def test_blocks_to_seconds(): import terracoinlib from decimal import Decimal precision = Decimal('0.001') assert Decimal(terracoinlib.blocks_to_seconds(0)) == Decimal(0.0) assert Decimal(terracoinlib.blocks_to_seconds(2)).quantize(precision) \ == Decimal(314.4).quantize(precision) assert int(terracoinlib.blocks_to_seconds(16616)) == 2612035
def is_expired(self, superblockcycle=None): from constants import SUPERBLOCK_FUDGE_WINDOW import terracoinlib if not superblockcycle: raise Exception("Required field superblockcycle missing.") printdbg("In Proposal#is_expired, for Proposal: %s" % self.__dict__) now = printdbg("\tnow = %s" % now) # half the SB cycle, converted to seconds # add the fudge_window in seconds, defined elsewhere in Sentinel expiration_window_seconds = int( (terracoinlib.blocks_to_seconds(superblockcycle) / 2) + SUPERBLOCK_FUDGE_WINDOW) printdbg("\texpiration_window_seconds = %s" % expiration_window_seconds) # "fully expires" adds the expiration window to end time to ensure a # valid proposal isn't excluded from SB by cutting it too close fully_expires_at = self.end_epoch + expiration_window_seconds printdbg("\tfully_expires_at = %s" % fully_expires_at) if (fully_expires_at < now): printdbg("\tProposal end_epoch [%s] < now [%s] , returning True" % (self.end_epoch, now)) return True printdbg("Leaving Proposal#is_expired, Expired = False") return False
def estimate_block_time(self, height): import terracoinlib """ Called by block_height_to_epoch if block height is in the future. Call `block_height_to_epoch` instead of this method. DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY if you don't want a "Oh Noes." exception. """ current_block_height = self.rpc_command('getblockcount') diff = height - current_block_height if (diff < 0): raise Exception("Oh Noes.") future_seconds = terracoinlib.blocks_to_seconds(diff) estimated_epoch = int(time.time() + future_seconds) return estimated_epoch