def records() -> RecordList: """ Just a list of simple records, ready to be used as messages. """ return [(rand_text(8), { "a": rand_text(64), "b": random.randint(0, 1000) }) for _ in range(15)]
def topic_and_partitions( request, confluent_admin_client: AdminClient, running_cluster_config: Dict[str, str]) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, int]]: """ Creates a kafka topic consisting of a random 5 character string and being partition into 1, 2 or 4 partitions. Then it yields the tuple (topic, n_partitions). Prints topic information before and after topic was used by a test. :return: Topic and number of partitions within it. """ topic_id = rand_text(5) partitions = request.param confluent_admin_client.create_topics( [NewTopic(topic_id, num_partitions=partitions, replication_factor=1)]) yield topic_id, partitions confluent_admin_client.delete_topics( [NewTopic(topic_id, num_partitions=partitions, replication_factor=1)])