Пример #1
    def insert_multipart(self, gcs_url, request):
        """Insert a new revision based on the give flask request.

        :param gcs_url:str the root URL for the fake GCS service.
        :param request:flask.Request the contents of the HTTP request.
        :return: the newly created object version.
        :rtype: GcsObjectVersion
        content_type = request.headers.get('content-type')
        if content_type is None or not content_type.startswith(
            raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                'Missing or invalid content-type header in multipart upload')
        _, _, boundary = content_type.partition('boundary=')
        if boundary is None:
            raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                'Missing boundary (%s) in content-type header in multipart upload'
                % boundary)

        marker = '--' + boundary + '\r\n'
        body = testbench_utils.extract_media(request)
        parts = body.split(marker)
        # parts[0] is the empty string, `multipart` should start with the boundary
        # parts[1] is the JSON resource object part, with some headers
        resource_headers, resource_body = self._parse_part(parts[1])
        # parts[2] is the media, with some headers
        media_headers, media_body = self._parse_part(parts[2])
        end = media_body.find('\r\n--' + boundary + '--\r\n')
        if end == -1:
            raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                'Missing end marker (--%s--) in media body' % boundary)
        media_body = media_body[:end]
        resource = json.loads(resource_body)
        # There are two ways to specify the content-type, the 'content-type'
        # header and the resource['contentType'] field. They must be consistent,
        # and the service generates an error when they are not.
        if (resource.get('contentType') is not None and
            media_headers.get('content-type') is not None and
                resource.get('contentType') != media_headers.get('content-type')):
            raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                ('Content-Type specified in the upload (%s) does not match' +
                 'contentType specified in the metadata (%s).') % (
        # Set the contentType in the resource from the header. Note that if both
        # are set they have the same value.
        resource.setdefault('contentType', media_headers.get('content-type'))
        self.generation += 1
        revision = GcsObjectVersion(
            gcs_url, self.bucket_name, self.name, self.generation, request,
        meta = revision.metadata.setdefault('metadata', {})
        meta['x_testbench_upload'] = 'multipart'
        meta['x_testbench_md5'] = resource.get('md5Hash', '')
        meta['x_testbench_crc32c'] = resource.get('crc32c', '')
        # Apply any overrides from the resource object part.
        return revision
Пример #2
    def insert_xml(self, gcs_url, request):
        """Implement the insert operation using the XML API.

        :param gcs_url:str the root URL for the fake GCS service.
        :param request:flask.Request the contents of the HTTP request.
        :return: the newly created object version.
        :rtype: GcsObjectVersion
        media = testbench_utils.extract_media(request)
        self.generation_generator += 1
        goog_hash = request.headers.get('x-goog-hash')
        md5hash = None
        crc32c = None
        if goog_hash is not None:
            for hash in goog_hash.split(','):
                if hash.startswith('md5='):
                    md5hash = hash[4:]
                if hash.startswith('crc32c='):
                    crc32c = hash[7:]
        revision = GcsObjectVersion(gcs_url, self.bucket_name, self.name,
                                    self.generation_generator, request, media)
        meta = revision.metadata.setdefault('metadata', {})
        meta['x_testbench_upload'] = 'xml'
        if md5hash is not None:
            meta['x_testbench_md5'] = md5hash
                'md5Hash': md5hash,
        if crc32c is not None:
            meta['x_testbench_crc32c'] = crc32c
                'crc32c': crc32c,
        return revision
Пример #3
    def insert_multipart(self, gcs_url, request):
        """Insert a new revision based on the give flask request.

        :param gcs_url:str the root URL for the fake GCS service.
        :param request:flask.Request the contents of the HTTP request.
        :return: the newly created object version.
        :rtype: GcsObjectVersion
        content_type = request.headers.get('content-type')
        if content_type is None or not content_type.startswith(
            raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                'Missing or invalid content-type header in multipart upload')
        _, _, boundary = content_type.partition('boundary=')
        if boundary is None:
            raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                'Missing boundary (%s) in content-type header in multipart upload'
                % boundary)

        marker = '--' + boundary + '\r\n'
        body = testbench_utils.extract_media(request)
        parts = body.split(marker)
        # parts[0] is the empty string, `multipart` should start with the boundary
        # parts[1] is the JSON resource object part, with some headers
        resource_headers, resource_body = self._parse_part(parts[1])
        # parts[2] is the media, with some headers
        media_headers, media_body = self._parse_part(parts[2])
        end = media_body.find('\r\n--' + boundary + '--\r\n')
        if end == -1:
            raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                'Missing end marker (--%s--) in media body' % boundary)
        media_body = media_body[:end]
        self.generation += 1
        revision = GcsObjectVersion(
            gcs_url, self.bucket_name, self.name, self.generation, request,
        resource = json.loads(resource_body)
        meta = revision.metadata.setdefault('metadata', {})
        meta['x_testbench_upload'] = 'multipart'
        meta['x_testbench_md5'] = resource.get('md5Hash', '')
        meta['x_testbench_crc32c'] = resource.get('crc32c', '')
        # Apply any overrides from the resource object part.
        # The content-type needs to be patched up, yuck.
        if media_headers.get('content-type') is not None:
        return revision
Пример #4
    def insert(self, gcs_url, request):
        """Insert a new revision based on the give flask request.

        :param gcs_url:str the root URL for the fake GCS service.
        :param request:flask.Request the contents of the HTTP request.
        :return: the newly created object version.
        :rtype: GcsObjectVersion
        media = testbench_utils.extract_media(request)
        self.generation_generator += 1
        revision = GcsObjectVersion(gcs_url, self.bucket_name, self.name,
                                    self.generation_generator, request, media)
        meta = revision.metadata.setdefault('metadata', {})
        meta['x_testbench_upload'] = 'simple'
        return revision
Пример #5
    def receive_upload_chunk(self, gcs_url, request):
        """Receive a new upload chunk.

        :param gcs_url: str the base URL for the service.
        :param request: flask.Request the original http request.
        :return: the HTTP response.
        upload_id = request.args.get("upload_id")
        if upload_id is None:
            raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                "Missing upload_id in resumable_upload_chunk", status_code=400
        upload = self.resumable_uploads.get(upload_id)
        if upload is None:
            raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                "Cannot find resumable upload %s" % upload_id, status_code=404
        # Be gracious in what you accept, if the Content-Range header is not
        # set we assume it is a good header and it is the end of the file.
        next_byte = upload["next_byte"]
        upload["transfer"].add(request.environ.get("HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING", ""))
        end = next_byte + len(request.data)
        total = end
        final_chunk = False
        payload = testbench_utils.extract_media(request)
        content_range = request.headers.get("content-range")
        if content_range is not None:
            if content_range.startswith("bytes */*"):
                # This is just a query to resume an upload, if it is done, return
                # the completed upload payload and an empty range header.
                response = flask.make_response(upload.get("payload", ""))
                if next_byte > 1 and not upload["done"]:
                    response.headers["Range"] = "bytes=0-%d" % (next_byte - 1)
                response.status_code = 200 if upload["done"] else 308
                return response
            match = re.match("bytes \*/(\\*|[0-9]+)", content_range)
            if match:
                if match.group(1) == "*":
                    total = 0
                    total = int(match.group(1))
                    final_chunk = True
                match = re.match("bytes ([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)/(\\*|[0-9]+)", content_range)
                if not match:
                    raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                        "Invalid Content-Range in upload %s" % content_range,
                begin = int(match.group(1))
                end = int(match.group(2))
                if match.group(3) == "*":
                    total = 0
                    total = int(match.group(3))
                    final_chunk = True

                if begin != next_byte:
                    raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                        "Mismatched data range, expected data at %d, got %d"
                        % (next_byte, begin),
                if len(payload) != end - begin + 1:
                    raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                        "Mismatched data range (%d) vs. received data (%d)"
                        % (end - begin + 1, len(payload)),

        upload["media"] = upload.get("media", b"") + payload
        next_byte = len(upload.get("media", ""))
        upload["next_byte"] = next_byte
        response_payload = ""
        if final_chunk and next_byte >= total:
            expected_bytes = upload["expected_bytes"]
            if expected_bytes is not None and expected_bytes != total:
                raise error_response.ErrorResponse(
                    "validation failed. Expected=%d, got %d." % (expected_bytes, total)
            upload["done"] = True
            object_name = upload.get("object_name")
            object_path, blob = testbench_utils.get_object(
                self.name, object_name, gcs_object.GcsObject(self.name, object_name)
            # Release a few resources to control memory usage.
            original_metadata = upload.pop("metadata", None)
            media = upload.pop("media", None)
            if upload.pop("instructions", None) == "inject-upload-data-error":
                media = testbench_utils.corrupt_media(media)
            revision = blob.insert_resumable(gcs_url, request, media, original_metadata)
            revision.metadata.setdefault("metadata", {})
            revision.metadata["metadata"]["x_testbench_transfer_encoding"] = ":".join(
            response_payload = testbench_utils.filter_fields_from_response(
                upload.get("fields"), revision.metadata
            upload["payload"] = response_payload
            testbench_utils.insert_object(object_path, blob)

        response = flask.make_response(response_payload)
        if next_byte == 0:
            response.headers["Range"] = "bytes=0-0"
            response.headers["Range"] = "bytes=0-%d" % (next_byte - 1)
        if upload.get("done", False):
            response.status_code = 200
            response.status_code = 308
        return response