Пример #1
def test_auxpow(nodes):
    Test behaviour of getauxpow.  Calling getauxpow should reserve
    a key from the pool, but it should be released again if the
    created block is not actually used.  On the other hand, if the
    auxpow is submitted and turned into a block, the keypool should
    be drained.

    nodes[0].walletpassphrase('test', 12000)
    assert_equal (nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], 1)

    assert_equal (nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], 1)
    assert_equal (nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], 1)
    auxblock = nodes[0].getauxblock()
    assert_equal (nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], 1)

    target = reverseHex(auxblock['_target'])
    solved = computeAuxpow(auxblock['hash'], target, True)
    res = nodes[0].getauxblock(auxblock['hash'], solved)
    assert res
    assert_equal(nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], 0)

    assert_raises_rpc_error(-12, 'Keypool ran out', nodes[0].getauxblock)
Пример #2
    def test_auxpow(self, nodes):
        Test behaviour of getauxpow.  Calling getauxpow should reserve
        a key from the pool, but it should be released again if the
        created block is not actually used.  On the other hand, if the
        auxpow is submitted and turned into a block, the keypool should
        be drained.

        extraKeys = 0
        if self.options.descriptors:
            extraKeys = 12

        nodes[0].walletpassphrase('test', 12000)
        assert_equal(nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], 1 + extraKeys)

        assert_equal(nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], extraKeys)
        assert_equal(nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], extraKeys)
        auxblock = nodes[0].getauxblock()
        assert_equal(nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], extraKeys)

        target = reverseHex(auxblock['_target'])
        solved = computeAuxpow(auxblock['hash'], target, True)
        res = nodes[0].getauxblock(auxblock['hash'], solved)
        assert res
        assert_equal(nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], extraKeys)

        assert_raises_rpc_error(-12, 'Keypool ran out', nodes[0].getauxblock)
Пример #3
    def addAuxpow(self, block, blkHash, ok):
    Fills in the auxpow for the given block message.  It is either
    chosen to be valid (ok = True) or invalid (ok = False).

        target = b"%064x" % uint256_from_compact(block.nBits)
        auxpowHex = computeAuxpow(blkHash, target, ok)
        block.auxpow = CAuxPow()

        return block
Пример #4
  def addAuxpow (self, block, blkHash, ok):
    Fills in the auxpow for the given block message.  It is either
    chosen to be valid (ok = True) or invalid (ok = False).

    target = b"%064x" % uint256_from_compact (block.nBits)
    auxpowHex = computeAuxpow (blkHash, target, ok)
    block.auxpow = CAuxPow ()
    block.auxpow.deserialize (BytesIO (hex_str_to_bytes (auxpowHex)))

    return block
Пример #5
    def addAuxpow(self, block, blkHash, ok):
    Fills in the auxpow for the given block message.  It is either
    chosen to be valid (ok = True) or invalid (ok = False).

        tmpl = self.nodes[0].getauxblock()
        target = reverseHex(tmpl["_target"])

        auxpowHex = computeAuxpow(blkHash, target, ok)
        block.auxpow = CAuxPow()

        return block
Пример #6
    def createBlock(self):
    Creates and mines a new block with auxpow.

        bestHash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()
        bestBlock = self.nodes[0].getblock(bestHash)
        tip = int(bestHash, 16)
        height = bestBlock["height"] + 1
        time = bestBlock["time"] + 1

        block = create_block(tip, create_coinbase(height), time)
        newHash = "%064x" % block.sha256

        target = b"%064x" % uint256_from_compact(block.powData.nBits)
        auxpowHex = computeAuxpow(newHash, target, True)

        return block, newHash
Пример #7
  def createBlock (self):
    Creates and mines a new block with auxpow.

    bestHash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash ()
    bestBlock = self.nodes[0].getblock (bestHash)
    tip = int (bestHash, 16)
    height = bestBlock["height"] + 1
    time = bestBlock["time"] + 1

    block = create_block (tip, create_coinbase (height), time)
    block.mark_auxpow ()
    block.rehash ()
    newHash = "%064x" % block.sha256

    target = b"%064x" % uint256_from_compact (block.nBits)
    auxpowHex = computeAuxpow (newHash, target, True)
    block.auxpow = CAuxPow ()
    block.auxpow.deserialize (BytesIO (hex_str_to_bytes (auxpowHex)))

    return block, newHash
Пример #8
    def test_common(self, create, submit):
    Common test code that is shared between the tests for getauxblock and the
    createauxblock / submitauxblock method pair.

        # Verify data that can be found in another way.
        auxblock = create()
        assert_equal(auxblock['chainid'], 1)
        assert_equal(auxblock['height'], self.nodes[0].getblockcount() + 1)
                     self.nodes[0].getblockhash(auxblock['height'] - 1))

        # Calling again should give the same block.
        auxblock2 = create()
        assert_equal(auxblock2, auxblock)

        # If we receive a new block, the old hash will be replaced.
        auxblock2 = create()
        assert auxblock['hash'] != auxblock2['hash']
        assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, 'block hash unknown', submit,
                                auxblock['hash'], "x")

        # Invalid format for auxpow.
        assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, None, submit, auxblock2['hash'], "x")

        # Invalidate the block again, send a transaction and query for the
        # auxblock to solve that contains the transaction.
        addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr, 1)
        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(), [txid])
        auxblock = create()
        target = reverseHex(auxblock['_target'])

        # Cross-check target value with GBT to make explicitly sure that it is
        # correct (not just implicitly by successfully mining blocks for it
        # later on).
        gbt = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({"rules": ["segwit"]})
        assert_equal(target, gbt['target'].encode("ascii"))

        # Compute invalid auxpow.
        apow = computeAuxpow(auxblock['hash'], target, False)
        res = submit(auxblock['hash'], apow)
        assert not res

        # Compute and submit valid auxpow.
        apow = computeAuxpow(auxblock['hash'], target, True)
        res = submit(auxblock['hash'], apow)
        assert res

        # Make sure that the block is indeed accepted.
        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(), [])
        height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount()
        assert_equal(height, auxblock['height'])
        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockhash(height), auxblock['hash'])

        # Call getblock and verify the auxpow field.
        data = self.nodes[1].getblock(auxblock['hash'])
        assert 'auxpow' in data
        auxJson = data['auxpow']
        assert_equal(auxJson['index'], 0)
        assert_equal(auxJson['chainindex'], 0)
        assert_equal(auxJson['merklebranch'], [])
        assert_equal(auxJson['chainmerklebranch'], [])
        assert_equal(auxJson['parentblock'], apow[-160:])

        # Also previous blocks should have 'auxpow', since all blocks (also
        # those generated by "generate") are merge-mined.
        oldHash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(100)
        data = self.nodes[1].getblock(oldHash)
        assert 'auxpow' in data

        # Check that it paid correctly to the first node.
        t = self.nodes[0].listtransactions("*", 1)
        assert_equal(len(t), 1)
        t = t[0]
        assert_equal(t['category'], "immature")
        assert_equal(t['blockhash'], auxblock['hash'])
        assert t['generated']
        assert_greater_than_or_equal(t['amount'], Decimal("1"))
        assert_equal(t['confirmations'], 1)

        # Verify the coinbase script.  Ensure that it includes the block height
        # to make the coinbase tx unique.  The expected block height is around
        # 200, so that the serialisation of the CScriptNum ends in an extra 00.
        # The vector has length 2, which makes up for 02XX00 as the serialised
        # height.  Check this.  (With segwit, the height is different, so we skip
        # this for simplicity.)
        if not self.options.segwit:
            blk = self.nodes[1].getblock(auxblock['hash'])
            tx = self.nodes[1].getrawtransaction(blk['tx'][0], 1)
            coinbase = tx['vin'][0]['coinbase']
            assert_equal("02%02x00" % auxblock['height'], coinbase[0:6])
Пример #9
    def test_auxpow(nodes):
        Test behaviour of getauxpow.  Calling getauxpow should reserve
        a key from the pool, but it should be released again if the
        created block is not actually used.  On the other hand, if the
        auxpow is submitted and turned into a block, the keypool should
        be drained.

        nodes[0].walletpassphrase('test', 12000)
        assert_equal(nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], 1)

        assert_equal(nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], 1)
        assert_equal(nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], 1)
        auxblock = nodes[0].getauxblock()
        assert_equal(nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], 1)

        target = reverseHex(auxblock['_target'])
        solved = computeAuxpow(auxblock['hash'], target, True)
        res = nodes[0].getauxblock(auxblock['hash'], solved)
        assert res
        assert_equal(nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['keypoolsize'], 0)

        assert_raises_rpc_error(-12, 'Keypool ran out', nodes[0].getauxblock)

        # drain the internal keys
        addr = set()
        # the next one should fail
        assert_raises_rpc_error(-12, "Keypool ran out",

        # drain the external keys
        assert len(addr) == 6
        # the next one should fail
            -12, "Error: Keypool ran out, please call keypoolrefill first",

        # refill keypool with three new addresses
        nodes[0].walletpassphrase('test', 1)

        # test walletpassphrase timeout
        assert_equal(nodes[0].getwalletinfo()["unlocked_until"], 0)

        # drain the keypool
        for _ in range(3):
        assert_raises_rpc_error(-12, "Keypool ran out", nodes[0].getnewaddress)

        nodes[0].walletpassphrase('test', 100)
        wi = nodes[0].getwalletinfo()
        assert_equal(wi['keypoolsize_hd_internal'], 100)
        assert_equal(wi['keypoolsize'], 100)
Пример #10
  def test_common (self, create, submit):
    Common test code that is shared between the tests for getauxblock and the
    createauxblock / submitauxblock method pair.

    # Verify data that can be found in another way.
    auxblock = create ()
    assert_equal (auxblock['chainid'], 1)
    assert_equal (auxblock['height'], self.nodes[0].getblockcount () + 1)
    assert_equal (auxblock['previousblockhash'],
                  self.nodes[0].getblockhash (auxblock['height'] - 1))

    # Calling again should give the same block.
    auxblock2 = create ()
    assert_equal (auxblock2, auxblock)

    # If we receive a new block, the old hash will be replaced.
    self.sync_all ()
    self.nodes[1].generate (1)
    self.sync_all ()
    auxblock2 = create ()
    assert auxblock['hash'] != auxblock2['hash']
    assert_raises_rpc_error (-8, 'block hash unknown', submit,
                             auxblock['hash'], "x")

    # Invalid format for auxpow.
    assert_raises_rpc_error (-1, None, submit,
                             auxblock2['hash'], "x")

    # Invalidate the block again, send a transaction and query for the
    # auxblock to solve that contains the transaction.
    self.nodes[0].generate (1)
    addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress ()
    txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress (addr, 1)
    self.sync_all ()
    assert_equal (self.nodes[1].getrawmempool (), [txid])
    auxblock = create ()
    target = reverseHex (auxblock['_target'])

    # Cross-check target value with GBT to make explicitly sure that it is
    # correct (not just implicitly by successfully mining blocks for it
    # later on).
    gbt = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate ({"rules": ["segwit"]})
    assert_equal (target, gbt['target'].encode ("ascii"))

    # Compute invalid auxpow.
    apow = computeAuxpow (auxblock['hash'], target, False)
    res = submit (auxblock['hash'], apow)
    assert not res

    # Compute and submit valid auxpow.
    apow = computeAuxpow (auxblock['hash'], target, True)
    res = submit (auxblock['hash'], apow)
    assert res

    # Make sure that the block is indeed accepted.
    self.sync_all ()
    assert_equal (self.nodes[1].getrawmempool (), [])
    height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount ()
    assert_equal (height, auxblock['height'])
    assert_equal (self.nodes[1].getblockhash (height), auxblock['hash'])

    # Call getblock and verify the auxpow field.
    data = self.nodes[1].getblock (auxblock['hash'])
    assert 'auxpow' in data
    auxJson = data['auxpow']
    assert_equal (auxJson['chainindex'], 0)
    assert_equal (auxJson['merklebranch'], [])
    assert_equal (auxJson['chainmerklebranch'], [])
    assert_equal (auxJson['parentblock'], apow[-160:])

    # Also previous blocks should have 'auxpow', since all blocks (also
    # those generated by "generate") are merge-mined.
    oldHash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash (100)
    data = self.nodes[1].getblock (oldHash)
    assert 'auxpow' in data

    # Check that it paid correctly to the first node.
    t = self.nodes[0].listtransactions ("*", 1)
    assert_equal (len (t), 1)
    t = t[0]
    assert_equal (t['category'], "immature")
    assert_equal (t['blockhash'], auxblock['hash'])
    assert t['generated']
    assert_greater_than_or_equal (t['amount'], Decimal ("1"))
    assert_equal (t['confirmations'], 1)

    # Verify the coinbase script.  Ensure that it includes the block height
    # to make the coinbase tx unique.  The expected block height is around
    # 200, so that the serialisation of the CScriptNum ends in an extra 00.
    # The vector has length 2, which makes up for 02XX00 as the serialised
    # height.  Check this.  (With segwit, the height is different, so we skip
    # this for simplicity.)
    if not self.options.segwit:
      blk = self.nodes[1].getblock (auxblock['hash'])
      tx = self.nodes[1].getrawtransaction (blk['tx'][0], True, blk['hash'])
      coinbase = tx['vin'][0]['coinbase']
      assert_equal ("02%02x00" % auxblock['height'], coinbase[0 : 6])
Пример #11
    def test_common(self, create, submit):
        # Verify data that can be found in another way.
        auxblock = create()
        assert_equal(auxblock['chainid'], 0x2137)
        assert_equal(auxblock['height'], self.nodes[0].getblockcount() + 1)
                     self.nodes[0].getblockhash(auxblock['height'] - 1))

        # Calling again should give the same block.
        auxblock2 = create()
        assert_equal(auxblock2, auxblock)

        # If we receive a new block, the old hash will be replaced.
        auxblock2 = create()
        assert auxblock['hash'] != auxblock2['hash']
        assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, 'block hash unknown', submit,
                                auxblock['hash'], "x")

        # Invalid format for auxpow.
        assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, None, submit, auxblock2['hash'], "x")

        # Invalidate the block again, send a transaction and query for the
        # auxblock to solve that contains the transaction.
        addr = "THG2uNG2VASsFWK4DmpZZpkwKtC5Qjkyoo"
        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr, 1)
        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(), [txid])
        auxblock = create()
        target = b"%064x" % uint256_from_compact(int(auxblock['bits'], 16))

        # Compute invalid auxpow
        apow = computeAuxpow(auxblock['hash'], target, False)
        res = submit(auxblock['hash'], apow)
        assert not res

        # Compute valid auxpow
        apow = computeAuxpow(auxblock['hash'], target, True)
        res = submit(auxblock['hash'], apow)
        assert res

        # Make sure that the block is indeed accepted.
        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(), [])
        height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount()
        assert_equal(height, auxblock['height'])
        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockhash(height), auxblock['hash'])

        # Call getblock and verify the auxpow field.
        data = self.nodes[1].getblock(auxblock['hash'])
        assert 'auxheader' in data
        auxJson = data['auxheader']
        assert_equal(auxJson['chainindex'], 0)
        assert_equal(auxJson['merklebranch'], [])
        assert_equal(auxJson['chainmerklebranch'], [])
        assert_equal(auxJson['parentblock'], apow[-160:])

        # Also previous blocks should have 'auxpow', since all blocks (also
        # those generated by "generate") are merge-mined.
        oldHash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(100)
        data = self.nodes[1].getblock(oldHash)
        assert 'auxheader' in data

        # Check that it paid correctly to the first node.
        t = self.nodes[0].listtransactions("*", 1)
        assert_equal(len(t), 1)
        t = t[0]
        assert_equal(t['category'], "immature")
        assert_equal(t['blockhash'], auxblock['hash'])
        assert t['generated']
        assert_greater_than_or_equal(t['amount'], Decimal("1"))
        assert_equal(t['confirmations'], 1)

        # Verify the coinbase script.  Ensure that it includes the block height
        # to make the coinbase tx unique.  The expected block height is around
        # 200, so that the serialisation of the CScriptNum ends in an extra 00.
        # The vector has length 2, which makes up for 02XX00 as the serialised
        # height.  Check this.  (With segwit, the height is different, so we skip
        # this for simplicity.)
        if not self.options.segwit:
            blk = self.nodes[1].getblock(auxblock['hash'])
            tx = self.nodes[1].getrawtransaction(blk['tx'][0], True,
            coinbase = tx['vin'][0]['coinbase']
            assert_equal("02%02x00" % auxblock['height'], coinbase[0:6])