def test_read_statistics(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/statistics")) self.assert_success_json(r) data = r.json() self.assertIn('uptime', [e['name'] for e in data]) if is_auth(): print(data) qtype_stats, respsize_stats, queries_stats, rcode_stats = None, None, None, None for elem in data: if elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-by-qtype': qtype_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-sizes': respsize_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'RingStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'queries': queries_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-by-rcode': rcode_stats = elem['value'] self.assertIn('A', [e['name'] for e in qtype_stats]) self.assertIn('60', [e['name'] for e in respsize_stats]) self.assertIn('', [e['name'] for e in queries_stats]) self.assertIn('No Error', [e['name'] for e in rcode_stats])
def test_list_zones(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/servers/localhost/zones")) self.assert_success_json(r) domains = r.json() example_com = [domain for domain in domains if domain['name'] in ('', '')] self.assertEquals(len(example_com), 1) example_com = example_com[0] required_fields = ['id', 'url', 'name', 'kind'] if is_auth(): required_fields = required_fields + ['masters', 'last_check', 'notified_serial', 'serial', 'account'] elif is_recursor(): required_fields = required_fields + ['recursion_desired', 'servers'] for field in required_fields: self.assertIn(field, example_com)
def test_servers_localhost(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost")) self.assert_success_json(r) data = r.json() for k in ('id', 'type', 'version', 'daemon_type', 'url', 'zones_url', 'config_url'): self.assertIn(k, data) self.assertEquals(data['id'], 'localhost') self.assertEquals(data['type'], 'Server') # or 'recursor' for recursors if is_auth(): daemon_type = 'authoritative' elif is_recursor(): daemon_type = 'recursor' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown daemon type') self.assertEquals(data['daemon_type'], daemon_type)
def test_servers_localhost(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost")) self.assert_success_json(r) data = r.json() for k in ('id', 'type', 'version', 'daemon_type', 'url', 'zones_url', 'config_url'): self.assertIn(k, data) self.assertEqual(data['id'], 'localhost') self.assertEqual(data['type'], 'Server') # or 'recursor' for recursors if is_auth(): daemon_type = 'authoritative' elif is_recursor(): daemon_type = 'recursor' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown daemon type') self.assertEqual(data['daemon_type'], daemon_type)
def test_read_statistics(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/statistics")) self.assert_success_json(r) data = r.json() self.assertIn('uptime', [e['name'] for e in data]) if is_auth(): print data qtype_stats, respsize_stats, queries_stats = None, None, None for elem in data: if elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem['name'] == 'queries-by-qtype': qtype_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem['name'] == 'response-sizes': respsize_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'RingStatisticItem' and elem['name'] == 'queries': queries_stats = elem['value'] self.assertIn('A', [e['name'] for e in qtype_stats]) self.assertIn('60', [e['name'] for e in respsize_stats]) self.assertIn('', [e['name'] for e in queries_stats])
'algorithm': algorithm, } if key is not None: payload.update({'key': key}) print("sending", payload) r ="/api/v1/servers/localhost/tsigkeys"), data=json.dumps(payload), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) self.assert_success_json(r) self.assertEquals(r.status_code, 201) reply = r.json() print("reply", reply) return name, payload, reply @unittest.skipIf(not is_auth(), "Not applicable") class AuthTSIG(ApiTestCase, AuthTSIGHelperMixin): def test_create_key(self): """ Create a TSIG key that is generated by the server """ name, payload, data = self.create_tsig_key() for k in ('id', 'name', 'algorithm', 'key', 'type'): self.assertIn(k, data) if k in payload: self.assertEquals(data[k], payload[k]) def test_create_key_with_key_data(self): """ Create a new key with the key data provided """
class Servers(ApiTestCase): def test_list_servers(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers")) self.assert_success_json(r) lst = r.json() self.assertEqual(len(lst), 1) # only localhost allowed in there data = lst[0] for k in ('id', 'daemon_type', 'url'): self.assertIn(k, data) self.assertEqual(data['id'], 'localhost') def test_servers_localhost(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost")) self.assert_success_json(r) data = r.json() for k in ('id', 'type', 'version', 'daemon_type', 'url', 'zones_url', 'config_url'): self.assertIn(k, data) self.assertEqual(data['id'], 'localhost') self.assertEqual(data['type'], 'Server') # or 'recursor' for recursors if is_auth(): daemon_type = 'authoritative' elif is_recursor(): daemon_type = 'recursor' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown daemon type') self.assertEqual(data['daemon_type'], daemon_type) def test_read_config(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/config")) self.assert_success_json(r) data = dict([(r['name'], r['value']) for r in r.json()]) self.assertIn('daemon', data) def test_read_statistics(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/statistics")) self.assert_success_json(r) data = r.json() self.assertIn('uptime', [e['name'] for e in data]) print(data) if is_auth(): qtype_stats, respsize_stats, queries_stats, rcode_stats = None, None, None, None for elem in data: if elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-by-qtype': qtype_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-sizes': respsize_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'RingStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'queries': queries_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-by-rcode': rcode_stats = elem['value'] self.assertIn('A', [e['name'] for e in qtype_stats]) self.assertIn('80', [e['name'] for e in respsize_stats]) self.assertIn('', [e['name'] for e in queries_stats]) self.assertIn('No Error', [e['name'] for e in rcode_stats]) else: qtype_stats, respsize_stats, rcode_stats = None, None, None for elem in data: if elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-by-qtype': qtype_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-sizes': respsize_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-by-rcode': rcode_stats = elem['value'] self.assertIn('A', [e['name'] for e in qtype_stats]) self.assertIn('60', [e['name'] for e in respsize_stats]) self.assertIn('80', [e['name'] for e in respsize_stats]) self.assertIn('No Error', [e['name'] for e in rcode_stats]) def test_read_one_statistic(self): r = self.session.get( self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/statistics?statistic=uptime")) self.assert_success_json(r) data = r.json() self.assertIn('uptime', [e['name'] for e in data]) def test_read_one_non_existent_statistic(self): r = self.session.get( self.url( "/api/v1/servers/localhost/statistics?statistic=uptimeAAAA")) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 422) self.assertIn("Unknown statistic name", r.json()['error']) def test_read_metrics(self): if is_recursor(): res = self.session.get(self.url("/metrics"), auth=('whatever', self.webServerBasicAuthPassword), timeout=2.0) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200) # print(res.text) found = False for line in res.text.splitlines(): if line[0] == "#": continue if line.split(" ")[0] == "pdns_recursor_uptime": found = True self.assertTrue(found, "pdns_recursor_uptime is missing") @unittest.skipIf(is_auth(), "Not applicable") def test_read_statistics_using_password(self): r = requests.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/statistics"), auth=('admin', self.server_web_password)) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, self.assert_success_json(r)
for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is None: del payload[k] else: payload[k] = v print payload r = self.url("/servers/localhost/zones"), data=json.dumps(payload), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) self.assert_success_json(r) self.assertEquals(r.status_code, 201) return payload, r.json() @unittest.skipIf(not is_auth(), "Not applicable") class AuthZones(ApiTestCase, AuthZonesHelperMixin): def test_create_zone(self): # soa_edit_api has a default, override with empty for this test payload, data = self.create_zone(serial=22, soa_edit_api='') for k in ('id', 'url', 'name', 'masters', 'kind', 'last_check', 'notified_serial', 'serial', 'soa_edit_api', 'soa_edit', 'account'): self.assertIn(k, data) if k in payload: self.assertEquals(data[k], payload[k]) self.assertEquals(data['comments'], []) # validate generated SOA self.assertEquals( [r['content'] for r in data['records'] if r['type'] == 'SOA'][0], "a.misconfigured.powerdns.server hostmaster." + payload['name'] + " " + str(payload['serial']) + " 10800 3600 604800 3600"
class Servers(ApiTestCase): def test_list_servers(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers")) self.assert_success_json(r) lst = r.json() self.assertEqual(len(lst), 1) # only localhost allowed in there data = lst[0] for k in ('id', 'daemon_type', 'url'): self.assertIn(k, data) self.assertEqual(data['id'], 'localhost') def test_servers_localhost(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost")) self.assert_success_json(r) data = r.json() for k in ('id', 'type', 'version', 'daemon_type', 'url', 'zones_url', 'config_url'): self.assertIn(k, data) self.assertEqual(data['id'], 'localhost') self.assertEqual(data['type'], 'Server') # or 'recursor' for recursors if is_auth(): daemon_type = 'authoritative' elif is_recursor(): daemon_type = 'recursor' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown daemon type') self.assertEqual(data['daemon_type'], daemon_type) def test_read_config(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/config")) self.assert_success_json(r) data = dict([(r['name'], r['value']) for r in r.json()]) self.assertIn('daemon', data) def test_read_statistics(self): r = self.session.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/statistics")) self.assert_success_json(r) data = r.json() self.assertIn('uptime', [e['name'] for e in data]) print(data) if is_auth(): qtype_stats, respsize_stats, queries_stats, rcode_stats = None, None, None, None for elem in data: if elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-by-qtype': qtype_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-sizes': respsize_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'RingStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'queries': queries_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-by-rcode': rcode_stats = elem['value'] self.assertIn('A', [e['name'] for e in qtype_stats]) self.assertIn('80', [e['name'] for e in respsize_stats]) self.assertIn('', [e['name'] for e in queries_stats]) self.assertIn('No Error', [e['name'] for e in rcode_stats]) else: qtype_stats, respsize_stats, rcode_stats = None, None, None for elem in data: if elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-by-qtype': qtype_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-sizes': respsize_stats = elem['value'] elif elem['type'] == 'MapStatisticItem' and elem[ 'name'] == 'response-by-rcode': rcode_stats = elem['value'] self.assertIn('A', [e['name'] for e in qtype_stats]) self.assertIn('60', [e['name'] for e in respsize_stats]) self.assertIn('80', [e['name'] for e in respsize_stats]) self.assertIn('No Error', [e['name'] for e in rcode_stats]) def test_read_one_statistic(self): r = self.session.get( self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/statistics?statistic=uptime")) self.assert_success_json(r) data = r.json() self.assertIn('uptime', [e['name'] for e in data]) def test_read_one_non_existent_statistic(self): r = self.session.get( self.url( "/api/v1/servers/localhost/statistics?statistic=uptimeAAAA")) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 422) self.assertIn("Unknown statistic name", r.json()['error']) def test_read_metrics(self): if is_recursor(): res = self.session.get(self.url("/metrics"), auth=('whatever', self.webServerBasicAuthPassword), timeout=2.0) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200) # print(res.text) found = False for line in res.text.splitlines(): if line[0] == "#": continue if line.split(" ")[0] == "pdns_recursor_uptime": found = True self.assertTrue(found, "pdns_recursor_uptime is missing") @unittest.skipIf(is_auth(), "Not applicable") def test_read_statistics_using_password(self): r = requests.get(self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/statistics"), auth=('admin', self.server_web_password)) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, self.assert_success_json(r) @unittest.skipIf(is_recursor(), "Not applicable") @unittest.skipIf(is_auth_lmdb(), "No autoprimary management in LMDB yet") def test_autoprimaries(self): # verify that we have zero autoprimaries res = self.session.get( self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/autoprimaries"), auth=('whatever', self.webServerBasicAuthPassword), timeout=2.0) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, self.assertEqual(res.json(), []) # add one payload = {'ip': '', 'nameserver': ''} res = self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/autoprimaries"), data=json.dumps(payload), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 201) # check that it's there res = self.session.get( self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/autoprimaries"), auth=('whatever', self.webServerBasicAuthPassword), timeout=2.0) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, self.assertEqual(res.json(), [{ 'account': '', 'ip': '', 'nameserver': '' }]) # add another one, this time with an account field payload = { 'ip': '', 'nameserver': '', 'account': 'test' } res = self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/autoprimaries"), data=json.dumps(payload), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 201) # check that both are there res = self.session.get( self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/autoprimaries"), auth=('whatever', self.webServerBasicAuthPassword), timeout=2.0) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, self.assertEqual(len(res.json()), 2) self.assertEqual(sorted(res.json(), key=operator.itemgetter('ip')), [{ 'account': '', 'ip': '', 'nameserver': '' }, { 'account': 'test', 'ip': '', 'nameserver': '' }]) # remove one res = self.session.delete(self.url( "/api/v1/servers/localhost/autoprimaries/" ), headers={ 'content-type': 'application/json"' }) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 204) # check that we are back to just one res = self.session.get( self.url("/api/v1/servers/localhost/autoprimaries"), auth=('whatever', self.webServerBasicAuthPassword), timeout=2.0) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, self.assertEqual(res.json(), [{ 'account': '', 'ip': '', 'nameserver': '' }])