def concatenateImages_cli(listImagesIn, outputname, options=None): """ Runs the ConcatenateImages OTB application. Keyword arguments: listImagesIn -- list of images to concatenates outputname -- output image """ if listImagesIn and outputname: command = os.path.join(prefix, "otbcli ") command += " ConcatenateImages " args = " -il " + " ".join(["\"" + f + "\"" for f in listImagesIn]) args += " -out " + "\"" + outputname + "\"" if options: args += " uint16 ""command: " + command) # os.system( command ) # terre_image_utils.run_process(command) if == "posix": # os.system( command ) command += args terre_image_run_process.run_process(command) else: terre_image_run_process.run_otb_app("ConcatenateImages", args)
def kmeans_cli(image, nbClass, outputDirectory): """ pass """ filenameWithoutExtension = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(image)[0]) output = os.path.join(outputDirectory, filenameWithoutExtension + "_kmeans_" + str(nbClass) + ".tif") # + temp[index:] if not os.path.isfile(output): if image and nbClass and outputDirectory: command = os.path.join(prefix, "otbcli") command += " KMeansClassification " args = " -in " + "\"" + image + "\"" args += " -out " + "\"" + output + "\"" args += " -nc " + str(nbClass) args += " -rand " + str(42)"command: " + command) if == "posix": command += args terre_image_run_process.run_process(command) else: terre_image_run_process.run_otb_app("KMeansClassification", args) return output
def bandmath_cli(images, expression, output_filename): """ This function applies otbcli_BandMath to image with the given expression Keyword arguments: image -- raster layer to process expression -- expression to apply outputDirectory -- working directory keyword -- keyword for output file name """ command = os.path.join(prefix, "otbcli ") command += " BandMath " args = " -il " for image in images: args += "\"" + image + "\"" + " " args += " -exp " + str(expression) args += " -out " + "\"" + output_filename + "\"""command: " + command) if == "posix": command += args terre_image_run_process.run_process(command) else: terre_image_run_process.run_otb_app("BandMath", args)
def gdal_translate_get_one_band(image_in, band_number, working_dir): """ Runs gdal translate to get the band_number of the image_in TODO: working dir """ output_image_one_band = os.path.join(working_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_in))[0] + "-b" + str(band_number) + os.path.splitext(image_in)[1]) if not os.path.isfile(output_image_one_band): command_gdal = "gdal_translate -b " + str(band_number) + " " + "\"" + image_in + "\"" + " " + "\"" + output_image_one_band + "\"""command_gdal" + command_gdal) # os.system( command_gdal ) terre_image_run_process.run_process(command_gdal) return output_image_one_band
def compute_overviews(filename): """ Runs gdaladdo on the given filename """ if not os.path.isfile(filename + ".ovr"): command = "gdaladdo " command += " -ro " command += "\"" + filename + "\"" command += " 2 4 8 16" logger.debug("command to run" + command) # os.system(command) terre_image_run_process.run_process(command)
def get_sensor_id(image): currentOs = # if currentOs == "posix": command = "otbcli ReadImageInfo " # -in " + image # + " | grep \"sensor:\"" # else: # command = "otbcli ReadImageInfo -in " + image #+ " | findstr \"sensor:\"" args = " -in " + image if currentOs == "posix": command += args result_sensor = terre_image_run_process.run_process(command) else: result_sensor = terre_image_run_process.run_otb_app("ReadImageInfo", args) if result_sensor: # type(result_sensor) = PyQt4.QtCore.QByteArray for line in str(result_sensor).splitlines(): if "sensor" in line: # sensor_line = result_sensor[0] sensor ='sensor: ([a-zA-Z \d]+)$', line) if sensor: # group 1 parce qu'on a demande qqchose de particulier a la regexpr a cause des () sensor = return sensor
def get_sensor_id(image): currentOs = # if currentOs == "posix": command = "otbcli ReadImageInfo " # -in " + image # + " | grep \"sensor:\"" # else: # command = "otbcli ReadImageInfo -in " + image #+ " | findstr \"sensor:\"" args = " -in " + image if currentOs == "posix": command += args result_sensor = terre_image_run_process.run_process(command) else: result_sensor = terre_image_run_process.run_otb_app( "ReadImageInfo", args) if result_sensor: # type(result_sensor) = PyQt4.QtCore.QByteArray for line in str(result_sensor).splitlines(): if "sensor" in line: # sensor_line = result_sensor[0] sensor ='sensor: ([a-zA-Z \d]+)$', line) if sensor: # group 1 parce qu'on a demande qqchose de particulier a la regexpr a cause des () sensor = return sensor
def gdal_translate_get_one_band(image_in, band_number, working_dir): """ Runs gdal translate to get the band_number of the image_in TODO: working dir """ output_image_one_band = os.path.join( working_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_in))[0] + "-b" + str(band_number) + os.path.splitext(image_in)[1]) if not os.path.isfile(output_image_one_band): command_gdal = "gdal_translate -b " + str( band_number ) + " " + "\"" + image_in + "\"" + " " + "\"" + output_image_one_band + "\"""command_gdal" + command_gdal) # os.system( command_gdal ) terre_image_run_process.run_process(command_gdal) return output_image_one_band
def otbcli_export_kmz(filename, working_directory): output_kmz = os.path.join( working_directory, os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) + ".kmz") if not os.path.isfile(output_kmz): command = os.path.join(prefix, "otbcli ") command += "KmzExport " args = " -in " + "\"" + filename + "\"" args += " -out " + "\"" + output_kmz + "\"""command: " + command) terre_image_run_process.run_process(command) if == "posix": command += args terre_image_run_process.run_process(command) else: terre_image_run_process.run_otb_app("KmzExport", args) output_kmz = os.path.join( working_directory, os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) + "xt.kmz") return output_kmz
def color_mapping_cli_ref_image(image_to_color, reference_image, working_dir): output_filename = os.path.join( working_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_to_color)) [0]) + "colored.tif" # + os.path.splitext(image_to_color)[0] if not os.path.isfile(output_filename): command = os.path.join(prefix, "otbcli") command += " ColorMapping " args = " -in " + "\"" + image_to_color + "\"" args += " -out " + "\"" + output_filename + "\" uint8" args += " -method \"image\"" args += " " + "\"" + reference_image + "\"""command: " + command) if == "posix": command += args terre_image_run_process.run_process(command) else: terre_image_run_process.run_otb_app("ColorMapping", args) return output_filename