Пример #1
def test_testRulesWithTrue():
    a = "a"
    true = relation("true")
    false = relation("false")

    assert match_relations([false()], true(), [])
    assert match_relations([p(X) <= q(X), q(a)], true(), [])
Пример #2
def test_TestUnstratifiable1():
    program = [
        p() <= ~q(),
        q() <= ~p(),
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations(program, None, None)
Пример #3
def test_testRulesWithNoVariables():
    program = [p() <= q("a", "b"), q("a", "b")]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(), [p()])

    program = [p() <= [q("a", "b"), r("c", "d")], q("a", "b"), r("c", "d")]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(), [p()])
Пример #4
def test_testRulesWithLongBodies():
    a = relation("a")
    b = relation("b")
    c = relation("c")
    d = relation("d")
    e = relation("e")
    f = relation("f")
    g = relation("g")
    A, B, C, D, E, F, G = variables("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G")
    X = variables(*["X" + str(r) for r in range(1, 23)])

    program = [
        p(A, B, C, D, E, F, G) <=
        [a(A), b(B), c(C), d(D), e(E),
         f(F), g(G)],

    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(A, B, C, D, E, F, G),
               [p(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
                p(1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1)])

    foo1 = "foo1"
    foo2 = "foo2"
    foo3 = "foo3"
    foo4 = "foo4"
    foo5 = "foo5"
    bar = "bar"
    program = [
        p(A, B, C, D, E) <= [
            a(A, X[1], X[2], X[3], X[5]),
            b(X[6], B, X[7], X[8], X[9]),
            c(X[10], X[11], C, X[12], X[13]),
            d(X[14], X[15], X[16], D, X[17]),
            e(X[18], X[19], X[20], X[21], E),
        a(foo1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
        b(6, foo2, 8, 9, 10),
        c(11, 12, foo3, 14, 15),
        d(16, 17, 18, foo4, 20),
        e(21, 22, 23, 24, foo5),
        c(foo1, foo2, bar, foo4, foo5),
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(
        p(A, B, C, D, E),
        [p(foo1, foo2, foo3, foo4, foo5),
         p(foo1, foo2, bar, foo4, foo5)],
Пример #5
def test_queryIDBPredicatesWithConstants():
    program = [p("a", X) <= q(X, X), q("a", "a"), q("b", "b"), q("c", "d")]

    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(Z, W), [p("a", "a"), p("a", "b")])
    assert ans(p("a", X), [p("a", "a"), p("a", "b")])

    program = [p(X, X) <= q(X, "a"), q("a", "a"), q("b", "b"), q("c", "d")]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p("a", X), [p("a", "a")])
    assert ans(p(X, "a"), [p("a", "a")])
Пример #6
def test_testBinaryUnificationNoAtom():
    program = [
        p(X, b) <= eq(X, a),
        p(b, Y) <= eq(Y, a),
        p(X, Y) <= [eq(X, c), eq(Y, d)],
        p(X, X) <= eq(X, c),
        p(X, Y) <= [eq(X, d), eq(Y, X)],
        p(X, Y) <= [eq(X, Y), eq(X, e)],

    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(X, Y), [p(a, b), p(b, a), p(c, d), p(c, c), p(d, d), p(e, e)])
    program = program + [q(X, Y) <= p(X, Y)]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(q(X, Y), [q(a, b), q(b, a), q(c, d), q(c, c), q(d, d), q(e, e)])
Пример #7
def test_queryZeroAryPredicates():
    program = [p() <= q(), r() <= [p(), s()], q(), s()]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(q(), [q()])
    assert ans(p(), [p()])
    assert ans(s(), [s()])
    assert ans(r(), [r()])
Пример #8
def test_testMultiLayeredNegation():
    program = [
        p() <= ~q(),
        q() <= ~r(),
        r() <= ~s(),
    assert match_relations(program, p(), [p()])
Пример #9
def test_testNegatedAtomFirst():
    n = relation("n")
    e = relation("e")
    unreach = relation("unreach")
    program = [
        e(a, b),
        e(b, c),
        r(X, Y) <= e(X, Y),
        r(X, Y) <= [e(X, Z), r(Z, Y)],
        unreach(X, Y) <= [~r(X, Y), n(X), n(Y)],
    assert match_relations(
        unreach(X, Y),
            unreach(b, a),
            unreach(c, b),
            unreach(c, a),
            unreach(a, a),
            unreach(b, b),
            unreach(c, c),
Пример #10
def test_testBinaryDisunificationFail2():
    program = [p(X) <= [q(X), not_eq(Y, _)], q(a)]
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations(program, p(X), [])

# def test_gt():
#     age = relation("age")
#     senior = relation("senior")
#     program = [
#         age("John", 28),
#         age("Mary", 40),
#         age("Dad", 60),
#         age("Mom", 70),
#         senior(X, Y) <= [age(X, Y), gt(Y, 59)]
#     ]
#     ans = match_relations(program)
#     assert ans(senior(X, Y), [age("Dad", 60), age("Mom", 70)])
Пример #11
def test_queryEDBPredicate():
    a_q1 = q("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")
    a_q2 = q("e", "d", "c", "b", "a")
    db = [p(), a_q1, a_q2]
    assert match_relations(db, p(), [p()])

    ans = match3(facts(db), [])
    ans(q(V, W, X, Y, Z), [(a, b, c, d, e), (e, d, c, b, a)])
    ans(q(W, "b", X, Y, Z), [(a, c, d, e)])
    ans(q(W, X, "d", Y, Z), [])
Пример #12
def testRulesWithAnonymousVariables():
    or_ = relation("or")
    on = relation("on")
    L, L1 = variables("L", "L1")
    a = "a"
    b = "b"
    c = "c"
    d = "d"
    program = [
        on(L) <= [or_(L, L1, _), on(L1)],
        on(L) <= [or_(L, _, L1), on(L1)],
        or_(a, b, c),
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(on(a), [on(a)])
    assert ans(on(_), [on(a), on(b)])
    program = [p() <= [q(_, _), r(_, _)], q(a, b), r(c, d)]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(), [p()])
Пример #13
def test_testRulesWithUnusedVariables1():
    or_ = relation("or")
    on = relation("on")
    L, L1 = variables("L", "L1")
    a = "a"
    b = "b"
    c = "c"
    program = [on(L) <= [or_(L, L1, X), on(L1)], or_(a, b, c), on(b)]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(on(a), [on(a)])
    assert ans(on(X), [on(a), on(b)])
Пример #14
def test_testRulesWithRepeatedVariablesInAnAtom():
    program = [
        p(X) <= q(X, X),
        q("a", "a"),
        q("a", "b"),
        q("b", "b"),
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(X), [p("a"), p("b")])
    program = [
        p(X, Y) <= q(Y, X, Y, X),
        q("a", "a", "a", "a"),
        q("a", "a", "a", "b"),
        q("a", "a", "b", "b"),
        q("a", "b", "b", "b"),
        q("b", "b", "b", "b"),

    ans = match_relations(program)

    assert ans(p(X, Y), [p("a", "a"), p("b", "b")])
Пример #15
def test_querymutuallyrecursivepredicates():
    program = [
        p(X, Y, Z) <= q(X, Y, Z),
        q(X, Y, Z) <= p(Z, Y, X),
        p(X, Y, Z) <= r(X, Y, Z),
        r("a", "b", "c"),

    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(X, Y, Z), [p("a", "b", "c"), p("c", "b", "a")])
    assert ans(p(X, "b", Y), [p("a", "b", "c"), p("c", "b", "a")])
    assert ans(p("a", X, "c"), [p("a", "b", "c")])
    assert ans(p(X, "c", Y), [])
Пример #16
def test_TestStratifiable_1():
    program = [
        edge(a, b),
        edge(b, c),
        tc(a, c),
        tc(X, Y) <= edge(X, Y),
        tc(X, Y) <= [tc(X, Z), tc(Z, Y)],
        node(X) <= edge(X, _),
        node(X) <= edge(_, X),
        not_tc(X, Y) <= [node(X), node(Y), ~tc(X, Y)],
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(tc(X, Y), [tc(a, b), tc(b, c), tc(a, c)])
Пример #17
def test_testRuleThatEndsInAGroundAtom():

    edge = relation("edge")
    tc = relation(("tc"))
    trigger = relation("trigger")
    program = [
        edge(0, 1),
        edge(1, 2),
        edge(2, 3),
        tc(X, Y) <= edge(X, Y),
        tc(X, Y) <= [edge(X, Z), tc(Z, Y), trigger()],

    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(tc(X, Y), [tc(0, 1), tc(1, 2), tc(2, 3)])

    program = program + [trigger()]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(
        tc(X, Y),
        [tc(0, 1), tc(0, 2),
         tc(0, 3), tc(1, 2),
         tc(1, 3), tc(2, 3)])
Пример #18
def test_queryNestedPredicates():
    one = relation("1")
    two = relation("2")
    three = relation("3")
    four = relation("4")
    five = relation("5")
    program = [
        one(X, Y, Z) <= two(X, Y, Z),
        two(X, Y, Z) <= three(X, Y, Z),
        three(X, Y, Z) <= four(X, Y, Z),
        four(X, Y, Z) <= five(X, Y, Z),
        five("a", "b", "c"),

    assert match_relations(program, one(X, Y, Z), [one("a", "b", "c")])
Пример #19
def test_testRulesWithBinaryUnifiers():

    program = [
        tc(X, Y) <= edge(X, Y),
        tc(X, Y) <= [edge(X, Z), tc(Z, Y)],
        edge(a, b),
        edge(b, c),
        edge(c, c),
        edge(c, d),
        cycle(X) <= [eq(X, Y), tc(X, Y)],
        beginsAtC(X, Y) <= [tc(X, Y), eq(c, X)],
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(cycle(X), [cycle(c)])
    assert ans(beginsAtC(X, Y), [beginsAtC(c, c), beginsAtC(c, d)])
Пример #20
def test_testRulesWithBinaryDisunifiers():
    program = [
        tc(X, Y) <= edge(X, Y),
        tc(X, Y) <= [edge(X, Z), tc(Z, Y)],
        edge(a, b),
        edge(b, c),
        edge(c, c),
        edge(c, d),
        noncycle(X, Y) <= [not_eq(X, Y), tc(X, Y)],
        beginsNotAtC(X, Y) <= [tc(X, Y), not_eq(c, X)],
        noC(X, Y) <= [edge(X, Y), not_eq(X, c),
                      not_eq(Y, c)],
        noC(X, Y) <= [noC(X, Z), noC(Z, Y)],

    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(
        noncycle(X, Y),
            noncycle(a, b),
            noncycle(a, c),
            noncycle(a, d),
            noncycle(b, c),
            noncycle(b, d),
            noncycle(c, d),
    assert ans(
        beginsNotAtC(X, Y),
            beginsNotAtC(a, b),
            beginsNotAtC(a, c),
            beginsNotAtC(a, d),
            beginsNotAtC(b, c),
            beginsNotAtC(b, d),
    assert ans(noC(X, Y), [noC(a, b)])
Пример #21
def testImpossibleBinaryUnification1():
    assert match_relations([p() <= eq(a, b)], p(), [])
Пример #22
def test_TestUnstratifiable2():
    edb = relation("edb")
    program = [p(X) <= [~q(X), edb(X)], q(X) <= [~p(X), edb(X)], edb(a)]
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations(program, None, None)
Пример #23
def test_testRelated2():
    from tests.data.abcdatalog.related2 import related_data as program, _exp_ancestors

    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(check(X, Y), [])
    assert ans(
        siblings(X, Y),
            siblings(carson, deidra),
            siblings(deidra, carson),
            siblings(harley, gonzalo),
            siblings(gonzalo, harley),
            siblings(eldon, fern),
            siblings(fern, eldon),
            siblings(noe, odell),
            siblings(odell, noe),
            siblings(reanna, sona),
            siblings(sona, reanna),
            siblings(terra, ursula),
            siblings(ursula, terra),

    assert ans(ancestor(X, Y), _exp_ancestors)
    assert ans(
        same_generation(gonzalo, Y),
            same_generation(gonzalo, harley),
            same_generation(gonzalo, eldon),
            same_generation(gonzalo, fern),
    assert ans(
        same_generation(X, reanna),
            same_generation(sona, reanna),
            same_generation(terra, reanna),
            same_generation(ursula, reanna),
    assert ans(
        unrelated(adria, Y),
            unrelated(adria, barrett),
            unrelated(adria, ignacia),
            unrelated(adria, kati),
            unrelated(adria, lauretta),
            unrelated(adria, mayra),
            unrelated(adria, noe),
            unrelated(adria, odell),
            unrelated(adria, reanna),
            unrelated(adria, sona),
            unrelated(adria, terra),
            unrelated(adria, ursula),
            unrelated(adria, virgilio),
    assert ans(
        unrelated(X, odell),
            unrelated(adria, odell),
            unrelated(barrett, odell),
            unrelated(carson, odell),
            unrelated(harley, odell),
            unrelated(gonzalo, odell),
            unrelated(deidra, odell),
            unrelated(eldon, odell),
            unrelated(fern, odell),
Пример #24
def test_testNegatedNoPositiveAtom():
    program = [p(a) <= ~q(a), p(b) <= [~q(X), eq(X, b)]]
    assert match_relations(program, p(X), [p(a), p(b)])
Пример #25
def test_testExplicitUnification2():
    program = [p() <= [~q(X, b), not_eq(X, a)]]
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations(program, p(), [])
Пример #26
def test_testExplicitUnification1():
    program = [p() <= [~q(X, b), eq(X, a)]]
    assert match_relations(program, p(), [p()])
Пример #27
def test_testBinaryDisunificationFail1():
    program = [p() <= [~q(a, b), not_eq(X, _)]]
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations(program, p(), [])
Пример #28
def test_testNegatedUnboundVariable3():
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations([p() <= [~q(X, a), ~r(X)]], p(), [])
Пример #29
def test_testImpossibleBinaryUnification2():
    assert match_relations([p() <= [eq(
        Z, b), eq(X, Y), eq(a, X), eq(Z, Y)]], p(), [])
Пример #30
def testUselessBinaryUnification():
    program = [p(X) <= [q(X), eq(X, Y)], q(a), p(b) <= eq(X, _)]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        ans(p(X), [])