Пример #1
    def doIt(self):
        Does the job.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection();

        aoGroups = SchedGroupLogic(oDb).getAll();
        iRc = 0;
        for oGroup in aoGroups:
            if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                print '%s (ID %#d):' % (oGroup.sName, oGroup.idSchedGroup,);
                (aoErrors, asMessages) = SchedulerBase.recreateQueue(oDb, self.oConfig.uid, oGroup.idSchedGroup, 2);
            except Exception as oXcpt:
                print '  !!Hit exception processing "%s": %s' % (oGroup.sName, oXcpt,);
                if len(aoErrors) == 0:
                    if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                        print '  Successfully regenerated.';
                    iRc = 1;
                    print '  %d errors:' % (len(aoErrors,));
                    for oError in aoErrors:
                        if oError[1]  is None:
                            print '  !!%s' % (oError[0],);
                            print '  !!%s (%s)' % (oError[0], oError[1]);
                if len(asMessages) > 0 and not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                    print '  %d messages:' % (len(asMessages),);
                    for sMsg in asMessages:
                        print '  ##%s' % (sMsg,);
        return iRc;
Пример #2
def markBuildsDeleted():
    Marks the builds using the specified binaries as deleted.

    oParser = OptionParser()
    oParser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='fQuiet', action='store_true',
                       help='Quiet execution');

    (oConfig, asArgs) = oParser.parse_args()
    if not asArgs:
        if not oConfig.fQuiet:
            sys.stderr.write('syntax error: No builds binaries specified\n');
        return 1;

    oDb = TMDatabaseConnection()
    oLogic = BuildLogic(oDb)

    for sBuildBin in asArgs:
            cBuilds = oLogic.markDeletedByBinaries(sBuildBin, fCommit = True)
            if oConfig.fQuiet:
            if not oConfig.fQuiet:
                print("del_build.py: Marked %u builds associated with '%s' as deleted." % (cBuilds, sBuildBin,));

    return 0;
Пример #3
    def add(self):
        Add build data record into database.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection()

        # Assemble the build data.
        oBuildData = BuildDataEx()
        oBuildData.idBuildCategory    = None;
        oBuildData.iRevision          = self.oConfig.iRevision
        oBuildData.sVersion           = self.oConfig.sProductVersion
        oBuildData.sLogUrl            = self.oConfig.sBuildLogPath
        oBuildData.sBinaries          = ','.join(self.oConfig.asFiles);
        oBuildData.oCat = BuildCategoryData().initFromValues(sProduct    = self.oConfig.sProductName,
                                                             sRepository = self.oConfig.sRepository,
                                                             sBranch     = self.oConfig.sBranch,
                                                             sType       = self.oConfig.sBuildType,
                                                             asOsArches  = self.oConfig.asTargetOsArches);

        # Add record to database
            BuildLogic(oDb).addEntry(oBuildData, fCommit = True);
            if self.oConfig.fQuiet:
        return 0;
Пример #4
    def add(self):
        Add build data record into database.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection()

        # Assemble the build data.
        oBuildData = BuildDataEx()
        oBuildData.idBuildCategory = None
        oBuildData.iRevision = self.oConfig.iRevision
        oBuildData.sVersion = self.oConfig.sProductVersion
        oBuildData.sLogUrl = self.oConfig.sBuildLogPath
        oBuildData.sBinaries = ','.join(self.oConfig.asFiles)
        oBuildData.oCat = BuildCategoryData().initFromValues(

        # Add record to database
            BuildLogic(oDb).addEntry(oBuildData, fCommit=True)
            if self.oConfig.fQuiet:
        return 0
Пример #5
    def main(self):
        """ Main method. """
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection()

        # Get a list of orphans.
        oLogic = TestSetLogic(oDb)
        aoOrphans = oLogic.fetchOrphaned()
        if len(aoOrphans) > 0:
            # Complete them.
            if self.oConfig.fJustDoIt:
                print 'Completing %u test sets as abandoned:' % (
                    len(aoOrphans), )
                for oTestSet in aoOrphans:
                    print '#%-7u: idTestBox=%-3u tsCreated=%s tsDone=%s' \
                        % (oTestSet.idTestSet, oTestSet.idTestBox, oTestSet.tsCreated, oTestSet.tsDone)
                print 'Committing...'
                for oTestSet in aoOrphans:
                    print '#%-7u: idTestBox=%-3u tsCreated=%s tsDone=%s' \
                        % (oTestSet.idTestSet, oTestSet.idTestBox, oTestSet.tsCreated, oTestSet.tsDone)
                print 'Not completing any testsets without seeing the --just-do-it option.'
            print 'No orphaned test sets.\n'
        return 0
Пример #6
    def main(self):
        """ Main method. """
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection();

        # Get a list of orphans.
        oLogic = TestSetLogic(oDb);
        aoOrphans = oLogic.fetchOrphaned();
        if len(aoOrphans) > 0:
            # Complete them.
            if self.oConfig.fJustDoIt:
                print 'Completing %u test sets as abandond:' % (len(aoOrphans),);
                for oTestSet in aoOrphans:
                    print '#%-7u: idTestBox=%-3u tsCreated=%s tsDone=%s' \
                        % (oTestSet.idTestSet, oTestSet.idTestBox, oTestSet.tsCreated, oTestSet.tsDone);
                print 'Committing...';
                for oTestSet in aoOrphans:
                    print '#%-7u: idTestBox=%-3u tsCreated=%s tsDone=%s' \
                        % (oTestSet.idTestSet, oTestSet.idTestBox, oTestSet.tsCreated, oTestSet.tsDone);
                print 'Not completing any testsets without seeing the --just-do-it option.'
            print 'No orphaned test sets.\n'
        return 0;
Пример #7
def markBuildsDeleted():
    Marks the builds using the specified binaries as deleted.

    oParser = OptionParser()
    oParser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='fQuiet', action='store_true',
                       help='Quiet execution');

    (oConfig, asArgs) = oParser.parse_args()
    if len(asArgs) == 0:
        if not oConfig.fQuiet:
            sys.stderr.write('syntax error: No builds binaries specified\n');
        return 1;

    oDb = TMDatabaseConnection()
    oLogic = BuildLogic(oDb)

    for sBuildBin in asArgs:
            cBuilds = oLogic.markDeletedByBinaries(sBuildBin, fCommit = True)
            if oConfig.fQuiet:
            if not oConfig.fQuiet:
                print "del_build.py: Marked %u builds associated with '%s' as deleted." % (cBuilds, sBuildBin,);

    return 0;
    def doIt(self):
        Does the job.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection();

        aoGroups = SchedGroupLogic(oDb).getAll();
        iRc = 0;
        for oGroup in aoGroups:
            if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                print('%s (ID %#d):' % (oGroup.sName, oGroup.idSchedGroup,));
                (aoErrors, asMessages) = SchedulerBase.recreateQueue(oDb, self.oConfig.uid, oGroup.idSchedGroup, 2);
            except Exception as oXcpt:
                print('  !!Hit exception processing "%s": %s' % (oGroup.sName, oXcpt,));
                if not aoErrors:
                    if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                        print('  Successfully regenerated.');
                    iRc = 1;
                    print('  %d errors:' % (len(aoErrors,)));
                    for oError in aoErrors:
                        if oError[1]  is None:
                            print('  !!%s' % (oError[0],));
                            print('  !!%s (%s)' % (oError[0], oError[1]));
                if asMessages and not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                    print('  %d messages:' % (len(asMessages),));
                    for sMsg in asMessages:
                        print('  ##%s' % (sMsg,));
        return iRc;
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, oSrvGlue, sScriptName):
        self._oSrvGlue          = oSrvGlue;
        self._oDb               = TMDatabaseConnection(self.dprint if config.g_kfWebUiSqlDebug else None, oSrvGlue = oSrvGlue);
        self._asCheckedParams   = [];
        self._dParams           = None;  # Set by dispatchRequest.
        self._sAction           = None;  # Set by dispatchRequest.
        self._dDispatch         = { self.ksActionDefault: self._actionDefault, };

        # Template bits.
        self._sTemplate         = 'template-default.html';
        self._sPageTitle        = '$$TODO$$';   # The page title.
        self._aaoMenus          = [];           # List of [sName, sLink, [ [sSideName, sLink], .. ] tuples.
        self._sPageBody         = '$$TODO$$';   # The body text.
        self._sRedirectTo       = None;
        self._sDebug            = '';

        # Debugger bits.
        self._fDbgSqlTrace      = False;
        self._fDbgSqlExplain    = False;
        self._dDbgParams        = dict();
        for sKey, sValue in oSrvGlue.getParameters().iteritems():
            if sKey in self.kasDbgParams:
                self._dDbgParams[sKey] = sValue;
        if len(self._dDbgParams) > 0:
            from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiTmLink;
            WuiTmLink.kdDbgParams = self._dDbgParams;

        # Determine currently logged in user credentials
        self._oCurUser          = UserAccountLogic(self._oDb).tryFetchAccountByLoginName(oSrvGlue.getLoginName());

        # Calc a couple of URL base strings for this dispatcher.
        self._sUrlBase          = sScriptName + '?';
        if len(self._dDbgParams) > 0:
            self._sUrlBase     += webutils.encodeUrlParams(self._dDbgParams) + '&';
        self._sActionUrlBase    = self._sUrlBase + self.ksParamAction + '=';
    def main(self):
        Main function.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection();
        oLogic = VcsRevisionLogic(oDb);

        # Where to start.
        iStartRev = 0;
        if not self.oConfig.fFull:
            iStartRev = oLogic.getLastRevision(self.oConfig.sRepository);
        if iStartRev == 0:
            iStartRev = self.oConfig.iStartRevision;

        # Construct a command line.
        os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'en_US.utf-8';
        asArgs = [
            '--revision', str(iStartRev) + ':HEAD',
        if self.oConfig.asExtraOptions is not None:
        if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
            print('Executing: %s' % (asArgs,));
        sLogXml = utils.processOutputChecked(asArgs);

        # Parse the XML and add the entries to the database.
        oParser = ET.XMLParser(target = ET.TreeBuilder(), encoding = 'utf-8');
        oParser.feed(sLogXml.encode('utf-8')); # does its own decoding and processOutputChecked always gives us decoded utf-8 now.
        oRoot = oParser.close();

        for oLogEntry in oRoot.findall('logentry'):
            iRevision = int(oLogEntry.get('revision'));
            sAuthor  = oLogEntry.findtext('author').strip();
            sDate    = oLogEntry.findtext('date').strip();
            sMessage = oLogEntry.findtext('msg', '').strip();
            if sMessage == '':
                sMessage = ' ';
            elif len(sMessage) > VcsRevisionData.kcchMax_sMessage:
                sMessage = sMessage[:VcsRevisionData.kcchMax_sMessage - 4] + ' ...';
            if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                utils.printOut(u'sDate=%s iRev=%u sAuthor=%s sMsg[%s]=%s'
                               % (sDate, iRevision, sAuthor, type(sMessage).__name__, sMessage));
            oData = VcsRevisionData().initFromValues(self.oConfig.sRepository, iRevision, sDate, sAuthor, sMessage);

        return 0;
    def main(self):
        Main function.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection()

        if self.oConfig.fLoadDumpIntoDatabase is not True:
            rc = self._doDump(oDb)
            rc = self._doLoad(oDb)

        return 0
Пример #12
    def main(self):
        Main function.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection()

        if self.oConfig.fLoadDumpIntoDatabase is not True:
            rc = self._doDump(oDb)
            rc = self._doLoad(oDb)

        return 0
    def main(self):
        Main function.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection()
        oLogic = VcsRevisionLogic(oDb)

        # Where to start.
        iStartRev = 0
        if not self.oConfig.fFull:
            iStartRev = oLogic.getLastRevision(self.oConfig.sRepository)
        if iStartRev == 0:
            iStartRev = self.oConfig.iStartRevision

        # Construct a command line.
        os.environ["LC_ALL"] = "en_US.utf-8"
        asArgs = ["svn", "log", "--xml", "--revision", str(iStartRev) + ":HEAD"]
        if self.oConfig.asExtraOptions is not None:
        if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
            print "Executing: %s" % (asArgs,)
        sLogXml = utils.processOutputChecked(asArgs)

        # Parse the XML and add the entries to the database.
        oParser = ET.XMLParser(target=ET.TreeBuilder(), encoding="utf-8")
        oRoot = oParser.close()

        for oLogEntry in oRoot.findall("logentry"):
            iRevision = int(oLogEntry.get("revision"))
            sAuthor = oLogEntry.findtext("author").strip()
            sDate = oLogEntry.findtext("date").strip()
            sMessage = oLogEntry.findtext("msg", "").strip()
            if sMessage == "":
                sMessage = " "
            if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                print "sDate=%s iRev=%u sAuthor=%s sMsg[%s]=%s" % (
            oData = VcsRevisionData().initFromValues(self.oConfig.sRepository, iRevision, sDate, sAuthor, sMessage)

        return 0
Пример #14
    def checkBuilds(self):
        Add build data record into database.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection()
        oBuildLogic = BuildLogic(oDb)

        tsNow = oDb.getCurrentTimestamp()
        cMaxRows = 1024
        iStart = 0
        while True:
            aoBuilds = oBuildLogic.fetchForListing(iStart, cMaxRows, tsNow)
            if not self.oConfig.fQuiet and aoBuilds:
                print('Processing builds #%s thru #%s' %
                      (aoBuilds[0].idBuild, aoBuilds[-1].idBuild))

            for oBuild in aoBuilds:
                if oBuild.fBinariesDeleted is False:
                    rc = oBuild.areFilesStillThere()
                    if rc is False:
                        if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                                'missing files for build #%s / r%s / %s / %s / %s / %s / %s'
                                % (
                            print('  %s' % (oBuild.sBinaries, ))
                        if self.oConfig.fRealRun is True:
                            oBuild.fBinariesDeleted = True
                            oBuildLogic.editEntry(oBuild, fCommit=True)
                    elif rc is True and not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                        print('build #%s still have its files' %
                              (oBuild.idBuild, ))
                    elif rc is None and not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                        print('Unable to determine state of build #%s' %
                              (oBuild.idBuild, ))

            # advance
            if len(aoBuilds) < cMaxRows:
            iStart += len(aoBuilds)

        return 0
Пример #15
    def _populateForm(self, oForm, oData):
        oForm.addIntRO(      TestBoxData.ksParam_idTestBox,         oData.idTestBox, 'TestBox ID');
        oForm.addIntRO(      TestBoxData.ksParam_idGenTestBox,      oData.idGenTestBox, 'TestBox generation ID');
        oForm.addTimestampRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_tsEffective,       oData.tsEffective, 'Last changed');
        oForm.addTimestampRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_tsExpire,          oData.tsExpire, 'Expires (excl)');
        oForm.addIntRO(      TestBoxData.ksParam_uidAuthor,         oData.uidAuthor, 'Changed by UID');

        oForm.addText(       TestBoxData.ksParam_ip,                oData.ip, 'TestBox IP Address'); ## make read only??
        oForm.addUuid(       TestBoxData.ksParam_uuidSystem,        oData.uuidSystem, 'TestBox System/Firmware UUID');
        oForm.addText(       TestBoxData.ksParam_sName,             oData.sName, 'TestBox Name');
        oForm.addText(       TestBoxData.ksParam_sDescription,      oData.sDescription, 'TestBox Description');
        oForm.addCheckBox(   TestBoxData.ksParam_fEnabled,          oData.fEnabled, 'Enabled');
        oForm.addComboBox(   TestBoxData.ksParam_enmLomKind,        oData.enmLomKind, 'Lights-out-management',
        oForm.addText(       TestBoxData.ksParam_ipLom,             oData.ipLom, 'Lights-out-management IP Address');
        oForm.addInt(        TestBoxData.ksParam_pctScaleTimeout,   oData.pctScaleTimeout, 'Timeout scale factor (%)');

                                             'Scheduling Group');
        # Command, comment and submit button.
        if self._sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Edit:
            oForm.addComboBox(TestBoxData.ksParam_enmPendingCmd,    oData.enmPendingCmd, 'Pending command',
            oForm.addComboBoxRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_enmPendingCmd,  oData.enmPendingCmd, 'Pending command',
        oForm.addMultilineText(TestBoxData.ksParam_sComment,        oData.sComment, 'Comment');
        if self._sMode != WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Show:
            oForm.addSubmit('Create TestBox' if self._sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add else 'Change TestBox');

        return True;
Пример #16
    def __init__(self, oSrvGlue, sScriptName):
        self._oSrvGlue          = oSrvGlue;
        self._oDb               = TMDatabaseConnection(self.dprint if config.g_kfWebUiSqlDebug else None, oSrvGlue = oSrvGlue);
        self._asCheckedParams   = [];
        self._dParams           = None;  # Set by dispatchRequest.
        self._sAction           = None;  # Set by dispatchRequest.
        self._dDispatch         = { self.ksActionDefault: self._actionDefault, };

        # Template bits.
        self._sTemplate         = 'template-default.html';
        self._sPageTitle        = '$$TODO$$';   # The page title.
        self._aaoMenus          = [];           # List of [sName, sLink, [ [sSideName, sLink], .. ] tuples.
        self._sPageBody         = '$$TODO$$';   # The body text.
        self._sRedirectTo       = None;
        self._sDebug            = '';

        # Debugger bits.
        self._fDbgSqlTrace      = False;
        self._fDbgSqlExplain    = False;
        self._dDbgParams        = dict();
        for sKey, sValue in oSrvGlue.getParameters().iteritems():
            if sKey in self.kasDbgParams:
                self._dDbgParams[sKey] = sValue;
        if len(self._dDbgParams) > 0:
            from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiTmLink;
            WuiTmLink.kdDbgParams = self._dDbgParams;

        # Determine currently logged in user credentials
        self._oCurUser          = UserAccountLogic(self._oDb).tryFetchAccountByLoginName(oSrvGlue.getLoginName());

        # Calc a couple of URL base strings for this dispatcher.
        self._sUrlBase          = sScriptName + '?';
        if len(self._dDbgParams) > 0:
            self._sUrlBase     += webutils.encodeUrlParams(self._dDbgParams) + '&';
        self._sActionUrlBase    = self._sUrlBase + self.ksParamAction + '=';
Пример #17
    def _populateForm(self, oForm, oData):
        Construct an HTML form

        aoFailureCategories = FailureCategoryLogic(TMDatabaseConnection()).getFailureCategoriesForCombo()
        if len(aoFailureCategories) == 0:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin
            sExceptionMsg = 'Please <a href="%s?%s=%s">add</a> Failure Category first.' % \
                (WuiAdmin.ksScriptName, WuiAdmin.ksParamAction, WuiAdmin.ksActionFailureCategoryShowAdd)

            raise WuiException(sExceptionMsg)

        oForm.addIntRO        (FailureReasonData.ksParam_idFailureReason,    oData.idFailureReason,    'Failure Reason ID')
        oForm.addTimestampRO  (FailureReasonData.ksParam_tsEffective,        oData.tsEffective,        'Last changed')
        oForm.addTimestampRO  (FailureReasonData.ksParam_tsExpire,           oData.tsExpire,           'Expires (excl)')
        oForm.addIntRO        (FailureReasonData.ksParam_uidAuthor,          oData.uidAuthor,          'Changed by UID')

        oForm.addComboBox     (FailureReasonData.ksParam_idFailureCategory,  oData.idFailureCategory,  'Failure Category',

        oForm.addText         (FailureReasonData.ksParam_sShort,             oData.sShort,             'Short Description')
        oForm.addText         (FailureReasonData.ksParam_sFull,              oData.sFull,              'Full Description')
        oForm.addInt          (FailureReasonData.ksParam_iTicket,            oData.iTicket,            'Ticket Number')
        oForm.addMultilineText(FailureReasonData.ksParam_asUrls,             oData.asUrls,             'Other URLs to reports '
                                                                                                       'or discussions of the '
                                                                                                       'observed symptoms')

        return True
    def _formatListEntry(self, iEntry):
        from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin
        oEntry = self._aoEntries[iEntry]

        sShortFailReason = \

        return [ oEntry.idBlacklisting,
                 [ WuiTmLink('Details', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
                             { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildBlacklistDetails,
                               BuildBlacklistData.ksParam_idBlacklisting: oEntry.idBlacklisting }),
                   WuiTmLink('Edit', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
                             { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildBlacklistEdit,
                               BuildBlacklistData.ksParam_idBlacklisting: oEntry.idBlacklisting }),
                   WuiTmLink('Clone', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
                             { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildBlacklistClone,
                               BuildBlacklistData.ksParam_idBlacklisting: oEntry.idBlacklisting,
                               WuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: oEntry.tsEffective,  }),
                   WuiTmLink('Remove', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
                             { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildBlacklistDoRemove,
                               BuildBlacklistData.ksParam_idBlacklisting: oEntry.idBlacklisting },
                             sConfirm = 'Are you sure you want to remove black list entry #%d?' % (oEntry.idBlacklisting,)),
Пример #19
    def _connectToDb(self):
        Connects to the database.

        Returns (TMDatabaseConnection, (more later perhaps) ) on success.
        Returns (None, ) on failure after sending the box an appropriate response.
        May raise exception on DB error.
        return (TMDatabaseConnection(self._oSrvGlue.dprint),);
Пример #20
 def __init__(self, oOptions):
     Parse command line
     self.fVerbose = oOptions.fVerbose
     self.sSrcDir = config.g_ksFileAreaRootDir
     self.sDstDir = config.g_ksZipFileAreaRootDir
     #self.oTestSetLogic = TestSetLogic(TMDatabaseConnection(self.dprint if self.fVerbose else None));
     self.oTestSetLogic = TestSetLogic(TMDatabaseConnection(None))
     self.fDryRun = oOptions.fDryRun
    def checkBuilds(self):
        Add build data record into database.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection();
        oBuildLogic = BuildLogic(oDb);

        tsNow    = oDb.getCurrentTimestamp();
        cMaxRows = 1024;
        iStart   = 0;
        while True:
            aoBuilds = oBuildLogic.fetchForListing(iStart, cMaxRows, tsNow);
            if not self.oConfig.fQuiet and len(aoBuilds) > 0:
                print 'Processing builds #%s thru #%s' % (aoBuilds[0].idBuild, aoBuilds[-1].idBuild);

            for oBuild in aoBuilds:
                if oBuild.fBinariesDeleted is False:
                    rc = oBuild.areFilesStillThere();
                    if rc is False:
                        if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                            print 'missing files for build #%s / r%s / %s / %s / %s / %s / %s' \
                                % (oBuild.idBuild, oBuild.iRevision, oBuild.sVersion, oBuild.oCat.sType,
                                   oBuild.oCat.sBranch, oBuild.oCat.sProduct, oBuild.oCat.asOsArches,);
                            print '  %s' % (oBuild.sBinaries,);
                        if self.oConfig.fRealRun is True:
                            oBuild.fBinariesDeleted = True;
                            oBuildLogic.editEntry(oBuild, fCommit = True);
                    elif rc is True and not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                        print 'build #%s still have its files' % (oBuild.idBuild,);
                    elif rc is None and not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                        print 'Unable to determine state of build #%s' % (oBuild.idBuild,);

            # advance
            if len(aoBuilds) < cMaxRows:
            iStart += len(aoBuilds);

        return 0;
Пример #22
    def main(self):
        Main function.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection()
        oLogic = VcsRevisionLogic(oDb)

        # Where to start.
        iStartRev = 0
        if not self.oConfig.fFull:
            iStartRev = oLogic.getLastRevision(self.oConfig.sRepository)
        if iStartRev == 0:
            iStartRev = self.oConfig.iStartRevision

        # Construct a command line.
        os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'en_US.utf-8'
        asArgs = [
            str(iStartRev) + ':HEAD',
        if self.oConfig.asExtraOptions is not None:
        if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
            print('Executing: %s' % (asArgs, ))
        sLogXml = utils.processOutputChecked(asArgs)

        # Parse the XML and add the entries to the database.
        oParser = ET.XMLParser(target=ET.TreeBuilder(), encoding='utf-8')
        # does its own decoding and processOutputChecked always gives us decoded utf-8 now.
        oRoot = oParser.close()

        for oLogEntry in oRoot.findall('logentry'):
            iRevision = int(oLogEntry.get('revision'))
            sAuthor = oLogEntry.findtext('author').strip()
            sDate = oLogEntry.findtext('date').strip()
            sMessage = oLogEntry.findtext('msg', '').strip()
            if sMessage == '':
                sMessage = ' '
            elif len(sMessage) > VcsRevisionData.kcchMax_sMessage:
                sMessage = sMessage[:VcsRevisionData.kcchMax_sMessage -
                                    4] + ' ...'
            if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                utils.printOut(u'sDate=%s iRev=%u sAuthor=%s sMsg[%s]=%s' %
                               (sDate, iRevision, sAuthor,
                                type(sMessage).__name__, sMessage))
            oData = VcsRevisionData().initFromValues(self.oConfig.sRepository,
                                                     iRevision, sDate, sAuthor,

        return 0
Пример #23
    def main(self):
        Main function.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection();
        oLogic = VcsRevisionLogic(oDb);

        # Where to start.
        iStartRev = 0;
        if not self.oConfig.fFull:
            iStartRev = oLogic.getLastRevision(self.oConfig.sRepository);
        if iStartRev == 0:
            iStartRev = self.oConfig.iStartRevision;

        # Construct a command line.
        os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'en_US.utf-8';
        asArgs = [
            '--revision', str(iStartRev) + ':HEAD',
        if self.oConfig.asExtraOptions is not None:
        if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
            print 'Executing: %s' % (asArgs,);
        sLogXml = utils.processOutputChecked(asArgs);

        # Parse the XML and add the entries to the database.
        oParser = ET.XMLParser(target = ET.TreeBuilder(), encoding = 'utf-8');
        oRoot = oParser.close();

        for oLogEntry in oRoot.findall('logentry'):
            iRevision = int(oLogEntry.get('revision'));
            sAuthor  = oLogEntry.findtext('author').strip();
            sDate    = oLogEntry.findtext('date').strip();
            sMessage = oLogEntry.findtext('msg', '').strip();
            if sMessage == '':
                sMessage = ' ';
            if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                print 'sDate=%s iRev=%u sAuthor=%s sMsg[%s]=%s' % (sDate, iRevision, sAuthor, type(sMessage).__name__, sMessage);
            oData = VcsRevisionData().initFromValues(self.oConfig.sRepository, iRevision, sDate, sAuthor, sMessage);

        return 0;
Пример #24
    def _connectToDbAndValidateTb(self, asValidStates = None):
        Connects to the database and validates the testbox.

        Returns (TMDatabaseConnection, TestBoxStatusData, TestBoxData) on success.
        Returns (None, None, None) on failure after sending the box an appropriate response.
        May raise exception on DB error.
        oDb    = TMDatabaseConnection(self._oSrvGlue.dprint);
        oLogic = TestBoxStatusLogic(oDb);
        (oStatusData, oTestBoxData) = oLogic.tryFetchStatusAndConfig(self._idTestBox, self._sTestBoxUuid, self._sTestBoxAddr);
        if oStatusData is None:
        elif asValidStates is not None and oStatusData.enmState not in asValidStates:
        elif self._idTestSet is not None and self._idTestSet != oStatusData.idTestSet:
            return (oDb, oStatusData, oTestBoxData);
        return (None, None, None);
Пример #25
 def __init__(self, oSrvGlue):
     self._oSrvGlue = oSrvGlue
     self._oDb = TMDatabaseConnection(oSrvGlue.dprint)
     self._iFirstHandlerPath = 0
     self._iNextHandlerPath = 0
     self._sPath = None
     # _getStandardParams / dispatchRequest sets this later on.
     self._asPath = None
     # _getStandardParams / dispatchRequest sets this later on.
     self._sMethod = None
     # _getStandardParams / dispatchRequest sets this later on.
     self._dParams = None
     # _getStandardParams / dispatchRequest sets this later on.
     self._asCheckedParams = []
     self._dGetTree = {
         'vcs': {
             'changelog': self._handleVcsChangelog_Get,
             'bugreferences': self._handleVcsBugReferences_Get,
     self._dMethodTrees = {
         'GET': self._dGetTree,
Пример #26
class WuiDispatcherBase(object):
    Base class for the Web User Interface (WUI) dispatchers.

    The dispatcher class defines the basics of the page (like base template,
    menu items, action).  It is also responsible for parsing requests and
    dispatching them to action (POST) or/and content generators (GET+POST).
    The content returned by the generator is merged into the template and sent
    back to the webserver glue.

    ## @todo possible that this should all go into presentation.

    ## The action parameter.
    ksParamAction       = 'Action';
    ## The name of the default action.
    ksActionDefault     = 'default';

    ## The name of the current page number parameter used when displaying lists.
    ksParamPageNo       = 'PageNo';
    ## The name of the page length (list items) parameter when displaying lists.
    ksParamItemsPerPage = 'ItemsPerPage';

    ## The name of the effective date (timestamp) parameter.
    ksParamEffectiveDate = 'EffectiveDate';

    ## The name of the redirect-to (test manager relative url) parameter.
    ksParamRedirectTo    = 'RedirectTo';

    ## The name of the list-action parameter (WuiListContentWithActionBase).
    ksParamListAction    = 'ListAction';

    ## One or more columns to sort by.
    ksParamSortColumns   = 'SortBy';

    ## The name of the change log enabled/disabled parameter.
    ksParamChangeLogEnabled         = 'ChangeLogEnabled';
    ## The name of the parmaeter indicating the change log page number.
    ksParamChangeLogPageNo          = 'ChangeLogPageNo';
    ## The name of the parameter indicate number of change log entries per page.
    ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage  = 'ChangeLogEntriesPerPage';

    ## @name Dispatcher debugging parameters.
    ## {@
    ksParamDbgSqlTrace      = 'DbgSqlTrace';
    ksParamDbgSqlExplain    = 'DbgSqlExplain';
    ## List of all debugging parameters.
    kasDbgParams = (ksParamDbgSqlTrace, ksParamDbgSqlExplain,);
    ## @}

    ## Special action return code for skipping _generatePage. Useful for
    # download pages and the like that messes with the HTTP header and more.
    ksDispatchRcAllDone = 'Done - Page has been rendered already';

    def __init__(self, oSrvGlue, sScriptName):
        self._oSrvGlue          = oSrvGlue;
        self._oDb               = TMDatabaseConnection(self.dprint if config.g_kfWebUiSqlDebug else None, oSrvGlue = oSrvGlue);
        self._tsNow             = None;  # Set by getEffectiveDateParam.
        self._asCheckedParams   = [];
        self._dParams           = None;  # Set by dispatchRequest.
        self._sAction           = None;  # Set by dispatchRequest.
        self._dDispatch         = { self.ksActionDefault: self._actionDefault, };

        # Template bits.
        self._sTemplate         = 'template-default.html';
        self._sPageTitle        = '$$TODO$$';   # The page title.
        self._aaoMenus          = [];           # List of [sName, sLink, [ [sSideName, sLink], .. ] tuples.
        self._sPageFilter       = '';           # The filter controls (optional).
        self._sPageBody         = '$$TODO$$';   # The body text.
        self._dSideMenuFormAttrs = {};          # key/value with attributes for the side menu <form> tag.
        self._sRedirectTo       = None;
        self._sDebug            = '';

        # Debugger bits.
        self._fDbgSqlTrace      = False;
        self._fDbgSqlExplain    = False;
        self._dDbgParams        = dict();
        for sKey, sValue in oSrvGlue.getParameters().items():
            if sKey in self.kasDbgParams:
                self._dDbgParams[sKey] = sValue;
        if self._dDbgParams:
            from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiTmLink;
            WuiTmLink.kdDbgParams = self._dDbgParams;

        # Determine currently logged in user credentials
        self._oCurUser          = UserAccountLogic(self._oDb).tryFetchAccountByLoginName(oSrvGlue.getLoginName());

        # Calc a couple of URL base strings for this dispatcher.
        self._sUrlBase          = sScriptName + '?';
        if self._dDbgParams:
            self._sUrlBase     += webutils.encodeUrlParams(self._dDbgParams) + '&';
        self._sActionUrlBase    = self._sUrlBase + self.ksParamAction + '=';

    def _redirectPage(self):
        Redirects the page to the URL given in self._sRedirectTo.
        assert self._sRedirectTo;
        assert self._sPageBody is None;
        assert self._sPageTitle is None;

        return True;

    def _isMenuMatch(self, sMenuUrl, sActionParam):
        """ Overridable menu matcher. """
        return sMenuUrl is not None and sMenuUrl.find(sActionParam) > 0;

    def _isSideMenuMatch(self, sSideMenuUrl, sActionParam):
        """ Overridable side menu matcher. """
        return sSideMenuUrl is not None and sSideMenuUrl.find(sActionParam) > 0;

    def _generateMenus(self):
        Generates the two menus, returning them as (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems).
        fReadOnly = self.isReadOnlyUser();

        # We use the action to locate the side menu.
        aasSideMenu = None;
        for cchAction in range(len(self._sAction), 1, -1):
            sActionParam = '%s=%s' % (self.ksParamAction, self._sAction[:cchAction]);
            for aoItem in self._aaoMenus:
                if self._isMenuMatch(aoItem[1], sActionParam):
                    aasSideMenu = aoItem[2];
                for asSubItem in aoItem[2]:
                    if self._isMenuMatch(asSubItem[1], sActionParam):
                        aasSideMenu = aoItem[2];
                if aasSideMenu is not None:

        # Top menu first.
        sTopMenuItems = '';
        for aoItem in self._aaoMenus:
            if aasSideMenu is aoItem[2]:
                sTopMenuItems += '<li class="current_page_item">';
                sTopMenuItems += '<li>';
            sTopMenuItems += '<a href="' + webutils.escapeAttr(aoItem[1]) + '">' \
                           + webutils.escapeElem(aoItem[0]) + '</a></li>\n';

        # Side menu (if found).
        sActionParam = '%s=%s' % (self.ksParamAction, self._sAction);
        sSideMenuItems = '';
        if aasSideMenu is not None:
            for asSubItem in aasSideMenu:
                if asSubItem[1] is not None:
                    if not asSubItem[2] or not fReadOnly:
                        if self._isSideMenuMatch(asSubItem[1], sActionParam):
                            sSideMenuItems += '<li class="current_page_item">';
                            sSideMenuItems += '<li>';
                        sSideMenuItems += '<a href="' + webutils.escapeAttr(asSubItem[1]) + '">' \
                                        + webutils.escapeElem(asSubItem[0]) + '</a></li>\n';
                    sSideMenuItems += '<li class="subheader_item">' + webutils.escapeElem(asSubItem[0]) + '</li>';
        return (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems);

    def _generatePage(self):
        Generates the page using _sTemplate, _sPageTitle, _aaoMenus, and _sPageBody.
        assert self._sRedirectTo is None;

        # Build the replacement string dictionary.

        # Provide basic auth log out for browsers that supports it.
        sUserAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent();
        if   (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Firefox') > 0) \
          or False:
            # Log in as the logout user in the same realm, the browser forgets
            # the old login and the job is done. (see apache sample conf)
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="%s://logout:logout@%s%slogout.py">logout</a>)' \
                % (self._oSrvGlue.getUrlScheme(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlNetLoc(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlBasePath());
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Safari') > 0) \
          or False:
            # For a 401, causing the browser to forget the old login. Works
            # with safari as well as the two above. Since safari consider the
            # above method a phishing attempt and displays a warning to that
            # effect, which when taken seriously aborts the logout, this method
            # is preferable, even if it throws logon boxes in the user's face
            # till he/she/it hits escape, because it always works.
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="logout2.py">logout</a>)'
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('MSIE') > 0) \
          or (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Chrome') > 0) \
          or False:
            ## There doesn't seem to be any way to make IE really log out
            # without using a cookie and systematically 401 accesses based on
            # some logout state associated with it.  Not sure how secure that
            # can be made and we really want to avoid cookies.  So, perhaps,
            # just avoid IE for now. :-)
            ## Chrome/21.0 doesn't want to log out either.
            sLogOut = ''
            sLogOut = ''

        # Prep Menus.
        (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems) = self._generateMenus();

        # The dictionary (max variable length is 28 chars (see further down)).
        dReplacements = {
            '@@PAGE_TITLE@@':           self._sPageTitle,
            '@@LOG_OUT@@':              sLogOut,
            '@@TESTMANAGER_VERSION@@':  config.g_ksVersion,
            '@@TESTMANAGER_REVISION@@': config.g_ksRevision,
            '@@BASE_URL@@':             self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl(),
            '@@TOP_MENU_ITEMS@@':       sTopMenuItems,
            '@@SIDE_MENU_ITEMS@@':      sSideMenuItems,
            '@@SIDE_FILTER_CONTROL@@':  self._sPageFilter,
            '@@SIDE_MENU_FORM_ATTRS@@': '',
            '@@PAGE_BODY@@':            self._sPageBody,
            '@@DEBUG@@':                '',

        # Side menu form attributes.
        if self._dSideMenuFormAttrs:
            dReplacements['@@SIDE_MENU_FORM_ATTRS@@'] = ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (sKey, webutils.escapeAttr(sValue))
                                                                  for sKey, sValue in self._dSideMenuFormAttrs.items()]);

        # Special current user handling.
        if self._oCurUser is not None:
            dReplacements['@@USER_NAME@@'] = self._oCurUser.sUsername;
            dReplacements['@@USER_NAME@@'] = 'unauthorized user "' + self._oSrvGlue.getLoginName() + '"';

        # Prep debug section.
        if self._sDebug == '':
            if config.g_kfWebUiSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlExplain:
                self._sDebug  = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n%s\n' \
                              % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,),
            elif config.g_kfWebUiProcessedIn:
                self._sDebug  = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n' \
                              % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,), );
            if config.g_kfWebUiDebugPanel:
                self._sDebug += self._debugRenderPanel();
        if self._sDebug != '':
            dReplacements['@@DEBUG@@'] = u'<div id="debug"><br><br><hr/>' \
                                       + (utils.toUnicode(self._sDebug, errors='ignore') if isinstance(self._sDebug, str)
                                          else self._sDebug) \
                                       + u'</div>\n';

        # Load the template.
        oFile = open(os.path.join(self._oSrvGlue.pathTmWebUI(), self._sTemplate));
        sTmpl = oFile.read();

        # Process the template, outputting each part we process.
        offStart = 0;
        offCur   = 0;
        while offCur < len(sTmpl):
            # Look for a replacement variable.
            offAtAt = sTmpl.find('@@', offCur);
            if offAtAt < 0:
            offCur = offAtAt + 2;
            if sTmpl[offCur] not in string.ascii_uppercase:
            offEnd = sTmpl.find('@@', offCur, offCur+28);
            if offEnd <= 0:
            offCur = offEnd;
            sReplacement = sTmpl[offAtAt:offEnd+2];
            if sReplacement in dReplacements:
                # Got a match! Write out the previous chunk followed by the replacement text.
                if offStart < offAtAt:
                # Advance past the replacement point in the template.
                offCur += 2;
                offStart = offCur;
                assert False, 'Unknown replacement "%s" at offset %s in %s' % (sReplacement, offAtAt, self._sTemplate );

        # The final chunk.
        if offStart < len(sTmpl):

        return True;

    # Interface for WuiContentBase classes.

    def getParameters(self):
        Returns a (shallow) copy of the request parameter dictionary.
        return self._dParams.copy();

    def getDb(self):
        Returns the database connection.
        return self._oDb;

    def getNow(self):
        Returns the effective date.
        return self._tsNow;

    # Parameter handling.

    def getStringParam(self, sName, asValidValues = None, sDefault = None, fAllowNull = False):
        Gets a string parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and sDefault is None.
        if sName in self._dParams:
            if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:
            sValue = self._dParams[sName];
            if isinstance(sValue, list):
                raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" is given multiple times: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
            sValue = sValue.strip();
        elif sDefault is None and fAllowNull is not True:
            raise WuiException('%s is missing parameters: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName,));
            sValue = sDefault;

        if asValidValues is not None and sValue not in asValidValues:
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" not in %s '
                               % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, asValidValues));
        return sValue;

    def getBoolParam(self, sName, fDefault = None):
        Gets a boolean parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and fDefault is None, or if not a valid boolean.
        sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, [ 'True', 'true', '1', 'False', 'false', '0'],
                                     '0' if fDefault is None else str(fDefault));
        # HACK: Checkboxes doesn't return a value when unchecked, so we always
        #       provide a default when dealing with boolean parameters.
        return sValue in ('True', 'true', '1',);

    def getIntParam(self, sName, iMin = None, iMax = None, iDefault = None):
        Gets a integer parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and iDefault is None, if not a valid int,
        or if outside the range defined by iMin and iMax.
        if iDefault is not None and sName not in self._dParams:
            return iDefault;

        sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, None, None if iDefault is None else str(iDefault));
            iValue = int(sValue);
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer'
                               % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));

        if   (iMin is not None and iValue < iMin) \
          or (iMax is not None and iValue > iMax):
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]'
                               % (self._sAction, sName, iValue, iMin, iMax));
        return iValue;

    def getLongParam(self, sName, lMin = None, lMax = None, lDefault = None):
        Gets a long integer parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and lDefault is None, if not a valid long,
        or if outside the range defined by lMin and lMax.
        if lDefault is not None and sName not in self._dParams:
            return lDefault;

        sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, None, None if lDefault is None else str(lDefault));
            lValue = long(sValue);
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer'
                               % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));

        if   (lMin is not None and lValue < lMin) \
          or (lMax is not None and lValue > lMax):
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]'
                               % (self._sAction, sName, lValue, lMin, lMax));
        return lValue;

    def getTsParam(self, sName, tsDefault = None, fRequired = True):
        Gets a timestamp parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and fRequired is True.
        if fRequired is False and sName not in self._dParams:
            return tsDefault;

        sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, None, None if tsDefault is None else str(tsDefault));
        (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue);
        if sError is not None:
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s": %s'
                               % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, sError));
        return sValue;

    def getListOfIntParams(self, sName, iMin = None, iMax = None, aiDefaults = None):
        Gets parameter list.
        Raises exception if not found and aiDefaults is None, or if any of the
        values are not valid integers or outside the range defined by iMin and iMax.
        if sName in self._dParams:
            if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:

            if isinstance(self._dParams[sName], list):
                asValues = self._dParams[sName];
                asValues = [self._dParams[sName],];
            aiValues = [];
            for sValue in asValues:
                    iValue = int(sValue);
                    raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer'
                                       % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));

                if   (iMin is not None and iValue < iMin) \
                  or (iMax is not None and iValue > iMax):
                    raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]'
                                       % (self._sAction, sName, iValue, iMin, iMax));
            aiValues = aiDefaults;

        return aiValues;

    def getListOfStrParams(self, sName, asDefaults = None):
        Gets parameter list.
        Raises exception if not found and asDefaults is None.
        if sName in self._dParams:
            if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:

            if isinstance(self._dParams[sName], list):
                asValues = [str(s).strip() for s in self._dParams[sName]];
                asValues = [str(self._dParams[sName]).strip(), ];
        elif asDefaults is None:
            raise WuiException('%s is missing parameters: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName,));
            asValues = asDefaults;

        return asValues;

    def getListOfTestCasesParam(self, sName, asDefaults = None):  # too many local vars - pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        """Get list of test cases and their parameters"""
        if sName in self._dParams:
            if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:

        aoListOfTestCases = []

        aiSelectedTestCaseIds = self.getListOfIntParams('%s[asCheckedTestCases]' % sName, aiDefaults=[])
        aiAllTestCases        = self.getListOfIntParams('%s[asAllTestCases]'     % sName, aiDefaults=[])

        for idTestCase in aiAllTestCases:
            aiCheckedTestCaseArgs = \
                    '%s[%d][asCheckedTestCaseArgs]' % (sName, idTestCase),

            aiAllTestCaseArgs = \
                    '%s[%d][asAllTestCaseArgs]' % (sName, idTestCase),

            oListEntryTestCaseArgs = []
            for idTestCaseArgs in aiAllTestCaseArgs:
                fArgsChecked   = idTestCaseArgs in aiCheckedTestCaseArgs;

                # Dry run
                sPrefix = '%s[%d][%d]' % (sName, idTestCase, idTestCaseArgs,);
                self.getIntParam(sPrefix + '[idTestCaseArgs]', iDefault = -1,)

                sArgs        = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + '[sArgs]',        sDefault = '')
                cSecTimeout  = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + '[cSecTimeout]',  sDefault = '')
                cGangMembers = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + '[cGangMembers]', sDefault = '')
                cGangMembers = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + '[cGangMembers]', sDefault = '')

                oListEntryTestCaseArgs.append((fArgsChecked, idTestCaseArgs, sArgs, cSecTimeout, cGangMembers))

            sTestCaseName = self.getStringParam('%s[%d][sName]' % (sName, idTestCase), sDefault='')

            oListEntryTestCase = (
                idTestCase in aiSelectedTestCaseIds,


        if aoListOfTestCases == []:
            if asDefaults is None:
                raise WuiException('%s is missing parameters: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName))
            aoListOfTestCases = asDefaults

        return aoListOfTestCases

    def getEffectiveDateParam(self, sParamName = None):
        Gets the effective date parameter.

        Returns a timestamp suitable for database and url parameters.
        Returns None if not found or empty.

        The first call with sParamName set to None will set the internal _tsNow
        value upon successfull return.

        sName = sParamName if sParamName is not None else WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate

        if sName not in self._dParams:
            return None;

        if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:

        sValue = self._dParams[sName];
        if isinstance(sValue, list):
            raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" is given multiple times: %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
        sValue = sValue.strip();
        if sValue == '':
            return None;

        # Timestamp, just validate it and return.
        if sValue[0] not in ['-', '+']:
            (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue);
            if sError is not None:
                raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") is invalid: %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, sError));
            if sParamName is None and self._tsNow is None:
                self._tsNow = sValue;
            return sValue;

        # Relative timestamp. Validate and convert it to a fixed timestamp.
        chSign = sValue[0];
        (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue[1:]);
        if sError is not None:
            raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") is invalid: %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, sError));
        if sValue[-6] in ['-', '+']:
            raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") is a relative timestamp but incorrectly includes a time zone.'
                               % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
        offTime = 11;
        if sValue[offTime - 1] != ' ':
            raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") incorrect format.' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
        sInterval = 'P' + sValue[:(offTime - 1)] + 'T' + sValue[offTime:];

        self._oDb.execute('SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ' + chSign + ' \'' + sInterval + '\'::INTERVAL');
        oDate = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];

        sValue = str(oDate);
        if sParamName is None and self._tsNow is None:
            self._tsNow = sValue;
        return sValue;

    def getRedirectToParameter(self, sDefault = None):
        Gets the special redirect to parameter if it exists, will Return default
        if not, with None being a valid default.

        Makes sure the it doesn't got offsite.
        Raises exception if invalid.
        if sDefault is not None or self.ksParamRedirectTo in self._dParams:
            sValue = self.getStringParam(self.ksParamRedirectTo, sDefault = sDefault);
            cch = sValue.find("?");
            if cch < 0:
                cch = sValue.find("#");
                if cch < 0:
                    cch = len(sValue);
            for ch in (':', '/', '\\', '..'):
                if sValue.find(ch, 0, cch) >= 0:
                    raise WuiException('Invalid character (%c) in redirect-to url: %s' % (ch, sValue,));
            sValue = None;
        return sValue;

    def _checkForUnknownParameters(self):
        Check if we've handled all parameters, raises exception if anything
        unknown was found.

        if len(self._asCheckedParams) != len(self._dParams):
            sUnknownParams = '';
            for sKey in self._dParams:
                if sKey not in self._asCheckedParams:
                    sUnknownParams += ' ' + sKey + '=' + str(self._dParams[sKey]);
            raise WuiException('Unknown parameters: ' + sUnknownParams);

        return True;

    def _assertPostRequest(self):
        Makes sure that the request we're dispatching is a POST request.
        Raises an exception of not.
        if self._oSrvGlue.getMethod() != 'POST':
            raise WuiException('Expected "POST" request, got "%s"' % (self._oSrvGlue.getMethod(),))
        return True;

    # Client browser type.

    ## @name Browser types.
    ## @{
    ksBrowserFamily_Unknown     = 0;
    ksBrowserFamily_Gecko       = 1;
    ksBrowserFamily_Webkit      = 2;
    ksBrowserFamily_Trident     = 3;
    ## @}

    ## @name Browser types.
    ## @{
    ksBrowserType_FamilyMask    = 0xff;
    ksBrowserType_Unknown       = 0;
    ksBrowserType_Firefox       = (1 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Gecko;
    ksBrowserType_Chrome        = (2 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Webkit;
    ksBrowserType_Safari        = (3 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Webkit;
    ksBrowserType_IE            = (4 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Trident;
    ## @}

    def getBrowserType(self):
        Gets the browser type.
        The browser family can be extracted from this using ksBrowserType_FamilyMask.
        sAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent();
        if sAgent.find('AppleWebKit/') > 0:
            if sAgent.find('Chrome/') > 0:
                return self.ksBrowserType_Chrome;
            if sAgent.find('Safari/') > 0:
                return self.ksBrowserType_Safari;
            return self.ksBrowserType_Unknown | self.ksBrowserFamily_Webkit;
        if sAgent.find('Gecko/') > 0:
            if sAgent.find('Firefox/') > 0:
                return self.ksBrowserType_Firefox;
            return self.ksBrowserType_Unknown | self.ksBrowserFamily_Gecko;
        return self.ksBrowserType_Unknown | self.ksBrowserFamily_Unknown;

    def isBrowserGecko(self, sMinVersion = None):
        """ Returns true if it's a gecko based browser. """
        if (self.getBrowserType() & self.ksBrowserType_FamilyMask) != self.ksBrowserFamily_Gecko:
            return False;
        if sMinVersion is not None:
            sAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent();
            sVersion = sAgent[sAgent.find('Gecko/')+6:].split()[0];
            if sVersion < sMinVersion:
                return False;
        return True;

    # User related stuff.

    def isReadOnlyUser(self):
        """ Returns true if the logged in user is read-only or if no user is logged in. """
        return self._oCurUser is None or self._oCurUser.fReadOnly;

    # Debugging

    def _debugProcessDispatch(self):
        Processes any debugging parameters in the request and adds them to
        _asCheckedParams so they won't cause trouble in the action handler.

        self._fDbgSqlTrace   = self.getBoolParam(self.ksParamDbgSqlTrace, False);
        self._fDbgSqlExplain = self.getBoolParam(self.ksParamDbgSqlExplain, False);

        if self._fDbgSqlExplain:

        return True;

    def _debugRenderPanel(self):
        Renders a simple form for controlling WUI debugging.

        Returns the HTML for it.

        sHtml  = '<div id="debug-panel">\n' \
                 ' <form id="debug-panel-form" type="get" action="#">\n';

        for sKey, oValue in self._dParams.items():
            if sKey not in self.kasDbgParams:
                if hasattr(oValue, 'startswith'):
                    sHtml += '  <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n' \
                           % (webutils.escapeAttr(sKey), webutils.escapeAttrToStr(oValue),);
                    for oSubValue in oValue:
                        sHtml += '  <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n' \
                               % (webutils.escapeAttr(sKey), webutils.escapeAttrToStr(oSubValue),);

        for aoCheckBox in (
                [self.ksParamDbgSqlTrace, self._fDbgSqlTrace, 'SQL trace'],
                [self.ksParamDbgSqlExplain, self._fDbgSqlExplain, 'SQL explain'], ):
            sHtml += ' <input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="1"%s />%s\n' \
                % (aoCheckBox[0], ' checked' if aoCheckBox[1] else '', aoCheckBox[2]);

        sHtml += '  <button type="submit">Apply</button>\n';
        sHtml += ' </form>\n' \
        return sHtml;

    def _debugGetParameters(self):
        Gets a dictionary with the debug parameters.

        For use when links are constructed from scratch instead of self._dParams.
        return self._dDbgParams;

    # Dispatching

    def _actionDefault(self):
        """The default action handler, always overridden. """
        raise WuiException('The child class shall override WuiBase.actionDefault().')

    def _actionGenericListing(self, oLogicType, oListContentType):
        Generic listing action.

        oLogicType implements fetchForListing.
        oListContentType is a child of WuiListContentBase.
        tsEffective     = self.getEffectiveDateParam();
        cItemsPerPage   = self.getIntParam(self.ksParamItemsPerPage, iMin = 2, iMax =   9999, iDefault = 300);
        iPage           = self.getIntParam(self.ksParamPageNo,       iMin = 0, iMax = 999999, iDefault = 0);
        aiSortColumnsDup = self.getListOfIntParams(self.ksParamSortColumns,
                                                   iMin = -getattr(oLogicType, 'kcMaxSortColumns', 0) + 1,
                                                   iMax = getattr(oLogicType, 'kcMaxSortColumns', 0), aiDefaults = []);
        aiSortColumns   = [];
        for iSortColumn in aiSortColumnsDup:
            if iSortColumn not in aiSortColumns:

        aoEntries  = oLogicType(self._oDb).fetchForListing(iPage * cItemsPerPage, cItemsPerPage + 1, tsEffective, aiSortColumns);
        oContent   = oListContentType(aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective,
                                      fnDPrint = self._oSrvGlue.dprint, oDisp = self, aiSelectedSortColumns = aiSortColumns);
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.show();
        return True;

    def _actionGenericFormAdd(self, oDataType, oFormType, sRedirectTo = None):
        Generic add something form display request handler.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        oData = oDataType().initFromParams(oDisp = self, fStrict = False);
        sRedirectTo = self.getRedirectToParameter(sRedirectTo);

        oForm = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Add, oDisp = self);
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oForm.showForm();
        return True

    def _actionGenericFormDetails(self, oDataType, oLogicType, oFormType, sIdAttr = None, sGenIdAttr = None): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        Generic handler for showing a details form/page.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oLogicType may implement fetchForChangeLog.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sIdParamName is the name of the ID parameter (not idGen!).
        # Input.
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        assert issubclass(oLogicType, ModelLogicBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        if sIdAttr is None:
            sIdAttr = oDataType.ksIdAttr;
        if sGenIdAttr is None:
            sGenIdAttr = getattr(oDataType, 'ksGenIdAttr', None);

        # Parameters.
        idGenObject = -1;
        if sGenIdAttr is not None:
            idGenObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + sGenIdAttr), 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1);
        if idGenObject != -1:
            idObject = tsNow = None;
            idObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + sIdAttr), 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1);
            tsNow    = self.getEffectiveDateParam();
        fChangeLog               = self.getBoolParam(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEnabled, True);
        iChangeLogPageNo         = self.getIntParam(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogPageNo, 0, 9999, 0);
        cChangeLogEntriesPerPage = self.getIntParam(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage, 2, 9999, 4);

        # Fetch item and display it.
        if idGenObject == -1:
            oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idObject, tsNow);
            oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithGenId(self._oDb, idGenObject);

        oContent  = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Show, oDisp = self);
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm();

        # Add change log if supported.
        if fChangeLog and hasattr(oLogicType, 'fetchForChangeLog'):
            (aoEntries, fMore) = oLogicType(self._oDb).fetchForChangeLog(getattr(oData, sIdAttr),
                                                                         iChangeLogPageNo * cChangeLogEntriesPerPage,
                                                                         cChangeLogEntriesPerPage ,
            self._sPageBody += oContent.showChangeLog(aoEntries, fMore, iChangeLogPageNo, cChangeLogEntriesPerPage, tsNow);
        return True

    def _actionGenericDoRemove(self, oLogicType, sParamId, sRedirAction):
        Delete entry (using oLogicType.removeEntry).

        oLogicType is a class that implements addEntry.

        sParamId is the name (ksParam_...) of the HTTP variable hold the ID of
        the database entry to delete.

        sRedirAction is what action to redirect to on success.
        import cgitb;

        idEntry = self.getIntParam(sParamId, iMin = 1, iMax = 0x7ffffffe)
        fCascade = self.getBoolParam('fCascadeDelete', False);
        sRedirectTo = self.getRedirectToParameter(self._sActionUrlBase + sRedirAction);

            if self.isReadOnlyUser():
                raise Exception('"%s" is a read only user!' % (self._oCurUser.sUsername,));
            self._sPageTitle  = None
            self._sPageBody   = None
            self._sRedirectTo = sRedirectTo;
            return oLogicType(self._oDb).removeEntry(self._oCurUser.uid, idEntry, fCascade = fCascade, fCommit = True);
        except Exception as oXcpt:
            self._sPageTitle  = 'Unable to delete entry';
            self._sPageBody   = str(oXcpt);
            if config.g_kfDebugDbXcpt:
                self._sPageBody += cgitb.html(sys.exc_info());
            self._sRedirectTo = None;
        return False;

    def _actionGenericFormEdit(self, oDataType, oFormType, sIdParamName = None, sRedirectTo = None):
        Generic edit something form display request handler.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sIdParamName is the name of the ID parameter (not idGen!).
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        if sIdParamName is None:
            sIdParamName = getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + oDataType.ksIdAttr);
        assert len(sIdParamName) > 1;

        tsNow    = self.getEffectiveDateParam();
        idObject = self.getIntParam(sIdParamName, 0, 0x7ffffffe);
        sRedirectTo = self.getRedirectToParameter(sRedirectTo);
        oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idObject, tsNow = tsNow);

        oContent = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Edit, oDisp = self);
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm();
        return True

    def _actionGenericFormEditL(self, oCoreObjectLogic, sCoreObjectIdFieldName, oWuiObjectLogic):
        Generic modify something form display request handler.

        @param oCoreObjectLogic         A *Logic class

        @param sCoreObjectIdFieldName   Name of HTTP POST variable that
                                        contains object ID information

        @param oWuiObjectLogic          Web interface renderer class

        iCoreDataObjectId = self.getIntParam(sCoreObjectIdFieldName,  0, 0x7ffffffe, -1)

        ## @todo r=bird: This will return a None object if the object wasn't found... Crash bang in the content generator
        #                code (that's not logic code btw.).
        oData = oCoreObjectLogic(self._oDb).getById(iCoreDataObjectId)

        # Instantiate and render the MODIFY dialog form
        oContent = oWuiObjectLogic(oData, oWuiObjectLogic.ksMode_Edit, oDisp=self)

        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm()

        return True

    def _actionGenericFormClone(self, oDataType, oFormType, sIdAttr, sGenIdAttr = None):
        Generic clone something form display request handler.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sIdParamName is the name of the ID parameter.
        sGenIdParamName is the name of the generation ID parameter, None if not applicable.
        # Input.
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        # Parameters.
        idGenObject = -1;
        if sGenIdAttr is not None:
            idGenObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + sGenIdAttr), 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1);
        if idGenObject != -1:
            idObject = tsNow = None;
            idObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + sIdAttr), 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1);
            tsNow    = self.getEffectiveDateParam();

        # Fetch data and clear identifying attributes not relevant to the clone.
        if idGenObject != -1:
            oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithGenId(self._oDb, idGenObject);
            oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idObject, tsNow);

        setattr(oData, sIdAttr, None);
        if sGenIdAttr is not None:
            setattr(oData, sGenIdAttr, None);
        oData.tsEffective = None;
        oData.tsExpire    = None;

        # Display form.
        oContent = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Add, oDisp = self);
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm()
        return True

    def _actionGenericFormPost(self, sMode, fnLogicAction, oDataType, oFormType, sRedirectTo, fStrict = True):
        Generic POST request handling from a WuiFormContentBase child.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        fnLogicAction is a method taking a oDataType instance and uidAuthor as arguments.
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        # Read and validate parameters.
        oData = oDataType().initFromParams(oDisp = self, fStrict = fStrict);
        sRedirectTo = self.getRedirectToParameter(sRedirectTo);
        if sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add and  getattr(oData, 'kfIdAttrIsForForeign', False):
            enmValidateFor = oData.ksValidateFor_AddForeignId;
        elif sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add:
            enmValidateFor = oData.ksValidateFor_Add;
            enmValidateFor = oData.ksValidateFor_Edit;
        dErrors = oData.validateAndConvert(self._oDb, enmValidateFor);

        # Check that the user can do this.
        sErrorMsg = None;
        assert self._oCurUser is not None;
        if self.isReadOnlyUser():
            sErrorMsg = 'User %s is not allowed to modify anything!' % (self._oCurUser.sUsername,)

        if not dErrors and not sErrorMsg:

            # Try do the job.
                fnLogicAction(oData, self._oCurUser.uid, fCommit = True);
            except Exception as oXcpt:
                oForm = oFormType(oData, sMode, oDisp = self);
                sErrorMsg = str(oXcpt) if not config.g_kfDebugDbXcpt else '\n'.join(utils.getXcptInfo(4));
                (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oForm.showForm(sErrorMsg = sErrorMsg);
                # Worked, redirect to the specified page.
                self._sPageTitle  = None;
                self._sPageBody   = None;
                self._sRedirectTo = sRedirectTo;
            oForm = oFormType(oData, sMode, oDisp = self);
            (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oForm.showForm(dErrors = dErrors, sErrorMsg = sErrorMsg);
        return True;

    def _actionGenericFormAddPost(self, oDataType, oLogicType, oFormType, sRedirAction, fStrict=True):
        Generic add entry POST request handling from a WuiFormContentBase child.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oLogicType is a class that implements addEntry.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sRedirAction is what action to redirect to on success.
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        assert issubclass(oLogicType, ModelLogicBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        oLogic = oLogicType(self._oDb);
        return self._actionGenericFormPost(WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add, oLogic.addEntry, oDataType, oFormType,
                                           '?' + webutils.encodeUrlParams({self.ksParamAction: sRedirAction}), fStrict=fStrict)

    def _actionGenericFormEditPost(self, oDataType, oLogicType, oFormType, sRedirAction, fStrict = True):
        Generic edit POST request handling from a WuiFormContentBase child.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oLogicType is a class that implements addEntry.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sRedirAction is what action to redirect to on success.
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        assert issubclass(oLogicType, ModelLogicBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        oLogic = oLogicType(self._oDb);
        return self._actionGenericFormPost(WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Edit, oLogic.editEntry, oDataType, oFormType,
                                           '?' + webutils.encodeUrlParams({self.ksParamAction: sRedirAction}),
                                           fStrict = fStrict);

    def _unauthorizedUser(self):
        Displays the unauthorized user message (corresponding record is not
        present in DB).

        sLoginName = self._oSrvGlue.getLoginName();

        # Report to system log
        oSystemLogLogic = SystemLogLogic(self._oDb);
                                 'Unknown user (%s) attempts to access from %s'
                                 % (sLoginName, self._oSrvGlue.getClientAddr()),
                                 24, fCommit = True)

        # Display message.
        self._sPageTitle = 'User not authorized'
        self._sPageBody = """
            <p>Access denied for user <b>%s</b>.
            Please contact an admin user to set up your access.</p>
            """ % (sLoginName,)
        return True;

    def dispatchRequest(self):
        Dispatches a request.

        # Get the parameters and checks for duplicates.
            dParams = self._oSrvGlue.getParameters();
        except Exception as oXcpt:
            raise WuiException('Error retriving parameters: %s' % (oXcpt,));

        for sKey in dParams.keys():

            # Take care about strings which may contain unicode characters: convert percent-encoded symbols back to unicode.
            for idxItem, _ in enumerate(dParams[sKey]):
                dParams[sKey][idxItem] = utils.toUnicode(dParams[sKey][idxItem], 'utf-8');

            if not len(dParams[sKey]) > 1:
                dParams[sKey] = dParams[sKey][0];
        self._dParams = dParams;

        # Figure out the requested action and validate it.
        if self.ksParamAction in self._dParams:
            self._sAction = self._dParams[self.ksParamAction];
            self._sAction = self.ksActionDefault;

        if isinstance(self._sAction, list) or  self._sAction not in self._dDispatch:
            raise WuiException('Unknown action "%s" requested' % (self._sAction,));

        # Call action handler and generate the page (if necessary).
        if self._oCurUser is not None:
            if self._dDispatch[self._sAction]() is self.ksDispatchRcAllDone:
                return True;

        if self._sRedirectTo is None:
        return True;

    def dprint(self, sText):
        """ Debug printing. """
        if config.g_kfWebUiDebug and True:
    def _populateForm(self, oForm, oData):
        oForm.addIntRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_idTestBox, oData.idTestBox,
                       'TestBox ID')
        oForm.addIntRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_idGenTestBox, oData.idGenTestBox,
                       'TestBox generation ID')
                             oData.tsEffective, 'Last changed')
        oForm.addTimestampRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_tsExpire, oData.tsExpire,
                             'Expires (excl)')
        oForm.addIntRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_uidAuthor, oData.uidAuthor,
                       'Changed by UID')

        oForm.addText(TestBoxData.ksParam_ip, oData.ip, 'TestBox IP Address')
        oForm.addUuid(TestBoxData.ksParam_uuidSystem, oData.uuidSystem,
                      'TestBox System/Firmware UUID')
        oForm.addText(TestBoxData.ksParam_sName, oData.sName, 'TestBox Name')
        oForm.addText(TestBoxData.ksParam_sDescription, oData.sDescription,
                      'TestBox Description')
            TestBoxData.ksParam_idSchedGroup, oData.idSchedGroup,
            'Scheduling Group',
        oForm.addCheckBox(TestBoxData.ksParam_fEnabled, oData.fEnabled,
        oForm.addComboBox(TestBoxData.ksParam_enmLomKind, oData.enmLomKind,
                          'Lights-out-management', TestBoxData.kaoLomKindDescs)
        oForm.addText(TestBoxData.ksParam_ipLom, oData.ipLom,
                      'Lights-out-management IP Address')
                     oData.pctScaleTimeout, 'Timeout scale factor (%)')

        ## @todo Pretty format the read-only fields and use hidden fields for
        #        passing the actual values. (Yes, we need the values so we can
        #        display the form correctly on input error.)
        oForm.addTextRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_sOs, oData.sOs, 'TestBox OS')
        oForm.addTextRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_sOsVersion, oData.sOsVersion,
                        'TestBox OS version')
        oForm.addTextRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_sCpuArch, oData.sCpuArch,
                        'TestBox OS kernel architecture')
        oForm.addTextRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_sCpuVendor, oData.sCpuVendor,
                        'TestBox CPU vendor')
        oForm.addTextRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_sCpuName, oData.sCpuName,
                        'TestBox CPU name')
        if oData.lCpuRevision:
                            '%#x' % (oData.lCpuRevision, ),
                            'TestBox CPU revision',
                            sPostHtml=' (family=%#x model=%#x stepping=%#x)' %
                            oData.lCpuRevision, 'TestBox CPU revision')
        oForm.addIntRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_cCpus, oData.cCpus,
                       'Number of CPUs, cores and threads')
        oForm.addCheckBoxRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_fCpuHwVirt, oData.fCpuHwVirt,
                            'VT-x or AMD-V supported')
                            oData.fCpuNestedPaging, 'Nested paging supported')
                            oData.fCpu64BitGuest, '64-bit guest supported')
                            oData.fChipsetIoMmu, 'I/O MMU supported')
        oForm.addMultilineTextRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_sReport, oData.sReport,
                                 'Hardware/software report')
        oForm.addLongRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_cMbMemory, oData.cMbMemory,
                        'Installed RAM size (MB)')
        oForm.addLongRO(TestBoxData.ksParam_cMbScratch, oData.cMbScratch,
                        'Available scratch space (MB)')
                       oData.iTestBoxScriptRev, 'TestBox Script SVN revision')
        # Later:
        #if not self.isAttributeNull(''):
        #    sHexVer = '%s.%s.%.%s' % (oData.iPythonHexVersion >> 24, (oData.iPythonHexVersion >> 16) & 0xff,
        #                             (oData.iPythonHexVersion >> 8) & 0xff, oData.iPythonHexVersion & 0xff);
        #    sHexVer = str(oData.iPythonHexVersion);

                       oData.iPythonHexVersion, 'Python version (hex)')
        if self._sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Edit:
                              oData.enmPendingCmd, 'Pending command',
                                oData.enmPendingCmd, 'Pending command',

        if self._sMode != WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Show:
                'Create TestBox' if self._sMode ==
                WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add else 'Change TestBox')

        return True
Пример #28
class WuiDispatcherBase(object):
    Base class for the Web User Interface (WUI) dispatchers.

    The dispatcher class defines the basics of the page (like base template,
    menu items, action).  It is also responsible for parsing requests and
    dispatching them to action (POST) or/and content generators (GET+POST).
    The content returned by the generator is merged into the template and sent
    back to the webserver glue.

    ## @todo possible that this should all go into presentation.

    ## The action parameter.
    ksParamAction       = 'Action';
    ## The name of the default action.
    ksActionDefault     = 'default';

    ## The name of the current page number parameter used when displaying lists.
    ksParamPageNo       = 'PageNo';
    ## The name of the page length (list items) parameter when displaying lists.
    ksParamItemsPerPage = 'ItemsPerPage';

    ## The name of the effective date (timestamp) parameter.
    ksParamEffectiveDate = 'EffectiveDate';

    ## The name of the redirect-to (test manager relative url) parameter.
    ksParamRedirectTo    = 'RedirectTo';

    ## The name of the list-action parameter (WuiListContentWithActionBase).
    ksParamListAction    = 'ListAction';

    ## The name of the change log enabled/disabled parameter.
    ksParamChangeLogEnabled         = 'ChangeLogEnabled';
    ## The name of the parmaeter indicating the change log page number.
    ksParamChangeLogPageNo          = 'ChangeLogPageNo';
    ## The name of the parameter indicate number of change log entries per page.
    ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage  = 'ChangeLogEntriesPerPage';

    ## @name Dispatcher debugging parameters.
    ## {@
    ksParamDbgSqlTrace      = 'DbgSqlTrace';
    ksParamDbgSqlExplain    = 'DbgSqlExplain';
    ## List of all debugging parameters.
    kasDbgParams = (ksParamDbgSqlTrace, ksParamDbgSqlExplain,);
    ## @}

    ## Special action return code for skipping _generatePage. Useful for
    # download pages and the like that messes with the HTTP header and more.
    ksDispatchRcAllDone = 'Done - Page has been rendered already';

    def __init__(self, oSrvGlue, sScriptName):
        self._oSrvGlue          = oSrvGlue;
        self._oDb               = TMDatabaseConnection(self.dprint if config.g_kfWebUiSqlDebug else None, oSrvGlue = oSrvGlue);
        self._tsNow             = None;  # Set by getEffectiveDateParam.
        self._asCheckedParams   = [];
        self._dParams           = None;  # Set by dispatchRequest.
        self._sAction           = None;  # Set by dispatchRequest.
        self._dDispatch         = { self.ksActionDefault: self._actionDefault, };

        # Template bits.
        self._sTemplate         = 'template-default.html';
        self._sPageTitle        = '$$TODO$$';   # The page title.
        self._aaoMenus          = [];           # List of [sName, sLink, [ [sSideName, sLink], .. ] tuples.
        self._sPageFilter       = '';           # The filter controls (optional).
        self._sPageBody         = '$$TODO$$';   # The body text.
        self._sRedirectTo       = None;
        self._sDebug            = '';

        # Debugger bits.
        self._fDbgSqlTrace      = False;
        self._fDbgSqlExplain    = False;
        self._dDbgParams        = dict();
        for sKey, sValue in oSrvGlue.getParameters().iteritems():
            if sKey in self.kasDbgParams:
                self._dDbgParams[sKey] = sValue;
        if len(self._dDbgParams) > 0:
            from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiTmLink;
            WuiTmLink.kdDbgParams = self._dDbgParams;

        # Determine currently logged in user credentials
        self._oCurUser          = UserAccountLogic(self._oDb).tryFetchAccountByLoginName(oSrvGlue.getLoginName());

        # Calc a couple of URL base strings for this dispatcher.
        self._sUrlBase          = sScriptName + '?';
        if len(self._dDbgParams) > 0:
            self._sUrlBase     += webutils.encodeUrlParams(self._dDbgParams) + '&';
        self._sActionUrlBase    = self._sUrlBase + self.ksParamAction + '=';

    def _redirectPage(self):
        Redirects the page to the URL given in self._sRedirectTo.
        assert self._sRedirectTo is not None;
        assert len(self._sRedirectTo) > 0;
        assert self._sPageBody is None;
        assert self._sPageTitle is None;

        return True;

    def _isMenuMatch(self, sMenuUrl, sActionParam):
        """ Overridable menu matcher. """
        return sMenuUrl is not None and sMenuUrl.find(sActionParam) > 0;

    def _isSideMenuMatch(self, sSideMenuUrl, sActionParam):
        """ Overridable side menu matcher. """
        return sSideMenuUrl is not None and sSideMenuUrl.find(sActionParam) > 0;

    def _generateMenus(self):
        Generates the two menus, returning them as (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems).
        # We use the action to locate the side menu.
        aasSideMenu = None;
        for cchAction in range(len(self._sAction), 1, -1):
            sActionParam = '%s=%s' % (self.ksParamAction, self._sAction[:cchAction]);
            for aoItem in self._aaoMenus:
                if self._isMenuMatch(aoItem[1], sActionParam):
                    aasSideMenu = aoItem[2];
                for asSubItem in aoItem[2]:
                    if self._isMenuMatch(asSubItem[1], sActionParam):
                        aasSideMenu = aoItem[2];
                if aasSideMenu is not None:

        # Top menu first.
        sTopMenuItems = '';
        for aoItem in self._aaoMenus:
            if aasSideMenu is aoItem[2]:
                sTopMenuItems += '<li class="current_page_item">';
                sTopMenuItems += '<li>';
            sTopMenuItems += '<a href="' + webutils.escapeAttr(aoItem[1]) + '">' \
                           + webutils.escapeElem(aoItem[0]) + '</a></li>\n';

        # Side menu (if found).
        sActionParam = '%s=%s' % (self.ksParamAction, self._sAction);
        sSideMenuItems = '';
        if aasSideMenu is not None:
            for asSubItem in aasSideMenu:
                if asSubItem[1] is not None:
                    if self._isSideMenuMatch(asSubItem[1], sActionParam):
                        sSideMenuItems += '<li class="current_page_item">';
                        sSideMenuItems += '<li>';
                    sSideMenuItems += '<a href="' + webutils.escapeAttr(asSubItem[1]) + '">' \
                                    + webutils.escapeElem(asSubItem[0]) + '</a></li>\n';
                    sSideMenuItems += '<li class="subheader_item">' + webutils.escapeElem(asSubItem[0]) + '</a></li>';
        return (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems);

    def _generatePage(self):
        Generates the page using _sTemplate, _sPageTitle, _aaoMenus, and _sPageBody.
        assert self._sRedirectTo is None;

        # Build the replacement string dictionary.

        # Provide basic auth log out for browsers that supports it.
        sUserAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent();
        if   (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Firefox') > 0) \
          or False:
            # Log in as the logout user in the same realm, the browser forgets
            # the old login and the job is done. (see apache sample conf)
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="%s://logout:logout@%s%slogout.py">logout</a>)' \
                % (self._oSrvGlue.getUrlScheme(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlNetLoc(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlBasePath());
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Safari') > 0) \
          or False:
            # For a 401, causing the browser to forget the old login. Works
            # with safari as well as the two above. Since safari consider the
            # above method a phishing attempt and displays a warning to that
            # effect, which when taken seriously aborts the logout, this method
            # is preferable, even if it throws logon boxes in the user's face
            # till he/she/it hits escape, because it always works.
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="logout2.py">logout</a>)'
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('MSIE') > 0) \
          or (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Chrome') > 0) \
          or False:
            ## There doesn't seem to be any way to make IE really log out
            # without using a cookie and systematically 401 accesses based on
            # some logout state associated with it.  Not sure how secure that
            # can be made and we really want to avoid cookies.  So, perhaps,
            # just avoid IE for now. :-)
            ## Chrome/21.0 doesn't want to log out either.
            sLogOut = ''
            sLogOut = ''

        # Prep Menus.
        (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems) = self._generateMenus();

        # The dictionary (max variable length is 28 chars (see further down)).
        dReplacements = {
            '@@PAGE_TITLE@@':           self._sPageTitle,
            '@@LOG_OUT@@':              sLogOut,
            '@@TESTMANAGER_VERSION@@':  config.g_ksVersion,
            '@@TESTMANAGER_REVISION@@': config.g_ksRevision,
            '@@BASE_URL@@':             self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl(),
            '@@TOP_MENU_ITEMS@@':       sTopMenuItems,
            '@@SIDE_MENU_ITEMS@@':      sSideMenuItems,
            '@@SIDE_FILTER_CONTROL@@':  self._sPageFilter,
            '@@PAGE_BODY@@':            self._sPageBody,
            '@@DEBUG@@':                '',

        # Special current user handling.
        if self._oCurUser is not None:
            dReplacements['@@USER_NAME@@'] = self._oCurUser.sUsername;
            dReplacements['@@USER_NAME@@'] = 'unauthorized user "' + self._oSrvGlue.getLoginName() + '"';

        # Prep debug section.
        if self._sDebug == '':
            if config.g_kfWebUiSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlExplain:
                self._sDebug  = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n%s\n' \
                              % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,),
            elif config.g_kfWebUiProcessedIn:
                self._sDebug  = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n' \
                              % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,), );
            if config.g_kfWebUiDebugPanel:
                self._sDebug += self._debugRenderPanel();
        if self._sDebug != '':
            dReplacements['@@DEBUG@@'] = '<div id="debug"><br><br><hr/>' + \
                unicode(self._sDebug, errors='ignore') if isinstance(self._sDebug, str) else self._sDebug + '</div>';

        # Load the template.
        oFile = open(os.path.join(self._oSrvGlue.pathTmWebUI(), self._sTemplate));
        sTmpl = oFile.read();

        # Process the template, outputting each part we process.
        offStart = 0;
        offCur   = 0;
        while offCur < len(sTmpl):
            # Look for a replacement variable.
            offAtAt = sTmpl.find('@@', offCur);
            if offAtAt < 0:
            offCur = offAtAt + 2;
            if sTmpl[offCur] not in string.ascii_uppercase:
            offEnd = sTmpl.find('@@', offCur, offCur+28);
            if offEnd <= 0:
            offCur = offEnd;
            sReplacement = sTmpl[offAtAt:offEnd+2];
            if sReplacement in dReplacements:
                # Got a match! Write out the previous chunk followed by the replacement text.
                if offStart < offAtAt:
                # Advance past the replacement point in the template.
                offCur += 2;
                offStart = offCur;
                assert False, 'Unknown replacement "%s" at offset %s in %s' % (sReplacement, offAtAt, self._sTemplate );

        # The final chunk.
        if offStart < offCur:

        return True;

    # Interface for WuiContentBase classes.

    def getParameters(self):
        Returns a (shallow) copy of the request parameter dictionary.
        return self._dParams.copy();

    def getDb(self):
        Returns the database connection.
        return self._oDb;

    def getNow(self):
        Returns the effective date.
        return self._tsNow;

    # Parameter handling.

    def getStringParam(self, sName, asValidValues = None, sDefault = None, fAllowNull = False):
        Gets a string parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and sDefault is None.
        if sName in self._dParams:
            if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:
            sValue = self._dParams[sName];
            if isinstance(sValue, list):
                raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" is given multiple times: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
            sValue = sValue.strip();
        elif sDefault is None and fAllowNull is not True:
            raise WuiException('%s is missing parameters: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName,));
            sValue = sDefault;

        if asValidValues is not None and sValue not in asValidValues:
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" not in %s '
                               % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, asValidValues));
        return sValue;

    def getBoolParam(self, sName, fDefault = None):
        Gets a boolean parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and fDefault is None, or if not a valid boolean.
        sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, [ 'True', 'true', '1', 'False', 'false', '0'],
                                     '0' if fDefault is None else str(fDefault));
        # HACK: Checkboxes doesn't return a value when unchecked, so we always
        #       provide a default when dealing with boolean parameters.
        return sValue == 'True' or sValue == 'true' or sValue == '1';

    def getIntParam(self, sName, iMin = None, iMax = None, iDefault = None):
        Gets a integer parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and iDefault is None, if not a valid int,
        or if outside the range defined by iMin and iMax.
        if iDefault is not None and sName not in self._dParams:
            return iDefault;

        sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, None, None if iDefault is None else str(iDefault));
            iValue = int(sValue);
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer'
                               % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));

        if   (iMin is not None and iValue < iMin) \
          or (iMax is not None and iValue > iMax):
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]'
                               % (self._sAction, sName, iValue, iMin, iMax));
        return iValue;

    def getLongParam(self, sName, lMin = None, lMax = None, lDefault = None):
        Gets a long integer parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and lDefault is None, if not a valid long,
        or if outside the range defined by lMin and lMax.
        if lDefault is not None and sName not in self._dParams:
            return lDefault;

        sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, None, None if lDefault is None else str(lDefault));
            lValue = long(sValue);
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer'
                               % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));

        if   (lMin is not None and lValue < lMin) \
          or (lMax is not None and lValue > lMax):
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]'
                               % (self._sAction, sName, lValue, lMin, lMax));
        return lValue;

    def getTsParam(self, sName, tsDefault = None, fRequired = True):
        Gets a timestamp parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and fRequired is True.
        if fRequired is False and sName not in self._dParams:
            return tsDefault;

        sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, None, None if tsDefault is None else str(tsDefault));
        (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue);
        if sError is not None:
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s": %s'
                               % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, sError));
        return sValue;

    def getListOfIntParams(self, sName, iMin = None, iMax = None, aiDefaults = None):
        Gets parameter list.
        Raises exception if not found and aiDefaults is None, or if any of the
        values are not valid integers or outside the range defined by iMin and iMax.
        if sName in self._dParams:
            if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:

            if isinstance(self._dParams[sName], list):
                asValues = self._dParams[sName];
                asValues = [self._dParams[sName],];
            aiValues = [];
            for sValue in asValues:
                    iValue = int(sValue);
                    raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer'
                                       % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));

                if   (iMin is not None and iValue < iMin) \
                  or (iMax is not None and iValue > iMax):
                    raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]'
                                       % (self._sAction, sName, iValue, iMin, iMax));
            aiValues = aiDefaults;

        return aiValues;

    def getListOfStrParams(self, sName, asDefaults = None):
        Gets parameter list.
        Raises exception if not found and asDefaults is None.
        if sName in self._dParams:
            if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:

            if isinstance(self._dParams[sName], list):
                asValues = [str(s).strip() for s in self._dParams[sName]];
                asValues = [str(self._dParams[sName]).strip(), ];
        elif asDefaults is None:
            raise WuiException('%s is missing parameters: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName,));
            asValues = asDefaults;

        return asValues;

    def getListOfTestCasesParam(self, sName, asDefaults = None):  # too many local vars - pylint: disable=R0914
        """Get list of test cases and their parameters"""
        if sName in self._dParams:
            if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:

        aoListOfTestCases = []

        aiSelectedTestCaseIds = self.getListOfIntParams('%s[asCheckedTestCases]' % sName, aiDefaults=[])
        aiAllTestCases        = self.getListOfIntParams('%s[asAllTestCases]'     % sName, aiDefaults=[])

        for idTestCase in aiAllTestCases:
            aiCheckedTestCaseArgs = \
                    '%s[%d][asCheckedTestCaseArgs]' % (sName, idTestCase),

            aiAllTestCaseArgs = \
                    '%s[%d][asAllTestCaseArgs]' % (sName, idTestCase),

            oListEntryTestCaseArgs = []
            for idTestCaseArgs in aiAllTestCaseArgs:
                fArgsChecked   = True if idTestCaseArgs in aiCheckedTestCaseArgs else False

                # Dry run
                sPrefix = '%s[%d][%d]' % (sName, idTestCase, idTestCaseArgs,);
                self.getIntParam(sPrefix + '[idTestCaseArgs]', iDefault = -1,)

                sArgs        = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + '[sArgs]',        sDefault = '')
                cSecTimeout  = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + '[cSecTimeout]',  sDefault = '')
                cGangMembers = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + '[cGangMembers]', sDefault = '')
                cGangMembers = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + '[cGangMembers]', sDefault = '')

                oListEntryTestCaseArgs.append((fArgsChecked, idTestCaseArgs, sArgs, cSecTimeout, cGangMembers))

            sTestCaseName = self.getStringParam('%s[%d][sName]' % (sName, idTestCase), sDefault='')

            oListEntryTestCase = \
                 True if idTestCase in aiSelectedTestCaseIds else False,


        if aoListOfTestCases == []:
            if asDefaults is None:
                raise WuiException('%s is missing parameters: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName))
            aoListOfTestCases = asDefaults

        return aoListOfTestCases

    def getEffectiveDateParam(self, sParamName = None):
        Gets the effective date parameter.

        Returns a timestamp suitable for database and url parameters.
        Returns None if not found or empty.

        The first call with sParamName set to None will set the internal _tsNow
        value upon successfull return.

        sName = sParamName if sParamName is not None else WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate

        if sName not in self._dParams:
            return None;

        if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:

        sValue = self._dParams[sName];
        if isinstance(sValue, list):
            raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" is given multiple times: %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
        sValue = sValue.strip();
        if sValue == '':
            return None;

        # Timestamp, just validate it and return.
        if sValue[0] not in ['-', '+']:
            (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue);
            if sError is not None:
                raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") is invalid: %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, sError));
            if sParamName is None and self._tsNow is None:
                self._tsNow = sValue;
            return sValue;

        # Relative timestamp. Validate and convert it to a fixed timestamp.
        chSign = sValue[0];
        (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue[1:]);
        if sError is not None:
            raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") is invalid: %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, sError));
        if sValue[-6] in ['-', '+']:
            raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") is a relative timestamp but incorrectly includes a time zone.'
                               % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
        offTime = 11;
        if sValue[offTime - 1] != ' ':
            raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") incorrect format.' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
        sInterval = 'P' + sValue[:(offTime - 1)] + 'T' + sValue[offTime:];

        self._oDb.execute('SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ' + chSign + ' \'' + sInterval + '\'::INTERVAL');
        oDate = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];

        sValue = str(oDate);
        if sParamName is None and self._tsNow is None:
            self._tsNow = sValue;
        return sValue;

    def getRedirectToParameter(self, sDefault = None):
        Gets the special redirect to parameter if it exists, will Return default
        if not, with None being a valid default.

        Makes sure the it doesn't got offsite.
        Raises exception if invalid.
        if sDefault is not None or self.ksParamRedirectTo in self._dParams:
            sValue = self.getStringParam(self.ksParamRedirectTo, sDefault = sDefault);
            cch = sValue.find("?");
            if cch < 0:
                cch = sValue.find("#");
                if cch < 0:
                    cch = len(sValue);
            for ch in (':', '/', '\\', '..'):
                if sValue.find(ch, 0, cch) >= 0:
                    raise WuiException('Invalid character (%c) in redirect-to url: %s' % (ch, sValue,));
            sValue = None;
        return sValue;

    def _checkForUnknownParameters(self):
        Check if we've handled all parameters, raises exception if anything
        unknown was found.

        if len(self._asCheckedParams) != len(self._dParams):
            sUnknownParams = '';
            for sKey in self._dParams:
                if sKey not in self._asCheckedParams:
                    sUnknownParams += ' ' + sKey + '=' + str(self._dParams[sKey]);
            raise WuiException('Unknown parameters: ' + sUnknownParams);

        return True;

    def _assertPostRequest(self):
        Makes sure that the request we're dispatching is a POST request.
        Raises an exception of not.
        if self._oSrvGlue.getMethod() != 'POST':
            raise WuiException('Expected "POST" request, got "%s"' % (self._oSrvGlue.getMethod(),))
        return True;

    # Client browser type.

    ## @name Browser types.
    ## @{
    ksBrowserFamily_Unknown     = 0;
    ksBrowserFamily_Gecko       = 1;
    ksBrowserFamily_Webkit      = 2;
    ksBrowserFamily_Trident     = 3;
    ## @}

    ## @name Browser types.
    ## @{
    ksBrowserType_FamilyMask    = 0xff;
    ksBrowserType_Unknown       = 0;
    ksBrowserType_Firefox       = (1 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Gecko;
    ksBrowserType_Chrome        = (2 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Webkit;
    ksBrowserType_Safari        = (3 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Webkit;
    ksBrowserType_IE            = (4 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Trident;
    ## @}

    def getBrowserType(self):
        Gets the browser type.
        The browser family can be extracted from this using ksBrowserType_FamilyMask.
        sAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent();
        if sAgent.find('AppleWebKit/') > 0:
            if sAgent.find('Chrome/') > 0:
                return self.ksBrowserType_Chrome;
            if sAgent.find('Safari/') > 0:
                return self.ksBrowserType_Safari;
            return self.ksBrowserType_Unknown | self.ksBrowserFamily_Webkit;
        if sAgent.find('Gecko/') > 0:
            if sAgent.find('Firefox/') > 0:
                return self.ksBrowserType_Firefox;
            return self.ksBrowserType_Unknown | self.ksBrowserFamily_Gecko;
        return self.ksBrowserType_Unknown | self.ksBrowserFamily_Unknown;

    def isBrowserGecko(self, sMinVersion = None):
        """ Returns true if it's a gecko based browser. """
        if (self.getBrowserType() & self.ksBrowserType_FamilyMask) != self.ksBrowserFamily_Gecko:
            return False;
        if sMinVersion is not None:
            sAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent();
            sVersion = sAgent[sAgent.find('Gecko/')+6:].split()[0];
            if sVersion < sMinVersion:
                return False;
        return True;

    # Debugging

    def _debugProcessDispatch(self):
        Processes any debugging parameters in the request and adds them to
        _asCheckedParams so they won't cause trouble in the action handler.

        self._fDbgSqlTrace   = self.getBoolParam(self.ksParamDbgSqlTrace, False);
        self._fDbgSqlExplain = self.getBoolParam(self.ksParamDbgSqlExplain, False);

        if self._fDbgSqlExplain:

        return True;

    def _debugRenderPanel(self):
        Renders a simple form for controlling WUI debugging.

        Returns the HTML for it.

        sHtml  = '<div id="debug-panel">\n' \
                 ' <form id="debug-panel-form" type="get" action="#">\n';

        for sKey, oValue in self._dParams.iteritems():
            if sKey not in self.kasDbgParams:
                sHtml += '  <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n' \
                       % (webutils.escapeAttr(sKey), webutils.escapeAttrToStr(oValue),);

        for aoCheckBox in (
                [self.ksParamDbgSqlTrace, self._fDbgSqlTrace, 'SQL trace'],
                [self.ksParamDbgSqlExplain, self._fDbgSqlExplain, 'SQL explain'], ):
            sHtml += ' <input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="1"%s>%s</input>\n' \
                % (aoCheckBox[0], ' checked' if aoCheckBox[1] else '', aoCheckBox[2]);

        sHtml += '  <button type="submit">Apply</button>\n';
        sHtml += ' </form>\n' \
        return sHtml;

    def _debugGetParameters(self):
        Gets a dictionary with the debug parameters.

        For use when links are constructed from scratch instead of self._dParams.
        return self._dDbgParams;

    # Dispatching

    def _actionDefault(self):
        """The default action handler, always overridden. """
        raise WuiException('The child class shall override WuiBase.actionDefault().')

    def _actionGenericListing(self, oLogicType, oListContentType):
        Generic listing action.

        oLogicType implements fetchForListing.
        oListContentType is a child of WuiListContentBase.
        tsEffective     = self.getEffectiveDateParam();
        cItemsPerPage   = self.getIntParam(self.ksParamItemsPerPage, iMin = 2, iMax =   9999, iDefault = 300);
        iPage           = self.getIntParam(self.ksParamPageNo,       iMin = 0, iMax = 999999, iDefault = 0);

        aoEntries  = oLogicType(self._oDb).fetchForListing(iPage * cItemsPerPage, cItemsPerPage + 1, tsEffective);
        oContent   = oListContentType(aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective,
                                      fnDPrint = self._oSrvGlue.dprint, oDisp = self);
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.show();
        return True;

    def _actionGenericFormAdd(self, oDataType, oFormType, sRedirectTo = None):
        Generic add something form display request handler.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        oData = oDataType().initFromParams(oDisp = self, fStrict = False);
        sRedirectTo = self.getRedirectToParameter(sRedirectTo);

        oForm = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Add, oDisp = self);
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oForm.showForm();
        return True

    def _actionGenericFormDetails(self, oDataType, oLogicType, oFormType, sIdAttr = None, sGenIdAttr = None): # pylint: disable=R0914
        Generic handler for showing a details form/page.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oLogicType may implement fetchForChangeLog.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sIdParamName is the name of the ID parameter (not idGen!).
        # Input.
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        assert issubclass(oLogicType, ModelLogicBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        if sIdAttr is None:
            sIdAttr = oDataType.ksIdAttr;
        if sGenIdAttr is None:
            sGenIdAttr = getattr(oDataType, 'ksGenIdAttr', None);

        # Parameters.
        idGenObject = -1;
        if sGenIdAttr is not None:
            idGenObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + sGenIdAttr), 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1);
        if idGenObject != -1:
            idObject = tsNow = None;
            idObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + sIdAttr), 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1);
            tsNow    = self.getEffectiveDateParam();
        fChangeLog               = self.getBoolParam(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEnabled, True);
        iChangeLogPageNo         = self.getIntParam(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogPageNo, 0, 9999, 0);
        cChangeLogEntriesPerPage = self.getIntParam(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage, 2, 9999, 4);

        # Fetch item and display it.
        if idGenObject == -1:
            oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idObject, tsNow);
            oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithGenId(self._oDb, idGenObject);

        oContent  = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Show, oDisp = self);
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm();

        # Add change log if supported.
        if fChangeLog and hasattr(oLogicType, 'fetchForChangeLog'):
            (aoEntries, fMore) = oLogicType(self._oDb).fetchForChangeLog(getattr(oData, sIdAttr),
                                                                         iChangeLogPageNo * cChangeLogEntriesPerPage,
                                                                         cChangeLogEntriesPerPage ,
            self._sPageBody += oContent.showChangeLog(aoEntries, fMore, iChangeLogPageNo, cChangeLogEntriesPerPage, tsNow);
        return True

    def _actionGenericDoRemove(self, oLogicType, sParamId, sRedirAction):
        Delete entry (using oLogicType.removeEntry).

        oLogicType is a class that implements addEntry.

        sParamId is the name (ksParam_...) of the HTTP variable hold the ID of
        the database entry to delete.

        sRedirAction is what action to redirect to on success.
        import cgitb;

        idEntry = self.getIntParam(sParamId, iMin = 1, iMax = 0x7ffffffe)
        fCascade = self.getBoolParam('fCascadeDelete', False);
        sRedirectTo = self.getRedirectToParameter(self._sActionUrlBase + sRedirAction);

            self._sPageTitle  = None
            self._sPageBody   = None
            self._sRedirectTo = sRedirectTo;
            return oLogicType(self._oDb).removeEntry(self._oCurUser.uid, idEntry, fCascade = fCascade, fCommit = True);
        except Exception as oXcpt:
            self._sPageTitle  = 'Unable to delete entry';
            self._sPageBody   = str(oXcpt);
            if config.g_kfDebugDbXcpt:
                self._sPageBody += cgitb.html(sys.exc_info());
            self._sRedirectTo = None;
        return False;

    def _actionGenericFormEdit(self, oDataType, oFormType, sIdParamName = None, sRedirectTo = None):
        Generic edit something form display request handler.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sIdParamName is the name of the ID parameter (not idGen!).
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        if sIdParamName is None:
            sIdParamName = getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + oDataType.ksIdAttr);
        assert len(sIdParamName) > 1;

        tsNow    = self.getEffectiveDateParam();
        idObject = self.getIntParam(sIdParamName, 0, 0x7ffffffe);
        sRedirectTo = self.getRedirectToParameter(sRedirectTo);
        oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idObject, tsNow = tsNow);

        oContent = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Edit, oDisp = self);
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm();
        return True

    def _actionGenericFormEditL(self, oCoreObjectLogic, sCoreObjectIdFieldName, oWuiObjectLogic):
        Generic modify something form display request handler.

        @param oCoreObjectLogic         A *Logic class

        @param sCoreObjectIdFieldName   Name of HTTP POST variable that
                                        contains object ID information

        @param oWuiObjectLogic          Web interface renderer class

        iCoreDataObjectId = self.getIntParam(sCoreObjectIdFieldName,  0, 0x7ffffffe, -1)

        ## @todo r=bird: This will return a None object if the object wasn't found... Crash bang in the content generator
        #                code (that's not logic code btw.).
        oData = oCoreObjectLogic(self._oDb).getById(iCoreDataObjectId)

        # Instantiate and render the MODIFY dialog form
        oContent = oWuiObjectLogic(oData, oWuiObjectLogic.ksMode_Edit, oDisp=self)

        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm()

        return True

    def _actionGenericFormClone(self, oDataType, oFormType, sIdAttr, sGenIdAttr = None):
        Generic clone something form display request handler.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sIdParamName is the name of the ID parameter.
        sGenIdParamName is the name of the generation ID parameter, None if not applicable.
        # Input.
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        # Parameters.
        idGenObject = -1;
        if sGenIdAttr is not None:
            idGenObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + sGenIdAttr), 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1);
        if idGenObject != -1:
            idObject = tsNow = None;
            idObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, 'ksParam_' + sIdAttr), 0, 0x7ffffffe, -1);
            tsNow    = self.getEffectiveDateParam();

        # Fetch data and clear identifying attributes not relevant to the clone.
        if idGenObject != -1:
            oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithGenId(self._oDb, idGenObject);
            oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idObject, tsNow);

        setattr(oData, sIdAttr, None);
        if sGenIdAttr is not None:
            setattr(oData, sGenIdAttr, None);
        oData.tsEffective = None;
        oData.tsExpire    = None;

        # Display form.
        oContent = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Add, oDisp = self);
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm()
        return True

    def _actionGenericFormPost(self, sMode, fnLogicAction, oDataType, oFormType, sRedirectTo, fStrict = True):
        Generic POST request handling from a WuiFormContentBase child.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        fnLogicAction is a method taking a oDataType instance and uidAuthor as arguments.
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        # Read and validate parameters.
        oData = oDataType().initFromParams(oDisp = self, fStrict = fStrict);
        sRedirectTo = self.getRedirectToParameter(sRedirectTo);
        if sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add and  getattr(oData, 'kfIdAttrIsForForeign', False):
            enmValidateFor = oData.ksValidateFor_AddForeignId;
        elif sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add:
            enmValidateFor = oData.ksValidateFor_Add;
            enmValidateFor = oData.ksValidateFor_Edit;
        dErrors = oData.validateAndConvert(self._oDb, enmValidateFor);
        if len(dErrors) == 0:

            # Try do the job.
                fnLogicAction(oData, self._oCurUser.uid, fCommit = True);
            except Exception as oXcpt:
                oForm = oFormType(oData, sMode, oDisp = self);
                sErrorMsg = str(oXcpt) if not config.g_kfDebugDbXcpt else '\n'.join(utils.getXcptInfo(4));
                (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oForm.showForm(sErrorMsg = sErrorMsg);
                # Worked, redirect to the specified page.
                self._sPageTitle  = None;
                self._sPageBody   = None;
                self._sRedirectTo = sRedirectTo;
            oForm = oFormType(oData, sMode, oDisp = self);
            (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oForm.showForm(dErrors = dErrors);
        return True;

    def _actionGenericFormAddPost(self, oDataType, oLogicType, oFormType, sRedirAction, fStrict=True):
        Generic add entry POST request handling from a WuiFormContentBase child.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oLogicType is a class that implements addEntry.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sRedirAction is what action to redirect to on success.
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        assert issubclass(oLogicType, ModelLogicBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        oLogic = oLogicType(self._oDb);
        return self._actionGenericFormPost(WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add, oLogic.addEntry, oDataType, oFormType,
                                           '?' + webutils.encodeUrlParams({self.ksParamAction: sRedirAction}), fStrict=fStrict)

    def _actionGenericFormEditPost(self, oDataType, oLogicType, oFormType, sRedirAction, fStrict = True):
        Generic edit POST request handling from a WuiFormContentBase child.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oLogicType is a class that implements addEntry.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sRedirAction is what action to redirect to on success.
        assert issubclass(oDataType, ModelDataBase);
        assert issubclass(oLogicType, ModelLogicBase);
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase;
        assert issubclass(oFormType, WuiFormContentBase);

        oLogic = oLogicType(self._oDb);
        return self._actionGenericFormPost(WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Edit, oLogic.editEntry, oDataType, oFormType,
                                           '?' + webutils.encodeUrlParams({self.ksParamAction: sRedirAction}),
                                           fStrict = fStrict);

    def _unauthorizedUser(self):
        Displays the unauthorized user message (corresponding record is not
        present in DB).

        sLoginName = self._oSrvGlue.getLoginName();

        # Report to system log
        oSystemLogLogic = SystemLogLogic(self._oDb);
                                 'Unknown user (%s) attempts to access from %s'
                                 % (sLoginName, self._oSrvGlue.getClientAddr()),
                                 24, fCommit = True)

        # Display message.
        self._sPageTitle = 'User not authorized'
        self._sPageBody = """
            <p>Access denied for user <b>%s</b>.
            Please contact an admin user to set up your access.</p>
            """ % (sLoginName,)
        return True;

    def dispatchRequest(self):
        Dispatches a request.

        # Get the parameters and checks for duplicates.
            dParams = self._oSrvGlue.getParameters();
        except Exception as oXcpt:
            raise WuiException('Error retriving parameters: %s' % (oXcpt,));

        for sKey in dParams.keys():

            # Take care about strings which may contain unicode characters: convert percent-encoded symbols back to unicode.
            for idxItem, _ in enumerate(dParams[sKey]):
                dParams[sKey][idxItem] = dParams[sKey][idxItem].decode('utf-8')

            if not len(dParams[sKey]) > 1:
                dParams[sKey] = dParams[sKey][0];
        self._dParams = dParams;

        # Figure out the requested action and validate it.
        if self.ksParamAction in self._dParams:
            self._sAction = self._dParams[self.ksParamAction];
            self._sAction = self.ksActionDefault;

        if isinstance(self._sAction, list) or  self._sAction not in self._dDispatch:
            raise WuiException('Unknown action "%s" requested' % (self._sAction,));

        # Call action handler and generate the page (if necessary).
        if self._oCurUser is not None:
            if self._dDispatch[self._sAction]() is self.ksDispatchRcAllDone:
                return True;

        if self._sRedirectTo is None:
        return True;

    def dprint(self, sText):
        """ Debug printing. """
        if config.g_kfWebUiDebug and True:
Пример #29
    def main(self):
        Main function.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection();
        oLogic = VcsRevisionLogic(oDb);
        oBugLogic = VcsBugReferenceLogic(oDb);

        # Where to start.
        iStartRev = 0;
        if not self.oConfig.fFull:
            if not self.oConfig.fBugRefsOnly:
                iStartRev = oLogic.getLastRevision(self.oConfig.sRepository);
                iStartRev = oBugLogic.getLastRevision(self.oConfig.sRepository);
        if iStartRev == 0:
            iStartRev = self.oConfig.iStartRevision;

        # Construct a command line.
        os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'en_US.utf-8';
        asArgs = [
            '--revision', str(iStartRev) + ':HEAD',
        if self.oConfig.asExtraOptions is not None:
        if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
            print('Executing: %s' % (asArgs,));
        sLogXml = utils.processOutputChecked(asArgs);

        # Parse the XML and add the entries to the database.
        oParser = ET.XMLParser(target = ET.TreeBuilder(), encoding = 'utf-8');
        oParser.feed(sLogXml.encode('utf-8')); # Does its own decoding; processOutputChecked always gives us decoded utf-8 now.
        oRoot = oParser.close();

        for oLogEntry in oRoot.findall('logentry'):
            iRevision = int(oLogEntry.get('revision'));
            sAuthor  = oLogEntry.findtext('author', 'unspecified').strip(); # cvs2svn entries doesn't have an author.
            sDate    = oLogEntry.findtext('date').strip();
            sRawMsg  = oLogEntry.findtext('msg', '').strip();
            sMessage = sRawMsg;
            if sMessage == '':
                sMessage = ' ';
            elif len(sMessage) > VcsRevisionData.kcchMax_sMessage:
                sMessage = sMessage[:VcsRevisionData.kcchMax_sMessage - 4] + ' ...';
            if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                utils.printOut(u'sDate=%s iRev=%u sAuthor=%s sMsg[%s]=%s'
                               % (sDate, iRevision, sAuthor, type(sMessage).__name__, sMessage));

            if not self.oConfig.fBugRefsOnly:
                oData = VcsRevisionData().initFromValues(self.oConfig.sRepository, iRevision, sDate, sAuthor, sMessage);

            # Analyze the raw message looking for bug tracker references.
            for oBugTracker in g_kdBugTrackers.values():
                for sTag in oBugTracker.asCommitTags:
                    off = sRawMsg.find(sTag);
                    while off >= 0:
                        off += len(sTag);
                        while off < len(sRawMsg) and sRawMsg[off].isspace():
                            off += 1;

                        if off < len(sRawMsg) and sRawMsg[off].isdigit():
                            offNum = off;
                            while off < len(sRawMsg) and sRawMsg[off].isdigit():
                                off += 1;
                                iBugNo = long(sRawMsg[offNum:off]);
                            except Exception as oXcpt:
                                utils.printErr(u'error! exception(r%s,"%s"): -> %s' % (iRevision, sRawMsg[offNum:off], oXcpt,));
                                if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                                    utils.printOut(u' r%u -> sBugTracker=%s iBugNo=%s'
                                                   % (iRevision, oBugTracker.sDbId, iBugNo,));

                                oBugData = VcsBugReferenceData().initFromValues(self.oConfig.sRepository, iRevision,
                                                                                oBugTracker.sDbId, iBugNo);

                        # next
                        off = sRawMsg.find(sTag, off);


        return 0;
    def _actionSignOn(self):  # pylint: disable=R0914
        """ Implement sign-on """

        # Validate parameters (raises exception on failure).
        sOs = self._getStringParam(constants.tbreq.SIGNON_PARAM_OS,
        sOsVersion = self._getStringParam(
        sCpuVendor = self._getStringParam(
        sCpuArch = self._getStringParam(constants.tbreq.SIGNON_PARAM_CPU_ARCH,
        sCpuName = self._getStringParam(constants.tbreq.SIGNON_PARAM_CPU_NAME,
        # new
        lCpuRevision = self._getLongParam(
            constants.tbreq.SIGNON_PARAM_CPU_REVISION, lMin=0, lDefValue=0)
        # new
        cCpus = self._getIntParam(constants.tbreq.SIGNON_PARAM_CPU_COUNT, 1,
        fCpuHwVirt = self._getBoolParam(
        fCpuNestedPaging = self._getBoolParam(
        fCpu64BitGuest = self._getBoolParam(
            constants.tbreq.SIGNON_PARAM_HAS_64_BIT_GUEST, fDefValue=True)
        fChipsetIoMmu = self._getBoolParam(
        fRawMode = self._getBoolParam(
            constants.tbreq.SIGNON_PARAM_WITH_RAW_MODE, fDefValue=None)
        cMbMemory = self._getLongParam(constants.tbreq.SIGNON_PARAM_MEM_SIZE,
                                       8, 1073741823)
        # 8MB..1PB
        cMbScratch = self._getLongParam(
            constants.tbreq.SIGNON_PARAM_SCRATCH_SIZE, 0, 1073741823)
        # 0..1PB
        sReport = self._getStringParam(constants.tbreq.SIGNON_PARAM_REPORT,
        # new
        iTestBoxScriptRev = self._getIntParam(
            constants.tbreq.SIGNON_PARAM_SCRIPT_REV, 1, 100000000)
        iPythonHexVersion = self._getIntParam(
            constants.tbreq.SIGNON_PARAM_PYTHON_VERSION, 0x020300f0,

        # Null conversions for new parameters.
        if not sReport:
            sReport = None
        if not sCpuName:
            sCpuName = None
        if lCpuRevision <= 0:
            lCpuRevision = None

        # Connect to the database and validate the testbox.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection(self._oSrvGlue.dprint)
        oTestBoxLogic = TestBoxLogic(oDb)
        oTestBox = oTestBoxLogic.tryFetchTestBoxByUuid(self._sTestBoxUuid)
        if oTestBox is None:
            oSystemLogLogic = SystemLogLogic(oDb)
                                     'addr=%s  uuid=%s  os=%s  %d cpus' \
                                     % (self._sTestBoxAddr, self._sTestBoxUuid, sOs, cCpus),
                                     24, fCommit = True)
            return self._resultResponse(constants.tbresp.STATUS_NACK)

        # Update the row in TestBoxes if something changed.
        if oTestBox.cMbScratch is not None and oTestBox.cMbScratch != 0:
            cPctScratchDiff = (cMbScratch -
                               oTestBox.cMbScratch) * 100 / oTestBox.cMbScratch
            cPctScratchDiff = 100

        # pylint: disable=R0916
        if   self._sTestBoxAddr != oTestBox.ip \
          or sOs                != oTestBox.sOs \
          or sOsVersion         != oTestBox.sOsVersion \
          or sCpuVendor         != oTestBox.sCpuVendor \
          or sCpuArch           != oTestBox.sCpuArch \
          or sCpuName           != oTestBox.sCpuName \
          or lCpuRevision       != oTestBox.lCpuRevision \
          or cCpus              != oTestBox.cCpus \
          or fCpuHwVirt         != oTestBox.fCpuHwVirt \
          or fCpuNestedPaging   != oTestBox.fCpuNestedPaging \
          or fCpu64BitGuest     != oTestBox.fCpu64BitGuest \
          or fChipsetIoMmu      != oTestBox.fChipsetIoMmu \
          or fRawMode           != oTestBox.fRawMode \
          or cMbMemory          != oTestBox.cMbMemory \
          or abs(cPctScratchDiff) >= min(4 + cMbScratch / 10240, 12) \
          or sReport            != oTestBox.sReport \
          or iTestBoxScriptRev  != oTestBox.iTestBoxScriptRev \
          or iPythonHexVersion  != oTestBox.iPythonHexVersion:

        # Update the testbox status, making sure there is a status.
        oStatusLogic = TestBoxStatusLogic(oDb)
        oStatusData = oStatusLogic.tryFetchStatus(oTestBox.idTestBox)
        if oStatusData is not None:
            self._cleanupOldTest(oDb, oStatusData)

        # ACK the request.
        dResponse = \
            constants.tbresp.ALL_PARAM_RESULT:  constants.tbresp.STATUS_ACK,
            constants.tbresp.SIGNON_PARAM_ID:   oTestBox.idTestBox,
            constants.tbresp.SIGNON_PARAM_NAME: oTestBox.sName,
        return self._writeResponse(dResponse)
Пример #31
class WuiDispatcherBase(object):
    Base class for the Web User Interface (WUI) dispatchers.

    The dispatcher class defines the basics of the page (like base template,
    menu items, action).  It is also responsible for parsing requests and
    dispatching them to action (POST) or/and content generators (GET+POST).
    The content returned by the generator is merged into the template and sent
    back to the webserver glue.

    ## @todo possible that this should all go into presentation.

    ## The action parameter.
    ksParamAction = "Action"
    ## The name of the default action.
    ksActionDefault = "default"

    ## The name of the current page number parameter used when displaying lists.
    ksParamPageNo = "PageNo"
    ## The name of the page length (list items) parameter when displaying lists.
    ksParamItemsPerPage = "ItemsPerPage"

    ## The name of the effective date (timestamp) parameter.
    ksParamEffectiveDate = "EffectiveDate"

    ## The name of the list-action parameter (WuiListContentWithActionBase).
    ksParamListAction = "ListAction"

    ## The name of the change log enabled/disabled parameter.
    ksParamChangeLogEnabled = "ChangeLogEnabled"
    ## The name of the parmaeter indicating the change log page number.
    ksParamChangeLogPageNo = "ChangeLogPageNo"
    ## The name of the parameter indicate number of change log entries per page.
    ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage = "ChangeLogEntriesPerPage"

    ## @name Dispatcher debugging parameters.
    ## {@
    ksParamDbgSqlTrace = "DbgSqlTrace"
    ksParamDbgSqlExplain = "DbgSqlExplain"
    ## List of all debugging parameters.
    kasDbgParams = (ksParamDbgSqlTrace, ksParamDbgSqlExplain)
    ## @}

    ## Special action return code for skipping _generatePage. Useful for
    # download pages and the like that messes with the HTTP header and more.
    ksDispatchRcAllDone = "Done - Page has been rendered already"

    def __init__(self, oSrvGlue, sScriptName):
        self._oSrvGlue = oSrvGlue
        self._oDb = TMDatabaseConnection(self.dprint if config.g_kfWebUiSqlDebug else None, oSrvGlue=oSrvGlue)
        self._asCheckedParams = []
        self._dParams = None
        # Set by dispatchRequest.
        self._sAction = None
        # Set by dispatchRequest.
        self._dDispatch = {self.ksActionDefault: self._actionDefault}

        # Template bits.
        self._sTemplate = "template-default.html"
        self._sPageTitle = "$$TODO$$"
        # The page title.
        self._aaoMenus = []
        # List of [sName, sLink, [ [sSideName, sLink], .. ] tuples.
        self._sPageBody = "$$TODO$$"
        # The body text.
        self._sRedirectTo = None
        self._sDebug = ""

        # Debugger bits.
        self._fDbgSqlTrace = False
        self._fDbgSqlExplain = False
        self._dDbgParams = dict()
        for sKey, sValue in oSrvGlue.getParameters().iteritems():
            if sKey in self.kasDbgParams:
                self._dDbgParams[sKey] = sValue
        if len(self._dDbgParams) > 0:
            from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiTmLink

            WuiTmLink.kdDbgParams = self._dDbgParams

        # Determine currently logged in user credentials
        self._oCurUser = UserAccountLogic(self._oDb).tryFetchAccountByLoginName(oSrvGlue.getLoginName())

        # Calc a couple of URL base strings for this dispatcher.
        self._sUrlBase = sScriptName + "?"
        if len(self._dDbgParams) > 0:
            self._sUrlBase += webutils.encodeUrlParams(self._dDbgParams) + "&"
        self._sActionUrlBase = self._sUrlBase + self.ksParamAction + "="

    def _redirectPage(self):
        Redirects the page to the URL given in self._sRedirectTo.
        assert self._sRedirectTo is not None
        assert len(self._sRedirectTo) > 0
        assert self._sPageBody is None
        assert self._sPageTitle is None

        return True

    def _generateMenus(self):
        Generates the two menus, returning them as (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems).
        # We use the action to locate the side menu.
        aasSideMenu = None
        for cchAction in range(len(self._sAction), 1, -1):
            sActionParam = "%s=%s" % (self.ksParamAction, self._sAction[:cchAction])
            for aoItem in self._aaoMenus:
                if aoItem[1].find(sActionParam) > 0:
                    aasSideMenu = aoItem[2]
                for asSubItem in aoItem[2]:
                    if asSubItem[1].find(sActionParam) > 0:
                        aasSideMenu = aoItem[2]
                if aasSideMenu is not None:

        # Top menu first.
        sTopMenuItems = ""
        for aoItem in self._aaoMenus:
            if aasSideMenu is aoItem[2]:
                sTopMenuItems += '<li class="current_page_item">'
                sTopMenuItems += "<li>"
            sTopMenuItems += (
                '<a href="' + webutils.escapeAttr(aoItem[1]) + '">' + webutils.escapeElem(aoItem[0]) + "</a></li>\n"

        # Side menu (if found).
        sActionParam = "%s=%s" % (self.ksParamAction, self._sAction)
        sSideMenuItems = ""
        if aasSideMenu is not None:
            for asSubItem in aasSideMenu:
                if asSubItem[1].find(sActionParam) > 0:
                    sSideMenuItems += '<li class="current_page_item">'
                    sSideMenuItems += "<li>"
                sSideMenuItems += (
                    '<a href="'
                    + webutils.escapeAttr(asSubItem[1])
                    + '">'
                    + webutils.escapeElem(asSubItem[0])
                    + "</a></li>\n"

        return (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems)

    def _generatePage(self):
        Generates the page using _sTemplate, _sPageTitle, _aaoMenus, and _sPageBody.
        assert self._sRedirectTo is None

        # Load the template.
        oFile = open(os.path.join(self._oSrvGlue.pathTmWebUI(), self._sTemplate))
        sTmpl = oFile.read()

        # Do replacements.
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace("@@PAGE_TITLE@@", self._sPageTitle)
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace("@@PAGE_BODY@@", self._sPageBody)
        if self._oCurUser is not None:
            sTmpl = sTmpl.replace("@@USER_NAME@@", self._oCurUser.sUsername)
            sTmpl = sTmpl.replace("@@USER_NAME@@", 'unauthorized user "' + self._oSrvGlue.getLoginName() + '"')
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace("@@TESTMANAGER_VERSION@@", config.g_ksVersion)
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace("@@TESTMANAGER_REVISION@@", config.g_ksRevision)
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace("@@BASE_URL@@", self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl())

        (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems) = self._generateMenus()
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace("@@TOP_MENU_ITEMS@@", sTopMenuItems)
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace("@@SIDE_MENU_ITEMS@@", sSideMenuItems)

        # Provide basic auth log out for browsers that supports it.
        sUserAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent()
        if (sUserAgent.startswith("Mozilla/") and sUserAgent.find("Firefox") > 0) or False:
            # Log in as the logout user in the same realm, the browser forgets
            # the old login and the job is done. (see apache sample conf)
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="%s://logout:logout@%s%slogout.py">logout</a>)' % (
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith("Mozilla/") and sUserAgent.find("Safari") > 0) or False:
            # For a 401, causing the browser to forget the old login. Works
            # with safari as well as the two above. Since safari consider the
            # above method a phishing attempt and displays a warning to that
            # effect, which when taken seriously aborts the logout, this method
            # is preferable, even if it throws logon boxes in the user's face
            # till he/she/it hits escape, because it always works.
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="logout2.py">logout</a>)'
        elif (
            (sUserAgent.startswith("Mozilla/") and sUserAgent.find("MSIE") > 0)
            or (sUserAgent.startswith("Mozilla/") and sUserAgent.find("Chrome") > 0)
            or False
            ## There doesn't seem to be any way to make IE really log out
            # without using a cookie and systematically 401 accesses based on
            # some logout state associated with it.  Not sure how secure that
            # can be made and we really want to avoid cookies.  So, perhaps,
            # just avoid IE for now. :-)
            ## Chrome/21.0 doesn't want to log out either.
            sLogOut = ""
            sLogOut = ""
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace("@@LOG_OUT@@", sLogOut)

        # Debug section.
        if self._sDebug == "":
            if config.g_kfWebUiSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlExplain:
                self._sDebug = "<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n%s\n" % (
                    utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart),
            elif config.g_kfWebUiProcessedIn:
                self._sDebug = "<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n" % (
                    utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart),
            if config.g_kfWebUiDebugPanel:
                self._sDebug += self._debugRenderPanel()

        if self._sDebug != "":
            sTmpl = sTmpl.replace(
                '<div id="debug"><br><br><hr/>' + unicode(self._sDebug, errors="ignore")
                if isinstance(self._sDebug, str)
                else self._sDebug + "</div>",
            sTmpl = sTmpl.replace("@@DEBUG@@", "")

        # Output the result.
        return True

    # Interface for WuiContentBase classes.

    def getParameters(self):
        Returns a (shallow) copy of the request parameter dictionary.
        return self._dParams.copy()

    def getDb(self):
        Returns the database connection.
        return self._oDb

    # Parameter handling.

    def getStringParam(self, sName, asValidValues=None, sDefault=None):
        Gets a string parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and sDefault is None.
        if sName in self._dParams:
            if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:
            sValue = self._dParams[sName]
            if isinstance(sValue, list):
                raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" is given multiple times: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue))
            sValue = sValue.strip()
        elif sDefault is None:
            raise WuiException('%s is missing parameters: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName))
            sValue = sDefault

        if asValidValues is not None and sValue not in asValidValues:
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s" not in %s ' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, asValidValues))
        return sValue

    def getBoolParam(self, sName, fDefault=None):
        Gets a boolean parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and fDefault is None, or if not a valid boolean.
        sValue = self.getStringParam(
            sName, ["True", "true", "1", "False", "false", "0"], "0" if fDefault is None else str(fDefault)
        # HACK: Checkboxes doesn't return a value when unchecked, so we always
        #       provide a default when dealing with boolean parameters.
        return sValue == "True" or sValue == "true" or sValue == "1"

    def getIntParam(self, sName, iMin=None, iMax=None, iDefault=None):
        Gets a integer parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and iDefault is None, if not a valid int,
        or if outside the range defined by iMin and iMax.
        if iDefault is not None and sName not in self._dParams:
            return iDefault

        sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, None, None if iDefault is None else str(iDefault))
            iValue = int(sValue)
            raise WuiException(
                '%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue)

        if (iMin is not None and iValue < iMin) or (iMax is not None and iValue > iMax):
            raise WuiException(
                "%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]" % (self._sAction, sName, iValue, iMin, iMax)
        return iValue

    def getLongParam(self, sName, lMin=None, lMax=None, lDefault=None):
        Gets a long integer parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and lDefault is None, if not a valid long,
        or if outside the range defined by lMin and lMax.
        if lDefault is not None and sName not in self._dParams:
            return lDefault

        sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, None, None if lDefault is None else str(lDefault))
            lValue = long(sValue)
            raise WuiException(
                '%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue)

        if (lMin is not None and lValue < lMin) or (lMax is not None and lValue > lMax):
            raise WuiException(
                "%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]" % (self._sAction, sName, lValue, lMin, lMax)
        return lValue

    def getTsParam(self, sName, tsDefault=None, fRequired=True):
        Gets a timestamp parameter.
        Raises exception if not found and fRequired is True.
        if fRequired is False and sName not in self._dParams:
            return tsDefault

        sValue = self.getStringParam(sName, None, None if tsDefault is None else str(tsDefault))
        (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue)
        if sError is not None:
            raise WuiException('%s parameter %s value "%s": %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, sError))
        return sValue

    def getListOfIntParams(self, sName, iMin=None, iMax=None, aiDefaults=None):
        Gets parameter list.
        Raises exception if not found and aiDefaults is None, or if any of the
        values are not valid integers or outside the range defined by iMin and iMax.
        if sName in self._dParams:
            if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:

            if isinstance(self._dParams[sName], list):
                asValues = self._dParams[sName]
                asValues = [self._dParams[sName]]
            aiValues = []
            for sValue in asValues:
                    iValue = int(sValue)
                    raise WuiException(
                        '%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue)

                if (iMin is not None and iValue < iMin) or (iMax is not None and iValue > iMax):
                    raise WuiException(
                        "%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]" % (self._sAction, sName, iValue, iMin, iMax)
            aiValues = aiDefaults

        return aiValues

    def getListOfStrParams(self, sName, asDefaults=None):
        Gets parameter list.
        Raises exception if not found and asDefaults is None.
        if sName in self._dParams:
            if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:

            if isinstance(self._dParams[sName], list):
                asValues = [str(s).strip() for s in self._dParams[sName]]
                asValues = [str(self._dParams[sName]).strip()]
        elif asDefaults is None:
            raise WuiException('%s is missing parameters: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName))
            asValues = asDefaults

        return asValues

    def getListOfTestCasesParam(self, sName, asDefaults=None):  # too many local vars - pylint: disable=R0914
        """Get list of test cases and their parameters"""
        if sName in self._dParams:
            if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:

        aoListOfTestCases = []

        aiSelectedTestCaseIds = self.getListOfIntParams("%s[asCheckedTestCases]" % sName, aiDefaults=[])
        aiAllTestCases = self.getListOfIntParams("%s[asAllTestCases]" % sName, aiDefaults=[])

        for idTestCase in aiAllTestCases:
            aiCheckedTestCaseArgs = self.getListOfIntParams(
                "%s[%d][asCheckedTestCaseArgs]" % (sName, idTestCase), aiDefaults=[]

            aiAllTestCaseArgs = self.getListOfIntParams(
                "%s[%d][asAllTestCaseArgs]" % (sName, idTestCase), aiDefaults=[]

            oListEntryTestCaseArgs = []
            for idTestCaseArgs in aiAllTestCaseArgs:
                fArgsChecked = True if idTestCaseArgs in aiCheckedTestCaseArgs else False

                # Dry run
                sPrefix = "%s[%d][%d]" % (sName, idTestCase, idTestCaseArgs)
                self.getIntParam(sPrefix + "[idTestCaseArgs]", iDefault=-1)

                sArgs = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + "[sArgs]", sDefault="")
                cSecTimeout = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + "[cSecTimeout]", sDefault="")
                cGangMembers = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + "[cGangMembers]", sDefault="")
                cGangMembers = self.getStringParam(sPrefix + "[cGangMembers]", sDefault="")

                oListEntryTestCaseArgs.append((fArgsChecked, idTestCaseArgs, sArgs, cSecTimeout, cGangMembers))

            sTestCaseName = self.getStringParam("%s[%d][sName]" % (sName, idTestCase), sDefault="")

            oListEntryTestCase = (
                True if idTestCase in aiSelectedTestCaseIds else False,


        if aoListOfTestCases == []:
            if asDefaults is None:
                raise WuiException('%s is missing parameters: "%s"' % (self._sAction, sName))
            aoListOfTestCases = asDefaults

        return aoListOfTestCases

    def getEffectiveDateParam(self, sParamName=None):
        Gets the effective date parameter.
        Returns a timestamp suitable for database and url parameters.
        Returns None if not found or empty.

        sName = sParamName if sParamName is not None else WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate

        if sName not in self._dParams:
            return None

        if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:

        sValue = self._dParams[sName]
        if isinstance(sValue, list):
            raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" is given multiple times: %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue))
        sValue = sValue.strip()
        if sValue == "":
            return None

        # Timestamp, just validate it and return.
        if sValue[0] not in ["-", "+"]:
            (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue)
            if sError is not None:
                raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") is invalid: %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, sError))
            return sValue

        # Relative timestamp. Validate and convert it to a fixed timestamp.
        chSign = sValue[0]
        (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue[1:])
        if sError is not None:
            raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") is invalid: %s' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, sError))
        if sValue[-6] in ["-", "+"]:
            raise WuiException(
                '%s parameter "%s" ("%s") is a relative timestamp but incorrectly includes a time zone.'
                % (self._sAction, sName, sValue)
        offTime = 11
        if sValue[offTime - 1] != " ":
            raise WuiException('%s parameter "%s" ("%s") incorrect format.' % (self._sAction, sName, sValue))
        sInterval = "P" + sValue[: (offTime - 1)] + "T" + sValue[offTime:]

        self._oDb.execute("SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP " + chSign + " '" + sInterval + "'::INTERVAL")
        oDate = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0]

        return str(oDate)

    def _checkForUnknownParameters(self):
        Check if we've handled all parameters, raises exception if anything
        unknown was found.

        if len(self._asCheckedParams) != len(self._dParams):
            sUnknownParams = ""
            for sKey in self._dParams:
                if sKey not in self._asCheckedParams:
                    sUnknownParams += " " + sKey + "=" + str(self._dParams[sKey])
            raise WuiException("Unknown parameters: " + sUnknownParams)

        return True

    def _assertPostRequest(self):
        Makes sure that the request we're dispatching is a POST request.
        Raises an exception of not.
        if self._oSrvGlue.getMethod() != "POST":
            raise WuiException('Expected "POST" request, got "%s"' % (self._oSrvGlue.getMethod(),))
        return True

    # Client browser type.

    ## @name Browser types.
    ## @{
    ksBrowserFamily_Unknown = 0
    ksBrowserFamily_Gecko = 1
    ksBrowserFamily_Webkit = 2
    ksBrowserFamily_Trident = 3
    ## @}

    ## @name Browser types.
    ## @{
    ksBrowserType_FamilyMask = 0xFF
    ksBrowserType_Unknown = 0
    ksBrowserType_Firefox = (1 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Gecko
    ksBrowserType_Chrome = (2 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Webkit
    ksBrowserType_Safari = (3 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Webkit
    ksBrowserType_IE = (4 << 8) | ksBrowserFamily_Trident
    ## @}

    def getBrowserType(self):
        Gets the browser type.
        The browser family can be extracted from this using ksBrowserType_FamilyMask.
        sAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent()
        if sAgent.find("AppleWebKit/") > 0:
            if sAgent.find("Chrome/") > 0:
                return self.ksBrowserType_Chrome
            if sAgent.find("Safari/") > 0:
                return self.ksBrowserType_Safari
            return self.ksBrowserType_Unknown | self.ksBrowserFamily_Webkit
        if sAgent.find("Gecko/") > 0:
            if sAgent.find("Firefox/") > 0:
                return self.ksBrowserType_Firefox
            return self.ksBrowserType_Unknown | self.ksBrowserFamily_Gecko
        return self.ksBrowserType_Unknown | self.ksBrowserFamily_Unknown

    def isBrowserGecko(self, sMinVersion=None):
        """ Returns true if it's a gecko based browser. """
        if (self.getBrowserType() & self.ksBrowserType_FamilyMask) != self.ksBrowserFamily_Gecko:
            return False
        if sMinVersion is not None:
            sAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent()
            sVersion = sAgent[sAgent.find("Gecko/") + 6 :].split()[0]
            if sVersion < sMinVersion:
                return False
        return True

    # Debugging

    def _debugProcessDispatch(self):
        Processes any debugging parameters in the request and adds them to
        _asCheckedParams so they won't cause trouble in the action handler.

        self._fDbgSqlTrace = self.getBoolParam(self.ksParamDbgSqlTrace, False)
        self._fDbgSqlExplain = self.getBoolParam(self.ksParamDbgSqlExplain, False)

        if self._fDbgSqlExplain:

        return True

    def _debugRenderPanel(self):
        Renders a simple form for controlling WUI debugging.

        Returns the HTML for it.

        sHtml = '<div id="debug-panel">\n' ' <form id="debug-panel-form" type="get" action="#">\n'

        for sKey, oValue in self._dParams.iteritems():
            if sKey not in self.kasDbgParams:
                sHtml += '  <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n' % (

        for aoCheckBox in (
            [self.ksParamDbgSqlTrace, self._fDbgSqlTrace, "SQL trace"],
            [self.ksParamDbgSqlExplain, self._fDbgSqlExplain, "SQL explain"],
            sHtml += ' <input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="1"%s>%s</input>\n' % (
                " checked" if aoCheckBox[1] else "",

        sHtml += '  <button type="submit">Apply</button>\n'
        sHtml += " </form>\n" "</div>\n"
        return sHtml

    def _debugGetParameters(self):
        Gets a dictionary with the debug parameters.

        For use when links are constructed from scratch instead of self._dParams.
        return self._dDbgParams

    # Dispatching

    def _actionDefault(self):
        """The default action handler, always overridden. """
        raise WuiException("The child class shall override WuiBase.actionDefault().")

    def _actionGenericListing(self, oLogicType, oListContentType):
        Generic listing action.

        oLogicType implements fetchForListing.
        oListContentType is a child of WuiListContentBase.
        tsEffective = self.getEffectiveDateParam()
        cItemsPerPage = self.getIntParam(self.ksParamItemsPerPage, iMin=2, iMax=9999, iDefault=300)
        iPage = self.getIntParam(self.ksParamPageNo, iMin=0, iMax=999999, iDefault=0)

        aoEntries = oLogicType(self._oDb).fetchForListing(iPage * cItemsPerPage, cItemsPerPage + 1, tsEffective)
        oContent = oListContentType(
            aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, fnDPrint=self._oSrvGlue.dprint, oDisp=self
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.show()
        return True

    def _actionGenericFormAdd(self, oDataType, oFormType):
        Generic add something form display request handler.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        oData = oDataType().initFromParams(oDisp=self, fStrict=False)

        oForm = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Add, oDisp=self)
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oForm.showForm()
        return True

    def _actionGenericFormDetails(
        self, oDataType, oLogicType, oFormType, sIdAttr, sGenIdAttr=None
    ):  # pylint: disable=R0914
        Generic handler for showing a details form/page.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oLogicType may implement fetchForChangeLog.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sIdParamName is the name of the ID parameter (not idGen!).
        # Parameters.
        idGenObject = -1
        if sGenIdAttr is not None:
            idGenObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, "ksParam_" + sGenIdAttr), 0, 0x7FFFFFFE, -1)
        if idGenObject != -1:
            idObject = tsNow = None
            idObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, "ksParam_" + sIdAttr), 0, 0x7FFFFFFE, -1)
            tsNow = self.getEffectiveDateParam()
        fChangeLog = self.getBoolParam(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEnabled, True)
        iChangeLogPageNo = self.getIntParam(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogPageNo, 0, 9999, 0)
        cChangeLogEntriesPerPage = self.getIntParam(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage, 2, 9999, 4)

        # Fetch item and display it.
        if idGenObject == -1:
            oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idObject, tsNow)
            oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithGenId(self._oDb, idGenObject)

        oContent = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Show, oDisp=self)
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm()

        # Add change log if supported.
        if fChangeLog and hasattr(oLogicType, "fetchForChangeLog"):
            (aoEntries, fMore) = oLogicType(self._oDb).fetchForChangeLog(
                getattr(oData, sIdAttr), iChangeLogPageNo * cChangeLogEntriesPerPage, cChangeLogEntriesPerPage, tsNow
            self._sPageBody += oContent.showChangeLog(
                aoEntries, fMore, iChangeLogPageNo, cChangeLogEntriesPerPage, tsNow
        return True

    def _actionGenericFormEdit(self, oDataType, oFormType, sIdParamName):
        Generic edit something form display request handler.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sIdParamName is the name of the ID parameter (not idGen!).

        idObject = self.getIntParam(sIdParamName, 0, 0x7FFFFFFE)
        oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idObject)

        oContent = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Edit, oDisp=self)
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm()
        return True

    def _actionGenericFormEditL(self, oCoreObjectLogic, sCoreObjectIdFieldName, oWuiObjectLogic):
        Generic modify something form display request handler.

        @param oCoreObjectLogic         A *Logic class

        @param sCoreObjectIdFieldName   Name of HTTP POST variable that
                                        contains object ID information

        @param oWuiObjectLogic          Web interface renderer class

        iCoreDataObjectId = self.getIntParam(sCoreObjectIdFieldName, 0, 0x7FFFFFFE, -1)

        ## @todo r=bird: This will return a None object if the object wasn't found... Crash bang in the content generator
        #                code (that's not logic code btw.).
        oData = oCoreObjectLogic(self._oDb).getById(iCoreDataObjectId)

        # Instantiate and render the MODIFY dialog form
        oContent = oWuiObjectLogic(oData, oWuiObjectLogic.ksMode_Edit, oDisp=self)

        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm()

        return True

    def _actionGenericFormClone(self, oDataType, oFormType, sIdAttr, sGenIdAttr=None):
        Generic clone something form display request handler.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sIdParamName is the name of the ID parameter.
        sGenIdParamName is the name of the generation ID parameter, None if not applicable.
        # Parameters.
        idGenObject = -1
        if sGenIdAttr is not None:
            idGenObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, "ksParam_" + sGenIdAttr), 0, 0x7FFFFFFE, -1)
        if idGenObject != -1:
            idObject = tsNow = None
            idObject = self.getIntParam(getattr(oDataType, "ksParam_" + sIdAttr), 0, 0x7FFFFFFE, -1)
            tsNow = self.getEffectiveDateParam()

        # Fetch data and clear identifying attributes not relevant to the clone.
        if idGenObject != -1:
            oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithGenId(self._oDb, idGenObject)
            oData = oDataType().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idObject, tsNow)

        setattr(oData, sIdAttr, None)
        if sGenIdAttr is not None:
            setattr(oData, sGenIdAttr, None)
        oData.tsEffective = None
        oData.tsExpire = None

        # Display form.
        oContent = oFormType(oData, oFormType.ksMode_Add, oDisp=self)
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showForm()
        return True

    def _actionGenericFormPost(self, sMode, fnLogicAction, oDataType, oFormType, sRedirectTo, fStrict=True):
        Generic POST request handling from a WuiFormContentBase child.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        fnLogicAction is a method taking a oDataType instance and uidAuthor as arguments.
        # Read and validate parameters.
        oData = oDataType().initFromParams(oDisp=self, fStrict=fStrict)
        dErrors = oData.validateAndConvert(self._oDb)
        if len(dErrors) == 0:

            # Try do the job.
                fnLogicAction(oData, self._oCurUser.uid, fCommit=True)
            except Exception as oXcpt:
                oForm = oFormType(oData, sMode, oDisp=self)
                sErrorMsg = str(oXcpt) if not config.g_kfDebugDbXcpt else "\n".join(utils.getXcptInfo(4))
                (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oForm.showForm(sErrorMsg=sErrorMsg)
                # Worked, redirect to the specified page.
                self._sPageTitle = None
                self._sPageBody = None
                self._sRedirectTo = sRedirectTo
            oForm = oFormType(oData, sMode, oDisp=self)
            (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oForm.showForm(dErrors=dErrors)
        return True

    def _actionGenericFormAddPost(self, oDataType, oLogicType, oFormType, sRedirAction, fStrict=True):
        Generic add entry POST request handling from a WuiFormContentBase child.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oLogicType is a class that implements addEntry.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sRedirAction is what action to redirect to on success.
        oLogic = oLogicType(self._oDb)
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase

        return self._actionGenericFormPost(
            "?" + webutils.encodeUrlParams({self.ksParamAction: sRedirAction}),

    def _actionGenericFormEditPost(self, oDataType, oLogicType, oFormType, sRedirAction, fStrict=True):
        Generic edit POST request handling from a WuiFormContentBase child.

        oDataType is a ModelDataBase child class.
        oLogicType is a class that implements addEntry.
        oFormType is a WuiFormContentBase child class.
        sRedirAction is what action to redirect to on success.
        oLogic = oLogicType(self._oDb)
        from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase

        return self._actionGenericFormPost(
            "?" + webutils.encodeUrlParams({self.ksParamAction: sRedirAction}),

    def _unauthorizedUser(self):
        Displays the unauthorized user message (corresponding record is not
        present in DB).

        sLoginName = self._oSrvGlue.getLoginName()

        # Report to system log
        oSystemLogLogic = SystemLogLogic(self._oDb)
            "Unknown user (%s) attempts to access from %s" % (sLoginName, self._oSrvGlue.getClientAddr()),

        # Display message.
        self._sPageTitle = "User not authorized"
        self._sPageBody = """
            <p>Access denied for user <b>%s</b>.
            Please contact an admin user to set up your access.</p>
            """ % (
        return True

    def dispatchRequest(self):
        Dispatches a request.

        # Get the parameters and checks for duplicates.
            dParams = self._oSrvGlue.getParameters()
        except Exception as oXcpt:
            raise WuiException("Error retriving parameters: %s" % (oXcpt,))

        for sKey in dParams.keys():

            # Take care about strings which may contain unicode characters: convert percent-encoded symbols back to unicode.
            for idxItem, _ in enumerate(dParams[sKey]):
                dParams[sKey][idxItem] = dParams[sKey][idxItem].decode("utf-8")

            if not len(dParams[sKey]) > 1:
                dParams[sKey] = dParams[sKey][0]
        self._dParams = dParams

        # Figure out the requested action and validate it.
        if self.ksParamAction in self._dParams:
            self._sAction = self._dParams[self.ksParamAction]
            self._sAction = self.ksActionDefault

        if self._sAction not in self._dDispatch:
            raise WuiException('Unknown action "%s" requested' % (self._sAction,))

        # Call action handler and generate the page (if necessary).
        if self._oCurUser is not None:
            if self._dDispatch[self._sAction]() is self.ksDispatchRcAllDone:
                return True

        if self._sRedirectTo is None:
        return True

    def dprint(self, sText):
        """ Debug printing. """
        if config.g_kfWebUiDebug and True: