Пример #1
 def _np_replication_pad2d_grad(src, dest):
     (dx_height, dx_width) = (input.shape[h_idx], input.shape[w_idx])
     (dy_height, dy_width) = (output.shape[h_idx], output.shape[w_idx])
     numpy_src = np.ones(src.shape, np.int32)
     numpy_dest = np.zeros(dest.shape, np.int32)
     array_src = FlattenArray(numpy_src)
     array_dest = FlattenArray(numpy_dest)
     src_num = src.shape[c_idx] * src.shape[h_idx] * src.shape[w_idx]
     dest_num = dest.shape[c_idx] * dest.shape[h_idx] * dest.shape[w_idx]
     elements_num = src.shape[0] * src_num
     for iter_n in range(elements_num):
         coords = Index2Coordinate(iter_n, src.shape)
         (n, c, i, j) = (coords[0], coords[c_idx], coords[h_idx],
         ip_x = ip_y = 0
         if j < pad_left:
             ip_x = pad_left
         elif j >= pad_left and j < dx_width + pad_left:
             ip_x = j
             ip_x = dx_width + pad_left - 1
         if i < pad_top:
             ip_y = pad_top
         elif i >= pad_top and i < dx_height + pad_top:
             ip_y = i
             ip_y = dx_height + pad_top - 1
         ip_x = ip_x - pad_left
         ip_y = ip_y - pad_top
         src_index = n * src_num + c * dy_width * dy_height + i * dy_width + j
         dest_index = (n * dest_num + c * dx_width * dx_height +
                       ip_y * dx_width + ip_x)
         array_dest[dest_index] += array_src[src_index]
     numpy_dest = Array2Numpy(array_dest, dest.shape)
     return numpy_dest
Пример #2
def _np_zero_pad2d_grad(src, dest, padding):
    (c_idx, h_idx, w_idx) = (1, 2, 3)
    pad_left = padding[0]
    pad_right = padding[1]
    pad_top = padding[2]
    pad_bottom = padding[3]
    (dx_height, dx_width) = (dest.shape[h_idx], dest.shape[w_idx])
    (dy_height, dy_width) = (src.shape[h_idx], src.shape[w_idx])
    numpy_src = np.ones(src.shape, np.int32)
    numpy_dest = np.zeros(dest.shape, np.int32)
    array_src = FlattenArray(numpy_src)
    array_dest = FlattenArray(numpy_dest)
    src_num = src.shape[c_idx] * src.shape[h_idx] * src.shape[w_idx]
    dest_num = dest.shape[c_idx] * dest.shape[h_idx] * dest.shape[w_idx]
    elements_num = src.shape[0] * src_num
    for iter_n in range(elements_num):
        coords = Index2Coordinate(iter_n, src.shape)
        (n, c, i, j) = (coords[0], coords[c_idx], coords[h_idx], coords[w_idx])
        ip_x = ip_y = 0
        if (j >= pad_left and j < dx_width + pad_left and (i >= pad_top)
                and (i < dx_height + pad_top)):
            ip_x = j - pad_left
            ip_y = i - pad_top
            src_index = n * src_num + c * dy_width * dy_height + i * dy_width + j
            dest_index = (n * dest_num + c * dx_width * dx_height +
                          ip_y * dx_width + ip_x)
            array_dest[dest_index] += array_src[src_index]
    numpy_dest = Array2Numpy(array_dest, dest.shape)
    return numpy_dest
Пример #3
    def _np_constant_pad2d_grad(src, dest):
        dx_height, dx_width = input.shape[h_idx], input.shape[w_idx]
        dy_height, dy_width = output.shape[h_idx], output.shape[w_idx]

        numpy_src = np.ones(src.shape, np.int32)
        numpy_dest = np.zeros(dest.shape, np.int32)
        array_src = FlattenArray(numpy_src)
        array_dest = FlattenArray(numpy_dest)

        src_num = src.shape[c_idx] * src.shape[h_idx] * src.shape[w_idx]
        dest_num = dest.shape[c_idx] * dest.shape[h_idx] * dest.shape[w_idx]
        elements_num = src.shape[0] * src_num
        for iter_n in range(elements_num):
            coords = Index2Coordinate(iter_n, src.shape)
            n, c, i, j = coords[0], coords[c_idx], coords[h_idx], coords[w_idx]
            ip_x = ip_y = 0
            if (j >= pad_left and j < (dx_width + pad_left) and i >= pad_top
                    and i < (dx_height + pad_top)):
                ip_x = j - pad_left
                ip_y = i - pad_top
                src_index = n * src_num + c * dy_width * dy_height + i * dy_width + j
                dest_index = (n * dest_num + c * dx_width * dx_height +
                              ip_y * dx_width + ip_x)
                array_dest[dest_index] += array_src[src_index]
        numpy_dest = Array2Numpy(array_dest, dest.shape)
        return numpy_dest
Пример #4
def _np_replication_pad2d_grad(src, dest, padding):
    c_idx, h_idx, w_idx = 1, 2, 3
    pad_left = padding[0]
    pad_right = padding[1]
    pad_top = padding[2]
    pad_bottom = padding[3]
    dx_height, dx_width = dest.shape[h_idx], dest.shape[w_idx]
    dy_height, dy_width = src.shape[h_idx], src.shape[w_idx]

    numpy_src = np.ones(src.shape, np.int32)
    numpy_dest = np.zeros(dest.shape, np.int32)
    array_src = FlattenArray(numpy_src)
    array_dest = FlattenArray(numpy_dest)

    src_num = src.shape[c_idx] * src.shape[h_idx] * src.shape[w_idx]
    dest_num = dest.shape[c_idx] * dest.shape[h_idx] * dest.shape[w_idx]
    elements_num = src.shape[0] * src_num
    for iter_n in range(elements_num):
        coords = Index2Coordinate(iter_n, src.shape)
        n, c, i, j = coords[0], coords[c_idx], coords[h_idx], coords[w_idx]
        ip_x = ip_y = 0
        if j < pad_left:
            ip_x = pad_left
        elif j >= pad_left and j < (dx_width + pad_left):
            ip_x = j
            ip_x = dx_width + pad_left - 1

        if i < pad_top:
            ip_y = pad_top
        elif i >= pad_top and i < (dx_height + pad_top):
            ip_y = i
            ip_y = dx_height + pad_top - 1

        ip_x = ip_x - pad_left
        ip_y = ip_y - pad_top
        src_index = n * src_num + c * dy_width * dy_height + i * dy_width + j
        dest_index = n * dest_num + c * dx_width * dx_height + ip_y * dx_width + ip_x
        array_dest[dest_index] += array_src[src_index]

    numpy_dest = Array2Numpy(array_dest, dest.shape)
    return numpy_dest