.overall_image_scale_amount = 0.85 self.depthcam_midpixel = [0, 0] self.select_new_calib_corners = {} self.select_new_calib_corners["lay"] = True self.select_new_calib_corners["sit"] = True self.calib_corners = {} self.calib_corners["lay"] = 8 * [[0, 0]] self.calib_corners["sit"] = 8 * [[0, 0]] self.final_dataset = {} self.filler_taxels = [] for i in range(28): for j in range(65): self.filler_taxels.append([i - 1, j - 1, 20000]) self.filler_taxels = np.array(self.filler_taxels).astype(int)
class Viz3DPose(): def __init__(self, filepath_prefix, participant_directory): ##load participant info #if False: participant_info = load_pickle("/home/henry/Desktop/CVPR2020_study/P136/participant_info.p") print "participant directory: ", participant_directory for entry in participant_info: print entry, participant_info[entry] self.gender = participant_info['gender'] self.height_in = participant_info['height_in'] self.weight_lbs = participant_info['weight_lbs'] self.calibration_optim_values = participant_info['cal_func'] self.tf_corners = participant_info['corners'] #except: ## Load SMPL model self.filepath_prefix = filepath_prefix self.index_queue = [] if self.gender == "m": model_path = filepath_prefix+'/git/SMPL_python_v.1.0.0/smpl/models/basicModel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl' else: model_path = filepath_prefix+'/git/SMPL_python_v.1.0.0/smpl/models/basicModel_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl' self.reset_pose = False self.m = load_model(model_path) self.marker0, self.marker1, self.marker2, self.marker3 = None, None, None, None self.pressure = None self.markers = [self.marker0, self.marker1, self.marker2, self.marker3] self.point_cloud_array = np.array([[0., 0., 0.]]) self.pc_isnew = False self.CTRL_PNL = {} self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'] = 'anglesDC' self.CTRL_PNL['verbose'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs'] = 101 self.CTRL_PNL['incl_inter'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['shuffle'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] = 3 self.CTRL_PNL['GPU'] = GPU self.CTRL_PNL['dtype'] = dtype self.CTRL_PNL['repeat_real_data_ct'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['regr_angles'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['dropout'] = DROPOUT self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] = False#rue #do this if we're working in a two-part regression self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] #holds betas and root same as prior estimate self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['clip_betas'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['mesh_bottom_dist'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['all_tanh_activ'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['L2_contact'] = True#False self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'] = int(5) self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['output_only_prev_est'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['double_network_size'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = False #if there's calibration noise we need to recompute this every batch self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] == True: #for a two part regression self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 3 self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels_batch0'] = np.copy(self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels']) if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 2 if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 pmat_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 11.70153502792190, 19.90905848383454, 23.07018866032369, 0.0, 25.50538629767412] if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: sobel_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 29.80360490415032, 33.33532963163579, 34.14427844692501, 0.0, 34.86393494050921] else: sobel_std_from_mult = ['N/A', 45.61635847182483, 77.74920396659292, 88.89398421073700, 0.0, 97.90075708182506] self.CTRL_PNL['norm_std_coeffs'] = [1./41.80684362163343, #contact 1./16.69545796387731, #pos est depth 1./45.08513083167194, #neg est depth 1./43.55800622930469, #cm est 1./pmat_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat x5 1./sobel_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat sobel 1./1.0, #bed height mat 1./1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1./1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1. / 30.216647403350, #weight 1. / 14.629298141231] #height self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/henry/' if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] == True: # we need all the vertices if we're going to regress the depth maps self.verts_list = "all" self.TPL = TensorPrepLib() self.count = 0 self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/henry/' self.CTRL_PNL['aws'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['lock_root'] = False self.bridge = CvBridge() self.color, self.depth_r, self.pressure = 0, 0, 0 self.kinect_im_size = (960, 540) self.pressure_im_size = (64, 27) self.pressure_im_size_required = (64, 27) # initialization of kinect and thermal cam calibrations from YAML files dist_model = 'rational_polynomial' self.kcam = Camera('kinect', self.kinect_im_size, dist_model) self.kcam.init_from_yaml(osp.expanduser('~/catkin_ws/src/multimodal_pose/calibrations/kinect.yaml')) # we are at qhd not hd so need to cut the focal lengths and centers in half self.kcam.K[0:2, 0:3] = self.kcam.K[0:2, 0:3] / 2 print self.kcam.K self.new_K_kin, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(self.kcam.K, self.kcam.D, self.kinect_im_size, 1, self.kinect_im_size) print self.new_K_kin self.drawing = False # true if mouse is pressed self.mode = True # if True, draw rectangle. Press 'm' to toggle to curve self.ix, self.iy = -1, -1 self.label_index = 0 self.coords_from_top_left = [0, 0] self.overall_image_scale_amount = 0.85 self.depthcam_midpixel = [0, 0] self.select_new_calib_corners = {} self.select_new_calib_corners["lay"] = True self.select_new_calib_corners["sit"] = True self.calib_corners = {} self.calib_corners["lay"] = 8 * [[0, 0]] self.calib_corners["sit"] = 8 * [[0, 0]] self.final_dataset = {} self.filler_taxels = [] for i in range(28): for j in range(65): self.filler_taxels.append([i - 1, j - 1, 20000]) self.filler_taxels = np.array(self.filler_taxels).astype(int) def load_next_file(self, newpath): print "loading existing npy files in the new path...." time_orig = time.time() self.color_all = np.load(newpath+"/color.npy") self.depth_r_all = np.load(newpath+"/depth_r.npy") self.pressure_all = np.load(newpath+"/pressure.npy") self.bedstate_all = np.load(newpath+"/bedstate.npy") self.markers_all = np.load(newpath+"/markers.npy", allow_pickle=True) self.time_stamp_all = np.load(newpath+"/time_stamp.npy") self.point_cloud_autofil_all = np.load(newpath+"/point_cloud.npy") self.config_code_all = np.load(newpath+"/config_code.npy") self.date_stamp_all = np.load(newpath+"/date_stamp.npy") print "Finished. Time taken: ", time.time() - time_orig def transform_selected_points(self, image, camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, angle, right, up, h_scale_cut, v_scale_cut, coords_subset): h_scale = h_scale_cut[0] h_cut = h_scale_cut[1] v_scale = v_scale_cut[0] v_cut = v_scale_cut[1] tf_coords_subset = np.copy(coords_subset) print camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, HORIZ_CUT, VERT_CUT, pre_VERT_CUT, right h = VizLib().get_new_K_kin_homography(camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, self.new_K_kin, flip_vert=-1) for i in range(4): new_coords = np.matmul(h, np.array([tf_coords_subset[i, 1]+pre_VERT_CUT, tf_coords_subset[i, 0]+HORIZ_CUT, 1])) new_coords = new_coords/new_coords[2] tf_coords_subset[i, 0] = new_coords[1] - HORIZ_CUT tf_coords_subset[i, 1] = new_coords[0] - pre_VERT_CUT tf_coords_subset[i, 1] = (tf_coords_subset[i, 1] - image.shape[0] / 2) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) - ( tf_coords_subset[i, 0] - image.shape[1] / 2) * np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) + image.shape[ 0] / 2 - up tf_coords_subset[i, 0] = (tf_coords_subset[i, 1] - image.shape[0] / 2) * np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) + ( tf_coords_subset[i, 0] - image.shape[1] / 2) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) + image.shape[ 1] / 2 - right tf_coords_subset[i, 0] = h_scale * (tf_coords_subset[i][0] + h_cut) - h_cut tf_coords_subset[i, 1] = v_scale * (tf_coords_subset[i][1] + v_cut) - v_cut image[int(tf_coords_subset[i][1] + 0.5) - 2:int(tf_coords_subset[i][1] + 0.5) + 2, int(tf_coords_subset[i][0] + 0.5) - 2:int(tf_coords_subset[i][0] + 0.5) + 2, :] = 255 return tf_coords_subset, image def rotate_selected_head_points(self, pressure_im_size_required, u_c_pmat, v_c_pmat, u_p_bend, v_p_bend, u_p_bend_calib, v_p_bend_calib): low_vert = np.rint(v_c_pmat[2]).astype(np.uint16) low_horiz = np.rint(u_c_pmat[1]).astype(np.uint16) legs_bend_loc2 = pressure_im_size_required[0]*20/64 + low_horiz HEAD_BEND_TAXEL = 41 # measured from the bottom of the pressure mat LEGS_BEND2_TAXEL = 20 #measured from the bottom of the pressure mat head_bend_loc = pressure_im_size_required[0]*HEAD_BEND_TAXEL/64 + low_horiz head_points_L = [np.rint(v_p_bend_calib[0]).astype(np.uint16) - 3 - HORIZ_CUT + 4, 380-np.rint(u_p_bend_calib[0] - head_bend_loc - 3).astype(np.uint16) - pre_VERT_CUT + 4] # np.copy([head_points1[2][0] - decrease_from_orig_len, head_points1[2][1] - increase_across_pmat]) head_points_R = [np.rint(v_p_bend_calib[1]).astype(np.uint16) + 4 - HORIZ_CUT - 4, 380-np.rint(u_p_bend_calib[1] - head_bend_loc - 3).astype(np.uint16) - pre_VERT_CUT + 4] # np.copy([head_points1[3][0] - decrease_from_orig_len, head_points1[3][1] + increase_across_pmat]) legs_points_pre = [pressure_im_size_required[0] * 64 / 64 - pressure_im_size_required[0] * (64 - LEGS_BEND2_TAXEL) / 64, low_vert] # happens at legs bend2 legs_points_L = [np.rint(v_p_bend[4]).astype(np.uint16) - 3 - HORIZ_CUT + 4, head_bend_loc - pressure_im_size_required[0] * HEAD_BEND_TAXEL / 64 + 560] # happens at legs bottom legs_points_R = [np.rint(v_p_bend[5]).astype(np.uint16) + 4 - HORIZ_CUT - 4, head_bend_loc - pressure_im_size_required[0] * HEAD_BEND_TAXEL / 64 + 560] # happens at legs bottom return [head_points_L, head_points_R, legs_points_L, legs_points_R] def get_3D_coord_from_cam(self, x_coord_from_camcenter, y_coord_from_camcenter, depth_value): f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y = self.new_K_kin[0, 0], self.new_K_kin[1, 1], self.new_K_kin[0, 2], self.new_K_kin[1, 2] X = (x_coord_from_camcenter)*depth_value/f_y Y = (y_coord_from_camcenter)*depth_value/f_x X += 0.418 Y = -Y + 1.0 Z = -depth_value + 1.54 return X, Y, Z def get_pc_from_depthmap(self, bed_angle, zero_location): #bed_angle = 0. #x and y are pixel selections camera_to_bed_dist = 1.6 zero_location += 0.5 zero_location = zero_location.astype(int) x = np.arange(0, 440).astype(float) x = np.tile(x, (880, 1)) y = np.arange(0, 880).astype(float) y = np.tile(y, (440, 1)).T x_coord_from_camcenter = x - self.depthcam_midpixel[0] y_coord_from_camcenter = y - self.depthcam_midpixel[1] depth_value = self.depth_r_orig.astype(float) / 1000 f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y = self.new_K_kin[0, 0], self.new_K_kin[1, 1], self.new_K_kin[0, 2], self.new_K_kin[1, 2] X = (x_coord_from_camcenter) * depth_value / f_y Y = (y_coord_from_camcenter) * depth_value / f_x x_coord_from_camcenter_single = zero_location[0] - self.depthcam_midpixel[0] y_coord_from_camcenter_single = zero_location[1] - self.depthcam_midpixel[1] X_single = (x_coord_from_camcenter_single) * camera_to_bed_dist / f_y Y_single = (y_coord_from_camcenter_single) * camera_to_bed_dist / f_x X -= X_single Y -= (Y_single) Y = -Y Z = -depth_value + camera_to_bed_dist point_cloud = np.stack((Y, X, -Z)) point_cloud = np.swapaxes(point_cloud, 0, 2) point_cloud = np.swapaxes(point_cloud, 0, 1) point_cloud_red = np.zeros((point_cloud.shape[0]/10, point_cloud.shape[1]/10, 3)) for j in range(point_cloud_red.shape[0]): for i in range(point_cloud_red.shape[1]): point_cloud_red[j, i, :] = np.median(np.median(point_cloud[j*10:(j+1)*10, i*10:(i+1)*10, :], axis = 0), axis = 0) self.point_cloud_red = point_cloud_red.reshape(-1, 3) self.point_cloud = point_cloud.reshape(-1, 3) self.point_cloud[:, 0] += PC_WRT_ARTAG_ADJ[0] + ARTAG_WRT_PMAT[0] self.point_cloud[:, 1] += PC_WRT_ARTAG_ADJ[1] + ARTAG_WRT_PMAT[1] self.point_cloud[:, 2] += PC_WRT_ARTAG_ADJ[2] + ARTAG_WRT_PMAT[2] #print point_cloud.shape, 'pc shape' #print point_cloud_red.shape return X, Y, Z def trim_pc_sides(self): pc_autofil_red = self.point_cloud_autofil[self.point_cloud_autofil[:, 1] < 0.9, :] #width of bed pc_autofil_red = pc_autofil_red[pc_autofil_red[:, 1] > -0.05, :] pc_autofil_red = pc_autofil_red[pc_autofil_red[:, 0] > 0.15, :] #up and down bed pc_autofil_red = pc_autofil_red[pc_autofil_red[:, 0] < 2.05, :] #up and down bed return pc_autofil_red def estimate_pose(self, pmat, bedangle, markers_c, model, model2): mat_size = (64, 27) pmat = np.fliplr(np.flipud(np.clip(pmat.reshape(MAT_SIZE)*float(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult']), a_min=0, a_max=100))) if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: pmat = gaussian_filter(pmat, sigma=1.0) pmat_stack = PreprocessingLib().preprocessing_create_pressure_angle_stack_realtime(pmat, 0.0, mat_size) if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: pmat_stack = np.clip(pmat_stack, a_min=0, a_max=100) pmat_stack = np.array(pmat_stack) if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: pmat_contact = np.copy(pmat_stack[:, 0:1, :, :]) pmat_contact[pmat_contact > 0] = 100 pmat_stack = np.concatenate((pmat_contact, pmat_stack), axis=1) weight_input = self.weight_lbs / 2.20462 height_input = (self.height_in * 0.0254 - 1) * 100 batch1 = np.zeros((1, 162)) if self.gender == 'f': batch1[:, 157] += 1 elif self.gender == 'm': batch1[:, 158] += 1 batch1[:, 160] += weight_input batch1[:, 161] += height_input if self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] = False pmat_stack = self.TPL.normalize_network_input(pmat_stack, self.CTRL_PNL) batch1 = self.TPL.normalize_wt_ht(batch1, self.CTRL_PNL) pmat_stack = torch.Tensor(pmat_stack) batch1 = torch.Tensor(batch1) if DROPOUT == True: pmat_stack = pmat_stack.repeat(25, 1, 1, 1) batch1 = batch1.repeat(25, 1) batch = [] batch.append(pmat_stack) batch.append(batch1) NUMOFOUTPUTDIMS = 3 NUMOFOUTPUTNODES_TRAIN = 24 self.output_size_train = (NUMOFOUTPUTNODES_TRAIN, NUMOFOUTPUTDIMS) self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = False scores, INPUT_DICT, OUTPUT_DICT = UnpackBatchLib().unpackage_batch_kin_pass(batch, False, model, self.CTRL_PNL) mdm_est_pos = OUTPUT_DICT['batch_mdm_est'].clone().unsqueeze(1) / 16.69545796387731 mdm_est_neg = OUTPUT_DICT['batch_mdm_est'].clone().unsqueeze(1) / 45.08513083167194 mdm_est_pos[mdm_est_pos < 0] = 0 mdm_est_neg[mdm_est_neg > 0] = 0 mdm_est_neg *= -1 cm_est = OUTPUT_DICT['batch_cm_est'].clone().unsqueeze(1) * 100 / 43.55800622930469 # 1. / 16.69545796387731, # pos est depth # 1. / 45.08513083167194, # neg est depth # 1. / 43.55800622930469, # cm est sc_sample1 = OUTPUT_DICT['batch_targets_est'].clone() sc_sample1 = sc_sample1[0, :].squeeze() / 1000 sc_sample1 = sc_sample1.view(self.output_size_train) #print sc_sample1 if model2 is not None: print "Using model 2" batch_cor = [] batch_cor.append([:, 0:1, :, :], mdm_est_pos.type(torch.FloatTensor), mdm_est_neg.type(torch.FloatTensor), cm_est.type(torch.FloatTensor), pmat_stack[:, 1:, :, :]), dim=1)) if self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'] == False: batch_cor.append(, OUTPUT_DICT['batch_betas_est'].cpu(), OUTPUT_DICT['batch_angles_est'].cpu(), OUTPUT_DICT['batch_root_xyz_est'].cpu()), dim=1)) elif self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'] == True: batch_cor.append(, OUTPUT_DICT['batch_betas_est'].cpu(), OUTPUT_DICT['batch_angles_est'].cpu(), OUTPUT_DICT['batch_root_xyz_est'].cpu(), OUTPUT_DICT['batch_root_atan2_est'].cpu()), dim=1)) self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = True scores, INPUT_DICT, OUTPUT_DICT = UnpackBatchLib().unpackage_batch_kin_pass(batch_cor, False, model2, self.CTRL_PNL) # print betas_est, root_shift_est, angles_est if self.CTRL_PNL['dropout'] == True: print OUTPUT_DICT['verts'].shape smpl_verts = np.mean(OUTPUT_DICT['verts'], axis = 0) dropout_variance = np.std(OUTPUT_DICT['verts'], axis=0) dropout_variance = np.linalg.norm(dropout_variance, axis = 1) else: smpl_verts = OUTPUT_DICT['verts'][0, :, :] dropout_variance = None smpl_verts = np.concatenate((smpl_verts[:, 1:2] - 0.286 + 0.0143, smpl_verts[:, 0:1] - 0.286 + 0.0143, 2*0.075 -smpl_verts[:, 2:3]), axis = 1) smpl_faces = np.array(self.m.f) pc_autofil_red = self.trim_pc_sides() #this is the point cloud q = OUTPUT_DICT['batch_mdm_est'].data.numpy().reshape(OUTPUT_DICT['batch_mdm_est'].size()[0], 64, 27) * -1 q = np.mean(q, axis = 0) camera_point = [1.09898028, 0.46441343, -1.53] if SHOW_SMPL_EST == False: smpl_verts *= 0.001 #print smpl_verts viz_type = "3D" if viz_type == "2D": from visualization_lib import VisualizationLib if model2 is not None: self.im_sample = INPUT_DICT['batch_images'][0, 4:,:].squeeze() * 20. # normalizing_std_constants[4]*5. #pmat else: self.im_sample = INPUT_DICT['batch_images'][0, 1:,:].squeeze() * 20. # normalizing_std_constants[4]*5. #pmat self.im_sample_ext = INPUT_DICT['batch_images'][0, 0:, :].squeeze() * 20. # normalizing_std_constants[0] #pmat contact # self.im_sample_ext2 = INPUT_DICT['batch_images'][im_display_idx, 2:, :].squeeze()*20.#normalizing_std_constants[4] #sobel self.im_sample_ext3 = OUTPUT_DICT['batch_mdm_est'][0, :, :].squeeze().unsqueeze(0) * -1 # est depth output # print scores[0, 10:16], 'scores of body rot' # print self.im_sample.size(), self.im_sample_ext.size(), self.im_sample_ext2.size(), self.im_sample_ext3.size() # self.publish_depth_marker_array(self.im_sample_ext3) self.tar_sample = INPUT_DICT['batch_targets'] self.tar_sample = self.tar_sample[0, :].squeeze() / 1000 sc_sample = OUTPUT_DICT['batch_targets_est'].clone() sc_sample = sc_sample[0, :].squeeze() / 1000 sc_sample = sc_sample.view(self.output_size_train) VisualizationLib().visualize_pressure_map(self.im_sample, sc_sample1, sc_sample, # self.im_sample_ext, None, None, self.im_sample_ext3, None, None, #, self.tar_sample_val, self.sc_sample_val, block=False) time.sleep(4) elif viz_type == "3D": #render everything #self.pyRender.render_mesh_pc_bed_pyrender_everything(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, camera_point, bedangle, # pc = pc_autofil_red, pmat = pmat, smpl_render_points = False, # markers = None, dropout_variance = dropout_variance) #render in 3D pyrender with pressure mat #self.pyRender.render_mesh_pc_bed_pyrender(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, camera_point, bedangle, # pc = None, pmat = pmat, smpl_render_points = False, # facing_cam_only=False, viz_type = None, # markers = None, segment_limbs=False) #render in 3D pyrender with segmented limbs #self.pyRender.render_mesh_pc_bed_pyrender(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, camera_point, bedangle, # pc = None, pmat = None, smpl_render_points = False, # facing_cam_only=False, viz_type = None, # markers = None, segment_limbs=True) #render the error of point cloud points relative to verts #self.Render.eval_dist_render_open3d(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, pc_autofil_red, viz_type = 'pc_error', # camera_point = camera_point, segment_limbs=False) self.Render.render_mesh_pc_bed_pyrender(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, camera_point, bedangle, pc = pc_autofil_red, pmat = None, smpl_render_points = False, facing_cam_only=True, viz_type = 'pc_error', markers = None, segment_limbs=False) #render the error of verts relative to point cloud points #self.Render.eval_dist_render_open3d(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, pc_autofil_red, viz_type = 'mesh_error', # camera_point = camera_point, segment_limbs=False) #self.pyRender.render_mesh_pc_bed_pyrender(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, camera_point, bedangle, # pc = pc_autofil_red, pmat = None, smpl_render_points = False, # facing_cam_only=True, viz_type = 'mesh_error', # markers = None, segment_limbs=False) time.sleep(1) self.point_cloud_array = None #dss = dart_skel_sim.DartSkelSim(render=True, m=self.m, gender = gender, posture = posture, stiffness = stiffness, shiftSIDE = shape_pose_vol[4], shiftUD = shape_pose_vol[5], filepath_prefix=self.filepath_prefix, add_floor = False) #dss.run_simulation(10000) #generator.standard_render() def evaluate_data(self, filename1, filename2=None): self.Render = libRender.pyRenderMesh() self.pyRender = libPyRender.pyRenderMesh() #model = torch.load(filename1, map_location={'cuda:5': 'cuda:0'}) if GPU == True: for i in range(0, 8): try: model = torch.load(filename1, map_location={'cuda:'+str(i):'cuda:0'}) if self.CTRL_PNL['dropout'] == True: model = model.cuda().train() else: model = model.cuda().eval() break except: pass if filename2 is not None: for i in range(0, 8): try: model2 = torch.load(filename2, map_location={'cuda:'+str(i):'cuda:0'}) if self.CTRL_PNL['dropout'] == True: model2 = model2.cuda().train() else: model2 = model2.cuda().eval() break except: pass else: model2 = None else: model = torch.load(filename1, map_location='cpu') if self.CTRL_PNL['dropout'] == True: model = model.train() else: model = model.eval() if filename2 is not None: model2 = torch.load(filename2, map_location='cpu') if self.CTRL_PNL['dropout'] == True: model2 = model2.train() else: model2 = model2.eval() else: model2 = None #function_input = np.array(function_input)*np.array([10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1]) #function_input += np.array([2.2, 32, -1, 1.2, 32, -5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.96, 0.95, 0.8]) function_input = np.array(self.calibration_optim_values)*np.array([10, 10, 10, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) function_input += np.array([1.2, 32, -5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.96, 0.95]) kinect_rotate_angle = function_input[3-3] kinect_shift_up = int(function_input[4-3]) kinect_shift_right = int(function_input[5-3]) camera_alpha_vert = function_input[6-3] camera_alpha_horiz = function_input[7-3] pressure_horiz_scale = function_input[8-3] pressure_vert_scale = function_input[9-3] #head_angle_multiplier = function_input[10-3] #file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_1/all_hevans_data/0905_2_Evening/0255" #file_dir_list = ["/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/test_data/data_072019_0001/"] blah = True #file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/test_data/data_072019_0007" #file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/test_data/data_072019_0006" #file_dir = "/home/henry/ivy_test_data/data_102019_kneeup_0000" #file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_1/CVPR2020_study/P000/data_102019_kneeup_0000" if PARTICIPANT == "P106": file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_"+PARTICIPANT+"_00" #file_dir = "/home/henry/Desktop/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_"+PARTICIPANT+"_000" else: file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2_00" #file_dir = "/home/henry/Desktop/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2_00" file_dir_nums = ["00","01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09"]#,"10"]#,"11","12"] overall_counter = 1 overall_counter_disp = 1 bedstatenpy = [] colornpy = [] config_codenpy = [] date_stampnpy = [] depth_rnpy = [] markersnpy = [] point_cloudnpy = [] pressurenpy = [] time_stampnpy = [] SAVE = True for file_dir_num in file_dir_nums: file_dir_curr = file_dir + file_dir_num print "LOADING", file_dir_curr V3D.load_next_file(file_dir_curr) start_num = 0 print self.color_all.shape #for im_num in range(29, 100): for im_num in range(start_num, self.color_all.shape[0]): if PARTICIPANT == "S103" and overall_counter in [26, 27, 28, 45, 53, 54, 55]:#, 52, 53]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S104" and overall_counter in [49, 50]: #S104 is everything but the last two overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S107" and overall_counter in [25, 50]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S114" and overall_counter in [42, 50]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S118" and overall_counter in [11, 50]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S121" and overall_counter in [7, 47]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S130" and overall_counter in [30, 31, 34, 52, 53, 54, 55]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S134" and overall_counter in [49, 50]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S140" and overall_counter in [49, 50]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S141" and overall_counter in [49, 50]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S145" and overall_counter in [23, 49, 50, 51]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S151" and overall_counter in [9, 48]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S163" and overall_counter in [46, 50]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S165" and overall_counter in [19, 45]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S170" and overall_counter in [49, 50]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S179" and overall_counter in [42, 50]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S184" and overall_counter in [49, 50]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S187" and overall_counter in [39, 50]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S188" and overall_counter in [47, 50]: overall_counter += 1 pass elif PARTICIPANT == "S196" and overall_counter in [20, 36]: overall_counter += 1 pass #elif overall_counter < 41:# and im_num > 0: # overall_counter += 1 # overall_counter_disp += 1 # pass else: print file_dir_curr, " subset count: ", im_num, " overall ct: ", overall_counter_disp, overall_counter overall_counter += 1 overall_counter_disp += 1 self.overall_image_scale_amount = 0.85 half_w_half_l = [0.4, 0.4, 1.1, 1.1] all_image_list = [] self.label_single_image = [] self.label_index = 0 self.color = self.color_all[im_num] self.depth_r = self.depth_r_all[im_num] self.pressure = self.pressure_all[im_num] self.bed_state = self.bedstate_all[im_num] self.point_cloud_autofil = self.point_cloud_autofil_all[im_num] + [0.0, 0.0, 0.1] print self.point_cloud_autofil.shape self.bed_state[0] = self.bed_state[0]#*head_angle_multiplier self.bed_state *= 0 #self.bed_state += 60. print self.bed_state, np.shape(self.pressure) bedstatenpy.append(self.bedstate_all[im_num]) colornpy.append(self.color_all[im_num]) config_codenpy.append(self.config_code_all[im_num]) date_stampnpy.append(self.date_stamp_all[im_num]) depth_rnpy.append(self.depth_r_all[im_num]) markersnpy.append(list(self.markers_all[im_num])) point_cloudnpy.append(self.point_cloud_autofil_all[im_num]) pressurenpy.append(self.pressure_all[im_num]) time_stampnpy.append(self.time_stamp_all[im_num]) if im_num == start_num and blah == True: markers_c = [] markers_c.append(self.markers_all[im_num][0]) markers_c.append(self.markers_all[im_num][1]) markers_c.append(self.markers_all[im_num][2]) markers_c.append(self.markers_all[im_num][3]) for idx in range(4): if markers_c[idx] is not None: markers_c[idx] = np.array(markers_c[idx])*213./228. blah = False # Get the marker points in 2D on the color image u_c, v_c = ArTagLib().color_2D_markers(markers_c, self.new_K_kin) # Get the marker points dropped to the height of the pressure mat u_c_drop, v_c_drop, markers_c_drop = ArTagLib().color_2D_markers_drop(markers_c, self.new_K_kin) # Get the geometry for sizing the pressure mat pmat_ArTagLib = ArTagLib() self.pressure_im_size_required, u_c_pmat, v_c_pmat, u_p_bend, v_p_bend, half_w_half_l = \ pmat_ArTagLib.p_mat_geom(markers_c_drop, self.new_K_kin, self.pressure_im_size_required, self.bed_state, half_w_half_l) tf_corners = np.zeros((8, 2)) tf_corners[0:8,:] = np.copy(self.tf_corners) #COLOR #if self.color is not 0: color_reshaped, color_size = VizLib().color_image(self.color, self.kcam, self.new_K_kin, u_c, v_c, u_c_drop, v_c_drop, u_c_pmat, v_c_pmat, camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz) color_reshaped = imutils.rotate(color_reshaped, kinect_rotate_angle) color_reshaped = color_reshaped[pre_VERT_CUT+kinect_shift_up:-pre_VERT_CUT+kinect_shift_up, HORIZ_CUT+kinect_shift_right : 540 - HORIZ_CUT+kinect_shift_right, :] tf_corners[0:4, :], color_reshaped = self.transform_selected_points(color_reshaped, camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, kinect_rotate_angle, kinect_shift_right, kinect_shift_up, [1.0, 0], [1.0, 0], np.copy(self.tf_corners[0:4][:])) all_image_list.append(color_reshaped) #DEPTH h = VizLib().get_new_K_kin_homography(camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, self.new_K_kin) depth_r_orig = cv2.warpPerspective(self.depth_r, h, (self.depth_r.shape[1], self.depth_r.shape[0])) depth_r_orig = imutils.rotate(depth_r_orig, kinect_rotate_angle) depth_r_orig = depth_r_orig[HORIZ_CUT + kinect_shift_right: 540 - HORIZ_CUT + kinect_shift_right, pre_VERT_CUT - kinect_shift_up:-pre_VERT_CUT - kinect_shift_up] depth_r_reshaped, depth_r_size, depth_r_orig = VizLib().depth_image(depth_r_orig, u_c, v_c) self.depth_r_orig = depth_r_orig self.depthcam_midpixel = [self.new_K_kin[1, 2] - HORIZ_CUT - kinect_shift_right, (960-self.new_K_kin[0, 2]) - pre_VERT_CUT - kinect_shift_up] all_image_list.append(depth_r_reshaped) self.get_pc_from_depthmap(self.bed_state[0], tf_corners[2, :]) #PRESSURE self.pressure = np.clip(self.pressure*4, 0, 100) pressure_reshaped, pressure_size, coords_from_top_left = VizLib().pressure_image(self.pressure, self.pressure_im_size, self.pressure_im_size_required, color_size, u_c_drop, v_c_drop, u_c_pmat, v_c_pmat, u_p_bend, v_p_bend) pressure_shape = pressure_reshaped.shape pressure_reshaped = cv2.resize(pressure_reshaped, None, fx=pressure_horiz_scale, fy=pressure_vert_scale)[0:pressure_shape[0], 0:pressure_shape[1], :] if pressure_horiz_scale < 1.0 or pressure_vert_scale < 1.0: pressure_reshaped_padded = np.zeros(pressure_shape).astype(np.uint8) pressure_reshaped_padded[0:pressure_reshaped.shape[0], 0:pressure_reshaped.shape[1], :] += pressure_reshaped pressure_reshaped = np.copy(pressure_reshaped_padded) coords_from_top_left[0] -= coords_from_top_left[0]*(1-pressure_horiz_scale) coords_from_top_left[1] += (960 - coords_from_top_left[1])*(1-pressure_vert_scale) pressure_reshaped = pressure_reshaped[pre_VERT_CUT:-pre_VERT_CUT, HORIZ_CUT : 540 - HORIZ_CUT, :] all_image_list.append(pressure_reshaped) self.all_images = np.zeros((960-np.abs(pre_VERT_CUT)*2, 1, 3)).astype(np.uint8) for image in all_image_list: print image.shape self.all_images = np.concatenate((self.all_images, image), axis = 1) self.all_images = self.all_images[VERT_CUT : 960 - VERT_CUT, :, :] is_not_mult_4 = True while is_not_mult_4 == True: is_not_mult_4 = cv2.resize(self.all_images, (0, 0), fx=self.overall_image_scale_amount, fy=self.overall_image_scale_amount).shape[1]%4 self.overall_image_scale_amount+= 0.001 coords_from_top_left[0] -= (HORIZ_CUT) coords_from_top_left[1] = 960 - pre_VERT_CUT - coords_from_top_left[1] self.coords_from_top_left = (np.array(coords_from_top_left) * self.overall_image_scale_amount) #print self.coords_from_top_left self.all_images = cv2.resize(self.all_images, (0, 0), fx=self.overall_image_scale_amount, fy=self.overall_image_scale_amount) self.cursor_shift = self.all_images.shape[1]/4 self.all_images_clone = self.all_images.copy() cv2.imshow('all_images', self.all_images) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if SAVE == False: time.sleep(5) #cv2.waitKey(0) #self.estimate_pose(self.pressure, self.bed_state[0], markers_c, model, model2) if SAVE == True:"/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_checked_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2/color.npy", colornpy)"/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_checked_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2/depth_r.npy", depth_rnpy)"/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_checked_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2/pressure.npy", pressurenpy)"/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_checked_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2/bedstate.npy", bedstatenpy)"/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_checked_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2/markers.npy", np.array(markersnpy), allow_pickle=True)"/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_checked_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2/time_stamp.npy", time_stampnpy)"/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_checked_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2/point_cloud.npy", point_cloudnpy)"/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_checked_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2/config_code.npy", config_codenpy)"/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_checked_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2/date_stamp.npy", date_stampnpy)
class Viz3DPose(): def __init__(self, filepath_prefix, participant_directory, htwt): ##load participant info participant_info = load_pickle(participant_directory + "/participant_info.p") print "participant directory: ", participant_directory for entry in participant_info: print entry, participant_info[entry] self.gender = participant_info['gender'] self.height_in = participant_info['height_in'] self.weight_lbs = participant_info['weight_lbs'] self.adj_2 = participant_info['adj_2'] if self.gender == "m": model_path = '/home/henry/git/SMPL_python_v.1.0.0/smpl/models/basicModel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl' else: model_path = '/home/henry/git/SMPL_python_v.1.0.0/smpl/models/basicModel_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl' self.m = load_model(model_path) self.m.pose[41] = -np.pi / 6 * 0.9 self.m.pose[44] = np.pi / 6 * 0.9 self.m.pose[50] = -np.pi / 3 * 0.9 self.m.pose[53] = np.pi / 3 * 0.9 self.ALL_VERTS = np.array(self.m.r) #participant_directory2 = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/S187" #participant_info2 = load_pickle(participant_directory2+"/participant_info.p") self.calibration_optim_values = participant_info['cal_func'] #self.calibration_optim_values = [-0.171537, -4.05880298, -1.51663182, 0.08712198, 0.03664871, 0.09108604, 0.67524232] self.tf_corners = participant_info['corners'] ## Load SMPL model self.filepath_prefix = filepath_prefix self.index_queue = [] if self.gender == "m": model_path = filepath_prefix + '/git/SMPL_python_v.1.0.0/smpl/models/basicModel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl' else: model_path = filepath_prefix + '/git/SMPL_python_v.1.0.0/smpl/models/basicModel_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl' self.reset_pose = False self.m = load_model(model_path) self.marker0, self.marker1, self.marker2, self.marker3 = None, None, None, None self.pressure = None self.markers = [self.marker0, self.marker1, self.marker2, self.marker3] self.point_cloud_array = np.array([[0., 0., 0.]]) self.pc_isnew = False self.CTRL_PNL = {} self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'] = 'anglesDC' self.CTRL_PNL['verbose'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs'] = 101 self.CTRL_PNL['incl_inter'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['shuffle'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] = htwt self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] = 3 self.CTRL_PNL['GPU'] = GPU self.CTRL_PNL['dtype'] = dtype self.CTRL_PNL['repeat_real_data_ct'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['regr_angles'] = 1 self.CTRL_PNL['dropout'] = DROPOUT self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] = True self.CTRL_PNL[ 'depth_map_input_est'] = False #rue #do this if we're working in a two-part regression self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = self.CTRL_PNL[ 'depth_map_input_est'] #holds betas and root same as prior estimate self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['clip_betas'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['mesh_bottom_dist'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'] = True #False self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] = True #False self.CTRL_PNL['all_tanh_activ'] = True #False self.CTRL_PNL['L2_contact'] = True #False self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'] = int(5) self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['output_only_prev_est'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['double_network_size'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['first_pass'] = True if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL[ 'incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = False #if there's calibration noise we need to recompute this every batch self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 if self.CTRL_PNL[ 'depth_map_input_est'] == True: #for a two part regression self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 3 self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels_batch0'] = np.copy( self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels']) if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 2 if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 pmat_std_from_mult = [ 'N/A', 11.70153502792190, 19.90905848383454, 23.07018866032369, 0.0, 25.50538629767412 ] if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: sobel_std_from_mult = [ 'N/A', 29.80360490415032, 33.33532963163579, 34.14427844692501, 0.0, 34.86393494050921 ] else: sobel_std_from_mult = [ 'N/A', 45.61635847182483, 77.74920396659292, 88.89398421073700, 0.0, 97.90075708182506 ] self.CTRL_PNL['norm_std_coeffs'] = [ 1. / 41.80684362163343, #contact 1. / 16.69545796387731, #pos est depth 1. / 45.08513083167194, #neg est depth 1. / 43.55800622930469, #cm est 1. / pmat_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat x5 1. / sobel_std_from_mult[int(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'])], #pmat sobel 1. / 1.0, #bed height mat 1. / 1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1. / 1.0, #OUTPUT DO NOTHING 1. / 30.216647403350, #weight 1. / 14.629298141231 ] #height self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/henry/' if self.CTRL_PNL[ 'depth_map_output'] == True: # we need all the vertices if we're going to regress the depth maps self.verts_list = "all" self.TPL = TensorPrepLib() self.count = 0 self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/henry/' self.CTRL_PNL['aws'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['lock_root'] = False self.bridge = CvBridge() self.color, self.depth_r, self.pressure = 0, 0, 0 self.kinect_im_size = (960, 540) self.pressure_im_size = (64, 27) self.pressure_im_size_required = (64, 27) # initialization of kinect and thermal cam calibrations from YAML files dist_model = 'rational_polynomial' self.kcam = Camera('kinect', self.kinect_im_size, dist_model) self.kcam.init_from_yaml( osp.expanduser( '~/catkin_ws/src/multimodal_pose/calibrations/kinect.yaml')) # we are at qhd not hd so need to cut the focal lengths and centers in half self.kcam.K[0:2, 0:3] = self.kcam.K[0:2, 0:3] / 2 # print self.kcam.K self.new_K_kin, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix( self.kcam.K, self.kcam.D, self.kinect_im_size, 1, self.kinect_im_size) #print self.new_K_kin self.drawing = False # true if mouse is pressed self.mode = True # if True, draw rectangle. Press 'm' to toggle to curve self.ix, self.iy = -1, -1 self.label_index = 0 self.coords_from_top_left = [0, 0] self.overall_image_scale_amount = 0.85 self.depthcam_midpixel = [0, 0] self.depthcam_midpixel2 = [0, 0] self.select_new_calib_corners = {} self.select_new_calib_corners["lay"] = True self.select_new_calib_corners["sit"] = True self.calib_corners = {} self.calib_corners["lay"] = 8 * [[0, 0]] self.calib_corners["sit"] = 8 * [[0, 0]] self.final_dataset = {} self.filler_taxels = [] for i in range(28): for j in range(65): self.filler_taxels.append([i - 1, j - 1, 20000]) self.filler_taxels = np.array(self.filler_taxels).astype(int) def load_next_file(self, newpath): print "loading existing npy files in the new path...." time_orig = time.time() self.color_all = np.load(newpath + "/color.npy") self.depth_r_all = np.load(newpath + "/depth_r.npy") self.pressure_all = np.load(newpath + "/pressure.npy") self.bedstate_all = np.load(newpath + "/bedstate.npy") self.markers_all = np.load(newpath + "/markers.npy", allow_pickle=True) self.time_stamp_all = np.load(newpath + "/time_stamp.npy") self.point_cloud_autofil_all = np.load(newpath + "/point_cloud.npy") #self.config_code_all = np.load(newpath+"/config_code.npy") print "Finished. Time taken: ", time.time() - time_orig def transform_selected_points(self, image, camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, angle, right, up, h_scale_cut, v_scale_cut, coords_subset): h_scale = h_scale_cut[0] h_cut = h_scale_cut[1] v_scale = v_scale_cut[0] v_cut = v_scale_cut[1] tf_coords_subset = np.copy(coords_subset) #print camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, HORIZ_CUT, VERT_CUT, pre_VERT_CUT, right h = VizLib().get_new_K_kin_homography(camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, self.new_K_kin, flip_vert=-1) for i in range(4): new_coords = np.matmul( h, np.array([ tf_coords_subset[i, 1] + pre_VERT_CUT, tf_coords_subset[i, 0] + HORIZ_CUT, 1 ])) new_coords = new_coords / new_coords[2] tf_coords_subset[i, 0] = new_coords[1] - HORIZ_CUT tf_coords_subset[i, 1] = new_coords[0] - pre_VERT_CUT tf_coords_subset[ i, 1] = (tf_coords_subset[i, 1] - image.shape[0] / 2) * np.cos( np.deg2rad(angle)) - ( tf_coords_subset[i, 0] - image.shape[1] / 2) * np.sin( np.deg2rad(angle)) + image.shape[0] / 2 - up tf_coords_subset[ i, 0] = (tf_coords_subset[i, 1] - image.shape[0] / 2) * np.sin( np.deg2rad(angle)) + ( tf_coords_subset[i, 0] - image.shape[1] / 2) * np.cos( np.deg2rad(angle)) + image.shape[1] / 2 - right tf_coords_subset[ i, 0] = h_scale * (tf_coords_subset[i][0] + h_cut) - h_cut tf_coords_subset[ i, 1] = v_scale * (tf_coords_subset[i][1] + v_cut) - v_cut image[int(tf_coords_subset[i][1] + 0.5) - 2:int(tf_coords_subset[i][1] + 0.5) + 2, int(tf_coords_subset[i][0] + 0.5) - 2:int(tf_coords_subset[i][0] + 0.5) + 2, :] = 255 return tf_coords_subset, image def rotate_selected_head_points(self, pressure_im_size_required, u_c_pmat, v_c_pmat, u_p_bend, v_p_bend, u_p_bend_calib, v_p_bend_calib): low_vert = np.rint(v_c_pmat[2]).astype(np.uint16) low_horiz = np.rint(u_c_pmat[1]).astype(np.uint16) legs_bend_loc2 = pressure_im_size_required[0] * 20 / 64 + low_horiz HEAD_BEND_TAXEL = 41 # measured from the bottom of the pressure mat LEGS_BEND2_TAXEL = 20 #measured from the bottom of the pressure mat head_bend_loc = pressure_im_size_required[ 0] * HEAD_BEND_TAXEL / 64 + low_horiz head_points_L = [ np.rint(v_p_bend_calib[0]).astype(np.uint16) - 3 - HORIZ_CUT + 4, 380 - np.rint(u_p_bend_calib[0] - head_bend_loc - 3).astype(np.uint16) - pre_VERT_CUT + 4 ] # np.copy([head_points1[2][0] - decrease_from_orig_len, head_points1[2][1] - increase_across_pmat]) head_points_R = [ np.rint(v_p_bend_calib[1]).astype(np.uint16) + 4 - HORIZ_CUT - 4, 380 - np.rint(u_p_bend_calib[1] - head_bend_loc - 3).astype(np.uint16) - pre_VERT_CUT + 4 ] # np.copy([head_points1[3][0] - decrease_from_orig_len, head_points1[3][1] + increase_across_pmat]) legs_points_pre = [ pressure_im_size_required[0] * 64 / 64 - pressure_im_size_required[0] * (64 - LEGS_BEND2_TAXEL) / 64, low_vert ] # happens at legs bend2 legs_points_L = [ np.rint(v_p_bend[4]).astype(np.uint16) - 3 - HORIZ_CUT + 4, head_bend_loc - pressure_im_size_required[0] * HEAD_BEND_TAXEL / 64 + 560 ] # happens at legs bottom legs_points_R = [ np.rint(v_p_bend[5]).astype(np.uint16) + 4 - HORIZ_CUT - 4, head_bend_loc - pressure_im_size_required[0] * HEAD_BEND_TAXEL / 64 + 560 ] # happens at legs bottom return [head_points_L, head_points_R, legs_points_L, legs_points_R] def get_pc_from_depthmap(self, bed_angle, zero_location): # print zero_location, 'zero loc' #transform 3D pc using homography! #bed_angle = 0. #x and y are pixel selections zero_location += 0.5 zero_location = zero_location.astype(int) x = np.arange(0, 440).astype(float) x = np.tile(x, (880, 1)) y = np.arange(0, 880).astype(float) y = np.tile(y, (440, 1)).T x_coord_from_camcenter = x - self.depthcam_midpixel[0] y_coord_from_camcenter = y - self.depthcam_midpixel[1] #here try transforming the 2D representation before we move on to 3D depth_value = self.depth_r_orig.astype(float) / 1000 f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y = self.new_K_kin[0, 0], self.new_K_kin[ 1, 1], self.new_K_kin[0, 2], self.new_K_kin[1, 2] X = (x_coord_from_camcenter) * depth_value / f_y Y = (y_coord_from_camcenter) * depth_value / f_x x_coord_from_camcenter_single = zero_location[ 0] - self.depthcam_midpixel[0] y_coord_from_camcenter_single = zero_location[ 1] - self.depthcam_midpixel[1] X_single = (x_coord_from_camcenter_single) * CAM_BED_DIST / f_y Y_single = (y_coord_from_camcenter_single) * CAM_BED_DIST / f_x #print X_single, Y_single, 'Y single' X -= X_single Y -= (Y_single) Y = -Y Z = -depth_value + CAM_BED_DIST point_cloud = np.stack((Y, X, -Z)) point_cloud = np.swapaxes(point_cloud, 0, 2) point_cloud = np.swapaxes(point_cloud, 0, 1) point_cloud_red = np.zeros( (point_cloud.shape[0] / 10, point_cloud.shape[1] / 10, 3)) for j in range(point_cloud_red.shape[0]): for i in range(point_cloud_red.shape[1]): point_cloud_red[j, i, :] = np.median(np.median( point_cloud[j * 10:(j + 1) * 10, i * 10:(i + 1) * 10, :], axis=0), axis=0) self.point_cloud_red = point_cloud_red.reshape(-1, 3) self.point_cloud = point_cloud.reshape(-1, 3) self.point_cloud[:, 0] += PC_WRT_ARTAG_ADJ[0] + ARTAG_WRT_PMAT[0] self.point_cloud[:, 1] += PC_WRT_ARTAG_ADJ[1] + ARTAG_WRT_PMAT[1] self.point_cloud[:, 2] += PC_WRT_ARTAG_ADJ[2] + ARTAG_WRT_PMAT[2] #print point_cloud.shape, 'pc shape' #print point_cloud_red.shape return X, Y, Z def trim_pc_sides(self, tf_corners, camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, h, kinect_rot_cw): f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y = self.new_K_kin[0, 0], self.new_K_kin[ 1, 1], self.new_K_kin[0, 2], self.new_K_kin[1, 2] #for i in range(3): # print np.min(self.point_cloud_autofil[:, i]), np.max(self.point_cloud_autofil[:, i]) self.point_cloud_autofil[:, 0] = self.point_cloud_autofil[:, 0] # - 0.17 - 0.036608 #CALIBRATE THE POINT CLOUD HERE pc_autofil_red = np.copy(self.point_cloud_autofil) if pc_autofil_red.shape[0] == 0: pc_autofil_red = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) #warp it by the homography i.e. rotate a bit pc_autofil_red -= [0.0, 0.0, CAM_BED_DIST] theta_1 = np.arctan((camera_alpha_vert - 1) * CAM_BED_DIST / (270 * CAM_BED_DIST / f_y)) / 2 #short side short_side_rot = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, np.cos(theta_1), -np.sin(theta_1)], [0.0, np.sin(theta_1), np.cos(theta_1)]]) pc_autofil_red = np.matmul(pc_autofil_red, short_side_rot) #[0:3, :] theta_2 = np.arctan((1 - camera_alpha_horiz) * CAM_BED_DIST / (270 * CAM_BED_DIST / f_x)) / 2 #long side long_side_rot = np.array([[np.cos(theta_2), 0.0, np.sin(theta_2)], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-np.sin(theta_2), 0.0, np.cos(theta_2)]]) pc_autofil_red = np.matmul(pc_autofil_red, long_side_rot) #[0:3, :] pc_autofil_red += [0.0, 0.0, CAM_BED_DIST] #add the warping translation X_single1 = h[0, 2] * CAM_BED_DIST / f_y Y_single1 = h[1, 2] * CAM_BED_DIST / f_x print X_single1, Y_single1 pc_autofil_red += [-Y_single1 / 2, -X_single1 / 2, 0.0] #rotate normal to the bed angle = kinect_rot_cw * np.pi / 180. z_rot_mat = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0], [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle), 0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) pc_autofil_red = np.matmul(pc_autofil_red, z_rot_mat) #[0:3, :] #translate by the picture shift amount in the x and y directions #print np.min(pc_autofil_red[:, 0]), np.max(pc_autofil_red[:, 0]), "Y min max" #print self.tf_corners[2], self.depthcam_midpixel2 #translate from the 0,0 being the camera to 0,0 being the left corner of the bed measured by the clicked point zero_location = np.copy( self.tf_corners[2]) #TF corner needs to be manipulated! x_coord_from_camcenter_single = zero_location[ 0] - self.depthcam_midpixel2[0] y_coord_from_camcenter_single = zero_location[ 1] - self.depthcam_midpixel2[1] X_single2 = ( x_coord_from_camcenter_single) * CAM_BED_DIST / f_y #shift dim Y_single2 = ( y_coord_from_camcenter_single) * CAM_BED_DIST / f_x #long dim pc_autofil_red += [Y_single2, -X_single2, -CAM_BED_DIST] #adjust to fit to the lower left corner step 2 pc_autofil_red += [self.adj_2[0], self.adj_2[1], 0.0] #pc_autofil_red = np.swapaxes(np.array(self.pc_all).reshape(3, 440*880), 0, 1) #print np.min(pc_autofil_red[:, 0]), np.max(pc_autofil_red[:, 0]), "Y min max" #cut off everything that's not overlying the bed. pc_autofil_red = pc_autofil_red[pc_autofil_red[:, 1] > 0.0, :] pc_autofil_red = pc_autofil_red[pc_autofil_red[:, 1] < 0.0286 * 27, :] pc_autofil_red = pc_autofil_red[pc_autofil_red[:, 0] > 0.0, :] #up and down bed pc_autofil_red = pc_autofil_red[pc_autofil_red[:, 0] < 0.0286 * 64 * 1.04, :] #up and down bed #adjust it by a half taxel width #pc_autofil_red += [0.0143, 0.0143, 0.0] return pc_autofil_red def estimate_pose(self, pmat, bedangle, markers_c, tf_corners, camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, h, kinect_rot_cw): mat_size = (64, 27) pmat = np.fliplr( np.flipud( np.clip(pmat.reshape(MAT_SIZE) * float(5), a_min=0, a_max=100))) if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: pmat = gaussian_filter(pmat, sigma=0.5) pmat_stack = PreprocessingLib( ).preprocessing_create_pressure_angle_stack_realtime( pmat, 0.0, mat_size) if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: pmat_stack = np.clip(pmat_stack, a_min=0, a_max=100) pmat_stack = np.array(pmat_stack) if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: pmat_contact = np.copy(pmat_stack[:, 0:1, :, :]) pmat_contact[pmat_contact > 0] = 100 pmat_stack = np.concatenate((pmat_contact, pmat_stack), axis=1) weight_input = self.weight_lbs / 2.20462 height_input = (self.height_in * 0.0254 - 1) * 100 batch1 = np.zeros((1, 162)) if self.gender == 'f': batch1[:, 157] += 1 elif self.gender == 'm': batch1[:, 158] += 1 batch1[:, 160] += weight_input batch1[:, 161] += height_input if self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] = False pmat_stack = self.TPL.normalize_network_input( pmat_stack, self.CTRL_PNL) batch1 = self.TPL.normalize_wt_ht(batch1, self.CTRL_PNL) pmat_stack = torch.Tensor(pmat_stack) batch1 = torch.Tensor(batch1) if DROPOUT == True: pmat_stack = pmat_stack.repeat(25, 1, 1, 1) batch1 = batch1.repeat(25, 1) batch = [] batch.append(pmat_stack) batch.append(batch1) NUMOFOUTPUTDIMS = 3 NUMOFOUTPUTNODES_TRAIN = 24 self.output_size_train = (NUMOFOUTPUTNODES_TRAIN, NUMOFOUTPUTDIMS) dropout_variance = None smpl_verts = np.concatenate( (self.ALL_VERTS[:, 1:2] + 0.0143 + 32 * 0.0286 + .286, self.ALL_VERTS[:, 0:1] + 0.0143 + 13.5 * 0.0286, -self.ALL_VERTS[:, 2:3]), axis=1) smpl_faces = np.array(self.m.f) pc_autofil_red = self.trim_pc_sides( tf_corners, camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, h, kinect_rot_cw) #this is the point cloud camera_point = [1.09898028, 0.46441343, -CAM_BED_DIST] if SHOW_SMPL_EST == False: smpl_verts *= 0.001 #print smpl_verts print np.min(smpl_verts[:, 0]), np.max(smpl_verts[:, 0]) print np.min(smpl_verts[:, 1]), np.max(smpl_verts[:, 1]) print np.min(smpl_verts[:, 2]), np.max(smpl_verts[:, 2]) #render everything self.RESULTS_DICT = self.pyRender.render_mesh_pc_bed_pyrender_everything( smpl_verts, smpl_faces, camera_point, bedangle, self.RESULTS_DICT, pc=pc_autofil_red, pmat=pmat, smpl_render_points=False, markers=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.5, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], dropout_variance=dropout_variance) #render in 3D pyrender with pressure mat #self.pyRender.render_mesh_pc_bed_pyrender(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, camera_point, bedangle, # pc = None, pmat = pmat, smpl_render_points = False, # facing_cam_only=False, viz_type = None, # markers = None, segment_limbs=False) #render in 3D pyrender with segmented limbs #self.pyRender.render_mesh_pc_bed_pyrender(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, camera_point, bedangle, # pc = None, pmat = None, smpl_render_points = False, # facing_cam_only=False, viz_type = None, # markers = None, segment_limbs=True) #render the error of point cloud points relative to verts #self.Render.eval_dist_render_open3d(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, pc_autofil_red, viz_type = 'pc_error', # camera_point = camera_point, segment_limbs=False) #self.pyRender.render_mesh_pc_bed_pyrender(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, camera_point, bedangle, # pc = pc_autofil_red, pmat = None, smpl_render_points = False, # facing_cam_only=True, viz_type = 'pc_error', # markers = None, segment_limbs=False) #render the error of verts relative to point cloud points #self.Render.eval_dist_render_open3d(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, pc_autofil_red, viz_type = 'mesh_error', # camera_point = camera_point, segment_limbs=False) #self.pyRender.render_mesh_pc_bed_pyrender(smpl_verts, smpl_faces, camera_point, bedangle, # pc = pc_autofil_red, pmat = None, smpl_render_points = False, # facing_cam_only=True, viz_type = 'mesh_error', # markers = None, segment_limbs=False) time.sleep(1) self.point_cloud_array = None #dss = dart_skel_sim.DartSkelSim(render=True, m=self.m, gender = gender, posture = posture, stiffness = stiffness, shiftSIDE = shape_pose_vol[4], shiftUD = shape_pose_vol[5], filepath_prefix=self.filepath_prefix, add_floor = False) #dss.run_simulation(10000) #generator.standard_render() #print self.RESULTS_DICT['v_limb_to_gt_err'] #print self.RESULTS_DICT['precision'] #print np.mean(self.RESULTS_DICT['precision']) def evaluate_data(self, filename1): #self.Render = libRender.pyRenderMesh(render = False) self.pyRender = libPyRender.pyRenderMesh(render=False) #function_input = np.array(function_input)*np.array([10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1]) #function_input += np.array([2.2, 32, -1, 1.2, 32, -5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.96, 0.95, 0.8]) function_input = np.array(self.calibration_optim_values) * np.array( [10, 10, 10, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) function_input += np.array([1.2, 32, -5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.96, 0.95]) kinect_rotate_angle = function_input[3 - 3] kinect_shift_up = int(function_input[4 - 3]) # - 40 kinect_shift_right = int(function_input[5 - 3]) # - 20 camera_alpha_vert = function_input[6 - 3] camera_alpha_horiz = function_input[7 - 3] pressure_horiz_scale = function_input[8 - 3] pressure_vert_scale = function_input[9 - 3] #head_angle_multiplier = function_input[10-3] #print kinect_shift_up, kinect_shift_right, "SHIFT UP RIGHT" #print pressure_horiz_scale, pressure_vert_scale, "PRESSURE SCALES" #1.04 for one too far to left #file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_1/all_hevans_data/0905_2_Evening/0255" #file_dir_list = ["/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/test_data/data_072019_0001/"] blah = True #file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/test_data/data_072019_0007" #file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/test_data/data_072019_0006" #file_dir = "/home/henry/ivy_test_data/data_102019_kneeup_0000" #file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_1/CVPR2020_study/P000/data_102019_kneeup_0000" if PARTICIPANT == "P106": #file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_1/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_"+PARTICIPANT+"_000" file_dir = "/home/henry/Desktop/CVPR2020_study/" + PARTICIPANT + "/data_" + PARTICIPANT + "_000" file_dirs = [ #file_dir+str(0), file_dir + str(1), file_dir + str(2), file_dir + str(3), file_dir + str(4), file_dir + str(5) ] else: #file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_1/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2_000" file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/" + PARTICIPANT + "/data_checked_" + PARTICIPANT + "-" + POSE_TYPE file_dirs = [file_dir] #file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_1/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_"+PARTICIPANT+"-2_000" #file_dir = "/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/CVPR2020_study/"+PARTICIPANT+"/data_"+PARTICIPANT+"-C_0000" #file_dirs = [file_dir] self.RESULTS_DICT = {} self.RESULTS_DICT['body_roll_rad'] = [] self.RESULTS_DICT['v_to_gt_err'] = [] self.RESULTS_DICT['v_limb_to_gt_err'] = [] self.RESULTS_DICT['gt_to_v_err'] = [] self.RESULTS_DICT['precision'] = [] self.RESULTS_DICT['recall'] = [] self.RESULTS_DICT['overlap_d_err'] = [] self.RESULTS_DICT['all_d_err'] = [] self.RESULTS_DICT['betas'] = [] init_time = time.time() for file_dir in file_dirs: V3D.load_next_file(file_dir) start_num = 0 #print self.color_all.shape #for im_num in range(29, 100): for im_num in range(start_num, self.color_all.shape[0]): #For P188: skip 5. 13 good cross legs print "NEXT IM!", im_num, " ", time.time() - init_time if PARTICIPANT == "S114" and POSE_TYPE == "2" and im_num in [ 26, 29 ]: continue #these don't have point clouds if PARTICIPANT == "S165" and POSE_TYPE == "2" and im_num in [ 1, 3, 15 ]: continue #these don't have point clouds if PARTICIPANT == "S188" and POSE_TYPE == "2" and im_num in [ 5, 17, 21 ]: continue #good picks: 103 - 6 good for what info is there #151 11 is good #179 - 7 is great #187 natural poses very good #196 - 11 has great smile :) self.overall_image_scale_amount = 0.85 half_w_half_l = [0.4, 0.4, 1.1, 1.1] all_image_list = [] self.label_single_image = [] self.label_index = 0 self.color = self.color_all[im_num] self.depth_r = self.depth_r_all[im_num] self.pressure = self.pressure_all[im_num] self.bed_state = self.bedstate_all[im_num] if self.point_cloud_autofil_all[im_num].shape[0] == 0: self.point_cloud_autofil_all[im_num] = np.array( [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) self.point_cloud_autofil = self.point_cloud_autofil_all[ im_num] + self.markers_all[im_num][ 2] #[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]#0.1] #print self.markers_all[im_num] #print self.point_cloud_autofil.shape, 'PC AUTOFIL ORIG' self.bed_state[ 0] = self.bed_state[0] * 0.0 #*head_angle_multiplier self.bed_state *= 0 #self.bed_state += 60. #print self.bed_state, np.shape(self.pressure) if im_num == start_num and blah == True: markers_c = [] markers_c.append(self.markers_all[im_num][0]) markers_c.append(self.markers_all[im_num][1]) markers_c.append(self.markers_all[im_num][2]) markers_c.append(self.markers_all[im_num][3]) #for idx in range(4): #if markers_c[idx] is not None: #markers_c[idx] = np.array(markers_c[idx])*213./228. blah = False #print markers_c, 'Markers C' # Get the marker points in 2D on the color image u_c, v_c = ArTagLib().color_2D_markers(markers_c, self.new_K_kin) # Get the marker points dropped to the height of the pressure mat u_c_drop, v_c_drop, markers_c_drop = ArTagLib( ).color_2D_markers_drop(markers_c, self.new_K_kin) #print markers_c_drop, self.new_K_kin, self.pressure_im_size_required, self.bed_state, half_w_half_l # Get the geometry for sizing the pressure mat pmat_ArTagLib = ArTagLib() self.pressure_im_size_required, u_c_pmat, v_c_pmat, u_p_bend, v_p_bend, half_w_half_l = \ pmat_ArTagLib.p_mat_geom(markers_c_drop, self.new_K_kin, self.pressure_im_size_required, self.bed_state, half_w_half_l) tf_corners = np.zeros((8, 2)) tf_corners[0:8, :] = np.copy(self.tf_corners) #COLOR #if self.color is not 0: color_reshaped, color_size = VizLib().color_image( self.color, self.kcam, self.new_K_kin, u_c, v_c, u_c_drop, v_c_drop, u_c_pmat, v_c_pmat, camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz) color_reshaped = imutils.rotate(color_reshaped, kinect_rotate_angle) color_reshaped = color_reshaped[pre_VERT_CUT + kinect_shift_up:-pre_VERT_CUT + kinect_shift_up, HORIZ_CUT + kinect_shift_right:540 - HORIZ_CUT + kinect_shift_right, :] tf_corners[ 0:4, :], color_reshaped = self.transform_selected_points( color_reshaped, camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, kinect_rotate_angle, kinect_shift_right, kinect_shift_up, [1.0, 0], [1.0, 0], np.copy(self.tf_corners[0:4][:])) all_image_list.append(color_reshaped) #DEPTH h = VizLib().get_new_K_kin_homography(camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, self.new_K_kin) depth_r_orig = cv2.warpPerspective( self.depth_r, h, (self.depth_r.shape[1], self.depth_r.shape[0])) depth_r_orig = imutils.rotate(depth_r_orig, kinect_rotate_angle) depth_r_orig = depth_r_orig[HORIZ_CUT + kinect_shift_right:540 - HORIZ_CUT + kinect_shift_right, pre_VERT_CUT - kinect_shift_up:-pre_VERT_CUT - kinect_shift_up] depth_r_reshaped, depth_r_size, depth_r_orig = VizLib( ).depth_image(depth_r_orig, u_c, v_c) self.depth_r_orig = depth_r_orig self.depthcam_midpixel = [ self.new_K_kin[1, 2] - HORIZ_CUT - kinect_shift_right, (960 - self.new_K_kin[0, 2]) - pre_VERT_CUT - kinect_shift_up ] self.depthcam_midpixel2 = [ self.new_K_kin[1, 2] - HORIZ_CUT, (960 - self.new_K_kin[0, 2]) - pre_VERT_CUT ] #print h, "H" #warping perspective #print kinect_rotate_angle #the amount to rotate counterclockwise about normal vector to the bed #print kinect_shift_right, kinect_shift_up #pixel shift of depth im. convert this to meters based on depth of depth_r_orig_nowarp = imutils.rotate(self.depth_r, 0) depth_r_orig_nowarp = depth_r_orig_nowarp[HORIZ_CUT + 0:540 - HORIZ_CUT + 0, pre_VERT_CUT - 0:-pre_VERT_CUT - 0] depth_r_reshaped_nowarp, depth_r_size, depth_r_orig_nowarp = VizLib( ).depth_image(depth_r_orig_nowarp, u_c, v_c) #this just does two rotations all_image_list.append(depth_r_reshaped) all_image_list.append(depth_r_reshaped_nowarp) X, Y, Z = self.get_pc_from_depthmap(self.bed_state[0], tf_corners[2, :]) #print self.pressure_im_size_required, color_size, u_c_drop, v_c_drop, u_c_pmat, v_c_pmat, u_p_bend, v_p_bend #PRESSURE #pressure_vert_scale = 1.0 #pressure_horiz_scale = 1.0 self.pressure = np.clip(self.pressure * 4, 0, 100) pressure_reshaped, pressure_size, coords_from_top_left = VizLib( ).pressure_image(self.pressure, self.pressure_im_size, self.pressure_im_size_required, color_size, u_c_drop, v_c_drop, u_c_pmat, v_c_pmat, u_p_bend, v_p_bend) pressure_shape = pressure_reshaped.shape pressure_reshaped = cv2.resize( pressure_reshaped, None, fx=pressure_horiz_scale, fy=pressure_vert_scale)[0:pressure_shape[0], 0:pressure_shape[1], :] if pressure_horiz_scale < 1.0 or pressure_vert_scale < 1.0: pressure_reshaped_padded = np.zeros(pressure_shape).astype( np.uint8) pressure_reshaped_padded[ 0:pressure_reshaped.shape[0], 0:pressure_reshaped.shape[1], :] += pressure_reshaped pressure_reshaped = np.copy(pressure_reshaped_padded) coords_from_top_left[0] -= coords_from_top_left[0] * ( 1 - pressure_horiz_scale) coords_from_top_left[1] += (960 - coords_from_top_left[1]) * ( 1 - pressure_vert_scale) pressure_reshaped = pressure_reshaped[ pre_VERT_CUT:-pre_VERT_CUT, HORIZ_CUT:540 - HORIZ_CUT, :] all_image_list.append(pressure_reshaped) self.all_images = np.zeros( (960 - np.abs(pre_VERT_CUT) * 2, 1, 3)).astype(np.uint8) for image in all_image_list: #print image.shape self.all_images = np.concatenate((self.all_images, image), axis=1) self.all_images = self.all_images[VERT_CUT:960 - VERT_CUT, :, :] is_not_mult_4 = True while is_not_mult_4 == True: is_not_mult_4 = cv2.resize( self.all_images, (0, 0), fx=self.overall_image_scale_amount, fy=self.overall_image_scale_amount).shape[1] % 4 self.overall_image_scale_amount += 0.001 coords_from_top_left[0] -= (HORIZ_CUT) coords_from_top_left[ 1] = 960 - pre_VERT_CUT - coords_from_top_left[1] self.coords_from_top_left = (np.array(coords_from_top_left) * self.overall_image_scale_amount) #print self.coords_from_top_left self.all_images = cv2.resize( self.all_images, (0, 0), fx=self.overall_image_scale_amount, fy=self.overall_image_scale_amount) self.cursor_shift = self.all_images.shape[1] / 4 self.all_images_clone = self.all_images.copy() cv2.imshow('all_images', self.all_images) k = cv2.waitKey(1) #cv2.waitKey(0) self.pc_all = [Y, X, -Z] #print np.shape(self.pc_all), "PC ALL SHAPE" self.estimate_pose(self.pressure, self.bed_state[0], markers_c, tf_corners, camera_alpha_vert, camera_alpha_horiz, h, kinect_rotate_angle) pkl.dump( self.RESULTS_DICT, open( '/media/henry/multimodal_data_2/data/final_results/results_real_' + PARTICIPANT + '_' + POSE_TYPE + '_' + NETWORK_2 + '.p', 'wb'))
def __init__(self, training_database_file_f, training_database_file_m, opt): '''Opens the specified pickle files to get the combined dataset: This dataset is a dictionary of pressure maps with the corresponding 3d position and orientation of the markers associated with it.''' # change this to 'direct' when you are doing baseline methods self.CTRL_PNL = {} self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'] = opt.losstype self.CTRL_PNL['verbose'] = opt.verbose self.opt = opt self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size'] = 128 self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs'] = 201 self.CTRL_PNL['incl_inter'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['shuffle'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['lock_root'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] = 3 self.CTRL_PNL['GPU'] = GPU self.CTRL_PNL['dtype'] = dtype repeat_real_data_ct = 3 self.CTRL_PNL['regr_angles'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['aws'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] = True #can only be true if we have 100% synthetic data for training self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels_test'] = True #can only be true is we have 100% synth for testing self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] = self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] = False #do this if we're working in a two-part regression self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'] = self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] #holds betas and root same as prior estimate self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['clip_betas'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['mesh_bottom_dist'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['normalize_input'] = True self.CTRL_PNL['all_tanh_activ'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['L2_contact'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'] = int(3) self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] = True if opt.losstype == 'direct': self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] = False self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: #self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult'] = int(1) #self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] = False #if there's calibration noise we need to recompute this every batch self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = False if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_pmat_cntct_input'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] == True: #for a two part regression self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 3 self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels_batch0'] = np.copy(self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels']) if self.CTRL_PNL['incl_ht_wt_channels'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 2 if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: self.CTRL_PNL['num_input_channels'] += 1 self.CTRL_PNL['filepath_prefix'] = '/home/henry/' if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_output'] == True: #we need all the vertices if we're going to regress the depth maps self.verts_list = "all" else: self.verts_list = [1325, 336, 1032, 4515, 1374, 4848, 1739, 5209, 1960, 5423] print self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs'], 'NUM EPOCHS!' # Entire pressure dataset with coordinates in world frame self.save_name = '_' + opt.losstype + \ '_synth_32000' + \ '_' + str(self.CTRL_PNL['batch_size']) + 'b' + \ '_' + str(self.CTRL_PNL['num_epochs']) + 'e' self.mat_size = (NUMOFTAXELS_X, NUMOFTAXELS_Y) self.output_size_train = (NUMOFOUTPUTNODES_TRAIN, NUMOFOUTPUTDIMS) self.output_size_val = (NUMOFOUTPUTNODES_TEST, NUMOFOUTPUTDIMS) self.parents = np.array([4294967295, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]).astype(np.int32) #################################### PREP TRAINING DATA ########################################## #load training ysnth data dat_f_synth = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database(training_database_file_f, 'synth') dat_m_synth = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database(training_database_file_m, 'synth') dat_f_real = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database(training_database_file_f, 'real') dat_m_real = TensorPrepLib().load_files_to_database(training_database_file_m, 'real') self.train_x_flat = [] # Initialize the testing pressure mat list self.train_x_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_images(self.train_x_flat, dat_f_synth, dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1) self.train_x_flat = list(np.clip(np.array(self.train_x_flat) * float(self.CTRL_PNL['pmat_mult']), a_min=0, a_max=100)) self.train_x_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_images(self.train_x_flat, dat_f_real, dat_m_real, num_repeats = repeat_real_data_ct) if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == False: self.train_x_flat = PreprocessingLib().preprocessing_blur_images(self.train_x_flat, self.mat_size, sigma=0.5) if len(self.train_x_flat) == 0: print("NO TRAINING DATA INCLUDED") self.train_a_flat = [] # Initialize the training pressure mat angle list self.train_a_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_angles(self.train_a_flat, dat_f_synth, dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1) self.train_a_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_angles(self.train_a_flat, dat_f_real, dat_m_real, num_repeats = repeat_real_data_ct) if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_labels'] == True: self.depth_contact_maps = [] #Initialize the precomputed depth and contact maps. only synth has this label. self.depth_contact_maps = TensorPrepLib().prep_depth_contact(self.depth_contact_maps, dat_f_synth, dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1) else: self.depth_contact_maps = None if self.CTRL_PNL['depth_map_input_est'] == True: self.depth_contact_maps_input_est = [] #Initialize the precomputed depth and contact map input estimates self.depth_contact_maps_input_est = TensorPrepLib().prep_depth_contact_input_est(self.depth_contact_maps_input_est, dat_f_synth, dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1) self.depth_contact_maps_input_est = TensorPrepLib().prep_depth_contact_input_est(self.depth_contact_maps_input_est, dat_f_real, dat_m_real, num_repeats = repeat_real_data_ct) else: self.depth_contact_maps_input_est = None #self.CTRL_PNL['clip_sobel'] = False #stack the bed height array on the pressure image as well as a sobel filtered image train_xa = PreprocessingLib().preprocessing_create_pressure_angle_stack(self.train_x_flat, self.train_a_flat, self.mat_size, self.CTRL_PNL) #print np.shape(train_xa), 'shape@' train_xa = np.array(train_xa) if self.CTRL_PNL['cal_noise'] == True: train_xa[:, 0, :, :] = np.array(PreprocessingLib().preprocessing_blur_images(list(np.array(train_xa)[:, 0, :, :]), self.mat_size, sigma=0.5)).reshape(-1, self.mat_size[0], self.mat_size[1]) train_xa[:, 1, :, :] = np.array(PreprocessingLib().preprocessing_blur_images(list(np.array(train_xa)[:, 1, :, :]), self.mat_size, sigma=0.5)).reshape(-1, self.mat_size[0], self.mat_size[1]) #stack the depth and contact mesh images (and possibly a pmat contact image) together train_xa = TensorPrepLib().append_input_depth_contact(np.array(train_xa), CTRL_PNL = self.CTRL_PNL, mesh_depth_contact_maps_input_est = self.depth_contact_maps_input_est, mesh_depth_contact_maps = self.depth_contact_maps) self.train_x = train_xa self.train_y_flat = [] # Initialize the training ground truth list self.train_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels(self.train_y_flat, dat_f_synth, num_repeats = 1, z_adj = -0.075, gender = "f", is_synth = True, loss_vector_type = self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est = self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'], full_body_rot=self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot']) self.train_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels(self.train_y_flat, dat_m_synth, num_repeats = 1, z_adj = -0.075, gender = "m", is_synth = True, loss_vector_type = self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est = self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'], full_body_rot=self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot']) self.train_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels(self.train_y_flat, dat_f_real, num_repeats = repeat_real_data_ct, z_adj = 0.0, gender = "m", is_synth = False, loss_vector_type = self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est = self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'], full_body_rot=self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot']) self.train_y_flat = TensorPrepLib().prep_labels(self.train_y_flat, dat_m_real, num_repeats = repeat_real_data_ct, z_adj = 0.0, gender = "m", is_synth = False, loss_vector_type = self.CTRL_PNL['loss_vector_type'], initial_angle_est = self.CTRL_PNL['adjust_ang_from_est'], full_body_rot=self.CTRL_PNL['full_body_rot'])