def test_join_lobby_9_3(): token = logIn.getToken_Iatoy() response ="/lobby/3/", headers={"Authorization": token}, json={}) assert response.status_code == 202 assert response.json()["joinLobby_name"] == "lobby_WO_Max_players"
def test_leave_lobby(): token = logIn.getToken_Iatoy() response = client.delete("/lobby/1", headers={"Authorization": token}, json={}) assert response.status_code == 202 assert response.json()["responseText"] == " You left lobby 1"
def test_leave_lobby_UNL(): token = logIn.getToken_Iatoy() response = client.delete("/lobby/2", headers={"Authorization": token}, json={}) assert response.status_code == 409 assert response.json()["detail"] == " You are not in the provided lobby"
def test_leave_lobby_DNE(): token = logIn.getToken_Iatoy() response = client.delete("/lobby/0", headers={"Authorization": token}, json={}) assert response.status_code == 409 assert response.json( )["detail"] == " The lobby you selected does not exist"
def test_change_nick_lobby_NIL(): token = logIn.getToken_Iatoy() new_nick = "1xxx" response ="/lobby/2/change_nick", headers={"Authorization": token}, json={"nick": new_nick}) assert response.status_code == 412 assert response.json( )["detail"] == " You are not in the lobby you selected (2)"
def test_change_nick_Max(): token = logIn.getToken_Iatoy() new_nick = "1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" response ="/lobby/1/change_nick", headers={"Authorization": token}, json={"nick": new_nick}) assert response.status_code == 412 assert response.json( )["detail"] == " Your Nick must have between 4 and 20 characters"
def test_change_nick_points(): token = logIn.getToken_Iatoy() new_nick = "9xxx" response ="/lobby/1/change_nick", headers={"Authorization": token}, json={"nick": new_nick}) assert response.status_code == 412 assert response.json( )["detail"] == " You changed your nick too many times >:C"
def test_change_nick_10(): token = logIn.getToken_Iatoy() new_nick = "10xx" puntos = 0 response ="/lobby/1/change_nick", headers={"Authorization": token}, json={"nick": new_nick}) assert response.status_code == 202 assert response.json()["responseText"] == ( f" Your nick has been sucessfully changed to {new_nick}, you can change it {puntos} more times" )