Пример #1
    def __init__(self, oDb, tsNow, cPeriods, cHoursPerPeriod, sSubject, aidSubjects, # pylint: disable=R0913
                 aidTestBoxes, aidBuildCats, aidTestCases, fSepTestVars):
        assert(sSubject == self.ksSubEverything); # dummy
        ReportModelBase.__init__(self, oDb, tsNow, cPeriods, cHoursPerPeriod, sSubject, aidSubjects);
        self.aidTestBoxes = aidTestBoxes;
        self.aidBuildCats = aidBuildCats;
        self.aidTestCases = aidTestCases;
        self.fOnTestCase  = not fSepTestVars; # (Separates testcase variations into separate data series.)
        self.oCache       = DatabaseObjCache(self._oDb, self.tsNow, None, self.cPeriods * self.cHoursPerPeriod);

        # Quickly validate and convert the subject "IDs".
        self.aoLookups       = [];
        for sCur in self.aidSubjects:
            asParts = sCur.split(':');
            if len(asParts) < 2:
                raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value "%s"' % (sCur,));

            sType = asParts[0];
            if sType not in ReportGraphModel.kasTypes:
                raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value type "%s" (full: "%s")' % (sType, sCur,));

            aidStrTests = [];
            for sIdStr in asParts[1:]:
                try:    idStr = int(sIdStr);
                except: raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value id "%s" (full: "%s")' % (sIdStr, sCur,));
                if idStr < 0:
                    raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value id "%u" (full: "%s")' % (idStr, sCur,));

            idStrValue = None;
            if sType == ReportGraphModel.ksTypeValue:
                idStrValue = aidStrTests.pop();
            self.aoLookups.append(ReportGraphModel.SampleSource(sType, aidStrTests, idStrValue));