Пример #1
def test_deb_package_contains_expected_conffiles(host: Host, deb: Path):
    Ensures the `securedrop-app-code` package declares only whitelisted
    `conffiles`. Several files in `/etc/` would automatically be marked
    conffiles, which would break unattended updates to critical package
    functionality such as AppArmor profiles. This test validates overrides
    in the build logic to unset those conffiles.
    # For the securedrop-app-code package:
    if deb.name.startswith("securedrop-app-code"):
        mktemp = host.run("mktemp -d")
        tmpdir = mktemp.stdout.strip()
        # The `--raw-extract` flag includes `DEBIAN/` dir with control files
        host.run("dpkg-deb --raw-extract {} {}".format(deb, tmpdir))
        conffiles_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "DEBIAN", "conffiles")
        f = host.file(conffiles_path)

        assert f.is_file
        # Ensure that the entirety of the file lists only the logo as conffile;
        # effectively ensures e.g. AppArmor profiles are not conffiles.
        conffiles = f.content_string.rstrip()
        assert conffiles == "/var/www/securedrop/static/i/logo.png"

    # For the securedrop-config package, we want to ensure there are no
    # conffiles so securedrop_additions.sh is squashed every time
    if deb.name.startswith("securedrop-config"):
        c = host.run("dpkg-deb -I {}".format(deb))
        assert "conffiles" not in c.stdout
Пример #2
def test_build_deb_packages(host: Host, deb: Path) -> None:
    Sanity check the built Debian packages for Control field
    values and general package structure.
    deb_package = host.file(str(deb))
    assert deb_package.is_file
def test_system_time(host: Host) -> None:
    if host.system_info.codename == "xenial":
        assert host.package("ntp").is_installed
        assert host.package("ntpdate").is_installed

        # TODO: The staging setup timing is too erratic for the
        # following check. If we do want to reinstate it before
        # dropping Xenial support, it should be done in a loop to give
        # ntpd time to sync after the machines are created.

        # c = host.run("ntpq -c rv")
        # assert "leap_none" in c.stdout
        # assert "sync_ntp" in c.stdout
        # assert "refid" in c.stdout
        assert not host.package("ntp").is_installed
        assert not host.package("ntpdate").is_installed

        s = host.service("systemd-timesyncd")
        assert s.is_running
        assert s.is_enabled
        assert not s.is_masked

        # File will be touched on every successful synchronization,
        # see 'man systemd-timesyncd'`
        assert host.file("/run/systemd/timesync/synchronized").exists

        c = host.run("timedatectl show")
        assert "NTP=yes" in c.stdout
        assert "NTPSynchronized=yes" in c.stdout
Пример #4
def resolve_symlink(host: Host,
                    file_: Union[str, GNUFile],
                    resolve_depth: int = 20) -> str:
    Resolve symlink until actual file or fail in case if symlink is broken.

    host:           Host

    file_:          str | GNUFile
        Input symlink to resolve
    resolve_depth:  int
        The depth of symlink resolution (failsafe if symlink is circular)

        Path to the resolved file

    resolve_items = []
    if isinstance(file_, GNUFile):
        initial_file = file_.path
        new_file = file_
        initial_file = file_
        new_file = host.file(file_)

    while new_file.exists and new_file.is_symlink and resolve_depth > 0:
        new_path = new_file.linked_to
        resolve_items.append(f'{new_file.path} is linked to {new_path}')
        new_file = host.file(new_path)
        if not new_file.is_symlink:
            return new_file.path
        resolve_depth -= 1

    resolve_out = '\n'.join(resolve_items)
    raise ValueError(f'Broken or circular symlink found: {initial_file}\n'
                     f'Full resolution output:\n{resolve_out}')
Пример #5
def test_system_time(host: Host) -> None:
    assert not host.package("ntp").is_installed
    assert not host.package("ntpdate").is_installed

    s = host.service("systemd-timesyncd")
    assert s.is_running
    assert s.is_enabled
    assert not s.is_masked

    # File will be touched on every successful synchronization,
    # see 'man systemd-timesyncd'`
    assert host.file("/run/systemd/timesync/synchronized").exists

    c = host.run("timedatectl show")
    assert "NTP=yes" in c.stdout
    assert "NTPSynchronized=yes" in c.stdout
Пример #6
def test_default_command(host: Host) -> None:
    f = host.file("/usr/bin/git")
    assert f.is_file